moonandblossoms · 2 years
I made these KaiHil and RaySal picrews for @araingirl as her belated b'day gift! ❤️✨
I hope you love them! And for Kai's hair, I couldn't use ipiccy.com from mobile to color it. Since my exams are coming, I won't be using the PC for two months, so I hope you don't mind 🥲 you can color it if you want (if you do so please reblog this with the colored hair 🙏)
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I did one for Amesia and Kane too, if you don't mind 🥺
And EXTREMELY sorry that I couldn't draw a fanart for you 😭 my exams are coming and I can only do these 🤧
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blossommoonart · 1 year
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Hubby kisses ♥️
Drew another art for Kane and my OC Katsumi.
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blossommoonwrites · 3 years
Rich husband, poor wife ~ Chapter 02.
Fandom: Beyblade (original) Genres: Angst/Romance Setting: Alternate universe Main characters: Yamashita Kane, Yamashita Katsumi- earlier known as Inumaki Katsumi [OC] Pairings: Kane/Katsumi [OC] Summary: The most unfortunate woman married the one she desired, but things went for a havoc when she was five months pregnant. Would it trigger her to get reminded of her tragic past or just move ahead? Would he be able to sooth her?Guide: Every flash back starts after three consecutive dots horizontally and ends w/the same indication. WARNINGS: This story is super-angsty w/MATURE content references, LEMON/SMUT (sex scene), some SWEARINGS and WEIRD behaviors. YOU ARE WARNED [Warning applicable for BOTH the chapters together].
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(Read on FanFiction.net)
Kane was getting ready for college. Katsumi was still fast asleep. He talked to her company manager and informed him that she would be on leave for a week.
It was already eight-thirty a.m. She never slept beyond five-thirty or six in the morning. Of course, he understood that she needs plenty of rest. However, it was high time that he woke her up.
"Katsumi, wake up. Sleep all you can before locking the door, please. I have an important lecture today."
Katsumi mumbled. She woke up and her mouth gaped when her glances hit the clock.
"Well, it's okay because I am not in the mood to go to work anyways."
"Why, did you think you will go for work in this state?"
"I am not that dumb after all. I'd rather sell flowers," She shrugged and went to the bathroom. Kane hung his head low.
'Undoubtedly, her mood is still off. How much should I hope for her to get better?'
Kane left home sharp at nine. Katsumi was all alone. She went ahead to take bath and have the breakfast cooked by Kane. She was done with them at ten-thirty.
Katsumi doesn't talk with people, but she did have a handful of friends during her college days in U.G. They weren't exactly her besties, but they had a bit of compassion to help her out. She was texting both of them. One of them got married before she did, and Katsumi was invited to the wedding, but she didn't go for obvious reasons.
She didn't have good clothes to wear for functions till Kane fetched some for her; she was busy searching for a job. The times she couldn't be a normal being hit her hard. She never said to both of them that she had a financial crisis. She lost contact. She doesn't want them to involve otherwise they will get affected and she will have to answer their parents for the consequences. Of course, she is biologically a criminal's daughter.
She recollected her miserable past. She cried. Her phone screen was filled with tears. She left the group chat and sobbed.
Her emotions peaked; she was suffering from PTSD. She kept panting again and again…. Nothing could help her be traumatic.
She had an inferiority complex based on her looks as well. She gets jealous when other women look prettier with a good makeover, but she couldn't. When her expenditures decreased, she had to struggle even for basic needs. She was just envious of all rich women.
Her eyes were scary, drowsy, and creepy. Hatred was flowing in her veins. She felt like hating everyone around here. She found herself succumbing to the darkness. She kept sniffing when the overflown drops drooped from her green eyes.
'Enough is enough, I suffered more. I have been too selfless in the past hence people have taken me for granted. What if their lives get destroyed too? They made my husband and our unborn child suffer with me. I can't forgive them.'
But what could she do about it? There is no way for her to make others feel pain. She would gain nothing from revenging others for her emotional satisfaction. She just realized that. Yes, being vengeful does absolutely nothing for her. It's futile.
Katsumi opened her wardrobe. She pulled out a skinny sleeveless white frock.
She soon changed to them. It exposed a part of her cleavage. The dress stuck on her pregnant figure so fit but tight as well. The manipulated woman removed the rubber band and flung it away. She washed her face for once and applied some beauty cream, a strawberry-flavored lip gloss to make her lips look brighter with some red lipstick nearly smearing the glossy layer. She used kohl and eyeliners to conceal her eyes. She used mascara to enhance her eyelashes, bold and dark.
The next minute, she found herself superior to all the women she has seen. She just felt so haughty and prideful of her beauty.
From the closet, she pulled out some jewelry- Heavy earrings, an expensive necklace, and a huge pile of bangles. She uses them very occasionally, but nothing stopped her. She wants to feel rich. She wants to feel lavish for spending her life as a poor wench. But again, she sobbed and fell on the floor. All these wouldn't have happened if at least her grandmother never died.
It's of no use; despite the fact she has been beautifying herself, but to just later realize that she has been doing to get rid of her pains. All her sexualizing just indicated her tragic past life, again and again, breaking down again and again. They struck so hard on her.
The woman wears a pile of rings on all of her fingers. She just laid herself back again, absolutely clueless. She just looked at the ceiling. Her eyelids were closing her sight; she fell into a deep slumber.
Katsumi woke, an hour later. She had her lunch which Kane prepared for her. She took her own sweet time and extended the lunch to almost an hour. She got to do nothing other than to while away time.
By two-thirty, Kane showed up. His lecture was successful and he was happy about it. But, his other side was scared to see what state his wife was in.
He rang the bell beside the main gate. She opened the door and left off to her room. Kane was disappointed in Katsumi's absence at the entrance. He felt that her mood would have gotten worse.
He slowly went inside and just peeped at the room to get a glance at her. He was devastated while taking note of her weird behavior. But yes, he believed that she was seducing him. He wants to be intimate with her at that moment but he couldn't because she wouldn't let him be.
"Katsumi…. Are you okay?"
"You still think I am okay? Would a normal woman dress like this?" she mumbled.
"Did you have your lunch?"
"Yes, I did. I was very hungry."
"Well, great then. I thought you might not eat."
"I didn't."
Kane sighed, then leading to an awkward silence.
"I am going for a bath now, will return in a few minutes. Do call me if you want anything else."
"I don't want anything, just leave me alone."
"How long you'd want to be alone?"
"Uhh, I want to be alone as long as I want to be," she responded in a slight disinterest.
"Welp… be careful with the ornaments. They are pretty expensive."
"I know its value because I was once poor."
"Okay then…" Kane shrugged.
In the evening, Kane left for the hospital. He had some appointments left. He feels a bit guilty about leaving Katsumi at home all alone, but it's not like she minds it.
That was the same place they came to on her birthday. They have been in good touch ever since that day.
Now, Katsumi had her hands tied. She faced towards the lake. Kane was able to see her back. From her body language, it was pretty evident that something was fishy.
"Katsumi, what happened? Is everything fine? Sorry, I know you might be angry with me for not being able to give you a job in our hospital. I have requested my chief doctor several times but he rejected."
"Nope, it has nothing to do with my problem."
"You are not the reason for my mood, so you needn't doubt yourself."
"Then who?"
"My boss. Today I was supposed to get a salary but, I was ashamed in front of the whole crowd."
"What did he do?"
Katsumi sobbed. "He didn't give me a single penny, say what. He claims that I haven't worked enough this month and nearly harassed me. I am not sure how would I be able to survive for the longer go. I just bunked my work and came here. He has done this a couple of times in the past."
"Is this the case only for you or for others as well?"
"For a few of us; most of them were paid. To be honest, our boss is influenced by partiality and biases. He hates me. But he made me work on his mercy. I am one of the least paid right there. What should I do now?"
Kane sighed. The aura was changing. The grayish clouds started to spread all over. The crystal-clear waters occupied its hue. It's a foreshadowing for rain.
"Yes, looks like I am no more needed to this world. I have decided to end my life once and for all."
"No, please don't do that!" Kane quickly grasped her hand. She faces away from him again and wobbled her hand so that his grasp would go off completely.
"What are you asking me to do? I was never loved, I never felt love. I never knew what is love? I never felt like I belong to this earth. I never felt like I am necessary. I never felt like I was needed. I am always a useless tool for people to emotionally hurt me, right? I see my classmates hugging and cuddling with each other during fun times, but I always have to stand alone and watch them. They always saw me as some sort of a lifeless stone in their lives. I never knew how hugging a loved one would be! It would be pretty warm, right? I always feel cold around myself. I never knew warmth! I am pretty sure no men would want to take me as their wife for any other purpose other than getting me toiled and giving babies! I am just a useless and sad person existing for the sake, that's it! I am just some ugly-looking wench who has to struggle for necessities! I am just a person who blends with the dark tones like Gray and black invisible! I am practically non-existent! Why do I have to live anymore? Please tell me."
She nearly stumbled upon the ground and wept. The sky roared. Thunder and Lighting were all over the place.
"Katsumi, it's raining. Let's go home. You will get wet."
"No, sorry, please. I am going to drown myself in this lake once and for all. It's raining and it's dramatic. It brings such a nice yet tragic ending to my story. The sky cries on the day I shed my tears. Unironically, this is a nice ambiance for my life to end!"
Katsumi got up and walked towards the lake but Kane stopped her again. There starts a heavy downpour.
