#kannon coffee
00airi · 1 year
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zacharyja · 1 month
Monday, May 6th, 2024
Asakusa and Fukugawa Edo Museum
Today began early at 7:30 with breakfast at the Hotel Edoya buffet, many normal items including white rice, sausage, sliced chicken, smoked salmon, toast, and an assortment of other various Japanese dishes unbeknownst to me. Though I was able to try natto, which is a type of fermented soybean dish, that is sticky and foamy and tasted of coffee, not great but not as bad as people make it out to be.
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Following this meal we met on the rooftop conference room to discuss the day and meet our local guides. We then took the Japan Railway (JR) to get to Asakusa in order to see the Senso-Ji temple, which was built for the “Kannon Goddess of Mercy” and completed in 648 making it the oldest temple remaining in Tokyo.
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After this we went to get lunch and some friends and I decided on a random Okonomiyaki restaurant where I ordered a “Beef Tendon Curry” meal which was then turned into a pancake-esque dish cooked on the griddle directly in front of my seat. They also brought us 4 octopus tentacles and grilled them up despite us not ordering them still decided to charge us ¥418 per tentacle.
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Following this we made our way to the Fukugawa Edo Museum, which consists of a large life size replica of a Tokyo neighborhood from around the year 1840, stylized to match the end of the Tokugawa period.
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While here I met an 80 year old Japanese man who volunteered at the museum offering information to english tourists. While I was with a group of about 20 other students the elderly man decided to single me out for some reason and essentially give me a private tour in front of my entire group. Opting to not break eye contact with me or ask anyone else questions for some reason.
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This was done by about 3pm and we were then free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. Some friends and I decided to go to the Pokemon Center Tokyo DX, as we are all big fans of the Pokemon franchise. This place was pretty awesome and a consumerist dream. Pokemon galore and the amount of people in the store likely outnumber the total number of Pokémon in existence. Still was worth it and I got some merchandise to satisfy my capitalist cravings.
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After the Pokemon Center we decided to walk to a store called “Don Quijote”, which is hard to describe unless you’ve seen or heard about it already. But it is essentially a discount store offering every single product you could possibly imagine, ranging from hair dryers to kit-kats to lingerie. Getting there was a bit of a struggle as the person who decided to lead the way typed in the wrong place into his navigation, thus leading us quite far out of the way and we ended up in Ginza, which is an upscale shopping district in Japan, though lucky for us there was another Don Quijote about .3 miles away so we opted to walk. On the way we stopped by a 7 story Uniqlo store and browsed around for a bit and bought some shirts.
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We eventually made it to Don Quijote in Ginza and browsed for a while before getting a bit overwhelmed with the sheer size of the store and the breadth of product. After this we walked around Ginza for a bit and decided we were getting hungry for dinner and the consensus decided on Pizza for dinner which is an interesting choice for our 2nd meal ever in Japan but the urge for bread, marinara and cheese was too strong to be avoided. We hopped on the train bound for a Pizza place called “Savoy” in Azabujuban. Though not sure how but we ended up at the wrong place and apparently the location had been moved for a while at this point. I looked up the how far the actual restaurant was and it was only a 7 minute walk away so we made the journey. After getting to the restaurant and seeing a decent amount of people waiting we were unsure that a party of 6 would be able to get seated anytime soon, but nonetheless the staff pulled through and seated us in the “Platinum” room which was a private room with a table for 6. We all ordered Margherita pizza and scarfed it down as fast as it came out.
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After this delectable meal we decided head back home as it was 8pm by this point and we were all exhausted. We went back to the train station and made our way back to the hotel to conclude the day.
Academic Reflection
Today’s readings focused on contemporary Japanese Buddhist traditions and detailed the arrival of Buddhism into Japan from China in the 6th century. This gave me a deeper understanding of how Buddhism spread throughout and eventually became the leading religion in Japan. I was able to see just how true this is with the touring of the Senso-Ji temple in Asakusa where I saw the sheer scale that 7th century Buddhist monks went to in order to practice their religion. Building a structure of that sheer size without any power tools must have been a logistical nightmare, and seeing it firsthand really showed me how dedicated they must have been to put so much time and effort into building something so complex. I was also interested to learn that the main purpose of most Buddhist temples is funerary services, which is also how they make most of their money. This was a bit shocking to me as most western religions tend to focus more on practicing the religion at the place of worship, which is not really the case for most Buddhists. Going to the Fukugawa Edo museum was a great way to almost step foot into 18th century early modern Japan. Which was characterized by urbanization, relatively high literacy rates, stable population, overall peace, and an enjoyment of arts and growing culture. In the readings about the early Tokugawa, it was quite shocking to see the seemingly widespread common theme of samurai and other devoted vassals committing hara-kiri upon the death of their lords. When the Shogun Iemistu died, 13 people committed hara-kiri which is shocking as I could not possibly imagine being so devoted to your leader that you are willing to take your own life at the news of their passing. After reading about this period, seeing a model of how this would have looked and actually walking through the buildings definitely helped to cement the reality of the past into my brain. Overall was a great educational experience and I appreciated my time spent there.
