oxbl00d42 · 1 year
ich habe talkai gebeten, das deutsch in diesem text zu korrigieren
und das ergebnis ist absolut lächerlich. in dem text ging es ursprünglich um ein review des films "you cannot kill david arquette". das ist, was bei der korrektur herauskam:
Dies ist das Richtige, um Unsicherheit zu beobachten und wie er versucht zu gewinnen… Dies ist das Problem des Reichtums einer reichen Person und in der Lage, es dann zu tun. Sie macht ein schönes Bild, aber all dies ist ein reicher Mann des Abfalls und verursacht nicht ihre Stärke und möchte diesen Fehler versuchen. Dies ist ein großes Problem für mich, einige der Sorgen, so scheint es unpraktisch - aber das sind Bilder der Einstellungen. Immer wieder wird es dazu führen, dass die Idole von David mit seiner Mutter über Mexiko und ihr Gespräch sprechen. Alle und DDP fühlten sich fehl am Platz und es war sehr schwierig für DDP-Yoga. Das war ein bisschen lustig, aber sie sind viel mehr als alle anderen. Einige betrachten das Vertrauen auf seltsame Weise. Ein Mann mit einer Million Dollar verspottet den Peso in Mexiko. Ich denke nur, dass er damit die Wirtschaft in Mexiko und das Ansehen von David beleidigt. Ich weiß, dass dieser Vorfall in einigen neuen Dokumenten im mexikanischen Wakehouse stattgefunden hat, also würde ich keine einzigartige breite sehen, aber dies ist zumindest in Mexiko eine seltsame Angelegenheit. Ich war sehr enttäuscht, weil es kaum Zeit gab, neun Früchte zu essen. Ich mag die Arbeitsweise einer Person nicht, sondern die Art, wie man immer sein Gesicht hört. Wenn dies nicht das Ende ist, müssen Sie die Szene mit Joey Ryan entfernen. Dies ist unmöglich und momentan haben Sie sexy Restaurants für David. Das ist nicht richtig. David hat eine ausgezeichnete Kleidungsauswahl auf dem Bildschirm. Ich hatte einige Gegenstände in "Ich bin nicht hier", aber Sie haben es wirklich nicht bemerkt. Dies ist alles vorgeschrieben. Ich glaube nicht daran, aber wenn Sie eine verbitterte Person sind, warum stehen Sie dann da und geben Ihnen alles Sichtbare und Reale. Das ist komisch. Ich war so begeistert von der Qualität des WCW-Artikels. Ich glaube, ich habe die Lizenz dafür, aber ich habe mir keine guten Zeichen angeschaut. Nachts sieht es aus wie ein „Kampf“, nicht echt. Nur mehr dieser Versöhnungselemente, aber eine Person ist tatsächlich nicht erforderlich, wenn man gut beobachtet. Wer wünscht oder glaubt wirklich, dass sich das Fernsehen in den letzten zwei Wochen in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten verändert hat? Das ist vor etwa zwanzig Jahren passiert, vor zwanzig Jahren, vor zwanzig Jahren, in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten. Wenn es nach Netflix aussieht, aber ich rate Ihnen, nicht auszugehen, auch wenn es mein bestes Geld ist, und das war nichts Besonderes für jemanden, der in einem schönen Haus lebt und sich wie ein Gewinner fühlt. Viele von uns haben echte Probleme, um die wir uns kümmern müssen.
richtig, richtig schlecht. talkai ist nicht zu empfehlen.
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lainphotography · 4 years
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na-klar · 3 years
druck ismail clip 15 translation
Thursday, 16:12 -- “Date for three”
Ismail: I spy with my little eye something green.
Zoe: That’s easy, the plant.
Ismail: Yeah but which one?
Zoe: Seriously?
Kieu My: I definitely know who I can’t spy.
Ismail: Lou is going to come.
Ismail: Mrs Kannix locked us in the basement. Please help!
(Ismail goes through pictures of them and Lou.)
Zoe: How cute! Finn also once gave me a driving lesson. But he doesn’t have the best teaching qualities.
