kairidestiny · 4 years
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deisbookofdemons · 4 years
@kairidestiny​ liked for a half-demon [🔪]
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Bright red eyes stared at the other... pure disgust was in his eyes. Rarely does this young white-haired halfling like people. Especially human girls. The half-demon had then crossed his arms. He had then spoke. “What do you want from me? It better be good.” Despite being a child there was something eerie about him...
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barianprogenitor · 4 years
Kazu grinned as he stood in shadow form in front of the god. He was made of darkness and practically served it. He looked at the god and spoke. "You must be Don Thousand?" He asked.
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“That depends who asks”
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atlanticansitarist · 4 years
@kairidestiny​ asked:  "Are you a real merman?"
“Sure am!” Myde said brightly.  Lights, it felt good to be able to say that, free of the Organization’s gag order.  “I know, I know, I don’t look like one.”  He glanced down at his feet, wrinkling his nose. For some reason, ridding him of Xehanort’s heart had turned his eyes blue, but not undone the spell he’d used to bring Myde back to dry land. Not to mention nobody who knew the spell trusted him enough to let him out of their sight.  So not fair.  “... oh!  Here, I know what can convince you, look--”  He tilted his head and pushed some of the longer, dirty blonde strands off of it.  There, on the sides of his neck, were three long gill slits. 
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asktheprinceofstars · 4 years
The silver haired apprentice glanced up from his cup of tea. He noticed a new face and decided to give a friendly wave.
“Hello there!”
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aforgottenmercenary · 4 years
@kairidestiny​ for continues this)
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“The Islands? Far south from Archadius?” He asked even more. It would explained most of her forgen clothing on her. Another sigh escaped from his lips as he shrugged his cloak off and wrap it around the lass. “Well, let’s not burn daylight. We should head to some village to get you fed and kitted out. You may be a girl, but their some cutthroats and brigands that may take you and sell you for gold.” 
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memoryxtoxdreams · 4 years
"Hey Xion!!!" Kairi waves over and over.
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“Kairi.. wha.. what’s up?” How long had it been since was on the island’s shores. Yet to see the princess of heart, the girl she mirrored in some way a twin, call out to her, it left her confused. 
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aresite · 4 years
@kairidestiny​ liked for a starter with Madame Chevali
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“Hello my dear, and welcome to my parlor.“ Chevali said, as she held the curtain open for the guest, “Are you here to have your fortune told?“
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keywcilder · 4 years
‘what do you mean, kairi? i don’t look any different. is..there something on my face?’ he said, chuckling softly. ‘i just got..older over the years and you are..young again. it’s like i’m revisiting you all over again.’
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marluxiaassassin11 · 4 years
kairidestiny followed
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“Aren’t you a little small to be wandering around on your own?”
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kairidestiny · 4 years
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My Princess Kairi (s) Edit. :)
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deisbookofdemons · 4 years
"Your majesty. I have returned." Kazu a man who was born of darkness stood in front of the king and looked at him. He stood there and looked at him with his crimson red eyes. ( @entity-of-darkness) To Ramses)
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The halfling was interested. Hm... he didn’t remember every single person he met. Of course when one calls him your majesty often times one will get his trust. “Hello.” The thief king said. “It must’ve been a while since we’ve last seen each other.”
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winglessarcher · 4 years
Sleeping Beauty: Your muse wakes up 100 years in the future with mine standing over them, trying to explain what happened.
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“Oh, my!” Palutena goes over to the bed. Her head slightly tilting at the young girl. Emerald eyes showed plenty of concern for her. “It’s okay, your safe.” The goddess informed. A hand goes over the girl’s forehead. “Hmmm.. I don’t think your running a fever..”
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themightypete · 4 years
kairidestiny had follow you
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  “All right girlie if you know what good for ya, you stay out of my way” 
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deity-of-calamity · 4 years
"Who are you? Why are you dressed in yellow?"
The demon tipped his hat in greeting. “Bill Cipher! And gold and yellow are among my favorite colors. Along with black and orange. How can I help ya kid?”
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aforgottenmercenary · 4 years
[ wake ] for your muse to wake mine
word prompt starter: accepting) 
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A low groan came from his closed lips, feeling himself shooken awake. He glance up to see who it was. A lass? This far in the woods. “What? To kind to pillage off a sleeping merc?” He asked her, his dull emerald glare staring daggers, unlike the sword resting in his arm.
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