#kalijah kalijah fanfiction
elejahfanfic · 1 month
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kasagia · 2 years
Our little game pt. 3
~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: Thomas has been trying to mend your relationship all weeks leading up to the wedding. You must admit that he was a true, sweet gentleman, but… something was wrong. You didn't feel those butterflies (or moles as Kol used to say) in your stomach when you were close to him. You thought that maybe after bachelorette party and wedding you two would again get along with eachother and everyting will be fine. But drunk you had a completely different idea to solve this situation. Warning(s): smut mention, swearings, I used the thread from "Friends", I don't regret anything (I guess) Word count: 4,6k
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*Two months later*
"I can't believe it has gone by so quickly, I feel like I just arrived in New Orleans." I said to the girls while we were putting on our dresses for the party.
"Yes. Me too. I feel like Elijah proposed to me yesterday, and now the four of us are going to my bachelorette party."
"Actually five. I invited Cami." Rebekah corrected Kath while fixing her makeup.
"Since when have you exactly been friends with Klaus' therapist?" I asked, not believing for a moment in her good intentions toward the bartender.
"Since she's trying to talk you out of the ridiculous idea of getting back with your ex."
"Hey! We all agree that we're not going to discuss that topic. Today is about Katherine. Only her."
"Take it easy, Y/N. We're just worried about you."
"There's no need, Katherine. I can take care of myself. Also, I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with this mess around me. It's enough that the Mystic Falls gang put me on their blacklist a week ago. I don't need more complications."
Yes. Officially, Damon Salvatore has become my enemy because I refuse to help him bring Elena back from her "sleeping beauty state." At least Bonnie stayed my friend.
"Well, I saw both of you in that new restaurant. You two seemed quite enjoyable with your company." Rebekah snapped me out of my thoughts.
The original vampire spent the whole two months trying to force me to set up with her brother. It was getting pretty tiring to the point that I decided to avoid Klaus like the plague and not give the blonde a chance to put her plans into action. I loved her with all my heart, but I will not allow anyone to meddle in my affairs and try to set me on a particular path. Not even one of my best friends.
"Yeah, like one meeting was a declaration of true, unconditional love." I replied sarcastically, turning my attention back to my reflection in the mirror. I started putting on my makeup, being careful not to accidentally gouge my eye out with mascara. "Thomas and I spent half life with ourselves. It's obvious that we're feeling good together when we know each other better than anyone else."
"That's what we're all trying to tell you!" the woman snatched the mascara from my hand and turned to look at me in the eyes. "You don't love him anymore! He is like an old, favorite movie; you watch it because you have a soft spot for it, not because it brings you new, amazing emotions. You got used to having him around. And you're afraid that my brother will destroy your idea of loving Thomas. Even if it's obvious to everyone that you don't have any feelings for him. You fell for Nik, finally admit it to yourself!" she burst out, reproaching me again.
"Rebekah, enough. You're crossing the line." Freya stepped between us, wanting to reassure her little sister and trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"You want me to finally make a decision? Fine. Right after the wedding, I'm going back to Thomas. You don't have to wish me luck. I already know I'll be very happy with him." I replied, staring furiously at the blonde over Freya's shoulder.
"You have to be joking?! Seriously? Are you doing it just to spite me?"
"I'll meet you all downstairs. I promised to call Tom before we went out all night." I said, ignoring Rebekah's angry look at me.
I left the room quickly before any of the vampires (or the witch) could stop me, heading for the only place I could get some privacy.
Klaus' art studio.
The guys had already left the mansion an hour ago, teasing Katherine that they would make one last effort to find someone better for Elijah before she "ringed him with a golden muzzle," so I was sure no one would find me there. Who would have guessed I was hiding in the "cave" of a big bad wolf?
I was walking in a dark room, lit only by the moonlight. I took my phone out of my dress pocket and dialed Tom's number. I put the device to my ear, staring at the unfinished painting on the easel. Klaus must have been pretty pissed while painting it. I hadn't even seen so much intense red when the hybrid returned covered in blood from one of his "preventive missions."
"Y/N?" Thomas's voice snapped me out of my thoughts about the original.
"Hi." I replied with a little smile, sitting on the piano opposite the easel. Klaus went all out designing his studio.
"Hello, honey. Are you going out with the girls?"
"Yes. So don't bother calling; I won't answer, and even if I do, I doubt I'll be in a good condition." I replied jokingly, smiling wider as I heard his laugh.
"Ha ha. You know what they say: You are the truest version of yourself after alcohol."
"Is this your way to tell me that you're waiting on a drunken love confession from me? It isn't quite romantic, don't you think?"
"I don't care about it as long as it's true." I smiled. I wanted to respond to his taunt, but I froze in place as I saw someone's all-too-familiar blue eyes in the darkness of the studio. As our gazes met, he went out from the shadow and stood right in front of me. "Y/N? Can you hear me?"
"I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, Tommy." Klaus wrinkled his nose at the "cute" diminutive.
"Have a good time, honey. Don't drink too much or I'll have to pick you up." before I could answer, Klaus snatched the phone from my hand.
"You don't have to worry about her. She will be in my excellent care, Timon," he said maliciously before aggressively hanging up.
"Seriously? Don't you have a brother to drink up instead of messing with my boyfriend? By the way, his name isn't Timon."
"Your boyfriend?" he laughed incredulously, shaking his head. "Since when? If I remember correctly, he left you for like... two years ago?"
"So what? You're not better at all."
"Unlike him, I was interested in your fate, love."
"Sending your minions to follow my every move is stalking, not caring. And stop calling me that. It's disgusting." I said, turning towards the exit, but the hybrid blocked my way as usual. The look of displeasure on his face instantly made me feel much better.
"They didn't follow you... most of the time. I just wanted to make sure you're okay and you're not putting yourself in unnecessary danger for the sake of those imbeciles."
"Did you know that there is an ancient gadget called the telephone? You could have checked for yourself if I was alive."
"You changed your number." I blushed at my stupidity. He was right. Right after breaking up with Tom, my phone suffered minor damage due to my sudden emotions and relative lack of control over my magic. I just don't know why it hurt so much that he couldn't text me. It's not like I've been waiting for his call all these years... right?
"Well, we can't go back in time and change that anyway. There's no point in dwelling on it." I finally replied, looking away from him to hide my true feelings.
The man wouldn't let me get away from him so easily. His left hand went to my chin, forcing me to look again into his blue eyes, which gradually began to give way to his night-black pupils.
"So that's it? You want to go back to him as if nothing happened? Like I didn't send you a thousand bloody letters to beg you for a little piece of your attention like a desperate fool, that I am every single time you look at me!" he exploded.
His jaw was clenched in anger, and his other hand was clenched so tightly that it seemed to me that droplets of blood were dripping from it. But my stupid brain could only process one goddamn thing in this improbable situation.
"Letters? What letters?"
"Oh, don't play with me like this, love…" he tried to walk away from me, but I grabbed his arm before he made any step towards the exit.
"Klaus, what letters? I didn't get anything from you since you went." I asked, searching his face for any explanation.
"Don't lie to me. It's even beneath you." he replied contemptuously.
A red light went on in my head. The son of a bitch had no right to walk into my already messy life with his fucking shoes and accuse me of whatever shit he fancied. This is exactly what caused my agitation. Not the hostile look I couldn't take from him.
"Beneath me? How can you tell if something is in "my type" or not?! You don't even fucking know me!" his jaw tightened. In the next second, he pushed me into a wall and put his hands on both sides of my head. His eyes were enraged, mad, and... passionate.
"I know you better than myself. I spent months admiring you in the shadows until you decided that I was curious enough to be noticed by you. It took you a bloody year to warm up to me and to treat me like something more than a monster. And when we were apart… I've never missed anyone as much as I have missed you in the thousand years I've lived. You told me here months ago that you would be the one to burn me. You were too stubborn to admit our connection that much, that you, love, didn't notice I was already burned by you a long time ago."
"You're lying. You wouldn't even have come up with that stupid excuse if Thomas hadn't shown up. You want me to lose my chance at happiness, don't you? The moment I trust you, you'll stab me in the back for your own amusement."
"Is your beloved ex-boyfriend, as I would like to point out, clouding your mental clarity so much?"
"Maybe he's my ex, but unlike some people, he really cares about me, not my power."
"Did he? Because if I had a chance, which you gave him, I would never, ever leave you. Not even if I could rule all of this damn world."
"Please, it's impossible that you could truly love…" he cut me off, pulling my face closer to his lips to shut me up by kissing me.
I imagined that moment so many times in my head, but nothing conveyed the true feeling of his lips on mine.
I moaned as he bit my lips and opened a way into my mouth like that. His treacherous tongue slipped inside like a snake, catching mine in his snare.
The sounds of brushes and paints falling were my only warning before he grabbed me around the waist, set me down on the table, and made me his height to (surely) kiss me dead.
The moment one of his hands started wandering toward the zipper of my dress, making me shiver every time his fingers touched my exposed skin, was a time when the warnings of my mind shouted over the dark, hidden desire of my foolish heart.
