#kamen rider caliber
by13x · 1 year
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Raidā Kokeshi Girls Set 5
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fennwox · 2 months
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One of the few Rider OCs I made to actually be part of a series.
This is Kamen Rider Ztagg, a guy I came up with before Seeker appeared, but drew after he did, so I was somewhat stuck using his helmet design since he's based on a Monarch Deer, a stag with 16 points on their antlers. The sword is 1:1 that big compared to him.
He's basically a sort of 'movie Rider' in a lore where he was once the benevolent king of a nation from hundreds of years ago in Eastern Europe, where a prior DGP was held. He was on the verge of winning but Management, fearing his power as someone nearly equal to Geats, forced his loss by cheating. His wish would have been to have his nation be prosperous. As a consolation for his loss, they merely erased his name from history and had his time period occupied by a nameless despot who ruined the country forevermore, now leading it to be a horrible little feeble nation on the verge of economic collapse.
He is returned to life temporarily by DGP Management to redeem his actions in exchange for killing off Geats and co in a Bonus Round taking place at the tail end of the series. If he can, his name will be returned to good graces and his nation rewritten to be successful and powerful.
His weapon, the Kingdom Caliber, changes it's weapon type depending on the Raise Buckle inserted, such as becoming a gem chainsaw with Zombie or a tuning fork blade with Beat.
He's actually a very good guy and understands the weight of what he intends to do for the people of his nation.
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tricitymonsters · 8 months
This crossed my mind when I read the dnd ask but what is the TCM and side character crew like with a very nerdy mc? Me personally, whenever I see these guys I just want to start infodumping about the entire lore about Dark Souls and rest my head on their rest
Mori has kind of always been labelled a "cool" person but also he's 100% a show off and when he was a younger man was much more easily whipped into a frenzy about who was a poser and who wasn't. Believe it or not he's way more mellow these days and under his party boy exterior really values like... earnest interest and passion. So if YOU like some obscure niche interest your enthusiasm will catch on with him fr.
Amir IS a nerd, he just has an extremely expensive and luxe exterior. He's an art nerd of the highest caliber who had nothing but time and resources to be so incredibly educated and apprentice under experts for most of his younger life that he will go on literal tirades about brush manufacturers and bristle discourse. Amir IS passion personified and he respects that in other people deeply. Maybe more than anything else. If its not worth getting into discourse flame wars on social media its not worth caring about. If there's any contact between spheres of your interest and his you have like a 50/50 chance of awakening the monster in him as he discovers a New specialized interest to ask you ten thousand questions about.
Akello is also firmly in the nerd category and a character who very much as incredibly niche Special Interests. Akello's also what I call a "quantitative nerd": someone who cares very much about facts and statistics and ensuring correct information about Whatever Topic is accurately and safely stored/archived/and circulated. He has an on/off switch for interests i think, and he doesn't really control what flips it on, only that when it is, he's obsessively thinking about it. It will be very easy for you to have nerd to nerd communication with Akello bc even if he's not into the hobby itself, he would be able to research and recite dark souls lore to you to an advanced degree like a day after you introduce him to the topic. Will probably ask if you have flow charts or mind maps to help him organize the details.
Kazu might be the nerdiest character in the line up. Yes, he looks like he could kill you with a glare. Yes, he's attack doberman coded. He grew up watching power rangers and kamen rider and has an absolutely encyclopedic knowledge of both including all costumes, henshins, team ups, villains, plots, side characters... you get the idea. He's an idol otaku, he has an anime figure cabinet, like sure he has "cooler" looking hobbies on a surface level (working out, mechanic stuff) but he's into them in a specifically nerdy way. He doesn't just work out, he treats it like a religious regiment almost. He doesn't just tinker with bikes, he fabricates them from the ground up. Like he's doing math and mechanical engineering. If anyone instantly clicks with and understands the Special Interests, its Kazu. Also he's not a talkative guy in general so you blabbering on and on about what you're into is actually really enjoyable for him. He's a good listener.
Marcel is another one for the "cool guy" team. He was always the popular kid growing up and frequently the trendsetter in his school and clubs. Now as an adult, not much has changed. He's the most likely to be like YOU LIKE TRAINS AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT? but then also get suckered into being interested in your infodumps. He's not a very judgy guy, preferring to play it laid back but if you catch him off guard you'll really pique his interest on novelty alone. Best in the cast for throwing surprise/really off the wall obscure interests at.
Raath... doesn't know shit about shit really. He's good at his job but doesn't have a lot of skills, knowledge, or interest outside of that. Even when he's being cranky and ornery, he might unwilingly get roped into you explaining the plot of Final Fantasy 7 for several hours simply because this is the weirdest shit he's ever heard until you tell him the NEXT weird thing. Also like kazu he tends to be a better listener than conversationalist.
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Hey wazzup this is Stickers' blog
Finally doing a pinned post that's about me!
Toku shows I've watched/am watching under the cut, I am not currently watching Reiwa Kamen Rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Things to know:
I write, at this point it's vastly toku, with some BLs and random dramas thrown in. feel free to transform my works (art/podfic/translations), BUT NOT WITH AI.
I'm 25, she/her is fine.