Finn: ....Okay.
Constantin: Uhm, what driving lesson?
Zoe: Lou gave Isi one yesterday.
Ismail: Yeah, it just kind of happened.
Zoe: But that’s so cute, I ship you guys so much.
Lou: Sorry, I study best when I’m not doing it 😘 You look good though.
Ismail: Don’t you guys want to do something that has nothing to do with studying? I don’t know, at my place? Lou is surely going to show up then, too.
Kieu My: But not today anymore, or what?
Ismail: Yeah I don’t know, she’s just not in the mood for school and expectations and stuff.
Finn: Or for us. Except for Consti and Isi, I mean.
Zoe: Why does everything always have to be so dramatic for you?
Ismail: Tomorrow then?
Kieu My: No, tomorrow won’t work. I need to study ahead. Birthday.
Ismail: That’s on Sunday though?
Kieu My: Yeah but my grandparents are coming on Saturday.
Finn: I’m going out to eat with the fam.
Zoe: Fine, then I’ll meet Ava for songwriting.
Finn: Hah, since when are you making music?
Zoe: Since when do you go eat with your family voluntarily?
Constantin: Uhm, I texted Lou. She’s gonna be there. So... us three, tomorrow?
Ismail: Nice.
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
Caught. Again.
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“Tell me, agent,” spoke the cold voice of the Sith. “Do you believe your three-person army can really drive its way through my forces? That they would put their own lives against such a risk?”
Theron didn’t have to believe it. It was happening before his eyes, pinging all sorts of alerts and alarms. Altrethir and his former apprentices were unstoppable forces. Even years ago, before those apprentices were separated from their master, they were terrifying. Now, working together—fighting in beautiful synchronization—he could tell how much they learned from Altrethir.
His eyes fixated upon a monitor that displayed Ashara using a mix of acrobatics and bladework to plow through Imperial forces. Then he gazed to another screen, watching Xalek manipulate the Force to yank foes toward him, slicing through their writhing bodies. And Altrethir—the Alliance commander, Theron’s lover—conjuring a storm of Force lightning and launching it toward a new wave of troops.
None of them seemed the least bit exhausted.
So he huffed in amusement, glowering up at the pompous Sith who had the audacity to hold him hostage. “I think the results will speak for themselves.”
The Sith turned, her gaze falling upon him. Her nails ghosted the railing before she stood just a meter in front of him. Theron had been forced to his knees, Imperial guards practically breathing down his neck with blasters at his back. His hands were bound—and he had been nearly beaten within an inch of his life.
Maybe his own risk didn’t pay off. And he felt guilt for dragging Altrethir into this mess. This was his fault—and he couldn’t even get himself out of it.
Maybe he could have. It wasn’t worth dwelling on.
Theron instinctively leaned back as she reached down to him, catching his face and lifting him up just a bit. “When they’ve been driven back—which, I guarantee you they will be—and when my game is finished, you and I shall spend some time together. In the interrogation chambers.”
“Counting on it.”
A wry smile touched her darkened lips. She roughly released him, practically shoving his face aside in the process. “Send Lord Raya, Lord Kannix and Darth Gral to sector—”
“My lord, they’ve breached system controls!” an officer called.
“Send them to system controls,” the Sith ordered.
Theron fidgeted in place. There was going to be a lot of blood spilled today. Hopefully, none of his allies’. They were risking a lot by coming here. Granted, they weren’t entirely alone, but a strike team of three against a whole Star Destroyer’s worth of troops... the odds weren’t exactly in their favor.
Altrethir had done impossible things before. Theron witnessed that on Rishi, on Yavin 4, and Ziost. Upon very planet they fought together, Altrethir always surprised him. Just over six years later and that luck was still with him. Maybe it wasn’t luck—maybe everything was precisely calculated, thought out to certainty. That’s what Theron believed. That’s what he wanted to believe since the day they met.
Still, this plan was bold. A little too bold for Theron’s comfort. But he wasn’t in a position to judge. He only hoped that they could pull through.
