#kane x oc
blossommoonart · 1 year
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The Samurai spent a wholesome time with his lover ♥️⛩️🗡️
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fantasyqueen502 · 9 months
Summery: A little drabble after the events of Annihilation.
Rated: PG-13
Relationship: Kane x female OC
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Scuffling through the halls. In nothing, but PJs, Crocs, and a pink pea coat. The quickest items she had at her disposal in her sleep daze. Peering down a hall to a line of chairs doctors and nurses scattered about and a familiar face.
Seemed like forever ago. Rookies on base blabbering about what drill sergeants were hard asses and who were chill.
And they said highschool was behind us.
I've only seen him in passing a handful of times. Dark eyes, dark hair, that shined like a raven's wing. "Tall, dark and handsome," she vividly used to describe to her closest friend, Lena.
"Really, Shelby." Words dripping with condescension. "He's definitely a dude bro." She scoffs, shaking her head in disapproval. Raising her brows following her eyes to where the man in question hooted and hollered obnoxiously among a table of men playing some form of finger football. "You can do better."
He sat in one of the chairs along the wall. He faced forward. It took until now to realize she hasn't seen the man in person since that day she saw him descend down her porch steps.
With an arm full of groceries she froze at the sight of Kane.
"Hey." He greets catching sight of her.
"Hey." She awkwardly returns.
Side stepping him to face my door. Searching my pocket his determined brows and eyes burning through the reflection in the glass of the door. I gulped locking eyes with the reflection praising the gods jamming the correct key into the lock pushing the door open.
"See you later." She says quickly over her shoulder to slip inside.
"Is Lena cheating on me?" He interrupts hand holding the door, preventing her from closing it. Focusing my eyes to the ground, his boot wedged between the door and frame as well. Tears well up in my eyes hearing the desperation in his voice. "Tell me the truth Shelby." He begs, removing his hand. "Please."
His eyes were rimmed red crying. He hasn't shaved and hair is messy. She may have thought it was handsome if not for the circumstances.
She meekly nods knowing that words would fail her.
Freeing his bottom lip from his teeth. "Oh…" he breaths shuttering. Eyes watering. Inhaling deeply "Thank you, Shelly." He nods descending down the steps marching his way next door where their home reside.
Shaking the memory from her head. He didn't seem to notice that she sat beside him.
"Kane." She breathed not wanting to startle him. Taking the time to take him in. His hair looks longer combed back perfectly, not even one strand of hair out of place. Clean shaven his lips slightly agape as if he was going to speak any moment. She would have found his appearance picture perfect.
It was off putting.
"Kane!" She says a bit louder. Placing a hand on his shoulder seemed to reach him in his trance. He slowly turns his head to her. His eyes void while looking at her-- passed her. "Kane?" She coos hesitantly reaching out, giving him time to recoil.
He doesn't.
Holding his cheek attempting to read his eyes that told her nothing.
"Are you OK?"
She sighs and scolds herself. "Of course you're not ok. I'm so sorry."
He lifts his hand holding her cheek. Mirroring her gesture.
"I need you here." He says. The deeper than normal gravel. "Shelly."
She snorts a laugh of a nickname only he used. Taking his hand from her cheek holding it tight.
“Would you like to see her?”
Her heart stopped for a moment unsure if she was mentally prepared to see yet another friend, comrade---
“Our daughter.” he adds with a soft smile as if reading her mind.
Sitting in a small room where preemie babies were held. With the help of a kind nurse Shelby held the tiny baby connected to wires and tubes.
“She's beautiful.” She coos the tiny bean winking up at her. “Look at those eyes, never seen such a blue.”
“Violet.” he sighs.
"Yeah." the woman chuckles. A few moments ticked by until Shelby found her voice. “I’m here if you need anything, anything at all. I’ll be just a call or knock away.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Lena would want me too.”
He smiled. Must have been a trick of the lights. Shelby could have sworn his eyes shimmered.
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moonandblossoms · 2 years
I made these KaiHil and RaySal picrews for @araingirl as her belated b'day gift! ❤️✨
I hope you love them! And for Kai's hair, I couldn't use ipiccy.com from mobile to color it. Since my exams are coming, I won't be using the PC for two months, so I hope you don't mind 🥲 you can color it if you want (if you do so please reblog this with the colored hair 🙏)
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I did one for Amesia and Kane too, if you don't mind 🥺
And EXTREMELY sorry that I couldn't draw a fanart for you 😭 my exams are coming and I can only do these 🤧
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kachowden · 1 year
You should make the millionare a virgin loser who doesnt know the touch of anything but his own hand and then slut reader outtttt. Make it fresh u kno?
His fingertips traced down the curve of your spine, caressing the skin that was presented to him. Calloused pads trailed along blemishes and marks like the most stunning of paintings, mapping each and every feature.
His nose bumped into the curve of your shoulder, nuzzling against the skin as he exhaled. His body cooled from the previous heat and steam of late night activities. And though he yearned for more, his mind craved the comfort of just laying together.
But all good things come to an end. The sound of a small ding coming from your phone, roused you to sit up from the silk sheeted bed. Your fingers rubbed against the sores of your muscles as you reached for the infuriating device, the bright light blinding you amidst the dark room for merely a moment before you swiped through your lock screen. He watched intently as your eyes fluttered over the text.
“Mm…It seems I have to go, Mr. K..” Your voice soothed his senses, though your words made his eyes narrow. Only slightly.
Another client.
Often times, he wondered if you did these things to taunt him. If you somehow knew of his infatuation, and paraded yourself around this way to mock him for his cowardice.
And as he bit back the urge to call you back, to tempt you back into his arms so you could sleep in each others embrace. So he could savor the feel of your skin and the smell of your hair. He believed this to be even further the case, as he was made to watch you re-dress in preparation to leave him. Alone. Again.
But he did nothing. Not even a noise of acknowledgment, leading you to believe he may have fallen asleep.
Kane was not a beggar.
Your bare feet padded across the cold wooden floor of the bedroom, and you shivered. You wanted to go back to the bed, to swaddle yourself in it’s expensive warmth. But, you needed the money. And while one night with Mr.K would hold you over for well into a month, you couldn’t stop a small seed of greed to sprout through your heart.
“I’ll pay double.”
You stopped, hand just about curved around the golden, cold handle of the door. Perhaps you had misheard?
“Im sorry?”
You turned back, nearly jumping at the sight of dark grey eyes that bore deep into your flesh. Mr.K was not an expressive man. Not even in the most intimate of actions did his facade fail him. Hardly even a noise. You often wondered if you pleased him the way he did you.
Mr.K was a very skilled lover, despite having admitted to never laying with another before you. He was attentive in ways none of your clients had ever been. Learning the in’s and out’s of your body, seemingly rapt in your pleasure more so than his own.
“I’ll pay double.”
Your lips pursed in confusion. “Double..what?”
Mr.K did not beg. He asked for very little.
“Double whatever your client is paying. If you stay tonight.”
Your skin tingled. And the offer was deliciously tempting. “It would be bad for business if I canceled now..” that was only partially true.
The air felt warmer then it had before. Your previously cooles skin now feeling hot, under the intense gaze of the man before you.
Spit lodged in your throat and you choked, eyes widening momentarily, and for just a second you swore a flash of amusement had invaded those cold eyes. “Th-that’s…is there something..you want to do?” Paying so much usually meant the request would be something…more unsavory.
“Rest with me. Then, tomorrow we’ll go out together. For a date.”
That couldn’t be all?
But it was.
With a soft heart for the quiet man before you, you undressed once again and slipped beneath the now cold duvet, exhaling in tired awe at the comfort it swaddled you in.
Your skin tingled as a hot breath beat down on it, and as fingers traced against your skin and through your hair once again. Gentle kisses littered your collar and neck.
It was romantic in a way. Despite him being one of your clients, time with him always felt a bit special. A bit more intimate.
You knew Kane was a lonely man. You often wondered why he never sought out a wife for the comfort he seems to crave.
But, as his strong warm arms curved around your waist, and pulled you flush against his chest, you found yourself a bit selfishly happy about that fact.
Sleep came easily to you that night, under the intense gaze of the man beside you.
Your client stopped responding to you the following morning.
(I lost the plot so we’ll call this part 1 before delving into this guys psyche some more)
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karineverse · 1 month
Can you believe they're exes
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toasttt11 · 6 months
five times he told someone + one time someone else did for him
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one. luke and sophia
October 21, 2022
Maddox walked out of the locker room running a hand through his dripping wet hair, he saw Luke and Sophia outside waiting for him.
“Maddi!” Luke happily grinned seeing his brother for the first time in almost a month.
Maddox quickly walked to his brother pulling him into a hug, “Hi Moose.” Maddox smiled slighty before they pulled away, he looked towards his best friend, “Phia.” Sophia grinned pulling her best friend into a tight hug having missed him.
“Hi Maddi.” Sophia smiled at him before they pulled away, Sophia leaned her head on her boyfriend’s arm and held his hand, “So what do you want for dinner?”
“You guys pick i don’t care.” Maddox just shrugged happy to be seeing two of his favorite people.
“Alright.” Luke nodded and the three got into Luke’s car and Luke drove them to a little dinner place.
The three got seated in a booth in the restaurant and started looking at the menu.
“You had a good game.” Luke commented to his brother, Maddox having had two assists and a goal, the blackhawks winning 4-3.
“Yeah i was alright.” Maddox just shrugged off the compliment, Sophia smiled shaking her head knowing Maddox hates compliments.
The three ordered their food and started catching up while they waited.
Maddox anxiously twisted his ring around his finger and his leg wouldn’t stop bouncing, he knew he wanted to tell his family and he knew Sophia and Luke were the safest option, he took a deep breath before blurting out the words he has never said outside to anyone before, “I’m Bi.”
Sophia and Luke shared a soft look.
“I know bud.” Luke smiled comforting at his older brother and best friend.
“What?” Maddox eyes widen in shock as he looked at his smiling brother.
“Maddi you made out with a guy after one of our tournaments.” Luke deadpanned with a fond smile.
“Why didn’t you say anything.” Maddox questioned playing with his fingers.
“Because i wanted to wait until you were comfortable of coming out to me.” Luke reached across the table and grabbed Maddox’s hand, “I’m proud of you and you are always my brother.” Luke proudly smiled at Maddox.
Maddox had no idea how much he needed to hear those words.
He looked over at Sophia who was watching her two boys with a fond smile, “Oh i knew too.” Sophia grinned at Maddox, Maddox just fondly shook his head at her, “What i’m your bestfriend of course i knew.” Sophia shrugged having known for along time, “But i’m proud of you.” Sophia squeezed Maddox’s arm gently looking at him proudly.
“Thank you.” Maddox choked out feeling touched for getting so much support from the two.
two. quinn
January 24, 2023
Maddox was texting on his phone in the hotel lobby when he got a text from Quinn, he stood up putting his phone into his pocket and walked out into the cold Vancouver weather seeing Quinn waiting in his car.
“Hi Mads.” Quinn fondly smiled seeing his little brother, Maddox smiled and let Quinn hug him over the center console.
Maddox and Quinn were both more quiet of people and honestly like silence a lot more than talking so they sat in comfortable silence until Quinn pulled into his apartment building parking garage.
Maddox and Quinn walked up to Quinn’s apartment and they both hoped onto Quinn’s couch, Quinn handed the controller to his brother as he turned on the TV and game system.
After they played a few rounds Quinn looked over at his little brother seeing his anxious ticks and had a feeling Maddox needed to say something.