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rkhemlani · 1 year
June 19th - Day Trip to Nara
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After the morning powwow of getting ready, taking the quiz, and attending lecture, we headed out for our Nara day trip! I was pretty excited because I kept seeing this spot on my Instagram reels because of the deer that roam around the city that you can feed and pet. And that’s exactly what we did after lunch. For lunch, Nico, Xander, Chelsea, Casey, Sam (boy), Eliza, Julie, Aulora, and I ate gyu-katsu, which I was particularly excited for because I wanted it at least one more time before we left Japan. Casey, Chelsea, Julie, and I snuck away to a cafe (of course, where else??) for some coffee, which was surprisingly good. We then headed off to pet some deer, which was somewhat frightening as an entire horde would charge toward you as soon as you picked up the snacks. One of them even bit Nico on the stomach 🤯. It was still a really cool and unique experience. We then walked to the Todai-ji temple, which contained a massive Buddha statue. I kept asking around which people thought was built first: the building itself or the Buddha. Professor said the building was built first but I’m not so sure, because I think it would be more inefficient to bring in the supplies needed to sculpt that statue. In any case, the temple was not only enormous in size, but also gorgeously adorned with golden bodhisatva statues and massive pillars. One of these pillars contained a small hole that represented the Buddha’s nose. If you were able to crawl through this small space, then you could be reborn. Obviously some of the smaller people (you know who you are) were able to crawl through with no issue, but I thought I was going to get stuck. However, there was an entire crowd watching when I was going through, so I couldn’t disappoint. I had made it through and now I am reborn. We also visited a nearby museum, which contained cool ancient artifacts and eerie looking statues of Kannon and other bodhisattvas. This might’ve been one of my favorite museums, despite its limited display. Afterwards, we walked through a park/forest and I was kind of tired so I listened to music while walking to get some energy. We went to another temple, which had a really dark room decorated with ornate lanterns that lit the room. We walked through and I listened to “Innerbloom” by Rufus du Sol because I thought it would be the perfect vibe, and it was. I felt like I was ascending. After that we briefly visited a love shrine and then Sam (boy) and Uncle Sebastian were getting lost when they were leading the group, so of course I had to take over. We got back and immediately went to an onsen. The group was Nico, Uncle Sebastian, Boy Sam, Vishnu, Xander, and myself. I had a good time because my muscles felt extremely relaxed as I traveled from hot tub, to cold water, to sauna, back into cold water, and then repeating. Although there were many people there, everyone was really mature (except for baby Vishnu one time when he started giggling in the locker room). We then ended the night with going to Shake Shack, which was my first burger in a WHILEEE. It felt so good, I had to double it. I got two Smokeshacks, fries, and a rootbeer float.
Academic Reflection
The readings discussed the importance of the Todai-ji temple, but more importantly, the Buddha statue inside. This colossal statue represents the one true Buddha, while every other depiction is a branch or by-product of this one. This temple was so massive in stature, but also large in influence, so much so that the capital had to be moved away from Nara to ensure that religion and government matters didn’t interfere. The temple was very much upfront and in your face in the sense that everything was grand as if that Buddha was “the Buddha” and it was surrounded by golden Bodhisattvas which I felt displayed that the followers of this Buddha were “golden” in heart and devotion. The attainment of enlightenment is the end goal to end human suffering in the Buddhist religion, but before then, humans are usually reborn in a constant cycle. This was also evident in the temple as there was a hole, about the die of the large Buddha statue’s nostril, that was said to grant rebirth to those who could crawl or pass through. This tradition seems to be common in some of the major temples as the temple devoted to Kannon also contained Kannon’s womb, which was a dark space that also was said to grant rebirth to those who would pass through. I find this tradition fascinating as I have been reborn twice in the past week. 
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akihiro0119 · 1 year
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. 下連雀 KANNON COFFEE Kichijoji 三鷹市下連雀、吉祥寺や井の頭公園からも近いマンションの一角にある、ご存じ #kannoncoffee さんの支店が、2023年初のコーヒーショップになりました(スターバックスを除く)。 朝早くから深大寺で初詣をしてからの帰り、まだ朝食を取っていかなった自分にとり、スコーン2種類とドリンクのモーニングセット(ドリンク代+500円)は助かりました。 KANNON COFFEEさんには大須のお店を含めて何度も行ったことはあるけど、スコーンを食べたのは今回が初めて。程よいしっとりさでおしいかったです。こんなお店がマンションの敷地内にあるなんて羨ましい! #kannoncoffeekichijoji #三鷹 #井の頭公園 #吉祥寺 #mitaka #inokashirapark #kichijoji #tokyo #コーヒー #珈琲 #coffee #スコーン #scone #カフェ #コーヒースタンド #cafe #coffeeshop #カフェ巡り #カフェ好き #コーヒー好き #東京カフェ #tokyocafe #吉祥寺カフェ #三鷹カフェ #cafestagram #cafepic #コーヒーのある暮らし #コーヒー好きな人と繋がりたい (at KANNON COFFEE kichijoji) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-XbPiPQ6S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loganinjapan · 12 days
Day 21 Activities
