#kannaduki iku birthday fest
finoalcielo · 2 years
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
RUI: Ikkun, come on IKU: Ahaha, okay~! EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! IKU: Thank you very much! It's my birthday today! Yay!! SASAKUMA ICHIGO: Kyuuu!🐼
#Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
YORU: The cake is a chocolate bear cake, perfect for our track and field teddy bear Ikkun! IKU: Wow, it looks delicious! YOU: Despite growing taller, you still smile so widely in front of sweets. I guess that's the only cute side left of you. IKU: Not at all, I've always been your cute little brother though. YOU: This part is what I'm talking about. IKU: (www)
#Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
RUI: Well, I'm the one who's the first to see Ikkun's cool and cute sides. KAI: You're suddenly bragging, huh (laughs) SHUN: I could tell from the light Ikkun's soul radiates-- YOU: Don't suddenly brag about things that no-one else can do. IKU: Ahaha.
#Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: Ah, then in that case, there's no-one else who loves you guys as much as I.... ah, wait, uhhmm, I love you all just as much the fans do! YORU: He changed his statement to account for everyone...! This is a handsome man! KAI: And here's the card for our handsome and cute little brother!
#Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: Woah! A pop-up card! It's so cute. Thank you very much~! SHUN: I'd be the white mouse. YOU: Are you just choosing it? Then, I'm the penguin. RUI: Since I'm often called a cat, I'll be the lion which is also from the cat family. KAI: Okay, I'll be the big elephant! YORU: E-Eh? T-Then, I'll be the donkey! (imitates a donkey)
#Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: Huh, Shun-san's message is in such a place that it can't be seen normally in the picture...! Huh, how did you even manage to write here? It's usually covered when closed... eh? (laughs) SHUN: Fufufu, it's something called love. RUI: Yup, its love.
#The Demon Lord who wrote a mysterious message in a strange spot #Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: So nostalgic... a deer. YORU: Ikkun! IKU: I'm kidding (laughs). I grew older this year, surrounded by my fun and lively older brothers and everyone's love. Thank you very much. This year too, I look forward to working with you all!
#Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
ARATA: Ikkun, we've arrived before the date changes~ (sudden chatter) KOI: Iku~~~~~~!! KAKERU: Happy birthday~~~~!!!! AOI: Happy birthday! HARU: Congratulations♪ HAJIME: Happy birthday Iku. IKU: Thank you very much!
#Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2022
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kanasmusings · 4 years
[Translations] Kannaduki Iku Birthday Tweets 2020
It was Ikkun’s birthday, and because he was one of my OG Tsukiuta oshis, I really couldn’t help myself with translating the birthday tweets~ Look at him!!! He’s grown so much now and really, I feel so honored that we got to be a witness to his growth and development~! I hope he never stops striving for the best and that he never stops believing in himself~ 
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Artist: (@/jikudam on Twitter)
☆ Today is Kannaduki Iku’s (C.V. Ono Kensho) Birthday! ☆
RUI: Ikkun…!
PROCELLA: Happy Birthday!
IKU: Thank you very much! My goal this year is to be more self-aware and to take initiative. I won’t make excuses like I’m new to something or that I’m still young and inexperienced. I want to be an adult who takes responsibilities for his own actions.
# Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2020
More under the cut, enjoy~!
☆ Today is Iku’s Birthday 2 ☆
SHUN: I pride myself in being a sheltered and quite lazy Demon Lord, so… Seeing Ikkun’s determination is amazing.
RUI: Yup, same. I’m an artist who lives mostly on instinct, so… I really respect that way of thinking.
SHUN & RUI: Don’t expect me to do it though.
KAI: Quick reactions from people who’re used to making lots of excuses, huh.
# Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2020
  ☆ Today is Iku’s Birthday 3 ☆
IKU: Ahaha. You’re definitely overestimating what I meant (laughs). All I actually wanted to start with was to stop making childish excuses and to stop myself from putting the blame on others quickly (smiles).
YOU: It’s still ambitious either way.
YORU: It’s very fundamental, so it’s important in its own way. … Though I’m not sure if I practice it diligently… (sweats)
# Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2020
☆ Today is Iku’s Birthday 4 ☆
KAI: Hey, setting a lofty goal for himself and forcing his seniors to rethink themselves is Iku’s style, anyway. I don’t particularly hate it (laughs).
