#kanye croissants
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Ye + Croissants #LesYe
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asaintlikelaurent · 3 months
things i love 🪽⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡🪽🪽
vintage corsets
audrey hepburn 
marylin monroe
the smiths
victoria's secret
lana del rey
luxury lingeries
sofia coppola
kanye west
old hollywood
cute pjs
marie antoinette
breakfast at tiffany's 
my early morning paceful routines
white peonis
music 24/7
vivianne westwood
witch movies
roadtrips while listening to Beatles
cilla presley 
chanel 90s runaway
vintage stuff
cute mugs
almond croissants
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sunmoonsurfing · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @isolarrwilde ❤
What book are you currently reading?
The Picture of Dorian Gray (It's taken me so long to read because all my time has been taken up by Uni, but it is one of my faves. Big up my babe Oscar Wilde).
What do you usually wear?
I usually wear flary skirts, flared trousers, band t-shirts, Doc Martens / Converse. Most of my clothes are bright coloured, and you can usually spot me straight away (I have been described as standing out like a sore thumb in a room full of people lol).
What's your favourite movie you've seen in theatres this year?
I haven't been to the cinema in ages, but the last thing I watched was Downton Abbey: A New Era, and that was pretty good!
What's your star sign? Do you share your birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Gemini. (Unpopular opinion, but I think Geminis get too much hate, like leave us alone). I share my birthday with Kanye West (of all people lol), and Robert Kennedy's funeral.
Do you by your full name or a nick-name?
Most people call me by a nick-name of some sort. Not many people call me by my full name tbh.
How tall are you?
5'4 the last time I checked!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
This question better say sike rn. And I have celebrity crushes ;) Who doesn't hehehe
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
No. I wanted to be a firefighter when I was a child, which I am definitely not! I also wanted to be a nurse, but I don't like blood so that career option was left behind lol.
If you draw / write / create in nay way, what's your favourite picture / line /etc, from something you created this year?
I made this set for my mum’s friend’s baby born this year! :)
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Dogs or cats?
Cats forever! I was scared of dogs for such a long time as a child.
What's something you're good at vs. something you're bad at?
I suppose I'm good at crocheting? I am terrible at maths!
What's something you'd like to create content for?
I don't know.
What's something your currently obsessed with?
The Quadrophenia album by The Who. It was one of my faves as a teenager, and I recently listened to it after years and fell back in love with it. What an album :) What's something that you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
The world cup! :( Don't mention the England v France match to me or my son ever again. I won’t be eating croissants for at least a year lol.
What's a hidden talent of yours?
I don't know lol.
Are you religious?
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
Loads and loads of chocolate. I can't get enough :)
Tagging anyone who wants to do this :) Was pretty fun tbh!
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savoir-entreprendre · 7 months
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Chaque année, Forbes publie sa liste des milliardaires du monde, mettant en lumière les personnes les plus riches et les plus influentes de la planète. Cependant, l'économie mondiale est en constante évolution, ce qui signifie que même les fortunes les plus considérables peuvent subir des variations importantes. En 2023, plusieurs noms familiers ont été évincés de la liste des milliardaires Forbes, notamment Sam Bankman-Fried, Kanye West et Yvon Chouinard. Jetons un coup d'œil à leur parcours et à ce qui a contribué à leur sortie de cette prestigieuse liste. 