Today we dive more into old Kyoto for some pretty historic stuff, Kiyomizudera and Gion District! Kiyomizudera: I thought it was cool. The walk from the station to here was pretty unfun but once we got there, things cooled down. There was a thing we did where we walked downstairs and through the womb of Kannon, it was totally pitch black! There was also a place with three different streams of water and each stream meant something good like longevity and love and other stuff. We were told to only drink from one stream because if we drank from two or three, Kannon would think we were greedy and we wouldn't get the wish. I chose the middle stream and it was a fun experience. The crowds were present here but it wasn't as bad as a place like Dotonbori or Kinkaku-ji. Pretty fun. Afterwards, we explored the Sannenzaka and Ninenzaka streets and broke for lunch. I took this time to grab lunch and buy souvenirs for the family. Lunch: Everywhere is crowded and busy, so let's roll the dice and walk into Kyoto Bistro, which is basically the hotel restaurant for the nearby Hyatt. Still a restaurant, so I'll rate it. I ordered a cheeseburger with fries with some apple pie for desert. I know, ordering Japanese burgers is a risk (thanks Brisk Stand...), but let's just give it a chance! It was actually pretty good. The bun had poppy seeds I think? The fries were nice as well. The apple pie was alright but I've had better. I gotta give it an 8/10 overall. Gion District: This was a shock. Maybe it was because of the time we went (the buffer zone between lunch and dinner), maybe it was the fact that it was a Sunday, I don't know. Either way, it was barren and I was expecting the worst crowds of the trip. I didn't see any geisha or any rabid tourists taking photos of geisha. It was just a street. Before we went and saw a dance by a geisha-in-training, I stopped and got some hot cocoa at a small cafe. The dance took way less than I thought in terms of time, there were only 2 songs? I was expecting an hour long but it only took 10 minutes or so. I wish I could've skipped this, but then again, you never know what you'll experience in a location until you go there. Tokka Saikan: My first restaurant for dinner (this was spur of the moment as I was going to go to Menbaka Fire Ramen but it fell through) is Tokka Saikan, a Chinese restaurant on the banks of the Kamo River that features the oldest active elevator in Japan. I ordered fried shrimp, spring rolls and corn soup and the portions were huge! I almost didn't finish it all. I really wanted peking duck but it was too expensive. Seems fun, but the food didn't have a lot of flavor, especially the shrimp. I felt like this could have been a skip. 7/10. Y's Burger: This was pretty interesting experience. The chef is going to California soon to learn more about burgers which is exciting. The burger I received was good and had very melty cheese but I'm taking a point off for having unexpected sauce on it. Booooo. I liked Kyoto Bistro better but it still gets an 8/10. We're one week into the Kyoto leg of the trip, so let's go ahead and look at the restaurant leaderboard! Just as a note, I'm keeping Kyoto and Tokyo's restaurants separate. Fu-ka: 10/10 Hanamaruken Namba Hozenji: 10/10 Dining + Cafe & Bar Uruu: 10/10 Kouyouen: 10/10 CoCo Ichibanya: 9/10 Maeda Coffee: 9/10 Steakland: 9/10 Que Pasa: 9/10 Ittottei: 8/10 Kyoto Bistro: 8/10 Sereno Shokudo: 8/10 Cafe de 505: 8/10 Ebisugawa Gyoza: 8/10 Y's Burger: 8/10 Tokka Saikan: 7/10 Sato: 6/10
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alexyssc13 · 11 days
May 26 - Kiyomizudera (+ Sannen-zaka & Ninen-zaka) | Gion Tour
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Whew! Today had so much walking. There was a lot of uphill too, so you can bet it was a tiring day. But let’s go through it, shall we?
From the train station, we walked all the way to Kiyomizudera. To get there, I think we walked on Sannen-zaka, which was one of the main roads that was lined with many small shops and restaurants. You can tell that the road was supposed to be appealing for tourists. All of the food looked yummy, and the stores sold cool trinkets and souvenirs. It was tempting to buy something, but we had to walk on. When we got closer to the temple, the paths got even steeper,  but we finally made it. I got some nice pictures of the area, including the gates and the pagoda.
As a class, the first thing we did was go through the Tainai Meguri, which was this pitch dark cave that was supposed to represent a womb. After paying one hundred yen, we followed the railing made of giant beads, which guided us through the dark. At the end, there was a large stone that you could wish upon while touching it. Then, we emerged from the darkness and were “reborn.”
Next, Dr. Smith gave us some time to explore the main temple. When we entered, we tested our strength by attempting to lift these two staffs. The larger staff was too heavy for me, but I was surprisingly able to lift the smaller one. I still had a hard time lifting it though. Then, we took off our shoes to enter the area of the main shrine. We waited in line before we could bang on the metal drum gong, give a donation, and kneel to lift up our prayers in front of the shrine. Afterwards, I went up closer to the shrine to see its details. Two final things that I did before meeting up with the class was douse myself with incense smoke and buy a fortune, which ended up being the second worst based on what Dr. Smith said. I got a laugh out of it though because the first Google translation I got from it said, “Raise your cheeks and poop.”
Anyways, we proceeded to the next area, which was down some stairs. We immediately saw the Kiyomizudera Otowanotaki Falls, so the class waited in line for it. When it was my turn to get water from the streams, I made a fool of myself by trying to get water from all three of the streams. I didn’t see any clear instructions near the fountain, and I thought we could get water from all three. However, I also came to class late in the morning, so I missed the fact that you’re supposed to only drink water from one stream to get either love, success, or longevity. Therefore, I looked greedy when I was up there, so I might be cursed. My bad!
After that mishap, we left the temple area and headed down a different main road, which was most likely Ninen-zaka. At the bottom, we broke for lunch, so I ended up getting Starbucks with Lourdes, Skylar, and Anthony. Then, Lourdes, Anthony, and I went to Kyoto Bistro for real food.