"Please, leave me! This is my last request."
He quickly pulled her into an embrace. His hands got a firm grasp of her shoulders and nape. He doesn't want to let go of her.
"Didn't you feel like being loved even after I started to help you? Didn't you feel like you were needed whenever I approached you and called you several times over the phone? There were times I had to ask for your help. Don't you feel the warmth of getting hugged now? Don't you recognize my feelings even after I've done so much for you? Wouldn't it be far more worthless and futile if I helped you for nothing? Tell me Katsumi. Have you ever noticed my feelings? Aren't you feeling loved at this moment?"
Both of them were heavily drenched. Their clothes got heavier when the intensity of the downpour got massive by every minute. Katsumi was speechless. She never felt as shocked as she was. She felt his heart pacing up when he confessed to her.
"If you can't debunk this, then accept whatever I've confessed to you."
He felt her sobbing on his chest and clenching his shirt softly. He embraced her tighter.
"You know? I have fallen for you on the day when I came for the examination. No one has ever been that polite and gentle with me, but you. I-I-I've always thought that the rich can help the poor, not beyond that, hence I had my feelings bottled up."
"Why? Tell me why so? We all are human beings. Your position does nothing to your feelings. Did it stop you from loving me?"
"No, it didn't."
"So? I am not a spoilt rich kid! I am just a rich kid, that's it!"
He rubbed her from the nape to her back gently. He gave her all which she missed in her life. She felt so relaxing and soothing when he rubbed it. She returned the hug. She soon felt her arms being caressed. All were so comforting. She felt the warmth and comfort. They were needed.
"I love you Katsumi," he confessed and dug his chin on her wet brown hair.
"I love you too Kane. You made me feel needed. I am sorry that I wasn't open about your help to me."
"It's okay; you rightfully deserve everything, my sweetheart."
That was a pretty long hug, which was desperately needed for both of them. It was all rendezvous under the romantic raining noon.
After separating from each other, Kane asked her as his hands grasped her shoulders firm.
"It's your day today. Tell me what you want to do."
"I want to be with you today, fully."
"Sure. You can come to my home. You can stay there tonight."
Kane clearly remembered that day almost in detail.
They were all wet, so they had to take a nice shower. Katsumi prepared lunch, had fun eating with him, chatted to their hearts' desires, cracked jokes, frequently cuddled and hugged each other on the bed after every half an hour or twenty minutes, played cards, and took some photos.
They had some less intimate contacts like sleeping on shoulders and lap, went for walks in the garden, and finally, they watched a movie. They both made dinner together; she stayed at his home, slept cuddling to him comfortably that night, and left the next morning at around 10:30 a.m. Despite she was new to all of them; she had so much fun. He couldn't forget them.
They started dating each other in no time. Those days were heavenly and splendid. He found Katsumi feeling happy with the new twist in her life then.
During their dates, they often went to restaurants, went to beaches, to a hill station trip, for local shopping and some adventure activities. They started with brief pecks on foreheads, temples, and cheeks.
Kane wished he could get back all those days. He wanted to see her smile and laugh.
They soon got married. Kane was able to convince his parents about their relationship since his mother was part of a welfare organization. She understood Katsumi well and whole-heartedly accepted her.
Despite it being a love marriage, a lot of people were invited to their wedding. It was grand yet majestic. Kane had invited Jim and Goki too. They both were two of his closest best friends since childhood, but they were sad that they lost another close friend of their peer group during an accident. The deceased friend does resemble Katsumi in a lot of ways. He didn't have any feelings for her, but if she had lived, something could have happened.
Katsumi looked rich, beautiful, and gorgeous. She only had her younger brother and her aunt on the day of their wedding with a few of her friends whereas Kane had so many guests and relatives invited from his side. However, Kane asked her to not worry and asked her to consider his relatives as her own too. She couldn't care less about the other members of her family. Of course, Kane and Katsumi shared their first kiss.
They were permanently made for each other from that moment. Katsumi's life got far better with Kane by her side for a longer time. There were days Katsumi took off because of her annoying boss. They got intimate over time. They kissed every day. Soon they got extended to smooches and sometimes French kisses.
Oh yes, there was peak intimacy once.
A/N: Sorry for popping up but this is a lemon hence I am warning. You are welcome to skip this (this ends with w/the three dots indication I've said before). Thank you.
Katsumi got fed up with her boss again. She wants to vent out her emotions but wondered how to do that.
"What happened to my babe today? Did your boss get into your nerves again?"
"Yes, what else, he is my only problem after I married you. I wish I could find myself in a hospital soon as a doc, pretty please." She shut the door.
"I was called to work on evening today but it ended up in a mess. Well, I am accustomed to it."
"I see; that's the reason you were pretty dull while having dinner huh."
"Yes. By the way, I have switched off all the lights and locked all the doors. We can sleep now."
"I would have done that."
"It's okay, I've done it anyway."
Kane was getting attracted to her by every minute. He couldn't resist the beautiful figure. How could he? She raised her hand to place the main door key on the key hanger. He could see the tank top concealing her figure and the shorts revealing her thighs.
She turned to him. She knocked an eyebrow after figuring out where his eyes were focused. But she gave a sly look.
"Katsumi, are you trying to seduce me?"
She went to him, pinned him against the headboard, knelt, and placed a hand on his chest. Her cleavage was clear to him now.
"Is there any proof on this?"
"Why do you need proof?"
"I didn't intend to seduce you because…." She went close to his ears and whispered, "I know you will get seduced."
Kane proudly smirked. He was impressed by her and asked, "Planning to be on top, huh?"
"I am planning to be on top for a while, at least."
"So you're ready for it then."
"I am. Trust me."
"Feel lucky, Australian men are the best when it comes to sex."
"Then I am going to have a wonderful night then. But let's see because you are half-Japanese too."
Kane's hands traveled around her waist like a cobra and drew her closer. He could already feel her breasts pinned to his chest. His other hand traveled along the spine, finally getting a grasp of her nape. Due to the presence of a bunch of nerves, she shriveled when she felt some tingling sensations. Their stares and glances were drenched with pure love and lust.
He built a smooch to trigger her. His hands couldn't hold the horses. She could already feel his warm hand getting inside her top like a snake trying to travel on a feathery-plush skin. Her cheeks started to warm up with every second. The kiss went intense and deeper, with their tongues almost coming to each other's throats and flapping fanatically. He got a grasp of her bun and removed it, throwing all the hairpins on the floor. The soft clinks of the pins were audible.
She found him too dominating. He was trying to pin her on the pillow. With the intense kiss going on, he pulled her on the bed. He released his tongue and lips from hers'. Both of them panted heavily. They could feel each other's warm breaths. He liked the way her breasts kept moving in search of air.
"Pervert, I want more! This doesn't suffice!"
"I know that, patience madam. I am panting already."
"Okay then, get energetic and go on with full force okay?"
Katsumi raised her body to adjust her position.
"Do pin me down perfectly the next time."
"As you wish my lady."
He clasped the hem of her shirt and pulled it upwards. His yearning eyes could gradually get the view of her physique.
"You seem surprised; you have seen me half-naked when you did an echocardiogram. I think you are going to do tear my chest apart and take my heart this time, am I right?"
"Why, is it just because I loved seeing your heart?"
"Never mind, pardon me and my jokes. Pull off the top already."
Kane quickly pulled the top and dropped it on the floor.
"I wanna remove yours too, with my own hands."
"But I shouldn't be pinned like this," she said as she flirtatiously dragged her right hand inside his shirt, feeling his trunk. Kane let loose of her, letting her pin him down and get rid of his top. She came closer and pinned herself against him. He could feel the weight of her trunk. They smooched once more, with their lips melting under the pale yellow lights.
She got a nice view of his body. She gently caressed it to feel the texture-inducing goosebumps in him. He could sense all the butterflies roaming inside him as she made the kisses more passionate. She went up to his neck and gave some love bites. He groaned a bit, but he was a lot stronger to withstand them. After every interval, she is kissing him on his cheeks, lips, or even tasting his tongue. Kane could feel so comfortable and felt his body going deep into the plushy bed though he didn't seem to.
It was time for her to be under. His kisses were almost open mouth, caressing her soft and supple skin. She closed her eyes, exhaled with her mouth opened at almost every action he did. She felt so comfortable with goosebumps and tingling sensations lingering all over her body. By every minute, her heart rose rapidly. Her cheeks turned crimson-warm and they glossed so beautifully especially when he is kissing at the corners of her breasts. Her body turned warmer with every minute. He places his nose on the tip of her cleavage to smell the rose-scented soap she uses on her body. His lips searched for the neck and wildly kissed the pulse point, feeling the rhythmic sensations with his chapped lips.
That was just beautiful.
His hands crawled under her heated back, searching for her brazier hooks. After unpinning them, his fingers gently clasped the straps, getting exposed to her soft mounds. His flat palms were placed on both of them, rubbing out of pleasure. His thumbnails gently rubbed and tickled the nipple tips. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it. His yearning lips planted soft kisses and suck the nipples one by one. She moaned out of ecstasy. Her chest rapidly rose and came down, but it was one of her pleasure points that she'd let her husband play with. His kisses slowly crawled out from her nipples, going to the side end of her breasts and finally ending up on her armpit. She shriveled and gave a soft moan.
"Ouch, what was that?"
"Sorry, but I love to kiss you everywhere. Your boobs are stress balls for me."
