teabiscs · 4 months
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June Ship Poll First Place - Rei/Salima
why does this look so blurry on my laptop>???? a blue eyed salima based of aoki's art.
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moonandblossoms · 2 years
I made these KaiHil and RaySal picrews for @araingirl as her belated b'day gift! ❤️✨
I hope you love them! And for Kai's hair, I couldn't use ipiccy.com from mobile to color it. Since my exams are coming, I won't be using the PC for two months, so I hope you don't mind 🥲 you can color it if you want (if you do so please reblog this with the colored hair 🙏)
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I did one for Amesia and Kane too, if you don't mind 🥺
And EXTREMELY sorry that I couldn't draw a fanart for you 😭 my exams are coming and I can only do these 🤧
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funkyscribe · 7 years
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Got my new insulated, waterproof boots for the big climb! They go well with my mountaineering socks, don’t you think? #reisale #kilimanjaro
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polygon-draws · 4 years
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fantroll: Reisal Amedeo
a commission i did for @kirbythequeenofnarwhals 
This drawing is commissioned works, please do not use, edit or repost anywhere else.
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satumaluku · 3 years
PLN UIP Maluku-Papua Salurkan dana TJSL Sebesar Rp510 juta
PLN UIP Maluku-Papua Salurkan dana TJSL Sebesar Rp510 juta
satumalukuID – PT PLN (Persero) melalui Unit Induk Pembangunan (UIP) Maluku-Papua telah menyalurkan dana program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) di Papua sebesar Rp510 juta yang dialokasikan untuk pengembangan tujuh program pemberdayaan pemuda lokal pada semester pertama 2021. General Manager PLN UIP Maluku-Papua Reisal Rimtahi Hasoloan di Jayapura, Sabtu, mengatakan fokus PLN dalam…
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academychronicle · 6 years
DnD X 10.2
8HYP: The guild is rudely awakened early in the morning by a strange noise. Phearie and Reisal jump out of their beds and race to the main room of the cave. The room is full of Cocks wondering what could have made the noise. Heading outside they are met with a puzzling sight; a multitude of small creatures from the area are all standing very still on their hind legs, staring directly up. They notice Conrad Fallohide, the halfling server from Luchili’s, is also there.
Phearie and Reisal approach Fallohide cautiously, and eventually come near enough to hear him mumbling in a strange tone.
“w a t c h t h e s k i e s w a t c h t h e s k i e s w a t c h t h e s k i e s . . . t e n t a c l e p i r a t e s . . . i k n o w w h e r e t h i s i s go i n g . . . w a t c h t h e s k i e s”
Reisal does not look up. Phearie eyes Conrad, his eyes towards the clouds, then looks directly up. A strange yellow glow begins filling her view, rapidly growing to a blinding intensity. Both party members hear a *schwampf* and the light slowly fades to reveal a small green room, seemingly made out of some kind of glass or shell. A small torus embedded beneath a sheet of clear glass in the floor slowly pulsates with the same yellow glow, dimmer now.
They attempt to puzzle out the physics of the light and the torus, with Phearie positing the photons don’t have any mass and Reisal countering with the observation that black holes are able to suck them up. The torus begins glowing brighter, and before they can react a hungry intellect devourer bursts into existence in the middle of the room with another *schwampf*. “They fight” - George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith
Once the intellect devourers are dealt with, Phearie attempts to use the transporter by jumping into the centre of the room. She disappears with a final *schwampf* and materializes in a large room made of the same material as the previous one. What appear to be three large windows lie at the other end of the room, depicting a view of Cydonia from very high up (high enough that the fall damage would definitely kill you. We counted.). Three nothics are also present, though they appear to be focused on the windows. Phearie takes care of the first two with a kiss of Mephistopheles, with Reisal coming in clutch with the Eldritch blast to finish off the last nothic.
Exploring the now-calm room, Phearie and Reisal find a map depicting the interior of some sort of airship called the Kulkat. Comparing the lower floor layouts with the two rooms they’ve already seen, the pair of mages are able to determine their location as well as the presence of a hidden elevator shaft. With some more figuring and various thinking noises, they learn how to call the elevator.
They ride straight to the top floor, a small open area at the top of the ship that, judging by the notes on the map, is where the “miniboss” of this “dnd session” lies. They emerge and are met with a fearsome sight: a tall tentacle-faced man in a dingy tricorne hat, seated at some sort of magical throne. Guarding the mind flayer are two large masses of what appear to be straight up eyeballs with some flesh mixed in to hold them in place.
The two mages attempt to fight but quickly realize they are way out of their league. Phearie manages to knock the mind flayer off of the throne, and the ship begins slowly descending. With the horrifying psychic monster almost upon them, the Cocks do the only thing they can think of: they pray to Melf.
Miraculously, Melf appears with a clap of thunder right beside Reisal. He grabs their hand and reaches out toward Phearie, teleporting everyone to safety as the words of the mind flayer captain echo in their ... minds. “Foolsss..this is not the last you’ve seen of Captain Furiza, scourge of the phlogiston!!”
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vickiemortenson · 6 years
Clarks UnStructured Leather T-Strap Sandals – Un Reisal Mae on QVC
See the rest of the story at http://blogaccount.equine-superstores.com/2018/04/09/clarks-unstructured-leather-t-strap-sandals-un-reisal-mae-on-qvc/
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morrisaniaruiz · 6 years
Clarks UnStructured Leather T-Strap Sandals – Un Reisal Mae on QVC
See the rest of the story at http://cdnnews.montysgourmet.com/clarks-unstructured-leather-t-strap-sandals-un-reisal-mae-on-qvc/
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kurieevines · 6 years
Clarks UnStructured Leather T-Strap Sandals – Un Reisal Mae on QVC
See the rest of the story at http://devfoo.oralhealthhelpsite.com/2018/03/29/clarks-unstructured-leather-t-strap-sandals-un-reisal-mae-on-qvc/ Clarks UnStructured Leather T-Strap Sandals – Un Reisal Mae on QVC published first on http://devfoo.oralhealthhelpsite.com
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