Feel free to ask me about anything, but if you're looking for more specific things, toku or bl! (or how those two are vastly intertwined good lord). Also feel free to tag me in things! I especially love music asks, since my music taste is all over the place.
If you are from Twitter, hi, I REALLY like toku here in a way I didn't on Twitter! Just something to keep in mind because I suck at tagging reblogs and I've watched. Many shows and will keep watching more!
I tag my liveblogs with silly catchphrases, I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not.
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Boonboomger - live blog tagged as: boonboom shake a lot
Boukenger - live blog tagged as: the precious adventure
UPCOMING: (subject to change)
Kamen Rider Blade
Ultraman Taiga
Power Rangers Dino Charge
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger
Kamen Rider:
OOO (x2)
Fourze (x2)
Build (x2)
Shinkenger (x2)
Lupinranger VS Patranger (x2)
Ginga/Ginga S
American Adaptations:
Saban's Masked Rider
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
Power Rangers RPM
Power Rangers Samurai
Saban's Power Rangers (2017)
Non-Japanese/American Toku:
Jushi Sentai France Five <- 🇫🇷
Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger/Season Tsuu
Kanpai Senshi After V/Shin Kanpai Senshi After V
He-Low/He-Low the Second
Gun Caliber (Movie)
Kamen Rider J
Kamen Rider ZO
Kamen Rider the First
Kamen Rider the Next
In the Hero
Hurricane Polymar
Rise: Dhuaruriser
Shin Ultraman
Shin Kamen Rider
Other Toku:
Kamen no Ninja Akakage
Choukou Senshi Changerion
Chousei Kantai Sazer-X
Ketai Sosakan 7
Tomica Hero Rescue Force
Kamen Rider Amazons s2 (yes only season 2)
High-Speed Parahero Gundeen
Dogengers High School (not the other seasons)
The High School Heroes
Sentika F8ABA6 Jisariz
Feel free to ask what else I'm watching! I'm always watching something, whether ongoing or finished!
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Mob Psycho 100 III- Episode 4 Review
Hello ladies, gentlemen and all those inbetween from all across the multiverse! My name is Rouga and today I bring you another installment of the Mob Psycho 100 III reviews. this time the number that comes after three. When I last spoke to you through my inaudible words about this here anime we'd had a little bit of setup for what seems to be the grand conflict of the season, sort of like Claw was. and with Dimple ready to take control of fifty thousand people with that creepy as all hell Mob disguise things are shaping up to be pretty bad. Fifty kilo units of person is quite a lot of manpower for such an existance as Dimple, With this complete and utter bunglenut of a spirit at the helm things have the potential to turn, shall we say interesting. So without further ado let's jump right into it.
Episode Review:
We begin this episode with the number of schoolgirls interested in Mob shrinking 1x Mezato Ichiwhich was to be rather expected what with the completely real not in any way not human, perfectly legitimate founder and creator of the Psycho Helmet Religion showing up to replace Mo… erm I mean clear up the misunderstanding and stop dragging Mob into matters he has completely no relevancy to of course. and further decreased with the telepathy obsessed girl also noping out on him in favor of the psycho helmet dudes, something is definetely fishy here, tho I do not know what or just how much. I am honestly quite pleasantly surprised with Reigen this episode as he actually did some detective-based work to look into the building deterioration, which as someone who is currently going through kamen Rider W, makes me very happy and shows that if Reigen wants to be, he can be quite skilled at many things from massages to photo editting to gaming and even some bit of web design. There is truly more to him than meets the eye and he's not even an alien, at least I don't think he is? he is a great pretender tho. Anyways, getting sidetracked. And just as I imagined things with Psycho Hat guys are going down a brainwashing powder made from the divine broco-tree is some seriously high level stuff if it can even overshadow Teruki's mindbrain And in the previous shot of all those townspeaople one had very characteristic cheeks, I wonder if that's also an effect given they are very dimple-esque or just something random. What's more during Teru's shot we saw Psycho Helmet behind him and while DImple is a spirit I don't think he has the ability to move soundlessly like that to sneak up on Teru with the physical form whatever it is. This is turning the harmless bunglenuts into a serious creep alert and I'm honestly all for it if well executed. The action sequence with Teru battling against the self proclaimed God of brocoli was a very well executed exchange, Showing us the power of this new threat through opposing it to Teru, one of the most capable psychics we've seen in the series and for someone of even his caliber to be able to be briefly overpowered this is trully a large threat. Seeing a comeback of Minegishi, the plant esper in this episode wasn't something I considered but it does make sense for giving us an expert's take on the problem at hand, even if said expert was rather quickly also overpowered by the broco-tree, plus it's nice seeing him turn over a new leaf and get a proper job. Reigen is coming in clutch with the planning this episode he really thinks about his actions and is happy to reach out for the needed help which also gives us an excuse to see Ritsu so that's nice. Especially since it gives us a normal person's point of view on the sheer magnitude of such a task. Seeing more shots of the other characters get wrapped up in this whole religion mess and roping an unknowing Ritsu into being brainwashed was something I honestly did not think about but it's at least good that Reigen did not eat the candy he gave out. I shudder to think of what would happen if Reigen, the guiding force for Mob tried protecting the threat too. And even worse, if the brainwashing could extend to Mob himself.
