envymourn · 1 year
I have always wanted you! I have always loved you! I apologize for not showing you it more and yes! we were toxic to each other sometimes! but there were so many good times that you seem to not be remembering?! why wont you just remember our good times?!?!? the laughter and smiles..... why only think about the not so positive things that went on??? It won't do us any good. I understand what I have done and the pain I have caused your heart and the only thing I can try to do is to cut the behavior out with counseling, therapy, and a lot of work and dedication. I'd really love it if you could stand by my side during this time as change does take time. I just want us to ride this wave and see where it goes. tbh who knows what could come from this. I will never give up on you. You are forever in my heart and in my mind, no matter what happens
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atleastimliving · 1 year
the light filtered through today
casting a shadow on what once was
i simply stared
wishing it would give me answers
basking in the heat of the tiny sliver of light
i hear it whisper
it sounded so much like you
- i've nailed my curtins closed
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pegassi-toreador · 2 years
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Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport K.S
Perf level: 345
Engine: 757 hp 6.2l V8 (stock engine)
Description: This was my race car at some point. I think. I hadn't used it in a long time. It drove really nice tho so I was debating putting better parts on it and bringing it out more often... I no longer have it on the new save :(
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basically-dead-artist · 10 months
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"Did ya miss me?"
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hemheme-1 · 1 year
Yine dağ dağ oldu içimde hasret
Alın beni sultanıma götürün,
Gizli gizli çıkar aşkın dumanı
Her zaman kurbandır aşığın canı
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peachbuttercups · 2 years
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So thankful for you. You’re my beautiful friend. I love u all the world. ✨
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1-yolcu · 5 months
sen, Allâh’ın verdiklerine râzı olmadıkça, rahat etmek ve kurtulmak ümidi ile nereye kaçarsan kaç, orada karşına bir âfet çıkar; gelecek olan belâ gelir ve yine sana isâbet eder.
bilesin ki, bu fânî cihânın hiçbir köşesi tuzaksız değildir. hakk’ı gönülde bularak ve ona sığınarak onun mânevî huzûrunda yaşamaktan başka kurtuluş ve rahat yoktur. bak; bu fânî âlemde en emin yerlerde yaşayanlar da en güçlü zannedilenler de nihâyet ölümün kucağına düşmüyorlar mı?
hazret-i mevlânâ
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animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【K.S.】 「 heidi // arknights 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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chevvy-yates · 7 months
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[NC_RES]-31102049-EUR-GER scharfenberg_g_portraits_042_2_CC_DT.file ///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
I've mentioned many times that I wasn't satisfied with the ingame rain during photomode session as the raindrops entirely vanished as soon as I used my usual lens blur (can't stand having no blur, neither a focus on something in a picture).
I've tried adding rain already in another set last year via photoshop but even this one didn't satisfy me in the end.
Inspired by the great @dreamskug, I browsed a lot the past few weeks, or is it already months? – Dunno anymore – and found some brushes and texures, tried out this and that, did trial and error and eventually added a more realisitc rain feel and light effect to my vp how I imagine my pics with Ryder to be when it rains.
It was way too much time I've spent on one picture alone (the rest is a more copy paste but placed differently including changing layer masks or redo the brushes anew) but it's the only way to get it to look like actuall falling rain. So yeah I guess I'll have to sit down and take a bit longer for certain vp stuff in the future bc Ryder's world has mostly rainy days.
next approach: actually make him stand in the rain, as I drove to a place where there was a roof above him so neither him nor the car is wet. I've noticed in the rain only Ry's arms are going to get that wet layer tho but not his chest and I think also not his head. I have to look into that as well when I find time.
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derdiderun · 28 days
"Kabirlerimizin karanlığı, cesetlerimizin gelişini beklemektedir. Fakat bizler gafletimizin ölüm şiddetinde ve arzularımızın son nefesinde boğulmuşuz."
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envymourn · 2 years
∞𝓜𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝓭𝔂, 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 ∞
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fani1816 · 4 days
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Gönül Nûr-i cemâlinden Habibim bir ziyâ ister,
Gözün Hâk-ı rehinden ey Tâbîbim tûtiyâ ister.
Sarıldım dâmen-i ihsânına ey şâfiî ümmet,
Dahîlek yâ Muhammed, hasta cânım bir devâ ister.
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mah-peri · 8 months
Aşk' ile yola çıkmak ise niyetin, belâ ile imtihan edilirsin..
Z'ül-Celâl-i ve'l-İkram "önce kahır sonra ikram."
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bulbul-i-seyda · 1 year
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Elini uzatana, gönül kapısını açarlar..🌹
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demvakti · 2 years
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Allah'ım! Bize azık olarak zikrini, zenginlik olarak da yakınlığını nasip et...
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1-yolcu · 6 months
tasavvuf yolunda, bütün menzil ve makamlarda insanın önüne tek levha çıkar “edeb yâ hû”
seyyid muhammed saki hz
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