"Then play with it every day."
"Sure, but we have a crucial part left. I hope you know that."
"Yes, I know. Now go ahead. I have been waiting for this moment."
"Well then, but I warn you. This will hurt."
They set themselves in missionary pose. Their bodies were stuck together. He pumped his organ slowly into her tract. Their juices mixed. She felt pain. She whined. Tears started coming out of her eyes. Kane gently pecked on her forehead to comfort her.
"Relax, and let your body lose."
"Ah, you needn't worry about me. I will deal with this."
Kane was slow at the start but soon increased the pace. Her moans were mixed with both pain and pleasure. She released her tongue out and took deep breathes slowly and steadily. Her cheeks got glossier. Every inch of their body sparing the limbs almost touched. It was such a splendid moment.
"I like this."
"Why wouldn't you?" they both whispered to each other.
He got into her. It pained, but she was just enjoying it. Her soft moans let him thrust in her harder.
He was thinking about what happened that night, and what happened around two weeks later. She confessed her pregnancy.
How beautiful those days were. He could cherish them over and over again. He remembered them in perfect detail.
Kane reached home in the hopes of seeing her getting better but no, she was lying unconscious on the floor. Except for the bangles and rings, the other ornaments were still there. Kane rushed to her, slapped her cheek a few times. It didn't work. He bought some water and sprinkled it on her face. She opened her eyes.
Kane helped her to get up.
"Katsumi, what happened?"
She didn't respond, but left him and slammed the door hard. Kane felt so bad. Things have turned worse than they were. Poor woman, she couldn't get over so easily.
She doesn't allow him to talk, but he doesn't want to see her suffer. He is completely clueless. He wants to do something. It's going to be Sunday, but things turned out so horrendous. He wondered how he was going to handle her.
That night, he called all his lady friends, his aunts, his cousin-sisters and his mother to get done with this. He called some of his older cousin brothers who have children. A lot of them suggested being with her till the birth without going to work might help, but Kane was skeptical because of his appointments. Some of them asked to take her out to gardens, beaches, or to some parks.
His mother asked him to induce her outburst so that he could completely console her. Some advised him to wait so that she might feel like coming to him for the time being.
Kane considered them.
The next day went pretty plain and bland. She seemed calmer but she was glum. She barely talked, sat on the bed, did nothing; just read a book without giving it breaks frequently. She wore pretty loose clothes on that day. She got tired of sexualizing herself again and again. He suggested going out for a while, but she felt too insecure.
There were times when she was too grumpy and often ignored Kane's presence, but he didn't argue.
He felt hurt. He cried beside the washing basin. He wanted to get everything fine too soon.
He called a psychiatrist regarding this issue. She has asked both of them to come and meet her anytime between 6:00-9:00 p.m. the next day.
Kane waited for the next day. He gave up the Sunday too.
There comes Monday. Kane planned to take off the whole day and be with her. He benchmarked the day to be the last and final to get rid of Katsu's depression. He would have taken off the Saturday if it were not for the important appointments and the lecture.
Katsumi's mood was still off. Her mood has gotten worse from what was yesterday. All of a sudden, she started to seduce Kane again despite she doesn't want him to come an inch closer to her. Before going to the bath, she almost removed her clothes when Kane almost stepped out after he finished a shower with all dressed. She went back to her seducing phase. Kane thought if she was trying to hit on him.
She wore a gray cotton tank top and a pair of navy blue shorts. Kane doesn't want her to wear something too tight. Her ideal dress code used to be nightgowns for most of the time during the pregnancy.
'What the hell does she think of herself?'
After finishing their breakfast, Kane suggested to her before she got up, "Well uhh Katsumi, consider wearing something loose."
"Sorry, I still have my bandages on."
"Why, gowns won't do anything. Wear them."
"No, I don't have the mood to wear them. I want to feel young. I don't want to feel like an old granny-"
Yes, she got reminded of her grandmother. She sniffed a bit and closed her mouth with her palms before her sobs started.
Kane immediately bought her some water. He rubbed her back, but she shoved the glass off on the floor ruthlessly. Kane was heavily heartbroken. The air passing him turned colder. He doesn't want to be rejected anymore.
"Please don't come to me!"
She went to the room and locked the door. Kane knocked on the door again and again. Katsumi didn't bother to open it.
"Don't disturb me!"
Kane's facepalmed and bit his inner lip. He cried too.
He can't retaliate. He has to force her a bit. He has to go completely against her to get her back.
Suddenly, he just remembered that he had a spare key for the room. He quickly went upstairs, dug through the cupboards, and finally found it. It was a spare key for the house which has second keys for every room in the house.
He took that, unlocked the door, and opened it.
The lights were off. The room was half-dark. Katsumi sat upright with her knees bent. Her hands were cupped on both those knees and her head was hanging down. She flinched immediately after noticing Kane's presence in the room. How did he enter the room?
Kane locked the door again, leaving both of them alone.
"Listen to me Katsumi; I can't tolerate this anymore. Consider yourself getting back to normal. I understand your pain, your agony, and your inner peace getting demolished of whatever has happened so far to you-"
"Do you know how much pain I am going through because of the bullshit and crap that has been happening to me for so many years? Have you ever felt the pain of being rejected by everyone around you? Do you know the pain of getting beaten when you have your child inside your feeble body? Then why are you asking me to chill the fuck out?!"
Kane couldn't immediately respond to them. Probably, he didn't understand her agony completely.
"Do you know what it is to be a woman who has to be completely judged based on how external appearance?
Do you know the pain of getting called an ugly bitch or a whore?! Yes! I have been called out because I have low expectations in the way I wanted to look! I tend to be called like that by my male schoolmates and college mates just because I am a bit anti-social!
And you never know the pain of getting rejected by EVERY hospital and finally ending up jobless just because I shared ties with a criminal's family in the past though I have been ostracized from it?!
Do you know the pain of not getting your family's support and support from society? Do you know what it is to PLACE yourselves in my shoes and feel the pain?! Do you even know to tolerate yourselves when you are harassed everywhere?!
Are you asking me to stay quiet and move ahead just like that?! I am yearning to see all the ones who made me suffer to feel the agony more! I want to see them with my eyes to all suffer!" She was crying her eyes out.
"Why?! Why should my life be a hell?"
"Hush no-" Kane palmed her mouth. He held her hands.
"Mind your language when you are pregnant. These words are of the wrong usage for a growing baby."
Kane's eyes were filled with tears. The first time she expressed her problems did impact him but this time, it was something far more than an impact.
His voice was filled with gentleness and care, "Yes…. I don't feel your pain completely because I wasn't in your shoes so far…. But Katsumi, I understand and I know what you underwent. I am there for you. Why would you want to hurt a man who accepted you wholeheartedly? Is it really necessary to understand your pain to be helped? You are saying that it feels hard to be rejected everywhere. Yes, you are correct! But do you ever know how hard it is to get rejected by the one whom you love wholeheartedly than getting rejected by some strangers in society? It is…. It is harder! It is harder than you think!"
"Who rejected you?"
"It's you."
Katsumi's eyes widened. She was taken aback. She felt a pang of guilt. All the forthcoming emotions of her outburst were fading away.
"And it was hard; to get rejected by someone you love with all your heart. I mean, you didn't reject me in a very obvious sense, but… but…." He sighed.
"Katsumi, please… it hurts me seeing you suffer like this. It hurts me to see you rejecting my help whenever I had to make you sit yet you struggle to sit properly. As a mother, I know how to hurt you would be for your child. But, as a father and as a husband, I would feel more hurt. You are worried for your child, but I am worried for both of you."
Katsumi has moved again. All her anger and rage just flew into the air, if not immediately.
"It's not like I had to keep all the pain and agony within myself every time for the past three days. You said that I wasn't shown expressing them right? Because I kept them within myself and indeed, it did hurt me a LOT.
It hurts a lot more to keep the pain within oneself than to express it. I know the pain and agony too. I am still feeling bad about what happened that day. I wish I came with you that day. You are not the only person who is suffering from pain. There are a lot of mothers who have lost their children, but you didn't! Our child is all safe and sound.
Do you know the pain of losing someone you loved? Yes, I lost one of my closest friends! She died in a car accident! She seemed to have had feelings for me, and I was heavily guilty of not recognizing them! I had a hard time moving on! But, you do resemble her a lot. I almost got rid of most of the sadness when you stepped your foot on my life because you made me move forward. But I almost feel like I have committed a crime by not recognizing my deceased friend's feelings whenever I got rejected by you! It was so hard on me!"
Katsumi asked as her lips wobbled a bit, "Do you love her?"
"I love you because you remind me of her! But if I get lovesick over her, it means I haven't moved on! I have moved on clearly! I love you a lot more! I love you so much!"
Katsumi couldn't help being a crybaby again.
"You know? I did have my own set of enemies who all have gone against me just because I was praised as one of the top best doctors in Japan. I do know the feeling of getting cornered. But, I know I did have friends by my side however there was so much hard time for me as well! Even the rich will have their pains!
There was a time even my chief doctor was jealous of me! He felt that I work too much for my standards! I was blamed that overshadowing others when the reality was I worked extra harder than them! I dedicated my time to my work' yet, people just look at my fruits as mere luck. Did you know how hard it was to be called out like that when it was false?