And wouldn't you know it, Reigen did get brainwashed by the sheer power of, whatever the heck it is that did that. I guess the tree is now powerfool enough to be able to spread its influence around the city with the roots? that'd make sense. Thankfuly Mob caught on rather quickly to what is going on and attempts to stand up to it alone. Weirdly Mesato wasn't brainwashed, or at least not enough to stand in his way and now the believers think they have two founders. With Dimple off the leash, Reigen and most of the city brainwashed, Teru's status being unknown and Mob growing ever nearer that magic 100, Episode 5 is sure to give us something really grand This somewhat reminds me of the Mogami arc in some aspects with the fact that Mob is in a way singled out and i am very much looking forward to seeing it. An interesting little tidbit I wanted to point out here was also in the next episode's preview bit Reigen talking still brainwashed which is some nice attention to detail With that. This will be all for the review. i hope to see you all in the next one when Episode 5 drops. Before I go however I will say that I am soon going to be slightly branching out thanks to the return of a certain Togashi to the world of manga so do look forward to seeing some more of my creative side. I have been Rouga, and thank you for reading!
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r4bbitdragon · 2 years
its incredible after a couple of years of kamen rider introducing a new and exciting rider in episode 25 that they dont actually intend to get more into in show for a bit (ie neo jin, caliber kento) rider just decided to introduce some new and exciting rider they just didn’t get more into in show ever
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sweetieangel300 · 3 years
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Kento vs Ren
Its actually a one-sided fight, Ren is just blocking Kento and not really fighting like he used to.
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jade-lop · 3 years
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The Gaming Saloon 12/16/2017 "Twas The Second To Last Show of The Year"
Watch The Gaming Saloon 12/16/2017 "Twas The Second To Last Show of The Year" from tgsaloon on www.twitch.tv
Time to talk awards, reveals, and Ryan Reynolds... this is going to be a fun week.
http://www.siliconera.com/2017....twitter http://www.shacknews.com/article....twitter https://www.gamespot.com/article....twitter http://www.ign.com/article....ds-2017 http://www.shacknews.com/article....twitter Releases: http://site.tgsnetwork.org/forum/52-311-1 Quick Draws: PM2448- http://news.tokunation.com/2017....s-48175 RE- https://www.polygon.com/2017....ch-date
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timotey · 2 years
I honestly, really, truly love Yamada Yuki. He's the epitome of a Good Boy(TM). He's one of the biggest stars to ever come out of the Sentai and/or Kamen Rider "Star Breeding Program", he goes from a movie to a drama to an asadora to another drama to two more movies etc. He became the spokesperson of some computer game that he's a real fan of - he's played over 1500 hours of it in his personal free time - and starting this April, he's going to have his own radio show and... Yeah.
And still, when they asked him a couple of years back to come back and star in Kaizoku Sentai 10 Gokaiger, he decided he just had to do it, no matter what, that he had to squeeze it into his schedule 'cause this was a show that made him and he was determined to give back and show his fans how much he loved and appreciated them. From the reactions I read on the web, nobody really expected him to do it, not a star of his caliber, but he did and gladly and happily so 'cause he still remembers his roots and he's proud of them!
Like I said, the epitome of a Good Boy(TM). And I love him muchly for that! 😘
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chernobog13 · 3 years
Starman, aka Super Giant, was Japan’s answer to Superman, appearing in theaters in a 9 films between 1957 and 1959.  He was also Japan’s first superhero on film.
During that time, Japan’s answer to Batman or The Shadow appeared on Japanese television.  Gekko Kamen, aka Moonlight Mask in English (also Moon Mask Rider), was the very first tokusatsu, live-action superhero on Japanese television.
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Moonlight Mask fought crime, carried two snub-nosed .38 revolvers, rode around on a motorcycle, and usually could be heard singing his theme song (I ain’t making this up!) before he appeared out of the darkness.  He had no super-powers except the ability to never run out of bullets, and never get his cape caught in his motorcycle’s spokes.
As for his choice of weapons, he couldn’t have picked worse.  .38 caliber revolvers were standard issue for many police forces at the time.  However, the .38s were notorious for terrible penetrating and stopping power; there have been documented instances of the bullets bouncing off someone just wearing a nylon windbreaker!  And generally, the longer a handgun barrel is the more accurate it will be.  The only reason anyone wore snub-nosed.38s was because they were easily concealable underneath jackets or other clothes.  But for 99% of users they were only effective at point-blank range.
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Japanese DVD cover for episodes 47-58 of the television series, part of the Skull Mask storyline.
Moonlight Mask was always coming to the aid of Police Inspector Matsuda, usually when some bizarre, diabolical villain was involved.  No one knew who Moonlight Mask was, and his secret identity was never revealed.  In the cast credits Moonlight Mask was always played by a question mark (”?”).  However, even the dullest of audience members could figure that Moonlight Mask was very probably private detective Juro Iwai, played by actor Ose Koichi, because the two characters are never, ever seen at the same time.
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Cover to the Japanese DVD for the film Moonlight Mask - The Monster Kong.  Gotta say, this Kong isn’t as impressive as the television version.