When we regrouped, we headed to another temple that wasn’t too far from our meeting spot. Here, we ended up watching a presentation done by a robot that was supposed to represent Kannon. The purpose of the presentation was to spread Buddhist teachings. It was interesting to learn the Heart Sutra from a robot that blinks pretty realistically. I even got a picture with Kannon when it was done speaking.
Finally, the last place for the day was Gion. We walked all the way there. The streets didn’t seem as busy as Sannen-zaka or Ninen-zaka. Because we missed the 3pm performance, we had some time to explore the area. But my friends and I just chilled at a nearby Tully’s Coffee. Then, the class regrouped, and we headed to the Miyako Odori. We watched a beautiful performance in which a maiko danced twice, one dance with a scarf and the other with fans. I thought it was going to last longer, and I wished it did. But later on, I did get to go on a larger stage where performances occur, so that was pretty cool. Then, we all left to head home.
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maddieonthemovee · 12 days
May 26 – Kiyomizudera, Sannen-zaka, Ninen-zaka, and Gion
Today, we started off our day by going to Kiyomizudera. There we saw some beautiful views of Kyoto’s forests from the temple’s famous wooden porch. I was super hot and there was a ton of walking, but my new shoes that I got yesterday in Osaka gave me some extra cushion. Once we arrived, we entered the womb of Kannon, which was basically a long hallway that was pitch black. Our class entered one by one and used a handrail to feel our way through the “womb”. Near the end of the hallway, there was a rotating stone. We put our hands on the stone and made one wish before exiting via some stairs. Next, we got in line to drink water from one of three spouts of falling water. The spouts each represented something different: love, longevity, and success (academic or work-related), and you are to drink from one of the three spouts hoping that the one you choose represents the thing you wish for. I went for the spout in the middle, and I followed the procedure as demonstrated by some of my classmates as well as Japanese locals who went up before me. First, I took a metal ladle with a long handle and filled it up with water. I poured some of it into my hand and took a small sip. Next, I washed both of my hands and then poured out the remaining water by holding the ladle vertically. 
Next, we walked down the hilly temple area through various shops and restaurants. Our bc class broke for lunch at the bottom, but then my friends and I had to walk back up the hill to search for a place to eat; that wasn’t super ideal. Also, many of the restaurants along the hill were fully reserved and booked out, so it was pretty tedious to try and find somewhere we could sit. We settled on a Japanese buffet place, where as soon as we were seated, we were given a tray with a bowl for rice, a plate for vegetables, a bowl for miso soup, and a cup for tea. We filled up our plates with vegetables which unfortunately turned out to be all either pickled or super sweet. I enjoyed the rice and the miso soup though. We then went to a Starbucks which had an authentic, traditional Japanese feel to its design compared to the other more modern Starbucks I have seen here in Japan. After meeting back up with the group, we walked to see a robot manifestation of Kannon. The robot was strangely lifelike despite its mechanical appearance; it was able to blink, move its arms, hands, and head, and “talk”. The robot spoke about the heart sutra and about how seeing oneself and the world as empty frees oneself from worldly desires and allows triumphs over adversities.
Lastly, we made our way to Gion. We walked up and down the Main Street a few times although there wasn’t much to do in the historical area of the district. We missed the 3:00 geisha performance, so we had an hour to walk around and explore before the next performance at 4. My friends and I went to Blue Bottle to get coffee, and then we headed back. We saw a geisha dance performance which was very simple yet precise in its movements. I enjoyed the small intricacies of the performance, from the maiko’s finger movements to her head inclinations. We were able to walk around a small exhibit inside the building, where I saw the different makeup, wigs, shoes, and fans that geishas and maikos use. We then headed home, and my friends and I are now figuring out our plans for dinner. Looking forward to the bamboo forest tomorrow; fingers crossed that it does not rain!
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Academic Reflection:
In the second reading, “Enlightenment Geisha: The Sex Trade, Education, and Feminine Ideals in Early Meiji Japan”, I learned some context behind the origins of geishas and their original role in Japanese society. I have seen the movie Memoirs of a Geisha before, so I knew about the prostitution and manipulation that occurred in the geisha houses. However, I was surprised to learn that there were efforts to increase the education. This reading also helped me draw the connection between the perceived role of a geisha and the traditional perceived role of a woman in general in Japan: “Even as the “enlightened geisha” faded into obscurity, parts of her survived as the “good wife, wise mother” (558). 
Something that I have been seeing on social media as my algorithm has begun to show me more and more content related to Japan is the tense relationship between tourists and geishas. I have seen videos of tourists taking videos and photos of geishas walking down the street without their consent, following them and attempting to corner them in public spaces. While we were on the streets of Gion, I did not see any geishas or maikos, but there were many groups of tourists walking about. I read in an article from The Guardian that Kyoto banned tourists from certain areas of the Gion District due to the consistent trespassing of private properties and accosting of geishas and maikos, so I wonder if that can explain the extreme separation from tourists and the geishas today.