Did you know that I do have some rivals and enemies in my field? It was hard for me too. Yours was painful, but that doesn't mean mine is irrelevant! I had to try my level best to keep you safe from the enemies as well as to take you to the right hospitals for appointments! It wasn't as easy or convenient as other couples have. I tend to do thorough research. It's generally the doctors who would feel easiest the most while looking out other doctors for treating their family members due to their vast knowledge. But that's not the case for me!"
She gulped.
"I love you so much; I don't want our love to get ridiculed like this, please. I promise that I will protect you forever. I am ready to hand over the appointments to others."
Yeah, his words struck her hard as lightning could.
"Feeble? No, you are a very strong woman. You bore the pain, managed to move around without my help most of the time, you didn't let your child die and your health turn worse for your standards.
You have come a long way with all the suffering ever since you were a child. These are strong proofs of you being physically and mentally strong. But, why did you lose all your self-worth and boldness in these two days? Whatever it is, we shouldn't let go of our will like this.
You made me feel proud of you.
Looks don't matter, but you still look very beautiful. You are so gorgeous with hazel green eyes. It's very gifted eye color. You have beautiful hair. Brown-haired women are beautiful. What else do you need? You don't need a make-over. And the acne all over is just a part of your face. It surely makes you look like an ideal pregnant woman. People corner you because you are beautiful. I bet they are simply jealous of your beauty and your kind attitude. There is no way on this earth that you are ugly."
"Really…. Am I that beautiful?"
"Your name says it," he held her chin with tender affection.
"Oh honey, look! I have gained weight," Katsumi pouted as she checked her weight with the weighing machine.
"It's not a big deal; you have a baby inside you for four months. How wouldn't it make sense if you wouldn't gain some weight?"
"Welp, but I look aged and ugly as well. Look at me; I look like an older sister for you."
Kane couldn't help laughing. He captured her shoulders and rested her back against him, looking at the mirror, "You don't. It's not like a wife should look younger than her husband. It's okay, you still look very beautiful. Don't call yourself ugly. You are so beautiful."
"I look a bit aged and I've pimples grown all over. What are you asking me to do?"
"So what, don't do anything. You are still beautiful. Trust me, if I were a woman I would have been envious of you."
"Aww, really?" she asked with an affectionate drawl.
"Yes. You are beautiful in every way sweetie," he remarked and kissed her neck.
"And well, I love your glossy cheeks. They look so sexy on you," he rubbed one of them with his index finger.
"What?!" her cheeks turned red.
"Of course, they look so pretty my love."
"Yes, you look so beautiful even with those bandages," he kissed her forehead.
Her lips wobbled, her eyes were letting out salt streams again. Her face immediately went on his chest. He quickly pulled her into an embrace.
"I am so sorry my sweetheart! I have caused you so much pain even when you had pains for yourself! It's okay if you don't forgive me. You had to worry for both of us, whereas I have been so selfish for myself and my child!"
"Shush, it's okay, don't cry. You needn't apologize. It's okay to worry about yourself dear. You've felt pain as well. It doesn't matter who had it harder. Mine is nowhere close to yours. You had a pretty challenging life. So don't cry; I am there for you. I know how much pain and agony you carry as a mother."
"You have helped me than I have credited you. If not, I wonder if I would have come this far. I love you so much! Please be by my side! Don't leave me!"
"Sure, I wouldn't. I will stay by your side. I won't leave you."
"But Honey, I want things to be compensated." She lifted her head.
"Sure, do tell what you want."
"I don't want to be here anymore. This place gives me horrors. And, I don't want this job anymore. I am resigning. I don't care if I end up as a housewife, but I don't want that job. I'd rather be a doctor or a housewife."
"Well, so you want to move to a good place right?"
"And you don't want this job anymore as well, right?"
"Well then, I have good news for you. Last night, my chief doctor called me over the phone and said that I am eligible to be one. That doesn't stop here; I am going to work as a chief doctor in Australia. He doesn't want me to work at the level of other doctors who are yet to achieve as much as I have. Let's open a hospital there."
"Yes, and I will let you work there. You will be a chief doctor there as well."
She was speechless for a moment. She expected to work as an average physician after analyzing how people see her, but a chief doctor?
"Two chief doctors?"
"Yes… And I am going to work as a professor in a college in the mornings. During my absence, you take over then. I will take care in the evenings."
"I-I-I don't know what to tell because… you always give me something beyond what I expect."
"Because you deserve it; I remember you telling me that you used to earn the most during your internships. You were shown to be the most skilled out of all. So why don't you deserve it?"
"Sure, I am ready to take a huge responsibility. I have been waiting for something like this."
"But you have to wait for some months. We will finish our delivery here. You might not be able to travel in this state. This is a huge job and it does take time, understand?"
"I do."
"Sure, thank you."
"Honey, I want some water. I feel a bit thirsty."
"Sure. Just wait."
There was a quick change in her mind, "No, later; sit here for a while."
"No, umm… just be here please."
"Uhhh…. Yeah fine. It's your wish."
"Okay honey, can you help me remove some of the bandages? I don't need them anymore."
Kane slowly took off most of the bandages. He was very gentle yet professional in it. She whined, yet cooperated.
"Relax, I am almost done okay?"
After he took off the bandages, he got a call from the psychiatrist. She said that she was free then, so she didn't mind looking after Katsumi. The hospital was pretty close. Thus the appointment was planned for the afternoon.
Finally, they were making their married life like how it was before. Arguably, better.
Post incidents in a gist:
Six weeks post the delivery, they left for Australia. Katsumi started to go for her job after a month since their arrival in Australia. She and Kane had an older son and a younger daughter. Katsumi made ties with a few of her family members who genuinely trusted and didn't have any ill-thought about her in the past, yet the ones who couldn't be close with her due to the dirty minds of other members.
Besides that, she made friends with some of her neighbors.
Katsumi got what she deserved.
Chapter 01 | Chapter 02
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blossommoonart · 2 years
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Finally, I completed my Kane x OC art, adding a few more layers of painting and some effects. The first one was done for MayBlade, with just a single layer of paint. And well, she is Katsumi Inumaki, my newest and beloved OC 😛
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blossommoonart · 2 years
MayBlade: Day 4
Organized by: @may-blade | Main blog: @cinnamon-teas
A/N: This is a snippet from one of my upcoming shots, which might take some time to publish. And honestly, I don't have so much time here. The art is not complete, and I have to paint for a few more layers with some effects. The snippet might have modifications later. For the time being, I could just do this.
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"I bought this necklace for you."
Katsumi was astounded after Kane was willing to present her favorite necklace. The necklace was not only expensive, but very rare. She wanted to purchase the piece around two months before her marriage with Kane, but the model had only one specimen, and one was for sale. It was already purchased by somebody else.
"Have you bought this.... For me? Really?"
"Yes, and I mean it."
"But, it got sold off two months back, right?"
Kane scratched his head. He was perplexed for a while. He didn't know how to convey the truth.
"It was me, who bought that then."
Katsumi was more and more shocked and surprised. "How?!"
"Well uh.... I actually bought this for Salima. I loved her, and bought this as a proposal gift, but didn't know what to do with that after I heard about her wedding with Ray." He looked down with a sad smile, "As I said earlier, I loved her. I wanted to present the best thing to her. But, all my plans massively failed. And, this necklace was a waste then."
"I love this necklace, but... how can I accept something from a man who intended to give that to another woman?" Katsumi aroused her point.
"After I came to know how much you care about me, not only materialistically but in every aspect... And how much you were ready to sacrifice anything for my happiness, even if it hurt you so much, I couldn't stop loving you. And, you deserve this. Yet, I think you are more precious than this. It doesn't matter for whom I intended to buy this. Because, it doesn't matter now, as I love you."
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blossommoonwrites · 3 years
Rich husband, poor wife ~ Chapter 01.
Fandom: Beyblade (original) Genres: Angst/Romance Setting: Alternate universe Main characters: Yamashita Kane, Yamashita Katsumi- earlier known as Inumaki Katsumi [OC] Pairings: Kane/Katsumi [OC] Summary: The most unfortunate woman married the one she desired, but things went for a havoc when she was five months pregnant. Would it trigger her to get reminded of her tragic past or just move ahead? Would he be able to sooth her? Guide: Every flash back starts after three consecutive dots horizontally and ends w/the same indication. WARNINGS: This story is super-angsty w/MATURE content references, LEMON/SMUT (sex scene), some SWEARINGS and WEIRD behaviors. YOU ARE WARNED [Warning applicable for BOTH the chapters together].
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Chapter 01
(Read on FanFiction.net)
It was all deep down despair, solitude, melancholy and pain. None can understand how dreadful the ambiance was. It was a mixture of all negative emotions. It was not the saddest but definitely a sad moment which could make them feel terribly pathetic. She had to endure all the unfairness. She felt like being cornered. She felt that nobody was for her support except him. But, they just live to support each other, even during the most crucial times. However, that time seemed to be a very bad omen for them. They felt like they can't take the unfairness anymore. They had enough and more. They don't have the space and time to endure anymore pains. She was just done. She wanted happiness, acceptance and a good inner peace. She had none of them. They were just going amidst all the hardships, strive to keep their mental stability and be happy with each other, but all those were ruined in an instant. How long can they struggle? Don't they have excessive problems to deal with?
The breeze from the hospital windows maintained everyone's cool. But, there aren't so many people now. There was just a tall man, whose eyes were hidden by his long blue bangs, both thick and thin. His hands were loose and studying from his body language, he seemed lifeless. His hands, his fingers and his body…. They moved no inch. He was in a very deep emotional state. He felt emotionally and psychologically scarred. He got reminded of all dreadful things which happened to her.