My hand left a small red mark on his left cheek for a while before his vampire power healed it. He slowly turned his head towards me, with his own hand on the place I slapped him, shocked that I (a little, mortal witch) was that dumb-brave to do this.
I breathed heavily as I stared into his impenetrable oceanic iris.
"Because I… you… we can't…" He leaned his head down toward mine so that our noses were touching. Our lips were disconcertingly close for me to express any logical thought that wasn't related to HIM.
"Y/N!! We're going to be late! Hurry up!" Katherine's voice made me jump out of the hybrid's embrace, scared of what might have happened in the art room if she hadn't interrupted us.
Before I left the room, he grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I fell straight into his chest. His second hand grabbed around my waist, making sure I wouldn't go before he stopped talking.
"Have your fun, love. We'll continue this discussion when you return." he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. 
"Y/N! What could possibly be taking so long?!"
"We have nothing to discuss." I growled, yanking myself out of his grip, and went out without even looking at him.
I need vodka or I'll completely lose my mind.
"Ha ha, I can't believe it!" I was laughing so hard when Rebekah finished her story about Klaus and Elijah running from bees when they were humans.
"I swear to you, they came out of the river drenched as ducks, only to meet some "huge and terrifying wild beast" and roll in the mud to let him lose their scent. They screamed like little girls as he approached them and growled at them. Kol was bursting with laughter, but in the end our mother's old fur fell off him and he had to run away from them."
"All right! How do I look?" Katherine emerged from the dressing room, making an impressive turn in front of us to present her dress (not a particularly successful one, given how much alcohol we had consumed).
"I like it, but you look much better in your real wedding dress." Freya commented as she adjusted Cami's fake veil.
Yes. All five of us decided to put on white dresses and continue our evening dressed like this. I have no fucking idea how it happened.
"I know where we should go next!" Rebekah screamed, threw my legs off her and got off the couch. She ran over to Katherine, showing her something on her phone and whispering conspiratorially. I shrugged, grabbing a bottle of champagne.
Freya snatched the bottle from my hand, handing it to Cami. The barmaid drank the rest of its contents and sat down next to me. I put my head on her lap so she could comb my hair. I closed my eyes, feeling a little relaxed for the first time in weeks. The quiet whispers of the vampires in the background and the slow, calming movements of the blonde's hand were a wonderful sleep aid.
"Don't fall asleep, sleeping princess! We're going dancing." an enthusiastic Rebekah nudged me gently on the arm, trying to pull me out of my own world.
"Dancing? Where?" I asked, opening one eye to look unconvinced at the blonde.
"You will see. Come on, the night is still young, and we're not drunk enough." the vampire grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs to the waiting limousine.
The five of us drank chilled champagne from the limousine in seconds, continuing to talk nonsense until we were at the door of the club Rebekah wanted to take us to.
If I had seen its name better, maybe I would have realized that this is the same place the guys went to celebrate Elijah's bachelor party, and maybe what happened later that night wouldn't have happened at all.
But we all went inside and lost each other in a sea of other people.
I looked around the crowd until I saw a familiar face at the bar. Instantly, my heart warmed, and the unreasonable desire to approach him overcame the rational side of my brain. I ran towards him, doing my best not to step on the white dress. Without knowing why, the people around me immediately let me through, so I didn't have to push through them.
"Nikkie!" I screamed when I saw the hybrid. I made a few steps toward him, and I fell into his arms, tripping over my fake wedding dress. I could hear Kol chuckling in the background. "I've missed you, love."
"You know I can get you two married at any moment, brother? Just say a word."
Kol took his beer from the bar as I leaned dangerously close to him, threatening to accidentally spill the alcohol down my dress. Klaus held me closer to him so that I wouldn't wobble from side to side, checking to make sure my drunken walk towards them didn't injure me in the process.
"Shut up, Kol. She's drunk."
"Hey! I'm not drunk, but you're ridiculously hot when you're mad." I giggled as I cupped his face and kissed a crease between his eyebrows. "And so sweet when you're confused." I said, chuckling after he gave me an incredulous look.
"The offer is still valid." a vampire muttered under his breath, teasing his brother.
"For bloody hell, Kol, I'm not gonna marry her!" he growled at him. Suddenly, I felt very sad. Tears came to my eyes from nowhere.
"No? Why? You don't love me?" I asked, sobbing. His eyes immediately fell on my weeping form in pure panic. Nik gently pulled me to him and cupped my cheek, wiping away my tears with his thumb as he looked at me softly.
"Yes, Nikkie, don't you love her?" Kol interrupted our moment, much to Klaus' annoyance and anger.
"If you want to live to see tomorrow, get out of my sight. Now."
"Have fun together, Nikkie!"
He followed him with his eyes until he disappeared into the crowd of others. His eyes softened as he looked at my tear-stained face.
"Love, why are you crying?" he asked softly, wiping away my tears.
"Because you don't love me at all!" he sighed, hugging me tighter and kissing my head tenderly.
"Of course I love you." he whispered timidly into my hair.
"You do?" I moved away from him, placing my hands on his chest so that I could hold onto his body the whole time while looking into his eyes.
"It's impossible not to, love. Can we go home now?"
"No. Say it again."
"That you love me."
"Y/N. You're drunk, just come with me and…" I cut him off by catching his stupid, beautiful lips in a kiss.
At first, he stayed there, shocked, not even making the slightest move. I got a little irritated after a while, so I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him closer, biting his lower lip until it bled. I moaned in a kiss, as I could feel his sweet, addictive blood on my tongue. Without knowing why, I felt "the alcohol mist" in which I found myself begin to slowly leave my body. In the next moment, that annoying man finally started to respond to my affection. His arms were all around me, reaching into every part of my body.
In an attempt to regain control, his lips began chasing mine. We fought with each other, giving all our hidden passion, anger, and frustration into that kiss. But it still wasn't enough for me. And he knew this.
"Don't be such an asshole and stop teasing." I groaned, breaking away from him for a moment.
"Never." he whispered against my lips, skillfully avoiding mine.
"For the love of God! Kiss me right or…" I moaned as he interrupted my threat by biting into the sensitive skin of my neck.
He was drinking from me.
Klaus. Fucking. Mikaelson. Was drinking from me.
And it felt amazing.
I gasped, pulling his hair with one hand and grabbing his muscular shoulder with the other. After a few minutes, he pulled away from my neck and kissed me again, this time complying with my request. During our demanding kiss, I felt a trickle of blood running down my neck to my chest. The wound closed in a matter of seconds.
I summoned my magic to teleport us to his room. More specifically, his bed. I started to rip off his shirt so as not to interrupt our kissing session. But hybrid has other plans.
He pulled away from my bruised, tingling lips and grabbed my hands just as I was about to get to the waistband of his pants.
"We need to stop, love."
"Why? I thought you wanted me."
"I do."
"Then shut up and kiss me."
"No. We can't. Not like that." he sighed as I started to bite and make hickeys on his neck. He grabbed my hair, pulling me closer.
"Don't act like you didn't dream of it. Like you don't wanna feel my hot, naked body on yours. Like you don't wanna drink from me while fucking me and leaving marks on all of me to make it clear to everyone that I'm yours." I whispered against the skin of his neck.
"Y/N. Stop." he growled, pushing me away from him when he felt my hand dangerously close to his pants' fly.
"Why? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't finally get this damn feeling out of our system!"
"That's not how it works and you well know that."
"God! Why do you always have to make things so hard for me?!" I started gathering my things, intending to leave the refusing-me hybrid.
"Where are you going?!"
"To Tom! Maybe he will be a man and fuck me, if you don't want." I found myself instantly in his strong embrace. He was breathing rapidly, his pupils so dilated that his blue irises were almost impossible to see. He desired me. If he wanted me too, then why didn't he use his chance?
"Be careful what you wish for, love."
"Let me go. I wasted enough time for you." I groaned as I tried to break free from his grip.
"You're not going anywhere."
"Why?" I asked, lifting my head in challenge.
"Because you're MINE. Mine to touch, mine to kiss, mine to fucked from your mind every single thing that isn't me. We belong to each other. And you hate it. So much so that you can't accept the feelings that are between us. This is why you gonna go back to my bed and sleep by my side so I can make sure you're not going to do something incredible stupid tonight."
"Don't act like a protective boyfirend, if you don't care about me." I choked out, taking advantage of the fact that he doesn't look me in the eye and instead places small kisses on my face.
"You stupid woman, don't you see how much I've already done for you just to keep you safe and happy?"
"You wanna make me happy? You wanna satisfy me? You wanna make sure I'm only yours? Then shut up and finally let it happen." I kissed him, pushing him on his back, so I could sit on him.
I started to strip myself, looking straight at him. His chest rose and fell at the speed of light, black pupils completely replacing his blue irises. I take a moment to appreciate his tattoo and kiss every flying bird.
"Lie that you love me." he said, after turning us so I was under him.
"It wouldn't be a lie." I thought as he kissed his way to my underwear.
"I know it's part of your game. Just... pretend for a moment you really feel something for me Y/N."
"It's not a game anymore. And since our first meeting, I have felt for you... everything."
"You win." he said, kissing me with all of his desire for me, and trying to get any response out of me.
