#kang sunhee
inkkayyy · 9 months
[ ꜱᴜɴɴʏ: ᴛʀᴀɪʟᴇʀ ]
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"Who do you want to be?"
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who better to be then yourself? how else are you expected to grow and evolve as a person if you aren't doing it as yourself.
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"What is your sound?"
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self production allows us to make something that truly reflects us and how we interpret the world around us
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"What matters most to you?"
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after all this time, the boys have become part of my family, and at this point, i can't imagine life without them.
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[ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ]
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chroniclesofbts · 8 months
Break my Walls P. 1
Genre: A/B/O, Poly BTS and Reader
Warnings: none for this chapter, eventual smut, slow burn, angst, fluff
“Get up Omega, Alpha Dae wants the whole pack preparing for the Choi packs arrival” Beta San said, throwing my covers on the ground.
“And what is the rule about making a nest?” He questioned.
“It’s not a-” I cut myself off, “nests are a waste of time and resources that Alphas need.”
“At least you can remember the rules, get dressed and get downstairs” he barked walking out of the room.
I pick up the sheets off the ground and flatten them on the bed. I move the pillows back to the head of the bed. I must have moved them in my sleep again. I sighed, heading to the chest at the end of the bed and pulled out my only pair of jeans and a T-shirt left by one of the older Omegas. Pulling my hair back into a pony tail, I begin to climb down the ladder from the attic where the omegas sleep.
Omegas in the Kang pack are at the bottom of the totem pole, just like in every other pack. We are taught to stay out of sight unless called upon and obey orders. Omegas are good for pleasure and pups. Next month, I step into that role, replacing an omega who forgot her place, at least that’s what Pack Alpha Dae said.
“Y/N! Come quick, before Alpha Dae sees that you’re late” Sunhee whispered, motioning to the spot beside her. Sunhee was another Omega in my pack, she has been Alpha Dae’s personal Omega for 3 years now. The longest any Omega has lasted. She works hard, always showing off Alpha Dae’s marks. She’s already proven herself useful to the pack, having a little boy last summer. He looks just like Alpha Dae, everyone knows he will be an Alpha. After all, Sunhee is still here.
“Omegas! I want tonight’s dinner to be perfect! We have just received word that two more packs will be joining us. Both Lee and Kim will arrive at 5 P.M. so I expect this house spotless and food ready by then” Alpha Dae announced before going to his chambers, signaling Sunhee to follow.
“Alpha Dae muse be stressed to pull Sunhee to his chambers immediately” Hana whispered to me before grabbing the cleaning supplies and leaving.
“Y/N, you are in charge of dessert. We always get such positive reviews from our guests when you make them. The rest of you, same jobs as usual” Hei-Ran, our pack omega stated. All Omegas immediately got to work, preparing for three packs to arrive by the end of the day.
*4:30 P.M.*
Pulling the last pie from the oven, I set it on the counter with the rest of the desserts. I prayed that I made enough, or else Alpha Dae would see that I was punished. Our pack has 150 people, 100 Alphas, 30 Betas, and 20 Omegas. The Choi pack is similar in numbers, with more 120 Alphas, 10 Betas, and 20 Omegas. The Omegas and the Betas don’t eat what the Alphas eat usually, but with the news of the Lee and Kim pack joining, Alpha Dae has made a room for the Betas and a room for the Omegas to dine. The Lee pack is the second most sought after pack, with only nine people, they don’t accept new members frequently. The last Alpha that joined their all Alpha pack was six years ago. The Kim Pack is the top sought after pack, and quite the mystery. All that’s known of them is that they were in a different pack and left together. There’s seven people, no one knows what their sub gender is, just that they are all men. They all wear scent blockers and make decisions together, leading most to believe they are all Alphas. They don’t take in new members and rarely come out to meet with other packs.
“Please tell me the desserts are done, Y/N” Sunhee said, walking into the kitchen. She had a few new bruises and reeked of Alpha Dae. “The Kim pack just arrived, and Alpha Dae is panicking. You’d think he was being attacked” she continued, looking at all of the desserts on the counters.
“Don’t touch them, they are still hot. Also, this section goes to the Alpha’s table. These are the Omega desserts” I pointed, while cleaning up.
Voices drifted down the hall, Alpha Dae giving a tour to the Kim Pack. The rumors were true, the only scent I could pick up was Alpha Dae’s.
“And this is the kitchen!” Alpha Dae exclaimed. I immediately dropped my eyes to the floor, giving a small bow to the pack.
“Our Omegas worked hard to prepare today’s meal, our desserts are well known by the pack too. You all chose a great day to visit.”
“Thank you for having us on such short notice, The Choi pack has asked for our input on today’s meeting.” The voice was strong and confident, clearly their pack Alpha.
“The desserts smell wonderful, I am sure they will taste just as good” an angelic voice spoke, their compliment causing heat to creep up my neck.
“Let’s continue on with the tour” Alpha Dae said, as footsteps left the kitchen.
“You should follow your pack, Sir. Our Alpha doesn’t take kindly to his Omegas being in the presence of other packs.” Sunhee spoke lowly, trying to keep our pack Alpha from hearing. This cause me to look up to see who she was speaking to. There in the doorway to the kitchen, stood the most beautiful man I have ever seen. It’s unfair how good looking he was. His hair was dark, and longer than any of our pack members were allowed to wear it. His lips were plump, pulled into a small grin. He was tall and had broad shoulders, barely fitting in the frame of the door. And his eyes, they were locked right on me. I immediately looked away and began portioning the desserts. Uncomfortable with receiving anyone’s attention.
“Your Alpha sure does like to mark what’s his, doesn’t he?” The man addressed Sunhee.
“And yours must not be worried about another Alpha trying to take what’s his” Sunhee shot back, causing the man to chuckle.
“Oh we all like to leave our marks on one another, our marks just would never be left with such carelessness. We like our marks to show our love, not stake a claim” he replied.
“Sunhee! Show the Kim pack their rooms!” Alpha Dae demanded from upstairs, ignorant that he was missing one of the pack members. Sunhee rushed upstairs, leaving me alone with the strange man.
“You made all of these?” He asked me, coming closer to see the variety of desserts I was placing on trays.
“Yes sir” I responded, trying to focus on placing the desserts perfectly, with my shaking hands. Having this man standing so close made you nervous, and not just because of his beauty.
“Is there anything I can help you with, sir?” You ask, certain that was the only reason he was still in the kitchen. Maybe he was hungry, his pack did travel a long way to reach yours.
“I do not need anything, just the conversation of a pretty girl” he replied smoothly, confusing you. His pack wasn’t know to go out of their way to have conversations with anyone. What exactly did he want from you.
“Well, Sunhee should return any moment” you say, moving into the Omega trays.
“Those are Omega specific desserts, aren’t they.”he states more than questions.
