smol-kai · 7 years
I've been so busy with school but hAPPY 2000✨
AWEEWEEE MY HEART, I feel bad because school is taking up all my time and I haven't been posting for you guys 😣 but hopefully I can find some more time too... Senior year has been kicking my ass, I haven't even really been on tumblr in the past 2-3 weeks,,, but omf there's 2000 of yous! tHANK! I appreciate you appreciating my blog enough to follow it💓💓💓
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kaiternity · 7 years
#OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THE SHIRT#IT EXPOSES STUFF excuse you, i chocked because of you (we all love that shirt)
emi lol the choking was inevitable #blamejongin
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kaizzzi · 7 years
your post about jongin being portrayed as a "impossibly gorgeous and irresistibly aggressive" killed me. I just chocked on my coffee.
i read that line over and over again because what even is an irresistibly aggressive person? does that exist in real life? according to an online dictionary irresistible means “lovable, especially calling forth feelings of protective love” and then this person has paired it with aggressive? sounds like abuse to me
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kaiternity · 7 years
Thank you for existing. 💗 send this to 10 people that you think that deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox 💕
my dear emi, thank YOU for existing! ♥
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mooninibear · 7 years
Get to know me
I got tagged by: @darklordkyungsoo (You are super sweet)
nickname: I don’t really have one since my name’s already pretty short.
height: I’m 5′1, so that’s tiny.
time right now: 8:02 pm
last thing i googled: Jared Padalecki hair (I might be obsessed)
favorite bands: EXO, Shinhwa, VIXX, BtoB, Black Pink, B.A.P, BTS, SHINee, Super Junior and many more. 
favorite solo artists: Kim Feel, Jung Joon Young, Kim Yerim, Im Taekyung
song stuck in your head: BTS - Not today
last movie watched: The Boss Baby (Just came home from the theatre)
last tv show watched: Supernatural
when did you create your blog: 2012, I think. 
what kind of stuff do you post: I post about EXO, mainly Jongin. And If you blink, you might miss the casually non-exo post.
when did your blog reach its peak: When I started doing edits, sadly I don’t have a lot of time anymore. 
do you have any other blogs: I got a fandom blog. (Supernatural, Sherlock, Dr. Who and such.)
do you get asks regularly: I wish. 
why did you chose your url: Because it’s about nini and he’s royal, tbvh.
following: 116, awesome peeps.
hogwarts house: Slytherin ;) pokémon team: Mystic
favorite colors:  Any pastel colour and mustard yellow.
lucky numbers: Don’t have one.
favorite characters: Sherlock, John Watson, Sam and Dean Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, The 10th Doctor, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape.
what are you wearing right now: I’m wearing my pj’s.
how many blankets do you sleep with: One, usually.
dream job: Translator or something with IT.
dream trip: I’d looooove to visit the uk again.
I tag: @baekhyunsbabe, @seuldy, @kairamelo, @kaifection
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kaizzzi · 7 years
kairamelo replied to your post: your post about jongin being portrayed as a...
It is a form of abuse, but the question is why can’t he be the hardworking boy who’s chasing his dreams ? Even Kai wouldn’t be that cruel, or so I believe.
i dont think that these writers know how heavy their use of words is. They think that it’s cute to put those words together. It makes me :/ because their Kai is always a bad boy with no aim in life :/ It will be more interesting if, like what you had said, their Kai is secretly a hardworking boy who’s chasing his dreams
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stay3racha · 6 years
Tagged by @minseoks-juliet thank you dear <3
RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people!
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors and words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
@i-have-a-kawaii-unicorn @dream-exo-fantasy @wuboxian @yeolology @angel-in-slow-motion @kairamelo @lawlliets @xiuminsdreams @krellysworld
and anyone else who wants to :)
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kiauraly · 7 years
11 question tag!
I was tagged by the sweet @inarichi, thanks a lot dear!! ♡
Rules: Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged you, then write your own 11 questions!
1. Who is your kpop bias and why? Kim jongin! And well as for the reasons there are so so many, you can find them all here and here and here ;n;
2. When did you get into kpop? In 2011 with 2NE1 and 2PM.
3. How long do you think you’ll listen to kpop? Not so easy to predict, but surely till EXO will be here.
4. Favorite song There are so many ;o; As for now and as for EXO I’d say Forever and The Eve and Sweet Lies and more ok I’ll stop sgdhsjk
5. Favorite kpop group and why? EXO!! I always think it’s because they were the first group I followed since predebut. I feel so attached to them and they’re just amazing, but also dumb, they never fail to make me smile through the day, I love them with all my heart and soul.