"You win.'" I thought, letting myself get lost in the feeling of his skin on mine. "And I'm fucking terrified of it."
Consciousness begins to slowly return to my battered, relaxed body. I sighed, snuggling into something warm and cozy beneath me. I put my head in a more comfortable position and took a breath of the amazing perfume.
Klaus' perfume.
I froze in place, afraid to make any move. After a few minutes, I finally decided to hesitantly open my eyes and lift my head slightly.
My fucking God.
I slept with Klaus Mikaelson.
With my brain overheating from the new information, I had the opportunity to take a closer look at the unconscious hybrid. He looked so... innocent when he slept. And carefree, even blissfully, judging by his gentle smile, which I could see despite the darkness in the room.
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The disheveled hair on his head only made him even hotter. It was also helped by the fact that I was probably the perpetrator of his messy look.
I tried to slowly put myself out of his arms to get the phone, but Klaus instantly held me closer when he felt from his sleep my littlest move. I carefully placed my head back on his chest. I let myself hear his beating heart and smell his addictive perfume for the moment.
Curiously, I looked around his room, enjoying as much as I could of what little peace I had left before my partner woke up. For a moment, I could imagine that Klaus was my boyfriend, we led a dull, safe life together devoid of anything supernatural. Hope lives with Hayley for a week, with us for the second, his family comes over once a month for dinner together. And above all, no one wants to kill us, we have no enemies from whom we must defend our loved ones. Maybe we'd even get married and have children of our own?
"OH MY GOD! Klaus! Hey. Nik. We have to get up, or we'll be late for the wedding! Oh, come on! You can't sleep that hard! Niklaus!" I screamed. I tried to pull his arm to wake him up, but his eyes were still closed. "If you don't wake up, I'll smear your room with all those expensive paints you have."
"Shh, five more minutes, love." he mumbled, turning on his side and pinning me to his bed with his arm. He pulled me closer, burying his nose in my hair.
"Katherine is going to kill me if we miss her wedding." I said in panic, unknowingly brushing his hair with my fingers.
"I won't let her do this." he tightened his grip on me, still in his semi-conscious state. "You might as well not mention her name in my bed."
"Klaus, I'm serious. Move. We have to get together."
"Vile woman, have you no pity on me?"
"Not even a little. Now get off me, you're heavy." I moaned under him, trying to move his body.
"I have a better idea of how to spend the day than being at my brother's wedding with the devil. I think you'll like it too. Last night, you did. Very much, considering the moans of my name coming out of your beautiful, alluring mouth."
"Yeah… talking about last night. It doesn't change anything, right? I mean… we're… we not…"
I stopped as he placed his head close to mine so he could lick up the dried blood from my neck. This man would be my death.
"Penny for your TRUE toughts?" he whispered against my neck, pulling away from it to look into my eyes.
"I just..."
"Yhm?" he leaned closer to my lips, but before he could kiss me, I pushed him off me and off the bed, sending him crashing to the floor. I took the opportunity to wrap myself in his duvet, running into the hybrid's bathroom before he recovered from my unexpected move.
"Dress up. We have to be there in 10 minutes. Don't forget the wedding rings!" I screamed, knowing full well that he would hear me through the closed door even if I was whispering. I listened for a moment, standing perfectly still, until I heard his grumpy mumbling and footsteps walking away.
With a sigh, I leaned against the door, sliding myself down to the floor. Memories of last night started to slowly come back to my mind, including his half-drunk "I love you."
What the hell have I done?
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crimsonlyinglilly · 3 months
Day 9 “I made a mistake.”
| Accident | Acceptance | Blame |
a step from Cage founder to a new AU and another day for @juneofdoom, even if this link to the Prompt is a little fragile.
New AU- Lost Gods and Found Memories
Katherine had arranged Cade’s death to give her the rightful place as Queen of Hell, she didn’t realise how rightful until she sat on the throne and Remembered.
Hades!Katherine and Perserphone!Elijah
Katherine felt Cade die as she planned, she had manipulated him with ease, disappointingly, considering his age but it was all to get her the power she deserved.  
But she hadn’t expected the rush of memories as she sat on the throne
Katherine was just the latest in many names, Hades, Pluto, God of the dead and the King of the underworld.
Mortal lives had brought new experiences and feelings as they were meant to, but he should have known better than to expect his wife not to follow. Persephone swore the return and always did while he swore to wait and yet he hadn’t been there last she returned for him..
They found each other still, unknowing lead back to each other
The memories of the many human lives give him brief views of his wife, goddess of spring following him in his foolish plan.
This last life blurred, he had spent so long as she, fearing running for her life, an experience she had never felt as a god.
With her memories and powers suddenly returned she was hit with a vast loneliness, beyond the absence of his other half, his beloved wife and queen.
He couldn’t feel his brother or his brother’s children. Only two, sister still bound where Ken had cursed her and a niece upon the earth still.
The afterlives shake at the return of their lord, and just as soon as the throne is filled, it sits empty again as Hades-Katherine leaves for a chat with their sister.
He-she can feel the absence of their brother and his many children, but something is far more concerning, enough for her to set aside her plans to toy with the Salvatores, the throne besides his sits empty.
A feeling she could accept, after all they did half the year but the connection between them was distant and wrong; Persephone, the goddess of spring and life; his other half felt cold and numb.
Katherine had memories of human lives seeing Persephone in their loves, he should have known she would follow him in his foolish plan, they always found each other in their lives until his other half vanished a thousand years ago. 
Her life as Tatia was foggy and she had a faint memory of Persephone shining bright though dark kind eyes, but that life ended and since then every life had been empty without her, until Katherine where while she had loved, but she had never found her wife.
She remembered sad lonely dark eyes, Katarina, the accented voice, soft gentle smile, but that couldn't be true, she may have become a vampire but the goddess of spring couldn’t have been changed to her opposite.
Not without interference, then again his time as a mortal was only meant to last a human lifetime not dozens and that change stunk of Ken’s touch, brother had alway been a controlling pest. She should have known better after what he did to Lynn and the way he had further restricted his-her own ability to enter the living world.
Which led to the other issue, the laughter in his halls of madness missing, Persephone may have follow them into their foolish experiment to live as a human but Melinoe, their daughter wouldn’t have, she should have claimed his thrones until he returned, but she was alost Ken’s darling grandchild and she would have followed him.
Where ever her brother was, Melinoe would be, so she needed a talk with the one family he felt the one he could speak to.
She appears in front of a skeleton.
They looked at each other, behind the skeleton, in a distance Katherine could see the shore of their ‘home’.
“You look different.” She arched her brow as the ferryman.
“Brother.” Lynn called as she returned to her original shape, “I felt you return, I must say you looked rather different yourself. ”
“Sister,” Katherine inclined her head in return, “I suppose I would be sister as well now.”
“You prefer that shape?” Lynn asked.
“I’ve had it long enough, I'll be keeping the name too.”
“Katherine then.” Lynn acknowledged to before continuing "I suppose our niece would feel the same about her new shape since she has had it longer than you.”
Katherine’s heart froze she had arrived here for news of their sibling and his clutch and most importantly Melinoe, discovering what had changed with Persephone could've waited she would be irate if she placed her before their daughter but if Lynn already knew she could arrange the memories to wake early, return them to their pattern, his-her wife by her side six months of the year, whatever their shape she didn’t care.
Once he would have waited, but she was different, five hundred years had managed to teach an old gods new tricks.
However barred from the living world as she was, she would need pawns, but first the identity.
“You know where my wife is?” Katherine asked, keeping her voice calm even as she wanted to demand it.
“You know him, well.” Lynn doesn’t answer and her smile was almost enough to make Katherine scream before it hit her.
Sad, lonely but so soft dark eyes.
I do not believe in love
The words had sent a dagger into her heart, far sharper than it should have but now she understands why,
Oh my love, my heart, my beloved wife, my queen
She sucked a breath in through her teeth;
Kindness and the want to be good, yet the cold ruthlessness he possessed.
A love for the living.
The loyalty and love to a family who didn’t treasure it as they should.
She cursed suddenly as she realised her plans of paying back Niklaus Mikaelson for trying to sacrifice her, for hunting her for five hundred would have to be given up.
Persephone was protective of those she loved; she hadn’t changed that during her human lives, Elijah was not different.
Having her wife by her side and free from the Mikaelsons for half a year would have to do
Still she knew who her wife was now, and why she had grown numb in their connection.
Her memories as Tatia hit her, dark eyes before something had stolen the temporary humanity and made a new kind of monster.
I choose you, Elijah
A first kiss by the pig's pen.
His attempt to hold back against a new beastly hunger, but he was only human, the sleeping power of a goddess was useless to help.
He had chased her down, feasted on her, killed her, and yet she didn’t blame him. Someone- no they, the unworthy parents of him, had corrupted her wife and left him to suffer for it, who had used her blood to do it.
It wasn't just blood that had changed them, it was her blood, the blood of Persephone's other half for all none of them would have known that.
From the start of their relationship he had feared he would corrupt her, that too long in the dark would dull and weaken her but she had brought warmth and light into his halls.
To think someone else would unknowingly used him to change her, to cut Persephone off from very thing that made her, Life.