“They are, how did you know that?” You paused, glancing at him.
“Jin hyung! There you are, come, we have to change before dinner begins.” A different man stated as he bounced into the kitchen. His hair was similar length as Jin’s was and he was the same height. His lips formed a heart when he smiled, he was full of energy.
“I am coming Hobi, was just admiring the work of this Omega” Jin replied, pushing him out of the door. I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“Oh, and Omega? I wasn’t speaking of Sunhee earlier” he winked, before disappearing from view. I felt my face heat up from his words. What a strange man, he must not have really looked at Sunhee. Or maybe it was because she still held Alpha Dae’s scent.
Lost in my thoughts as I went back to the attic to change, I failed to look where I was going, running straight into someone’s chest.
“Woah, sorry Omega, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” The voice said, grabbing ahold of my shoulders to steady me. “My names Namjoon, you were one of the Omegas in the kitchen. Your desserts smelled amazing. Jin said how you had desserts dedicated to Omegas. He was very impressed with your knowledge and variety of desserts.”
“Oh, it’s not often I get to make omega desserts, I had to make as many as I could for my packs omegas to experience” I rambled, freezing when I realized what I had said to a member of another pack. I looked up in alarm, waiting for the punishment of disrespecting my pack’s alphas, only to be met with a look of confusion.
“Why would-” He began, only to be interrupted my one of my alphas.
“Omega, clothes, now!” He barked, forcing my limbs to move, even if I didn’t want to. Leaving Namjoon standing in the hallway confused, as he watches me follow a command.
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hyobros · 11 months
Cheritz's changes in staff over the lifetime of The Ssum
I wanted to write a post about this because it was the nail in the coffin convincing me that The Ssum won't get better. I really want to be optimistic, I was for the first year of the game's release. But with how hard they're fumbling June's route, and having some context by seeing the dramatic changes that happen behind the scenes, I don't have any hope for the game's future in its original concept.
So here's a big fat list of credits, comparison of them, and my own stupid commentary.
A comparison of the beta OPs credits (2018) vs the new OP credits (April 2022)
Project Directed by-
Sujin Ri (this stays constant)
Project Managed by-
Heinrich Dortmann (this stays constant during the time periods I'm comparing- we'll come back to this later)
Character Model by-
Yuseung An (this credit never appears again so uhhhh)
Game Designed by-
Yoonji Shin, Haeyoung Go (this credit also never appears again)
Project Assisted by-
Youngtak Lee, Heetae Lee, Yeonwoo Jung, Kyungha Kim, Kyungho Kim, Jihyun Jang, Hyejin Hong, Daniel Hong, Seungiim(?) Hwang, Dakyoung Lee
April 2022:
Heetae Lee, Junghee Choi
Art illustrated by-
Ilbo Sim, Jinhee Lee, Jihyeon Choi, Hyunju Na, Juhul Kim, Jaehee Hwang, Mirae Kang
April 2022:
Ilbo Sim, Jihyeon Choi, Minji Kim, Mirae Kang, Youngjoo You, Yura Lee
Programmed by-
Mansu Park, Marcos Arroyo, Rachel Tay, Soonyong Hong, Seungjin Lee, Myungjun Choi
April 2022:
Gunsoo Lee, Kukhwa Park, Moonhyuk Jang, Myungjun Choi, Seungjin Lee, Wonbok Lee, Youngkwon Jeon
Scenario Written by-
Jinseo Park, Minjeong Kim, E Hyun Kim, Eunchong Jang
April 2022:
Jinseo Park, Lilly Hwang, Minjung Kim, Saerom Shin, Summer Yoon, Youngran Moon
Language Localized by-
Sunhee Moon, Minkyung Chi, Sungjae Choi, Junhee Kim
April 2022:
Minkyung Chi, Pilhwa Hong, Saenanseul Kim, Sorim Byeon
Sound Resourced by-
April 2022:
Songhee Kim
Customer Service/Communication with Users by-
Sunkyeong Yun, Hyeseon Yang
April 2022:
Donghee Yoon, Joyce Hong, Sanghee An, Subin Kim
Credits from 2019
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These are in the lyric booklet included in the Teo Love Bundle. Strangely enough, I'm already seeing differences between the 2018 credits and 2019. Uh oh?
As of release + a few months
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These screenshots don't feature all the credits, unfortunately. I'm relying on screenshots someone else took because I'm not proactive but hindsight is 20/20.
Changes: Project is no longer managed by Heinrich Dortmann, instead by Juho Woo. Scenario team cut down to 2 people, one of which is a new name (Jooyoung Lim). Art team also cut down to 2 people. Sound is no longer resourced by Songhee Kim, but Jaeryeon Park and ROGIA. All new team of directing assistants as well, it expanded to 4 people but they're all new names. 2 fewer programmers, only one of the listed names was already working.
October 2023 (June's release)
Here's where it somehow gets worse lol.
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Changes: A lot. Directing assisted by 1 person. They were not a part of the team credited in the OP. Down to 3 programmers, only 1 being in the OP. Entirely new art team! It's up to 4 people, but all of them are new, even compared to only a few months prior. Down to 1 scenario writer pobrecita (but we're coming back to that). Since I don't have screenshots of the project assistant credits from launch, can't say anything for that, except that Gui Zhenghao is new compared to the OP but the number of staff there remained the same. Flaming Heart is gone for the BGM! He's been working with Cheritz for forever but is gone now. One person from the communication team left, so they're down to 2. That would explain why emails have been slower since October. Only 1 translator, though Cheritz is now looking to recruit new ones.
Important note:
According to Cheritz's post acknowledging their use of gAI, Sujin Ri was not involved in writing season 1 of the game, but IS the main writer for season 2. I won't make a rant about how much I hate what she's writing cuz this isn't the post for that, but it explains why season 2 is so vastly different.
The fact that only a few people (like, in the lower single digits) remain even from 2019/early 2022, let alone who's still around from 2018, is really frustrating for the game. The game started with one vision, but now it's being turned into something completely different. Even the app's functions are inconsistant between season 1 and 2 (and a little so between Harry and Teo). According to an email I got from Cheritz, season 2 takes place a few years before season 1. Just sit with that knowledge for a bit :P. It's like the current people in charge of The Ssum (*cough Sujiin Ri*) couldn't be bothered to keep the original concept in mind, let alone how the timeline would work.
This post was a long time coming, I was caught up in just how bizarre this all is and finding tons of stuff that I haven't even included in the post. Writing this has taken about 3 hours (including the time I spent on a post ONLY FOR TUMBLR TO NOT WANNA WORK PROPERLY WHEN I TRIED TO POST IT SO IT GOT DELETED) and uhhh yeah. Now I gotta wait a few years to ask former staff if their NDAs are expired yet LOL
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misunhye · 8 months
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ҉ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ୭̥⋆*。 published february 21, 2017 ╱ written by hermoon
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Following NCT Dream’s comeback with We Young, netizens have started discussing Misun’s position in the group once again after a post on Pann went viral.