1. Sam Bankman-Fried: L'Éclipse d'un Magnat de la Crypto-Monnaie Sam Bankman-Fried, autrefois un géant de l'échange de crypto-monnaies, a connu une chute dramatique de sa fortune. Avec une valeur nette en baisse à moins de 10 millions de dollars, comparé à son sommet de 24 milliards de dollars, Bankman-Fried a été touché par la volatilité du marché des cryptos. En tant que fondateur de FTX, une plateforme d'échange de crypto-monnaies, il a prospéré pendant un certain temps en capitalisant sur l'engouement pour les actifs numériques. Cependant, les fluctuations massives du marché ont eu raison de sa fortune, le faisant tomber de la liste des milliardaires de Forbes. 2. Kanye West: Les Hauts et les Bas d'une Icône Musicale et de la Mode Kanye West, l'artiste multidisciplinaire mondialement reconnu, a également subi un revers financier en 2023. Avec une valeur nette d'environ 400 millions de dollars, comparée à son pic de 2 milliards de dollars, West a rencontré des défis dans l'industrie de la musique et de la mode. Connu pour sa musique à succès et ses ventures dans le monde de la mode, notamment sa marque Yeezy, West a peut-être été victime des pressions concurrentielles et des évolutions de l'industrie, ce qui a entraîné une diminution significative de sa richesse. 3. Yvon Chouinard: L'Érosion d'un Pionnier de la Durabilité Yvon Chouinard, fondateur de Patagonia, une entreprise emblématique de vêtements de plein air axée sur la durabilité, a également vu sa fortune chuter. Avec une valeur nette passant à moins de 100 millions de dollars, par rapport à son sommet de 1,2 milliard de dollars, Chouinard a peut-être été touché par des défis économiques liés à la pandémie et à la concurrence croissante dans l'industrie des vêtements durables. Malgré ses efforts louables pour promouvoir la durabilité et la responsabilité environnementale, les fluctuations du marché ont eu un impact sur sa place parmi les milliardaires. La liste des milliardaires Forbes de 2023 a également vu d'autres noms bien connus glisser de leur position, tels que Zhao Weiguo, Henrique Dubugras et Pedro Franceschi, Niraj Shah et Steve Conine, ainsi qu'Alex Atallah et Devin Finzer. Tous ont été touchés par divers facteurs, notamment les évolutions du marché, les pressions concurrentielles et les défis économiques mondiaux. En fin de compte, la chute de ces figures emblématiques de la liste des milliardaires Forbes 2023 nous rappelle que la richesse et la réussite sont souvent sujettes aux fluctuations de l'économie mondiale et des industries spécifiques. Les parcours de Sam Bankman-Fried, Kanye West, Yvon Chouinard et d'autres milliardaires déchus illustrent la complexité du succès financier dans un monde en constante évolution. https://savoirentreprendre.net/?p=11515&feed_id=709
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floral-hex · 3 years
I’m drinking again! Have I lost control of my life? NOOO! Girls just wanna have fun!
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femmeidiot · 3 years
Kanye west was right that one time when he said “hurry up with my damn croissant” not endorsing anything else he said but that was true.
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shield-sheafson · 3 years
May I ask 13 and 39 for the ask game?
13. This is pretty bland, but it's just that everyone is the protagonist of their own story. I like to think that even when I'm focusing on one or two characters specifically, every major characters has something going on in their life, even if it's low stakes.
39. I got a couple of negative (I wouldn't say rude) comments on chapter 29 of my last fic bc I tried to do something out of my range that didn't match the rest of the story. My mom (who's also a writer) always says not to respond to bad reviews, so I just kind of rolled with them instead of apologizing or trying to fight them.
A few years ago I had an anon commenter who kept nagging about erratic updating (I was in a weird place) so I responded with a copy of the French baker's letter to Kanye about being patient waiting for his croissants.
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girlrry · 3 years
harry being a fan of kanye will be forever funny to me like he wiil listen "immature adult, insecure asshole if you fall on the concrete, that's your ass fault if you pass on a Kan' beat, that's your last fault" or "in a french ass restaurant Hurry up with my damn croissant" and being all so true king
imagine if he was an eminem fan. “my penis got an attitude” was the inspiration for fine line
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diaryformytravels · 5 years
#30 Orlando (Day 4)
Morgs here. Only one week left until London, thus no more Max or Mikko!
