#kalvin heisenberg
snowflakestree ยท 2 years
๐‘ด๐’†๐’•๐’‚๐’ ๐’‰๐’†๐’‚๐’“๐’• ๐’„๐’‚๐’ ๐’‚๐’๐’”๐’ ๐’Ž๐’†๐’๐’•.
๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡; ๐˜’๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ฏ accidently saw his big brother killed some villagers with his own eyes, what would ๐˜’๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฃ do to make his brother not afraid of him anymore?
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โ€œPapa, where is big brother?โ€ Kalvin asked Karl who is busy with his work, the father turn around and see his son, โ€œHe said that he's going to take a short walk, i'm sure he'll be back soon, boy.โ€ the lord pats his head then focus back.
โ€œAw, okay...โ€ he pouts then decides to go find his brother outside of the factory. His blue eyes kept wandering around to find the elder brother is, until he heard a scream making his tiny body jump and hug his brother's hat tighter.
โ€œNo, please lord Heisenberg! I promiseโ€” I swear to god! I won't say anything bad again to your little brother or your father! Please give me your mercy!โ€
Kalvin raises his eyebrows when he also heard his brother laughing so hard along with some irons that being lift by him. He immediately go check where is his brother and hide behind a bush to watch what is going on.
His eyes widen when he sees Kaleb is clearly torturing some people and it's the last one who begs for his mercy to let him go.
โ€œHaha! You thinkโ€” i'm merciful? Look, i am NOT like my cousin who's change now, Diedre. No, i'll NEVER be merciful to those who's being disrespectful to MY family!โ€ he stabbed the poor man with the irons and metals one by one.
โ€œAnd don't worry, you're the last one who entertain me from the beginning. I'll make you more beg to deathโ€”โ€ finally, he pierced a sharp knife through the man's head making Kalvin behind the bushes take a step back and snapped some stick.
โ€œWho's there!?โ€ Kaleb turned around fully as he point the metals towards the bushes, until he heard someone is crying. โ€œWhat theโ€”โ€
โ€œWha... What have y-you done, big brother?โ€ Kalvin asked in fear as tears began to fall from his face, Kaleb face immediately pale when he got caught but by his little brother.
โ€œKalvinโ€”โ€ โ€œNo! Y-you're not the big brother i know, big brother is kind! Not a murderer! ... Iโ€” i have to go!โ€
The little boy steady his feet then running back to the factory, leaving a panic and worried sick young lord who covered in blood. โ€œKalvin...โ€
He didn't notice Diedre's crow is watching until it's decides to go back the Beneviento Manor and let the owner see through it's eyes. โ€œPoor Heisenberg, now he had to explain to his little brother..โ€
Diedre can only pray for her cousins for the best, and hope that they can get along together again to be a better person one by one. โ€œThis is ... Miserable.โ€
Back to Kaleb, he already clean himself then goes to the factory to see his brother, though he alredy expected that he's going to get nagged by Karl for hours.
โ€œYou don't have to do that, your action is really childish. Maybe your brain is too small to fit your ego just like that stupid tall lady. But youโ€” ... You're worst than i thought, Kaleb.โ€
Kaleb can only sit and listen to his father, โ€œWhat you did is terrible, you're only making our plan getting more obvious to Miranda. If you want to die as her grandson, then go ahead. I'll just leave this village with your brother.โ€
Kaleb widen his eyes, โ€œWhat!? No! I would neverโ€” argh, fine! I'm sorryโ€” i won"t do it again, just don't leave me alone with that witch crows. I'll go talk to Kalvin, i promise you can make me as your lycans meal!โ€
Karl silent for a moment then shrugs, โ€œFine, go on. Before he hates you more. And i swear to god, don't you dare to kill those useless villagers again because Mieanda still need Moreau to make more lycans.โ€
โ€œYes, Father...โ€
Kaleb stood from his seat then run to his little brother's room. He knocked on the door three times, until Kalvin open it for him. โ€œKalvin?โ€
โ€œ... What do you want?โ€
Kaleb frowned at his cold tone, โ€œLook, Kalvin. I'm sorry, i'm so sorry that you had to see what i've done back there. It's justโ€” those people are mocking you and father, of course i couldn't let thst slipped away. Please, you have to trust me.โ€
Kalvin didn't respond but only shut his door again, โ€œKalvinโ€” Kalvin, i'm sorry! Father did punished me for what i've done, and i promise i won't do it again! I'llโ€” ... I'll play with you more, i promise!โ€
Kaleb didn't get any reply from his little brother, he sighs in defeat then decided to go back to his workshop. But before he turned around, โ€œTomorrow, you have to play with me from morning to midnight!โ€
He looked at his brother's door then smiled, โ€œOf course! I'm sorry and i promise i'll be a better brother...โ€
Needs some time to heal, needs some fire to melt, Karl may forgive him for what Kaleb's did, but to Kalvin, it will take a whole month to make him forget the day where he sees the different side of his brother.