Quinn paused the game and set his controller down, “Alright spill.”
“What?” Maddox looked up from the controller and towards Quinn.
“Tell me, you have something to say.” Quinn raised an eyebrow at Maddox.
Maddox let out a nervous breath and nodded knowing he does have something to tell Quinn, Maddox planned to tell Quinn when he came out to Vancouver for the Blackhawks at Canucks game.
“I’m bi.” Maddox mummled out not wanting to look at Quinn when he told him.
Quinn nodded slowly always having a feeling and saw some signs but wanted to wait till Maddox was comfortable.
Quinn wrapped an arm around Maddox’s shoulder and pressed a kiss to the top of his fluffy hair, “Thank you for telling me.”
Maddox’s head shot up shocked, “Your not disgustied?” Maddox honestly was the most worried about Quinn and Jack finding out about his sexuality and not Luke.
“Maddi your my brother, i love you no matter what there’s nothing you could do to change that.” Quinn held Maddox’s face in his hands.
“Oh.” Maddox whispered out, He just burried his head into Quinn’s chest and felt protected in his brother’s arms.
Quinn frowned having a feeling that’s something happen that made Maddox believe that he would think he is disgusted and when Quinn is going to find out who thought they could hurt his brother and get away with it.
three. alex
February 27, 2023
Maddox was laying on his back on the hotel bed next to Alex, they had just played their game againt the Ducks and had lost.
Maddox and Alex are always roommates on roadies and they usually end up watching a movie or show together.
Maddox looked a the ceiling before blurting out, “I’m bi.” Maddox tightly closed his eyes nervously.
Alex just nodded not even looking awya from the TV, “Ok.”
“Ok?” Maddox repeated confused, his eyes shot open and he turned on to side facing Alex.
Alex fondly rolled his eyes pausing the movie, “Dude i’ve seen you mack on a guy before, i’ve know for a while.”
“I know.” Maddox nodded having known Alex knew, “I was coming out to you, you dickhead” Maddox fondly rolled his eyes.
Alex made a face, “Oh, Well i’m proud of you for coming out.” Alex patted his best friend’s shoulder, “Now can we keep watching the movie.”
“Ass.” Maddox fondly chuckled shoving Alex.
four. connor
November 14, 2023
“Bud? What’s wrong?” Maddox frowned in concern as he opened his front door hearing a knock, seeing Connor standing there with the saddest look on his face and tears in his eyes.
“I-“ Connor chocked out breathing heavily and just into forwards into Maddox’s comforting arms, Maddox frowned and wrapped his arms around around Connor gently rubbing his back as he walked them backward and closed his front door.
Maddox kept Connor in his arms leading them to his living room, Maddox sat down on his couch and Connor sat next to him hiding his face in Maddox’s chest.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Maddox quietly asked running his hands through Connor’s hair knowing it calms him down.
Connor took a deep breath and blurted out, “I think i’m gay.” Connor waited anxiously for Maddox to say anything. Connor was scared and Maddox always feels the safest.
“I’m so proud of you for telling me.” Maddox wrapped his arms around him tightly pressing a kiss to his head, Connor let out a sob of relief and couldn’t help but cry. Maddox frowned knowing exactly how he is feeling right now.
“I’m bi.” Maddox told Connor once Connor calmed down.
“You are?” Connor looked up at Maddox with his puppy eyes.
“I am, and i understand how scared you’rere feeling right now, but i promise i’m always on your side okay buddy.” Maddox promised him, Connor smiled softly not knowing how he would have made it through the last few years with Maddox being there for him always.
“Thank you for always being there for me.” Connor mumbled hiding his face back into Maddox’s chest.
“Always bud, Always.” Maddox held Connor until Maddox looked down hearing little snores and saw him fast asleep.
five. ellen
December 22, 2023
Maddox walked in the kitchen of his parents house and saw his mom in the kitchen, “Mom, i uh was wondering if we could go out just us today.” Maddox had his hands behind his back anxiously fidgeting.
Ellen looked up seeing Maddox looking tense and frowned slighty, “Of course Maddi. Would you like to go now?” Ellen smiled softly at her boy.
“Sure, Coffee?” Maddox mischievously smiled knowing he got his love for coffee from his mother.
“Of course.” Ellen replied having alreadly planned to go get coffee with Maddox today, loving when her boys are home but it’s always nice to have someone who loves getting coffee to go with her.
Ellen knew all of boys like the back of her hand and she could tell Maddox wanted to tell her something. She drove them to their favorite coffee shop in Michigan and drove them through the drive thru.
Ellen ordered their coffee before pulling up and paying at the window and getting handed the coffee’s, she handed Maddox his and held her as she parked them into the parking lot.
“Got something you wanna talk about Maddi?” Ellen questioned softly looking over at her son seeing him look nervous.
Maddox took a deep breath and looked at his mom, “I’m bi.” Maddox clenched his eyes not wanting to see her face when he tells her.
Ellen proudly smiled at her sun and she gently cupped his face, “Maddy look at me.” Maddox slowly opened his eyes and saw his mother still looking at him the exact same.
Maddox’s looked shocked, “Your not disappointed?”
“Maddox Hughes, i could never be disappointed in you.” Ellen sternly spoke looking directly at her son, “And it was kinda obvious with how you act around Trevor.” She gave him a knowing smile and glance making him blush and look away.
+ jack
June 15 2024
Maddox and Trevor both got to the lake house late last night having both been busy since the end of the season.
Maddox had to spend a week doing some captain stuff at the end of the season so Trevor left to LA to visit his friends and Jamie was joining him as well and to also pack up or get rid of the rest of the stuff at his Condo in LA. Maddox then went to watch some of Quinn’s playoff games and spend that time with his parents and Quinn before he headed out on a vacation catching up with his old teammates and their families from Tampa bay.
Jack also spent some time out in the Jersey Shore with his friends while Luke went to Michigan to see his friends and girlfriend and Quinn was in the playoffs.
Now all of the Hughes brothers got to the lake house the last few days. Maddox knew it was only a matter of time before all of the friends and teammates came over so he knew that he wanted to tell his brothers and best friend quickly about Trevor and him.
Luckily for Trevor and Maddox everyone was too tired to even notice that Trevor went with Maddox into Maddox’s instead of his normal guest room.
Trevor woke up looking down at his chest seeing Maddox peacefully sleeping on his arw chest, Trevor hummed contently and he could tell everyone else were still asleep besides Quinn.
Trevor hoped that everything went well with them telling everyone today.
Trevor eventually got Maddox out bed and Trevor headed down stairs before Maddox and saw Quinn cooking breakfast and Sophia eating with Luke resting his head on her arm looking like he was going to fall asleep again and Jack texting on his phone.
“What’s for breakfast Quinner!” Trevor grinned happily knowing it will get on Quinn’s nerves.
“Food.” Quinn deadpanned with a small smirk as he scooped some of the eggs onto a plate for Trevor and handed it to him.
Maddox came down a few minutes later looking like a zombie still half asleep as he stumbled straight to the coffee machine and quickly started drinking the black coffee he poured into his mug. Trevor fondly shook his head.
Maddox just shoved the food into his mouth as he was on his second cup of coffee.
Everyone else was just finished eating, Trevor looked over at Maddox giving him a look and Maddox nodded.
Trevor hopped up, “Jacky Boy, can i talk to you?” Trevor questioned as he gestured to the outside.
“Yeah sure man?” Jack answered following him outside.
“What’s that about?” Luke noisily questioned looking a Maddox for an answer.
“He’s telling Jack we are dating.” Maddox blunty told them drinking his coffee.
Sophia squealed, “Oh my god!! Finally!!!!” She hurried up and hugged Maddox.
“Thanks Phi.” Maddox mumbled to his best friend.
“Huh, took you long enough.” Luke shrugged not suprised they are together especially because Trevor has obviously been in love with Maddox for a long time.
“Out of anyone it had to be Trevor.” Quinn groaned teasing his brother.
“I know.” Maddox quipped back.
“Why is Trevor telling Jack?” Sophia questioned, wondering why Maddox or Trevor didn’t just tell them all together.
Maddox kind of froze up setting his coffee cup down, “I uh didn’t want to be the one to tell Jack.”
Quinn, Luke and Sophia shared a concerned look.
“Why not?” Quinn gently asked.
Maddox just shrugged, “We should make sure they aren’t killing each other out there.” Maddox weakly avoided the question and started walking to the backyard and the three followed him.
Jack and Trevor would outside, “Why’d we go outside Z?”
“I’m dating someone.” Trevor told him.
Jack eyes widen and he nodded, “Woah that’s great Z! How long?”
“Three months.” Trevor answered shortly.
“Three?!” Jack looked shocked knowing Trevor never has relationships that long.
“Look i’m dating a guy and i’m Bi, and if you have a problem with that.” Trevor coldly spoke to someone he once considered a best friend.
“What! No! Of course not!” Jack denied quickly he would never have a problem with that.
“I’m dating Maddox.” Trevor told him.
Jack opened his mouth in shock, “Maddi? My brother?” Jack looked incredibly shocked not thinking his brother is Bi or Gay.
“Yes.” Trevor curtly told Jack.
The two didn’t realize that the others had just walked into the back porch.
“He didn’t tell me?” Jack looked hurt, Maddox and him use to tell each other everything.
“And why do you think that is?” Trevor sarcastically asked crossing his arms over his chest.
“What Why?” Jack stammered out.
Quinn titled his head as he watched the two, he didn’t know there was a reason Maddox didn’t tell Jack because he thought Maddox did tell him.
“Do you remember what you said about him.” Trevor coldly questioned glaring at Jack, Jack frantically shook his head.
Luke and Quinn shared a look not liking where this is going. They never knew Jack has said something about Maddox.
“You said that he would never be gay, he isn’t. Hughes aren’t like that and Maddox would never be with a guy especially Z.” Trevor quoted exactly what Maddox told him.
Jack’s eyes widen and his face paled as he remembered when he said that, “I was drunk!” Jack protested quickly, Jack didn’t even think Maddox heard his words.
Quinn and Luke both look extremely angry as they now realized why Maddox didn’t come out to them for so long and why he was so scared.
Sophia felt her heart break knowing that Jack might not have meant the words but they definitely meant a lot to Maddox hearing them.
“You were but the words you said to Maddox wasn’t correct, do you even know how much they impacted him, you made him scared to come out to his own family.” Trevor sneered feeling his jaw shaking with emotion.
Maddox looked down at the floor, Quinn clenched his jaw shaking his head and wrapped his arm around his brother.
“I-“ Jack was wide eyed as he realized how his actions affected his little brother, Jack knew over the years that Maddox and him have not been at close and Jack just assumed it was because they lived so far away from each other but now he’s realizing it’s because he hurt his little brother.
“I don’t care if he is gay or bi, he’s my little brother. I really didn’t want him to be thinking about his sexuality when he was about to be drafted to the NHL because i knew it would be harder for him.” Jack admitted he didn’t want his brother to have to hide, “I love him no matter what and i’m glad that he has you.” Jack saw a new side of his best friend and he knew Trevor was good for Maddox.
Trevor nodded and turned away and walked back up to the pouch because he knew the others had walked outside, Trevor saw Maddox looking overwhelmed and wrapped his arm around him and started walking inside with him and Trevor nodded at the thankful look that Quinn gave him.
Jack watched the two with guilt and regret all over his face, Quinn and Luke looked at him with anger and disappointment. Sophia shook her head and headed inside.
