#kakyoin prompts
mlimby · 3 months
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jotaros and kakyoin from gartic phonee
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bewitchedmold · 13 days
Kakyoin def worked at subway at some point. Contemplating the meaning of life and all his pasts decisions while struggling to pull apart the American cheese😭 jotaro would swing by and get the same dry ass sandwich he always did and listen to kakyoin's new SCP theory🙏
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jojossillywalk · 2 years
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remember when polnareff tried to start some anime rival "Are You Calling Me Weak" shit over iggy and avdol was immediately like "that hurts what the actual hell is wrong with you"
polnareff could try to do a terminator handshake like "pushing too many pencels >:)" and avdol would be just "i literally read tarot cards for a living let go of my arm you 6'1 animatronic cavefish"
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stardustedsins · 5 months
Gentle love prompts #47. Comfort hugs
Kakyoin Noriaki/reader (gender neutral reader)
Kakyoin has been acting off all day. He hasn’t said anything about it, but you can tell something is bothering him. Even now, when you’re all in your sleeping bags around the fire, he’s still awake when the others have fallen asleep, laying on his back and looking up at the stars. You doubt he’s just looking for constellations, so you climb out of your own sleeping bag and drag it and the pad below it over next to his.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask as you slide back into the sleeping bag.
“A lot of things.” He says evasively, and you give him a look that makes him sigh and roll over to face you. “I’ve been thinking about what happens after this, when our fifty days are up and we’ve, hopefully, defeated Dio.”
“What about it?”
“You already know I wasn’t the most… well liked as a child. It’s a little embarrassing, but all of you are my first real healthy friendships. But when this is over, we all have to go back to our own lives. I don’t know how to go back to being the lonely weird guy now that I’ve had it better.” The admission spills out of him like he’s saying it all before he can think better of it.
“I thought you just transferred to Jotaro’s school, won’t you at least see him regularly?” You point out.
“I guess so, but it won’t be the same, will it? And…” He trails off, not meeting your eyes. “I’m afraid that what we have might fizzle out before it’s really even started if we have so much distance between us.”
“Do you want that to happen?”
“No, of course not.”
“Neither do I. So we’ll both be putting our time and effort into the relationship. Isn’t that enough to try?”
“When you put that way, it sounds so easy.” He smiles wryly.
“Maybe it can be.” You say. “And you know the others will be putting effort into our friendships, too. We can call and write letters to each other.”
“Stop being so reasonable when I’m trying to mope.” He jokes.
“Stop moping or I’ll wake Polnareff and tell him you need a hug.” You know he’d be happy to help.
“Don’t you dare.” He laughs. “With his luck, he’d trip over someone and make enough noise to wake everyone up. If I need any hugs, they’ll have to come from you.”
“Come here, then, because you definitely do need a hug.” You scoot closer and throw an arm over him in the closest you can get to a hug while you’re both lying down in sleeping bags. His forehead presses against yours, and his bangs lightly tickle your face.
“Thank you.” He says softly. You stay close until you both fall asleep, arms still around each other (which will earn you some good natured teasing from Polnareff in the morning).
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fellow-traveller · 2 years
Imagine an AU where Polnareff adopted kid!Hol Horse from Dio and took him to his first day of school. They met Jotaro who was registering kid! Josuke in the same school. Timid kid!Hol and always-excited kid!Josuke became friends.
Bonus if Kakyoin registered kid!Ryoko in the same school as well. Kid!Ryoko then became friends with the imbalanced duo, and they spend most of their playtime together.
Bonus bonus if kid!Hol can summon a non-lethal Emperor and used it to impress his new friends.
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sacredpit · 10 months
👻 - How does your muse handle feeling scared? Do they enjoy horror? Do they believe in the paranormal? What calms your muse down? Do they have any scary stories?
miscellaneous symbol headcanons .
it depends on where in his timeline we’re examining ;   kak has come quite a   long   way from the person he was when he first encountered dio .   back then ,   he’d never really experienced   true fear   like that before   ━━━━   isolation aside ,   kakyoin lived a pretty normal life up until that point ,   meaning he didn’t really have much to be afraid of   (   aside from like ,   dying alone ,   but that’s an existential kind of fear   &   it’s something he could just shove to the back of his brain when he didn’t want to think about it lol   ) .   so that moment when dio approached him was the first time in his life that he had ever felt genuinely   scared ,   paralyzed with fear   &   unable to push it down anywhere ;   completely at dio’s mercy .