Centuries ago he would have waited, now though, Katherine had lived lives waiting for her other half, now she was going to get what she wanted; Elijah’s restoration to everything he should be, the throne beside her own filled for their half year, Melinoe’s return, she cared nothing for Ken and the others.
Katherine returned to hell once she got what little Lynn could tell her about what had happened to her first daughter, she was pleased to see the servants were already returning it to her former court, Cerberus sitting by his throne waiting.
She would need pawns within the living world to gather and act in her stead, thankfully she knew just where a powerful witch was along with a easily used set of vampires, the return of a few loved ones would work well to show her power and motivate them to follow her orders.
Once she cared about the rules but that was before Katherine, she had learned much over that last life, besides Nature would bend in the goal of returning one of it’s beloved daughters to the way they should be.
While she waited she had plenty to do, Hale and most of her other human children from the human lives had long passed and crossed over by Lynn making them out of her own reach.
But Nadia, her poor daughter, ever loyal, centuries searching for her only to die for it, her daughter, her youngest, had remained in limbo since the fall of the other side. Easily collected by her servants, finally Katherine could fulfil her promise and give her daughter everything she deserves.
Speaking of deserved, she would have Esther and Mikael brought to her, neither had moved on and unlike her brother and wife’s first set of parents nothing would save them from her ire at the treatment her Persephone had dealt with from them, and corruption they dealt.
Perhaps she would look into who else was tied to her bride’s current life that hadn’t moved on, prepare a proper count for the Queen of Hell to return to.
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kalijah100 · 12 days
21 Guns (Kalijah)
*As I Lay Dying*
Do you know what’s worth fighting for
When it’s not worth dying for
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating
Does the pain weigh out the price
And you look for a place to hide
        It was a dismal night, as Katherine, having been bitten by a werewolf the night before, walked around town during the festival, weak and sweaty and hallucinating. She wasn’t in her right mind, as she stumbled through the crowd of partiers. She was dying from the bite, but knew that Klaus wouldn’t cure her unless he had a good reason to. That reason would most likely be Elijah.
*England 1492- Flashback/Hallucination*
Did someone break your heart inside
You’re in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
When you’re at the end of the road
And you’ve lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
And your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
        It was a beautiful day, as Katerina ran through the woods with the moonstone, running from Elijah and some humans whom wanted her back to help Klaus break the curse. Klaus needed her to die in a ritual to break it though, and she’d rather not die.
        She tripped over a twig and fell to the ground, but was okay.
        “Katerina, it’s pointless to run! Klaus will find you wherever you are!” he said, loud enough for her human ears to hear.
*1492- Mikaelson Estate- Flashback/Hallucination*
Your Faith is on broken glass
And the hangover doesn’t last
Nothing is ever built to last
You’re in ruins
You’re in ruins
You’re in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
        It was a beautiful day on the Mikaelson estate, as Elijah and Katerina played chase.
        She stopped running and gave a laugh as she said, “You’re meant to catch me.”
        He smiled and said, “Well, if I catch you, then the game will be over.”
Did you?
Did you try to live on your own
When you
When you blacked out the house and home
Did you?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness
Promise storm
When it’s time to live and let die
And you can’t get another try
Something inside this heart has died
        She lay on the ground, too weak to go anywhere now. She hoped that someone that didn’t want her to die would find and help her. She didn’t want to die, but she didn’t have any strength left to ask for help.
        She closed her eyes, tired and weak and burning up. She knew she’d been a bad person for centuries. She just hoped that someday she may be forgiven for that, whether she lived or not. She didn’t think that she would live though. She knew she was very close to joining the Other Side with all her deceased friends. She wanted so much for this pain to go away, though she would never admit to anyone but herself and Elijah how much pain she was in, or that she was in any pain at all.
You’re in ruins
You’re in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
You and I
        Meanwhile, Elijah had found out that she had been bitten by a werewolf, so he was out looking for her.
        After an hour or two, he finally found her on her back on the ground, a ways away from the festival. He knew the way she looked, she didn’t have much time left.
        He blurred to her side.
        He gently got to his feet with her in his arms and blurred towards home. He just hoped that she’d make it.
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
        Once home, he gently layed her down in his bed, before going downstairs to go and try to convince Klaus to cure her.
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms
Into the sky
        As she lay there, she could feel the darkness closing in, but she didn’t fight it. She was too weak and in too much silent pain to fight against it. Besides, she figured that it was her time. Plus, to her, death would be kind. At least she wouldn’t be in anymore pain if she died.
        When she woke up an hour later, she saw that she was in Elijah’s bed and she was no longer dying, which meant that Elijah had found her and Klaus had actually cured her. She knew that without Elijah, he never would have cured her. He would have just let her die.
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katherinereilly19 · 2 years
OC - Annalee Mikaelson portrayed by Adelaide Kane
In Oldest Mikaelson Sister, Annalee is the one in the coffin not Esther. When Bonnie and Abby wake her up, Elena and the Salvatores have to deal with the fact that they are out of their depth. Anna does not want to kill her siblings but protect them, where Esther failed them as a mother, she excelled. She says that she does not have favorites but the entire family knows that Kol, Nik and Rebekah are her favorites.
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(not my gif)
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thememoriesofaqueen · 2 years
A Valentine's Surprise
A/N:  This is for all my loyal readers who have accompanied me for several years. Thank you for your support <3 Happy Valentine's Day 2023 <3
Pairing: Kalijah (Elijah Mikaelson x Katherine Pierce)
Word Count: 2,3k
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Summary: It's Valentine's Day and while Katherine isn't a fan of cheesy expressions of love that only get made once a year, she is disappointed that Elijah seems to be more interested in his books.
Tick tock, tick, tock. The ticking of the old grandfather clock was - alongside the occasional sound of a page getting turned over - the only noise that filled the air in the otherwise awfully quiet room.
Katherine lounged on the divan and shot dagger gazes at the book currently placed in Elijah's lap. It looked old and boring and she couldn't fathom what made Elijah interested in it. Perhaps it was indeed the fact that it was old which fascinated Elijah. A doubtful taste, especially since he could have something much more interesting.
A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she threw her head back, audibly making her displeasure known. Unfortunately, her attempts seemed to remain unnoticed. Elijah's eyes were still glued to that damn book and without looking up from it, he even reached out for his cup of probably-already-cold tea to take a sip.
What was it that he had said? 'Katerina, I think a quiet afternoon would be nice. Perhaps you even want to join me in the pleasures of reading. I can recommend xy book.' – or something along the line.
At first, Katherine had thought that he was joking but to her great horror he really meant his words and now he was sitting there with that damn book in his lap which occupied his entire attention. Certainly not what she had expected today.
Surely – and Katherine wanted to put great importance on it – she is no one who expects cheesy things on Valentine's Day. Hell, she doesn't even want to be showered in flowers and balloons and stuffed animals (and whatever else gets gifted on these days). It appeared to be fake and if one isn't the romantic type of person the other 364 days of the year, one shouldn't bother to make a 180° turn on a day that's incredibly commercially exploited. 
Nonetheless, she had expected more than being literally completely ignored by Elijah.
Elijah, the man that shows his affection in and with the tiniest actions. The man who gives her a kiss on her forehead before she falls asleep and the man who often quickly pecks her cheek when he passes by her. But on the day that is literally known in the world as the most romantic day of the year, he chooses to ignore her, read, and even recommends she read a book herself.
It's unbelievable and makes her want to pout. What was exactly what she decided to do now. 
Again, it goes entirely unnoticed. Not even another dramatic sigh made him look up.
How is life so damn unfair?
Katherine pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes as she continued to eye Elijah. For once, he seemed to be entirely relaxed although highly focused on that treacherous book in his lap. A porcelain cup with tea stood on the table next to his armchair which made her wonder if it was finally empty or not. This book enchanted him so much that he even forgot the leave-water he had made himself after he told her he desired a quiet afternoon. He seemed content, which only made her own dissatisfaction worse.
Katherine decided she had enough of this awful state, so she finally got up from the divan and headed over to him. Her heels echoed on the wooden floor but Elijah only looked up at her when she (carefully) lifted the book up and placed herself on his lap instead so that her knees were left and right beside his legs and she was comfortably squatting on his lap. It was a little straitened on that armchair but she didn't care. Katherine could see a little sparkle in his eyes, but otherwise, he kept a straight face.
He did, however, take the book out of her hands and put it on the armrest so he can continue to read. At least he slipped his other arm around her waist and therefore kept her close to him.
Was that progress? Probably. Better than nothing, she supposed.
She put her arms around his neck and nuzzled her nose in the spot where his neck met his shoulder. 
The brunette kept quiet for a while, enjoying his proximity although she got more annoyed the more time passed and the more he turned yet another page in his book.
"Elijah", she mumbled against his neck which caused the hand that was lying flat on her back to draw small (and admittedly incredibly relaxing) circles on it. It was, however, still not the reaction she desired.
Instead, she now started to plant kisses along his neck and let her fingers slide through the hair on the nape of his neck. Surely that must ignite some kind of reaction.
"Elijah?", she mumbled again against his skin and this time, she got a reaction from him.
"Yes, Katerina?"