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angelicsatin · 2 months
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HighScore 🎮🕹️👾 | Nora Kane X Shigaraki Tomura
two introverts in their natural habitat, where they're probably the most happy and comfortable in their downtime. Nora and Shigaraki's safe place is their shared bedroom, with all the video games she can steal for the two of them. <3
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art credit to the amazing @ liz4rd_guts on Instagram again ! <3
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 months
Random Roman: Behold! The daughter of Neptune has left her house!
Khloe: Bring me the autistic, rock loving, witch boy.
Ciel, panicking: No, no, no! Let me go! I don’t wanna!
Random Roman: I’m sorry, the daughter of Neptune demands it. *dragging Ciel with the help of a cohort of Romans*
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annepsilvaauthor · 8 months
Begin Again - Lee Dutton
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Pairing: Lee Dutton x OC (Natalie WentWorth)
Summary: The life of renowned lawyer Natalie WentWorth was quiet in Boston, but everything changed when she received a call from a former Harvard colleague, Jamie Dutton. After reflecting a lot, Natalie agreed to solve some problems at the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, but she did not imagine that her life would change completely when she arrived in Montana. One of the reasons for this change was Lee Dutton, the eldest son of John Dutton, cowboy and livestock agent, who would represent all the comfort she needed to have in the midst of the chaos of the Dutton family. Natalie could begin again at that ranch.
Warnings: Subtle sexual innuendos, brief language, alcohol consumption, angst, smut, fluffy.
Fix the law after you break it
A few more kilometers and she would finally arrive in Yellowstone. Her Volvo XC40 exceeded the thousands of miles at a speed fast enough to make a journey of thirty-six hours of travel in less than thirty hours. Yes, she liked speed. It was one of the few things she allowed herself to "lose control". Her life experience and her profession had taught her to take care of her own control. If anyone would lose their mind, it would be the other side and not her.
She looked at the folder on the bank next to her. There was her name engraved on it: Miss Natalie WentWorth. She smiled proudly. She had not chosen the law, the law had chosen her. And her last civil hearing had proved it.
Natalie's thoughts were interrupted when she observed a movement a few kilometers ahead. There were men mounted on horses, armed, wearing bulletproof vests, on one side of the fence, and other men without any armament, but with unfriendly expression were on the other side of the fence. Natalie reduced her speed and a lawyer's sense of curiosity did not allow her to move forward, stopping on the shoulder.
Looking more closely, she realized that the men on the other side of the fence were indeed armed, some police officers and other civilians. She also noticed that there was a huge herd of cows on the side of the fence and she soon considered a problem. Natalie got out of the car and put her high heels on the dirt floor, something she wasn't used to.
"You should move on, ma'am. The thing here will soon be very bad." One of the cowboys warned her by jogging next to her.
"What's going on?" She asked ignoring his request.
"What happens every day here in Yellowstone: big dog fight." The cowboy waved his hat and trotted towards the discussion that was forming.
Natalie noted that the fence was free of barbed wire, so it would not be very difficult for cattle to go from one place to another. However, she doubted that the cowboys of that ranch had left the fence like that, just as it would be almost impossible for the cattle to take a different direction from what they took every day, unless someone attracted them with food. She got closer to the scene and noticed the remains of hay on the other side. Wow, a crime scene right on her first day in Montana.
"Madam, I'll ask you to leave, please." A serious and deep voice echoed behind her and she turned around. One of the men in the bulletproof vest was in front of her and at that distance she could read Livestock Agent on his chest. He carried a powerful rifle between his hands.
"As far as I know, the road is public." She responded without being able to see him right, because the strong light of the sun prevented her.
"This one is not. It belongs to the Reservation."
"Well, then they should take me out of here and not you...agent." Natalie replied pointing to the police and heard a low laugh coming from him. "Besides, I'm much more helpful here."
"I doubt that."
"OK, agent. I can tell what I know to the police officers of the Reservation and so they can win this fight." Natalie crossed the fence and walked a few steps on the pasture, but his voice came up again.
"I could get you out of there with little effort, ma'am!"
"Try it! Let's see what happens to you after that."
Natalie turned her back on the agent and approached the Indians of the Reservation, but seconds later a heated argument began. One of the Indians insulted one of the cowboys and he crossed the fence to attack him, but the Indian quickly knocked him out on the ground. The scene was transformed without Natalie being able to keep up. The police officers lifted their weapons, as well as the cowboys on the other side, but soon the agent came up with the rifle and threatened the Indian with his barrel on his head.
"Whatever happens next happens to you first." The agent threatened in a loud and deep voice.
"Son of a bitch." The Indian released the cowboy under his hands and faced the agent with danger in his eyes.
Tensions were stifled with the arrival of a helicopter on land. Natalie managed to read Yellowstone Dutton Ranch in the helicopter body and smiled playfully. What an unusual way to meet the boss. He got off the vehicle dressed as the good landowner he was, with simple clothes and a hat. The livestock agent went to meet him and exchanged some words that Natalie could not hear due to the distance and noise of the helicopter propellers.
The two men approached the fence and John exchanged glances with Natalie, surprised by her presence there, but he had more urgent matters to deal with than to know why a white woman dressed in a white satin blouse, navy blue pencil skirt and high heels was on the other side of the fence. She soon found out that she was on the wrong side of that fight, so she walked slowly towards the track, and she had difficulty walking due to her high heels sinking into the grass.
"This is a tribal issue, John. Livestock commission's got no authority here." One of the police officers informed John with caution.
"Those look like livestock to me." He pointed to the cattle on the other side of the fence and kept walking.
"The Chief's at Commencement, but I'm calling the shots."
"I'm impressed you said that with a straight face, Ben." John mocked with a smile and continued walking on the tribal ground until he approached a gentleman sitting on the hood of the truck that was among the cattle.
"If you know anything, it's better to say it now. Things won't be more friendly between us and them for much longer." The agent approached Natalie again and she remained looking at John's back, wishing to hear what he said, but it was too far away.
"If I say what I know, I lose the letter in the sleeve I have, don't you think?"
"Look, ma'am, I don't know where you come from, but here in Montana we solve the problems in two ways: either we follow the law, or we break it." The agent responded politely after a brief pause, as if he were thinking about what he should say. She liked it, he didn't want to push her away, he thought she was important enough to try to insist on the subject.
"I come from Boston...and from what I see now, you will need a good lawyer."
"I don't think we'll win this fight through laws, ma'am."
"You really won't go, so you'll need a lawyer: to fix the law after you break it. I have my card in the car, if you want."
The agent smiled openly, showing his white and big teeth. Very perfect for a cowboy and livestock agent, she thought. Either he spent all the money on dental appointments or...
"Lee Dutton." He supported the rifle in one hand and offered her the other. "Can I know your name, Madam from Boston?"
"Natalie WentWorth." She accepted his greeting and had her small hand engulfed by his big hand, tanned and full of calluses in a strong but gentle grip. "Don't worry, I'm on this side of the fence."
He just kept smiling and Natalie could watch him at that moment, since he covered the sunlight from her face. Lee was tall, although any man taller than one meter and seventy was taller than her, he wore a cream hat that covered most of his hair, and he wore a grown beard, blonde, and looked well cared for. And there was that smile that besides being beautiful, was cheerful. How could he be happy in that situation? She didn't know, but she was curious.
"Lee!" John Dutton's voice sounded authoritarian when he crossed the fence. "Clear everyone out."
"You know, there was barbed wire on this fence a week ago." Lee explained to his father.
"I know. Clear them out."
"Alright! Move on!"
While Lee gathered his men, Natalie hurried the step to accompany John Dutton, but her high heels did not help, so she removed them.
"Mr. Dutton! Mr... Dutton!" She called feeling her feet pincing due to the tall grass. After a few seconds, he stopped and waited for her to approach.
"It wasn't a good choice to wear these shoes today, ma'am." John mocked with a smile as he observed the high heels in Natalie's hands.
"I'm a newcomer to Montana, sir. I can get used to it." She put on her shoes and extended a hand to him. "My name is Natalie WentWorth. Your son Jamie told me that you were in need of help."
"All the help I need is in my house, ma'am. I don't need another lawyer." John seriously informed without accepting her hand.
"But I came here from Boston. Jamie told me that..."
"I don't know what Jamie wanted with you, miss, but it certainly has nothing to do with me or my ranch." He stared at her in a mixture of pity and anger. "If you want, we can take you back in the helicopter."
"I've been driving, sir."
"I'm sorry for what Jamie made you go through. I hope you have a good trip back." John put his sunglasses on his face and walked away from her with slow steps towards the helicopter.
Natalie was planted in the same place for so long that the police officers of the reserve had left, as well as the tribals and most of the cowboys. She couldn't believe that. After all the effort to get there, after thinking long before getting close to cowboys again, she was rejected. Natalie didn't know who else she was angry with, if it was Jamie, Mr. Dutton or herself.
"Miss WentWorth, is everything okay?" Lee appeared next to her and she had to control herself so as not to shrook another Dutton next to her.
"It'll be." She started walking again and heard his steps following her. She rolled her eyes and growled softly. "Go back to your work, Mr. Dutton. You're going to need a lot of work."
"What do you mean? Hey, wait!"
Natalie was already used to walking with high heels on the grass and was already approaching her car on the side of the side. However, to her misfortune, one Dutton was determined to leave her away while the other did not leave her alone.
"What did you mean?" He put himself between her and the driver's door.
"I need to go now, Mr. Dutton. Can I get in my own car?" She asked impatiently, but Lee remained in the same place.
"Only answer the question." Lee asked kindly, but Natalie was too angry to notice.
"I am not obliged by law to answer anything. And if you don't get out of the front of my fucking car now, I'll sue you for so many things that you'll never have a penny in your cowboy pants again." She threatened him fervently and Lee took a few seconds thinking to then clear the way. "Thank you, Agent."
"Aren't you going to give me your card?" He asked at the window when she got in the car.
"It will no longer be necessary."
Natalie started the gear and started the car, causing the tire to leave stains on the asphalt.
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shrenvents · 1 year
Miracle Aligner
Alex Turner Series
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Who knew Alex Turner, frontman to one of the greatest bands of this generation had the worst luck in love. As a romantic who's quite familiar with heartbreak, Turner's grown sick of looking for a spark that will eventually burn him. So, while visiting a local pub, how was he supposed to know that a drunken Tuesday night, would change his sombre tune forever?
Inspired by the album Everything You've Come To Expect. Mature content (sexual acts, language) Original character.
Chapter one:
Toronto, November 15, 2015
5:57 pm
Alex's POV
"That's enough Turner!" Zach yells over the various clamouring instruments. "You've been working on these songs for weeks and this was the best you got mate?" Jaime continues with a snort. "Yeah?" I huff, rolling my eyes.
Jaime and Zach exchange a knowing look before Zach pipes up again. "You know what Al? Why don't you call it a night, maybe go out, meet a few girls, have fun." He then glances to my right. "Miles you stay and finish your set."
"What's this?" I jest, bewildered by my bandmates.
"Sorry Al, the songs you've been writing these days just aren't the Shadow Puppets brand," Jaime trails off, looking more empathetic than his counterpart. My brows crease further into my eyelids and I dully unclasp the guitar strap from my shoulder. "My songs don't fit the 'brand' of my band?" I glare at them in disbelief as the two share another look.
"Sorry Al, but your material has been all doom and gloom these days." Miles now exclaims while avoiding my troubled expression. He pauses before continuing. "Your greatest hits are love songs, passionate shite." Miles's eyes then connect with my own, and I finally understand what he's implying. "It's been a while mate." His last statement was the final blow.