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Finally, they're done! Yayy โ€” Snowwy.
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the-broken-truth ยท 3 years
The Young Lord AU: How Kaleb Would Introduce Kalvin To The Lords, Young Lords, & Mother Miranda
Broken Truth: This idea has been floating around in the back of my mind for a few days, I was just thinking about the best way to weave these words, I hope I do it justice. Hope you like it, @snowflakestree
[At Mother Miranda's Chapel]
Alcina: Heisenberg, where is your son?
Karl: He'll be here, he said he had something else to take care of before he came to the Lord Meeting.
Eliza: Irresponsible.
Deidre: Unethical.
Sebastian (Yawns): Unrealistic.
Alcina (Scoffs with a chuckle): Even the children think so.
Karl: Fuck all of you! Don't shit talk my son, Lady Super-Sized Bitch!
Eliza (Summons her Dragon Gauntlets): Don't call my mother a bitch, Mangy Dog!
[Before anyone else could say something else - Kaleb appears on the second level of the chapel grounds.]
Diedre (Looks at him): Heisenberg, what are you doing up there?
Kaleb (Throws his hand out to silence everyone): Silence, peasants! I - Young Lord Kaleb Heisenberg of House Heisenberg - bring something more valuable than anything in this village! Behold, MAH BROTHER!!!
[Kaleb holds Little Kalvin up and out for all the lords to see - the light from the Chapel Window shines upon Kaleb and Kalvin while the little boy just looks at everyone below him and Kaleb is radiating 'Proud Brother' Aura.]
[Everyone just looks at them before Karl jumps out of his seat with a howl of pride.]
Karl: THOSE ARE MY SONS! (Flips off Alcina) FUCK YOU, BIG BITCH!!!
Broken Truth (Playing Lion King Music in the background): What? I couldn't help it.
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snowflakestree ยท 3 years
i got a secret - can you keep it?
Diedre Beneviento ;
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โ€œI don't have the time, energy, or interest in hating those haters; I'm too busy loving a person who loved me 'till the day i die (Donna - Mother)."
-Diedre Beneviento
๊•ฅ you realize that you were wrong, but you still cover it up with the excuse 'to protect my mother.'
ห›หš ใ€‚โœฐ * ห›ใ€‚oh, you're wrong. ใ€‚* ห›หš ใ€‚โœฐ หš
An orange sky stretched across the sky. As a beautiful canvas painting created by the Creator. The collection of clouds that adorn the orange sky adds to the beauty of the Creator's painting. Make anyone stop for a moment to admire the beauty of the work.
Diedre's gaze had been staring at the troposphere layer that enveloped the Earth. She didn't take her eyes off anything around her for even a second. The thoughts inside her head were blank, nothing. Only flashes of memory appear that she wants to forget but continue to haunt the contents of Diedre's mind.
Forgetting is indeed quite a difficult thing for her. Especially if the thing she has to forget are the peoples that she killed for years and the person who was once the most valuable person to Diedre. Someone who has colored her life.
"Dreaming again?"
A voice that sounded right in her ear surprised Diedre. She gasped in surprise and then averted her eyes from the painting of the Creator. Her gaze was fixed on someone with a wide smile plastered on his face.
Diedre just shook her head in response. She did not expect that the person she met was the same man at that time. The man who's warning her to stop slaughtering people. Adam Wolf- her own biological Father.
