#kanafinwe makalaure
meadowlarkx · 2 years
Last words
I was tagged by @kanafinwe-makalaure to post the last sentence/line from my WIP! Thank you! 💖
Mairon rested his now-solid hand upon Finrod’s side and let it fall down to his hip, pushing aside the crumpled sheets to bare him.
Is this really racy enough to merit the cut (& do these verbs make much sense)? No, but here we are!
I tag @imakemywings @tuulikki @samarqqand @lesbianhaleth @jouissants @polutrope @undercat-overdog and @sparklingdali if you'd like to do it!! 💕
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aniseandspearmint · 1 month
The Arcadian Wild - Little Bird (LYRIC video)
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aamuusva · 6 months
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stellavesperis · 3 months
Can we talk about Maglor for a second? Because I love this idiot. He canonically takes the most difficult territory to defend against Morgoth, and places himself in between the forces of evil and his brothers. He commanded the cavalry. He was probably a horse girl. He was said to be most like his mother in temperament. He is so loyal he immediately kills the man who was about to backstab Maedhros. He killed a bunch of Teleri, and then wrote a song about how it was the Noldor who truly fell that day. He burnt the ships. He was glad that Eärendil could be seen by all and everyone could share in the Silmaril's beauty. (He probably would have broken them to save Aman, too). He loves Elrond and Elros. He fights against his last brother in an attempt to return to the Valar he had defied. His loyalty leads him to defer. He chooses to live on. His voice was said to be like the ocean that he wanders beside. The last son of fire was lost to the sea.
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tolkien-povs · 1 month
Just something about how Elrond is described as "kind as summer." You can't go wrong with that. Elrond is amazing.
But the history of Elrond is so fucking tragic — if anything, Elrond should be turned evil, like Fëanáro or Maedhros.
But he didn't.
He lost his parents, his brother, his foster parents, his wife, his daughter, etc... and yet he's an amazing person.
Elrond being one of the bad guys would have been understandable. But he chose to be a good person who helped maintain the stability of Middle-Earth.
Despite all his pain, grief, losses, etc — Elrond chose to stay patient and prevent more people from experiencing the same losses he did.
This just shows one of the many different outcomes of pain that Tolkien presents; rather than going mad, like Fëanáro, or becoming an anti-hero, like Maedhros, or even disappearing, like Maglor, Elrond chose to stay sane and be a hero for Middle-Earth.
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If none can release us, then indeed the Everlasting Darkness shall be our lot, whether we keep our oath or break it; but less evil shall we do in the breaking.
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maglor does the scariest impressions. Once, he walked in on Maedhros and fingon and said in his feanor voice, ‘what is going on here?’ Mae almost had a heart attack.
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thelien-art · 3 days
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"And it is told of Maglor that he could not endure the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and he cast it at last into the Sea, and thereafter he wandered ever upon the shores, singing in pain and regret beside the waves."
The Silmarillion - J.R.R. Tolkien
Elrond finally finds Maglor - I wonder what he´s been up to all these years I have so many thoughts about what he´s been up to acutely
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wisesnail · 6 months
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It took me a while to paint a Maglor I was satisfied with, but I'm pretty happy with the result <:
I hope you like it too! 💙
PS: I appreciate that my elves (especially the Noldor) are not very flashy - they have no circlets, or jewels, or shiny robes. This is because I'm trying to focus more on the basic features, and the lovely viewers can imagine all the extras they like <: Think of paper dolls, but 2D 🙈
Prints and other stuff on my RedBubble and Threadless
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cats-spilled-wine · 1 month
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Recently, I posted Maedhros, which was supposed to initially be a digital art practice. But since it turned out better than I first expected, I figured I could draw all seven sons of Feänor, from oldest to youngest. Maybe even Feänor himself in the end🙃.
Now I am happy to present Maglor the Minstrel😊
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sandmoer · 3 months
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Maglor in Dionysus AU
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sadlybeans · 1 month
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Alas, it was SO worth it !!!! I would draw a background but, I’m too tired to do that and also I have never drawn a backgroynd in my life ✨
But… here he is!!! Makalaurë Kanafinwë in the flesh!!!!
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serene-faerie · 2 months
Elrond and Elros have different ways of expressing their anger towards the Fëanorians as teenagers.
Elros is blunt in his anger. Whenever Maglor tries to apologize to him, tries to weakly justify the Third Kinslaying, Elros tells him where to shove it. He openly curses Maglor and Maedhros to their faces, uncaring of angering them. If Maglor even tries to give him a hug, Elros will push him away or slap his hands with a growl. "I hope your Oath destroys you the way you destroyed our home," Elros snarls at him and Maedhros more than once. "I hope you never get those accursed Silmarils ever again!"
Elrond isn't as blunt, but his anger is cold, scathing. Whenever Maglor tries to sing to him, like how he used to when he was younger, Elrond just gets up and walks away. If Maglor tries to talk to him, Elrond remains silent and glares at Maglor until he gives up. He never shouts or curses at Maglor like Elros does, but he expresses his anger quietly. His words are harsh, cutting deeper than even a blade ever could. "You drove our mother into the sea after slaughtering her kindred twice," Elrond tells him and Maedhros coldly. "And you truly thought that I would forget about it?"
Their feelings towards Maedhros and Maglor were no doubt complicated. As children, they were able to develop a tentative love for Maglor, who was kind enough to raise them.
But now, as teenagers, Elrond and Elros are able to make sense of their nightmares. They understand what Maedhros and Maglor did to their mother, how they drove her to throw herself into the sea. Their teenage years are tense and difficult. They both long to escape the Fëanorians, but to where? Morgoth controls virtually all of Beleriand. The Havens of Sirion are destroyed. There's no place of safety in Middle-earth anymore.
But then, the War of Wrath begins. The host of the Valar has arrived in Middle-earth, ready to wage war upon Morgoth. This was their chance.
And so, in the middle of the night, the twins escape to fight alongside the Valar.
And not once do they look back at the Fëanorian camp.
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aamuusva · 5 months
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A red sun rises
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threeunwisehunters · 6 months
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@feanorianweek Day 2: Maglor
Maglor with little Elrond and Elros because he deserves some joy and love too
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windrelyn · 6 months
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@feanorianweek 2024
Day 2 - Maglor - "Requiem"
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