'Why does this have to keep happening to her every time? What sin did she commit? Why is an innocent woman pitted with all the worst type of problems? Why?'
His right palm soon formed a fist out of rage. Before he could do anything more, the door opened. There came a lady doctor wearing a pair of spectacles holding a relieved expression.
"Sir, your wife and your baby is all safe and sound. I have treated all her injuries. She is still a bit unconscious, but there is nothing to worry about."
The man was relieved. He was glad that both of them were safe, despite he didn't cast that in his demeanor.
"Can I see her?" he asked in a polite yet low-pitched voice.
Kane followed the doctor inside.
"Well sir, I am extremely sorry for what happened. I know that our chief doctor does have a personal vengeance against you. I never expected that your wife waited for two hours and to also get beaten by his men."
"It's okay; it was not your fault at all. The gynecologist in our hospital was on leave today, so she had asked my wife to consult you. You don't have to feel guilty about this ma'am; Infact, I owe you one for saving my wife's life."
"Thanks for understanding sir, but there was mistake on my side too."
"It's okay, it's all over now!" Kane gave a fake chuckle. The doctor did discover that it was all fake because who would chuckle when their loved one is all suffering?
As they entered, he saw his unconscious wife who was five months pregnant, lying on the bed. She was exhausted, pale and beaten up. There were bandages and plaster at some places, especially on her forehead. Kane was feeling extremely pathetic.
"Well sir, this is the MRI scan of her brain. Thankfully, there is no brain damage either," she showed the X-rays to him.
"But we checked her brain waves. They are slightly abnormal though."
"No, she was already diagnosed for having hypertension. But she is recovering."
"Fine sir, no problem. Feel blessed that she is actually fine. Poor she; doesn't deserve this."
Kane hung his head down for a moment. He just heard, but never saw it. What if he had actually seen her getting beaten?
"And I was just checking the ultra sound. I haven't completed it yet."
"Would you like me to stay out?"
"No sir, you can just stay by her side."
"Oh, thank you very much. I want to be with her after what all happened."
"Definitely! Just sit on the chair beside her."
Kane went and sat beside her. He held her supple palms and gently clasped his fingers on hers. Suddenly, her eyes opened slowly. She felt a sudden thud after looking around.
The woman looked at her blue-haired husband. Her voice was filled with fear, "Anata, what happened to me?"
"You are alright, so why are you worried now?"
"Please tell, what happened to my child?!"
"Excuse me ma'am, your child is all good. I am going to do an ultra sound, so please cooperate."
Katsumi sighed for once.
"Yes, I remember what happened. I was waiting for two hours and then…. Welp, I know. I don't want to say it."
"Just calm down for a minute, let's talk about this later," he assured and rubbed her hand.
"Pull up your top, please? Or do you want me to do?"
Katsumi was about to reach but Kane stopped her.
"Don't strain yourself."
Kane reached to her top and lifted it gently. Her belly was exposed. He felt unbearable when he saw a few bruises and bandages on the cuts. The gel was applied and the transducer was placed. The doctor moved the wave-producing probe gently. Kane's eyes were fixated on the screen.
"See, that's the child's heartbeat. It's safe and alive. But if something similar to this happens again, your child will lose its life. It's a blessing that it's all alive. The position has changed a bit but no worries, it won't affect the child."
Despite the good news, Kane shed some tears. He rested his forehead on her hands with the tip of the nose gently caressing it.
"Don't cry… please."
The doctor felt so sorry for them. She felt a pang of guilt.
Kane released his head and turned back to the computer. As a doctor himself, he would indeed observe the images carefully whenever they come, but this time he couldn't. He wasn't able to protect neither his wife nor his child. He felt guilty the most.
Katsumi had a terrible life. Her life was all lonely, rejection and remorse. Her life wouldn't have been half better if Kane never came to her. She had to live with little money after completing her P.G. in medicine. Worst part is… she never got a job in medical field. She was rejected everywhere. She started working in an underpaid company where she couldn't even get the perfect amounts for proper expenditures. She had to live an extremely simple life. Sometimes, she had no food. She had no proper clothes. Her father didn't give two shits about her after finishing her studies in University. She was ostracized. She couldn't live the life she deserved. It all happened too fast. Kane just recollected all of them and his heart couldn't take all of that anymore.
The only thing which warmed his heart at the moment is their child. He looked at the monitor and gave a soft smile.
"The child sure looks like you both. See how cute it is!"
Kane gave a soft nod. Katsumi didn't react but sighed.
The ultrasound was done. Katsumi gently got up. She couldn't walk perfectly, thus Kane held her.
"Are you able to walk ma'am? Do you want to get admitted here?"
"It's okay, I can. Please, this place is indeed a horror for me. I would get traumatized if I stay here further. Don't feel bad, but sorry."
"Ah- I understand. You can go home then! It's not an issue."
"Are you sure Katsumi?" Kane asked her.
"Yes, I am fine."
The doctor requested Kane, "Please take care of her at home sir. The fault all lies on me and my friend from your hospital."
"No, there wasn't fault from your side!" Kane replied nervously.
"Uhh, I have to accept a part of the fault as well. Well, I would like to hand over the reports. Extremely sorry for inconvenience; the monthly check-up was supposed to be smooth, but it went for a hassle. Welp, hassle might be an understatement in your opinion. Anyways ma'am, do you feel uncomfortable?"
"Not that much, but I feel that my heart rate is a bit rapid."
"It's not an issue ma'am. Pregnant women do have a fast heart rate. But if it sounds like an issue, we can have a quick check-up if you want."
"Sure; but can my husband check me? Do you mind?"
"Yeah of course, he has been working as a consultant here for a few years before our chief doctor broke ties with him! And I am not going to deny your requests at this moment."
Kane nodded his head.
"I did bring my briefcase here. Just take her to the checkup room; I have kept that in the reception."
The doctor nodded and took her there. Katsumi was made to sit on a chair. Around a few minutes later, Kane returned with his bag and sat opposite to her.
"Lend me your right hand."
She gently lent her hand. He pressed his three middle fingers against her wrist and kept the thumb finger for support.
"Well, her pulse is a bit fast but it doesn't matter. It's pretty okay for a pregnant woman."
Kane gently released his fingers from her.
"Do you feel like your heart is throbbing?"
"Yes, I do."
Kane took the stethoscope from his bag. He got up and went beside her. He fixed the earplugs and held the tube connecting to the chest piece, "Just relax and don't strain yourself. Breathe deeper if you can."
Kane placed the chest piece on her heart. Katsumi took a deep breath in. Yes, he could hear all her rapid heartbeats and breaths. For a moment, he dozed off. Her heart conveyed so many things. It was wallowing for their child. So sad and fast it was. He drifted back to his memories… the time he met her first.
"Excuse me Doctor Yamashita, are you free at this moment?" a nurse asked.
"Yes, but I will have to go home in another half an hour, not beyond that. I have an important meeting today."
"Oh okay, but a patient has come for a quick health check-up. Dr. Maki is on leave. She was supposed to do that. Probably you can finish it off."
"Sure. Ask them to come in."
A brown-haired woman in her late twenties entered the room. From her body language, she seemed a bit nervous. Her hazel green eyes were bent down. She looked pale, glum and sad. Her apricot skin-tone is now paleness.
"Excuse me?"
She looked up straight and responded, "Y-y-yes sir."
"Come and sit ma'am. But remove your coat and keep your handbag on the bed right there."
'She sounds a bit sad. What happened to her?'
"I-I have come for a mild body check-up. Nothing much, I am just feeling more drowsy as I was before."
"Hmm… okay. Well ma'am, I have an important meeting today, shall we finish this up fast?
"Oh, then sorry for interrupting, we can have this later.
"Its okay, I will be able to finish this fast if you cooperate."
"Okay sir, then thank you."
"Well, tell your name and age please."
"I am Katsumi Inumaki, twenty seven."
"I see, I barely meet people who share my age," he said as he wrote her name on the paper. He asked for a few other details.
He lit the torch on her eyes, slowly bought her eye lids down. For no real reason, she didn't feel uncomfortable a bit despite he was a stranger to her. He checked her pulse, felt her skin and so on. She found him extremely gentle, polite and calm. He didn't take advantage of her being a lady patient. That's what she liked in him.
"Just sit straight ma'am, I am going to steth you. Just feel relaxed, this is a full body stething."
"Yes sir."
After pugging the ear plugs, he placed the chest piece on her heart. He suddenly felt a pang of sadness. He has never heard any heartbeats being this melancholic.
'Why are her heartbeats so sad too? Who really is this person? Why is she giving me sad vibes?'
He felt scared for a moment too.
'It's really soothing and peaceful, yet so sad. It's pretty slow yet hard. Who is she?'
"Doctor, do you feel that there is something wrong with my body?"
"Ah, not at all, I found your heartbeats to be soothing, that's it," he responded to her nervously.
"Just stay quiet for a while ma'am. You are definitely cooperating; just maintain this." She nodded her head.
It took another three minutes to complete the full body checking. He checked her blood pressure, height and weight as well.
"Hmm, your weight is perfect for your height, but your skin doesn't seem really healthy. You look pale. Your hair density seems so less for your age. Consider checking your thyroid and Hemoglobin. Do you eat well?"