"W-what are you doing here, Father..?" Ask Diedre to the Man who she called her father.
Hearing the question, Adam shook his head then replied, "Am I not allowed to see my daughter again?" Diedre just scoffed then looked back at the orange sky, She hated her father so much. And Adam also knew that, whatever the reason, Diedre still blamed all this on the man she called her father.
Not getting a response from his daughter, Adam took a deep breath then looked up at the orange sky too, "Did you know? When your mother was still pregnant she always talked about a name that suits you and rejected every opinion I had while puffing her cheeks. In fact, Angie is also coming up with a name for you while stroking Donna's belly."
"They.. did?"
"Yes, they did. It's quite funny and cute when your mother keep pouting whenever i tell her about my opinion to give you a name."
Silence engulf their moment, until Diedre decide to ask a question to her father, maybe more than one question.
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Adam immediately looked at his daughter in shock after hearing the question.
"What do you mean, Diedre!? you haven't been cursed at all since you appeared in your mother's womb! Even since you were born in this Beneviento Family!"
Adam exclaimed to his daughter, Diedre finally turned to face her father with her dull eyed and a sinister smile plastered on her delicate-beautiful face.
"Then do you care to explain how i got such a frail and weak body, Father?" She asked once again making Adam grit his teeth
The guilt he had been hiding all this time crept up inside his body again, Adam's pale face also started to break out in cold sweat. He wanted to explain to his daughter, but how? Even he himself also asked why he got such a weak body since he was alive.
Taking a deep breath, Adam calmed himself and replied: "you got that weak body from me, The process of descent of course." The answer is logical.
Adam swore that he had seen his daughter's gaze soften in an instant and her wide sinister smile turned into a small one.
"Yes, i clearly know that Father, But-"
Diedre cut herself off while thinking about the words and questions she would come up with next.
"-Why? Why do you have the heart to give me - your daughter - such a fragile and weak body? Do you have the heart to see your wife - my mother - insulted and/or humiliated by the others? How can you be her husband - My Father - Mr.Adam?"
"Listen Diedre, i also don't want this to happen to me, to you, and to our family. I also wish i had a strong body to protect you and your mother. But i realized i could protect her in other ways. And you could protect her in unique ways!" Adam explained as he approached his daughter.
"I'm really sorry for giving you a weak body like me, i'm also really sorry for not being by your side any longer and relying on your mother for everything. I don't want this either, i didn't even choose to live like this." He continued, holding back tears.
"You have stained the blood of the Beneviento Family, you don't deserve to live longer with Mother because of your weak body, you don't even deserve to be forgiven and ro be called Father by me!!" She shout at his father making him flinch and take a step back.
"Why did you have to marry Mother when you know that you couldn't protect her from the start!? You're just like a man full of lust and then left the obligation of being a father in this household!! you are the reason why i couldn't protect mother from any dangerous! You are the reason why i couldn't be myself and keep thinking why i can't be like my cousins!?
AND you are the reason why Mother is always Depressed and Sad, Dear Father- oh how i hate so much- YOU-"
Someone shouted from behind her that made the girl immediately fell silent and her face turned very pale for a moment. Slowly, Diedre looked back and saw her Mother - Donna - is now Angry and holding back her tears at her.
"M-mother... i- i thought you were at house with Angie to-"
"Enough, young lady! I've heard all your arguments with your father- and i can't accept that you hated your father as if you're disagree for me to loving him!"
Donna started to approach her daughter in anger and dissapointed feelings, Diedre couldn't even utter a word after hearing her mother raise her voice.
Donna is a gentle, polite, and humble woman. That was Diedre knew about her own precious Mother.
But this time, The Donna she saw was completely Different.
"You can't say that to your own father- you're his daughter- he is my husband- he is our family! He didn't stain our blood, it's just you who hate and envy your body to others too much!"
Donna slowly knelt down and held her daughter's hands, "it's not only your father's fault, but it's also my fault. Due to my mental illness, i couldn't take good care of my health while i was pregnant. So that's why i beg you, forgive us especially your father, Diedre." Donna sobbed letting her tears flow down.