He forced a swallow as the thought of losing Altrethir crossed his mind. If Theron were to lose him here, it’d be because of him. Could he live with that? Would he even be alive to?
A loud clang sounded from the blast door behind him. Startled, the guards whipped around. And Theron used the opportunity to swipe one’s legs, making them drop to the ground. The other guard fired at him and Theron narrowly avoided the attack. He lurched up, using that momentum to slam into the guard, knocking the weapon from their hands.
The adrenaline was kicking back in until he felt invisible constraints holding him.
Theron strained, gnarling his teeth as his eyes met with the Sith. Her hand was cast out toward him, fingers just so slightly curled, as if she wasn’t using much power at all. Maybe he was a lot weaker than he realized right now.
“You are simply darling,” she said. “But I won’t have you assaulting my guards like that. Come,” then she pulled him toward her, his boots skidding across the metal floor. “I wish to see how terribly Darth Nox wants you back in his possession.”
When the blast door to the Star Destroyer’s bridge fell, Altrethir locked eyes with the Sith at the commander’s deck. He let his arm rest at his side. Ashara and Xalek raced past him in synch, holding their own weapons at the ready.  
The air was thick with tension. Imperial officers held their blasters at the invaders while half the crew struggled to continue with their orders. They scrambled about, communications low. The Sith commanding all of her Imperials held Theron in her grasp: a hand on his throat, another holding his arms around his back.
“I offer you mercy, though I assure you—you are not deserving of it,” Altrethir called.
The Sith let out a haughty chuckle. Theron grunted in pain as her nails dug into the skin of his neck. “Are you such a dispenser of justice that you cannot see your own flaws?” she replied.
“My own transgressions are irrelevant right now.”
“So it may seem.” She leaned over Theron, nose brushing against his cheek. He jerked his head away but his body went rigid as she held him still with the Force. “While this was certainly no direct attack on you, Darth Nox, I can certainly make it one.”
Altrethir sensed Theron’s disgust. Not fear. Anger, though. . .
“You are not as loyal as you ought to be,” she continued. “While the rest of the Council was busying themselves with locating Vitiate, you were running off with your Republic pet. Isn’t that right?” Her hand moved to Theron’s jaw and she squeezed.
They kept their relationship a firm secret. Not even his apprentices knew of it—no one did. It was kept between Altrethir and Theron and them alone. How did she get that information? Perhaps she was bluffing. Still, it was a good guess. A scarily good guess.
Altrethir gave no reaction; his expression remained the same.
“That’s enough out of you,” Theron growled through clenched teeth.
The Sith gently shushed him and turned his face up to meet hers. “I cannot imagine the Empire welcoming you back with such open arms. Not after they learn about this… affair.”
“You can’t prove anything.”
“Oh,” she snaked a hand around his waist. “I don’t have to.” A dark laugh sounded from her, and she gave his jawline a long lick. Theron jerked in response and groaned in disgust, absolutely repulsed.
Sudden blasterfire echoed throughout the bridge, accompanied by whizzing and slashing of lightsabers. The screams of the Imperials were snuffed out as soon as they were heard.
When the Sith glanced back up, Altrethir was rushing straight toward her. So she shoved Theron in between them, using him as a shield. “Certainly you would have thought this out better, Nox?”
Altrethir raised his brows knowingly.
Twin golden lightsabers snapped off the Sith’s head and it fell to the floor, rolling off to the side. Theron was immediately released and he pushed the corpse away with his boot.
“Fuck—ugh, gods...”
“Are you injured?” Altrethir asked, holding out a hand toward him.
“Only thing that’s hurt is my pride. And my dignity.” He fell into Altrethir’s arms, hugging him tight for a brief moment. “Thanks for the rescue.”
“We’re not out yet of this yet, agent.”
“No, I guess we’re not.”
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imdisappeared · 3 years
okay aber der frau kannix joke? er ist so sau schlecht? dass er schon wieder geil ist? und die delivery? fucking on point? lou comedy hoffnung für deutschland meine meinung.