Moonlight Mask debuted on Japanese television in February 1958 and ran for a total of 131 episodes, ending in July 1959.  The episodes were run serial-style, with each episode picking up right where the previous one ended (usually with a cliff hanger of sorts).
The episodes were organized into 5 stories.  The first story, Skull Mask, ran the first 72 episodes.  The second story, The Secret of the Paradai Kingdom, ran 21 episodes.  Mammoth Kong, the third story, was 11 episodes long, and featured the first television kaiju.  Story number four, The Ghost Party Strikes Back, was 13 episodes long.  And the final story of the series, Don’t Turn Your Hand to Revenge, ran for 14 episodes.
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Mammoth Kong as he appears in the television series.  He’s a fearsome looking brute!
 I was only able to find available for sale in the USA the first four chapters of Mammoth Kong.  Above is the cover of the DVD that I purchased from Amazon.  The episodes are subtitled in English, but appear to have been lifted from Youtube. 
Despite being an early television show, with a very limited budget, I was very entertained by these episodes.  Mammoth Kong is a mutant giant ape, approximately 45-50 feet tall.  The scale model building for the Mammoth Kong scenes, while not up to Eiji Tsuburaya’s standards, were convincing enough.  And instead of using an expensive optical process to put humans in the same scene as the Mammoth Kong, they used marionettes instead.  It sounds goofy, but it was actually pretty effective.
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In addition to the television series, Toei Films produced six Moonlight Mask films during the same time period.  There films were released in 1958, and the second three films were released in 1959.
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That’s the diabolical Skull Mask and his gang of eyeball minions threatening Moonlight Mask.
The films were Moonlight Mask, Moonlight Mask - Duel to the Death in Dangerous Waters, Moonlight Mask - The Claws of Satan, Moonlight Mask - The Monster Kong, Moonlight Mask - The Ghost Party Strikes Back, and Moonlight Mask - The Last of the Devil.
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The films were adaptations of the stories from the television series. with Skull Mask - the longest story - getting divided into two films.    They were filmed in 2.35:1 aspect (”Toei Scope”) and had slightly better production value.  Also, Moonlight Mask and Detective Juro Iwai (if they really are the same person) is played by actor Fumitake Omura.
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Japanese DVD cover for the film Moonlight Mask - The Claws of Satan.
Think about how neat it was to be kid in Japan back then: not only could you see Moonlight Mask on TV every week, but you could go to the movie theatre and see him at the same time!  The equivalent today would be watching Superman and Lois on TV at home, and having a new Superman film showing up at your local multiplex (anybody remember those?) every 4 months.
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The television series and films were quite popular and doing well.  Unfortunately, a young Japanese boy died imitating one of Moonlight Mask’s stunts.  This led to the cancellation of the television series and the films coming to an end.
(A similar incident led to director Teruo Ishii, who directed several of the early Starman/Super Giant films, to leave the series after a young boy had been hurt imitating Starman.)
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An early soft vinyl (sofubi) Moonlight Mask figure. 
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A manga of Moonlight Mask made the scene a few months after the television series started.  Much of the artwork in the manga was by Jiro Kuwata, the creator of 8 Man.  He is better known in the West as the artist of the Batman manga from the 1960s, which were collected and released by DC Comics a few years ago.
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The Marmit 1:6-scale Moonlight Mask action figure.  He has automatics here, which he never used in the television series, so thes may be based on the film version. (Yeah, I know he needs to be touched-up with a Tide Pen.  You try keeping your white costume clean when you’re tussling with bad guys!)
Moonlight Mask would return in 1972 for a 39-episode anime series.  He had an updated costume, with a motorcycle helmet instead of a turban.  He was also sporting two .357 Magnum revolvers, which in real life would be only slightly more accurate than his old snub-nosed .38s, but with a heck of a lot more stopping power.
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The Medicom Real Action Heroes (RAH) 1:6-scale action figure of the anime version of Moonlight Mask.
The anime series was apparently very popular in Latin America, where it is known as Centella.
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The anime was broken into three 13-part story arcs: The Claw of Satan, The Mammoth Kong, and The Dragon’s Fang.  I’ve never seen the anime, but based on the titles alone I’m assuming the fist two stories are based on the original series.
There was also a gag anime, We know You, Moonlight Mask-kun, which had 25 episodes broadcast between October 1999 and March 2000.  I know next-to-nothing about this series.
That brings us to 1981, and the most embarrassing point on Moonlight Mask’s career:
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The Moonlight Mask movie, known in English as Moon Mask Rider.
This movie was an attempt to update Moonlight Mask for the 1980s, complete with giving him a suped-up motorcycle.  I’ve only seen clips from this film, and I was not impressed.  The kindest review of the film of several I’ve read describes it as dull; not bad, but not good.
None of the original series’ characters return, and Moonlight Mask even has a new secret identity!  The actor who played Moonlight Mask, Daisuke Kuwahara, was never seen in films again after this movie bombed big time at the box office.
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The 1981 movie version of the Moonlight Mask costume, which seems to incorporate elements from both the television and anime versions.
Sadly, that was the last time Moonlight Mask was attempted in live action, and he hasn’t been seen in anime in over 20 years. Unfortunately, only Japanese versions of the Toei films, and a few chapters from the television series, are available for sale in the USA.  The DVD covers shown above are all from Amazon’s site.