"... you are wrong mother, this is not your fault, like i said- all this happened because of his existence! He has made me so weak so i couldn't protect you- he didn't make me feel stronger just like my cousins!" Diedre replied in annoyance and glared at her father with pure hatred.
"You realize that you were wrong, but you still covered it up with an excuse 'to protect my mother' ." Adam replied seriously even though his tears were now flowing.
"Wha- what do you mean-"
"like i said to you at that time- Diedre, you just love the power to kill, to take someone's life because, besides your cousins, you see yourself as small and weak. And that's why you decide to kill them so they can see you as a strong person just like your cousins. But you were not." Adam Finished with annoyance making Donna gasp in surprise and turned to her deceased husband.
"W-what..- what do you mean, Adam!? Our daughter would never do such a cruel thing-"
"No, my wife. I swear that i've always watched her. If you remember the day your veil went missing, it's because she used it so she could pretend to be you and hear all the bad words from the villagers to you." Adam explained as he approached his daughter and his wife again.
"Are you.. trying to tell me- that my baby, Diedre- is a murderer?? A-adam?" Donna asked stuttering, Adam dissapointedly nodded and turned his attention away from the two of them.
"I don't-.. i would NEVER do such a thing! You just want me to be in trouble and-"
Again, the girl's words were cut off by her mother, "would you like to tell me the truth? you know that lying is a bad action.. right?"
"Mother.. i-"
"No! Just- what happened to you!? Where's my precious baby- the Diedre i know!? Where's my precious baby that i raised with love and affection!? What makes you think that you couldn't protect me!? What have you done- Diedre!? Please, Explain everything to me!!"
Deidre is really trapped by her father, with a short and clear explanation she will soon be destroyed and fail in her mission. To protect her mother. she was indeed a girl who was jealous of her cousins, but her belief in protecting her mother was not the reason why she killed anyone who ridiculed her or her mother. But it was her own desire since the first time she saw the parasite or flesh on the right side of her mother's face.
being overprotective She had cut off the morals of her mind.
She killed herself at that time. Something important inside her died after she killed a girl who's mocking her FATHER and MOTHER.
but how could she forget that? she doesn't know either.
"They deserve it."
"we beg your Pardon?"
"Mother, Father- They deserve it!! They don't deserve to be forgiven!"
'Hahaaha! Guys, would you look at her! the weakling has finally come out of her cursed house!'
'You should stay away from her- or she'll kill you!'
'aww - isn't it disgusting that you become a child of the Beneviento family? Cursed you, Diedre.'
'When you grow up you'll be just like your mother - there will be scars on your face!'
'perhaps it was because you were small and fragile that your father died because he didn't want a daughter like you!'
'everyone, I think that's enough just let her go.'
'same as Monsters.'
'like Mother like Daughter.'
'To think that Mr. Wolf would marry Miss Beneviento, because as a result of their marriage they got a cursed daughter!'
And that... made her snapped. She's done. She's just going to end the leader's life. End of discussion.
"i'm done being polite. Let's just have a show now, Shall we?"
"and that's why i started to kill them, because they keep disrespecting my parents, my family. My one and only Mother that i had left in this cruel life." Diedre explain to her parents, she didn't realize that her tears start to flow too.
"I'm sorry for letting you down. I didn't mean to- they're just being mean to you. And i couldn't let that happen- b-because the purpose of my life is to protect you.. if Father couldn't protect you - then i will gladly do it for your safety. I-i can't lose you too like i lose... father, Mother."
With that, Donna immediately pull her daughter's tiny body and hug her tightly, letting her baby cried on her shoulder. The world is indeed cruel for the little Beneviento family. They just want to live a normal life like the others and then.. no more.
Adam could only watched his Wife and daughter since he couldn't touch them. And so, he decide to pat their heads gently even though his hands are cold as ice.
"I-.. i'm so- sorry, Mother- Father.. i s-shouldn't have done that.. i shouldn't have..-"
"Diedre, my baby, i'm sorry too.. and i really do."
"Hm... Me three, i shouldn't go find the medicine that day and i should've made the medicine with the herbs.. i'm so sorry too, Donna, Diedre."
Suddenly, something grumbled from the bushes, making the three of them turn their attention to the bushes.