It’s always been known that Misun is the daughter of failed idol Kang Sumin. But if you don’t know, Kang Sumin got pregnant by music producer Ahn Jaesun at eighteen and had their first child out of wedlock which ruined her career. She then went on to have two more children, one of which is Misun.
Misun’s grandmother is also Kim Sunhee, an opera singer, who is rumored to have been the very reason Sumin even got accepted into YG Entertainment.
On February 20, a post on Pann gained traction after a popular fan account on Twitter posted a screenshot and link to the post. The original poster claimed Kang Sumin wired money to Kim Youngmin, SM’s CEO. Many are starting to suspect Sumin of paying SM Entertainment for Misun’s acceptance into SM and debuting.
The poster also pointed out two photographs, one of Kim Sunhee and Kim Youngmin interacting at a party, stating that Sunhee and Youngmin were friends. The other was a picture of Misun with her birthday gifts last year, there was a note on a gift signed by a K.Y.
What do you think? Do you think SM accepts bribes? Did Misun only debut because of her family?
[ +3192, -482 ] Wouldn’t put it past Kang Sumin or SM to accept and give bribes.
[ +2841, -419 ] Misun’s way too talented to only have been accepted and debuted because she’s the kid of some idol. You’re a joke, hermoon.
[ +2452, -386 ] I’m tired of hearing about this girl already.
[ +2103, -939 ] Who? Cares.
[ +1732, -193 ] Rich people have it so easy.
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sweetestintheworld · 11 months
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Kang Sunhee aka SWEETNESS is a soloist under SuperSonic Entertainment. She debuted in the girl group FLOWERPOWER in 2012, and again as a soloist in 2015.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
debut: good day (1.15.15)
genre: pop/r&b
fandom: sugarplums
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
tw: her story will deal with overcoming sexual abuse, disordered eating, ptsd, and internalized lesbophobia.
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ririzzzzz · 2 years
Good TXT fanfics (not ranked):
1. Under the sky in room 553 I discovered you and I - by spellfire on ao3 (completed)
Story description (made by the author):
“Have you ever heard about the origami hearts tradition in the hospital?” Taking the heart, the child excitedly inspected it, nodding in glee. “Yes! My mama told me that when someone leaves the hospital to go to heaven, we all fold a paper heart for them! Like this, like this!” “That’s right,” chuckled Soobin. “But do you know how it started? It started here, in this room. From a boy who used to fold a paper heart every day for his lost love, hoping each one he makes will take him closer to the day those eyes would open again.” "Unfortunately for him, the day never came." In other words, a hopeless love story of two childhood best friends who didn't realise what it meant to have each other until it was too late; compiled of yearning, loss, forlorn hope, unrequited love, and every tragedy in between.
Under the sky in room 553 I discovered you and I : https://archiveofourown.org/works/2762552
2. Paper Hearts - by pulsefire on ao3 (completed)
Story Description (made by the author):
A world where you’re born with five luminous hearts on the inside of your wrist. When you get your heart broken in any way, one of the hearts loses their colour and fades. Once all five have dimmed, it’s said that you can never fall in love again. Enter Choi Beomgyu; a music major with only one heart left, barely hanging on a thin thread. He pledged to himself that he wouldn’t find love again to save him from the curse. That changes the day Kang Taehyun joins the picture with five complete hearts, taunting Beomgyu. Out of spite, Beomgyu bets with his friend that he can break at least one of Taehyun’s hearts. What’s one heart less? What he didn’t expect was to possibly fall in love in the process, leading to his demise.
Paper Hearts : http://archiveofourown.org/works/24356467
3. The End of the World - by maskatojas on ao3 (completed)
Story description (made by the author):
"You need to remember, Soobin." There seem to be quite a few things that Soobin is forgetting about his high school experience fifteen years ago. During his high school reunion, Soobin finds himself trapped inside a burning building. He is saved by the one person he didn't expect to see. Can he recover his memories and figure out why Yeonjun left them all those years ago? Why Beomgyu now seems to hate him? Or perhaps why people keep talking about Taehyun being in hospital?
The End of the World : http://archiveofourown.org/works/33819385
4. Written Hearts - by gravviee on Wattpad (completed)
Story description (made by the author):
In order to make his ex girlfriend jealous, Kang Taehyun blackmail his classmate, Lee Mirai, to be his fake-girlfriend. But what if his act turns into something more?
Written Hearts : https://w.tt/3Jfou5m
5. For 24 Hours - by champagnestrawbs on Wattpad (completed)
Story description (made by the author):
“I think it’s better to have you for just 24 hours than to never have had you at all.”
The moment Choi Soobin transferred to my school, I knew I liked him. Well, what’s not to like? He’s nice, talented, a gentleman - He’s every girl’s dream guy!
There’s no way he would notice me.
What’s to like about me? I’m plain, simple, and boring. For two years, I’ve never had the courage to talk to him, but not until this party happened. We had the most exhilarating game of truth or dare.
And then, the bottle lands on me.
I was dared to be Choi Soobin’s girlfriend for 24 hours.
For 24 Hours : https://w.tt/3ZiK5zg
6. The suicide hotline - by straychu on Wattpad (completed)
Story description (made by the author):
“Is this… the… suicide hotline?”
“I… um, yes?”
“…Are you asking or telling?”
“What would you do if I told you I wanted to die?”
“I would beg you not to.”
“Would you, stranger? Would you really?”
“I would.”
Kim Sunhee was raised in a sleepy town, completely sheltered from the darker things in life. That’s why she doesn’t know how to react when she gets a call from a boy looking for a suicide hotline. Out of fear he’ll commit suicide if he doesn’t get help immediatly, she lies and pretends to be a hotline worker.
Choi Yeonjun is on the edge. He’s sleeping into the void, but unlike some he’s aware of it. In a desperate attempt to save his own life, he calls a suicide hotline. The girl on the other end sounds very sketchy and suspiciously young. Not that it matters. He’s just glad someone pretends to care about his life and his problems.
When a cynical, depressed boy unintentionally lets a bubbly, optimistic girl into his life, he has no chiuce but to bend to her will and see that maybe, there was more to life than he thought.
The suicide hotline : https://w.tt/3KUwF8b
7. FAT - by SoftForTaehyun_ on Wattpad (completed)
Story description (made by the author):
“Why are you wearing a baggy sweater, it’s like 50 degrees outside?”
“The answer is simple, I don’t like my figure.”
FAT : https://w.tt/3SRV5Bt
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lavieacts · 2 years
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love is in the air.