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oliviainjapann · 12 days
May 26th- Kiyomizudera, Sannen-Zaka, Ninen-Zaka, and Gion Tour
Today was a pretty long but fun-filled day! We started off with a morning meeting, but Loryn and I could not find the bentos so we did not have breakfast which was disappointing. The both of us twinned today and wore all black- she is making me emo I guess. We then travelled to Kiyomizu Temple, where we were first met with a very steep walk up and were sweating by the time we reached the top. We first went through this tunnel that was pitch black that represented the womb of the God and we rubbed the stone in the very center of the tunnel to make a wish. Then, we explored the temple that was very beautiful with gorgeous sights of the forests around. We also got to drink water from the running water and had to pick 1 of 3 spouts to drink from that could either represent love, success, or longevity, but we didn’t know which was which. We continued our walk to the famous Sannen and Ninen-Zaka streets that had so many different shops and restaurants down the alleys. We walked all the down the alley just to break for lunch and go all the way back up which was a bit frustrating. We ended up settling on a Japanese buffet place that only had rice and about 20 different vegetables that were pickled and sweet. We were disappointed. But it’s ok because then we went to the cool Starbucks that is made in a traditional Japanese style and got yummy dirty chais. Then, we saw a robot show representing Kannon that was cool but slightly long. Then, we made our way to Gion where we found out our Maiko performance was not until an hour later. So, my friends and I went to Blue Bottle for some more coffee because they have the best cappuccinos on the planet. We strutted back to the theater where we watched the performance which was very interesting and unexpected. We explored the museum a bit but then called it a day as we were all very tired. We will probably figure out somewhere to go to dinner later!
Academic Reflection
Today in class we discussed the readings about the temple as well as the Geisha’s. The discussion about Geisha’s really stuck with me because I had actually never even heard of what Geisha’s are or do up until this day. It was so shocking to learn about what their job is as well as the process that it takes to become one, which includes extensive training and an apprenticeship with the Maiko. They are often invited to high class parties to preform and converse, and do sometimes participate in sexual activities if hired to do so. We also discussed how in Gion district, it is very common for tourists to be disrespectful to them and take advantage of them through photos and simply coming up to them and being rude/intrusive. Geisha’s a such a big part of Japanese culture and it is upsetting that a negative light is shed on them as being simply prostitutes/photo ops.
Also, the first reading was more of a story-lined passage, but it still enabled me to understand a bit more about Kannon and what those that follow this goddess stand for. It was enlightening to see the robot performance in which we learned about the beliefs of being absent-minded which leads to more kindness and love in the world. Seeing the world as empty allows one to let go of worldly desires. I found this view to be very similar to Christianity as we are constantly called to let go of the worldly views and focus on spiritual and Godly views, which I thought was interesting and shows a connection between the two religions.
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machinegrl · 3 months
OC Questionnaire Time!
ty for the tag luvs! @bunmou @autumnserenade @vicciouxs ♡
also tagging: @hazelsnakes @flovoid @plumbewb @yuauaua @rebeldaydream (ahh sorry if you've been tagged already or don't feel up to it no pressure at all! ♡♡♡)
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Name: alon
Nickname(s): lo (by friends), al, fishboy
Gender: male
Star Sign: idk which one to give him ;;
Height: 181 cm / 5"11.26
Orientation: omnisexual
Nationality: he would be filipino (his name means "wave" in filipino!)
Favorite Fruit: buko
Favorite Season: rainy seasons (he doesn't like the heat cause it makes his scales dry)
Favorite Flower: hibiscus especially red ones
Favorite Scent: ocean, cigarettes, wet paint,
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: hibiscus tea with lots of ice
Average hours of sleep: 3-5 he works in a ramen shop in the morning and has band gigs playing in nightclubs in the evening. most nights depending on the gig he doesn't sleep at all
Dogs or Cats: he doesn't want pets (hates cats and thinks dogs are smelly)
Dream Trip: doesn't have anything specific in mind he just wants his band to perform in bigger cities
Number of Blankets: only needs one
Random Fact: he originally came from sulani. he moved to the city when he was just a teen. he used to work diff odd jobs until he met abel and astra at a bar, 2 dudes who were just starting up their new ramen business. alon was the very first guy they hired
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Name: makina
Nickname(s): kina or maki
Gender: female
Star Sign: idk which one fits her lol
Height: 165 cm / 5"5
Orientation: i guess she's still figuring it out? although she's an android, she's slowly deviating from her robotic patterns and becoming more sentient and though she can't comprehend it yet she's definitely starting to feel attraction towards alon. but since this is only the first time that she's ever experienced it and she has only experienced it with alon so far it is still pretty early to say
Nationality: filipina (her name literally just means machine in filipino ><;; wow im so creative 😭)
Favorite Fruit: doesn't have one yet
Favorite Season: summers
Favorite Flower: she prefers flowers like the bougainvillea that can bloom all year round.
Favorite Scent: alon's perfume and how it blends with the musk of his sweat at the end of the day,
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: likes the taste of black coffee
Average hours of sleep: 3 hrs maximum charging time
Dogs or Cats: impartial to both. she likes colorful insects like moths and butterflies. she's also growing more fascinated by certain aquatic species cause alon talks fondly about them.
Dream Trip: she wants to see the ocean
Number of Blankets: also just one (alon's)
Random Fact: her little colorful tattoos were done by alon
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Name: kannon
Nickname(s): nonnie (by friends), pepino (by alon) loser+weirdo (by his younger sister)
Gender: male
Star Sign: idk which one suits him ;;
Height: 175 cm / 5"9
Orientation: bisexual
Nationality: japanese
Favorite Fruit: cucumbers, likes anything that's sweet
Favorite Season: winter
Favorite Flower: red spider lilies
Favorite Scent: smell of rain on pavement, smokey ramen shops, roasted coffee beans
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: hot coffee
Average hours of sleep: 10 hours he works late nights and sleeps in during the day
Dogs or Cats: dogs
Dream Trip: wants to take eiran to his hometown
Number of Blankets: one thick blanket
Random Fact: he's actually secretly loaded and comes from a rich family but doesn't like to disclose it. not even with alon
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e-icreator23 · 2 years
Liu: moon here *brings him coffee and licks his cheek* cute
gaster: there are kids here did you know
*mephiles brings kanon*
Moon: heh that one is new
*he sips it. Kannon giggles and waves at everyone*
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nomsandtreats · 6 years
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rriy · 5 years
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miiiyaaakooo · 3 years
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✔︎KANNON COFFEE kichijoji
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Could you do the ship questions for CageBlade? Thank you
 Of course friend.