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Some random episodes of the television and first anime series are available on YouTube, but I couldn’t find any subtitled in English.
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One of the Toei films - I think it’s Moonlight Mask - The Claws of Satan - is available in its entirety on YouTube, but it is not subtitled either.
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I’m hoping one day someone will subtitle the original television series and films and distribute them to the USA.  I’m dying to see how Moonlight Mask manages to defeat Mammoth Kong and the evil gang controlling him.
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kamenriderlogik27 · 3 years
Saber headcanons part 4: Kento past + pre-caliber
-Like Sora, even though his dad was a swordsman, he went to a regular public school up until the day his dad betrayed the SOL. 
- The public school might be where he first met Touma (not sure about this yet since we don’t know who Touma’s parents are nor know his relation to the SOL) 
- If he did end up meeting Touma at school, then their first meeting would have to be on the playground. With Touma preferring to read a book instead of play with the other kids. 
- some of the other boys get annoyed at his lack of interest in joining their game, and they start picking on him. Kento, being his father’s son, detests the site of bullying and comes to Touma’s aid. After chasing away the bullies, Touma invites Kento to read with him to which Kento accepts; the start of a strong bond that transcends time. 
- Even though his dad wanted Kento to follow in his footsteps, Kento’s parents (suggesting that he has a mother) encouraged him to look into other careers such as a policeman, firefighter, soccer player, etc. 
- Because his dad was always away on missions, there would be times where Kento wouldn’t see his dad for moths on end. But his dad always made sure to write him letters of his adventures. 
-  Even though Kento was there the day his father betrayed the SOL and witnessed his father attack kamijou Daichi, he ended up fainting before he could see anything else and woke up two days later in the Northern Base’s clinic due to Ogami finding him and bringing him there. 
- Kento searched everywhere, high and low, for Touma and Luna, and waited at their promised place everyday just in case they came by.   
- After almost a year of waiting and not finding them, he started to believe that they were both dead and instantly blamed himself for his father’s actions. 
- Wanting to at least try and make things right, he started asking Sofia and anyone he could come across in the SOL about anything regarding his father, the betrayal, and what happened that day. 
- After finding out that no one really knew anything, he decided that he had to become a swordsman himself in order to investigate more. 
- He became the current Espada, Shinsen’s, student after begging Sofia to help him become a swordsmen. However, in order for Shinsen to fully accept him, Kento had to prove himself worthy and complete difficult tasks such as running for a specific amount of time, cleaning a very large ballroom, etc. which Kento did without complaint. 
- (according to RiderWiki, Shinsen took Rintaro under his wing after Nagamine died. I found this out a day after writing Rintaro’s headcanons. After reading it, I first thought that oh, maybe Rintaro and Kento really did grow up together then. But that still doesn’t answer why Rintaro seemed to be surprised at his presence in ep 2 and 3 and why he used formal speech when talking about and to Kento as if they didn’t grow up together. After thinking for a good long while, here’s what I came up with.)
- As Shinsen had already taken Rintaro under his wing after Nagamine died, He had trouble figuring out ways of teaching his two students in similar or different fighting styles (as Rintaro was still the successor of Nagare and Blades’s title and thus had to be taught a fighting style fit for the swordsmen of water.). Rintaro, not wanting to burden Shinsen as well as wanting to take more after his master’s fighting style, suggested that he learn Blades’s fighting style through books by himself so that Shinsen could focus on training Kento. 
- Even though Shinsen felt guilty at not being able to properly teach Rintaro what he needed to know, it still worked out perfectly since Shinsen could properly train Kento while Rintaro studied, and then both boys would be able to practice what they learned by sparring.  
- Kento was always super focused on training and bettering his technique, but he was still a kid at heart and wanted friends. however, at the same time, didn’t really believe that he deserved friends. This didn’t stop him from attempting to have friendly conversations with Rintaro during breaks while sparring though. 
- However, due to Rintaro’s personality and habit of taking things too literally, Kento was never able to start up a fun conversation with the water swordsman apprentice that proved to be even slightly similar to the conversations he would have with Touma and Luna. 
- Being as young as he is and having gone through so much pain, I can actually see Kento almost seeing Rintaro as a possible, unintentional replacement for Touma. But because Rintaro has gone through some shit himself and want’s to focus on his own path, he kinda goes against the image of Touma that Kento unintentionally put on him. The frustration Kento gets from this fact builds up so much that it explodes one day.
- That one day happened to be one of the rare days where Shinsen would be teaching the boys a new technique at the same time, since it was a pretty basic swordsman technique that didn’t require any particular style. Unlike most times where Kento would usually wait until a break or after sparring to strike up a conversation, Kento instead started speaking as the boys sparred. At first he talked about things like the weather and what they both had eaten that day (of course with Rintaro not saying much other than “can we please focus?”) then his words slowly got more aggressive to the point where Kento started mocking Rintaro’s lack of character. 
-Rintaro of course, tried his best to ignore Kento and focus on sparring, but when Kento asked “who do you take after, your mom or dad?” he finally felt as if he had to respond. 
- R: “I don’t know...” 
   K: “How can you not know? Don’t you have a family?”
   R: “The SOL is my family.”