&   it was partially because he was feeling so many complex emotions at that time that he fell victim to the mousetrap ,   but i think that polarizing concoction of terror   &   comfort really disoriented him   &   made him completely vulnerable ;   even more so than he already was being a despondent gay teenager who’s finally met someone that can see the part of him that no one else could . 
i think it’s safe to say he didn’t really   ‘ handle ’   that situation in the best way ,   but who can blame him ??   he had to be either 16 or newly 17 at the time ,  &   beyond that ,   i don’t think   anything   could have prepared him to face dio for the first time ,   even if he wasn’t in such a dark place already .
throughout their journey to egypt ,   kakyoin spends a lot of time reflecting on that experience   &   the events that took place while he was under the influence of the fleshbud .   he   knew   that he had to face dio again   &   conquer his fear of him if he ever wanted to move on with his life   &   reach his fullest potential   (   also ,   he just wants   revenge ,   &   that in itself is an entire other   world   of motivation ,   alongside helping jotaro   &   holly   ) ,   so any spare moment he gets to psych himself up to look dio in the face   &   do everything in his power to end his literal reign of terror doesn’t go to waste .
&   let me tell you how proud of him i am for doing the damn thing .   he not only faced dio head on but didn’t buckle or yield in the slightest ,   he held his head high   &   he was fully prepared to put everything on the line to stop him .   i know i’m totally biased ,   but i get   actual chills   thinking about how courageous he was in that scene .   that moment was so liberating for him ,   &   even if it didn’t end in the way he’d hoped   (   kakyoin is not fucking dead what are you talking about   ) ,   he had never seen or known himself clearer than he did in that moment ,   never felt more dignified   &   accomplished .   the fear was gone .   &   he knew he could rely on his friends to take care of the rest .
after that ,   kakyoin is virtually fearless .   of course he’s human   &   still   feels   scared from time to time ,   but i mean that fear will never hinder or stop him ever again .   it motivates him ;   it’s another thing that gets his blood pumping   &   reminds him of everything he’s survived .   why can’t he survive this ,   too ?? 
okay i spent way too much time on the first question so let me speedrun the last four .   kakyoin likes horror aesthetics but he’s generally not all that interested in actual horror films because he finds all the gore   &   stuff very distasteful ;   he’d much rather read some horror manga that’s artfully done or read some edgar allen poe or something   &   conjure up the macabre in his own mind than have it played up for shock value .   he just thinks it’s kind of lame .   i think literally any stand user should believe in the paranormal ,   especially since they can see ghosts   &   shit .   but even before all of that was apparent to him ,   kak definitely believed in ghosts   &   ‘ the other world ’ .   beyond the water tower thing ,   he works as an agent at spw now so of   course   he has scary stories   ━━━━   man has a near - death experience at least once a week in the height of his field career lmfao .
as for what calms him down ,   he actually has an unwitting habit of hierophant wrapping its tendrils around him ;   usually his legs if he’s sitting down   &   his shoulders   &   arms if he’s standing .   this stems from not really having anyone to turn to for comfort when he was a child   ━━━━   he had his mother ,   in theory ,   but once their relationship entered its strained era ,   he didn’t really feel comfortable approaching her for something so vulnerable .   &   his dad   . . .   lmfao .
another thing that calms him is sketching   &   painting .   he has a sketchbook literally filled to the brim with random stuff he’d drawn on the way to egypt   (   it’s mostly jotaro lmfao but anyway   )    when he felt anxious or couldn’t get his mind to settle .   it’s something he carries into adulthood ,   too ;   he’s usually not the type to carry a lot of things around but he definitely makes sure his clothes have pockets big enough to fit his lil sketchbook .
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gimpyhair · 8 months
Stupid prompt/drabble to the universe:
Levi receives a report on his desk, signed Hange Zoe-Ackerman. He decides to confront Hange about it, banging on their door "Yo, four-eyes, what's the meaning of this!?".
Hange opens the door, kinda awkward, and responds "oh, I didn't mean for you to find out this way-" Levi sees a ring on their finger and is super confused (did he fucking married Hange without realizing it). Hange then happily screams "-but I'm your new aunty!❤️"
Kenny comes out of nowhere and fully kisses Hange on their lips. Levi is speechless, under shock, does not compute, error 404
Kenny gives Levi pocket money and tells smugly him to go buy an ice cream or something to "give the grown ups some alone time". Hange giggles in a very ooc way, then playfully smacks Kenny'ass
Levi immediately wakes up, screaming (a la Kakyoin screaming meme). Hange, who is laying on the same bed, is like "babe, what's wrong, titans again?". Hange is ready to go full comfort-mode like every classic levihan fanfiction. But Levi refuses to talk because of how fucking stupid that nightmare was.
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randoimago · 8 months
I don't know if you're able to write the Oingo Boingo brothers but I was wondering if u could write for the crusaders who taught their s/o being flirted by Oingo (who is disguised as them) because apparently it has something to deal with Boingo's stand's predictions (sorry if this is too much specific details ^^°)
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Muhammed Avdol, Kakyoin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo
Note(s): Okay so please correct me if I got this wrong, but I believe the prompt is crusaders seeing their S/O being flirted with by Oingo (disguised as them)? But not too many details at all, I'm happy to write this!
Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think any of them ever saw Oingo in the show? Cause he was disguised the whole time so this is such a funny ask (especially cause some of these guys are a little dumb)
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Avdol is taken aback when he comes out of a store and sees himself flirting with you. He's immediately on guard because it's so obviously an enemy stand user. He never flirts with you so publicly so he hopes you can see through it as he's staying back and planning his own attack from a distance so he doesn't jeopardize your safety.
