narttart · 1 month
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*overprotective after Astarion said Gale strikes him as someone whose blood tastes like well-aged brandy*
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vantaseer · 5 months
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i keep forgetting i need to start back on tumblr. here, have the little guy in one of my latest attempts at mastering rendering
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Once again back with the silly agenda
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phoenixkael · 2 years
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Kael'thas Sunstrider, by Roman Tereza.
Artist's Artstation
Artist's Instagram
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kseniasarkans · 10 days
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losteventide · 9 months
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Reference sheet out Kael'thas Sunstrider as he appears in our AU World of Warcraft campaign where he was raised as the first San'layn.
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da-zzi · 2 years
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lothirielswan · 3 months
Quest Objective: Don’t get caught!
Darkness had long crept across the sky, lounging over her head. She weaved through its shadowy fingers, dancing across white stone that shone even without the radiant smile of the sun.
She tiptoed across the rooftops of Stormwind Keep and paused against one of the towers. In five seconds, an SI:7 agent would pass below her, patrolling the torchlit ramparts. On the other side, two guards stomped across an open corridor flanked with marble pillars. She listened to the methodical steps, same as every night recently. Her days of raising alarm were long behind her; she knew the routine, like a child avoiding their parents when they were up past bedtime.
As soon as they passed, she pulled herself up, finding purchase in the nooks and crannies of the marble that had finally become muscle memory. Her next goal was a ledge from a former balcony, now smoothed into a curved edge of embroidery to the keep. Her gloved fingers maneuvered across the half-inch blocks of stone sticking out, finding purchase in crumbling edges that dusted beneath her touch.
When she reached the ledge, she paused, looking up. Another twenty yards above her was her prize. But the stone was smoother as she went up — it would be no use to climb.
She pulled out a grappling hook and aimed toward an elaborate windowsill made of stained glass. The wire wrapped around a lantern sconce beside it. When she tugged, the metal claw didn't budge.
She leapt into the air, holding tight to the grappling hook as it whirred. The air whistled by, the night pressing kisses into her cheeks.
Her feet landed on the five-inch wide windowsill, teetering on the very edge. The fall was a deadly, dizzying drop. Then there were the forty-six SI:7 agents and two dozen guards that would come after her.
She scooted to the side, unhooked the window, and slipped inside.
A fire feasted on logs of pine in the hearth, crackling as it licked at blackened marble.
They were marvelous quarters; second to only the king’s. She slipped off her boots beneath the windowsill and shut the glass panes. Then she tiptoed across the marble floors and lakes of blue carpet in mismatched socks.
The bed was her favorite shade of blue, like the pale shade of giant mushrooms from the Zangarmarsh — but she tried not to think of the marsh often. When she threw herself upon it, pillows toppled like ocean waves and the silk comforter rippled.
She rolled onto her stomach, facing the door, and waited.
She only had to count to twelve until she heard the soft click of the doorknob shifting. The double doors fell open, and the prince of Stormwind entered the room. As soon as his gaze fell upon her, he smiled.
“Back again so soon?” said Anduin Wrynn. Her shoulders relaxed at his voice; it was soft and melodic. Like music. She would have listened to it all day if she could.
“I just thought I’d stop by and say hi,” she smiled, watching him over her folded arms. Her calves teetered up and down behind her like a cat’s swishing tail.
Anduin’s angelic face clouded over as he approached. “You’ve been saying hi a lot lately — you’ve been visiting almost every night!”
He stood in front of her now, arms crossed. Sometimes she missed when they were younger, and she was still taller than him — that all changed a few months ago, when he shot up like a tree, leaving her in the dust.
Anduin crouched down before her so they were at eye level. “It’s dangerous, Eona.”
“You think I’ll get caught?” Eona made her eyes wide. Her legs continued to bob up and down behind her, in spite of her mock dismay. “Do you have that little faith in me?”
“Of course not.” He bumped his nose against hers, right against the x-shaped scar. “You’ve made your way here seamlessly for weeks. I certainly hope I’m worth all the trouble — all we do is talk and have pillow fights.”
“And play Hearthstone.”
His eyebrow curved into a suspicious arch (which, based on how often he won, was possible). “And read books.”
“And make out.” Eona smiled at the pink that rushed so easily to his cheeks. Anduin used to be so hard to read. He had imperceptible control over his face — but he couldn't control the bloom of blood beneath his skin.
“It’s a wonder someone hasn't stormed in and put you in handcuffs,” Anduin mused.
