#kandrew bro-tp
willowbird · 3 years
6 + 7 + 2 and Kandrew
Band! Bro-TP! Inside Andrew's closet! Assume this one takes place in the same AU as this other band prompt, because I can.
Part One | Part Two
Knock knock.
"Andrew. Andrew come out. This is getting ridiculous."
Knock knock knock.
"I don't see what the big deal it, Andrew. So he sang a song. He's in a band. As the singer. That's kind of what he does."
Knock knock knockknockknockknockknockknock--
Andrew flung the door open with such violence it creaked and shuddered upon its sudden impact with Kevin's knees.
"It wasn't just a song!" Andrew hissed in scathing astonishment. He ignored the sour look his best friend shot him and leaned heavily back against the wall of his closet (where he'd been sulking for the last two hours), before sliding all the way down to sit on the floor.
The tiniest pang of guilt struck when Kevin was still grimacing as he gingerly lowered himself to sit cross-legged on the threshold, but Andrew pushed it away. Now was not the time. He was in crisis here. Kevin should understand that.
"Okay," Kevin said slowly. "Tell me about the song, then."
A pained look crossed Kevin's face that had nothing to do with being smacked in the knees with a door and Andrew lost all sympathy for him.
"Andrew." Kevin's tone was steady and firm this time, a much younger replica of his dad's Coach Voice that Andrew hated that he couldn't help but listened to. He glared at his friend so he knew how unamused he was, but didn't interrupt again as Kevin continued with, "You like Neil, and he sang you a song. What is so terrible about that?"
Andrew glared. First he glared at Kevin, then he glared at the floor. Then he glared at the ceiling. Then he glared a Kevin again. He huffed, loudly. Then he took in a slow, deep breath and said, "It'll never work. So what, we... date? High school romances never last. We'll date and then he'll realize he doesn't actually want me, and then our friendship will be ruined forever."
"Wow, the gays really are dramatic," Kevin deadpanned.
"Speak for yourself 'Mister Kevin Knox xoxoxo'," Andrew simped right back at him, because Kevin wasn't even careful. He wrote that on the inside of his goddamn science notebook.
Kevin's cheeks darkened to about the shade of a Red Delicious apple, but there really wasn't much he could say to that so, wisely, he didn't try.
"Look," he said instead, "you like him. He likes you. He's made his move by singing a song to you. If you just try to ignore it now it's going to affect your friendship anyway."
"Your logic is offensive," Andrew grumped, draping his forearms across his knees with a sigh and tilting his head back against the wall. This wasn't supposed to happen. Feelings... weren't supposed to get involved. He was just supposed to make out with his hot sassy friend, get it out of his system, and then it would be come that thing that they laughed about when they were older. Now Andrew was attached. Ugh.
Kevin was smiling when Andrew looked at him and, well... It was a small smile, but Kevin's smiles always had Andrew relaxing. Even when they made him mad. There was once a time where Andrew and Kevin were the only ones who knew what each others' smiles looked like, and the sign of that smile always meant that things were gonna be okay. No matter what fucked up shit was going on, no matter how awful and terrible their home lives were, if Kevin could smile about something, about anything, then the world couldn't be that bad. Right? As long as Kevin could smile, Andrew could get through it.
So it was basically against his will - because Andrew really wanted to angst about this more - but he found himself feeling calmer. Feeling, goddamnit, almost hopeful. He tried not to sound too gay about it when he asked, "You really think this could work?"
Kevin nudged his toe with his own and that small smile shifted into a shy grin.
"Yeah, Andrew, I think this could work. Just... talk to him about it at least, okay? You know Neil will be honest with you if you're honest with him. Talking about feelings and shit sucks but... I mean... don't you think it might be worth it?"
And Andrew thought about that for a moment. Was it worth it? Was Neil worth it?
"Okay," he said before the thought had even finished formulating in his mind. Because the answer was obvious.
Now Kevin was outright grinning and Andrew scowled so he wouldn't smile too, that would be giving away too much. He kicked at Kevin's ankles with a snort. "Don't get too excited, Day. Once I've got Neil as my boyfriend I'm enlisting him to help me invade your love life."
"You wouldn't dare," Kevin hissed.
Now it was Andrew's turn to smirk. He kicked out again, but this time kept his leg extended enough that he could rest his calf against Kevin's. "Fuckin watch me."
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