Kakyoin, like Avdol, is taken aback by the flirting of the copy. He already has an Emerald Splash prepared, trusting the range attack to scare the copy off and make sure you're safe.
Polnareff is an idiot so he thinks he's seeing things when he sees a copy of himself so obviously flirting with you. He feels angry and annoyed at whatever is happening and he stomps his way over. The copy of himself ends up running and Polnareff gives chase, planning to check up on you later.
Joseph is also surprised to see you with a copy of himself and he has to rub his eyes a bit to check that he's not seeing things. But he also stomps over. The copy runs away, which shocks him by how easy that was, but he's checking that you're okay. He didn't even process the fact that his copy was flirting in the first place.
Jotaro is beyond annoyed when he sees a copy of him flirting with you. The idea that he'd even think about openly showing affection is annoying. He huffs but waits to see what you do. It should be obvious that it's not actually Jotaro flirting so he hopes you piece that together. Otherwise, he'll gladly step in with Star Platinum.
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coolfireguy73 · 8 months
I love costume design
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I wondered what I could create with the prompt "What is the part 3 duo were bullies ?" Well at least like "cliches" Japanese bullies, like the part 4 duo.
Too some inspiration form Okuyasu's design.
With a cameo of my previous Kakyoin design X)
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keroanya · 1 year
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it's everyone's favorite time of the year, and there's no better time for me to come back to writing for a bit <3
so, here's my list of my kinktober prompts for this year, along with the characters i'll be writing for.
reminder, this is an 18+ event, so, minors fuck off please.
due to the contents of some of these prompts, the writings will only be posted on ao3 for certain days. i'll make sure to provide a link to my ao3 post as well as a warning beforehand!
unfortunately, as i have some worsening health issues, some of these fics may be a tad bit late to be posted. of course, i will try to publish these all on time. love you guys ! <3
- updates will come out when i can get them out <3 prompts will continue to be published outside of october
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day 1 | voyeurism - gyro zeppeli -- day 2 | dacryphilia - doppio and diavolo day 3 | size difference - jotaro kujo day 4 | mutual masturbation - gappy higashikata day 5 | femdom - weather report day 6 | blood kink - DIO (ao3 exclusive~) day 7 | sex pollen/gangbang - la squadra
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wlw will be real this week. day 8 | strap on - balalaika day 9 | vanilla - mitsuri kanroji day 10 | mommy kink - kaato higashikata day 11 | exhibitionism - jolyne kujo day 12 | multiple orgasms - ermes costello day 13 | facesitting - casca day 14 | lingerie - yasuho hirose
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day 15 | surprise ! day 16 | accidental stimulation - haruchiyo sanzu day 17 | degredation - il dottore day 18 | praise kink - al haitham day 19 | cockwarming - neuvillette day 20 | outdoor sex - guts day 21 | fuck or die - guts & griffith (ao3 exclusive~)
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day 22 | floor sex - johan liebert day 23 | car sex - ghiaccio day 24 | office sex - yoshikage kira day 25 | first time & exhibitionism - noriaki kakyoin day 26 | breeding - young! joseph joestar day 27 | sex tape & threesome - prosciutto & risotto nero day 28 | edging - enrico pucci
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day 29 | somnophilia & cnc - narciso anasui (ao3 exclusive~) day 30 | monsterfucking - diego brando (ao3 exclusive~) day 31 | surprise!
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thornybubbles · 10 months
Random Gemstone Themed Yandere Prompts with the Jobros.
Warnings: Typical yandere horror stuff, abusive behavior, possible harm towards reader, disturbing situations, good guys gone yandere, anti-comfort, and canon typical violence. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you choose to read. 
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Speedwagon: Prompt 17 -- Unakite- does the yandere have a point of no return or will they eventually realize how dire the consequences of their actions?
As far as yanderes go, Robert is pretty tame. His point of no return would only happen if you were ever harmed in any way. His greatest fear is if you get hurt or worse. Having his greatest fear realized would unlock a side of good ol’ Speedwagon that not even his closest friends have ever seen. Remember, he was a violent thug before he got involved with Jonathan and his quest to put an end to Dio. If anyone was ever dumb enough to put their hands on you he would revert back to his thuggish nature, only worse. It’s not a side of him he ever wanted you to see, but he’ll happily sacrifice his reputation if it means protecting you. 
As far as realizing the consequences of his actions, he’s pretty lucid. He knows that breaking into your home to watch over you as you slept is not only unsettling and inappropriate, but highly illegal. He knows that following you around to keep an eye on you is borderline stalkerish behavior. He doesn’t care though. In his eyes, it's all perfectly justified. He’s extra careful to make sure you never catch him in the act of doing these things, but rest assured that if you ever did he wouldn’t bother lying to you. He’d come right out and tell you exactly why he was doing it. 