"Is this book more attracting than me?", she asked and finally lifted her head away from his neck so that she could face him.
Elijah raised his eyebrows and looked at her in amusement.
"Of course not."
"Then why do you keep ignoring me?"
"Who says I'm ignoring you?"
"Your lack of response?"
Her statement let him hum which in turn let his chest vibrate softly. "I enjoy your presence thoroughly, my darling Katerina. Is that what makes you so upset?"
"I'm not upset, Elijah", she retorted.
"The pout on your lips tells me otherwise," he stated and finally set the book from the armrest to the side table before he placed both hands on her hips.
"Well, I was thinking you'd want to go out. Have a nice lunch or dinner perhaps. But you're glued to that book." Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow which quickly changed into a frown when she noticed him chuckling lowly. "What's so funny?", she asked in confusion.
"Well, I did ask you to join me in reading, didn't I?"
"You did. I still don't see the connection."
"But it appears you didn't follow my book recommendation?" he looked at her questioningly although he must know the answer. Of course, she hadn't followed his recommendation because she didn't intend on spending the day reading.
"Perhaps you should", he added after a while as he noticed her gaze darken.
After she made no movement to get up or even consider his words, he started to brush his hands up and down her hips, his expression softening. "Please, Katerina."
Katherine narrowed her eyes and couldn't possibly deny his request. Not when he asks her like that.
"Fine." She got up from her place on his lap as elegantly as possible. "What was the title again?"
"Poetry Of The Nymphs."
Right. She knew there was a reason she didn't start to read. Not only because she wanted to go out or at least do something with him - and by 'with him' she meant a joint activity and not separate reading. The last thing she wanted was to read poems that sounded like a magical fairytale. Or whatever its content was.
Her gaze now wandered to the four gigantic shelves full of books. They weren't put in there in a messy type of thing, no, they were all neatly lined up despite the big number of books. But how was she supposed to find one single book? She didn't even know what it looked like.
Seeking help, she turned to Elijah.
"No, Katerina, you were supposed to find it yourself."
She gave him a look that showed him that she wasn't in the mood for searching. Especially not after he still insisted on her getting that damn book.
Apparently, there was something in her gaze that made him sigh and get up. With a targeted grip, he reached into the upper half of the third shelf and pulled out a very old-looking book. Without commenting, he handed her the book and then stepped back a few steps.
He seemed like he was genuinely curious about her reaction to that book. Something she couldn't really comprehend because he cannot expect her to want to join a book club. But if he insisted...
Katherine's gaze landed on the leather cover of the quite heavy book. It had a dark red hue and still looked kinda new despite its age. She assumed it must have been in Elijah's possession for a long time or at least had a careful pre-owner. She couldn’t explain it otherwise.
Deciding it's best if she sits down and places the book on her lap due to its heaviness, Katherine returned to her previous location on the divan.
With another quick glance at Elijah, she opened the book. She had no idea where to start because it had a lot of sides and she certainly can't read all that in one sitting. To her great surprise, however, it seemed to want to open itself and showed her the right spot. Not because it was magic but mainly because she found a dry, pressed flower in it. It was a single, dark-purple carnation.
She carefully took the flower, that had previously hidden a poem in old, very swinging letters written underneath it, out of the page. It had a beautiful color and she wondered what it did in there. It certainly didn't belong to the book and it surely wasn't a bookmark. Did Elijah leave it in there?
Perhaps she had to focus on the poem on this page to find the answer. She figured it had something to do with it since she didn’t believe this was a random finding. It was a bit difficult to read but after a few seconds, she had it covered.
The poem was about a man who was deeply in love with a woman but who was too shy to ask the woman of his dreams out, afraid that his feelings weren't returned. So he decided to communicate with flowers. He deliberately avoided roses that would make his feelings too obvious, instead, he chose carnations. At first, he secretly brought a bouquet of white carnations to her which were associated with purity and luck. After he saw her accepting the white flowers, he continued to secretly give her more flowers. They became more and more colorful - or rather intense - after she accepted the last bouquet and had the same reaction as before. He brought her light red carnations after the white ones, that were associated with conveying admiration. Eventually, he brought her darker shaded carnations which expressed deeper sentiments of love and affection. When he secretly brought her a bouquet of dark purple and red carnations, he was discovered by her as she had waited for the secret admirer to show up.
Katherine had to turn the page to discover how the story ends. She found an ivory, small envelope between the next two sides but choose to ignore it for the time being, feeling like it was important to finish the poem first.
After the woman had unmasked her secret admirer, the man finally had the courage to declare his love. To his great relief, his feelings were returned and the woman declared that she too had admired him from afar. The poem ended with them starting a happy and loving relationship.
Katherine smiled but didn't dare to look up at Elijah. Somehow her own heart started to pound after she took the envelope that was waiting to be opened. She could tell that this envelope didn't belong to this old book and as she turned it around, she could see 'Katerina' being written in familiar, elegant handwriting on it.
"What's this?" she asked and finally looked up to discover that Elijah was still standing in the same spot as before and watching her with great interest.
"You have to open it to find out," was his simple reply and she could tell that there was a certain fondness in his expression.
Now her heart started to pound even more as she carefully opened the envelope.
In it was a simple but expensive unilateral ivory card. Its paper was thick and looked like it was for special occasions. She again discovered Elijah's elegant handwriting on it. It said:
'Dearest Katerina, it would be my greatest honor to let me take you out tonight. Until I receive your answer, I remain in hopeful anticipation. Yours forever Elijah'
Katherine's lips opened slightly because of how beautiful and thoughtful this was. It was beyond romantic and it made her speechless.
"Elijah...." she looked up to see him slowly stepping towards her, the fondness in his expression now more prominent than before.
"I do hope I shall receive your approval", he said softly and extended his hand to help her up and which she took.
"Of course you do, Elijah. I'd be more than happy to go out with you," she whispered and wrapped her arms around his neck before she leaned in to kiss him. As she expected (and hoped), Elijah returned the kiss, and let his hand rest on her cheek, his thumb brushing along her jawline.
"You make me a very happy man, Katerina." He whispered in return as soon as their lingering kiss ended.
"I guess there was a reason that you wanted me to read this afternoon," Katherine said with a soft giggle.
"I certainly hoped you would. Seems like my strategy didn't entirely work out."
Now she understood why he ignored her because he hoped she would give in and read to help with her boredom. And now she also understood why he initially didn't want to help her search the book. He wanted to build up tension. Some kind of game he knew she would usually enjoy.
"Thank you, Elijah. I enjoyed it and I believe I have never been asked out like this before. I won't ever forget it." And she meant every word she said. It meant a lot to her that he chose such a special way to ask her out.
"I love you, Katerina."
"And I love you."
Now, this day could only end up fantastic and memorable.
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I got this idea for a kalijah prompt. I don’t know I’m going to continue it or just leave it here but I have been thinking about it all night. So I thought I would share it with everyone.
Prompt: Katherine and Elena identical twins and 17 their parents died last year and they now live with their wealthy grandmother in palm beach Florida. Hayley is hired to be their latest tutor. She only lasts a day. Stefan is the new tutor. The girls are not thrilled by this new tutor. Katherine is dating 19 year old Elijah Mikaelson. Katherine and Elijah only see each other during the summer but this summer Elijah has been busy so they haven’t been able to see each other as much.
“Time to meet the girls.”
Hayley takes breath as she puts her hands on the double door handles and the girls bedroom. She looks so out of place in this home. This is sophisticated and up class and she’s in jeans very worn sneakers a tank top and a cropped jacket.
When the girls came to live with their grandmother last year they could of choose different rooms, they don’t like to be apart and especially not after what happened last year so they sleep in the same room.
“Alright time to wake up.”
Katherine wakes up startled and pulls out her stun gun doesn’t even lift her purple sleep mask and aims the stun gun at the noise. Hitting Hayley in the chest and she goes down. Elena pulled her red sleep mask up and sees Hayley shaking on the floor. “Kat I think your shot our new tutor.”
Katherine has laid back down in her bed full of purples and blacks “new or not she needs to learn one way or another.”
Elena can’t argue with that she pulls her mask back down and lays back down her bed is full of reds and pinks.
A couple hours later Katherine and Elena come into the kitchen, Katherine is a blue wrap dress and a Elena is in pink shorts with a white tank top. They notice Hayley sitting at the table. “Oh your still here?”
“Katherine is sorry just everyone knows not to come into our room before noon. And you did look tired so knocking you out actually helped so in a way Katherine helped you.”
Hayley doesn’t even know what to say to that she looks up at the chef Sophie who just rolls her eyes and places a bowl of fruit in front of each girl.
“I was going over the reading list and you girls have to read a book before the school year which is next week. So what book did you choose.”
Katherine rolls her eyes as she pops a blueberry in her eyes. Elena replies to her “we didn’t choose a book it’s summer and we were busy.”
As Hayley is about to explain something they hear a car horn from outside and Katherine smiles and glances over at her sister. “Daddy’s here.”
Both girls laugh as they get up. Hayley looks back at the chef. “I thought their parents died.”
“They did that would be Katherine’s boyfriend Elijah.”