"Uh well sir, I am having some problem with my expenditures so I can't meet my expenses perfectly at the moment. Thus I have less food at home."
"Oh; isn't there anybody to help you out?"
"Unfortunately, none; I had some problems with my family for the past few months. I don't really have trusted people to help me now."
'What, the f- she has no family to help her out!'
"Hmm, I am extremely sorry for your state. I mean, your health isn't the worst, but I think you are still a bit below the perfect level of health. It's not a huge margin but still telling. Please, don't feel bad for this."
"Its okay sir, thanks for taking the time. I really owe you one. I tried to book for a health check-up in other hospitals but I couldn't."
"I see."
There was an awkward silence for a moment.
"That's with the check-up ma'am."
"Well then sir, it's time for you as well. I will have to go."
"Oh, sure! I will hand over the results to the nurse. You can wait outside near the reception."
"Fine then, thank you very much. I owe you one."
There was something really behind her acknowledgement. He felt it from her voice. 'Does she really owe me one?'
"Not a problem, you can definitely approach me anytime," he replied with a gentle smile.
Katsumi was waiting in the reception. She saw Kane giving all the reports to the receptionist. Before he left the hospital, he smiled at her briefly. She smiled back softly.
'Well, he does care.'
"Her heart rate is just fine," he said. He continued to steth her on her chest while she kept taking mild breaths. Finally he pulled out the ear plugs and kept the instrument back on the bag.
"But it was fast!" She grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest, "You can feel it, right?"
"Of course I do feel it but it's okay! I am just telling that it doesn't matter! You trust me right?"
Katsumi nodded her head.
"Let's go home and take some rest. I don't find any issues besides the external injuries."
Kane helped her to get up. The doctor let them not pay, but Kane didn't listen. He still paid for the treatment, thus leading the consultant to reluctantly accept the payment.
"Understand; it's not your fault. Kindly accept the payment."
"Well then sir… thank you very much for cooperating."
Kane helped Katsumi walk out of the hospital.
"You'd want to sit at the back?"
"No, I'd want to sit beside you. I am fine."
"Well, okay then."
The drive was a pretty slow and smooth one, but awkwardly silent. She had her face a bit turned away from him. To break the silence, Kane asked her, "Did you have lunch?"
"No, I didn't. I came here at 12:30 p.m. but to wait for another two hours."
"Oh, I get it. Don't worry, we'll reach home soon."
"Anyways, I am not hungry either."
"No, you shouldn't skip! You haven't had anything for around six hours. Understand that you are pregnant. Our child must be hungry too!"
"Well, I never said I want to skip though. I am just thankfully not hungry at this moment."
There was a silence again. She looked out from the window.
Kane felt utterly sorry for her.
"Katsumi, I am really sorry for what happened. I guess I should have come with you to the check-up, but I had a very important diagnosis today."
"I wish if you had come too, but you had your job. I can't blame you."
"No, I was unable to protect you and our child. It's a blessing that you both are safe."
Katsumi sighed and rested her head further.
"I didn't have my lunch either." Kane said.
"Why? Didn't I send you the packed lunch?"
"No, you did send me but right at 2:40 I heard that you were beaten. Thus I had to come all the way along."
"Oh okay, but please don't take me there anymore. It's giving me a lot of trauma."
"Sure, I won't, okay?"
Her responses were glum too. She is a sad person, who turned sadder. Kane never saw her being this sad. He had no clue on how to approach her.
They reached home in around fifteen minutes. Katsumi was fast asleep during the last few minutes of the ride. Thus Kane had to lift her in bridal style. Of course, she was indeed really heavy, but he didn't care. He bought her in and gently placed her on the sofa. He panted and gasped widely.
'Hnn, how can't I expect a 5 month pregnant woman to be this heavy?'
Kane switched on the geyser. It would take some time for the perfect temperature to be set, so he went to the kitchen and arranged for the lunch. He had to heat them because they have turned too cold.
Kane took a bath and entered their bedroom. He opened the cupboard and pulled out Katsumi's bath towel and bath robe.
He slowly went to her and gently slapped her cheeks.
"Katsumi, wake up. Go take a bath."
Katsumi mumbled and woke up.
"Come, I will take you."
Kane took her to the bathing room.
"Help me remove my dress, my hands hurt."
He dropped her ponytail on her left shoulder and removed the zip and the top. She whined when her hands had to be strained a bit. Finally, that leaves only her brazier.
"It's okay, it doesn't pain. Unpin my bra, please?"
He unpinned her brazier.
"Thank you, I will take that off. Just remove my ponytail, I want a hair bath."
He gently removed the ponytail. Few strands of hair fell off, but he put them in the dustbin.
"Thank you, I am going to pull my bra out and strip myself. Can, you go?"
"Yes, I will go! Sorry…"
Seeing her naked was not something new. They've had sex for once since they got married. He has done echocardiogram for her weeks since they got married and she had to half-strip herself; but yes, it was not the time for him to lust over her.
Despite it took quite some time for her to bathe, he patiently waited for her to come. He was so hungry, but his mind was so desperate to eat with his wife.
She came with her hair all wet and the robe concealing her pregnant figure. She swayed her head with her eyes closed while wiping her hair with the towel. Yes, she was so beautiful. He got so captivated. She was so sexy, indeed.
"Were you able to wear the robe?" Kane asked as he bought the dishes all hot.
"Yes, I just found that my hands are fine enough for clothes," her voice was dull again. She didn't bother to look at him either, but instead went to the room.
"Still, don't strain yourself. Do you want me to help?"
"Nope," she shrugged and went inside. She locked the door.
Katsumi sobbed. She couldn't control her tears. She wanted to cry. She doesn't want to cry in front of her husband. She leaned against the door, cried over and over again, dragging the back along the door surface and finally sitting down. She placed the palm on her hollow mouth, closed her eyes and cried. Cry, and just cry.
Ten minutes later, she stepped out of the room. She was wearing a green tank top with black skinny three-fourths.
'Is she trying to seduce me?' He was all red and crimsons.
"What happened? Why are you so zoned out?"
"Well, uhh…. Nothing; you are looking so beautiful. Your cheeks are so glossy."
"Hmm? Are you trying to flirt with me?"
"No, nothing!" he gave a nervous chuckle.
"Look dear, I am not in a good mood at all. So please, leave me alone."
"As if I have no clue about what happened to you. I am just trying to make you feel alright."
"It's okay, don't need please. You don't understand my mood. When a person is in a bad mood, don't disturb them for a while. They would find it annoying when they are pestered. It's better to speak to them when they are in a better mood."
"Okay, sorry then. I am not telling anything."
'I tend to flirt with her like these. She just chortles at them. I thought she could be a bit relieved, but no. Well, I guess she needs some time. In hospital, she wants me beside her and she refused to sit at the backseat when I suggested. Then why does she not want me to help her out? Katsumi, are you angry with me?'
"I just have one thing to tell. Have your lunch immediately. Its four thirty already. Please, don't show your anger on hunger. Eat for our child's sake."
"Okay, I get it."
Katsumi gave an irritating sigh and sat on the chair. When Kane was about to help her, she said, "I will take care."
Kane stopped, but yet stood. Katsumi took her time to sit comfortably. Kane served.
"I will cook from tomorrow, you rest."
"Are you sure?"
"Why, don't you trust my cooking skills? I have cooked and you have acknowledged me in the past."
"Well uhh… it's your choice then. I have nothing to tell."
Kane felt a bit frustrated. He felt that something was off. He felt whether she is trying to trigger him.
The lunch lasted in a very awkward silence. Neither of them was feeling right. Kane's heart was scarred on what happened to his wife and their unborn child, but he wants to cast a bright demeanor. He ultimately failed in soothing her.
The lunch finally ended at 5:15 p.m.
Kane was also working as a professor for U.G. students in a medical college, thus he was preparing for a lecture in the computer room. Katsumi did nothing, but just sat idly in their bedroom. She seemed lifeless, emotionless and heartless. She was lying on the bed, fixating her glances only on the ceiling. She meddled with her phone, read a book, cried, sobbed, slept and meddled with the phone again. Finally, she was asleep again.
After Kane was done with the preparations which finally ended at 7:00 p.m. he went to their bedroom. A book and her phone were lying beside the sleeping pregnant woman. The same place where she slept the day he bought her….
He recollected the time when they met each other for the second time…
It was a hectic day. Kane had to check a lot of patients that day. He kept his briefcase and documents at the backseats and closed the door. That was the time when Kane didn't start working as a college professor yet.
When he was about to leave, his gazes turned towards someone familiar. It was her, the same woman who consulted him for a medical check-up. But there was something wrong. Her eyelids were half closed, her breaths were labored and her posture was leaning towards the ground. She held her forehead with her hand.
Kane immediately ran to her without giving a second thought. She fell on the ground almost, but he caught her.
He slapped her cheeks for a few times.
"Damn it, she is terribly unconscious. And I have no water here. I have no option other than taking her home. It isn't far either."
He lifted her up immediately. He noticed how light weight she was. She doesn't even seem to weigh as much as she was before. He couldn't believe that she has lost quite some weight since the check-up. It has been just a week, that's it.
It would take a long time to open the hospital main door and the keys have been taken by the chief doctor. Thus he took her home.
Kane let her lie down on his bed. He bought some water and sprinkled it on her face. She flinched and opened her eyes slowly. A sudden thud jolted inside when she saw the unfamiliar surroundings.