“I don’t mean to be overstepping any boundaries, but the world’s gettin’ a lot more dangerous lately. More so than usual. Someone’s gotta look out for you in these dark times and I figure that someone may as well be ol’ Speedwagon.” 
You’ll find it difficult to look into those big, sad, brown eyes and find any fault with him. Speedwagon a stalker? Absurd! Because of this mindset that you have about him, he’ll never really experience any consequences. You’ll just have him walk alongside you instead of trailing behind you in the shadows. 
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Caesar: Prompt 9 -- Diamond- what does the yandere want from their ideal darling?
With Caesar it’s all about romance. He’s no stranger to having ladies swooning over his words and actions, but just once he’d like to have someone make the first move or at least offer him something in the way of a challenge. He occasionally finds himself bored when he’s the one doing all the wooing. He flirts and flirts, but nobody ever seems to flirt back. More than even that, he’d like it if his darling didn’t just turn into a blushing mess the moment he put on the charm. Make him work for it!
If he finds you attractive, he’ll flirt the moment he lays eyes on you (though it’s mostly to annoy Joseph… at first). Maybe he goes for the traditional kiss on the back of the hand and instead of just standing there looking up at him all smitten and red-faced, you grab him by the wrist and yank him close. 
“Nuts to that old fashioned stuff! If you’re gonna kiss me, then just kiss me!” you say. 
And then maybe you pull him in for a kiss right on the lips. If you do something bold like that, you’ll completely throw him for a loop. He’ll stand there, feeling like his face is in flames and his heart is going to beat out of his chest. That brazen action of yours may have been the very thing that caused his yandere side to come bubbling up to the surface. You can’t just… you can’t just do that and walk away from him! You just can’t! You better expect him to pursue you now. As far as Caesar is concerned, you and him are practically engaged, so you may as well get used to him being around. 
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Kakyoin: Prompt 14 -- Moonstone- are there things that the yandere will hide from darling at all costs?
Noriaki definitely has a dark side. We’ve seen just how bad it can get with his first introduction while he was under the influence of one of DIO’s flesh buds. Even when he is his normal self, Noriaki has a vindictive and violent side. It’s this part of him that he doesn’t want you to see. Ever. He wants you to view him as the polite, somewhat shy boy who always manages to make you swoon without even trying. He wants you to love him, not fear him. 
His dark side is reserved for people who deserve it. Like anyone that tries to interfere with his relationship with you. Let’s say some guy tries to sway you away from him while he’s standing right there: 
“Hey there, hot stuff! Why don’t you come hang out with a real man, like me, instead of this skinny dweeb?” he says as he reaches over and flicks Noriyaki on the forehead, laughing boisterously at the redhead’s displeased expression. 
Suddenly, the guy stops laughing. 
“S-sorry… about th-that…” he stammers with a strange look on his face. “I-I was out of l-line…” 
He then staggers away, staring blankly into the horizon. 
“That was weird.” you say, disturbed by the whole interaction. 
“Probably on drugs or something.” Noriaki comments, disinterested. 
Moments later there is the sound of shrieking tires followed by the sound of a car ramming into a human body. 
“That guy just walked into traffic!” someone shouts. 
You turn your head, but Noriaki is quick to shield your view. 
“You don’t want to see that!” he says as he ushers you away. “Let’s just get out of here before the rubberneckers show up.” 
Not wanting to get caught up in a crowd wanting to see blood and guts, you agree and allow Noriaki to lead you away. Nori’s expression is grim and you wonder if he saw the accident as it happened. It worries you. The last thing Nori needed was more trauma to have nightmares about. Egypt certainly took a toll on him. He still refuses to tell you anything about why he ran away or what he was up to during the time he was gone. All that you know is that whatever happened, it nearly killed him. You lean into him and he holds you close, seemingly grateful for you for just being by his side. 
As you leave the scene, Noriaki calls back Hierophant Green. The Stand slithers out of whatever is left of the lowlife’s body and returns to his master. Noriaki wants to smile in satisfaction, but he refrains. He’s very glad that you can’t see Stands, or else you would be horrified by what he’d just done. 
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Okuyasu: Prompt 16 -- Rhodonite- does the yandere want kids and would they force darling into having them?
 (This is assuming that reader can have kids in the first place)
Does Okuyasu want to have kids? OH MY GOD, YES!!! Poor Okuyasu’s family life suffered so badly after his father became one of DIO’s followers. He longs to have a normal family again, or at least as normal as he can have while being a Stand user. Okuyasu sees having kids with you as a means of getting back the family that was taken from him. You can bet that he’ll be a great dad, if not a little over-protective. Okay, maybe more than a little…
As much as he wants a family, he will NEVER force it on you. If you aren’t interested in having kids, he’ll be a little disappointed, but he’ll settle for it just being the two of you alone. 
“I’m… I’m gonna be a dad? Really? Y-you’re not messing with me are you? You really mean it? We’re gonna have a kid?!” he’ll say when you tell him you’re expecting. 