                        « l'esprit cherche et c'esr le coeur qui trouve »                                                                                         —  george sand
por las calles de la ciuda de la luz puede sentirse la llegada del mes del amor, donde sea que voltees podrás encontrar arreglos de flores y propuestas de regalos para obsequiarle a tu ser amado, además de un montón de publicidad llena de corazones rojos y parejas besándose. la esperada feria de san valentín también se hace presente, siendo esta la oportunidad perfecta para que pases un momento romántico... ¡pero no te olvides que también se celebra a la amistad! por lo que puedes asistir con tu pareja o en compañía de amigues. esta ocasión el evento tiene un toque especial, y es que ciudadanos de todo tipo se han vuelto voluntaries para apoyar en los múltiples puestos y atracciones.
atracciones y puntos de interés.
STAND DE BESOS: ¿estás cansade de besar sapos? ¿o solo buscas un poco de diversión para este día? este puesto es para los más valientes. los precios varían de un euro hasta los diez, dependiendo de con qué intensidad deseas vivir la experiencia.
encargados: bruno caputo, dot sauvaterre, park seokgu, louise aveline, song sunhee & ahn soohyun.
NORIA DEL AMOR: ofreciendo los mejores atardeceres y noches parisinas, la noria del amor es un buen momento para tener un poquito de tranquilidad, disfrutar del paisaje y poder conversar con tú cita o amigues. 
encargados: quinn almodovar, dagny naess & matis holden.
MATRIMONIOS: tres jueces son los encargados de casar a las parejas más arriesgadas de parís. no te preocupes mucho, esto no tiene validez oficial.
encargados: shin imai, fah navruz & alek lusss.
KARAOKE: ¿estás enamorade o con el corazón roto? ¡no importa! es tú oportunidad perfecta para dedicar esa canción que tanto te gusta, o quizás solamente deseas mostrar tu talento. la atracción es dirigida por los encargados de este puesto, animando a la gente a que suba al escenario por solo tres euros.
encargados: olivia wright, blaze phakdi, andrea fuchs & lay tang.
PUESTOS DE BEBIDAS: una pequeña barra dónde se encargan de distribuir las mejores bebidas, desde café hasta cócteles finos.
encargados: hazel phakdi, imaani obi, song subin & vesper wright.
PUESTOS DE COMIDA: pizzas, macarrones, hamburguesas, brochetas... tal vez no sean los mejores chefs, pero si te pueden ofrecer una sabrosa botana para que puedas continuar disfrutando de la feria.
encargados: evren navruz, song seojoon, dahlia lennox-fields & kang taemin.
CABINA DE FOTOS: con la temática de corazones, está cabina no solamente son para las parejas, pues su amplio espacio permite que más de cinco personas puedan salir en una misma foto. ¡vengan las poses originales!
encargados: dhavlen bajwa, eun donguk & prim phakdi.
FLORERÍA: la familia campos ha donado una cantidad considerable de rosas. por el precio de un euro, regala un bonito detalle a tu enamorade.
encargados: eun dambi, natt naess, xian haokai.
TÚNEL DEL AMOR: este juego mecánico consta de un pequeño recorrido en un compartimiento solo para dos personas... ¿su mayor atracción? un túnel de diez metros de largo, dónde la iluminación es perfecta para tener un momento romántico.
encargados: cygnus dankworth, defne navruz & marc holden.
TATUAJES DE HENNA: los tatuajes de amistad y amor se encuentran a la orden del día, los encargados han sido altamente capacitados para que los clientes se vayan satisfechos con su tatuaje.
encargados: malai tang, haneul le roux, kitty tang & song-yeo sunoo.
MARTILLO DE FUERZA: ¿deseas impresionar a tú cita? con este juego de destreza podrás ganarte uno de los tantos peluches que hay en el mostrador.
encargados: viktoria herzog, xian yueliang & woosung keough.
occ; lectura obligatoria
¡feliz inicio de mes, pequeñuelos! ♡ pensamos en esta actividad como una variación a la realizada el año pasado. deseamos que la disfruten mucho, tanto ustedes como sus personajes, y esperamos ver un par de dramitas en el dash dignos de un 14 de febrero. ¡y aún se vienen sorpresas para esta semana! se estarán publicando actividades adicionales con una dinámica un poquito diferente.
los puestos fueron asignados al azar, sin importar estatus social o profesión. los personajes que están a cargo de algún juego mecánico, destreza, florería, se encargan de cobrar el ticket y asegurar que todo marche bien en la feria.
en los puestos de comida y bebida, los encargados están dedicados tanto de la preparación de los productos como de la venta de los mismos, tanto dentro de su stand como a lo largo de la feria.
a pesar de estar como encargados, tendrán tiempo libre para recorrer y disfrutar de la feria al igual que el resto de los asistentes. incluso, tendrán un descuento especial en algunas de las atracciones.
los starters públicos pueden estar ubicados en esta ambientación, si alguno de los encargados desea abrir starter en su puesto, favor de especificarlo con el nombre del puesto que le tocó.
como siempre, las convos privadas y convos grupales pueden ambientarse en el escenario que mejor les convenga.
se podrán abrir tres convos privadas y tres convos grupales, dándosele prioridad a las convos públicas y evitando siempre el rol burbuja.
para aquellos con tres o cuatro personajes se podrá abrir un máximo de dos starters públicos y responder con el resto; para aquellos con cinco, seis o siete personajes pueden abrir un máximo de tres starters públicos. para las personas con ocho o más personajes, el límite es de cuatro starters públicos.
pueden etiquetar a @laviecloset​​​​ en caso de publicar un outfit para esta ambientación.
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deadlykissy · 1 year
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Hello, juste un tumblr pour regrouper mes personnages de Role Play littéraire. Je crée mes personnages en fonction de mes jeux, du moins principalement. C'est un seul jeu par personnage.
Si écrit : "En jeu avec untel/le" le personnage n'est plus disponible. Si écrit : "Hors ligne" je n'incarne plus ce personnage du tout. Si écrit : "Libre / disponible" c'est qu'il l'est vraiment et on peut en discuter pour entamer éventuellement un jeu ensemble.
NB : J'aime les jeux à tendance "romance". Assez sombre, complexe. J'aime torturer mes personnages. Je préfère la romance BL mais le mixte est pas exclu.
Si jamais tu désires jouer avec moi, voici le lien de mon discord, t'y trouvera les univers que je joue et tout ce que j'aime ou aime pas dans un RP et c'est là qu'on pourra discuter → Mon serveur discord RP : ▲
Je n'ai plus rien à dire alors, ENJOY. ♥
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c-hamdeok · 2 months
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Nome completo: Kang Sunhee
Data de nascimento: 03 de Março de 1998 (26 anos)
Local de nascimento: Seul, Coreia do Sul
Esporte: Patinação Artística (Individual)
Dormitório: Aurum (Dupla)
Hall da Fama: Fama nacional e internacional
Perfil: @sunhee_hdc
Faceclaim: Nayeon - Twice
Com tantos Centros de Treinamento Olímpico espalhados pelo mundo, por que o Hamdeok Complex?