YORU: Seeing Ikkun do his best despite his young age really makes me want to try and do more, too… (wry smile)
YOU: Really, you~ Keep your cuteness in moderation, got that?
# Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2020
  ☆ Today is Iku’s Birthday 5 ☆
IKU: (while laughing) Aren’t I already your really cute little brother though~?
YOU: Pretty confident, aren’t we~? Also, don’t laugh at yourself if you’re gonna be cheeky like that.
IKU: Ahaha.
YORU: … You’s retorts are quicker now, too… Really, you’ve become so reliable in so many ways.
RUI: I totally agree.
# Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2020
☆ Today is Iku’s Birthday 6 ☆
SHUN: You used to be such a small boy (your head barely reached my shoulders), but now look at how big you’ve gotten.
KAI: You’ve become one of Procella’s cooler members, you know~
YORU: I wonder how much cooler Ikkun will be in the future. As your senior, I’m both excited yet a little scared at the same time (wry smile).
# Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2020
  ☆ Today is Iku’s Birthday 7 ☆
IKU: I can say with confidence that I am who I am because of you—Because my older brothers in Procella supported me. (wry smile)
RUI: Is that so?
IKU: One hundred percent. I want to be able to walk side-by-side with you all soon, so… I promise I’ll continue doing my best!
Ikkun, congratulations!
# Kannaduki Iku Birthday Fest 2020
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
HAJIME: Since I'm the king and today's birthday boy, I'll be selfish. EVERYONE: Yes, sir! HAJIME: Today's work mode is off. It's still early but... let's drink! EVERYONE: Woohoo!! HARU: Ahahaha, nice! Haime! EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAJIME: Thank you.
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
TSUBASA: To the us DAI: that met here RIKKA: like a miracle~♪ SHIKI & SHU: Let's cheers!!!!!!!!!! EICHI: Shuuuuuu?!?!!?!? ICHIRU: Congrats! Hajime! ISSEI: Congratulations! SHIKI: I've been drinking since morning. HAJIME: You're just using my birthday as an excuse (laughs)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
SHU: By the way, I can't drink so I'm going non-alcoholic drink. EICHI: You've improved by keeping up using non-alcoholic drinks. That's good (laughs) TSUBASA: Happy New Year!! YOU: Thanks! SHIKI: Listen to me... the parsley soba store I was thinking of going to closed down this year. KAI: Let's go look for another one (www)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
KAKERU & KOI: Happy birthday! Hajime-san!! KOI: BUT!! HARU: I wasn't expecting that sudden shift (wry smile) HAJIME: ? ARATA: Here's the flowers and cake to make it feel more luxurious!! AOI: It comes with a rabbit too 🐰! HAJIME: Fufu, thank you. Alright, let's appear high class too then. It looks good, right? (kiss)♪
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
EVERYONE + SHUN: HIEEEEEEEEE HARU: You're going wild today, Hajime HAJIME: Doing things like this once in a year is fine, isn't it? "Don't say that" "Don't do that" "Do it this way" "No, this way"... I'll forget it all and do what I want! HARU: Good idea! All right, let loose! (ww)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
ARATA: Wait, something joined us. SHUN: Eh, who who? AOI: Yup, right there. HARU: wwwww HAJIME: I called him. Procella too. EVERYONE: Eh? KAI: Sup! Congrats! IKU: I did a triple take looking at the message that consisted of three words, "We're gonna drink" (laughs) YOU: So, let's drink!!!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
YORU: Pardon our intrusion..! Hajime-san, happy birthday! YOU: Congrats! RUI: Happy birthday, Hajime. ARATA: It suddenly became lively HAJIME: I did what I wanted KAKERU: That you did (laughs) KOI: Let's respond to Hajime-san's selfishness with all our might! Ah, but before we forget, here's the card!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HARU: I'll just comment it myself by saying that I know I made the comment in the center a bit too big for this card (sorry) HAJIME: Your plans go awry at the weirdest of times KAKERU: And the elegant text bordering the card was handwritten by Arata-san. ARATA: Yay HAJIME: Your good designs come about randomly too (laughs)
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
SHUN: Hajime, Hajime, Ha~ji~me~~❣️ Happy birthday!!!!! HAJIME: yes yes, (hugs) ARATA: ! Everyone!! Today is Free Hug day because of being drunk!! EVERYONE: Yay~! (hugs) HAJIME: ...Thank you for the birthday wishes
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HAJIME: I'll dance RUI: You will? HAJIME: Turn around, Heavenly Dragon / Ascending higher Are the flowers / that are fragranced Opening up the Heaven and Earth / The beginning of the world As the prosperity flourishes / The World of Hifumi As the joyous becomes joyous / The World of Miroku Splendid / Splendid / Enyaraya Splendid / Splendid / Enyaraya SHUN: It's the Shichifukujin prayer!✨Hajime's congratulatory words are auspicious🌸 HARU: (When he goes back to normal, he'll be holding his head in shame) T/N: Enyaraya - its a shout made when carrying a portable shrine at a festival or lifting a heavy object. Shichifukujin are the seven gods of fortune originating from Japanese mythology. I tried my best to translate the prayer but if I've made a mistake, please let me know immediately!