    K: “Are you dumb? The SOL is an organization! They can’t be your family! A family AT LEAST has to have a mother and father!” 
- The last sentence Kento said brought Rintaro to tears, so he quickly yells “You don’t know anything!” and runs off back to the base. 
- For the next year, Rintaro refused to participate in anymore lessons and spars with Kento, and would always run the other direction if he so much as saw Kento appear anywhere. Kento did feel really guilty about what he said, especially after Shinsen scolded him and explained Rintaro’s situation and past. That being said, he tried his best to find Rintaro to apologize, only to always watch the boy’s back as he ran away. 
- Somewhat fed up with having to chase the water swordsman apprentice, Kento came up with a plan to have Ren capture Rintaro and tie him up so that he couldn’t escape. He honestly wasn’t expecting his plan to work so well, but because it did, he was finally able to talk to Rintaro and ask for forgiveness. To which, Rintaro gave under the condition that they both work hard to become swordsmen. After this incident, Kento saw Rintaro in a new light. He wasn’t a boy that could possibly fill up the whole Touma and Luna left, instead, he was Rintaro; a fellow apprentice who was really talented and smart. And Kento really admired him for that. 
- The only reason why Kento flew in on his magic carpet in ep 2+3 is because he was on a mission somewhat far away and wanted to see Touma as soon as possible once he was done. 
- Despite being overjoyed that Touma was actually alive AND had been introduced to the SOL/become a Kamen Rider as well, Kento was actually super nervous about meeting him again. He thought about what he would do and what he would say. He wondered how he would ask Touma about Luna, and how he should explain about what happened that day 15 years ago. When Rintaro told him about walking into Touma’s bookstore while riding his blue lion, Kento thought that maybe riding in on his magic carpet might be a good conversation starter if anything got too awkward. 
-He’s literally imagined his and Touma’s reunion hundreds of times after he heard that Touma was alive. He also wanted to ask him questions like “where did you go to school?” “What college degree do you have?” “Did you go on any adventures?(bookwise or real life)” ect. Kento just really wants to know how his friend has been all these years. 
- Kento is actually a neat freak and low-key OCD. He can’t stand being messy and has his own, somewhat professional way of organizing. Though he’d rather let others clean if there’s a way for him to opt out. 
- Kento is very fond of fictional novels, especially if they’re books that he read with Touma and Luna back in the day. However, he has no patience for non-fication, and secretly finds them very boring. His favorite genre of fictional novels would have to be adventure, fantasy and anything with super heroes. However, he does have a secret soft spot for romance (to the point where he has his own ships), and would rather die than admit to this fact.
- Is on the book side of the “Book vs. Movie” argument because he has never actually watched a movie to the end. Whenever he finds time to watch a movie, he ends up being so tired that he falls asleep before the climax. Reading a book at least gives his eyes something to focus on, plus books are like ‘a movie in your head’. 
-Kento kind of gives off a ‘spring’ feel to me, so I think that his favorite scents could be fresh laundry, calm lavender, and a warm spring breeze.
- Doesn’t dog-ear books, thankfully. But he does end up using weird objects as book marks. (i.e. an old receipt, a library card, post-it note, basically anything small, flat and within hands reach.)  
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pandaluver · 3 years
I finally got around to watching Kamen Rider Saber and I'm seven episodes in and....I don't love the show but I don't hate it either, the suit designs are kool, Rintaro is my favorite character so far and I high key low key ship him with Mei...Is that a thing?
Also, I don't think Caliber is Kento’s father. In episode seven they hid his face as he was transforming and whenever he would fight Kento he would say "I have no quarrel with you!" So that means either Caliber has some crazy scar or something that the writers don't want to show off yet or Kento’s father is either missing or dead and the guy in the suit is responsible for it.
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Invincible Swordsman
Phoenix Swordmsman and Book of Ruin: I've seen nothing about the timeline placement of this, but I've seen known sign of the Knight Forms, but Kento is here and so are the Wonder Combos, so safest bet seems to be right before Jaou Dragon happened. Bacht, wielder of Mumeiken Kyomu and the Eternal Phoenix Wonder Ride Book was sealed in a book in ages last, but is unsealed and creates portals to destroy the world. Seems to have Megiddo working with him but none of the regular villain's are involved. Bacht, Kamen Rider Falchion, apparently aims to reduce the world to nothing, Sword of Logos opposes him. The Brave Dragon joins with two others, the Love Dragon (White) and the Pride Dragon (Black) to for the Emotional Dragon Wonder Ride Book, and Saber uses Emotional Dragon to defeat Falchion. End scene is a brief teaser of our hooded man.