Today we did the first of the Universal parks (the smaller one). We had a relative sleep in, but I still wanted to die upon waking. Max had a bowl of strawberries for breakfast, but after about two he decided he would get a chocolate croissant from Starbucks instead when we got to the park. This was because Jasper said this is what he was doing. I was sitting there, eating my cereal, while a family war breaks out. Max is whining, Mikko grunting something in anger, Michelle getting frustrated. After this was resolved, Mikko was checking everyone was ready, saying lets go etc, while I’m literally still sitting at the table, half-way through my cereal. It’s like I don't even exist. Last night, left out of Jasper’s poem, we were all talking in the car on the way to Disney Springs, at this moment I was speaking and midway through a sentence Mikko says “This is the Lime car park.” WTF. Max and Jasper laugh because now I’ve pointed out my invisibility and apparent muteness, they realise it happens a lot. 
Anyway, back to today. Eventually we left the apartment and stopped at Walgreens to get some insoles/shoe things for J and I, as well as some red bull. Michelle was in a bit of a mood, but we didn't know why. We got a message from Mikko saying “chop chop” followed by some similar remarks, which did not make her any happier. We all went across to Starbucks, why they didn't go while we were in the pharmacy, we’ll never know. The rest of us are in the car while Michelle is ordering, and we’re trying to figure out who angered the demon. Mikko owned up, suggesting it was because of the messages, but J and I did not agree because she was already in a state. She sent a message to the group chat reading “Not impressed with any of you. Try to remember this is also my holiday and I have taken time off work to be here.” This made me (probs J as well) a bit cranky, because we rarely get to make decisions, and are having the worst holiday ever. We found out later that she was like this because of Mikko, but actually because he was being stupid. He had been rushing her all morning and giving her more things to do (get Max’s clothes, charge his phone etc) while he did nothing. So understandable. 
Mikko dropped us at the park, and it wasn't very busy. We stopped at the Starbucks while the boys got chocolate croissants, Michelle got a coffee and the rest of us got some strawberry drink. We got through with minimal issues and began on the largest ride. I hate it. We all did it the first time. It’s pretty cool in the sense that you can choose a song before you start moving, and then it plays for the duration of the ride. There were about twenty options of different genres (I picked a Kanye West song), but at the end of the day when Max and J did it again, J discovered a secret list of over one hundred songs, so he listened to Crocodile Rock. I thought I would have time to prepare, but we basically walked straight onto the ride. The start is awful, it goes straight up, but the seats are slightly reclined and there is only a lap restraint rather than a harness, so it feels like you’re going to slip out. This goes for about thirty seconds, and then drops straight down. The rest is very fast with a few turns, at some point my vision began to dwindle, but it came back! Needless to say, I didn't do that one again. J and Max repeated while Michelle and I waited and went to the bathroom. 
Once they got off, I went to get popcorn with J but everyone insisted I get it after the next ride (even though I needed food to settle my stomach). We did the Jimmy Fallon ride, which was pretty cool. It was a 4D thing like Transformers, and made me quite motion sick and had a few jump scares (there was a shark!). After this I got my popcorn. 
Next was The Mummy. and as we were walking through the line area, J gave Max the biggest jump scare and he screamed SO loud and incredibly high pitched. J got a little scared on the ride when the mummy’s pop up on the sides (I still do too). We did it again of course, and J gave him another jump scare that worked better than the first!
Then we did Transformers, which was more motion sick inducing than I remember. Only did this one once. Next, J, Max and I did the Fast and Furious ride which is the most boring and worst thing to exist. Not to mention the fast pass ends before the line actually begun, so we still had to wait ages for it. Also encouraged motion sickness. Not loving the amount of 4D rides. We had lunch (seafood, great) where I got fish and chips. 
We then went to the Harry Potter ride, which is in Gringott’s Bank and is set in the vaults. We had to wait a long time for this because they had some technical difficulties. I had to swap spots with J in the line because Max was being such a pain and putting me in the shittiest of moods. He was complaining about how he didn't want to go to the Harry Potter shops again because we did them last time, and that he wants to go to the outlets because he “didn't buy anything” (spent all his money and J got nothing from there), was being the most spoilt and ungrateful brat I’ve ever seen and a stench of BO. Michelle says he’s self conscious about his smell, but that can't be true because he finds every excuse to not have a shower and not wear deodorant. Eventually we got on the ride and it was better than I remembered! We wanted to do it again but decided to wait until Max calmed down a bit and the line shortened. 