Katherine runs out to the motor court and standing next to his Lamborghini is 19 year old Elijah Mikaelson in a green v neck and a pair of jeans, Katherine jumps on him and wraps her arms around his neck her legs around his waist. He holds her tightly. “I missed you my Katerina.”
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umaficwriter · 1 year
We Never Go Out Of Style is back!
You can read it on AO3 or FFNET
enjoy and PLEASE read the notes!
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juicyfruit-22 · 2 months
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The Juiciest Recap #1
Hey y'all, welcome to the juiciest recap! I LOVE reading fanfiction, so I decided to share some of the fics I've enjoyed. Be sure to check out my sideblog @juicyfruit22-library for more recs!
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HansenKemp (Fresh + Gray Man)
Married to Chaos by @readmymindao3
ItaFushi (Jujutsu Kaisen)
from hell, with love by terriana
The Rabbit in the Moon by @zillala
NaruSasu (Naruto)
Darkness Written on Your Soul by GoldenEyesObession
Stucky (MCU)
Up Close and Personal by @dontcallmebree
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Currently Reading...
Cut Him Out In Little Stars (Stucky) by @gloromeien
give him something to believe in (Stucky) by @howdoyousleep3
The House Always Wins (HansenKemp) by Read_My_Mind
The Taste of Blood and Wine (Kalijah) by quillsandinkwells
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Rating TVD ships :
Stelena: 6/10. Paul and Nina had good chemistry and it was certainly the better option of the two main ships but I found them very vanilla and I take the stance that the brothers ruined Elena so I can’t bring myself to fully support it. Also, the retconning of this ship after season 4 always bugged me.
Delena: 1/10. Nothing about this toxic ship made sense and it was clearly done as fan service. Elena HATED Damon in the earlier seasons and it was clear her only loved her because of Katherine. Damon was clearly manipulative towards Elena, always controlling and undermining her, and I have already mentioned the fact that the Salvatore brothers traumatised Elena and ruined her life.
Steroline: 4/10. This ship had the sole purpose of giving two main characters an ending with another person. It was boring and they were obviously better as friends. However, they weren’t overly toxic or impactful so I didn’t mind them too much.
Bamon: 8/10. It was much better than Delena and their chemistry was good. Their time in the prison world was one of the only semi-interesting elements of the story after Katherine died . Bonnie deserved a dynamic love interest and she brouggt out the good in Damon, something that Elena did the opposite of. However, I don’t see the ship lasting as Bonnie is a very moral character and Damon is pretty much the opposite.
Klaroline: -100000/10. Everything about this ship sucked. His attraction and interest in Caroline made no sense and realistically she would be a brief fling at best. Her sleeping with the guy who essentially wanted to kill her best mate was shady and the fact that KATHERINE of all people had to call this out was honestly sad. Also some ( not all ) of their fans are so annoying, always complaining that they didn’t end up together and disregarding all of the pain that Klaus caused. Most TVD fanfiction revolves around either them or Dullena and this is really annoying to me, as someone who doesn’t ship them.
Forwood: 3/10. It’s better than Klaroline but it’s still toxic and both characters annoyed me when they were together. Caroline was better when paired with one of the other girls or Stefan ( as a friend ) and I thought that Tyler was always either boring or a horrible person.
Steferine: 5/10. Paul and Nina’s chemistry really shone with this pairing and they were interesting in season 2 but as time went on they became tiresome and Katherine’s obsession in season 5 was both annoying and completely out of character. I was much more interested in the Katherine / Caroline dynamic and also the Katherine / Elena dynamic than the Steferine one in this season.
Kalijah: -5/10. This man found a way to free her but chose not to use it and instead was going to allow her to die at the hands of Klaus. Then he got upset when she fled to stay alive and held it against her for years. Finally, when they had a fling in season 4, he broke up with her and betrayed her over killing ONE guy who was her enemy, conveniently ignoring the amount of innocent people that he and his family have killed. Everything about this ship, aside from the actor’s chemistry, sucked and the idea that he was loyal to her for 500 years is absolute bull.
That’s it for now, but I may do a part 2 with some non-canon ships or any canon ships that I haven’t covered yet.
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elejahfanfic · 6 months
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darlingmurdock · 2 years
LIFE HAD PREVIOUSLY been significant; before a lovely dawn. A memory crammed within the confines of a letters of remembrance, scrawled with careless chuckles and profound joys. Waffles strewn with otherworldly quantities of syrup, as tiny spirals of heavenly pity blossom through the monotonous turmoil of realism.
A beautiful relationship between three girls; flows smoothly when introduced in excellent language. It is nothing like a dream with such amazing participation. A girls steadies a lovestruck so sweetly reciprocated, blissfully ignorant of the throat-scratching yells and anxious headaches. Only an ideal existence could compare to exchanging ever-growing grins and infectious companionship.
Caroline noticed the crimson red and golden tint flashing over her knuckles. She moved her attention to find herself in a cracked mirror. In frustration, she hits the mirror. She felt her throat burn as she looked into her own mirror, wanting to sob. She eventually achieved her wish. She was entirely liberated. She had been set free. She has taken back control of her life. She survived, she got herself, Katherine, and Bonnie out.
click here to read more
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crimsonlyinglilly · 3 months
Lost Gods and Found Memories AU, Masterlist
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Summary - Katherine claims the throne of hell and regains her memories of a life long lost.
As the underworld resettles itself under it's rightful ruler, she has a far more important concern, Where is her wife?
Hades!Katherine and Perserphone!Elijah
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kalijah100 · 12 days
The Sun Also Rises (1st revised version; kalijah)
        Elena stood upstairs.
        "You invited him in?" Damon questioned, figuring Elena wasn't thinking correctly.
        "Yes. He promised to forget the past and help us, as long as we apologize to him," Elena replied.
        "I'm sorry we killed you," Stefan said, knowing that they needed all the help they could get.
        Everyone looked at Damon.
        "What? I'm not apologizing to him."
        Elena looked at Elijah.
        "He'll come around."
        "I doubt it," Elijah responded.
        Elijah followed Elena downstairs to stand beside her not far from the eldest Salvatore brother. Then he went to stand at the entrance to the living room.
        "Elijah has something that will help. An elixir," Elena explained.
        "We need something better," Damon replied.
        Stefan was silent from where he stood by the couch.
        Just then, everyone looked at Katherine Pierce as she walked in. She stopped by Elijah and said, "Nice to see you again. I'm sorry for what I did. I was just trying to survive."
        "I understand, Katerina."
        Katherine walked up to stand by Damon and Elena.
        "Katerina?" Damon questioned.
        "It was my human name. Elijah fell in love with me when he met me. I was Klaus' doppelganger and so I ran. Rose wanted to take me to Klaus, so he and Rose argued after Rose stopped me from killing myself. I hung myself but woke up in transition. When Rose tried to stake me, I shielded myself by using the owner of the cabin. Rose staked the owner and I fed. I apologized before I left, though. When I returned home, my villagers were all dead. Klaus slaughtered my people, including my family. I changed my name when I came to America from Bulgaria. But I didn't come here to tell you my tragic life of heartbreak and loneliness."
        "Why are you here?" Stefan asked calmly.
        "Yes. Why did you come?" Damon said in his usual voice he reserved only for Katherine.
        "I came to help in any way I can. I won't let another family member die from Klaus."
        "She won't stay dead for long. I have an elixir," Elijah informed her.
        "Will it work?"
        "You don't know that," Damon said. "There's only one way to know that she'll come back."
        "Don't even think about it," Kat said, glaring at him.
        "What do you propose we do then?" Damon asked.
        "I'm thinking," she answered, no longer glaring.
        Suddenly, arrows started flying. One got Damon in the back. Stefan and Elijah left to find the shooter. At the same time, Kat got in the way of an arrow that would've gotten Elena and got her down, before Kat rolled onto her right side in pain and agony.
        "Elena, pull it out," Damon instructed.
        Elena went over and pulled the arrow out of his back, as the arrows stopped.
        Once it was out, Damon went over and quickly pulled Kat's out of her back.
        "Elena, get some blood from the basement and a shot glass from the table," he instructed, as he gently rolled Kat onto her back and pulled her into his arms.
        Elena obeyed.
        "Hang in there, Kat," he said calmly.
        Elena came back with a shot glass of blood.
        Damon gently lifted Kat's head and put the glass to her lips.
        Though she was in pain and weak, she obeyed him and slowly began to drink.
        "What's wrong?" Elena asked.
        "There was vervain on the arrows. She doesn't sip vervain everyday like I do, so it affects her in the wrong way. Blood helps."
        Elena understood now.
        Kat felt better after finishing the glass, so he helped her up and led her over to the couch. He then helped her sit down on the couch.
        Stefan and Elijah came back.
        "We got rid of them," Elijah announced.
        "Good," Damon replied.
        "Thanks, Damon," Kat said.
        "You're welcome."
        "Is she okay?" Elijah asked.
        "She'll be fine. I gave her some blood. No big deal," Damon answered.
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lady-ye · 2 years
The Chaos Theory (6352 words) by Lady_Ye Chapters: 3/30
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Chaos theory states that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization. This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos.