Quando você pesquisa a fundo cada um dos centros de treinamento coreanos, é fácil perceber que o Hamdeok é o melhor deles, mesmo sendo relativamente novo. Se eu quero manter uma carreira de sucesso, é natural escolher sempre a melhor opção.
E como você entrou? Alguém te indicou e você passou pelos testes, você se inscreveu voluntariamente para fazer os testes ou houve alguma contribuição monetária envolvida?
Minha mãe foi uma grande incentivadora quando decidi que precisava de um lugar de confiança para me aperfeiçoar, mas isso foi tudo. Me inscrevi por conta própria e parece que deu certo, não é mesmo?
Você certamente se destaca no esporte que pratica. O que motivou a sua escolha por ele?
Sou apaixonada por patinação desde muito pequena, quando eu nem sabia que era um esporte! Nem todo mundo tem a oportunidade de trabalhar com aquilo que ama, mas eu tenho e aqui estou. Resumindo: o que me motiva é a paixão pelo esporte.
Pode nos contar, brevemente, sobre sua trajetória no esporte até o momento?
Eu era só uma garotinha sonhadora que se sentia incrível patinando em pistas de shopping. Foi assim até começar a assistir competições de patinação artística e arriscar um movimento ou outro. Não fazia isso para chamar a atenção, fazia porque simplesmente amava e em uma dessas, acabei sendo “encontrada” por um olheiro de esportes. Eu era muito nova, então toda a conversa sobre seguir profissionalmente foi com os meus pais; pra mim, era só diversão por um bom tempo, até começar a competir de verdade e ganhar medalhas.
Quais são suas maiores qualidades e maiores defeitos? Como elas influenciam seu dia a dia como atleta?
Carisma pode ser considerado uma qualidade? Se for, definitivamente essa é a minha maior! Todo mundo diz que sou adorável e brilhante, isso torna minhas apresentações agradáveis de assistir. Agora o maior defeito… Admito que sou um pouco preguiçosa, mas estou trabalhando nisso.
Sabemos que é uma grande honra ser convocado para representar seu país nos jogos olímpicos, mas existe alguma outra razão pela qual você deseje isso?
Em 2022, sofri uma lesão que me deixou fora das competições. Foi um ano inteiro sem poder treinar, fazendo só acompanhamento médico e fisioterapia, um período bem difícil… Nos jogos de 2023 não consegui os resultados de sempre. Pode parecer orgulho ferido, mas quero voltar pro pódio! E quero alcançar o máximo de pessoas com as minhas apresentações, quero que vejam o quanto eu amo o que faço!
Dedicação: 12
Determinação: 18
Equilíbrio: 16
Sorte: 8
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2014) - Medalha de Prata
Olimpíadas de Inverno (2014) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Asiáticos (2015) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Nacionais de Verão (2016) - Medalha de Bronze
Olimpíadas de Verão (2016) - Medalha de Bronze
Jogos Mundiais (2017) - Medalha de Prata
Jogos Nacionais de Inverno (2018) - Medalha de Bronze
Olimpíadas de Inverno (2018) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Asiáticos (2019) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Nacionais de Verão (2020) - Medalha de Prata
Olimpíadas de Verão (2020) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Mundiais (2021) - Medalha de Ouro
Jogos Asiáticos (2023) - 5º lugar
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mainsvein · 3 months
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Yuyu Kitamura para Poe con el cupo A.
Byeon Wooseok para Luna con el cupo P.
Lee Dohyun para Reptar con el cupo S.
Harris Dickinson para Tonya con el cupo U.
Lee Junho para Gato.
Kim Jiwon para Vanitas con el cupo B.
Park Sooyoung para Flora con el cupo G.
Bill Skarsgard para Cosmo con el cupo V.
Deniz Can Aktaş para Venus con el cupo R.
Maia Reficco para Fuit.
Honda Kyoya para Fuit con el cupo X.
Sean Teale para Rebus.
Hwang Minhyun para Rebus con el cupo N.
Tienen veinticuatro (24) horas para enviar las cuentas de sus personajes. De necesitar más tiempo, no duden en acercarse al staff.
Nellie Willoughby.
Bonnie Fareena Thevar.
Josephine Campbell.
Sunhee Cho.
Los siguientes rostros vuelven a estar disponibles.
Song Kang.
Los siguientes cupos vuelven a estar disponibles.
Cupo J
Pueden revisarlas en este enlace.
¡Eso es todo por ahora! De hallar algún tipo de error, por favor no duden en acercarse a nuestro buzón para hacérnoslo saber. Desde ya, queremos agradecer el apoyo a nuestro proyecto y esperamos conocer a nuestros vampiritos y humanos pronto.
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fancifulrp · 3 months
hi there! do you guys have a master list that I'm not seeing a link to because I'm on mobile? thank you so much!!
— ✻ 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐, 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆! - we don't have a masterlist linked on our tumblr but here is the current, updated list (fcs between brackets) as of today (5 july):
𝒂 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒋
›⠀⠀Bae Iseul (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Kim Mingyu) 𝒂𝒔 human ›⠀⠀Ha Yujin / Cerí (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Choi Yeonjun) 𝒂𝒔 water faerie ›⠀⠀Han Haewon / Saoirse (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Park Sohyun) 𝒂𝒔 shaper faerie ›⠀⠀Han Yesol / Aeralindra (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Park Sooyoung, Joy) 𝒂𝒔 air faerie ›⠀⠀Hou Mingze / Gaulir (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zhang Linghe) 𝒂𝒔 earth dragon ›⠀⠀Ji Meixia / Meadhbh (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zeng Keni, Jenny) 𝒂𝒔 fire dragon ›⠀⠀Jung Hana / Aingeal (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Im Dayoung) 𝒂𝒔 spirit faerie ›⠀⠀Jung Sunhee (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Kim Hyungseo, Bibi) 𝒂𝒔 nymph (fire)
𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒓
›⠀⠀Kang Gunwoo (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Kang Dongho, Baekho) 𝒂𝒔 human ›⠀⠀Kang Taejoon / Ceallach (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Hwang Hyunjin) 𝒂𝒔 fire faerie ›⠀⠀Kwon Yiseo (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Hwang Eunbi, SinB) 𝒂𝒔 human (𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒅) ›⠀⠀Min Siyong / Fiachna (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Choi Soobin) 𝒂𝒔 air faerie ›⠀⠀Moon Yoorim / Nimue (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zhou Xinyu) 𝒂𝒔 water faerie ›⠀⠀Oh Haejoo (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Kim Jiwoo, Chuu) 𝒂𝒔 human ›⠀⠀Ryu Seonjae (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Lee Minho, Lee Know) 𝒂𝒔 banshee
𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒛
›⠀⠀Seol Sunhwa / Dáithí (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Lee Juyeon) 𝒂𝒔 shaper faerie ›⠀⠀Xin Hailan / Azukar (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Luo Yunxi, Leo) 𝒂𝒔 water dragon ›⠀⠀Xing Mengyao / Xan (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Hou Minghao, Neo) 𝒂𝒔 spirit dragon ›⠀⠀Xu Jingren (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zhang Xincheng, Steven) 𝒂𝒔 banshee ›⠀⠀Yeon Jiwoo / Caoimhe (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Lee Yongbok, Felix) 𝒂𝒔 spirit faerie ›⠀⠀Yoon Jihyun / Aonghas (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Han Jisung, Han) 𝒂𝒔 spirit faerie ›⠀⠀Yu Boxian / Ríonach (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Ning Yizhuo, Ningning) 𝒂𝒔 water faerie
i hope the masterlist is clear ^^ feel free to ask about specific fcs if you're not sure if they're taken/reserved yet or not ♡
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inkkayyy · 2 years
[ ꜱᴜɴʜᴇᴇ'ꜱ ᴍᴏᴏɴʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴠʟᴏɢꜱ ]
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YouTube Notification!
