#kaneki x hide cosplay
allldayanime · 8 years
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misa-ai · 8 years
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Hide and Kaneki on a romantic date during a summer festival✨ Kiss kiss fall in love 🎶 . Hide: @_mitomy_ (instagram) Kaneki: me (@misa_ai on instagram) . Photographers: @undy_cosplays
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lilacflamesss · 7 years
Some Thoughts on TG Movie
Hi friends, so the movie’s officially out in my country only on the 24th or something, but by tearing apart my wallet I managed to get the tickets to the special premier and cosplay event woohoo. I wrote what I honestly thought about the movie and it got kinda long + spoilers so I left it under the cut. 
In short, is it a great adaptation? Nah. In this arc itself, it’s also hard to say if it did better than the anime (if we ignore the anime’s weird chronology). But I went in with no expectations at all so I enjoyed the movie while I was watching it and it’s only after thinking through and talking about it over dinner did I notice certain issues. 
The movie covered events from Volume 1 to the end of Volume 3 in the span of 2 hours which naturally means a lot of things had to be cut. There were stuff I’m bitter about that’s cut but I see why they did it and I decided not to bother too much. I also would like to add that I’m not too familiar with Volumes 1 and 2 since the only volume I’ve really read recently from the pre-Aogiri period is Volume 3 so spare any mistakes I might make from what I recall from the manga. 
I’d like to highlight that these are mere first impressions. A re-watch might change my opinions on certain things and by no way are my opinions absolute and final. It’s clear a lot of work was put into this and it was really taken seriously, so I do applaud the team. 
Spoiler warning: Yes, there are spoilers because this movie is not a 100% reenactment of the manga. There are original scenes and there are scenes that were dropped. If you don’t like to read spoilers because you’re planing to watch the movie, I advise you not to read even if you know this entire arc in the manga by heart. With that done, let’s start! / (='x'=) \ 
More under the cut! 
Since I’m the most bothered about the portrayal of Touka, I’ll begin with that. I feel that Touka was somewhat shallow in this adaptation. There isn’t the scene with her killing the creep who was messing with her so Kaneki found out she’s a ghoul only after she stopped Nishiki from trying to kill Kaneki. She still offers Kaneki the meat relatively nicely, but he rejects and runs away. Touka’s cold to Kaneki from this point onwards and there’s still the whole part about her asking him about how cake and all tastes like. But there’s nothing about her saying that it’s been hell for her since she was born nor was there the part where he called her a monster, so this kinda made Touka’s character seem harsh simply due to bitterness over the fact that he used to be human, which is clearly not the case in the manga. Just this earlier bit itself doesn’t seem to really convey any of Touka’s suffering as a ghoul, nor does it really portray Kaneki’s fear of these ‘monsters’ as deep as the manga does. So clearly, the beginning to Touken’s relationship itself here lacks the depth and complexity from the manga. Instead of really having deeply-rooted sentiments against each other which led to a friendship after the Hinami ordeal, it becomes more of a ‘I can’t stand you at all.’ on Touka’s part to eventually being comfortable around him.  
The other bit that got me really pissed off was the fight against Mado. They took out the newspaper bit as well so Hinami left the place because she smelt Ryouko instead of her own fears and insecurities, which also meant that whole scene with Touka hugging and comforting Hinami was removed as well, which I was really upset with since I was looking forward to that a lot. 
The fight was basically Touka getting wrecked most of the time and absolutely no mention of Touka having the potential to be as troublesome as Owl. Touka has her speech where she talks about ghouls wanting to live on and all but they didn’t include her flashback of Hikari (they didn’t include the Ayato flashback as well actually) and I was expecting this to be cut out like the anime did but I was really sad because I wanted those Kirishima feels lmao. Oh wells. But more importantly, due to the earlier exclusions of Touka talking about how shitty her life was this speech felt a little less heavy than it did in the manga. 