Who is the most affectionate?
Both show plenty of affection toward one another, however, Johnny is much gaudier when expressing his love. He is more likely to indulge in PDA or sweet talk Sonya by flattering her until she loses her composure (and that's regardless if they’re in public or not. But something tells me Johnny would get a kick out of embarrassing Sonya a bit.) Sonya is much more subtle but still loving as she’d be the type to have Johnny’s coffee made just the way he likes it and serves it with a peck on the cheek. There are also rare but meaningful compliments.
Big spoon/Little spoon?
I actually see Sonya being the big spoon. Yep. Johnny is a helpless little spoon who adores cuddles. He’s also a sucker for having his back rubbed and his hair tussled. This also kinda works since Sonya sometimes feels more dominant and she’s got much longer hair.
Most common argument?
For the most part, it starts about disagreements. This is since Sonya believes Johnny takes nothing seriously and Johnny doesn’t want to believe that Sonya is just a hardass. It becomes more serious and becomes an argument when one makes a dig about the others’ character, and things become personal quickly. These words cut deep like blades, but below the surface, their intents aren’t malicious.
Favorite non-sexual activity?
Four words: Johnny. Cage. Movie. Night! Now of course there will be hors d’ oeuvres and refreshments as these nights should be something to remember! Johnny is definitely one to playfully scold Sonya if she looked away at “The best part.” Sonya is also that friend who asks questions during the movie, but then the question is immediately answered, but they can't hear it because they're talking. They definitely talk about films after they watch, and Sonya has a got a helluva critique for ninja mime 4 and has Kabal on speed dial if Johnny has any objections (I know that kinda hated each other, but they made up and have a friendship built upon the foundation of how much they hate ninja mime 4! It’s cannon -- no kannon guys!).
Who is most likely to carry the other?
It should probably go without saying it’d be more likely for Johnny to carry Sonya (But Sonya is strong as hell nonetheless. We just want to save you the grief of imagining Sonya trying to lug around Johnny...) Sonya also secretly loves it when she’s swooped off her feet like you’d see in the movies. She gets a little flustered and usually hides her face in Johnny’s chest if she’s being carried bridal style. And Johnny knows this. And adores it.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
When Sonya finds herself gazing into Johnny’s eyes, she is practically mesmerized. He has a nice pair of brown orbs (particularly in mk 11. imo his face was a bit more feminine due to his eyes? But that's just me) and she loves when he winks at her. It’s just so refreshing to take a gander at that face when a pair of $500 sunglasses aren’t shielding it. 
If we’re being honest? Johnny just thinking of Sonya’s legs makes him weak in this knees. She’s a strong woman with a nice pair of ‘em and she knows how to use them whether she is in kombat or she wants to woo Johnny.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
This one applies for both of them. Both most definitely watch out for there personal hygiene more subtly primping themselves up for the others’ attention. Sonya would wear Johnny’s favorite scent while Johnny’s hair is much more gelled than usual. 
Johnny would also become more protective and would love to show off in front of Sonya (even though Johnny just isn’t a hypermasculine guy) and I also see Sonya doing this, but Sonya wouldn’t fail to impress unlike Johnny...he’s more clumsy. But I definitely see Soyna being more mild when it comes to showing off since she’s not that ready to risk sacrificing her pride.
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Nicknames for Sonya: Mrs. Cage, Baby/Babycakes, Moviestar, Sugarlips, other schmoozy nicknames. The only names with actual meaning are Mrs. Cage since he’s always joked about wifing Sonya up and having her as his) and Moviestar, since Sonya does things that takes Johnny’s breath away more than any action movie or star could. That woman blows him away.
Nicknames for Johnny: When she’s not addressing him as “asshole” Johnny adores it when Sonya uses his name since Sonya can be brutal with her teasing calling him anything but.
Who worries the most?
Definitely Sonya. She’s just much better at putting on a face and hiding it. Whenever it seems like she is barking unnecessary orders or is tedious, it comes from a place of worry if not anxiety. Sonya loves control. And she is willing to fight for that feeling.
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Johnny has all of the hookups and knows waiters, waitresses, cooks, and managers by name in the swankiest eateries. If he can remember that then he can surely remember what Sonya wants when she’s craving some grub. It doesn’t fail to flatter Sonya when Johnny remembers these things.
Who tops?
Not sure if this specifically refers to who is more dominant in the bedroom or who is literally on top usually. Regardless, I see both applying to Sonya as she’s a lady who knows what she wants and her assertiveness makes Johnny flutter. This also goes back to Sonya’s desire or maybe need to be in control even during intimacy.
Who initiates kisses?
When it comes to pecks on the lips, cheek or forehead, Sonya has those in the bag. They’re short and sweet. Johnny is much more likely to initiate more longing kisses as he grazes his thumb onto Sonya’s chin. He’s even one to initiate steamy makeout sessions.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Johnny being the sweetheart and romantic at heart he is. I also see Sonya taking a while to warm up to physical affection.
