marbarmars-arts · 1 year
So...I MAY have been collecting Fawfuls like pokemon cards <3
(and what the heck do I mean by that exactly??) WELL in a discord GC my friend Parmy suggested we’d imitate each other’s art styles as like a collab of sorts? Well...I kinda took that a step further heheh ^^
(And fun fact...this was supposed to be something I was gonna do for AU day of Fawful month too, but that idea got cut due to time)
So may I present...the different Fawfuls I drew!! For my friends/cool acquaintances!
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So the one who led up to this in the first place, Fawful from @parmsnik AU!! He is dating/eventually marrying Naspi depending on where you’re at in the AU haha! Your way of drawing Fawful seems to change a little bit each time you draw him, so I tried to my best to guestimate a consistent looking Fawf! Very cute!
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Up next is Fawful from @the-spacewaffle AU!! Yippee Ronnie’s AU! Thanks for being my friend for so long,,to talk about Fawful and all that stuff y’know? I’ll be cheering you on to complete the story qwq your Fawful is always so nice to my OCs when we crossover khskdjh also...pet the Reddo!
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Eee yay now it’s @snuffydoo Fawful and his AU title I totally made up on the spot! I know you don’t really have a name for that kind of thing and it doesn’t have to be canon but I hope you think it’s cute anyways haha! I had a lot of fun drawing this one!! It’s so stylized! AND IT HAS DIMMY (I enjoy your Dimmy artstyle sm) but I don’t draw Spamton very often kjhskgh
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Here’s @federthenotsogreat Fawful AU of sunshine goodness~! HE RETURNITH (and since I couldn’t think of another character to feature with your AU...not knowing if Cackletta is there or not jhgskg I gave him a cute little swirly sun!) I admire the fact his outfit is mostly YELLOW and also blue those are cool colors OH AND THAT LEG TOO, also super cool :)
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The smol and cute @omgtheywereroomates Fawf! Your ask blog is so neat! I know I don’t ask too many questions there but I just,,,the cartoony fluffy hair?? Love that, and also thank you for your support and the super cool ship as well ^^ 
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Heheee yeah hey it’s @cammiluna Fawful from Immortal Fool! Before you say anything YES I’m aware he’s got the new design since it’s near the end of the comic, you released the page that featured said new design while I was already working on this drawing xD So whoops! I just wanted to give appreciation to your comic series that you continued despite everything, and well...I know I haven’t shown much progress on it, I also want to make a comic series...so you’ve inspired me a lil :D
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Deep down here there’s a little AU by @aliencatwafers which features Fawful in the sewers! With the little baby bros!! You’re a very insightful and inspiring writer with plenty of neat headcanons and ideas for the bean! Ik you mostly draw in pencil but I took the colors from your submissions to Fawful month this year and used em here! Hope it looks cool!
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This little gremlin here with the two moms is Fawful from @bean-n-shroob ask blog! He looks very silly and unhinged (in a good way) and I hope he’s having a good time since after BIS! I love how round your designs are and Fawf is no exception :D
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Last but not least is this VERY soft Fawful from @localdealmaker​ and their AU, whose title I made up too (again doesn’t need to be canon or anything if you don’t want it to be, I just wanted to give every drawing a cute name ^^) I think yours was the most complicated to draw for me but I love how he looks, so squish!! Kaboo is cute too!
WHEW THAT WAS A LOT OF TYPING KSJHKGH but yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this...I might make another part someday full of more Fawful designs from friends but I AM A LITTLE BURNT OUT...doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun tho!
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parmsnik · 6 months
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Lil new years drawing with some of my friend's ocs!
We have of course Naspi
Minty who belongs to @marbarmars
Wafers who belongs to @aliencatwafers
Shyho who belongs to Pixel [they do not have tumblr]
And Kaboo who belongs to my friend Will!
Happy new year!
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localdealmaker · 1 year
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they r silly (btw they were at an amusement park or sumn in the first image lmao)
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realboutfatalfury · 6 months
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tossing him to sea
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larz-barz · 7 months
Kakoo baboo laloo 😋
kabooboo looloo🤪
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shu-of-the-wind · 11 months
i had a big fancy post for this one but tumblr ate it, so y'all just get this instead. i'm going to be making playlists for all the characters eventually, but three lords first. dima and edie upcoming.
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221bshrlocked · 2 years
Me, after a moonknight episode: 🤔🤔🤔
Me, when the Egyptian bangers start playing: 🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
To the anon who sent this in, I hope you know I spit out my drink when I saw those emojis because I can actually vibe with them to El Melouk and Batwanes Beek, and the other songs that played throughout the show.
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I have a confession to make
The reason i have been lees active on dash
Is because on tuesday
Ur boi caught covid
And its been rockin my world
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marbarmars-arts · 10 months
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Art trades for @localdealmaker and @parmsnik respectively! (technically did these last month I think but imma post em now) I swear my art comes best soft and shippy and some of my friends just so happen to have soft shippy shippy ships
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snoozingwell · 10 months
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OCs Fan Art Attack 2!!! Sharp Claws!!!