Following her instincts and sharp feelings, Diedre immediately turned her back on her mother's body and prepared the strings on her fingertips
And it was true, Two big lycan-wolves came out of the bushes and ran towards the Beneviento family. Diedre did not remain silent, she immediately controlled her strings quickly and managed to wrap the strings around their four legs.
With all her might, she lifted the two bodies of the wolves that were thrown up and she slammed them down until the ground cracked. Again Diedre lifted the wolves up and broke their bones. Then, she again slammed the two wolves' bodies to the ground making the wolf's blood splatter at her.
"...phew, there you go. Never near the lady ever again! that stupid loudmouth heisenberg shouldn't have let the lycans roaming around in a day like this."
Diedre turned back to her parents, "are you okay, mother? The didn't near you, did they?"
Donna was speechless.
The way her daughter end the lycans life was really sadist. With a few strings, she manage to fight them alone.
Diedre Beneviento is really incredible. Too incredible.
"I'm okay.. thank you for protecting me, but you do know that i candle them too, yes?"
Diedre whined at her mother while wiping the blood off her cheeks. Donna just chuckled and then approached the only daughter and wiped Diedre's cheeks with a handkerchief that she took out of the pocket of her black dress. Adam could only smile sadly at the two of them and then he approached his wife and daughter. As he drew near, Adam stroked each of their cheeks with his hand that was cold as ice. "I will miss you both, Diedre, protect your mother without killing because of a strong lust for power. And Donna, please take care of Diedre too. I will always be watching over you from above. I wish you all the best."
Diedre gave a forced smile while holding back her tears, "Father too, please rest in peace. Just leave mother to me, I promise I won't kill the villagers again just for thirst for power." said Diedre firmly even though her voice cracked.
"That's right My husband, just leave Diedre to me, if she's a naughty daughter I just have to pinch her cheeks." Donna replied letting the tears flow again.
Adam chuckled then gave them a closed eyes smile "I love you both, give my regards to Angie that I miss her too. Goodbye, let's meet again in a better life."
With that, Adam's spirit instantly faded and disappeared right in front of Diedre and Donna. Not strong anymore, Donna threw herself down and cried loudly. Diedre just sat next to her mother and hugged her tightly. Diedre Beneviento is finally free from her overprotective and lust for power side.
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Snowwy banging her head on the wall : it's not good as Senior @the-broken-truth oh Noooooooooooo
Eliza Dimitrescu (not yet.)
Kaleb Heisenberg (not yet.)
Sebastian Moreau (not yet.)
"Hello, cousin? ... yes, i decide to stop for slaughtering the villagers. All i have to do is just talk to them and made them realize for what they have done to my family ... yes, i will not regret this. After all, This is my choice for my mother's sake ... no, I will atone for all the sins I have committed ... if you still want to do it, that's your choice along with the others ... well then, I wish you had a good luck ... see you later, Eliza."
With that, she decide to cut her own overprotective strings.
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the-broken-truth ยท 3 years
WHAT IF: Kaleb Heisenberg Met His Birth Mother...& His HALF-BROTHER?!?!
Snowwy (Sitting at the bottom of a tree, drawing something): Senior!
Broken Truth (Lodging on a tree branch with her long wolf tail dangling down): Hm?
Snowwy: What do you think would happen if Kaleb met the mother who abandoned him?
Broken Truth: Hm...Let's find out. (Lifts hand) Let the words weave together.
- Kaleb Heisenberg -
The Heir of the Fourth Lord walked down the rocky path just to clear his mind - the setting sun shining on the snowy roads seemed to relax the constant boiling blood in his body.
He always wanted to move around.
Always wanted to work with his father.
He was the personification of a well-oiled machine.
But even the best machines need to rest.
His jacket rested on his broad shoulders while his hat was secured on his head & his glasses blocking the sun from getting in his eyes.
His hands were in his pants pockets when he turned the corner and something small collided with his legs, making him stumble back but he caught himself before standing straight to see what hit him.
Or rather - who.
Before him was a small boy - around 4 or 5 years old.
He had dark brown hair with pale skin and light blue eyes.