That's right, I haven't been with anyone for months, romantically, physically, and everybody knows it. These days I just find romance to be tiresome. Even a shag doesn't seem to excite me much anymore. I've simply gone mad, that's what it is.
Though they seem to have me all figured out, I refuse to give in to their remarks. "You lot have lost it. I'll come back when you've come to your senses!" I bark out while snatching up my guitar and jacket. The boy's faint snickers fill the room as I take off towards the door. "Aw c'mon, Al!" Jaime carries out, stifling his laughter. I slam the door behind me with unnecessary force, utterly infuriated.
Instantly after leaving the studio, I feel the blistering Canadian winter encase my narrow frame. "Bugger," I snit before whipping out my phone, in hopes an Uber would usher me away from this frost. To my dismay, because of the excessive snowfall, transport was either delayed or unavailable, and I had no interest in sticking around roadside. So, I switched to searching for a local pub, racing out of the cold.
After a numbing 10-minute journey, I reached a pub called Les Cactus and ripped open its wooden entrance, embracing its heat. Whilst I take a seat on the nearest bar stool, a flash of red catches the corner of my eyes. A waitress with her back turned serves drinks to a group of men who gawk at her with an unreserved fancy. Momentarily, I admire her long, fiery hair that flows down her fit backside. Fortunately, the incoming bartender removes me from my fairly pervy thoughts. "What can I get for ya buddy?" The bartender ranks down my features, odd excitement filling his own. "You got any Bulleit?" He smirks.
"Sure thing." He spins away from me, before quickly rotating back and whispering for my ears only, "Big fan by the way." I smile politely with a nod as he disappears into the bar to prepare my drink. My gaze returns to the space where the redhead once stood, which is now vacant. "Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything else!" The bartender ponders shortly before speaking, "My name's Mickey by the way." He places my bourbon down with an oddly suggestive wink.
8:24 pm
"Maybe consider spacing out your next drink Alex. I get you're a millionaire and money ain't a thing," Mickey bobs his head, taking note of appearance, "but you're kinda overdoing it buddy," he finishes. I scoff at his smirk and slap a bill on the countertop. "Another." My face and tone drop in an attempt to be taken seriously, but my drunken command doesn't detour Mickey's delight.
"You're the boss."
"Uh-uh, that's at least his sixth drink this hour M." An unfamiliar feminine voice pitches in. It's husky and demanding, and so, I intend to listen. Curiously turning to look, my vision is consumed by that recognizable carrot-like head. If I was captivated before seeing her face, I was surely a goner now.
Mickey ceases his actions while she stares between us with scrutiny. I'm gobsmacked and she clearly takes my silence as a sort of confirmation. "Right, no more for him. Okay M?" Mickey nods sternly, face falling moderately as her tone leaves no room for opposition. "Alexander!" I practically cry out before Red gets the chance to leave. Smooth Turner.
"Excuse me?"
"I-uh, name's Alex..." Yeah, very smooth.
"Jennie." She states curtly, evidently bemused. She then moves swiftly on her heel towards the kitchen. Straight away I grimace, pulling a hand to my forehead, rubbing its lines harshly. "Not a word." Mickey chuckles quietly and goes back to his work.
9:41 pm
"Still here, Alexander?" My head shoots up, startled by Red. When did I even fall asleep-
"Yes?" She snorts at my jumbled reply.
"Want me to call you a cab? A shrink perhaps?"
"M' sorry?" I question clumsily.
"Oh? I just thought you may need one, after hearing what you told to Mickey." Her sultry voice echoes out her rather devious grin. "God." My eyes widen in horror which aids her impending elation. "What have I said?"
"Nothing really, just that..." She starts counting her digits absentmindedly. "You've got no luck writing your music, no love life. Oh, and you have no sex life!" She proclaims the last part with glee. Jesus, please end this nightmare.
"I did not."
"Did too."
"I've had too much drink."
"Drunken words are sober thoughts." Jennie carries on smiling at my trepidation. Maybe I'd find her charming if her jokes weren't at my expense. "That's it, I'm not tipping." I declare pathetically. Her devilish smirk doesn't falter. "Seriously? Things can't be that bad! Mickey tells me you're actually a successful musician."
"That you've obviously never heard of." I roll my eyes at the absurdity of our conversation. She laughs aloud at my response, which I admit, brought a genuine smile to my face. It really has been a while. Her face then goes blank. "Alexander."
"Alex. You're young." She pauses, her gaze sweeps my shaggy appearance. "Ish"
"Ouch." I flinch jokingly, earning myself another gorgeous laugh and playful swat.
"Hey! And you're good-looking."
"Ish." I interrupt again with a chuckle and her smile grows.
"No!" She more or less shouts, "You have a lot to work with, trust me." Her hands gesture nimbly. "The only thing standing in the way of you getting laid is yourself." A surprise roar of laughter leaves my lips shortly and I shake my head in disbelief.
"You're selling yourself short here Alexander," Red concludes. "Alex-"
"You're wasting your youth-ish," she interrupts me once again and a sliver of silence washes over us. It's as if we're the only ones in this packed pub, eyes locked on one another, communicating beyond words. Her deep hazel orbs focus on my brown ones. "What do you suggest I do then, Jennie?" Lightly raising a brow, my words dare her while her lovely name rolls off my tongue. I can't help but revel in how it sounds. Then something flashes in her fixated stare.
"Let's get out of here."
Chapter two
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blossommoonart · 10 months
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"I'm there for you, my love. You don't have to feel lonely anymore."
Completed a half-baked art for Kane and my OC Katsumi during my boredom :P
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galacticgraffiti · 11 months
❁ Masterlist of Masterlists ❁
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In light of me expanding my horizons and going multi-fandom, I wanted to make a new masterlist that reflects what I am currently working on.
✦ You can find my old Star Wars Masterlist here ✦
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If You Want to Give Me Anything (Then Give In) - Part III (Ghostsoap CoD)
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Requests are closed. Last updated: 21.Aug.2024
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Baldur's Gate
⋆ Halsin ⋆
Big Love Ahead
Chapter 1: The Druid (4.5k)
Chapter 2: The Bear (6k)
Chapter 3: The Lover (4.3k)
Oh, to be Alone with You (2.6k) - inspired by this artwork
⋆༻༺⋆༺༻⋆༺༻⋆༻༺ ⋆
⋆ Astarion ⋆
Sugar (I've Developed A Taste For You)
Chapter 1: My my, those eyes like fire (2.4k)
Chapter 2: I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre (3.3k)
Angsty drabble
I Am Nothing (Like You Thought I Was) (2.6k)
Blacklit Night (5k)
the sad floppy man pt.1
careful, i bite
⋆༻༺⋆༺༻⋆༺༻⋆༻༺ ⋆
⋆ Gale ⋆
After, and From Then On (3k)
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✧ Ghostsoap ✧
A Borrowing of Bones [coming]
If You Want to Give Me Anything (Then Give In) Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV [coming]
Soap artwork
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The Locked Tomb
✧ Ianthe Tridentarius ✧
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Star Wars Masterlist
If you are looking for all the star wars characters x reader I wrote, or my OC content, you'll find my big star wars masterlist following the link above.
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John and Arthur art
Agnus dei ft. Jarthur
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moonylantsovs · 11 months
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summary: gabriella kane and what is left of the hundred get separated from the dropship camp after the battle with the grounders. people who gabriella buried and mourned join them on earth. when she finds out most of her people are missing, she is ready to go through whatever she has to in order to get them back ─ even if that means making a truce with the grounders
the forty-eight
inclement weather
many happy returns
human trials
fog of war
long into an abyss
remember me
survival of the fittest
coup de grâce
bodyguard of lies
blood must have blood
blood must have blood (2)
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jackiequick · 7 months
ABC Family ~ Baby Daddy OC 🍼
—> Expanding on a OC from this playlist
Skylar Chez
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Full name: Skylar Chez Gonzalez
Nickname: Sky, Mama, Chez, Wonder Twins, Picasso, Ms. Wheeler
Age: 25
Height: 5’2
Place Of Origin: New York
Nationally: American
Ethnic Background: Colombian and Mexican descent
Relationship status: Single on and off again, until she realizes her feelings for Ben.
Occupation: Artist
Season: 1-6
Relationship to family: BFF to Ben, Danny and Riley since they were kids. Bonnie babysat Sky since she was 2 because her mom is friends with her. So in result she grew up closely to them. Later on, she met Tucker during early college years.
Personality: Sweet, artistic, nerdy, good with the flow and very open. However she can be strong and stubborn, as well as a little crazy. Overall usually pretty chill. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, she’s a huge foodie!!
Skyler was brought into the group from day one once again when she moved to New York for her career, little did she know that she would be living together alongside her best friends. In the same apartment. Working at the bar and studying art as well. It was good until everything changed the day Danny moved into the apartment since baby Emma came too!
—> The boys were freaking out and confused calling for Riley’s while Skylar was cooing at Emma. She was so cute.
The guys looked at her waiting for her to pick Emma up. Sky just joked, "What? You guys see boobs and automatically think mommy?"
Riley snorted at her joke.
Everyone, especially Bonnie believed Ben couldn’t make it a few hours with Emma but the girls disagreed, and thankfully they were proved right. Since then, Emma stayed with the 6 of them after 48 hours. They were happier than ever!
Her and Danny are like siblings! The two are them are sometimes attached to the hip, always helping each other and supportive. Tall and short besties for sure! They are such nerds, always going to the movies, sports game and concerts. Skylar even sometimes steals Danny’s graphics t-shirts when hers are dirty, styling them to fit her outfits.
With Bonnie, it’s like they are aunt and niece! Bonnie says that Skylar is like the daughter she never had while she glares at her sons in annoyance. Just as insane and sweet as her mother, I guess that’s why Bonnie loves her.
Tucker! Let’s just say those two are sassier than ever before when they’re together in one room. Tucker and Skylar are each other’s back up no matter what. Finishing each other lines and chasing each other around. Skylar can say, “Hold my earrings!” And Tucker would smirk like, “I got you girl!” But those two fight like crazy if allowed!
Riley! As much as she jokes and teases Riley, she’s her girl. Besides she does the same thing to her, dragging Riley into doing crazy stuff. Always by her side to snap her out of it and tell her the truth, when needed.
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—> When it came to Emma, Ben and Skylar practically shared the same brain cell! As much as Ben and Sky were complete opposite for certain things, the two of them shared the same ideas for plenty of things. Ideas for plans, work, ways of dating, strong attitudes, the way they acted and especially their parenting style. You name it, they have probably have or heard it.
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-> They’re great friends! Always by each other’s side. Very supportive about their plans and smacking some scene into each other.
Speaking of Emma, during late season one and early season two of the series. 2012. The duo made a decision that changed their lives. Mama and Daddy.
It all started when Ben was looking for a future wife for himself but mainly a mom for his daughter, he figured his daughter deserves a mother figure or two in her life. He dated looking up and down, tired of scanning waiting for the girl to see Emma the way he sees her. Until Bonnie made him realize that girl was standing right in front of them.
Ben found her sitting alone that late afternoon on the fire escape sipping a beer and softly smile, asking if he can join. She nodded handing him one, Skylar was tired and annoyed with her love life after dumping her boyfriend, Johnthan, two days ago. Ben decided to comfort her and show her in care rather seeing his best friends smile than upset. After a while they talked…
“So how’s the mom search going?” She asked reopening another beer smiling, handing him one.
He opened him beer and replied, “Not the greatest. Due to, Emma already having a mom.”