Handcuffs. Her eyes twinkled at fantasies playing out behind her eyelids, but they were just that. Fantasies. Anduin had been…hesitant towards the physical parts of their relationship. Eona wouldn't push him. He was nervous. Probably. Hopefully. She was starting to fear there were other reasons why he didn't continue those steamy sessions.
But a lot of her relationship with Anduin Wrynn relied upon fantasy. The fact that they were in one at all was a secret that both of them guarded with their lives. Being a scout for the Horde didn't make her a perfect romantic candidate to the son of the Alliance king.
He's a prince. He should be with a princess — or, better put, a princess that didn't have a psychotic father that had too many mana-jelly shots, vowed loyalty to the Burning Legion, and betrayed his entire planet.
Anduin didn't know that part yet. Eona wanted to ease him into it, but didn't exactly know how.
“Have you told Varian?” she asked, glancing down.
“Ah — no,” Anduin’s melodic voice faltered ever so slightly. “Have you told Khadgar…?”
Eona bit her lip and shook her head.
Anduin settled onto the bed next to her. They lied on their sides, facing one another, with nothing but silk sheets in between. Golden light played across his skin and hair, making him shine until she lay across from a flawless golden statue. Anduin’s fingers waded across the blue sheets and entangled with hers.
“If people knew,” said Anduin. “If we walked outside and I held your hand, how would you feel?”
“Like the happiest person alive.”
Anduin smiled at her answer, quick and resolute. His hand gently squeezed hers. “I’ll admit, part of me was frightened that you only enjoyed the secrecy of it all. And I couldn't blame you. It's simple like this, without any kingdoms or politics in the way. I like just us…”
Eona scooted closer to him. The silk beneath them sighed at her movements. As much as she admired the blue sheets, they were unremarkable rags compared to the brilliant blue of Anduin’s eyes. They sparkled like gems; as smooth and deep as sapphire.
“It’s fun and all. Great exercise for your night watch, too,” said Eona. “But I want to be with you. Not just some secret that you sneak out with — or make out with — on occasion. I want to be something real with you.”
Anduin smiled at her like it was exactly what he wanted to hear. His fingers abandoned hers to play with the red strands that grazed her cheek. Her skin tingled at his touch, even when he wasn't summoning the Light.
Eona turned her head to the side, pressing a kiss into his palm. Her ears caught the barely audible hitch in his breathing. She couldn't hear his heart, but she felt it sing beneath her fingers as she caressed his wrist.
When she looked at him, the gentle strokes of red from before had completely consumed his face. It was exciting to see how much of an effect she had on him — but, more importantly, it was the closest sign she could find that he wanted her.
Eona closed the distance between them and brushed her lips against his. For such softness, barely touching him, it felt like caressing live goblin wires. The euphoric tingle was there that felt so right.
Anduin’s lips were slow and gentle. His kisses were always that way. Eona traced the outside of his lips with her tongue before slipping inside.
Anduin’s moan was muffled by her mouth as she took position above him. Her body pressed against his, feeling his warmth and hardness between thin layers of clothing.
Eona’s hand trailed along Anduin’s inner thigh. He jolted beneath her touch. She bit his bottom lip teasingly, letting her hand slide up between his legs —
Both jumped. Her eyes flew open, looking right into his wide blue ones. He mouthed two words.
My father.
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threi · 2 years
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i love things without context
a lot of tws
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erosshakki · 2 years
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kael'thas sunstrider The Lord of the Rings:The Rings of Power
halloween costume
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narttart · 1 month
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My durge tav obsessed with his wizard. This is a usual morning greeting. 😂 He's like a dangerous obsessive puppy.
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illidan · 2 years
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Cake'nuts, my love
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phoenixkael · 2 years
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Savior Kael’thas (full art) by Mooncolony. Legendary skin from Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 3 Pass contains unique voice lines and an animated opening when entering the field.
Flavor Text: The crown of Silvermoon finally fell to rest in the hands of its prince, but his legacy had only just begun.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Voice Lines
Opening: “These grounds test our will. Soldier on!”
Turns (Bob’s Tavern)
“This fire is my birthright!”
“The sun rises in my name.”
Turns (Combat):
“Bow before your prince!”
“Selama ashal’anore.” (Justice for our people.)
“I will burn you away.”
“I will avenge Silvermoon!”
Victory: “Shorel’aran.” (Farewell.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Mooncolony Credits:
Artist’s Artstation | Artist’s Twitter
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serhiasilverdawn · 1 year
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Kael'thas at the gates of Magtheridon by Vadim Simanin
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