↳ inkkayyy uploaded: sunhee’s vlogs; a new genre of chaos
“Who said I wasn’t allowed to vlog the dorm-- Stay look at this, they’ve put a sticky-note on the door. ‘Don’t film: Chan-hyung is walking around half naked again.’ huh.” 
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Source: Sunny’s Moonlight Vlog no.2
“Stayyy,”  Sunhee pokes the camera lens with her pointer finger, “Guess what tomorrow is?”
A beat of silence as she struggles to lock the door behind her, grunting and screwing her face up just within the camera shot. With one final tug it closes as her excessively decorated keychain clatters with far too much noise for a typical set of keys.
“Valentines day!” She cheers quietly, starting her descent down the building’s stairs. “Now I don’t know about you guys, but I love giving my friends valentine gifts- back when I lived in Australia I used to make little paper hearts or bake cookies.”
The sun pours onto her face, making her squint and grumble in discontent. “Today, I was thinking, flowers for the boys, what do you think? Boys never get flowers.” 
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The camera cuts, skipping to another scene where she looks down the lens, beanie tucked over her head and white mask over her face. The walls are coated in greenery and hanging flower displays. She leans closer, whispering. “I feel embarrassed to film, the lady at the register is looking at me weirdly.”
‘Oh, daisies.” And of course her attention is immediately snagged by something else, a very common occurrence. She thumbs one of the dasies in the bucket that sits on a long table spanning the store’s centre. “I think Jisungie would like daisies- do you agree?”
“Would you like help with any-”
‘Ah!” Sunhee shrieked, hands fumbling the camera and barely catching it before it drops to the ground. With the lens pointed at the ground, She can be heard apologising to the worker.
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“The nice lady is out the back wrapping up my flowers.” Sunhee slips the mask back and lets out a heavy exhale, dragging a hand down her face, whining slowly from the back of her throat. “Oh- I’m so embarrassed! She asked to take a picture- her son is a fan!”
The pout is pictured clearly as a voice speaks from off camera and Sunhee jumps again.
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 Source: Sunny’s Moonlight Vlog no.1
She trips over a pair of shoes left in the doorway, tilting forwards and crashing to the ground of the Dorm’s entryway. She says nothing but stares at the camera with wide eyes before looking out of frame. 
“Sunhee, are you home?” Accent English accompanied by slow footsteps echoing on the floor as Chan makes his way through the dorm, picked up by the camera that sits on the hardwood, capturing Sunhee’s ‘deer in headlights’ expression. “Yeah.”
“Did you drop something?”
“No- I tripped.” 
The footsteps speed up. “What!”
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 Source: Sunny’s Moonlight Vlog no.4
She’s sleepy, that much is clear by the state of her hair- dark locks ruffled and fluffy from lack of attention. The clothes are just extras she’d had hanging up, not really dressing up for her outing. The camera is tilted in her palm and she frowns at it, adjusting the angle before smiling brightly, pointed canines on display as her tongue pokes out slightly from behind her teeth. “Good Morning Stay!”
She waves a sweater covered palm at the camera, moving through the doom. “You know, I have a lot of errands to run- so I thought I’d take you with me today.”
Well that was sort of true- to a degree. The group had just finished their last set of promotions for NOEASY and thankfully weeks- nonstop, they were on a week and a half break. But as usual, they were required to vlog over their break. Not to mention, they were moving on the last two days, so they had to pack up their dorm. With the revenue from winning kingdom and their latest album, paired with the fact that JYPE debuted a new band under studio J, meant that finally, Stray kids was getting a dorm upgrade.
The plan was to move them into two separate flats in the same building, and each member would have their own room. Sunhee was very excited. 
So well over half way into their break, she’d started to get her shit together and actually left her bunk and her pyjamas- a very big task for someone catching up on as much sleep debt as she was. But she figured- why not kill two birds with one stone? Film her vlog while preparing to move dorms.
They’d been given keys and everything, provided with the basics of furniture like beds and a furnished kitchen, but they wouldn’t be taking their clothes and other belongings over for another day or two. Management had informed the members they were free to travel to the new flats- set up furniture for their own rooms etc, and surely, over the break most of the others had. It seemed only Sunhee was procrastinating.
“Today,” she tutted, locking the door as she backed out of it and towards the stairway. “I was thinking about going to Ikea- I need a new shelf.”
Sunhee had filled out the application to borrow one of the company cars- approved the day before- and roped Chnagbin into coming along with her
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“Wave to the camera,” She zooms in on the screen displaying the security feed at the store’s entrance, Changbin smiles at it waving and making a little heart. Sunhee gives a hard shove between his shoulder blades and Changbin goes stumbling forwards, out of the security feed and off the screen. Sunhee gives a peace wave at the security camera.
“Ya! Kang Sunhee!”
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I think you could fit in here,” Changbin opens the cupboard door under a fake sink. They were walking through the displays, making their way to the warehouse to find the flat-packed version a shelf unit Sunhee had taken a particular liking to.
She assessed the cupboard with a critical look, hand under her chin as she lent on a bench beside it, head tilted in thought. “I donno, I think I might be too tall.”
“Shi- It’s two centimetres!” He closes the cupboard storming off and Sunhee picks up the camera from where she’d set it down, laughing to herself as she filmed his retreating figure.
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[ Comments ]
@/lovestaystay: Look at this little clumsy middle child.
↳ @/kppoppee: But have you considered her being the mascot of skz?