After having a little couple’s spat, we went to the Men in Black ride, which is a shooting thing and you earn points based on how many things you shoot. Max was determined to make it a competition. This did not end so well when he lost by a lot, him having half of my score (the second lowest at 80,000). He insisted we do it again, so we line up and get to the front, next to go on. This experienced technical difficulties as well, so after about ten minutes we leave and go back to Harry Potter. 
We get halfway through this line, only to be stuck again because of difficulties. By the time we get to the front, we have to wait again because someone chucked up on one of the carts, so they have to clean it. After this, we got some jumpers (Gryffindor and Hufflepuff of course).
We then went to get some snacks (hotdogs) and Max plays some carnival games that are very entertaining to watch because he gets really frustrated. After this we decided to head out and skip the boring rides. J and Max do the big rollercoaster again (its now he finds the secret song list), and then Mikko picks us up and we go home. 
After chilling out for a bit and me having a little nap, us and Michelle went to pick up some takeaway for dinner. We came back and feasted. We were gone for maybe half an hour to an hour, but Mikko and Max had done nothing to get ready for when we got back, so we had to set the table, find an extra chair and everything.
Tragedy struck. Jasper spilt butter chicken on his new Gryffindor jumper. Most of it has gone after vigorous attempts to remove it. He is very sad. But if it cannot be fixed, Michelle said she will purchase another for him tomorrow. 
Off to bed now, got to get an early start! Missing you guys and home on Australia Day!!
Love xx
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antihenrysquad · 6 years
the queens’ as inside joke nicknames:
catherine of aragon: cara, cat, she’ll just walk into a room and they’ll yell NO WAY in greeting, youth pastor ass bitch (she just throws her bible at whoever calls her that)
anne boleyn: annie, hbic, trash monkey, ANNNNNNNEEEE- (usually yelled), beutelratte (it means opossum and ‘sack rat’ in german, by anne)
jane seymour: janey, janye (like kanye), mum, angel, mr grey (she read 50 shades thinking it was an art book bless)
anne of cleves: anna, clevesy, mr president (like GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT), trash monkey 2, mon petit croissant (by anne), a luxury few can afford (by herself)
kath howard: kathy, the babey, princess blingbling sparkle blingbling (its what aimie atkinson would want okAY), the milkshake monkey
katherine parr: kath, kate, tesco’s finest shakesy p, parrzatron 6000 (kath what does this mean), parr-ot, life of the parr-ty, parr-mesan (they like the puns)
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mukhannath · 6 years
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groceri · 3 years
I work in a French restaurant and every time someone asks for a croissant I think about this
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frutee · 7 years
i wanna know who made kanye wait so long for his croissants that he had to write a song about it
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royallypsychotic · 5 years
Authentic Used Discount Louis Vuitton Purse Outlet Sale
Louis Vuitton has launched variations of two of its monogram handbags with constructed-in versatile OLED digital screens at its Cruise 2020 present. A follower inquired in regards to the lucky recipients of the additional baggage and the truth star and makeup mogul responded that she was preserving one for herself and another for the longer term. She and hubby Kanye West expect their fourth youngster through surrogate and experiences have recommended Child No. 4 is a boy However one can't help however marvel if Kim is saving a Vuitton bag for an additional daughter — in the end. Known for its impeccable model and high quality, the Louis Vuitton brand is one highly admired by the fashion world. The company obtained its begin manner again in 1854 when the younger French designer Louis Vuitton started making his personal brand of trunks and baggage, and subsequently expanded the model's offering to include various seasonal purses and baggage. The 33-year-previous took part in a photo shoot for style giant Louis Vuitton in Bondi Beach. The place cattle graze, Louis Vuitton has built a 100,000-square-foot manufacturing facility to make its monogrammed canvas and leather handbags for the American market. In contrast to different bags, Louis Vuitton date codes are slightly harder to seek out since they're tucked inside the lining. One factor is for sure: an genuine LV will always have a date code. When you at all times wished a Louis Vuitton with a classic silhouette, you might want to give this bag a. Just like the outdated saying goes, if it is too good to be true, then it most likely is. This goes for Louis Vuitton luggage as well. An genuine Louis Vuitton is crafted from excessive-finish luxurious supplies and the worth tag reflects that truth. Don't be fooled into buying a pretend. Educate yourself and be properly-knowledgeable on what to look out for when buying a designer bag. There are various misconceptions surrounding Monogram canvas. Though many individuals believe that LV logos are never reduce off and that they're by no means the other way up, this isn't true. high quality louis vuttion replica handbags The Speedy is the perfect example of an the wrong way up brand, since it's constituted of one continuous piece of material.