Caroline Forbes, a monster with her humanity intact. One who prided herself on her morals and control.
Kol Mikaelson, the unhinged orignal. The forgotten sibling who was always left behind with a dagger on his back and chaos in mind.
Katerina Petrova, the girl doomed by her cursed blood. A lie, a shadow, created by destiny itself to wither away. One is for all and all is for one.
An unlikely trio with a burning urge to survive. But how far is one willing to go? Limits will be tested, bonds broken and morals left behind in this game of survival.
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thememoriesofaqueen · 8 months
Love Will Remember 5
[Chapter updated in January 2024] A/N: It's been a while since I last updated but I promise you, I haven't abandoned this story. I figured the start of 2024 deserves a fresh little something for all the Kalijah fans. We're still here, even all those years later. <3 I also want to thank you for your continuous support and feedback. It means a lot to me <3
English is not my first language    
→ I do not own anything of the TVD - Universe and I’m not affiliated or associated with the writers etc. This is only a headcanon/fanfiction.
Pairings: Kalijah (Katherine & Elijah), Klatherine (allies)
Rated: M
Read on: AO3 and / or FFnet
Word Count: 4k  // Masterlist (x)
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She had been thinking about the last night – or rather about the conversation with Elijah – for a long time. He could not remember her and yet her conversation had a quality that she had not felt for a long time.
Of course, it had only been superficial topics. After all, to him, they were strangers and he believed she was just a tourist. And yet he had been earnestly interested in her answers all the time. He was genuinely interested in talking to her, without hoping they would perhaps end up in bed. And one has to believe her when she says this thought isn't uncommon when it comes to men. Men in bars usually don't just gift a drink and start talking if they weren't hoping for something that usually contains a very specific 'something'.
Somehow she felt foolish that she liked this stupid conversation so much. She should not feel flattered that he had noticed her (and not another person in this bar). That he had bought her a drink, something she had never seen him do before. He played for his audience but rarely interacted with them the way he had done with her.
That didn’t mean Elijah was still somehow attracted to you, Katherine. Why should he, he doesn't even remember you!
And yet Katherine was confident enough to believe that her beauty was naturally striking. Why wouldn't it lure a man towards her? Even if they were speaking of Elijah who didn't just follow his basic instincts. But perhaps he does by now. She has no idea, after all, what kind of man he is without his memories.
As much as she resisted, she thoroughly liked that she had been noticed by Elijah. At the same time, however, the pain of their separation flared up again.
So many years had passed and yet the encounter with him triggered something in her. It made her remember what he had meant to her. How he had made her feel.
Memories that should belong in a box, hidden in some kind of cellar.
But she really shouldn’t be sentimental. This was a mission, after all. Speaking of…
There was no way around meeting Elijah again. Even if it was probably better to leave this conversation to be just this one single direct interaction with him, she would most likely not achieve success if she only played the mysterious stranger. Sure, perhaps that would increase Elijah's interest but one cannot be certain. And a pure possibility alone was not enough.
Not when she had Klaus breathing down her neck. Not when there's the possibility that he's watching her. The thought alone made her feel uneasy and caused her to immediately go through her apartment to check if there was anything unusual in there.
She turned each pillow over and even rummaged through her closet just to make sure he wasn’t hiding somewhere. Which, of course, is totally stupid, but her paranoia forced her to.
Under other circumstances, her curiosity about this changed Elijah would not be great enough to accept the danger of Klaus. Under other circumstances, she would run; no matter what Klaus promised her, you could not trust him.
But she knew, was actually pretty sure, that he had a close eye on her. He could even be trusted to monitor her and have some kind of tracker attached to her. After all, he had enough witches under his control who would certainly grant him this little favor. There's no way he would entrust her with something as important as returning his brother to their family without making sure she was supervised the entire time.
It made her want to barf.
Katherine quickly closed all the curtains of her otherwise sunny apartment (call it a useless sense of security) before she sat down and tried to think.
If Klaus wanted to see progress, she needed to be more quick and efficient. Otherwise, she risks getting a visit again which was something Katherine wanted to prevent.
Okay … let's think.
It was really not new to her to pick up and flirt with a man who could be useful to her, and it was usually no problem. But this man of all people was… difficult. They had history and although she didn't want to admit it he still … meant something to her.
Part of the reason why he decided to end their relationship was because he feared she was deceiving him. Which was complete bullshit because she didn't have any secret agenda. He knew what she had wanted, namely his position to work out a deal for her. She never made a secret of it when she decided to contact him.
He did her injustice by accusing her of wanting to take advantage of him and somehow, it had given her some kind of satisfaction to know that despite his beliefs and fears, he was wrong. That she hadn't done anything unrighteousness. That she wasn't as corrupted and ruined as everyone wants to think. That she was worth saving.
But if she does play him now, he would be right. He could obviously not remember but Katherine is sure that at one point, he will. And if that point is reached, he will remember everything. Including how she played him. He would be convinced that he made the right choice, that she couldn't be trusted.
And she couldn't have that.
So think, Katherine. What is something you could do to make progress but which won't let you look like a mendacious person once he remembers? What would make him want to interact with her but wouldn't be too much? What wouldn't be looking manipulative?
It was actually pretty sure that most of the actions had to come from him, because then you could not accuse her of anything.
Even if she could, of course, create an incentive, because there was something that she could certainly take in her hand. Something that would be appropriate and not quite so noticeable that it would seem suspicious.
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The next evening she went back to the bar. She didn’t dress up more than usual, and didn’t wear any extraordinary clothes – she is, after all, not going to a party or trying to seduce anyone. Which meant that her casual clothes had to do. She was just herself, which should be enough. And if she's honest, she still looks better than most visitors in this bar or even in this town.
She ordered two beers at the bar, and despite not being a beer drinker, it was a necessary evil that she had to accept. After all, one had to create a few similarities and she had seen him drinking that brand of beer. Perhaps the desired conversation would be more easy then.
Speaking of conversation: Katherine had tried her best to prepare herself. To settle into her role as a tourist who has never met him before this trip to Manosque. She had thought about practicing her performance in front of a mirror to make sure everything was going according to her plan. She was a 'bit' perfectionist and she didn’t want to have multiple efforts. It had to work perfectly the first time. However, she quickly figured out that this might not be the right approach. It would give her a false sense of security, at least until something unexpectedly happens. Then, chances would be high that it would throw her off track for a few seconds which could be enough for Elijah to note that something was going on.
She had therefore only roughly considered something and decided to improvise the rest which hopefully won't turn out as a mistake.
Until now, however, everything seemed to be going as it had been observed the previous evenings. While Elijah played, she kept herself in the background, trying to not raise his attention just now. Even after she had gotten the beers she had ordered, she waited for Elijah to take a break before she made her way to him. He was sorting through some papers when she showed up next to him, focused on staying calm and not forgetting her role – which was admittedly difficult because he looked forbiddenly dashing in the white Henley he wore.
He looked up in surprise, apparently not having noted her approaching and the hint of a smile played along his lips as he seemed to recognize her.
"Oh, hello." He put the pieces of paper back on the holder of the piano before he stood up from his piano stool to speak to her at the same eye level.
"I brought you something", she handed him the beer in her left hand which he took with one raised eyebrow, probably wondering what the reason for this was. "I wanted to return the favor for yesterday's drink and I hope you accept?" a genuine question because she still found it difficult to assess this new Elijah.
"Why thank you, but you really didn't have to return the favor. I liked doing it, I certainly didn't expect anything in return." He assured her and sounded sincere. It made her wonder what exactly made him want to buy her a drink and even initiate a conversation. She's sure she's not the only frequent visitor/listener in this bar.
"Well, I like to return the favor," she offered him a smile which certainly wasn't a forced smile. Even this conversation somehow felt … natural. "Cheers?" she lifted her bottle and thankfully, Elijah returned the gesture. Both took a sip from their respective bottle whereby Katherine tried to ignore the specific taste of beer which wasn't really to her taste.
That would already be done.
So that no embarrassing silence arose, Katherine resumed the conversation relatively quickly.
"You had to get back to work so fast yesterday," her hand caressed the piano to show what she meant, "That I didn't have any opportunity to even ask for the name of the very generous man who bought me a drink. I hoped to find out today so I could say properly thanks again."
This should be a good start and would also tell her what he called himself. Maybe he had given himself a different name than Elijah. Perhaps he now went by 'Theo' or 'Daniel' or something entirely different.
"You're right. I apologize for not introducing myself, but somehow I didn’t notice." Because interacting with her felt so familiar? Because he somehow knew that they already knew each other? Katherine assumed that she was not going to find out.
He moved his beer to his left hand before he extended his right hand to her. "My name is Elijah."
So it is Elijah after all. Somehow it was nice to see that he kept his name and didn't completely invent himself new.
Her eyes fell on his outstretched hand, which he had given her to greet her.
So far, she had studiously avoided touching him in any way; although touching was the key to creating familiarity, a short touch here, a short touch there. Decent, of course, but people tended to have more trust in a person when you touched them briefly on the shoulder, hand, or upper arm.
It is probably quite obvious why she had avoided this so far. She didn’t want this kind of familiarity, a healthy distance has never hurt and it is better for her.