"Where am I? And, aren't you…"
"Yes, I am Dr. Kane Yamashita. You fainted around our hospital. But the keys weren't there thus I bought you to my house."
"Oh, thank you very much. And sorry for troubling you, I will get home by myself."
"No ma'am, please wait. I wanted to talk to you a bit. You seem to be in trouble."
"Well… sure."
"Do you want to rest a bit?"
"Its okay. I am a bit shy to sleep on others' beds. Can we talk somewhere else?"
"Sure, we can!"
Both of them went to the living room. They were sitting opposite to each other. A young boy bought a cup of tea and some biscuits.
"Have something to eat miss!"
"Thank you dear. Well, is he your brother?"
"Yes, my cousin brother. He has come here for vacation."
"I see."
"Eat something first, let's talk then."
"Nii-san! Can you help me take the feather cock from roof?"
"Sure, I will."
"Come fast!"
"Well, just wait for five minutes. I will be back ma'am."
"Please hurry up Nii-san! You are so slow!"
"You are too fast! You aren't letting me speak with a woman!"
"She is too soft for you!"
Katsumi couldn't help chuckling at them. During the said gap, she finished eating the biscuits and drank the cinnamon tea. She is a bit shy to eat in front of others as well. Since she doesn't socialize much, she grew out to be timid.
It took around ten minutes for Kane and his cousin to return.
"Sorry, I guess I crossed the five minute deadline."
"It's okay, that wasn't like a deadline."
"Hmm. Well, I really wanted to ask about your life and why you are like this. Do tell me. Feel free to be open. Think of me as a friend and tell me everything."
Ever since the check-up, he kept thinking about her. He got a few nightmares on where she kept asking for his help. He was heavily disturbed by her. Even during the meeting after the check-up, he kept thinking about her. He was entirely distracted. She dominated his thoughts. He really wanted to relieve himself by understanding her problems. Thus, he will ask this once and for all. He wants to stop worrying about. Yes, he does care.
"Humm… it all started like this. I successfully graduated from my high school. I was preparing for Medical entrance examinations during my grade 11 and grade 12 years."
"Wait… you work as a doctor? You said you were preparing for medical entrances."
"No sir. I haven't come to the part yet."
"Sorry then, you can go ahead."
"However, I got a pretty decent mark. I was not really a scoring student but not a bad student either. But, my father…"
"What happened to your father?"
"My father was actually a criminal who was involved in violence. Both my parents were the earning members of our family. For years, we didn't know that my father was part of a secret terrorist organization. He was finally caught while trying to attack high level organizations."
"Wait, do you mean?" Kane was shocked.
"Yes, I hope you have heard about the criminal called Inumaki right? I am his daughter."
Kane felt a pang of thud.
"Don't need to freak out, I am no longer part of the family and I wasn't even involved with his crimes a bit. However, he was assassinated for his crimes."
"Damn, I almost got scared." Kane sighed. He has heard that the criminal was really dangerous.
"But my family does hate me and resent me. After my father's death which happened when I finished my post graduate in diagnostics, my mom ostracized me from the family. However, I went and stayed with my grandmother but she died two months since I started being with her. I didn't have a job during that time. I was totally neglected by my peers throughout my school and college lives."
"Ah man, that's so hard to hear. It's really hard to be left out. I never knew our life was this hard."
"Now, it's been four months since I have joined an underpaid company with which I can get only minimal food and essentials. For the crimes my father committed, I was rejected everywh-" she started to sob. Kane couldn't feel sorrier. He understood that she had nothing to do with her father's misdeeds. He didn't hate her for being the daughter of a criminal from whose family she isn't part of anymore.
"I never knew that you were his daughter because a lot of them have the Inumaki surname. And the criminal you were talking about is someone I felt extremely indifferent to and didn't explore much, so I wasn't shocked when you told me your name for the first time." His expressions were pure, genuine and soft. He pitied her.
"I understand everyone hating me, but I was resented and despised by my family too. They all had high achievers and aimed at medical, engineering or any other highly dignified courses. I had my own passion, my hobbies and creativity but none of them welcomed that and considered them as a taboo- welp." She sobbed,
"It doesn't make sense. I mean, do they hate you for silly things?"
"Not that alone… most of my relatives actually hated my father. Since I was born as his daughter, I am being hated for that. I have a brother too, but he isn't hated because has been living in London since his school life. He studies there. He doesn't share so much connection with us, so he is not really considered much either. He lives with my aunt and her sons. They don't interact with this side of our family that much in all honesty. Even my aunt is struggling to meet expenses for the family ever since her husband passed away."
"You know… I absolutely have no words or I don't know how I could immediately react because I wonder- like h-h-how I would have turned out if I was in your shoes. It's really pathetic to leave a woman alone in crisis. Really, what are they even thinking about themselves?"
"They never change. They don't matter to me anymore. I was barely loved, I almost forgot what it is to love and I have spent my life as a lonely wench. I have no other emotions other than sadness. My life went for a havoc. I wonder if anybody would help me. I don't want to force anyone into this."
"You said that you did both UG and PG for medicine. How were you accepted during your PG years?"
"Well my father was not discovered to be a criminal back then."
"I get it."
"But yeah, a lot of injustice happened to me. Some of my relatives are actually part of the Japanese medical council. They gave away free seats to students who almost scored the same marks I did. They were friends with a lot of families which had candidates. However, they blackmailed my father- either; pay more or no medical seat. This sounds silly, but there is a big story behind this. How can they show any personal vengeance during an unbiased selection? Like, how?"
"Man…. This is so unfair! I can't understand that you had to take in a lot of unfairness in your life! Really, I am extremely sorry for your state. I am feeling ashamed that I was selected by those same members!"
"No sir, you shouldn't worry because you would have been selected by fair grounds. I don't think your selection was involved in this."
"Well, why didn't you file a case against them in this regard?"
"I was about to do that, but all the proof were burnt. And I wasn't able access any documents just like that because it's not that easy. And you know; my relatives had the police forces on their side. I was blackmailed too. If I were involved, I would have been worse than dead. I had no support either. My parents had to forcefully pay for me. That's a reason why my mom ostracized me because she feared if she had to spend more for me further."
"It's all bad for you; It's pathetic. You can't live like this anymore. You seem to be a very nice person, then why don't people like you? And you have completed your post graduate and the next thing you would do is get a job. Then why did your mom have a fear of spending too much for you again?"
"Because I don't know; none of them or even I never knew that my dad was a criminal at that time. I was just another student who was left out from peer gang, that's it. And my mom didn't believe in me. She said that my relatives were plotting out to make sure that I don't get a job."
"Welp… I get it now. Your life is unrealistically hard. I mean it's too hard to even handle. You do need someone to help you out. And sorry if I am being rude, your family doesn't deserve you. Your family is all corrupt and stupid."
"I wish someone could, but I don't want anybody to face any troubles while dealing with mine. People who are with me will get treated badly more or less. That's why I feel like dealing with this all by myself. And yes, I don't want to be part of the family anymore. I'd rather be all alone."
"I don't think you can. It's not like you can't deal with this all by yourself, but things will be hard without someone's support."
"Yes, I get what you are trying to tell but I don't have any other option. Anyways, I do have some expensive jewelry left since I was in middle school. I can exchange them with some money."
"Wait, really?"
"Yes sir."
Kane was actually shocked. He knew that jewelry was necessary to garnish women. He has seen his cousin sisters and other women is his family wearing expensive accessories. They would get new ones every year. He could see the huge gap while trying to compare her with them.
"In all honestly, I don't really have so much but I will get some fair amount with the jewelry I possess. You needn't worry sir; I will meet the required expenditure then but temporarily."
He felt a bit miserable. He didn't consider this earlier, but when she came for the check-up she wore partially rusted earrings. She didn't wear a chain or a watch. Her neck was bare. Her collarbones were so visible.
"Sometimes, I forget if I am really a woman. I am always so plain and bland. My physical appeal drops down due to this."
Kane sighed. He seemed a bit frustrated.
"Your situation is unrealistically sad. I really wonder what you would have gone through ma'am. And well, I am ready to help you in this because umm-"
"Sir, it's okay; you are a doctor and I am just a lonely wench. If you try to help me out, you will face the worst, I bet. Anybody who is there to help me will have a harder life. So, think twice-"
"There is no need to think twice to help a person like you. You are generous, kind and selfless. You care about others despite they don't treat you well. I won't hesitate. If your problem is financial crisis, then I would be the best person to handle this. My family is quite rich, all thanks to my father. I'd rather help someone instead of seeing them suffer. It's totally unfair on me to go ahead with my life instead of not helping the ones in dire need."
Kane chuckled and said, "Yes. Infact, there was a time when I was asked to take over my father's job. Indeed, I could have earned a lot more than I earn as a doctor but no, I prioritized my interest. I don't care about how much I earn; I only care about if I am doing what I like."
"Wow that's good to know! You have taken the best path for you sir. Good luck."
Kane rubbed his forehead and greeted, "Thank you very much! You are really sweet!"
Her cheeks turned crimson upon the acknowledgment. She was not sure how to react. She simply bent her gazes down without saying anything. She really couldn't smile but she was feeling happy, indeed.
It was time for Katsumi to leave. Before leaving, they both exchanged their numbers. She thanked him before she left.
'I get reminded of a certain someone….'