He was small - as in small than he should have been at this age. There was no meat on this kid's bones - Kaleb could see his ribs through the half ripped shirt.
The boy looked at the taller finger with fear in his eyes and closed his eyes - tears falling down his dirty cheeks.
"Ple-Please, don't hurt me! I'm sorry I bumped into you!" He begged.
Usually, Kaleb wouldn't have cared and just walked on but something about this kid was bothering him - it was something in his eyes. Something familiar.
Something he couldn't ignore.
"It's fine." Kaleb said as he reached out his hand - the boy had landed on some slabs of metal and he used his power to help the boy to his feet.
Once the boy stood on his toothpick-like legs, Kaleb put his hand back in his pocket and looked at him through the dark glasses on his face.
"Just what are you doing out here - all alone? Why aren't you wearing any warm clothes? What are you running from and where are your parents?" Kaleb asked the boy but he noticed that boy looked sad at the last question.
"My...My mommy is at home - she was angry and she was going to hit me with the rolling pan again; so I ran." The boy said.
"Your mother hits you?" His eyes narrowed, "What about your father? Doesn't he do anything to keep you safe?" He asked.
"I don't have a daddy. Mommy said that I was the reason daddy left her because he didn't want kids - she gets mad every time she sees me." The boy looked down.
"What is your name?" Kaleb asked.
"Mommy usually just calls me Mistake and Burden." The child said.
Kaleb's blood was boiling again - for someone to hurt this child - their own child - it made him angry and he was gonna do something about it.
"Where is your mother, boy? I want to speak with her." Kaleb asked - the familiar feeling of angry made his right hand crack in anticipation.
When Kaleb and the child reached the shabby building that the child called home - the door burst open and a woman with matted dark brown hair and blue eyes came marching out with a rolling pin in her hand - it was stained with fresh and dried blood.
"You disgusting mistake, I'll make the hell out of you!" The woman yelled as she marched at the boy but when he was covered by a tall figure, she stopped in her tracks.
"You're not gonna lay a finger on this boy." Kaleb said.
"Heisenberg?! What the hell are you doing here, you metalhead freak?!" The woman yelled.
"What are you talking about?" Kaleb was confused - he never saw this woman before.
"Don't play dumb with me, Karl! The last time you saw me was when I gave you that burden back!" She said.
"I'm not Karl - that's my father's name. I'm Kaleb - The Son of Karl Heisenberg." He explained to the woman - who just looked at him and laughed.
"So, he had another son other than the one I gave him?! You look like you'd be around his age but I guess Karl killed the little mistake for me." The woman snickered.
"Excuse me? My Father has no other children - I am his only son." Kaleb said but then his eyes widened then narrowed dangerously. "So - you're the one."
"What?" the woman said.
"You're the whore who laid with my father, gave birth to me, and deserted me because my father refused to marry you," Kaleb said with a smirk, "Life's a bitch, isn't it...Mother?"
"What?! You...You...You're the brat I gave to Karl?! He kept you?! He RAISED YOU?!" The woman demanded to know.
"He did...and now I know you've been mistreating this boy." He looked at the little boy who was holding on to his jacket, "This boy is my half-brother - linked to me...through you." His brown eyes glared at the woman again.
"Yeah! So?! I wanted a man and I thought having the mistake would make him stay with me but all it did was make him leave me! I could have had a house! Money! 3 Meals a day! But that mistake didn't do his fucking job!" The woman yelled at the young man.
"The only mistake here...is you."
With that - Kaleb turned to face the boy and picked him up in his arms before walking away - the woman opened her mouth to speak but small pieces of metal began to float and rained down upon her - shattering multiple parts of her body.
"Mr. Kaleb? Where are we going?" The boy asked as he held on to the young man's shirt.
"I'm taking you home with me. And you don't have to call me 'mister', you're my little brother and I'll always protect you." Kaleb said as he walked through the gate leading to his father's factory, "One more thing, you are not a mistake. You are not allowed to call yourself that ever again." Kale said.
"Then...what do I call myself?" The boy asked.
Kaleb smiled.
"Kalvin. Your name is Kalvin Heisenberg."
Thoughts, @snowflakestree?
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