“Yeah Angela! I told you it wasn’t the best idea..”
“No, not her. You.”
“What? Uh Ben I wasn’t the one who pushed her out and put that cutie on your doorstep. She did.”
He laughed and nods, “I know that! But since Emma been here you’ve been nothing but wonderful and I love you for that. And I believe Emma deserves someone like you in her life.”
She smiled sweetly, “She already does…wait Ben, do you want me to be like her Mama?”
“If you want. You don’t have to play house or anything, unless you want too of course..”
“R-really?! Cause I know it’s a big deal and our careers are friendship will be on the line.”
“Nothing will change.”
“Nothing will change?”
Skylar took his hand, “Yeah it won’t.”
“And what if it does?” Ben replied squeezing her hand gently.
“Then I don’t know.”
It was steady and still, the two friends started to become parents overnight. Closer than ever. They drank and talked smiling the whole way through the whole night.
It was a darling, sweet and absolutely comfortable transition. It felt natural, nothing truly changed. They were supportive parents like always, playing house sometimes and teasing each other. Sometimes they would get carried away and start calling each other “Mama” and “Dada”, especially in hopes Emma would say one of the two first sooner or later.
-> Ben walked into the kitchen with Emma and smiled softly, “Hey mama.”
“Hi.” She replies handing him a slice of toast as she chuckled, “Hi Emma.”
The baby girl giggled at the kisses being peaked on her face. Ben put his daughter in her high chair along with a bowl of cereal, then walked over to Skylar wrapping his arms around her to steal a bite of toast.
“Hey!” She yelled laughing, “Get your own.”
“What? Danny does it.” He joked laughing and poured himself coffee, “Uh where is Danny exactly?”
“Slept over at a girls place. And Tucker is still asleep, hangover times ten.”
“Oof been there, done that! Mom is coming over to pick up Emma so that means I get extra time before work and you can take your classes.”
“Yes! You know how hard it is to paint a castle in the forest with a baby and two idiots running around?”
“Hahahahaha! I bet, hey—! I’m not a idiot.”
-> When it came to dating life, Ben went on his dates such as Riley or Veronica for insist meanwhile Skylar went on her dates such as Kyle or Jordan. Nonetheless it was fun and extra supportive about it. Even comforting each other as well when Danny wasn’t there to do.
Believe me, if someone breaks Skylar’s heart or hurt her feelings, best believe you will have a Danny Wheeler after your ass like a pissed off Superman.
Especially if Tucker heard about Skylar being hurt.
A) He’s gonna fight him or trick them into being screwed.
B) Encourage her to fight back and ignore the dumbass.
C) Drag Bonnie into a plan for revenge.
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Note: Bonnie, Tucker and Skylar are a little bit of a trio. They get into the craziest stuff 😼 haha. Bonnie and Tucker even tracked down Angela after Skylar stupidity suggested something but they took that literally! During that time Ben was trying to date Riley so that caused a small rift between them with Emma’s biological mom being there.
—> Even Skylar got pissed off! Angela was trying to play house, Bonnie wasn’t too happy that insulting the women.
It got to a point where Skylar dragged her into the apartment and told Angela, to her face that, “You may have carried and birthed Emma, been her mother for 6 months. But afterwards you were gone! Biologically you may be her parent but I’m the one who helps put her to sleep, change her diapers, feeds her, brings her play dates when her daddy, grandma or uncles can’t. And I make sure that girl is happy! All you’ve done while being here is try to win Ben back and play house.”
Angela scoffed with a slight laugh, “And what are you? His best friend? His side piece when Riley isn’t around? If I’m correct Sky, we used to be friends. What happened?”
“I still am a friend to you, Ang. But I’m also Ben and Riley’s. And I’m more of a mother to Emma over the last year or two than you ever were.”
“Sounds like Ben has a lot of women in his life. Especially Bonnie! I’m just trying to figure out how to make a plan here, okay? I’m sorry, and your right, it’s clear that you all Emma’s family here. Especially you.”
“Good. Ang, your my friend and want you to figure out that plan. Tucker and Ben said you’re trying to find a place to stay that isn’t our apartment.”
The girls smiled and hugged it out, still bitter about the situation but didn’t show it. However Bonnie and Tucker were in the corner listening into the conversation silently cheering hoping that Angela leaves soon. Also very proud of Sky having the strength to call her out on her bullshit. A few days later Angela left, not without leaving her mark within Ben and Riley’s relationship, they broke up. Going as far to jokingly tease Sky that she should make that ‘mom thing’ official and go on a date with Ben.
Things went back their chaotically sweet and glorious ways after that. But that romantic debate still hung over their heads. Riley went on dates finding a boyfriend name Philip, Danny slept with a couple of girls but his heart belonged to Miss Riley Parton. Ben stayed within the dating scene teased how Riley still liked him until life took a turn in his direction. And that direction was Skylar Chez.
Ben Wheeler was thrown into a loop and knocked off course. Yeah sure he will always love Sky but those feelings started to shift into something stronger perhaps. It started during Emma’s first birthday seeing her dresses in a viking inspired outfit and carrying his almost one year old daughter in matching clothes, made his heart flutter. He smiled, leaning forward to kiss Emma’s cheek and grin at Sky giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“What was that for?” She asked with a darling smile, bouncing the almost one year old on her hip.
Ben shrugged with a smile, not knowing that came over him and replied, “You both look really pretty. You know i love you right?”
“Always. And we do look pretty.”
“I have to head out with mom, to figure out the whole thing with Deluca’s ice cream parlor.”
“Oh right Bon Bon mentioned something about it, what happened?”
“I might have another kid, with Jenny Deluca this time.”
“I didn’t know, okay? I swear women keep have babies and won’t tell me about it.” He added with his hands in the air and shake his head, “It’s starting to hurt my feelings.”
Sky tried not laugh and sigh, “Aww poor baby. Focus! We have probably another kid on our hands here.”
“Don’t worry, i tried talking to Jenny beforehand but she busy. So we’re gonna try again today.”
“Alright, meet you at the parlor in an hour. No funny business!”
Both of them tried talking with Jenny Deluca about the situation but she just shrugged pretending to ignore it, telling them to have their kids party and leave. Her father showed shouting and claiming for them to get out, especially not wanting to see Ben again.
Bonnie shouted over him and pointed out confidently, “Frankie Deluca, you would lucky if my son ever impregnated your daughter!” Tucker nodded in agreement saying ‘Hell yeah!’. The man ignored them upset as ever until Jenny revealed Ben wasn’t the father it was somebody’s else kid, she just blamed Ben cause it would leave less questions from her father.
It was sorta fair, still they would’ve welcomed the kid regardless. Afterwards Emma fell asleep and they had to celebrate her 1st birthday at home instead, none of them minded the change. But that whole time Ben saw how loving and supportive Skylar was the entire day with the chaos of the news, he truly loved her for it.
The next time was when Skylar eventually started getting jealous of his dates, snapping him out of it and then fixing the problem by the end of the day. But Ben wasn’t far behind since he started to question her dates more often and had to end up saving her by the end of night, coming up with a lame excuse that somehow worked.
Catching each other’s falls at work, sharing food together, leaving random kisses on their cheeks, adding text messages for one another, teasing the other person and bickering over the smallest thing.
Tucker even joked, “Damn. You two sound like your dating..”
Skylar and Ben turned to him yelling, “Stay out of this, Tucker!”
He laughed, “You sure?”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Ben replied with a scoff pointing at her.
“He’s not my boyfriend. You don’t get it, Tucker.” Skylar added.
“Why would he? Us together wouldn’t make any sense.”
“Yeah, if I were to date him I must be insane.”
“Let’s go, baby.”
“Right behind you!”
The two walked out together heading to the park to meet up with Danny. But truth was Tucker was right, the two were practically dating each other from day one without actually doing that dating part. They just didn’t know it yet. Skylar’s smile always grew around him, loving how supportive he is, adore the patients he has at times and dragging Ben Wheeler into doing the most silliness things. He was her world, she was dating the man without even noticing it herself. To Ben, he always grinned widely around her, she was one of the reasons he’s where’s he is today, adoring how gentle she can be to how crazy she may act, and he was proud to have her in his life.
——— ~~~
— They’ve seen each other fall and rise, Ben held her when she may cry til midnight and Skylar hugs him when he feels like died a little inside. They didn’t notice how much love and opportunity there was for them until Danny and Tucker pointed it out. So in result that same week during 4th Of July, everyone was on the rooftop celebrating the fireworks while eating outdoors, when they realized that needed more ice, water and beers. Skylar offered to bring it upstairs and Ben followed behind, knowing she was need help carrying that upstairs.
The two were chatting as they entered the apartment and collecting items that they believed could also be needed. Ben saw more fireworks from the window, taking Skylar’s hand climbing onto the balcony taking a seat next to each other. The fireworks stopped for a moment, or at least the ones that could be seen for them since you see hear the booming noise from the streets afar from the building, they started with smiles. Ben realized they were alone as so did Skylar, as the pair yelled out in unison ‘I have to tell you something’ ‘No you first.’ The two laughed.
Ben chuckled, “ this is ridiculous but Danny said that we’re dating but not dating, I mean we’re dating while not actually dating.”
“Oh my god, Tucker said the same thing! Ay that’s hilarious. He pointed out the stuff we do.” She replies chuckling.
“But we’re not dating right? We haven’t kissed or anything! Unless we were drunk and i don’t remember..and I think I would remember.”
“I mean yeah we do, some things are typically seen a couple. I kinda wanna prove Danny and Tucker that they’re wrong..”
His eyes perked up and leaned against her shoulder with a grin, “Oh really? Oh how so?”
“Like this.” She replied with a matching grin, leaning forward, “Kiss me. Prove that they’re wrong and we’re right.”
“Oh I like the way you think women! 20 bucks this kiss would mean nothing.”
“Ooh a bet? Make that 25.”
“25 it is!”
Ben leaned over taking the back of her neck gentle as his hands gliding around to her cheeks. Skylar rested her face in his hands, her hands sliding down to his cheeks with the cheeky eyes that matched his. They were too excited, finally touching their lips brushing against one around to a simple one time thing. As they did, the fireworks in the sky went off.
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The kiss lasted around less than 3 seconds or so, until Ben decided to turn around and make the kiss last less than a minute. Skylar rested her head against his, pulling back for a moment with a smile and said, “So Danny and Tucker were wrong?”
“I think I will need to test out that theory again.” Ben repiled with a shrug, lacing his lips onto her with a laugh, “We’re right, they’re wrong! But they can’t know that.”
“Oh yeah! Hmm, we can still openly date whoever we want to like Riley and Johnthan?”
“Oh yeah! If not, my bedroom is right next door. I mean we’re practically dating without actually dating.”
“I think another kiss might seal the deal, we created.”
Little did they know Bonnie Wheeler was unlocking the door and walking in to grab the beer bottle since they were taking too long. She joked and grumbled, “Damn it Danny! He couldn’t have—” her eyes fell onto the balcony to see her son and practically daughter in law sharing a smooch, “—WHAT THE HELL?!”
The two heard her practically falling onto the floor, gasping and stumbling into the room, yelling out ‘MOM!’ and ‘BONNIE!’.
The paired found themselves the next time stealing kisses in secret, sharing winks and preparing the other for a date. They coined it as a open relationship, trying to not let anyone else know about this little affair. Especially Riley, because then she will tell Danny, who will in result tell Tucker.
Ben was bouncing loopy and sleepy Emma as Skyler walked out, fixing her collar for a date. It was her turn for a night out. She played around with her hair with a smile, “How do i look?”