Like she said that day, he has met with something worse which is none other than her own suffering. But, he never imagined that it would affect his loved ones. He thought he might get directly affected. However, it hurts him a lot more to see his wife and their unborn child like this. The position of the baby seemed to have changed a bit. It's a miracle that the child survived, but he should make sure that they don't face something like this anymore considering the enemies they have in outside world.
Kane went close and leaned towards her. The gap between their noses was so small. The most exciting part was she was asleep. He used this chance to peck but suddenly, she vaguely moved her body and her eyes twitched. He immediately moved away from her and pretended to see her waking up in a normal way. Katsumi's visions were blurry once she woke up. Her gazes went clear as time went.
"Why did you come here?" she asked in a drowsy tone.
"Well, uhh I-I-I just finished preparing for tomorrow's lecture! Thus I came to see you." Kane was actually shocked internally, yet he chuckled gently.
"Are you really happy after what happened to us? Why the heck are you chuckling now?" He remained silent. She had a serious frown on her face. Kane actually isn't happy; he is just trying to make the ambiance cheerful. He does know how much pain it takes to be like that.
"I am sorry, I thought you might consider moving on."
"Please, didn't I already tell that you should not try to console somebody when they are not in a good mood? It will make them feel like their concern is nothing to be worried about."
Kane couldn't speak back. Infact, he doesn't want to speak back. He really has a soft spot for her ever since they met. She is also pregnant and he sensed that she is in some mood swing, so he doesn't want to trigger. Even though her tragic past can't be used as an excuse to not argue back, it hurts to consider that as an excuse but to sound more of a valid reason.
He hung his head low and left her. She struggled to get up from the bed a bit but finally, she did.
Katsumi didn't know what she could. She couldn't sleep further. She had no choice but to just sit idly again. She kept the pillow on the headboard of the bed and rested her back against it.
Around a few minutes later, Kane came to the room to pick clothes for tomorrow. It's going to be Sunday the day after. Thankfully he might get some time to spend with her during a crucial time, but he just wondered if he could do that. She seems to be miffed with him a bit. His other half is just scared to be around her.
Kane didn't know what to do either. He was perfectly prepared for tomorrow's lecture. Ah yes, he had to prepare dinner for both! But, he considered talking to his mother about the current state.
Kane went to the terrace. The call went for half an hour. He got a bit of scolding from her for not going with her to the treatment. He has been trained fair in martial arts, sothere were heavy chances for him to have saved her. However, she did understand his situation too.
It was eight when he started to prepare the dinner. He made some soup and toast. He kept the dinner simple and light.
He arranged the dinner for her on a small tray and took them to their room. She was in the same position for a long time.
"Have some dinner. Do ask me if you want some more."
Katsumi gently took the tray from him.
"Will you be able to eat them by yourself? Do you want me to feed you?"
"I am not a baby; I will take care of myself. Thank you."
Kane sighed. 'Well, you have a baby inside, thus I would love to feed you.'
"Welp, do ask for some more if you want. Don't hesitate." He said as he left the room.
Kane had the dinner outside. Katsumi didn't ask for another serve, thus he didn't go to their room either. He washed all the vessels and arranged them on the respective racks.
The lights were switched off at eleven thirty. Katsumi was in a full yet deep slumber. Kane had to pack his things and arrange clothes for tomorrow's work. He wanted to use this chance to kiss her once, at least on the forehead. But, he changed his mind. Otherwise he would start to have more expectations.
'Please understand; this is the time we have to keep our love strong. This is the time you need me the most by your side. This is the time we both should stay together. Please Katsumi, don't you love me? I am bearing more pain than you are. Please don't get offended. As the mother of the child, I can understand how painful it would be for you of our child. But, as your husband and the child's father, I feel sorrowful for both of you! Please, don't be like this!' He cried. Tears were slowly coming out from his eyes.
He tried not to sob. He badly wants to be with her, cuddle with her and kiss too, but no, she doesn't want too. He can't be close with her if she doesn't want to. He is not expecting her to be completely happy either. Why couldn't she just accept his gestures? That's all what he wanted.
He had no choice. He has to make up his mind. He will have to present to the class tomorrow. He can't be like this.
He took a deep breath and switched off the room lights. He couldn't sleep. He kept rolling from one side to the other.
Now he remembered the times when they started to get closer.
Katsumi's life has been turning better ever since Kane agreed to help her. She got some money in exchange of her jewels. She got to eat a pretty balanced diet. He also gave some money for her to pay for bills. They often talked to each other by phones. She felt a bit relieved. She felt herself getting happier day by day.
Never would anyone imagine that they got so close in a quick span of time.
Soon, Katsumi's birthday came. She was at least able to afford a new dress and some decent accessories. She looked better and prettier than she looked every day. Right on that day, they both planned to meet each other. She was in a dilemma.
'Wait, I am too shy to tell him that it's my birthday today, but how would I be able to hide it for a long time? What should I do?'
Katsumi was asked to wait beside his hospital. She waited for him and he finally showed up in his car.
Katsumi went to him.
"Well, what's the reason why you called me here?"
"Umm…" Kane gently rubbed his temple and turned his head a bit. His cheeks were red.
"No! No! I am fine." Kane chuckled nervously. Katsumi was skeptic.
"Just close your eyes for a minute, will ya?"
"Just close your eyes as I say. I can't tell the reason now. It will ruin everything."
Katsumi shut her eyes. She heard the backdoor of the car opening. She felt him taking some box.
"I am all done, you can open."
Katsumi opened her eyes. She could see him holding a box.
"Happy birthday, K-K-K-atsumi." He stuttered her name. She could feel intense happiness and joy. Her lips took a very broad smile. She was all ethereal, divine and gaiety. Her eyes couldn't go wider. She looked at him.
Suddenly, a few tears started to flow from her eyes like smooth streamlines.
"Can you tell me how you know my birthday? I-I-I can't believe my own eyes."
"Well uhh…" Kane rubbed the back of his head. "I asked for your date of birth when you came to the check-up, right?"
Katsumi didn't know what else to tell. She has gotten a birthday after a very long time.
She couldn't hold her horses. She wanted to see what was inside right then and right there. She gently opened the box. She saw a jewel box placed on a lime green Kimono and white sash. Kane took the jewel box, opened it for her. She could see silver plated necklace, long earring and a small finger ring.
"Don't forget that you are a woman. You definitely need them. You deserve it."
She gasped for once. "Don't tell me that this is original."
"It not covering, it has been plated with pure silver."
Katsumi was on the verge of dropping the box.
"Why did you spend so much for-"
"Shush, no more questions. These are for you. I won't hesitate to help you like this as well. You deserve some happiness as well, right? You are a human being just like all of us."
"Really, I-I-" she covered her mouth with her palm.
"I know you never expected this. You just aren't used to this. However, it's something to make you feel enlightened on your birthday."
"Thank you very much sir! This is not really enough to thank you!"
"There is no need to thank me ma'am."
"No, call me Katsumi like you used to."
"Okay," he nodded his head.
Katsumi couldn't control her happiness, but more than that she found herself falling for him. Nobody has ever cared for her as much as he did. That ultimately pushed her to love him. Her feelings were genuine and true.
However, the interesting part is, Kane actually likes her too. They both hid their feelings assuming that the other considers them more as a friend. Thus, they are secret admirers for each other.
Kane offered to take her out for that day. It was planned pretty simple yet neat. First they went to a silent restaurant. They'd cut the cake there. After having some lunch, they went to the cherry blossoms garden. It was spring time and the Sakura flowers were flooding the green grassed land. There were very few people, so the view was crystal clear. A small lake was in view as well. That was such blissful scenery.
They sat beside each other and both lent their back against the tree. Katsumi closed her eyes and faced the Sakura flowers up.
"I don't know how many times I should thank you. You made my day Yamashita-san."
"Call me Kane, its fine."
"Can I?"
"You've let me call you Katsumi, so I will let you the same."
"Fine then; well, are you twenty-eight as well?"
"No, I am still twenty-seven. I will turn twenty-eight this October."
"I see."
There was a pleasant silent with only the birds' chirpings which can be heard. Katsumi opened her eyes and looked at him, "I barely remember myself being this happy. I have no words on how this birthday was a great one."
"Katsumi, you are a person who deserves better. You still have the golden heart even when people degrade you or don't give you justice."
Katsumi's face turned red.
"W-W-Well, really? I-I barely get appreciated like this. You are just making me feel…"
"Making you feel what?"
She stared at his face.
"Welp, I forgot what I was about to tell you."
Kane sighed and his eagerness went for a toss. For a few minutes, they kept talking, taking pictures, taking walks and finally ended up under the same tree. Katsumi was all tired and ended up sleeping on Kane's shoulder.
Kane even offered her to teach some driving, but she said that she does know. He was actually surprised to find that she is very good at driving and even riding a two wheeler. The surprise knew no limits when her learning speed was indeed shorter compared to him. She was fluent.
From that day onwards, they became like casual friends. But internally, they had feelings for each other.
They weren't filled with intentions when it came to love. They were often indifferent when it came to romantic love, but unless and until they met each other.
'Katsumi, I wish if I could get back the same old days again. You don't realize how much I am worried for you. I don't want to scold you a bit. I don't want to be harsh with you as well. You are such a sweet person! Why are you like this? What else do you want from me? Tell. I am ready to give you anything as you wish. Just speak to me. Its hurts a lot when you reject me.'
Chapter 01 | Chapter 02
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