REALxTIME: So we have S, our lead villain, announcing he will end the world with bomb in 60 minutes and remake the world in his image, he has a large cult of followers, apparently he created the bomb using the Thousand Jacker. Among the followers are the 4 generals Bell, Moore, Lugo and Buga. Each of them, as well as the other followers, using either a Slash Abaddoriser or a Shot Abaddoriser, along with a Crowding Hopper Key become Kamen Rider Abaddon, the 4 generals having some small variation from the other followers. Aruto attempts to fight S, Kamen Rider Eden, using Zero-Two but is defeated and winds up in another world, S uses the Zero-Two Progress Key in the Thousand Jacker to create the Hell Rising Hopper Progrise Key, Izu later retrieves the Zero-Two Key and Zero-Two Driver. The Abaddon's are spreading a red gas that sends people to the other world, we get that scene of Jin, Horobi, Amatsu, Yua and Fuwa all fighting together. Aruto learns the woman he's met, Akane, knows S, and returns, attempting to fight Eden again using Metal Cluster Hooper. Apparently most of the enemies are AI controlled nanomachine constructs controlled by a few individuals using ZAIA Spec, these were meant to medical nanomachines but changed after some stuff with Ark towards the end of the series, Nanomachines make up the red mist. Horobi finds and confronts As, who has supplied Eden with the Hiden and others tech he needed, she otherwise isn't present. Is tries to find Aruto using Zea and manages to awaken to original Is somehow and they merge. Eden intends to use the Hell Rising Hopper Key to end the world, Aruto manages to take it off him, can't shut it down and is forced to use it to transform into Hell Rising Hopper. He is in a rage state and defeats S and tries to kill him but Zero-Two stops him, revealing themself as Is, Aruto calms down. Akane was S' wife, she died but her consciousness survived in the nanomachine AI, S wanted to make a world where he could be with her forever, placing his mind in a Humagear. Bell, after learning the real goal, takes the Eden Driver and Eden Key by force and becomes Kamen Rider Lucifer. Then we get Aruto as Zero-One and Is as Zero-Two facing Lucifer together, S shuts down this nanomachine system returning everyone to normal while Lucifer is defeated.
And that's Zero-One, at least until 01hers MetsubouJinrai.net comes out. But with what else was announced this week I wouldn't have counted on it being the end even if that hadn't been announced.
Z: It's important to remember with this first scene that Yuki Mai isn't actually a villain. There have definitely been examples of defence force members who count as villain's, the guy from Ginga S, or the ones from Ultraseven 1999 come to mind, but she is purely acting on the information she has, information that has been given to her by the actual villain, who we know was a trusted figure if authority. Hebikura finally reveals to the rest of STORAGE his identity as Juggler, but a younger Juggler would have just killed her and the 1st SAAG soldiers. As Destrudos rampages in LA, STORAGE prepares their mission, Haruki will pilot King Joe STORAGE Custom, while Hebikura uses Windom. He warns everyone to escape if they have to, GAFJ will almost certainly attack them. Wait Juggler what do you mean you can't grow big on your own anymore? You did last time we saw you before this, what's changed? King Joe and Windom give it their all, but they're outclassed by Destrudos, and when it looks like it's over Bako comes in with Sevengar to assist, the two manage to hold Destrudos long enough for King Joe to blow it open and attempt to pull Yoko out. So like this arm wrestling obviously is happening, but it isn't real or something, it pulls Yoko out of Celebro's control, and Celebro vanishes, leaving the Belial Medal in Yoko's hands. As she's ejected Haruki saves her by being able once more to use Delta Rise Claw, accepting he may die because of the strain, as Z warned. Beliarok returns to fight this new opponent. Destrudos regenerates the D4 cannon and fires, Beliarok absorbing the whole attack and thanks Haruki for the amusement, before destroying D4 and shattering, the feedback reverting Z to his Original State. With the encouragement of STORAGE he stands up, and with a tough battle defeats Destrudos with a Zestium Ray against the D4 Ray. Seems Haruki made it, but Z collapsed leaving. Hebikura catches up to Celebro and is going to kill it when Yuka and Kaburagi turn up and capture it, he leaves them to it. Haruki decides to go with Z to help people out in the universe. Beliarok, having reformed in space, decides to join them.
The Absolute Conspiracy: Moving to right around 1974, almost immediately after the end of Ultraman Taro, while continuing the Second Chapter we now focus on Ultraman Tregear in his Early Style (Existing VA), and some of this content was already relayed to us in the shirt story about Tregear that came out around when the Taiga movie was meant to. Tregear is working as a scientist at the Science Research Bureau under the Institute Director, Hikari (Still Origina VA), where he is working to develop a familiar item to borrow power from various life forms. Tregear looks down on himself for failing to make it into the Inter Galactic Defence Force, but Hikari encourages him to take pride in what he can do. He is reunited with Taro (New VA for his younger self), fresh from his time on earth. The showing here is abridged, but Taro is able to assist with finishing the device, and it is named the Taiga Spark. Some time later Hikari goes missing, and, in a new detail, Tregear goes to planet Arb to find him, where he is depressed after his failure to save Arb from Bogarl, and swears vengeance, for the first time becoming Hunter Knight Tsurugi, he attacks Tregear to stop him from getting in the way if pursuing revenge, leaving Tregear shocked even Hikari could not resist the darkness, and he hears Tartarus' voice. He discusses this with Taro, feeling resigned, and while Taro promises to protect him Tregear for the first time seems resentful of Taro, not just in awe. The pair go to Planet Deastar, where Taro seeks Tregear's help to investigate a strange energy. Suddenly Night Fang appears, brought by Tartarus, while it fights Taro it makes Tregear experience an illusion, where Hikari/Tsurugi draws him to the darkness, which he fears, but when Taro's illusion promises protection he rejects that too, then Tartarus offers him the chance to live as he desires, to fear nothing, and shows him his future, both his absorption of Grimdo and the conclusion of the fight with Taro in the beginning of Taiga, where despite everything Taro begged him to return. Taro uses Ultra Dynamite to destroy Night Fang, saying they'll always stand for the Light, but as Tregear leaves he rejects the idea of Light and Dark, Taro desperately calls after him.