Now, the part that really ticked me off was the end. After Hinami attacks Mado, Touka asks her to kill him off, which Hinami refuses to. In the original, Touka doesn’t do anything and only rushes to kill him right as he was going to attack Hinami. But in the movie, he was struggling to go to his quinique and hadn’t even reached it. Touka’s decision to kill Mado felt really flat to me because it doesn’t seem like she killed him to protect Hinami. It seems more like her killing him just because Hinami refuses to do it, which also makes it a little iffy to me because I’ve always enjoyed how the Touka’s part in this arc is a transition from a tale of revenge to one of protection. 
Oh, but Touka’s relationship with Yoriko was adorable and one thing I liked about this movie was when Yoriko came to Anteiku to bring some food for Touka and she ate it. The whole part about her not wanting to vomit it out in the bathroom happened in Anteiku as well, with Kaneki standing outside and listening to her. It’s kinda creepy to think he’s listening to a girl in the bathroom but I like how Kaneki managed to notice from this bit how Touka’s struggling to maintain her balance in the world-- they took out the bit about Uta talking to him about Touka so I guess this was how Kaneki realized how hard she was working. 
That was long but let’s move on. 
They missed out the iconic part where Kaneki narrates about how it’s be a tragedy if he was the protagonist of a story, but I suppose it suits the feel of the movie because the movie itself didn’t end with tragedy since it concluded at the end of Hinami arc. 
Hide’s convo with Kaneki in the beginning is cut by a lot actually and it seems he already knows Rize is Kaneki’s crush (he points her out to Kaneki when she walked in). He was trying to get Kaneki to ask her out on a date which is completely different from the manga. I think the movie was really trying to go with a ‘normal kid’ Hide because he doesn’t really show that much intuition as he does in the manga/anime. Though Nishiki still mentioned that he’s a little wary of Hide. But, according to the subs, Hide seemed more scared that Nishiki might ‘chew him out’ for work-related issues rather than because he felt suspicious of Nishiki as a person. Also, it’s hard to tell if Hide knew Kaneki became a ghoul because instead of bringing him to Anteiku, they brought him to the hospital and he was unconscious until quite later on in the movie. There’s no interaction between him and Kaneki as well after that because Yoshimura told him to stay away from Hide, which is also completely different from the manga since in the manga it’s Kaneki who thought he had to stay apart from Hide. Anyway, the complexity of Hide’s character seemed absent, but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt since it’s only the Fueguchi Arc after all. 
Also, Hidekane fans rejoice, there’s one scene where Kaneki just licks Hide’s face repeatedly.  
Another thing that made me go “????” was the CCG’s investigation methods and how they tracked Hinami and her mother down from her father. I won’t say too much but my friend who went with me was commenting that even CSI doesn’t do it that way so it’s either CSI super backdated or the CCG has some pretty high tech stuff they’re keeping from everyone else. This is a joke of a point. Let’s move on. 
Amoneki fight scene was a let down at the end because they failed to deliver the final bit appropriately. They did have Kaneki not wanting to become a murderer but Amon didn’t respond nor did they hold a conversation. Also, Kaneki ran off and remained sane enough to join Touka and Hinami and help them out. It’s a pity the bit with Yomo was left out because if I recall right, that’s the first time Yomo called him by his name? 
AND, I have to mentioned this. In Root A, Ken cried blood tears for Hide. In here, he cried it with Amon. Amoneki shippers can rejoice as well. 
Also, I have no idea why Mado’s the one who’s always munching on doughnuts instead of Amon. 
Let’s go to the good bits of the movie.
DUDE THE ACTING. I really loved it. I expected Kubota to be able to pull it off and he delivered it as I thought he would. Shimizu wasn’t too bad as well, honestly.
But I have to give special mention to Mado’s actor. One thing I take away from 6 years of being in Drama is that if you’re a villain and you make the audience truly hate your character, you’re a great actor. Oizumi really pulled off the role so well that I have newfound hatred for Mado right now. It’s amazing really, to the point that it felt like Mado really overshadowed Amon a lot due to sheer quality of the acting. 