↳@/lovestaystay: But that’s jisung…
@/chanslaptop: Chris running when Sunhee trips- and the comedic cut when he screams? Top tier.
↳@/chanichris: Her deadpan and timed humour? underappreciated.
@/straightkids: Sunhee and Changbin are long lost siblings. 
↳@/freckleboi: I swear the 99’ line were separated at birth- prove me wrong.
 @/babylinnno: can we discuss how in every vlog, Sunhee leaves the dorm and walks past the elevator to take *several* flights of stairs? how have i not noticed she does that?
↳@/chuchulu: your so right- how has no one pointed this out before-
↳@/freckleboi: No way-
 @/lixheartu: I will forever scream about Sunhee not filming her giving the boys their flowers.
↳@/straightkids: I’m with you,
↳@/kppoppee: Me too
↳@/igot7loves: me three.
(see twelve more replies)
@/skzgirls: Why was changbin so determined to put her in as many ikea cupboards as possible
↳@/chimichichu: say it with me people, /sibling energy/
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chroniclesofbts · 8 months
Break my Walls P.2
Genre: A/B/O, Poly BTS and Reader
Warnings: none for this chapter, eventual smut, slow burn, angst, fluff
A/N: A little filler so you can understand some background. Enjoy!
Namjoon’s POV
Pulling up to the large pack house, Namjoon couldn’t help but notice the lack of people outside of the house. Getting out of the vehicle, he lead his pack to the front door of the Kang Pack. He could sense the nerves of his mates, sending them a look of comfort before her rang the doorbell. Truthfully, the only reason they were there was to support the Choi pack in breaking their support for the Kang pack. He knew that having extra packs would increase the chances of them all leaving without a fight. The Kang Pack has been taking Omegas from surrounding packs to breed. They only accepted Alpha pups, kicking out or killing the omegas and their children that come out as anything but an Alpha.
The front door swung open to reveal Kang Dae himself, reeking of an Omega. He clearly just came back from spending time with one of his omegas.
“Welcome Kim Pack, please come in, let me show you around!” Alpha Dae exclaimed. Unfortunately, they were the first pack to arrive. Meaning they would have to entertain the Alpha until either the Choi pack or Lee pack arrived.
As they walked through the house, they could smell the aroma of fresh baked desserts. One scent in particular sticking out. The pack had made Apple pie, and it was calling to him. Finally, they entered the kitchen, finding the source of the aromas.
“And this is the kitchen!” Alpha Dae exclaimed. In the kitchen were two omegas, one covered in bites, bruises, scratches, and Kang Dae’s scent. She must have been the omega he was with upon our arrival. The other omega was beautiful, shining with innocence but smelling of nerves and fear. If Kang noticed, he didn��t comment on it, praising his packs desserts.
“Thank you for having us on such short notice, The Choi pack has asked for our input on today’s meeting.” I said, hoping to pull the Alpha’s eyes from the poor omega who was shifting her feet with nerves. Glancing through the desserts, I don’t see an apple pie.
“I can’t find Apple pie, Alpha. I was so sure I smelled it in the living room.” Jin said through mind link, his confusion echoing through the bond.
“I can’t see it either, but I can smell it too” I replied, “stay back and take a closer look, maybe it’s in the oven”
Following Kang through the rest of the upstairs, I couldn’t help but notice how there were no omegas.
“It sure is empty in the house, and outside, Alpha Dae. Your pack must have been busy preparing, are they resting now?” I inquired, watching as the man began to fidget.
“Ah- yes! They are, uh, p-preparing for dinner now!” He stuttered nervously, saved from more questions by the doorbell, signaling the arrival of the other packs.
“Sunhee! Show the Kim pack their rooms!” Alpha Dae demanded. Leaving the hallway as soon as she appeared to greet the rest.
“Right this way, Alpha’s” she purred, releasing pheromones. “You’ve been assigned these two rooms, with 2 beds each. They connect through the bathroom there. Don’t forget that you’re our guests, anything you need just let us know. Our Omegas are always on standby” she flirted, leaving when we didn’t respond.
“Hobi, go get Jin, we wouldn’t want for Kang to catch him alone with the Omega.” I said, setting my bags down on the bed.
“Alpha?” Jimin said, placing his hands on my chest. “You seem stressed, is there anything we can do?”
“I can’t get the scent out of my head. I swore they made apple pie. I also can’t understand the dynamic here, everything is so strange. The poor omega in the kitchen was shaking like a leaf and to be offered services from their omegas, how is Kang okay with this?” I breathed out, feeling my stress fade with Jimin’s hands holding me.
Just then, Jin burst through the door, “I know what the smell is!”
I looked up at the excitement on Jin’s face, “What?”
“The omega, she smells like Apples and Cinnamon. I couldn’t tell until I was closer, but it’s her. She smelled so good, but she was so nervous. I tried to compliment her and it just made her scent worse. Am I losing my touch?” Jin threw himself on the bed with his arm over his eyes.
“I’m going to find her” I decide, “everyone else should get ready for dinner”
“Hyung?” Jungkook called, “is she?”
“That’s what I’m going to find out”
“I hope she is, Joon you should have seen all of the desserts she made special for the omegas. There were so many and they smelled so good. I need to learn the recipes.” Jin sighed dreamily, struggling to hold onto his headspace.
I start out the hallway towards the stairs when I run into a small figure. Immediately, apples and cinnamon invade my senses, and I know it is the omega I was searching for. I steady her by the shoulders.
“Woah, sorry Omega, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” I said, making sure she is steady. “My names Namjoon, you were one of the Omegas in the kitchen. Your desserts smelled amazing. Jin said how you had desserts dedicated to Omegas. He was very impressed with your knowledge and variety of desserts.”
“Oh, it’s not often I get to make omega desserts, I had to make as many as I could for my packs omegas to experience” she rambled, freezing and looking up in alarm. Why would she not be allowed to make the desserts? Why did she seem scared that she told me?
“Why-” I start, only to be interrupted by one of her pack members.
“Omega, clothes, now!” He barked. I watched her body move, following his order. I don’t even know her name. I watched her go all the way down the hall before I returned to my pack.
“Oof-“ I don’t even get the door closed before I’m tackled to the ground.
“Jimin! Jungkook! What’s the meaning of this?” I growl.
“You smell like her!” Jimin breathed out. Both of them shoving their faces into my shirt.
“Come on, dinners ready. We don’t want to be late” Taehyung growled, jealous he didn’t get to Namjoon first.
And for the first time, the Kim pack was excited to have dinner with another pack.
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hanunri · 5 months
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the following have been accepted and have 48 hours to add dalrae and yeonghan. if you can't add us in time, feel free to contact us!