Saber: Saber sees scenes that look like the past rush past him as he follows Caliber, while back at the battle the Megiddo claim only the one who obtains the truth will survive. Caliber tells Saber, and the Megiddo tell the others, that at the end of the gate is the Contents page of the original book, the only page that still remains, with it they would be able to find the other pages and remake the original book and reshape the world in their image. The Swordsmen intend to destroy the remaining pillars, which would prevent Saber returning. As Saber fight Caliber brings up the possibility of the world having already been changed from its original shape, before causing Saber to lose both swords and Touma vanishes into Kurayami's darkness. Mei encourages Rintaro to act, certain Touma will come back, while Touma, briefly despairing, is encouraged by Kento's spirit and manages to return to the swords and face Kamijo once more. Blades starts destroying pillars, while Kamijo explains 15 years ago. Hayato had been his best friend, until the day he betrayed them, when Kamijo confronted him he revealed Luna was a way to connect both worlds. Saber and Caliber fought, Caliber claiming this was to save the world. Luna was lost as Touma saw, and we see the last thing Touma remembered, with Brave Dragon flying into Touma's hand seemingly if it's own accord. When Hayato, enraged, yelled that this was the only way to save the world, Kamijo was forced to cut him down, but concluded the ones responsible for Hayato's corruptions were Sword of Logos, and so he decided to bear their sins even if he had to ally with the Megiddo. He believes obtaining the universal truth will allow him to identify the true enemy within Sword of Logos. Touma won't accept this, given all the people Caliber has sacrificed. As Blades continues destroying pillars, Saber uses Dragon Arthur, Crimson Dragon and Dragonic Knight. There's a Dragonback duel, ending in a Rider Kick struggle, which Saber wins, then uses a finish with both swords to defeat Kamijo, Kurayami, Jaaku Dragon and Jaou Dragon all fall. Kamijo accepts his loss, but beseeches Touma to find who betrayed Sword of Logos, saying he might be able to find Luna. Before he can say more he is stabbed through be Desast, who takes his own book back. Kamijo's last words are to beseech Touma to take Kurayami to help his quest, but suddenly both it and the books vanish. He returns just as the gate closes, greeted by everyone. And here's a reminder of Shindai Reika, going to tell us why you kidnapped Sophia any time soon?
Kenshin Retsuden: And finally for this series we have an episode of Blades, listed as Chapter 15.5. In the aftermath of everything Rintaro is depressed over Kento's death. Mei tries to cheer him up with eclairs and tries at the lottery, but even those won't excite him. We learn from flashback his lottery win was how he got the camera, and how he explained about how Sword of Logos as his family was instilled in him by his master. Rintaro feels weak, a failure, remembering his first fight with Zooous and how he felt, with Mei trying to calm him down after the fight, in the present she reminds him he saved her from Zooous, and protected Kento from Caliber, because he refused to give up. She tells him how Kento had said he wished he was as strong as Rintaro, and shows him Kento had used the camera to make sure there was a photo of himself for Rintaro. Rintaro has tears over the picture of his family, and finds his resolve.
Kiramager: Naturally the Crystalian holiday of Crystals is just a pastiche of Christmas, but the behaviour induced by Crunchula's rap causes the team to seriously hurt the Mashin, but the Mashin are also affected by the curse. Fire does make a point that they might still genuinely feel that way. The whole rap battle is just hilarious, I do like Yodonna's outfit choice. An all mecha roll call is a rare treat, last on I remember was Go-Onger, which also had an all Robo roll call. All the mecha getting a bit of spotlight like this is pretty common around this time of year, I remember Shinkenger doing it. Something is up with Yodonna.
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veeranger · 4 years
how has kamen rider not been in some shit like soul caliber or something
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muserolodex · 4 years
"In this Rider Battle, you will fight an opponent of my choosing." Spoke Dark Decade as he raised his hand and out came a guy with real fox ears and tail, though he looked confused, "Hiden Aruto, your opponent is Kazuya Yakumo of the World of FireStorm, also known as Kamen Rider Shadow, remember, base forms and powers only, only one super form, no final, so let the battle begin." Dark Decade said as he was taken away. "I don't like this, but I don't think we have a choice." Spoke Kazuya.
Ever since arriving in the gladiator arena, Aruto had been trying to think of a way around having to fight. Considering that the ZEA satellite was probably outside of this dimension, he wouldn’t be able to transform without a ForceRiser, and that’s a sensation he’d prefer not to have unless absolutely necessary.
Aruto reaches through his pockets, and comes across a little present that the Humagear Matsuri Zed had given him. Similar to a hollywood stunt blood squib, this small packet would create a spray of sparks when opened.
He turns around, burying the spark squib under his hoodie. Then he turns around, picking up his Attache Caliber, and hopes his acting is up to snuff as he rushes towards the kitsune with the blade above his head.
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