“I would gorgeous but then i would have steal you from your date.” Ben joked, placing their daughter into the playpen before walking over to her zipping the back of the dress.
“You sure you’re okay with me going out? I could just cancel, you know?”
“No go out! I got a boy’s night planned out with Danny and Tucker here in the apartment.”
“No strip poker like last time! Tucker still mad about that.”
“In my defense, we shouldn’t have betted too high. If you need anything call me.”
She quickly peaked his cheek and walked out, earning a grin and a playful friendly catcall from the boys who walked inside. Skylar laughed twirling as she left, leaving Tucker, Danny and Ben chuckling.
The whole night went all, her date with Tad with nice meanwhile the boys played a simple game of poker. Bonnie saw Tad and Skyler out again, rolling her eyes because she saw her and Ben kissed two weeks ago—but she kept their dirty little secret to herself, knowing the others will find out soon enough.
—> The next time, Danny found out one morning. He was walking into the kitchen, greeting Emma who happily ate her cereal and Ben who sat was eating his bagel with a cup of coffee. Tucker was still snoring. The brothers chatted, joking around and figuring out their schedules for the day.
That was when Skylar walked out of the bathroom, placed a kiss on Ben’s cheeks and stealing fruit off Danny’s plate with a grin, before walking out to the bedrooms. Danny grinned, “Did she just?”
“Yup she did. She got a 100% on her art project, so that’s why she’s happy.” He replies smiling.
“Yeah that’s great, i know that! But she just kissed your cheek!”
“So what? It’s normal, right? She’s happy and so I’m happy.”
“Ohh—Holy crap, you still like Sky!”
“No I don’t!”
“Holy crap, you really do still like Sky!”
“Shut up, I don’t.”
—> Other time was Riley, catching them finding them at work behind one of the walls near the entrance chatting. She walked in ready to unwind and have a drink, stopping short turning to her left to see Ben’s hands on Sky’s shoulders with a smile. They didn’t notice her, since it looked like the pair were speaking onto something rather important.
“I’m telling you, the accident wasn’t your fault, okay?” He replied with a smile.
“It was a mishap i know! But Jonathan looked at me and then Tad saw me.” She said with a sigh.
“Hey you spooked! Same thing, happened with Angela and Riley months. I split for god’s sake.”
“That’s because your clumsy Ben and an idiot.”
“Yeah well, Riley still loved for me it.”
“Haha, you’re right. I’ll got tell them what happened.”
They walked to their separate sides of the bar. Riley was sitting at the couch, walking over to the counter to order a drink waiting, that’s when Sky scurry around the corner.
The girl smirked at her latina friend, “Sooo?”
“So what?” She asked her blonde friend, confused.
“I saw you and Ben talking, then i saw Jonathan and Tad were in the room.”
“We were just talking about me screwing up with both guys.”
“Ohh? And Ben?”
“He was reassuring me that everything is alright and Jonathan will forgive me.”
“I hope so, he’s a catch! You know, you and Ben have been rather close lately.”
Sky chuckled, “Riley, he only got eyes for you!”
“I don’t know, Sky.. what if-?” She replies with a soft chuckle.
“He loves you. I know that for a fact.”
Riley smiled, picturing her relationships with Philip vs hers with Ben. She knew she had plenty of other options and opportunities at her door.
Ben and Skylar little affair didn’t last long, they love each other but felt that they needed to explore their other options first.
Riley and Jonathan to be exact since those feelings were clear as well. So they dated their lovers, Ben and Riley’s relationship was long but felt brief but Skyler and Jonathan relationship lasted longer than expected.
However the pair broke up one night, since Jonathan wanted to see other people, as in someone named Veronica who was in her art class. Hell he was secretly trying to see her already. They may have said it was mutual break up..but it didn’t feel like it…
Skylar returned home that night, finding her daughter on the floor and sat on the couch cuddling Emma who played with her bunny. She tried not to cry but Bonnie, who was babysitting, noticed pulling the girl into a hug telling it that it will be okay.
“It’s not okay Bon-Bon! I wanted more..i thought we had something specific and special but he practically dumped me after dinner..” She explained, with tears in her eyes, “It should be me in his arms, not stupid Veronica!”
Bonnie kept in her arms, kisses her forehead, “I knew sweetie. Just let it out, some things just happen and he’s an idiot for letting you go. But hey, your talented and smart and so sweet! Any guy would love to have you..i know Ben did.”
She scoffed, “It was a fling, a small thing. We both agreed to stop it before anyone got hurt. He loves Riley.”
Bonnie winced, “Yeah he’s not only the one who loves Riley.”
“I know Danny does, i figured it so. But i want revenge on Jona…” Sky stood up from the couch, smirking she stormed into the bedroom area, “TUCKER! I need you!”
-> To say Skylar got her revenge was a understatement. Her and Tucker tricked Jonathan, giving him a temporary job at the Mary Heart Show only for it go crashing down on the man, literally.
A bucket of huge ice cold water with fish fell on him during production while the show was on the air, causing the man to run out screaming like a cartoon character in Looney Tunes.
Mary Heart got a bunch of rating for that episode and new followers for the show meanwhile Jonathan got to smell like fish for a week, and got shown in the embarrassing videos section on YouTube. It took some work but the duo got it done, even involving Danny and Bonnie to set the prank up perfectly.
It was a win win situation for Tucker and Sky. She got her revenge and selling her artwork to Mary, meanwhile he got promoted to production manger, working his way to TV producer soon. The duo high fives at their success!
Skylar’s career pretty much took off a lot further from that. She was already studying art, selling it and working at the bar with her co-workers. But since Mary loved her artwork so much and photography skills, Sky was able to get a lot more offers, putting her name out there for people to see.
Designing artwork, stylish decor for people when it came to working with Brad and Bonnie’s realtor jobs. And having her sketches be used for fashionable people in the New York industry.
It felt good, she felt like her job was being seen a lot more. Danny, Tucker and Riley even displayed her art pieces on the walls of offices, hallways, suggesting it to people they meet. Ben already had the artwork display around the bar since day one, since Skylar’s style was shown throughout The Bar when she just starting out working there.
But the question some if you may be asking. Did Ben and Sky end up together afterwards? Short answer, yes.
Long answer, it took some time to find themselves stable enough to admit how much they still love each other. But when it did happen, the pair found themselves arguing on a Saturday afternoon getting ready to close up the empty bar…
The two were in the mist of an argument, screaming, shouting to the top of their lungs and going as far to point fingers at each other.
Ben slammed the chair onto the table and had a serious look on his face, “I can’t believe you! God you’re such a liar.”
“Me?! You couldn’t care to listen to everyone, stupid!” Sky shouted, wiping the whiteboard clean and searching for new markers.
“You knew that Riley and I weren’t gonna last! You stood there like an idiot.”
“Um hello?! Danny was always in the damn picture and clearly had the hots for her. You stood there like an idiot.”
“An idiot? Me?”
“Yeah! Too blind to see the signs, Ben. Hell even Riley didn’t notice, cause both of you were on separate planets.”
He walked over waving his hand and scoffed, “Funny. I didn’t know we were playing the blind game here. Who’s next? Oh yeah, you!”
“Me?!” She scoffed this time whipping her head towards the man, “I did nothing wrong here!”
“Oh really? Let me thing, Jonathan and Tad this! Jonathan and Tad that! What about me?”
“What about you?”
“Did you forget our little affair? All the hugs, morning kisses and secret fun! We had something going on!”
“Y-you still think about that? I thought..I thought you forgot about it.”
“No of course not! It was one of the best times of my life and we stopped because we had other people in mind. I love Riley and i fought my own damn brother to have her but then you were..you came along and i messed it up!”
“Well, you were all up in Riley-town, and I was wondering around Jona-city that we didn’t bother to continue it! You wanted her Ben…then you wanted another girl afterwards. You never know what you want!”
“Yeah right, you’re right I’m sorry. I don’t always know what I want, but when I have it..I tend to lose it. A lot! I lost Riley and screwed up. Every girl i mess up relationships with. I had an affair with you and decided to stop us from having fun. But you never know what you want either..”
She sighs, “Cause I um..I can’t choose my own way to which guy I want. I had it good with Jonathan then he dumped me and I screwed it up with Tad cause I kissed his twin brother by accident. I had it and I screwed up everything! I don’t think I can ever find a guy that can keep up with me and make it work with our lives.”
The room was silent for a moment as they looked at one another, not saying a word but their eyes said it all. Every moment shared between the mishaps to the arrangements made that lead them here.
“I guess..the only girl I’m destined to be with aside from Emma, is you.” Ben confessed with a chuckle.
She blushed and smiled, “Yeah? You mean that? Because if you don’t then we will have to start this argument all over again.”
“Yeah I mean it. I’m sorry, I never went with my gut feeling in the first place.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t went straight to you about everything.”
Ben gently walked over to her and a sheepish smile, “How about we start over? Hi, I’m Ben and I think your really cute.”
“Oh my god.” She chuckled shaking her head, feeling silly.
“Come on try it! Go back to the way it was, with me.”
“The way it was. Hi I’m Skylar, do you have any idea if this bar is open?”
“Yeah I do and I know what are the specials this weekend.”
“What are the specials?”
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Ben smile grew bigger by the second, leaning his head towards her face and placed a daring kiss on her lips. Skylar chuckles grew, resting her head against his forehead and returned the soft kiss. A hand wrapped around the other, with a gentle touch and whispering mumbling only about god know what.
It felt slow, knowledgeable and gentle. Like a rather passionate peck of sweet idiotic love.
He laughed, pulling her into his arms, stumbling his back against the wall and cupped her cheeks brushed against her lips against his very own. Standing on her tippy toes, she laughed at the ridiculous jokes they made, cupping the back of neck as she placed a few smooches on him.
“Wait-wait are we really doing this? Like full on addressing this?” Sky asked with the biggest goofy grin.
“I think we are. Let’s grab a couple of beers and head over to the apartment.” Ben replies with a even bigger grin.
She grabbed his hand without a second later scurrying out the door as he rushed to grab the beer bottles and keys. The two stumbled upon the streets of New York, coming back to the apartment for quiet quality together with no interruptions, due to Bonnie watching Emma that afternoon. It also helped that Tucker was on a date, meanwhile Riley and Danny were hanging out together.
So in response, they were hushing and giggles along the way.
As for marriage and family, they got accidentally hitched in Vegas—I mean what?! No, they didn’t!
Ok byeeee!
Was this an accidental extra HUGE excuse to write for one of my fav extremely underrated sitcoms? Yes, yes it is. Anyways, i hope you like it tell me what you think about in the comments below!
Please like, share and reblog for more. Btw, you can watch ABC Family's Baby Daddy on HULU/Disney Plus! Or on Freeform.com
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @halesfavoriteharlot @rooster-84 @mallowbee4 @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @mandylove1000 @theloveoftoms @thisgirlisonfayeeer @starkleila @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 5
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Warnings: Smut (Severus), non-con from both parties (Lucius), trigger warnings of rape (Greyback), 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
There were four of them and I was dragged harshly between two of them. My feet stumbled on the gravel, hopping when a particularly sharp stone hit the bottom of my feet. Their grip on my upper arms was unpleasantly tight. 
As we approached the black wrought-iron gate that guarded the large mansion forebodingly, they all lifted their left arms and passed through the gate. I was dragged through, feeling as though I was being scraped by Iron blades. 