Who kisses the hardest?
Sonya. I see Johnny being much more tender. Sonya’s aggressiveness took Johnny aback the first time, but at this point, Johnny certainly doesn’t mind.
Who wakes up first?
Sonya. Her body is set on a particular timetable and she sticks to it. But she’s not one to force Johnny to be an early riser if he’s not cool with that. One of the first things she does when she gets up is cup Johnny’s snoozing face as she gazes down at him. If she’s feeling extra affectionate, she’ll plant a kiss on his face ever so slightly not to wake him. Hours later when Johnny wakes up, Sonya reverts to her old self as if none of that sappy mumbo jumbo in bed didn’t happen.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
If you’re one to sleep in until 1 pm, Johnny is your guy. With his love of sleep and spooning, it takes a lot of willpower from Sonya to not succumb to the temptation of Johnny as his offer. But she’d never admit that Cage makes her feel tempted.
Who says I love you first?
Who gets jealous easiest
Both can be possessive and protective of one another, but Johnny is definitely the jealous type. Once he has his eye on someone special, and they feel the same way about him, he doesn’t want to lose that person by any means, so he’ll be damned if one of those reasons is a pair of prying eyes.
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Johnny has more...creative methods of showing the people close to him that he loves them and this just may include silly notes in Sonya’s lunch. Sonya loves pasta with specific types of cheeses (she drools over Italian cuisine). One note that made her chuckle in particular, was a post-it note on top of a Tupperware dish with alfredo in it, the note reads, “This may sound cheesy, but I think you’re grate :)”
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Sonya. She’s closer to her family while Johnny isn’t. Johnny is also hesitant to share his dating status as his folks are extremely toxic and judgemental. They have opinions about who Johnny should be dating and would prefer that he settles down with a nice, more traditional rich girl. And the families judgment has only gotten worse since Johnny found fame.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Each person family has a negative reaction to some degree. On Sonya’s side, it’s hard to hear, but Johnny is a grade a movie star! And Sonya? Just a military lady. Sonya’s family and friends are curious as to what Johnny sees in her, and what should convince them that this Hollywood sleazebag isn’t just toying with Sonya’s feelings?
Again with Johnny’s family, they are almost automatically disapproving as they see Sonya’s down to Earth nature and not richness offputting. 
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Johnny. Can’t dance, but is silly enough to try and dance like no one is watching furthering making Sonya go red. Something they can do successfully is slow dancing and swaying. They both love being close to each other.
Who tries to do subtle things that they know drives the other crazy
Both do this, but it’s much more effective when Sonya does this since this behavior is expected of Johnny. And boy is he surprised when Sonya becomes a flirt all of a sudden.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Sonya somehow manages to still burn toast, and Johnny merely dabbles with food. Needless to say, they are much more of a take-out kind of couple.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Is this even a question...? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Again - is this even a question...? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Who needs more assurance?
Johnny is more likely to be vulnerable with his partner if the relationship is deep enough, and if his vulnerability is an 11 out of 10, he’ll need some comforting. It’s so different from Cage’s usual flashy persona, so when Sonya is faced with Johnny being a vulnerable mess, its awkward at first. But later when they understand each others’ needs as a couple, they handle these things much better creating emotional safe places practically.
What would be their theme song?
This one was really hard (forgive me for the lackluster answer), but I chose “Ridin round” by Kalis Uchis ft Tory Lanez (Oshi Redo) (Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPYQMcM7q1MI ). I listened to this song recently, and tbh it’s a badass bop. Is it suitable for cageblade? Debateable. Is cageblade a badass ship? The answer is yes and that's not debatable.
Who brings up the idea of kids?
Surprisingly, the actor who has left a trail of broken hearts is the one who discusses the idea of settling down and starting a family. And originally, Sonya didn’t have that intent as she is driven by her career. This heavily shaped the relationship and Cassie’s upbringing due to Sonya’s headstrong way of looking at things.
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Johnny. And that man can’t even sing. The very first time he does this, Sonya watches in amusement wondering if he’ll calm or horrify that poor thing.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Both have lives and outside of each other and that’s totally normal and healthy. If either isn’t in kombat, you’ll find Johnny on one of his movie sets if he’s not playing video games with Cassie and wiping the floor with her in Mario Kart 8. Sonya will be doing her usually military drills if not training her troops. Johnny is more prone to talk about Sonya to others while Sonya likes to keep things professional while she is Major Blade.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Though being on again/ off again may be necessary for some couples, it may have caused some of their undoings (following the events of MKX). Particularly when Cassie was born and Sonya never played out as a central role in her childhood. Though the couple had their disagreements, it shouldn’t have affected Cassie in my opinion.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
They’re one of those polar opposite couples that helps the other grow in specific ways. Johnny teaches Sonya to face her fears and helps her kombat her stubbornness, while Sonya is filled with wisdom, as he hasn’t had the easiest life, providing Johnny with new perspectives in life, and also maturing him a bit, teaching him that not everything has to be a joke. There’s a time and place. And despite their differences, they have love for one another.
Now. This list was very tedious, but I’m still happy with the end result! Thank you for this ask! Johnny and Sonya have always been favorites of mine.
Oh, and by the way - I am officially back.
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bodhann · 5 years
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I recently hit 200 followers!!!