Once you confirm to him that he will indeed be a dad he sinks to his knees and bursts into happy tears. After about ten minutes of that, he’ll dry up and shout, “I gotta go tell Josuke, Koichi, and everybody else in the whole neighborhood!!!” 
Before you can stop him he’s on his way out the door. He returns a moment later, grabs you (gently, of course), plants a long kiss on your lips, then runs out the door again. You stare at the door. He didn’t bother to close it behind him. You shake your head and allow yourself a small smile as you close the door. You love Okuyasu, but now that you were both going to be parents, you were going to have to have a long talk with him about his over-protectiveness. 
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Bucciarati: Prompt 8 -- Chrysoprase- how does the yandere deal with heartbreak?
Honestly? Not very well. He should have expected this to happen and he blames himself. It was only a matter of time before you discovered his career as a Mafioso. It’s only natural that such a thing would scare you away. It was bad enough that you wanted to leave him, but the way you looked at him with fear and suspicion as you broke things off absolutely destroyed him. He tried to explain himself, tried to explain what his true intentions were: to destroy the illegal drug trade from the inside out, but it meant nothing to you. You wanted nothing to do with such a lifestyle. It was too dangerous for you and far too frightening. He understands why you want to leave. He really does.
But he doesn’t care. 
He should never have pursued you in the first place. He should never have let himself get involved with a normal citizen that had no connections to either Italy’s underworld or the equally hidden world of Stands and their users. You were right about it being too dangerous for you but he was far too obsessed to let you go. He should have never let himself fall for you so deeply…
It’s far too late now. Not only is he overwhelmingly in love with you, but even if you leave him, you’ll still be a target for his enemies. You’ve already been seen together far too often, so surely some of his enemies know of your connection to him. They will use you to get to him. Most of them will be Stand users, too. You aren’t a Stand user. You will have no way to defend yourself. If you go now, you’ll be putting yourself in harm’s way. You’ll be alone, without him by your side and his enemies would take advantage of that. So, that’s why he has to spirit you away and hide you somewhere that no one will find you. That’s what he tells himself. He deludes himself into thinking that he’s doing it for your own good, but deep down he knows that he just wants to keep you from leaving. And you really are in danger now, so this is mutually beneficial! Even if you don’t love him anymore, he’ll keep you safe… whether you like it or not. 
“Glare at me if you wish. Call me all manner names and swear at me if it makes you feel better. Scream until your throat bleeds. None of it will make any difference. I won’t allow you to put yourself in danger.” he tells you as he unzips your limbs. 
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Anasui: Prompt 6 -- Carnelian- how does the yandere deal with their darlings strong will?
Ah yes, one of JJBA’s canon yanderes… 
Your strong will may very well have been one of the many things that attracted Anasui to you but, if your strong will leads you to push him away, when you’re so obviously meant for each other, then he’s going to be a lot less happy about it. He feels that he learned his lesson with Jolyne (he hasn’t). If you push him away the first time he puts on the charm, he’ll apologize and dial it back a bit. He doesn’t want to come on too strong, not like he did with Jolyne. So he’ll restrain himself and bide his time. You’ll come around eventually. All he has to do is find a way to endear himself to you while secretly scaring off (or getting rid of) any possible competition. It has to be different this time… he can’t take any more heartache. 
If you still refuse him, though, he might go “full yandere”. Believe me, you don’t want that. He’s only ever done that once before and that’s how he ended up in prison in the first place. Being cheated on and then rejected by Jolyne… he can’t take anymore heartache. So if you keep refusing him, he’ll realize that he’ll never earn your love. So he’ll just have to make you love him! This will lead to a psychotic break in him that will change his way of dealing with you. He’ll grow cold and sadistic. No more simping. His patience has run out. He’ll just have to kidnap you and teach you how to love him. He’ll have to punish you when you get it wrong. He won’t permanently damage you, but if he has to break you for you to learn your lesson then he will without hesitation. 
If you keep resisting even then, well it’s obvious to him that there must be something wrong with you. Maybe if he takes you apart he can find out what it is inside of you that makes you keep refusing him and remove it. He just hopes that he can put you back together again when he’s done…
“I’ve accepted the fact that I’m completely unlovable,” he’ll say in tearful rage, “but I will never accept being unloved!” 
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Gyro: Prompt 12 -- Kunzite- is the yandere’s motivations love, lust or something else?
All three. Love and lust go with the territory in a romantic relationship, but Gyro also wants something constant in his life that is only for him and no one else. Gyro spent much of his life living up to his father’s strict expectations and dealing with responsibilities that were foisted upon him at an early age. He found himself taking on more responsibilities when trying to earn amnesty for young Marco. Then he agreed to help Johnny during the race and teach him the art of Spin. Nearly everything that Gyro did was for someone else’s benefit. He can’t remember a time when he did anything for himself and himself only. 