Nonetheless, it would be viewed as impolite if she just ignored the hand that he had extended to her which is why she took it. His handshake was as she knew him; not lax, but he radiated the authority known from him. Which in this case was probably something he didn’t express consciously.
"Nice to meet you, Elijah." She bit down on her tongue to not add any additional comment such as 'a nice name' and then made sure to let go of his hand as quickly as possible without seeming suspicious.
"And with whom do I have the pleasure?" He, again, sounded genuinely inquisitive about it which suggested that he really didn’t seem to have a clue who she was.
Of course, she knew that this question would come, and it was the logical consequence after being asked his name. Katherine had also thought about it. What name should she give him? The French version of her name? Catherine Pierre? Her original name, the one he always liked to use? Katerina? The name she usually uses? Katherine?
She wanted to lie to him as little as possible, even if the French version of her name was not a lie, after all, there were people who called her that. However, she always kept in mind that one day he would remember everything. To name him another name was therefore not really an option because he would see it as a blatant lie and another reason why she wasn't trustworthy.
So only Katherine and Katerina remained.
Katerina was of course very obvious, it was the name he always chose for her. He met her as Katerina and somehow, that name stuck with him, no matter that she chose to go by a different name by now.
However, there were two good reasons why she would not introduce herself as Katerina.
On the one hand, she had concerns that this name might trigger something in him, maybe he would start to remember completely. He must have recognized something about her, otherwise, she could not explain why he had bought her of all guests a drink. Katherine, however, wasn't sure if it would be good for her if he started to remember. That should be a task his family has to handle, not her as it could come with risks. She had no idea how long Elijah was already in this memory-less state, she had no idea what he had done since then. She couldn't assess how he would react upon starting to remember who he truly was, what he was capable of, and what he might have done since he chose to get his memories erased; perhaps the true reason why he had picked such a drastic decision in the first place would bubble up again and one never knows what the true trigger for that choice had been and what that caused him to feel.
She didn't want to get in the danger zone.
On the other hand, she also didn't want to introduce herself as Katerina as some kind of self-protection. Hearing him say her name like this – although he probably won't remember to roll the 'R' as he used to do – could bring back even more memories and she wasn't sure if she could endure this.
It was surprisingly difficult enough to interact with him because all the interactions or conversations went through her mind hours later. He was a person who was hard to forget because he did hold a meaning to her even though he believed it to be different…
This is why she chose to introduce herself as the person she was, the person she identified herself as: Katherine.
"My name's Katherine." No last name because he also didn't introduce himself with his last name (if he could even remember it).
Not having to mention a surname was also convenient for her as it came with fewer risks. 'Katherine Pierce' might trigger something in him as well, a 'Katherine Pierce' also might be recognized by others because she had no idea what Elijah did when he wasn't in the pub playing the piano. Perhaps he had friends he talked to? If he tells them that he had met a 'Katherine' it wouldn't be as striking as if he tells them he met a 'Katherine Pierce'. Although Katherine didn’t think she was some kind of well-known celebrity, she was cautious about her identity.
"Katherine-" he repeated the name, his gaze still curious on her although she believed he tried to classify the name on his tongue. "-it's a beautiful name."
That comment made her involuntarily smile although she quickly tried to hide that response. Instead, she politely thanked him the way every person would react when receiving a compliment on their name.
"Okay, Elijah." It was strange saying that name out loud again, even more so to say it in front of that man himself. "Now that I know your name, I can again thank you again for the drink. It really surprised me. Positively."
Oh, if only he knew how much she was surprised by this deed.
"It really wasn't a circumstance. Aside from that, it should probably be me to thank you for returning the favor even though I truly had not intended for you to repay me in any kind." A statement that seemed to be important to him because he again let her know that he indeed didn't have any ulterior motives behind buying her that drink.
"Don't worry, I wanted to." Now, how to keep this conversation going? The actual agenda was over. You bought me a drink, I bought you a drink, we’re even now. Topic finished and everyone back to their respective spot.
Only with the difference that their conversation could not stay there. It needed to develop, to move further.
Sure, now would usually be the time to start flirting, which was typically a breeze. A few ambiguous sentences, a glance here, a 'random' touch there. Only with the difference that she did not want this.
It would be a lot easier if he wasn’t Elijah.
"I was wondering…" She chose her words wisely, wanting to push their conversation in the right direction. There was something else she wanted to say but decided against it before the words left her mouth. "how long you're already playing here? I suppose a solo man show is quite rare." Her words were accompanied by a slight smile that might elicit him some secrets.
It caused Elijah to chuckle shortly before he eyed the beer and then returned his gaze back to her, his index finger swiftly scratching over his cheek.
"It's probably no fascinating story. I wanted to visit this town and I came in here to buy a drink. While I was waiting for my drink, I discovered this piano in the corner. It was a bit dusty and covered but somehow I had this desire to play it. It wasn’t exactly polite, but I went over and folded up the key cover, sat down, and started playing. Please don’t think I’m crazy, but there was this connection somehow as if it was meant to be. And the owner of his pub, Baptiste, was impressed by my playing and asked me if I could imagine playing here regularly."
"And so you did," Katherine concluded, still fascinated by the turn of events. She cannot picture normal Elijah wanting to play a shabby piano in a pub and then even agreeing to play regularly in there. He would probably take such an offer as an insult, even if he wouldn't voice it out loud.
"I'm sure you have many fans," Katherine added as she kept her gaze on Elijah. She didn't know why she chose to say this. It was actually rather stupid. Concentrate, Katherine!
The corners of Elijah's lips lifted slightly and he almost looked slightly sheepishly.
"I think people like the music. Although I'm of course well aware people don't come here to hear me play."
Is he really sure about that? Because Katherine knew there was one person in this room that specifically only came here to hear him.
"Well, I can only speak from my perspective. I was surprised to discover life-piano music when I first came to visit. But it was a nice surprise."
The words left her lips fluidly, not giving a hint away that she truly was astounded by the entire arrangement.
She seemed to have flattered him somehow because he did smile again. Not in the polite, casual way; it was a smile that reached his eyes. An honest joy. An expression that she had rarely seen except for the moments they shared a moment.
Somehow she found it adorable.
Damn it.
Was that really necessary?
To mask this confused reaction, she took a sip of her beer and wondered why she a) reacted to him in that way and b) why she acted so awkwardly. She struggled, not being able to lead their conversation anywhere fruitful without having to flirt or without having some kind of non-neutral reaction.
Was it really possible to mess this up so badly?
Sure, she could ask him if he wanted to show her how to play piano but this was neither the right location nor was it the right approach. It would just remind her of certain things plus she was also sure it was no good idea to risk being (almost) alone with him. Although alone time would probably be the key to success, Katherine simply didn’t want to be alone with him.
Surely Klaus would understand.
Who does she fool? Of course, he wouldn't.
"Uhm, I don't want to take more of your time…", she started while thinking of a good way to end this conversation before it got awkward but also keeping a door open.
The next question he would certainly misunderstand at the beginning, but nevertheless, a part of her was quite interested to see how he reacted to it.
"I was planning on going out for dinner tonight…" As expected, Elijah seemed to be slightly puzzled about the start of this sentence as his words caused Elijah to tilt his head, apparently seeming like he considered something. It was interesting in a way that he didn't seem to be interested in the potential thought of spending time with her outside this pub. Which she definitely found strange. But perhaps that's only her interpretation because she didn't really want him to consider this some type of date. Before he could voice his objections, however, Katherine quickly raised her hand.
"Oh, no, not what you think. Don't worry." She quickly added that she definitely wasn't asking him out. At least not yet and hopefully never.
"I thought that you might know a good place? I would appreciate a tip."
Elijah was indeed able to make a recommendation, which she took as an occasion to finally say goodbye on the grounds that she was starting to feel hungry and thanks to him, now has the ideal restaurant.
It was hopefully an elegant safe before she found herself in an embarrassing situation although she did ponder if he would have actually declined her invitation if she truly had asked him out. What was the reason for it?
Did he subliminally have a grudge against her? Even if she could not comprehend that, because he has been quite friendly and open-minded towards her so far. Surely he wouldn't initiate a conversation by buying her a drink if he somehow didn't like her.
Or maybe it was something completely different: Maybe more was hiding behind the supposedly unsuspecting facade.
It definitely gave her something to think about as she put the still-half-full bottle of beer on the bar and then proceeded to leave the club.
In the background, the music began to play and as she walked outside, she noticed that he had not answered the one question about how long he had been there. Intentionally or accidentally?
Don't give it too much thought, Katherine. Don't let him drive you crazy.
Even before she had entirely left the club, she had already taken out the phone from her bag to go look for the address of the restaurant although she did not plan on visiting it this evening as she was looking for a different type of meal. Something more nutritious for a vampire. And hopefully also a way of distracting her mind.
While searching for the address on the internet (and its opening hours), Katherine subconsciously noticed a woman who was entering the pub. Katherine didn't really pay attention to that person, despite her instincts telling her that there was something different about this woman in comparison to the usual visitors of this place.
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A/N: Please consider leaving (positive) feedback as it keeps my muse for writing alive. ♥ Remember to stay kind.
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