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
HARU: This prayer was originally recited on July 29th KAI: Ohhh! ✨ DAI: After drinking and letting loose, he dances. Even drunk, he still has that otherworldiness feel. Still elegant, I like it. Whereas, on our side, we drink and drink and end up becoming like the Earless seals 🦭 that are in the North Pole. EICHI: Have you actually seen them? AOI: Earless Seals✨🦭 SHU: They're not that nice, by the way
#Mutsuki Hajime Birthday Fest 2023
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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KAI: Are you ready, Shun? SHUN: Yes~! Let's celebrate it in style☆ KAI: On the count of three.. EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎂 & HAPPY ALBION❄️ SHUN: Thanks guys for the brilliant birthday wishes! You guys are so sweet❣️Love all of you❣️
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: Before we knew it, he made his own birthday header... SHUN: Fufufufu〜♪ It's my style to celebrate any auspicious and good things with all my might☆ And today is a world holiday too! The Japanese national team wished me happy birthday by giving me a goal⚽️!
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
YORU: I aspire to be as positive as you, Shun-san! IKU: An earnest wish (laughs) SHUN: It's important to be positive and relaxed~ Love the world, love everyone, love peace, love your idols❣️Thank you for being filled with love, world♪ I love everyone~❣️
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
RUI: Here's a birthday card for the Demon King overflowing with love. SHUN: Thank you, Rui. SHUN: Hmmmm. SHUN: Fufufu SHUN: Oh my. SHUN: Woah♪ SHUN: Everyone, thank you. I really.. love you all✨ KAI: Shun... KAI & YOU: You've got a good-looking face. IKU: That seems abrupt (laughs)
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
SHUN: To those on the other side of this screen, thank you for all your wishes. Since I'm the Demon Lord, I shall you send you my feelings. As soon as you see this tweet, if you think of the same thing as I do, we'll connect, okay? To our dear one, I'm glad we could meet. Thank you. Please continue to support me.❣️
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
SHUN: Ah. Those who can't get the birthday illustrations done on time or not having enough time to buy a cake, I get you. It's really hard to balance your everyday and otaku life. But it's okay!! Love is something you feel. Celebrate without getting tired! We accept birthday wishes 365 days a year! KAI: Unexpected comrade (otaku...)
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
KAI: Ahaha! And so, since our Demon King's overflowing love wrapped us, let's wrap him up too!! (hugs) SHUN: Yay~! YOU: Gah!! YORU: Ah~ (laughs) IKU: A true scream came out (laughs) RUI: Congrats Shun. SHUN: Happy Albion❄️
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
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ARATA: Shun-san, happy birthday. Here's a present from Gravi🎁 And the presenter is, of course, this person. HAJIME🎀: Shun, happy birthday. SHUN: Supreme happiness. RUI: Contrary to the simple reaction, he is struggling with the feelings of a strong moe that is enough to kill him. HAJIME: It's like I'll lose if I show embarassement IKU: There's a theory that the presenter is most likely to win.
#Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
HAJIME🎀: ...I borrowed the ribbon from Sora, but don't call me Hajimeko okay? HARU: Hajimeko AOI: Hajimeko YOU: Hajimeko KAI: Hajimeko HAJIME🎀: ..Don't call me that. Got it? EVERYONE: Understood (The instinct to avoid a physical alteration) SHUN: I want to shout under the night sky that anything you do is precious-- YORU: Please calm down.
#Sora-kun, thank you #Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
KOI: Hajimeko... KAKERU: And Hajineko too.. oh and Haji-nyan too... AOI: Hajime-san surprisingly you've got many nicknames... ARATA: Aoi-kun, that's not what you should be reacting to probably...
#Happy Birthday Shun-san🎂 #Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
SHUN: (Anyone that asks... whether I'm alive or not... I'm most certainly dead...❤️) YOU: This guy, directly in my brain...!? KAI: When Shun evaporates, does that mean we're breathing in Shun as well? RUI & IKU: I don't like the sound of that. YORU: B-But do cats inhale it too???
#If I look up, I'll die from preciousness #Shimotsuki Shun Birthday Fest 2022
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
YOU: Yoru~ EVERYONE: Happy birthday! YORU: Thank you so much! ..Woah, this bouquet is styled like a full moon, isn't it? SHUN: Yup! It's like we're doing a moon-viewing, right? It's really beautiful🌸 KAI: He kept staring so the florist was quite nervous (www)
#Nagatsuki Yoru Birthday Fest 2022
YORU: Ahaha, it truly is a heartfelt bouquet~ I'm really glad! RUI: You was very picky about it, you know? He was like the wrapper has to be completely black, just like night-time, like your name... YOU: Stop right there. YORU: Yup, I'm glad to hear that (laughs). Thanks everyone. Thanks, You! IKU: Here's the card!
#Nagatsuki Yoru Birthday Fest 2022
YORU: Fufufu. Just like us, this card too is quite free. This has become another treasure of mine. I'll place it in a box and store it very carefully. IKU: I keep mine in a binder! YORU: It just makes you happier when you get more, right? IKU: Yup. YORU: ...Ah
#Nagatsuki Yoru Birthday Fest 2022
YORU: (ooh) (Peeks at the messages) YOU: Anyways, this bouquet is... KAI: yes yes, we know how picky you were. RUI: yes yes, we know about your love. YORU: (Fufufu)
#Nagatsuki Yoru Birthday Fest 2022
SHUN: The bonds between childhood friends is so beautiful and precious (whispers). YORU: ! ....Yes! (whisper) YOU: Okay, Yoru. Let's put the candles on the cake~! YORU: Ah, right. Coming! YOU: Happy birthday. YORU: Thanks!
#Nagatsuki Yoru Birthday Fest 2022
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
YORU: You, go on? YOU: Ah, well then, here comes today's birthday boy! YORU: Ahahaha. In one, two...! EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉 IKU: Congratulations, You! RUI: Happy birthday. KAI: Happy birthday! SHUN: Happy birthday♪ MAZELLAN: Quee! YOU: Thank you!
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: Oh, a sunflower RUI: Its a flower associated with midsummer after all. Mazellan and I chose it. MAZELLAN: Quee YOU: Ooh, thanks YORU: Don't forget the colorful summer-like fruit cake that is just as good as the sunflowers! IKU: Yoru-san and I chose it. YOU: Mm, woah tasty ♪
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
KAI: And so.. Shun and I chose it very carefully! 👓 The birthday card! SHUN: Ta-dah~!✨ YOU: Uwa, its very festive-looking. IKU: This is... something you have to put on! YOU: ...Huh? RUI: That's right. It's perfect for the birthday boy. YOU: Huh? YORU: Yay~ (applause) YOU: You were all aiming for this.
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: You guys, wasn't it hard to write messages on this card? EVERYONE: Is it that noticeable? YOU: Yeah (wwww) KAI: We wanted you to wear it and then realized how hard it was... YORU: It was tough for all 5 to write. YOU: Are you all idiots? (www) SHUN: Fufufufu, I was the one who wrote the last message!