Gyro reasons that he has every right to be selfish when it involves you. He wants your love, your affection, your heart, your soul, and anything else you have to offer. Plain and simple, he wants you. Sometimes he feels guilty for his selfishness, but the moment you throw your arms around his waist and give him a loving squeeze, all of that guilt goes right out the window. You're his and his alone, and he wants everyone to know it. It's the reason he becomes like a rabid dog when you’re around anyone but him and Johnny. Gyro knows that Johnny won’t interfere, but other people? Not so much. That damned Dio keeps throwing you smug grins like he knows something… what’s that all about? And Mountain Tim had better keep his distance or he’ll end up with more scars than just on his face! 
Expect him to do a lot of hovering whenever you’re out and about. It’s a little weird, but it seems like he’s trying to hide you with his own body sometimes, almost like he doesn’t want anyone to even look at you. For example if you go to a restaurant with booth seats, he’ll always have you slide into the booth first then slide up as close as he can get to you. 
“Gyro!” you grunt uncomfortably. “Will you give me some space? You’re practically sitting on me!” 
Of course he plays it off as a joke. 
“Hmm? Wha? Did you hear that, Johnny? It sounded like the bench was talking to me! I must be losing it…” He’ll say, pretending that you aren’t practically wedged up under his ass. 
“You already lost it.” Johnny quips, ignoring your plight completely. 
He’s not about to get involved with whatever it is that’s going on with you and Gyro. 
You groan and poke him in the ribs, inadvertently starting a tickle fight. It completely takes your mind off of his clinginess. 
If he sees you spending far too much time talking with someone while you’re in town, he’ll grind his grills together so hard they shoot sparks. Once he calms himself down a bit, he’ll saunter over and fling an arm around you. 
“Hate to break up the party, but we really need to be going.” he’ll say with a good natured smile that doesn’t at all indicate how he really feels. 
That’s odd. You thought you’d have plenty of time before your group would have to get back on the road. Oh well. Guess an early start won’t hurt. 
While he’s leading you away, he takes the time to shoot the person you were talking to a warning glare. The message is clear: Stay away, or I’ll make you pay! They distance themselves from you after that. 
You are the only thing that Gyro has that’s all for him. He’s not sharing you with anyone!
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berylcups · 2 months
Could I maybe request SDC +Dio with a s/o that gets their work hours cut in half, and maybe they go scare the manager or smthn? Idk I'm not creative with prompts lmao. Thought it would be funny, thank youuu!!
SDC + DIO x Reader with their hours cut
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CW: Death mention, horny old people,
Notes: hey! Sorry it took so long! I really tried with this one. 😭 I hope you like it! I’m still fleshing out their personalities. I’m still getting used to writing new characters. Even if this sux I hope you and everyone else can find some sort of enjoyment from this! 💜 Beryl
*also for my non-murican’ readers Target is a like a smaller scale Walmart but pretends to be bougie 🥴
“Why ask for xtra hours when you can get an allowance from your greatest grandad ever???”
“Who needs a job when you got a sugar daddy ??? 😘”
Richie McRichardson doesn’t realize that you need to build a good resume. 🙄 or the fact we live in the real world where we have to make our own money.
Well no friend of his is going to get their hours cut! He’s going to use hermit purple to fuck around with electronics section and manipulate the tvs to make them glitch out and act possessed.
“GiVe Y/n FuLl TiMe HoUrS aNd BeNeFiTs…. Or ElSe. GiVe ThEm A pAy RaIsE ToO…”
“AlSo… ClEaN uP oN IsLe 6…”
“Good grief. Do I really need to get involved in this? Fine. Let’s go.” He sighed as he cracked his knuckles.
Your boss might die today. 😬 tell him to hold back a bit kay? I don’t think the Speedwagon Foundation wants to bail him out for getting into a onesided fist fight with a Target supervisor.
Thankfully he doesn’t have to do much. All he has to do is stare your boss down menacingly.
“I heard you were cutting Y/Ns hours. How about you fix that?”
Your supervisor is literally pissing their pants. 😰 He doesn’t leave until you get all your hours. Then he’s gonna smoke INSIDE the damn store because he’s disrespectful. If anyone tells him there’s no smoking allowed in the store he’s going to tell them to go fuck themselves 😭
He’s going to use his charm to get his way. He’s gonna get you your hours back. If his charisma SOMEHOW doesn’t work he’s going to use Hierophant Green to string himself out so the boss and other employees keep tripping over what looks like nothing. 😂
The boss is freaking out getting slapped in the face and his ass whipped and has no idea what’s going on.
“Was this store built on a fucking graveyard?!” Your boss panics.
“You should really watch where you’re going sir.” He says smugly.
The boss finally gives in to your demands after they get clotheslined by HGs tentacle limb 🥴
“Hmm? You're not getting any hours? That’s not according to YOUR fortune habibi/habibti! 😉”
He got some tricks up his sleeve. He’s going to get you your fortune…as told by his fortune! 🔮😅
“I have seen your fortune! You’re in grave danger. According to the ___ card it means you are going to lose all your wealth, health, and happiness!”