48 hours expire on may 5, 6pm kst.
kim jennie ─── ﹙⠀ ryu hana ⠀﹚ ─── the journalist.
shen xiaoting ─── ﹙⠀ wei lusi / lucy ⠀﹚ ─── the paranormal enthusiast.
kang seulgi ─── ﹙⠀ min sunhee⠀﹚ ─── the general physician.
kim taehyung / v ─── ﹙⠀ im seongsu⠀﹚ ─── bora's current boyfriend.
jeon jungkook ─── ﹙⠀ kang hyunwoo⠀﹚ ─── bora's friend #1.
song minho (mino) ─── ﹙⠀ han woojin⠀﹚ ─── the detective.
48 hours expire on may 6, 10:00 am kst.
jung jinhyeong / jey ─── ﹙⠀ baek sunjae⠀﹚ ─── bora's friend #3.
the reservation expires on may 5, 05:40 pm kst.
choi yeonjun, txt ─── undecided skeleton.
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vestigokrp · 8 months
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⋮ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀〉the following ticket owners have been verified ! you are free to follow the main from this point and once we've opened on 24/02/04 11AM KST, we will be accepting follow requests asap !
jeon heejin (choi soojin)—4317 park chanyeol (lim hyunjae)—1992 karina/yu jimin (kim yuri)—5697 ha sooyoung (lee sunhee)—0020 hwang hyunjin (shin hyejun)—0325 park jihyo (kang jiwon)—0201 park wonbin (song yujin)—3333 jeon jungkook (kim yohan)—1711 lee jihoon/woozi (lee minsoo)—1807 seo soojin (noh jinri)—0097 choi beomgyu (ahn hyewon)—0113
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stcy-gold · 11 months
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✩ິㅤ⠀⠀𝒂bout ㅤ⠀ ───him.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ𝆯⃘ׅ◌ֹ ㅤ𝓜eilyrㅤ𝓒ollins.
played by: choi soobn fr. txt
pronombres: he / him
estado sentimental: complicado
orientación sexual: bisexual (+ fem)
fecha de nacimiento : 2000/10/10
año que cursa : 7mo ( 24 años )
estatus de sangre: mestizo
nacionalidad: estadounidense
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝆯⃘ׅ◌ֹ ㅤ𝓖oldsteinㅤ𝓛egacy. ◌⃘ֹ𝆯
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ es el bisnieto de Queenie Goldstein, una famosa bruja Legeremante, cuñada de Newt Scamander. su padre es mago y su madre no-maj. Meil es el segundo hijo y primero que asiste a Hogwarts, toda su familia ha estudiado en Ilvermorny. su hermano mayor, Arthur, trabaja en MACUSA y tiene una hermana de 4 años llamada Adelaine.
su familia es rica gracias al trabajo duro. tanto por su padre, Stein Collins, quien es inventor de dulces y alimentos mágicos, como por su madre, Kang Sunhee, accionista de una franquicia de cafeterías de fama no-mágica mundial.
aquello devino en un interés casi natural por el arte culinario y su mezcla con la magia. en general, la mistura de dos mundos es la esencia de la personalidad de Meilyr, quien está tan inmerso en el mundo no-maj como mágico.
la curiosidad por sus raíces mágicas le llevó a optar por un intercambio desde Ilvermorny a Hogwarts durante su 5to curso, una experiencia agridulce para el muchacho. pasó por una segunda ceremonia de asignación de casa, siendo mandado a Hufflepuff por un sombrero hablador. aquellos días de aprender torpemente de la historia y costumbres de esa escuela se vieron manchados por su primera decepción amorosa. una muchacha que parecía corresponder a sus sentimientos, renunció a estos al enterarse que el mago era mestizo.
¿por qué rendirse tan fácilmente? ¿acaso no podría confiar en el poder del amor para superar los estúpidos prejuicios y cambiar la imagen que ella tiene de él?
un año después, Meilyr ha pedido su traslado definitivo a Hogwarts, dejando todo atrás solo por amor.
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ㅤ𔓐𑇓ㅤ⠀⠀𝒘and ㅤ⠀ ──by Violeta Beauvais.
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madera de secuoya, núcleo de pelo de Kelpie, flexibilidad inquebrantable, 13 ⅜ de largo.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ⏝࡛⏝⏝⏝࡛⏝⏝⏝࡛  
ㅤ૮   ᪲ ⠂⠂ 𐭩ㅤ ⠀⠀𝒑et ㅤ⠀ ───latte.
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un ratón de campo que Meil suele llevar en la cabeza para hacer la broma de Ratatouille.
︶𝆹𝅥⏝ ◦ 📖 ◦ ︶𝆹𝅥⏝
          asignaturas favoritas
ㅤ ㅤ ⋆ cuidado de criaturas mágicas, pociones
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ⋆ herbología, arte, estudios muggles
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝆯⃘ׅ◌ֹ ㅤ𝓒uriosidades. ◌⃘ֹ𝆯
⋆    ⁞   es amante de los dulces, a menudo se le verá frecuentando la cocina o repartiendo cupcakes en su sala común.
⋆    ⁞  en Ilvermorny era bastante popular por los negocios de su familia y su ascendencia mágica, podrían reconocerlo por la fama mundial de la marca de dulces de su familia: Kowalski Sweets.
 ⋆    ⁞   hace referencias a películas y otras cosas de la cultura no mágica, ni es consciente de ello, se lleva mejor con quienes captan sus referencias.
 ⋆    ⁞   al ser mestizo, sus padres no sabían si tendría el gen mágico, así que Meil asistió a una escuela no-maj hasta los 18 años, es por ello que tiene muchos amigos ‘muggles’
 ⋆    ⁞   sus poderes empezaron a mostrarse en la pubertad y sus padres le ayudaron a canalizar su magia en la repostería.
 ⋆    ⁞   asistió al Colegio Ilvermorny de Magia y Hechicería, siendo asignado a la casa Pukwudgie, la que favorece a los sanadores, la misma de su bisabuela: Queenie.
⋆    ⁞   sus ojos son cafés y es naturalmente castaño, pero ahora ha optado por llevar su cabellera rubia.
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︶𝆹𝅥⏝ ◦ 𝒕ramas ◦ ⏝𝆹𝅥︶
amigos que haya hecho en su corta estancia en Hogwarts el año anterior y con quienes retome amistad — cualquier casa y curso
alguien que muestre interés en su habilidad con la comida mágica y comparta la afición — cualquier casa y curso
pese a no ser del todo nuevo en Hogwarts, aún hay mucho que desconoce, esta persona le sirve de tutor — docente o prefecto de cualquier casa.
personas que le hagan sentir como en casa y que no extrañe tanto su hogar e Ilvermorny. — Hufflepuff
tras un fallido intento de romance y una separación abrupta, esta persona es su motivo para trasladarse definitivamente a Hogwarts. — Cosette
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* nota: si tiene idea de cualquier otra trama, no dude en escribirme, mis dms están siempre abiertos para ello o dudas.
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