(im ernst spricht vermutlich nicht für die qualität meines humors aber hab beim zweiten mal noch mehr gelacht 🙃)
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coffeenuts · 4 years
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cf-cosplayfactory · 5 years
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Merry Christmas from Team Kannix! We hope that you can spend the time with your loved ones and of course have aaaaaall the tasty food! 🎄❤🎅🏻 #merrychristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/B6dhutBIdWr/?igshid=1nutjcq9a54uj
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horrohrmuschel · 6 years
Vornamen für Neugeborene
Falls du ein Neugeborenes zur Welt gebracht hast und dir noch der passende Name fehlt, bediene dich gern aus der Liste.
Druff Druff
Kannix Wirtnix
Adop Tiat
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secondlifep · 4 years
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trippin-ballz-ent · 6 years
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ao3feed-mavin · 6 years
The Knights of Grimm - Act 4 - Whispers of Arkhonex
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TMoeyj
by Cosmic_Fictions
War has begun - Faunus and Humanity at each other's throats. And in a dying world, Ruby's inner demons are darkening her soul, turning her into a monster. Jaune realises that there is more to his family history than he thought, and Kassius now searches for Merlot. All in the hopes of finding a cure for Horridus Morbus, their destination is the same - The Lost City of Arkhonex...
Words: 2218, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Knights of Grimm
Fandoms: RWBY, Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Kassius Locke, Velvet Scarlatina, Coco Adel, Cardin Winchester, Winter Schnee, Glynda Goodwitch, Hazel Rainart, Penny Polendina, Ozpin (RWBY), Jacques Schnee, Whitley Schnee, Corsac Albain, Salem (RWBY), Kragen Nox, The Architect, Yenna Azula, Kelham, Dovavan Gele, Darren Ortega, Hei Xiong, Melanie Malachite, Militia Malachite, Mazen Ursus, Krekras Blackridge, Starla Schnee, Rylen Vasquez, Axzura Vex, Vyrryk Arc, Cynthia Nikos, Neopolitan (RWBY), Roman Torchwick, mr hyde, Vir Nominis Umbra, Onyx Phantom, The Whisperer, The Lord of the Wood, The Sorceress, The Alchemist, The Enchantress, Doctor Merlot (RWBY), Kannix Volantis
Relationships: Oscar Pine/Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna/Sun Wukong, Yang Xiao Long/Kassius Locke, Weiss Schnee/Neptune Vasilias, Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie, Cinder Fall/Emerald Sustrai, Neopolitan/Roman Torchwick
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Romance, Horror, Epic, Suspense, Mystery, RWBY - Freeform, Knights of Grimm - Freeform, Whispers of Arkhonex, Rose Garden, arkos, Renora, Ice Berg, Black Sun, Firecracker - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2TMoeyj
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reneleijen · 6 years
Belgie: Brandweer-directeur maakt uitschuiver op Facebook
Belgie: Brandweer-directeur maakt uitschuiver op Facebook
Tja. Wegens een poging tot humor ligt in België brandweerchef Dirk Keymolen onder … ehh … vuur. Keymolen, directeur Personeel bij de zone Vlaams-Brabant-West, deelde op facebook een meme: ‘Soms denk ik op het werk dat ik in een strip van Asterix en Obelix zit. Ik ben omringd door Doetnix, Kannix, Wilnix en Weetnix’. Dat grapje viel uiteraard verkeerd. De vakbonden trokken aan de bel en in vele…
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cf-cosplayfactory · 4 years
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Meet "Team Kannix", two aspiring Cosplayers from southern Germany and follow them on their neverending battle against Murphys Law! #00 - Intro Hi, we are Cita and Feder, nice to meet you! #koizeitcosplay #teamkannix https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJYW0TL0aH/?igshid=hfx4mbrsh89b
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"Robert Plant" // Die Jimi Kannix Erfahrung
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"Die Gönnung von JAKOKS. Und die paraktischen Meth Pads" // Die Jimi Kannix Erfahrung
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