Your boss somehow believes this. Who wouldn’t believe a charismatic self assured middle eastern man in ornate robes and jewelry??? That’s a person you won’t forget!
To add some extra razzle dazzle he catches your bosses hair on fire. 🔥
Now he really thinks he’s cursed.
“Tell me mysterious customer! How do I fix this?! 😭😭😭”
Return the slab— “Give Y/N their hours back! And give them all the benefits and pay raises they need to live comfortably!”
Your boss gives in and does everything Avdol says. You’re officially getting paid as much as your boss now in fear of getting “cursed” again. …and to prevent 3rd degree burns 🥵
Your boss is about ready to taste some metal and I’m not talking about guns.
“Hey—! What gives?! First you don’t give my amour their hours and now your toilets are filthy and broken as hell! They won’t flush! 😤”
He’s already a menace for clogging the toilet. 😬 he’s going to go Karen mode on your boss.
“What the hell kind of economy do you think we live in pal?! I demand you give my baby all their hours! What do you expect them to live off of? Ramen noodles?! Not on my watch buddy!” He’s loud af and poking him in the chest.
If he back sasses the mighty Polnareff he’s going to have to sword fight Silver Chariot with a pool noodle from the outdoors section. 😅
He uses his craftsman’s swordship to slice the bosses belt and pubically pantses him 😂
He has no idea how he was able to air sword fight and cut his belt but he did and that’s why you have all your hours and why Polnareff is banned from every single Target ever in existence. Like that’s gonna stop him 🥴
“Why work such a meager job when you can work for me and kill the joestars instead ~?”
Because we don’t want to get our asses hospitalized and we live in the real world asshole. 🙄
Very well~. Dio is a generous partner, he will gladly solve your employment problem. 😈
But first—shopping spree~ 💅 he’s gonna fill up on some hair gel, green lipstick, sunscreen, and other unnecessary Knick Knacks. Yes he has a Live Laugh Love poster decoration in the basket. 🤢
“So I heard from my lovely Y/N that you aren’t giving them enough hours. How about a compromise? I’m in a good mood today so I’ll let you live if you give them all their hours back plus a raise.”
Your boss can’t believe you had the audacity to bring in a metrosexual bi vampire to scare him into getting what you want! He’s not gonna take you crazies seriously and tell you to take a hike!
“Oh ho~…” he has a mischievous glint in his eyes. Well you can’t stop him now!
“The World!!!” He summons his stand and takes his shopping cart.
“Road roller at target!!!” He laughs like a mad man as he runs over your boss.
…I think he’s dead ☠️
Dio somehow uses his charm to make you the new boss of Target. You still do the same job you usually do— you just get the pay and title now while everyone else does the hard work…. Honestly I don’t think you even need to go to work anymore. You’re just getting paid just to be paid!
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starry-snippets · 1 year
tw - smoking cigarettes
thinking about jotaro kissing you after smoking. polnareff told him you'd find it hot but it only provokes your lungs, prompting him to apologize when you start coughing. from then he notices that you don't like him smoking – even sometimes talking to kakyoin about how to ask him to stop. one day he overhears or kakyoin tells him to begin alternatives as a surprise. jotaro taking your concern to heart, beginning to regulate himself more. you notice he's buying gum to chew instead when he craves one and eventually you never see him picking them up. he's entirely clean now and you pepper his face with kisses every time you think of his commitment, so appreciative that he cares enough about you to quit his bad habit without you even telling him about it.
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stardustedsins · 7 months
Kiss Prompts #50: A kiss out of love
Kakyoin/reader (gender neutral reader). TW: discussion of scars and mentions of medical procedures
You’re all left with scars after your journey, physical and otherwise. You can’t say you got the worst of it, compared to some of the others, but you didn’t come away unscathed. Kakyoin was one of the worst injured, to the point that you didn’t know if he would make it. But he’s a fighter, and he’d hung on and recovered well.
His parents had been very emotional when he finally came home, but now that things have settled down, he’s invited you to sleep over. There’d been something between you on the journey, but you don’t know if it’ll be the same now. Since he got out of the hospital, you’ve felt a little like he’s been avoiding you, or avoiding the subject. You’re a little nervous about staying the night, with that in mind. 
The evening is perfectly normal through dinner with his parents and video games in the living room, but when it’s time to go to his room and hang out quietly so his parents can go to bed, things start feeling kind of awkward. 
You both change into your pajamas, but you don’t turn off the light or get in bed yet. You sit on the floor and talk idly about whatever, but there’s an odd tension between you. 
“Hold on, I forgot about my eye drops.” Kakyoin gets up to grab a small bottle from his nightstand and put a drop in each eye. He closes them for a moment after he does so, then puts the bottle back and comes to sit down again.
“Do you have to use them every night?” You ask, and he nods.
“Yeah, but I forgot since we aren’t going to bed like I usually would.” He pauses for a moment. “Just a side effect of my handsome face being ruined. Not to mention my chiseled body.” 
His tone is forcibly casual, but you frown anyway. 