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
SHUN: Though I was the last person, I was the first one to notice the existence of this place! TA-DAH!! YOU: Even if you found it, you still struggled with the tiny space (www)
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: Well, you still tried your best. Thank you. YORU: Your birthday is during the summer break, so I can't help but feel like you're in a good mood... (wry smile) YOU: Even back at my house's temple, with the Obon festival and my birthday, there'd be a lot of excitement. Mainly from my mother.
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YORU: I can still remember it. You's father, while wearing monk's robe, breezed through the town that was in the midst of the Obon festival on his scooter, forgetting that aunt (his wife) had put a party hat on his head… YOU: Those who supported us burst out laughing upon seeing him. KAI: Just hearing that makes me want to laugh (straight face) IKU: Me too (straight face)
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
RUI: And now, closing remarks from our birthday boy. YOU: Okay. Just like this, passionately and fiercely burning! Let's head to the center with confidence with the sun shining on our backs! Happy New Year to those on the other side of this screen! xxx (flying kiss)💟 MAZELLAN: Quee!🐧
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
SHUN: Kai~♪ KAI: Here~! EVERYONE: Happy birthday!! SHUN: Happy birthday~! RUI: Rui, HPB. KAI: Thanks! To energetically celebrate my birthday with all of you guys this year makes me really happy! It'll be a very happy birthday☆
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: And here's a medal (birthday card) for Kai-san! KAI: Oh?! RUI: It's a card in the shape of a gold medal. KAI: Woah, the ribbon's attached this time! YOU: Yeah, it survived this year. KAI: yeah! The dormitory is the living room, while the demon world is the garden. YORU: Global... YOU: Is it really okay to dismiss it like that??
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: The actual card had far too little space for all of us to write, so only Shun-san did... YORU: But we attached a card from each of us instead! SHUN: Fufufu, I'm Kai's golden medal 〜☆✨ KAI: Yeah, this.
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
KAI: Oh, you guys wrote quite a lot. RUI: The simple "congratulations" from last year has improved this year... KAI: Hahaha! ...Hmm?
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
KAI: This is... >Did you finally notice?
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
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KAI: Simple yet scary (www) >Note, that is Rui's card
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: This isn't a ghost program!!! KAI: Ah, I think it's a summer vacation tradition (ww) Here, see, there are some happy looking ones too. YORU: Let's keep it happy then! Since it's a celebration, let's do our best... no, let's go celebrate! RUI: Yes. SHUN: Of course〜☆ KAI: Thank you〜☆
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
KAI: Let's see.. while doing some stupid things, I managed to grow a year older! Wouldn't it be nice to have more experience and more human depth? Everyone, as always thank you! This year too, let's give our best!! LOVE💓
#Fuduki Kai Birthday Fest 2022
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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IKU: Rui~ it's time~! RUI: Okay. KAI: In one, two! EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! RUI: Fufufu, thank you. YORU: Happy birthday Rui! YOU: Here's a bouquet of hydrangeas. SHUN: Congrats♪ RUI: Thank you!
#Minaduki Rui Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: Rui, this cake.. you see... RUI: Could it be..? IKU: Ta-dah! It's a pudding cake bought from a pudding store! RUI: This is... a peaceful world. YOU: Hasn't the pudding been saving the world a bit too much recently? YORU: Ahaha
#Minaduki Rui Birthday Fest 2022
KAI: Well, there are many people who enjoy pudding, chawanmushi and egg-based items. RUI: Definitely, a peaceful world. KAI: Here's more world peace! Ta-dah! A cat-filled card! SHUN: Kai and I chose it~ See, even your color is included~ RUI: Cute.
#Minaduki Rui Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: It was a bit hard for everyone to write our wishes on this card though. YORU: Though even this crammed style of writing has its own appeal (wry smile) RUI: Fufufu, it's an assortment of crammed wishes. IKU: Since I got a lot of space to write, I was a bit nervous... (laughs) After all, birthday wishes aren't like work comments.
#Minaduki Rui Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: Well, despite my worries, it ended up being a simple message (wry smile) RUI: It's just like you, Ikkun. To have ordinary celebrations and simple messages is all good. I'm aware that even those contain lots of emotions. If I received a very poetic message from you.. well, that will make me happy too.