My heart was beating, not in fright, but in anticipation. I would get to see Severus. And while I had no hopes that he would be helping me escape, or even that he would talk to me, seeing his face would be enough. 
It was stupid, irrational. My visions never deviated from their course. There was no reason to worry that Voldemort would kill my fiancé until the planned time. 
But still, separated from war and being on opposite sides. . . it made me nervous and I would be glad to see his face. 
As I was dragged up the long pathway, I started mentally calculating all of the possible outcomes. 
Voldemort might keep me. Try and use my visions or even a little shiny trinket to wave in front of Harry's face and tell him to come and get me. Those were good-ish scenarios. I would still be able to plan how to save Severus, Tonks, Fred, and Dad's lives. It would be more difficult, of course, but still doable. 
Or he could kill me flat out. At least my family wouldn't have to out live me by long, that was the singular comfort. The uncomfortable part was wondering where Remus would end up. He would be with Dad and Tonks surely for a little bit. But after dad and Tonks died too? Maybe Andromeda would keep him? Or would Mrs. Weasley take him in? Or would Harry do it? Trang was to tell him I was his sister and explain the whole story if I did die. 
I prayed that she was okay as I was dragged through the doorway into the manner. 
I knew where I was of course- Malfoy Manor. Though I had never stepped foot into the place, it was both grand, cold, and luxurious all at the same time. 
Like all of the portraits in the Wizarding World, the ones on the walls watched as I was dragged down the hallway. They didn't talk to each other, only judging me and my worth with cold, calculating stares. 
Two figures appeared at the end of the hallway. One was a feminine figure that I saw first as the second followed behind slower. Her wild black hair was curly and it made all of her facial features stand out dramatically. Her lips were puffy and red, her eyelids heavily lidded and dark. 
Bellatrix clapped her hands excitedly, but her good humor was quickly diminished as the Death Eater on my left addressed her, "Is he in?" 
"No." Bellatrix said, her eyes becoming narrowed and shrewd. "I will take her from here." 
"The Dark Lord's orders were very clear. We are to put Kane or Potter in the dungeons." The Death Eater clearly didn't know who he was talking to. Or he was stupid. Or he was brave. I wasn't sure. 
"I will take her from here." Bellatrix repeated, her smile also fading now, turning more into an ugly frown. 
The Death Eater made motions like he was going to ignore her and simply take me to the dungeons anyways, but the second one let me go and started to back away slowly. 
I looked at Bellatrix and then my eyes flickered behind to see the man behind her. 
I used Legilimens shields to make sure no emotions flickered over my face. 
Severus stood there, straight back and shoulders tense. His black eyes had no emotion in them, even as mine met his. His long black hair was oily as it came down around his face. 
I flicked my eyes back to Bellatrixs', and only met them for a second before I suddenly felt cool tile under my cheek, while the rest of my body felt like it was on fire. 
I knew that Severus had this way of separating his mind from his body while under the Cruciatus Curse. It was part of his superb Legilimens skills. But, I had not mastered that level and my throat burned as the screams erupted from it. Ungodly noises that didn't sound like they should come from any human. 
I couldn't tell if I had gone blind from pain or if I had squeezed my eyes shut, but when my body was released from the curse and I was just laying there in agony, learning to breathe, my eyes fluttered open to see the chandelier above me. 
"Bellatrix." Severus' voice was like music to my ears after such pain. It was the same voice he used in the classroom, like he hated everybody- including me. Harsh and baritone, deep, conveying nothing seemingly, but ultimately all of his hate and contempt for the person he was talking to. 
"What Snape?" Bellatrix snapped. 
"I would be. . . appeased if I could have her for thirty or forty minutes." I could picture the curl of his lip and my eyes fluttered, because I wanted to see it. See him. His face. 
I saw Bellatrixs' face first, amused in her misunderstanding of Severus' words. "I wish I could witness it. But I suspect you'll want a more private audience." 
"Very private." This time I saw Severus' face. He was coming the closet he ever would to smiling, in the presence of someone he detested. And it was a mocking, cruel smile, that I almost never saw from him. 
Bellatrix cackled at that, flaunting off to the side. Severus dragged me to my feet harshly. I didn't even have the strength to fight him off. He threw me over his shoulder, rather unflattering, but I didn't care at the particular moment. 
I only knew things had changed when the sound of a door clicked behind us and suddenly, he was placing me gently on my back on the bed. His large, rough hands were cupping my face delicately. The tunnels of black were suddenly full of warmth, love, and worry. 
"Elizabeth?" His voice was soft, musical in reality now. 
"Sev." I whispered back, throat so dry my voice cracked. "Oh Sev." 
His lips gently pulled mine into a hug. Enveloping them warmly, protectively almost. Mine responded in kind, submitting, letting his dominate. His tongue dipped lightly against my lips and they parted, allowing the intrusion desperately. 
My strength was coming back and my hands slid up his arms, before they wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss became more desperate. Our tongues entwined with each others, noses smashed against each others cheeks. Our breathing was ragged, neither of us wanting to let go to breathe fresh air. 
His hands were sliding behind my back, undoing the zipper for the sleeveless dress. "What a beautiful colour on you." He breathed out, finally sitting back. 
I stood up, letting the dress slide from my body and his arms pulled me to him again. He made his own clothes disappear with a simple snap of his fingers and before me was a rugged man. 
He would never be beautiful enough to be called a God or to be carved into a pedestal of marble. Because Severus Snape was not a beautiful man. He was not perfect or glorious. He was scarred and strong. Rugged. He was. . . distinguished. Regal. Dignified. 
It was as though, while the two of us were staring at each other, memorizing each other again, we were thinking the same thing. 
"Mine." both of us whispered it together before Severus was pushing me back into the pillows of the bed. He grabbed his wand, lazily waving it towards my arm. Thin, black rope twined around them, wrapping intricately around my wrists. It didn't cut into my wrists, even as my arms held firm. 
"Just in case." Severus whispered softly, dipping his lips down, catching my nipple between his teeth, before sucking. I whimpered, a soft sound and one I hadn't made in months. 
His other hand palmed the other breast. Squeezing the soft flesh and he ran his thumb over my peaked nipple over and over again. It was such a strange sensation for both of us. The softness to him and the stimulation for me. 
I ground my hips against his, his cock rubbing against my clit. Now that it was just the two of us, seemingly alone, I was aroused for him. Never mind that Bellatrix and Lucius and Greyback and all of the other Death Eaters were in the house somewhere. Never mind that Voldemort would be approaching when he heard of my capture. 
It was just Severus and me. Living in our own world. 
"Please fuck me sir." I whispered quietly against the shell of his ear. "Professor." 
Severus grabbed my jaw harshly, a lust in his eyes. "What a naughty girl, begging for her Professors cock." 
"Yes Professor. Please give me your cock." I begged. Our voices low enough so that they could only reach our ears. But they held the same weight and lust and desire as if we were screaming it at the rooftops. 
"Naughty girls don't usually get what they want." Severus smirked, running his lips down my stomach, nipping at the skin. "Why should you be any different?" 
I refused to say anything depressing or anything that would break the spell. "Because I'm only naughty for you." 
Severus' eyes glinted in understanding. This was our fantasy for now, to be broken by reality only after we were done. 
"That is true. Which makes you a good girl by definition. And good girls always get what they want." Severus hummed, licking my neck, before sucking a hicky under my ear. 
He lifted my hips up slightly and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He thrusted into me and I couldn't help it, couldn't stop it. I moaned loudly, tossing my head back into the pillows. I knew the others would hear- I knew they had to be curious about it. Severus wasn't exactly known for this. But I didn't care. 
I even smiled a little at the rumors that would follow Severus after this. 'Damn, Snape is so good in bed, he can even got that victim of his, the Kane girl, to be pleasured'. I almost laughed. Severus would glare at everyone. 
Severus had seen it in my head and rolled his eyes. "You're imagination is adorable." 
This time, I did smile full out, before pressing my lips to his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and I let out a whimper as he hit a good spot inside of me. He had them memorized, hitting them in the perfect timing and succession so that I was whimpering and thrashing underneath him. 
"I'm going to cum." I whimpered, both of us ignoring the creak in the doorway. Neither of us turning to see who it was. 
Severus said nothing verbally, but he nipped at the soft skin of my breasts and I knew that it was permission. I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut, feeling the pleasure radiate through my body. 
As we both calmed down, we saw that the door had been shut again. Whoever had been here had left. 
Severus' time was up. We stared at each other for a long time, simply holding hands. Finally, I whispered. "Don't do anything stupid. Don't. . . don't compromise a thing. You. . ." I looked around and lowered my voice even more, "You do not compromise the entire world over me." 
We stared each other in the eyes. I knew he was waiting for me to back down, but I refused. He would not. I saw how this ended and he could not risk it. 
"Just keep your promise." Severus whispered, and finally moved so that he was off the bed, getting dressed again. 
I didn't say anything. I had crossed my fingers when he'd made me promise. It didn't count, there was no promise. 
I sat in the corner of the jail cell. 
Jail cell? Or was it more of a dungeon cell? Cell in the dungeon? 
I digress. 
Either way, it was a cell. It was in the farthest back corner in the dungeon from the door as possible. There were three walls of thick, damp stone around me, the one wall that was not, consisted of thick metal- probably Iron- bars along with the door, which was locked. 
It was a small cell, with nothing in it. Not even a bench to sleep or sit on. There were manacles connected to the walls, though surprisingly they had not chained me. Perhaps they figured, wandless and having nothing on me but the dress, I would not be able to escape. 
Well, they were right about that. 
I sat in the corner of the dungeon, curled up in a ball with my head resting against the wall. Not out of fear, but it was freezing, and it was hard to stay warm in the dress. 
My long hair came in handy. It was thick and luscious, especially having been washed earlier that morning. So it was warm, almost like a blanket and was nice feeling on my shoulders. But it wouldn't last for long. 
From what I understood by Bellatrixs' scathing words, Voldemort was not in the country at the moment. And since I was not Harry Potter, he didn't feel the need to come back as quickly. Which meant I was going to be in here for a few days before he even bothered to see to me. 
It made me feel a little better. Perhaps it would give me time to figure out a plan to escape. . . but it wasn't looking promising. 
Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the pathway. They were quick, but they were heavier than Severus' and Bellatrixs'. 
My heart started to beat heavily. Perhaps Voldemort had changed his mind. Perhaps he was here for me now. 
But it was Lucius, who stood in front of my cell. 
He looked different, than the last time I had seen him, standing in front of me at the Ministry. His hair was still long, but it didn't look as well cared after. His face was gaunter, more shadowy. He looked. . . almost ill. Paler for sure. And his hands seemed to be shaking just a little bit. 
I wondered for a second, if he was letting me go. But as he opened the cell and stepped inside, closing the door behind him, I figured that was a foolish take. He would  not let me go. 
I noticed his eyes were off. The pale blue-grey orbs weren't focused. But I couldn't imagine what the cause of that would be. He didn't smell drunk, so he had to be coherent. 
But I had no more tries to think of anything before his hands and lips were on me. 
My brain didn't react right away. At first, it was just stuck in motionless shock. His hands felt like Severus' hands and his lips tasted like tea and honey. His hair was soft against my cheek, tickling it, just like Severus. My brain was trying to comprehend what was happening and for a second, my eyes fluttered closed, lips molding under Lucius'. 
It took only three and a half seconds for my brain to reboot. By that point, Lucius had removed my dress for the most part and he was freeing his length from the confines of his wizarding robes. 