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The which means of BB continues to be not confirmed by Louis Vuitton but fans of the brand suppose it may imply bebe bandouliere” or child shoulder. BB Louis Vuitton bags are sometimes smaller than the PM, MM, and GM, and so they at all times come with an accompanying shoulder strap. These without early entry could not miss the frilly white and sunset-colored exterior that took over 468 N. Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, a property bought by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton for $245 million final September, in accordance with real-property knowledge provider CoStar. Typically, LV logos will not be cut off, however there are exceptions. The Ellipse, Croissant, Tulum, and Tivoli baggage are examples of luggage with lower-off logos. Louis Vuitton additionally collaborated with Kanye West in 2009, designing his personal restricted run of footwear. All Louis Vuitton baggage earlier than the early Nineteen Eighties didn't include a datecode. But most Louis Vuitton bags still in circulation may have a datecode. High quality Supplies: Louis Vuitton luggage are costly. They are made out of expensive supplies akin to high-high quality leather-based, boa, crocodile, lambskin and camel pores and skin. Fakes are constructed from pleather and vinyl; they may feel tough and stiff. A real Louis Vuitton is easy and feels smooth. While burning handbags helps keep the exclusivity of their goods and stops them from falling into the hands of unlawful counterfeiters, environmentalists have criticized the corporate for this wasteful technique. 7. The first room, In Louis Vuitton: As seen by …,” includes a portrait by American painter Alex Katz that was commissioned as a part of an ongoing mission for the model. Louis Vuitton will fee portraits from essential artists from the 20th and twenty first century to re-imagine the model's founder. Spotted Trend was started in January of 2011, it's a luxurious designer resource and information website for those who are involved in learning about coveted luxurious manufacturers reminiscent of Chanel, Celine, Louis Vuitton, Hermes and more. 6. Louis Vuitton luggage are half the price in France as they're in China, so a variety of Chinese language customers buy them whereas on trip in France. wikipedia Modelled on 1920s make-up bins, the leather-based case boasts an Art Deco design and a lock inspired by historic Louis Vuitton trunks, engraved with an LV Circle emblem. In July 2012, Jacobs teamed up with Yayoi Kusama to create the "Infinitely Kusama" Assortment, which options daring colors of dots over the vernis leather-based or the monogram canvas. These items come in black with white dots, pink with white dots, and yellow with black dots.
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allmusic · 5 years
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AllMusic Staff Pick: Kanye West Yeezus June 18, 2013 Left-Field Rap
Angry, egomaniacal, and completely revolutionary, Kanye's dark sixth set has aged very well, ahead of its time upon release but soon eclipsed by his public antics and a messy follow-up. Continuing his descent into vulgarity, excess, and opulence, Yeezus is also a production highlight in West's catalog, presciently employing industrial, electronic, and gospel for an experience that influenced a generation of young rappers with its hybrid thrills and those damn croissants. - Neil Z. Yeung
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au where bitty stans kanye west instead of beyonce
he has a “hurry up with my damn croissant” apron
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