Wool The Wolf @cyberlord1109 Evil Kaboo @rollyrollroll Alpha @agrimmora
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ikalaa · 4 months
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hii semua..pe kaboo
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localdealmaker · 10 months
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moderator-monnie · 2 months
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artwork by @sonicexelle-junkary/ @weirdozjunkary
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Silver had finally confronted the monster that had caused so much damage across his home city. Hospitals', schools', churches', and homes' were all destroyed. He had heard the rumors about who was doing it.
But he couldn't believe them. Sonic was dead, so how could it be him? He was a fool, and he knew that now, though at the same time his thoughts had truth about this thing, it wasn't Sonic; at least he didn't want to believe it was; it was simply a computer program gone rouge.
This is the first time he's seen this thing up close, and Silver was filled with rage knowing this thing had used his friend's face to perpetrate so many heinous deeds, not only his face but his voice and his mannerisms that smiled—the smile he had grown so fond of.
Silver stayed calm, though he wouldn't let his feelings get the better of him. He took a deep breath and stood in front of Hologram, who was just smiling at him. The smile was eerie and cold.
That was all Silver could ask as he stared at the monster in front of him.
Hologram soon let out a hearty laugh before striking a snarky pose and faded away before suddenly appearing right in front of Silver for a moment.
"Why? Because they destroyed my legacy Silver, I was once a hero, and now? I'm a product placement and advertising thing I would never endorse. Even sweat shops use my likeness. 
They don't see me for what I was; they see me as an advertising ploy, a way to use my likeness to make all these greedy people money, and I'm sick of it!"
Silver scoffed and waved his hand to disrupt the hologram's body; this made Hologram disappear and appear a few feet away from the other hedgehog, annoyed.
"You're not Sonic, because Sonic would never do this; the Sonic I know fights injustice; if anything, you're just a cheap copy that even Metal Sonic pulls off better."
Hologram turned red and grew in size before shouting loudly with a more robotic-sounding voice that was a bit distorted.
Silver took a step back with a worried look on his face, but still had visible disgust and a hint of pity.
"One day you will realize your wrong... Hologram, but I'll humor you for now, 'Sonic' if you really were him, you'd snap out of it by now and realize what your doing is wrong."
"If you want to prove your 'Sonic' then please just stop; there is a better way of going about this! No one else has to die! I already had to accept your death once. Sure, I can visit you in the past if I want. 
But I've seen you buried, and I can't bring myself to hurt you, even if you're not really him. Please prove you're still a hero and stand down. Think about the damage you've done. Just STOP!"
Hologram's face darkened; it disappeared completely as he thought about Silver's words. If he had a working heart, it would be beating right now. He questioned himself for a moment but soon stopped as a red glow appeared where one of his eyes should be.
"I'm sorry, Silver; I'm afraid I can't do that."
And before Silver could respond, he noticed something: he didn't see Techie with Hologram.
"Where is Kaboo-?"
An explosion was heard off in the distance, and loud screaming could be heard along with a large smoke cloud filling the sky. Silver turned around to look at it in utter awe and horror.
Hologram appeared right behind Silver, the red glow completely covering the other hedgehog as he whispered, "Go on, 'hero' save the day; you always told me you wanted to be a hero like me, so prove it and go die like one too."
Silver had tears fall down his face as he heard Hologram say this, and he turned around in an attempt to punch him, forgetting he was intangible, and he shouted loudly. "SHUT THE HELL UP, FAKER!"
Hologram just looked at him with that iconic smug smirk he had always seen Sonic look at Eggman with and responded one last time.
"Heh, well, I gotta skedaddle, old buddy, but I'll see you again later; this hedgehog's got a busy day napping ahead of him. Good luck, buddy! I believe in you." 
And like the smug bastard he was, he blew a kiss at Silver and winked before disappearing as quickly as he appeared.
Silver's heart skipped a beat for a moment, but he soon shook his head and wiped tears from his eye before heading towards the city in an attempt to save what lives he could from whatever this imposter did. 
While Techie and Hologram escaped the crime scene before he could get there, this wasn't the last encounter they'd have, but Silver knew that he needed to stop Hologram at any cost, feelings be damned.
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sk3llyr4yr4t · 2 months
my brain is exploding because i realized it can explode
Unexplodes ur brain 😋😋😋
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hemeruni · 7 months
Decided to sketch some things. Artblock has a chokehold on me rn so most of these look.,. Bad?? Ehh I’ll figure something out soon
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sidsinning · 1 year
5 Songs I’ve Been Listening To Nonstop Lately
Tagged by the succulent @noblechaton
Tagging uuuhhh @mikoriin @sinkdraws @laurence--l @lunian if yalls see this lol
A World Without Logos by Yasushi Ishii
IDOL by Yoasobi
Ready To Die by Andrew W.K.
KICK BACK by Kenshi Yonezu
Enta by DJ Kaboo
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