Hinami’s actress as well deserves another special mention because oh my god, I felt so sad for her. The scene where she’s crying over her mother’s death is one of the best scenes in the movie because it felt so real and amazing. I’m really so impressed and god, she’s just 14??? This girl is talented as hell. Also, I’m glad they got a 14 year old girl to act as Hinami so thank god we didn’t get the 9 year old vibe from the anime. 
Not to say the rest were bad, Hinami and Mado were just really good. Which also makes that one scene when they were together another one of my favorite scenes.
Moving on. If I have to be honest, this movie is super gross and eerie and I LOVE THIS. The scene when Kaneki first discovers he’s a ghoul has him lying sprawled amidst scattered food and his own vomit when some hallucination of Rize comes, pins him down and kinda messes with him and licks his eyeball (just like Eto did, yes). And while this was happening, the shadow on the wall formed a centipede and while at this point in time in the manga the imagery hadn’t appeared yet, I really loved this bit. And right as it disappeared, he rushes to the bathroom to clean himself up and that’s when he sees his kakugan on the eye imaginary Rize just licked. Kaneki walks around Tokyo when he just changed with his hands so obscenely (in a way) in his mouth and saliva like all over (I think it was saliva, I might be wrong). I think there was one part he went to sleep like that as well.
Other than this, in fights and all those other scenes, the blood and all tend to be really messy and all over the place. The blood’s super thick and you can just see how sticky it is so it’s really super gross when you see it like dripping out of their mouths. 
The sound effects were pretty good as well. Fueguchi 1 makes a really creepy noise whenever it’s being used and it’s somewhat annoying yet it adds to the whole intensity of the scenes. When Touka broke Kaneki’s finger the crack was resonating everywhere. It’s probably due to my own bad experience with broken bones, but I cringed so badly at this. And I think there were a little more bone breaking in their whole training segment because Touka mentioned that they heal fast from fractures and they didn’t have to worry about breaking bones in fight. It happened in Amoneki fight as well, I believe. I really loved how chilling the sound effect was. 
Also, the focus on that finger when Touka was stepping and breaking it. It’s so disturbing. (Again it might be me being bad with bones, but I was grimacing the entire time and I hated it so much it’s amazing, I think?)
The kagunes vary because I loved Kaneki’s and Ryouko’s but Touka’s kagune felt really plain to me. I didn’t like how it seemed really solidified because the Kirishimas’ kagune aren’t actually like that unless they crystalize it. The flowy-ness and glow was absent, which was what I really loved from their kagune so I found that a pity. In a way, Touka’s kagune felt a little creepy, just like all the kagunes did, which in my opinion was a little off because her kagune is supposed to be quite beautiful. Like they couldn’t really deliever the duality of the kagune, in a way...? If that makes sense. Nishiki’s was really nice too but it was a little too big and powerful. It looked like how it’s like in :re (and yet he got wrecked by Kaneki lmao). But overall they did a good job with the kagune!
Also, the kakugans were well done. I loved the glowing red eyes when Rize first showed her eyes. (And I have to add, the sudden change in her voice was amazing as well.)
The fight scenes were pretty weird though because clearly most of it was CGI. But there were also a lot of slow-mo sequences that were really awkward to look at, but it’s not too bad frankly. I did find Touka’s speed a little too unrealistic because she was practically being the Flash, which is a huge contrast to her Root A run but still a bit off. 
There’s a lot more of course, but this is what I recall mostly. Well, this is only my first watch so it’s merely first impressions. I don’t know if I’m going in for a second time when the movie is officially out but a second watch might be better. There were also a bit of original scenes, like one of Kaneki at Fueguchi’s grave, but I decided not to talk about them since they actually fit into the story quite a bit and added on to the whole emotions and settings. The grave scene and the scenes preceding it were really sweet actually. 
To be honest, I wouldn’t mind a part 2 made from them or even if they decided to turn the entire thing into a movie or something. I would love to see the Gourmet arc and Tsukiyama. The ghoul restaurant would be amazingly disgusting, I just know it. And Aogiri!!! The Jason torture + 103 bones scene would be perfect. I’d probably close my eyes and ears during the 103 bones scene but whatever screaming Ayato-kun is never a bad thing.