“What are you talking about?”
“Okay, fine, maybe I wasn’t exactly chiseled, but-“
“No, not that. The other thing.” You feel awkward calling him out for it. “Do you really think that?”
“I mean… isn’t it kind of true? At least the scars on my face could be considered cool, but the big one is just…” He trails off.
“Is that why you’ve been acting weird around me?” 
“I guess I was, wasn’t I?” He shakes his head. “This has all been a lot, you know? I didn’t know if you’d still want… whatever we were.”
“I do.” You assure him immediately. “I don’t care about the scars or any of that.” 
He pulls the hem of his pajama shirt up, exposing the giant scarred area on his stomach. It’s the first time you’ve seen it. He’s right that it isn’t pretty, it’s a mix of scar tissue and skin grafts that you know cover muscle grafts, donor organs, and a partially reconstructed spine. It’s a miracle his body didn’t reject any of it. That’s what you see when you look at him, all the ways he’d beat the odds to be here with you. 
“Can you still say you don’t care about this?” He asks, almost defiant, like he expects you to say no. Maybe he’s projecting his own feelings about his scars onto you.
“Yes, because it doesn’t make any difference to me.” You say, and he lets his shirt fall back over his stomach. It’s a little embarrassing to finally put your feelings into words so clearly, but he needs to hear it. “I like you a lot, Noriaki. I still think you’re handsome. You’re smart, and funny, and caring. I’d still like you even if you were a worm.” 
He laughs, and the tension dissolves. 
“I like you too.” He says softly. “I’m sorry for avoiding you.”
“It’s okay.” You know he’s been dealing with a lot, so you’ll let that slide. “But now you have to do something for me.”
“And what’s that?”
“C’mere.” You gesture for him to scoot closer to you, and he does. You gather your courage and kiss him right on the lips. It’s just a quick peck, because you’re nervous, but he looks just as flustered as you feel afterwards.
“To prove I mean it.” You say, face on fire. Kakyoin bats his eyes in an overdone show of innocence.
“I don’t know if I got the message, maybe you should do it again.” He says as if he’s so smooth, despite being just as inexperienced as you, and you laugh. 
“Actually, I think it’s your turn now.” 
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bananashakepython · 1 month
late to kakyoin month day 27 because my Foolish ass decided to do one drawing for each prompt. and then i hurt my hand (which is fine now) which made it take longer. and then i rewatched stone ocean the second time this year and had to recover (which made it take longer). but at last! i have drawings
they're under the cut because i'm going to explain each one (loosely and incoherently) so it'll be long :^)
@kakyoinmonth day 27 - job/career/hobby
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feel like way back in his college days rooming with jotaro he'd be a freelance artist just to keep some money coming in. not that they necessarily need it, bc i mean jotaro's family is the most loaded lineage on jojo planet earth, but i feel like kakyoin would be indignant about it and insist on making/using his own. he's not one to be coddled or anything even if jotaro wants to pay for him in a genuine way and not in a "oh you poor thing >.<" way. ESPECIALLY with important expenses
2. career
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honestly so hard to make a decision here because wtf. wtf would he pursue. he likes so many things and is interested in so many things. but i thought about it as hard as i could for as long as i could and decided: he would basically have whatever job jotaro has in the speedwagon foundation. an extremely important investigator, a stand-user they can call on in times of need. because i mean sure, he could take a normal job, but would people in that job truly get him the way the crusaders/other stand users get him? in the way the speedwagon foundation gets him? because the foundation KNOWS about stands and stuff. they'd understand as much as they are able and accommodate him and i feel he'd appreciate that
HOWEVER! i think he would be like jotaro again in the sense that he's like, an art professor or a video game designer, and then a stand-using foundation member in secret. like how jotaro is serious as a marine biologist but also serious as a foundation member, and poses as only one of the two to keep himself and his loved ones safe. they'd look like normal (""normal"") people on the outside and in reality they are both detectives with punching ghosts AND are professors at the same time
couldn't decide on either art professor or video game designer. or some other unknown job that would probably also suit him that i can't think of. so it's just ambiguous or he manages to be both
3. hobby
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okay. as you can see my art style went through a bit of a change (no idea if it's permanent or not, it has a mind of its own). and also there's two versions because i couldn't decide which one is funnier.
i need not explain his hobby you already know he's slamming his keyboards into pieces over his knee and screaming into his xbox mic and spam reporting people for cheating 800 consecutive times and typing on a rainbow keyboard with cat ear headphones
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artychaild · 1 month
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(OK I missed several more days of Yoin month cause I was moving but shh) Kakyoin Month day 31 - love/triumph
I think the true triumph for Kakyoin would be his friends making it out from DIO's curse, but triumph for his friends would include him in the mix (I get them) and love is pretty self explanatory but yeah, the nice lady you risked your life for and your brother in all but blood are good people to be loved by and to love <3
I'll probably go back and do some of the other prompts just because excuses to draw Kakyoin are always good but yeah, happy Kakyoin month!
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