cerastes · 2 years
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God, no, just vibing to this right now
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myonmukyuu · 4 years
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@kantainofunallowed​ ah yes that is the unfortunate truth 😔
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my internet history has been particularly shameful for the past 4 hours 😅😅
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shadowycrossroads · 5 years
☯︎ you’ve helped me improve my writing
Anonymous Impressions
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Only because I equal parts bully and encourage you.
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kineticpenguin · 6 years
kantainofunallowed replied to your post: Here’s an idea. Never, ever try to explain this...
IIRC, Night of the Living Dead basically ends with the military rolling up and dealing with all remaining zombies. Not that it helps the poor bastards the movie was focusing on, but more of the “strange natural disaster” than “fall of man”.
Yeah, pretty much. Also IIRC, in the space of one night, the radio was already telling people how to kill the zombies. Even if you take Kirkman’s explanation that TWD takes place in a setting without zombie fiction, people aren’t stupid, and have excellent means of communication. 
It makes even less sense in Brook’s WWZ universe, where not only does zombie fiction exist, has history been full of random zombie outbreaks and there’s an actual guide published on surviving zombie attacks. Somehow the ancient Romans could sanitize an outbreak, but NATO couldn’t?
So any argument that “well the military’s trained to shoot center mass” would have a significant impact on one’s ability to crush a zombie uprising is kinda ridiculous.
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thescharnhorsts · 6 years
Fancy Seeing You Here
Today was going very unwell for Gneisenau. It had been over a week that Redoubtable was on leave, and the lack of someone to even talk to besides goody-two-shoes Bismarck was... infuriating. The cracked battleship stormed out of the mechanic’s shop after arguing for over an hour to try and convince the mechanic to go through with her refit intended during the war to no avail. Her demeanor was even duller than usual, opting to simply internalize her frustration and walk out than create a scene. A wasted trip was never fun.
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electricboatss-315 · 6 years
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“That does it Mo! I’m putting you on lockdown, you can be an aviator for fun, hell you can even carry nukes. You went to far this time! Until further notice you arfe confined to quarters!” 
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abyssal-shenanigans · 6 years
Out of the Frying Pan
Ohio dragged her twisted bulk down the hallways of the facility where the Earl was holding Mo, her writhing frame just barely able to squeeze through corridors never intended to accommodate a... guest of her size. Nonetheless, she quickly found her way to the room where Missouri was effectively under house arrest (albeit not in her own house), the familiar clicking of her Geiger counter likely presaging her arrival even before she knocked and announced herself.
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“Knock, knock, Mo. Wakey, wakey. Pack your things. I’m here to pick you up from sleepaway camp. Did you have a good time? Did you make lots of new friends? You can tell me all about it on our way back to Antarctica. I hope you have a sweater. It tends to get just a touch chilly down there, or so I’m told. Heh.”
It seemed that the successful negotiations with the Earl had placed Ohio in a rather chipper mood, as before the meeting’s conclusion she was as yet undecided about whether she wanted to hug her old friend, our strangle her. Fortunately for the battleship, it appeared that the submarine was leaning more towards the former, although, where the Cold War Princess was concerned, they were not necessarily mutually exclusive...
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jikankyo · 6 years
kantainofunallowed said: It’s hard to get that weird, but her backstory is now complicated as hell
Okay, that’s unexpected. Kancolle is not typically known for weird backstories, considering the backstories are usually actual world war II history.
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cerastes · 6 years
I'm a bit confused. If it's a bad idea to teach kids that retaliating after being wronged is bad, does that mean that cycles of revenge and vigilantism are justified?
Life isn’t binary. Things aren’t 0 or 1. It’s not “I either let people put their foot in my mouth or I become the Batman, those are the TWO ONLY WAYS THINGS CAN GO”. Life doesn’t work at full stop or full out. I shouldn’t need to say this.
There’s a big difference between “standing up for yourself is good” and “holding grudges/taking vengeance”. There’s a big difference between “Hey, don’t wrong me, I will not let you do that” and “I am going to actively seek to harm you for what you’ve done to me”, and I shouldn’t need to explain this.
No offense to you, mind you, but I think this is something I shouldn’t need to explain. You shouldn’t look at a post that says “don’t let kids be afraid of standing up for themselves when they are wronged” and think “god damn, this is why people get doxxed, this is why vigilante justice exists”. It really doesn’t work that way.
That’s like saying we should never have any sugar, because if we do, we’ll obviously end up with diabetes.
Apologies if this comes across as hostile, it’s not my intention, but 1) life doesn’t work in absolutes and 2) your message is indirectly saying “we SHOULD let kids be afraid of standing up for themselves, and that really doesn’t fly with me.
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myonmukyuu · 5 years
Wow, your use of lighting and shading has radically improved over the years.
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why thank you for noticing the results of my training!!!
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kineticpenguin · 6 years
kantainofunallowed replied to your post “Y’know, Gaijin’s business model is a teensy bit flawed. That is, find...”
Getting Gulfwar era tanks seemed to be a swipe at Armored Warfare.
Armored Warfare probably let them know there was a demand for modern tanks, sure, but Armored Warfare itself was always intended -by its publisher- to be a WoT ripoff without any subtlety whatsoever, regardless of what kind of actually good game Obsidian wanted to make.
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electricboatss-315 · 6 years
Sealion unlocks the door to the Antarctic Fleets secret hiding spot, it had been a long patrol and all he wanted was to sleep. “Mo? Ah tell me what happened to you later, wait...did they give you my room?” He asked almost too casually, given they are in an a technically enemy harbor.
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hmshood51 · 6 years
kantainofunallowed replied to your post: “They’ll call anyone HMS these days…”
“I’m still USN,” Louisiana pointed out.
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“No you are HMS Passable. Now get out my room.”
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jikankyo · 6 years
Still here, though the blog is much weirder these days
Has Mo reached the weirdness levels that Jack(ie) had, or possibly even surpassed them?
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gaming-admiral · 7 years
Dumped. Dumped because she still couldn't string a good sentence together. Frustrated, Mo took her feelings out on the targets. Needless to say, the practice targets had issues coping with 16" battleship shells. She was so focused on her targets that she didn't notice the mother of the fleet walking up behind her.
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“I’m no expert on gunnery but wouldn’t you do better if you relaxed.” she was come out in her training rig and placed a gloved hand on Mo’s shoulder. It was obvious something was bothering the battleship but instincts said subtlety was called for. “But then a lot of battleships seem high strung all the time so maybe not...”
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cerastes · 7 years
Kiyohime is a cute and good, as long as you believe in monogamy
Kiyohime is legit one of my favorite Servants, big part of that being that I am a pretty big Noh theater fan and Doujouji (Kiyohime’s story) is a play I love a lot. That’s not to say her other aspects in Fate aren’t good: I love her design (and her color palette, too, damn), I am yandere trash, and I love the fact that Kiyohime is ALWAYS played for laughs, resulting in a fun, cute, entertaining character that’s always there to give me a laugh with her shenanigans.
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