Anyway, it’s late. I should sleep. :p If anyone’s gonna watch the movie, I hope you have fun! Do go in and enjoy yourselves and not be too cynical about stuff. ^^
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bluemist · 7 years
i just saw a tou///ken shipper say that to kaneki, tou///ka doesn't only mean "love" but also home, family, a reason to fight, and she's the hope he was looking for. even had the audacity to imply that kaneki isn't suicidal/ill anymore since they got married and that if she really did die then kaneki wouldn't mind dying because he wouldn't have a "home" to return to. idk where they got this idea that she's his whole world and without her, he'd die. it's so annoying and sad to see :/
Sometimes people confuse real love and the need of being loved. I believe Ka//neki is still suicidal and obviously mentally ill. Sex, marrying someone and having a baby with them, doesn’t mean that now you’re cured. Sometimes I get the feeling that people don’t realize how much of a fucked up life Ka//neki had. He was abused, transformed into a ghoul, had to live as a ghoul when he didn’t want to and got stabbed in the head and forget his memories because of Arima, and when he got them back, he had to live (and lives) with the thought that he killed Hide. Tell me, isn’t that a fucked up life? If you think all of that can cure depression, you’re stupid and don’t know how depression works. I had depression and I was abused. Someone who has lived a life, being abused and having depression, will most likely know how it feels.
If Ka//neki doesn’t mind dying, I doubt it will be because of her. Now that his best friend is back, It’s even harder to see him dying because he lost someone he had a toxic relationship with. Their relationship didn’t had development, not a little bit, If Ishida at least tried to do so, I think they would understand each other better, and that’s one of the reasons why he fucked up.
They don’t even have chemistry. In canon I can’t ship it, but when I see fanart of them, sometimes I think it’s a little bit cute, even if I don’t ship it. Now, her character got so poorly written and that’s sad, because I used to like her, see how much I liked her that I wanted to cosplay her last year, lmao.
I understand and respect people who ship it, they can ship whatever they want, it’s none of my business. My problem with them is, some of these shippers seem not to understand that not everyone sees their relationship in a romantic way, that we have our own opinions and point of view. And they will attack you with the “you’re just salty that your gay ship isn’t canon”. Hell no, I couldn’t care less about my ship not becoming canon, I care more about them being happy and taking care of each other, even if it means they are only going to be friends. I prefer to see a healthy relationship between the two characters and express their feelings, being able to tell what’s on your mind without fear. And I believe that’s something HideKane doesn’t have right now and back then when Ka//neki got transformated into a ghoul. He wasn’t honest with Hide, neither was Hide honest with him. They had so many moments to talk about it, but it’s obvious if it was me, I wouldn’t tell my best friend I am a ghoul, so I understand how Ka//neki felt at that time. Like I was saying, the fuck are you saying i’m salty because my gay ship didn’t became canon? No, before that, I also want to see more male x male and woman x woman relationships becoming canon, yeah that’s true. But also, don’t call someone “fujoshi” when they clearly aren’t. We want some LGBT representation, it is that hard for you to understand?
And there are actually people out there who ship based on chemistry, not because they look good together. Even if the biggest ship in the fandom becomes canon or not, if they don’t have chemistry, people who ship based on that, are obviously not going to ship it. We should be able to give our points of view on a ship we don’t like or ship, respect us and we will respect you. Talk with us with good maners. (Of course, if someone doesn’t treat you with respect, you aren’t obligated to treat them with respect neither. But, don’t make the other shippers seem like pieces of shit because one of them treated you like that.)
So… yeah. The only reason why I ship Hidekane is because of their powerful chemistry. At least, I admit their relationship isn’t fully healthy, but they sure do have potential to be together. And their flaws. But that’s something some people seem not to understand, their ship isn’t healthy at all and they have flaws, if they at least admited it, the “hate” would be less. (I’m not talking about Hide and Ka//neki.) This is my opinion.
That’s all I can say right now. I most likely will edit it or make another post if I have to say anything again.
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