6. Favorite food and color Since I’m Italian well pizza is my religion! As for the colours I love black and white and burgundy.
7. If you could go ten years in the past or ten years in the future, which would you choose and why? Ten years in the past surely, to change some of the choices I did.
8. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl >.<
9. Can you speak multiple languages? If so, which languages? Italian is my mothertongue, through the years I’ve studied English, Chinese, French and German. I graduated in Languages and Literatures.
10. Does life have greater meaning to you? I think each of us was born for a specific reason, so it’s important to cherish every little thing or chance it’s given to us. (I don’t know if i understood correctly :c)
11. If you could have one thing right now, what would it be? A good job :/
Here are my questions!
What’s your name?
Where are you from?
When did you get into kpop? 
Favorite kpop group and why?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Do you own any pets?
Can you speak multiple languages? If so, which languages?
If you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose?
Do you like travelling? What’s the best place you’ve been to or you’d like to go to?
Do you believe in fate?
Describe your aesthetic.
I’ll tag:
@brbcrawlingtokorea; @tipannies; @kaibility; @kaiternity; @intokai; @kaifection; @kaizzzi; @sefuns; @dazzlingkai; @kairamelo;
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kireinakai · 7 years
Post 5 nice things about yourself!!! And send this to 10 of your fav blogs, spread positivity!! ♡
thanks a lot~! ^^
1-5: I got good music taste ;]
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mooninibear · 7 years
🌹Send this to 10 other blogs you think are wonderful. Keep the game going🌹
Thanl you!
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🌺 Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. 🌺
thank yooou (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ ~ ♡
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kiauraly · 7 years
Hellooo!!! I really love your blog & I was wondering, if you don’t mind, sharing a few of your fave blogs that has the same vibes/tone in terms of their Jongin content? Thanks so much!
Hello baby!! So sorry for the late reply :c Thank you so much for your kindness and liking my blog, it meas a lot to me ♡ Sure i don’t mind sharing with you some of my fave jongin blogs or just some that post of him a lot!
@kaibility; @intokai; @jonginssoo; @kaizzzi; @kaiternity; @kairamelo; @blondejongin; @brbcrawlingtokorea; @kai-tholic; @dazzlingkai; @kaimint; @jonginplease; @royalnini; @monsieur-kimjongin; @duckyhun; @kaifection; @dailykimjongin; @kaiikoko; @jongins; @niniblush; @elluts; @mostjongin; @jonginaer; @addictedtojongin; @perfect-nini; @kaiuality; @kaimilky; @jongins-voice; @popped-in-exo; @kireinakai; @jonginout; @dazzlynini; @kimilkai; 
So sorry if i left out someone :c also if you’d like some news about him as well as a lot of pics, go and follow @fy-kimkai ♡
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kaiuary · 7 years
5 things tagged by @aerilu
5 things in my bag: i don’t really carry a bag around with me a lot cause everything i need is in my phone case, but i’ll do my backpack: most of the times i have my laptop with me, headphones, pencils, contact case, and a snack or two
5 things in my room: a cute lil succulent plant, knk’s “strawberry” calendar, a cyndaquil plush, a bunch of art supplies, and cute luhan dolls
5 things on my bucket list: go to korea, to go to either the first days or last days of an exo concert or both, to write and publish a book, to see luhan in concert, to visit vienna and prague
5 things that make me happy: my cat and cats in general, exo, luhan, my family, and drawing/writing 
5 things about me: uummmm i really don’t know what to say??? hmm let’s see... i’m left handed, i have a twin sister, i’m really really shy, i tend to doubt myself alot, and i’m constantly tired 
i’ll only tag a few people but you guys don’t have to do it
@prince-chanyeol, @chogiwapark, @byeolks, @kaibility, @kairamelo
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jonginssoo · 7 years
Could you make a list of your favorite kai blogs? I am looking to follow more
🐻 @starlightkai​, @kaibility, @kaizzzi, @jonginence, @divinekai, @teddyjongin, @dazzlingkai, @dazzlynini, @kairamelo, @bearhugged, @kjonginswife, @jonqins, @jonginaer, @dailykimjongin, @artificialjongin, @kaixuality, @chickenmaniajongin, @dazedjongin, @zhongren, @dancegodjongin, @jonginout, @kaiternity, @unbleachedkai, @addictedtojongin, @death-by-jongin, @kireinakai, @preciousjongin, @kiauraly, @softjongins, @kimilkai, @royalnini, @kai-tholic 🐻
you should def check all of these out! *3*
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