I finally reacted. Stupidly. I knew that I had no chance of truly fighting this. I grabbed his shoulders, pushing him backwards and then winced as he truly fell back, hitting his head harshly against the bars. 
Oh shite. 
Lucius lunged for me, pinning me against the stone floor. I twisted in his arms, but his grip was strong and his legs caged me in, preventing me from retaliating. His thrust was sudden and not as painful as I thought it would be. 
Then I remembered that Severus hadn't cleaned me up. So the slick that was leftover from him was lubricating Lucius, giving him an easier time and for me- it was less painful. It hadn't been that long for me being in here anyways. Ten or fifteen minutes. 
"Wait." I gasped out, still trying to fight him. He was moving as though on autopilot, his thrusts even and fast. I hated that I was actually feeling some semblance of pleasure from it. I focused on his face, which was stoic and glazed. 
I grunted, trying to wrench out of his grasp again, and then gasped, a wave of pleasure shooting through my entire body. I clenched my teeth together, back arching. Fuck. 
"LET ME GO!" I shouted, trying to turn now. 
"Stay still." He finally spoke and it sent chills up my spine. His words weren't harsh or spiteful or even gloating. He seemed calm and collected and I was staring to think that something was wrong. 
That was confirmed as he suddenly froze, mid thrust. I panted, staring up at him. My entire body was shaking and breath hitched in my throat. I watched his eyes become more aware. 
And then suddenly, he launched his body away from me, ripping himself out of me which made me whimper in pain, curling up, putting pressure on the sensitive parts. I heard him curse as he smacked his own head against the bars this time. 
"How long was I down here?" He spat at me. There was the tone I was expecting. 
I struggled backwards to sit up, gauging him with my eyes. "W- What?" 
"How long was I down here?" He looked like he was about to panic. His eyes were darting around the entire cell and he looked down at himself. He shoved his length back in his wizarding robes, glancing at me again. His eyes were horrified and suddenly full of self-hatred. 
"You weren't. . . aware?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on. Imperius Curse? But who here would force him to force himself on me? It didn't make sense. 
I scanned him again, trying to get my brain working again. 
"I'm ill." Lucius whispered. "Fuck." He put his face in his hands, looking like he wanted to die right then and there. 
"Somno Maledictum." I whispered to myself. 
"Smart girl." He muttered, rather bitterly. 
"I don't understand." I whispered again. Somno Maledictum was an illness that had to do with sleep. It was a form of sleep walking, but instead of actually looking like you were asleep and walking, you did everything. But it also depended on what you were thinking about. 
The disease could kick in whenever, with no warning. For example, a housekeeper that had Somno Maledictum, might be thinking about a house she had to clean. She could black out upon entering the house. She might come around a few hours later and find the house completely done. 
It was disorienting and it was a rare disease. Cures weren't even ready made for it because it was so rare and one of the flowers in the ingredients was rare. But for Lucius Malfoy, that shouldn't matter. He had all the money in the world. 
"But you're rich." I protested, trying to wrap my head around it. "You can afford the cure so-" 
"What is wrong with you?" Lucius spat at me. 
I blinked, a little hurt. "I- what?" 
"I just. . . raped you." He struggled with the words and my sympathy increased tenfold. "I just violated you and you're just. . ." 
"Well it wasn't you, was it?" I demanded. "You were blacked out, how were you supposed to stop yourself?" 
"Severus is going to kill me." Lucius muttered, not answering my question. He put his face in his hands again. "If the Dark Lord doesn't kill me first." 
I rolled my eyes. "Pretty sure the Dark Lord is going to congragulate you on raping me." 
Lucius flinched and glared at me, "That wasn't what I was referring to. I'm useless and I'm a liability. I thought. . ." He drifted off and said, "He asked for my wand. I was blacked out then. I came to with his hand in front of me. I made a fool of myself, he thought I was asking for his wand. I thought he was going to kill me then. I keep this up. . ." 
"Why haven't you asked Professor Snape for a cure?" I asked. "He's sure to make you one and I know he would keep it a secret for you." 
"Oh yeah." Lucius responded bitterly. "I just raped his wife, really don't think he's going to feel like helping me." 
My heart started to pound in my chest. I tried to laugh. "Professor Snape isn't married." 
Lucius sighed. "He's my best friend, Miss Kane. No one else can pick up on it. It's. . . the Dark Lord did allude that you could be used in such a manor. But I wasn't going to touch you because Severus is my best friend. . . if I can use such a childish term. He's really more like a brother. But now. . ." 
I found myself getting to my feet. I forgot I was naked and knelt back down in front of Lucius. My hand cupped his cheek and he flinched, staring at me with such confusion. "What- why-" I ran a finger down his neck and he shuddered, falling silent. 
"Mr. Malfoy. . . Lucius. . ." I whispered, horror coming over me. I looked straight into his eyes. "You have. . . months-" 
"I know." Lucius whispered, putting his head down, falling away from my hand. "I know. Look, I'm not-" 
"Lucius." A new voice joined us and we both froze for a second before we saw that it was just Severus, standing in the doorway of the cell. I was relieved that he didn't look angry, just a little sad. But Lucius wouldn't meet his eyes. 
Severus handed me my dress which I took, but didn't put on. Somehow, it was easier to just hold it to my body than try to dress right now. Severus paid attention to Lucius now. 
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Severus asked, taking his face into his hands, gauging how sick Lucius was. 
"What does it matter? He's going to win. I'll wish to be dead anyways." Lucius muttered. "And I wanted to protect you." 
"Yes, you're always doing that. You should cut it out." Severus replied, the smallest of smiles coming over his face. 
"Severus, he's. . ." I didn't say anything else. We could all hear footsteps coming down the hall. They weren't hurried or anything. More like prowling. 
Lucius groaned. "This is my fault. They're going to form a line." 
Severus jerked Lucius to his feet and hissed under his breath, "Act Luc. You're victorious." 
I wasn't sure if Lucius was going to manage it, but I let myself sprawl back on the ground. It was easier to simply curl up on my side and close my eyes to pretend while Severus and Lucius left. I heard the door sliding shut, but they didn't move from the cell. 
"Go a second round Snape?" I shivered, recognizing Greybacks' voice. I think I would've rather of taken anyone else over him. Even multiple others over him. Even the Dark Lord himself. Anyone but Greyback. 
"Nonsense. She's to weak for another round." Severus said in a scathing voice. "I was looking for Lucius. He seems to have worked her out quite well." 
"I think she's got some more in her." Greyback said. I tried playing dead at this point. Did werewolves like dead meat? 
"I'm warning you-" Severus started and I winced. Severus showing any sort of sympathy was dangerous. 
"Protective?" Greyback sneered. 
"Of my own neck." Severus retorted with his own sneer. "It's your head if something happens to her before the Dark Lord gets to her. And you're not exactly known for keeping your victims alive, Greyback."
"She'll live." Greyback said and I resigned myself to my fate, hearing the cell door slam open. 
I needed to get used to this. It was going to be my life now. And trying to be a girl in a book and think she could fight her way out of it wasn't going to do me any good. 
I whimpered, letting out a cry of real pain, feeling Greybacks' nails, which dug into my skin as he grabbed my arms. 
Severus was still standing there, frozen. His black eyes bore into the back of Greybacks' head and his hand twitched towards his wand. 
I knew he had to leave, even as Greyback was ripping the dress away and I was grateful that I hadn't put it back on. At least it'd still be in one piece later when I had to face Voldemort. 
"What are you two still doing here?" I snapped, lacing anger and also embarrassment into the words. "Want a fucking show?" 
Severus met my eyes and straightened his shoulders. He was still to tense in my opinion. Lucius fared better, sneering, "Like any show would be passable by you." 
I cried out again as Greyback bit into my neck. Not the way that Severus did, when he wanted to be possessive. Greyback was doing it to taste me. To hurt me. 
Lucius grabbed Severus arm, dragging him down the hallway, quickly. I could hear the sounds of their shoes pounding against the stones. Severus was furious. 
Greyback's nails were sharper than any others. Everywhere they touched, even with him trying to be gentle (ish), they were still leaving scratches, most of them cutting open enough for little droplets of blood to pool on my skin. 
I waited for him to thrust himself into me. But he never did. 
I felt water on my face, tears. Greyback cupped my face, making me wince. He sneered and then flipped my body over so that I was on my stomach. I cried out as he pulled my hips back. 
I had a singular, incoherent thought before I felt some of the worst pain in my life: He's a dog and he likes doggy style. Go figure. 
Severus and I had never done anal and quite frankly, even if we had, I was sure it would not have stopped the immense pain that I felt radiate through me as he forced himself into me. 
The scream that came from me sounded inhuman. I didn't even have the strength to hold it back. I desperately hoped that Severus could not hear me. 
The pain was great and black spots danced in front of my eyes, which I squeezed shut. There was an aching pain in my lower back as well. 
It felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than ten minutes. By the time he was done, I was weak and half unconscious. I could smell sweat and blood, which was probably a bad thing. I let out a final whimper as he pulled out of me. 
"What a sweet little thing." Greyback purred. His breath was terrible and his teeth so close to me made my neck throb in remembrance. "I can't wait until the Dark Lord lets you be mine." 
I shuddered, but said nothing and moved not an inch as he exited the door. The cell door closed with a clang. 
I laid there on the stones, feeling the coolness of them under my body. The pain had faded now. Mostly. 
Now that I had gone through it, I wasn't actually all to sure I could get used to this. And what if Greyback was right? What if the Dark Lord handed me over to him? 
I had to get out of here. I just had to figure out how. 
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angelicsatin · 17 days
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Novocaineˋ⬬⬬̀ | Nora Kane ༉‧₊˚. | BNHA OC
commission by @ kyatchiko on instagram <3
Full Name: Nora Kane Villian Alias: Novocaine Age: 20 (S1) 21 (War Arc) Birthday: November 26 Zodiac: Sagittarius Height: 4’11 or 150 cm Gender: Cis female Sexuality: Polyamorous Bisexual Blood Type: AB Status: Alive Affiliation(s): The League of Villians Romantic Interest(s): Shigaraki Tomura/Tenko Shimura, Dabi/Toya Todoroki, & Hawks/Keigo MBTI: INTJ Enneagram: 4w5
Random Facts ⁩.ᐟ.ᐟ
Nora attended middle school alongside Hawks/Keigo
She was raised being taught by her mother, who shared a similar quirk, that it was ‘evil’ and never to use it.
Joined the League of Villains two months before the USJ attack
Does not participate in the USJ attack
AFO ordered Shigaraki and the league to seek her out to have her join due to her quirk
Shares a room with Shigaraki.
Keeps her Hawks Pro Hero Figurine collection in her and Shigaraki’s messy room.
Hawks is the only Hero Nora trusts.
Sees Toga as a little sister.
Is considered a ‘burn-out’ by her parents.
Has an AU where she starts a band within the league.
Introverted and a recluse.
Causes drama and acts as a mediator – depending on the day.
She is not that strong, but she is agile and strategic.
In my ‘Band AU,’ she’s the vocalist/frontman
Her glasses are her support gear, provided by the doctor.
Likes: The League, Hand-Held Video Games, Leisure Time, Smoking, Pulling All-Nighters, Collecting both anime & Pro Hero Hawks figurines, Horror Films & Manga, Heights, etc
Dislikes: Her Family, Quirk Discrimination, Oranges, Rubber / Elastic Bands, Lightning, Bright Lights or Direct Sunlight, Hero Society & Culture, Hot Temperatures, etc
little re-intro to my main bnha oc, aka my s/i oc <3 just basic info this time
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