#Minaduki Rui Birthday Fest 2022
RUI: I have lots of ordinary days, today too is one of them. I love this normalness. Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a year later, a decade later, I'd like to hear "happy birthday", just like normal. SHUN: And you'll respond with a "thank you" as you smile. That's obvious~♪ RUI: Yup. That's what makes me happy after all.
#Minaduki Rui Birthday Fest 2022
IKU: And so, once again.. Rui, happy birthday! EVERYONE: Happy birthday! RUI: Thank you. RUI: Let us start the Petit Demon Lord's game now. YOU: I have sudden feeling this will go in a weird direction. Stop. IKU: H-Hahaha.. (sweatdrops)
#Minaduki Rui Birthday Fest 2022
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finoalcielo · 5 years
Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday Fest 2019
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Source: @/jikudam
This is for the anon who asked me to translate~ I hope you enjoy it!
I’m taking suggestions for translations. Send me an ask/message with the date of the tweets you want me to translate, and I’ll do my best!
If I’ve made a mistake please let me know. I’m not good at Japanese! Please don’t repost/retranslate or anything!
Here are the translations for Shun’s birthday tweets~ Honestly, what is up with the two leaders; why are they so cute?!?!?!
☆ Today is Shimotsuki Shun’s (CV: Kimura Ryohei) Birthday ☆
Kai: Shun~! Happy…
—All: Birthday~~~!!!
Shun: Thank you everyone! Fufufu, I love you all ♪ Rui: Happy birthday ☆ Iku: Happy Birthday, Happy Albion, right? Yoru: It was a good transition…! Yo: Well, congratulations Shun: LOVE!
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
☆ Today is Shun’s Birthday ② ☆
Shun: Fufufu no fu~, birthday, birthday ♪ It was fun ♪ Kai: It's been a while since everyone in Procella could get a day off Yo: I went shopping, watched a movie, ate delicious food, and I’ve been playing since morning~ Yoru: There’s just one more thing left to complete Shun-san wish list
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
☆ Today is Shun’s Birthday ③ ☆
Iku: What Shun-san said he wanted to “eat Famichiki” or “take a picture with 〇〇!” Or it was just some cute things, but how should I say this, this person… (strained laugh) Shun: I filled my lovely room~ Yo: Don’t say it yourself!
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
☆ Today is Shun’s Birthday ④ ☆
Yoru: Haha, when I first met Shun-san, I couldn't imagine myself thinking that maou-sama was “cute”... (awkward laugh) Shun: Oya, is that so? I thought everyone was cute from the start Rui: Us? Cute? Shun: Yup! Very much!
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
☆ Today is Shun’s Birthday ⑤ ☆
Shun: Kai, Yo, Yoru, Rui, and Iku…Gravi, everyone who cheers us and everyone who supports us are allll cute. Walking every day step-by-step, occasionally stumbling, looking away, taking a break… all the hard work, time, everything is cute
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
☆ Today is Shun’s Birthday ⑥ ☆
Shun: Cute, cute and… loveable. They’re important people, right?
—All: …
Shun: Being surrounded by so many important people on my birthday! …I’m happy. I hope that this feeling that I feel right now, somehow wanting to cry, will always remain soft and pure forever. I hope these feelings reach you. 
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
☆ Today is Shun’s Birthday ⑦☆
Kai: Ughn!! Shun: Ughn? Kai: It’s fine! It’s reached~? Shun: Yay! Iku: …Yes! It has arrived! Yoru: Me too! Rui: Me too  Yo: Well, hasn’t it already reached everyone? Shun: Yes, that’s right. Surely!
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
☆ Today is Shun’s Birthday ⑧ ☆
Rui: By the way, what’s the last thing you want to do? I didn’t write it… Shun: Ah that? I guess everyone is looking forward to it~? Yoru: For some reason, I think we know what it is Yo: Ah~… Iku: Hahaha Kai: It’s that Shun: Next year too… let’s play together! 
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
Shun: I'm reading each congratulatory message. Cakes, illustrations, and pictures of the goods, I’ve received everything ♪
(* ˊᵕˋ *) ੭ ੈ❤︎ < I love you!
Whether it’s for self-satisfaction or being late, come! Have fun because of my birthday ☆ Until the end of November! Happy Albion❄️
#Shimotsuki Shun’s Birthday 2019
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