Just wanted to thank all of you who enjoy my furbutt blog and post a little sketch commission I got from Terrible-Kannon last year in honor of Spooptober!
Bodhann is a werewolf-dog mix, and is actually quite friendly once you get past his shy exterior. When he’s not howling in the mountains, he’s probably lapping at an iced coffee and actively in search of cuddles n scritches.
To all my followers and mutuals, feel free to bork at me via DM or on telegram: @bodhann
I wont bite, I’m just a wuff :,3
TK is one of my fav artists, so def go check out their stuff: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/terriblekannon/
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draconicmagicalgirl · 4 years
Pokemon Paragon: Extended Bios
Note: This is specifically for the members of the Prism Unit A-Team mentioned in the original post. There are other Paragons that’ll get brought up in the future, but they’ll get their own thing.
Lucida Morgentaler
One of the first to be sent to the Lemua region in pursuit of Team Spectral. Unlike other Paragons, who obtain weapons when they transform, Lucida fights using her Aegislash, Victor, himself. Though she’s kind hearted and has a strong sense of justice, she’s also a bit mischievous, and gets serious and cunning when it comes to battling. When not on duty, she works at her grandparents’ bakery in Sinnoh, with them, her mother, and her little sister.
Age: 17 Gender: Female Soul Shard: Aegislash Weapon: Aegislash Speciality: Striker Synchro-Skill: Aurora Bayonet Support Pokemon: Roserade (Shiny) Remaining Team: Ninetales, Alcremie, Lopunny, Ribombee Likes: Baked goods, sparring Dislikes: Explosions, being interrupted
Kannon Miura
One of Lucida’s closest coworkers and companions. Despite her delicate appearance and pacifistic personality, Kannon is incredibly protective of those dear to her, and will stop at nothing to make sure they are safe. Though her ancestors originate from Johto, Kannon was born in Alola, living on Ula’Ula Island with her family, who run a popular inn. She’s always wanted to visit Johto, but has never been able find time to go there to due to work.
Age: 17 Gender: Female Soul Shard: Froslass Weapon: Naginata Speciality: Sorcerer Synchro-Skill: Snowfall Starling Support Pokemon: Zoroark Remaining Team: Indeedee (Male), Lapras, Corviknight, Incineroar Likes: Night time, Johto Dislikes: Deep water, cloudy days
Belric Pursglove
A member of the Prism Unit, and an Interpol Informant. Often, Belric can be perceived as lazy, clearly preferring to lounge about in cafes and play with his Pokemon instead of doing his work. But when it comes to important missions, or the safety of innocents, Belric abandons that work-shy nature, and puts all of the effort he can into it. Some of the younger members of the Prism Unit label him the ‘dad friend’. He has done nothing to oppose this.
Age: 39 Gender: Male Soul Shard: Rhyperior Weapon: Gauntlets Speciality: Defender Synchro-Skill: Boulder Bullet Twister Support Pokemon: Nidoking Remaining Team: Sceptile, Heliolisk, Drednaw, Drampa Likes: Coffee, bugging Henneke Dislikes: Too much work, small spaces
Henneke Louffen
A member of the Prism Unit, raised in Alola but stationed to Kalos. As he currently lives in Snowbelle, and has an affinity for Ice types, Henneke doesn’t do all that well in warm places. Despite his young-ish age, he’s quite wise, and often gives advice to the younger agents. His talent as a barista and baker is quite apparent...though this makes Belric come bug him a lot for a coffee. He manages to settle with a couple snarky quips, but he really just wants to hit him.
Age: 19 Gender: Male Soul Shard: Cloyster Weapon: Whip Sword Speciality: Shielder Synchro-Skill: Icicle Carapace Support Pokemon: Frosmoth Remaining Team: Mamoswine, Vanilluxe, Weavile, Alolan Sandslash Likes: Cold weather, baking Dislikes: Belric’s shenanigans, intense heat
Nesina Calandri
Along with her twin sister Tessa, Nesina works as a detective for the Prism Unit. Nesina is quiet and stern, often only opening her mouth in order to call out something someone said wrong. Earn her friendship, though, and you’ve got a selfless and loyal companion for life. Besides Tessa, the one Nesina trusts most is Henneke, since he’s basically raised the two for a long while, and she sees him as somewhat of a father figure.
Age: 14 Gender: Female Soul Shard: Toxicroak Weapon: Tonfa Speciality: Absorber Synchro-Skill: Venomous Double-Strike Support Pokemon: Cacturne Remaining Team: Hatterene, Hitmonchan, Obstagoon, Sableye Likes: Donuts, being inside Dislikes: Crowds, being without Tessa 
Tessa Calandri
Alongside her twin sister Nesina, Tessa works as one of the Prism Unit’s detectives. Tessa is energetic, super friendly, a huge prankster, and loves Baby Pokemon and their evolutions. She’s easy to make friends with, but betray her, and she’ll hold a grudge for the rest of her life. Tessa sees all of the Prism Unit as her family, especially Henneke, who’s raised her and Nesina for a while now. She treats her elders with a surprisingly large amount of respect.
Age: 14 Gender: Female Soul Shard: Togekiss Weapon: Twin Crossbows Speciality: Dasher Synchro-Skill: Mystical Arrowhead Support Pokemon: Hitmontop Remaining Team: Sudowoodo, Chimecho, Toxtricity (Amped), Mr. Rime Likes: Donuts, baby Pokemon Dislikes: Complete silence, being without Nessa
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