umolkk · 11 months
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АРТ КОЛЛАБ С @kara1kum Мы по задумке Арта , решили пойди на фильм Фнаф,правда Кара выглядит прям как охранник 😉
Ну а таку я очень рад , спасибо @kara1kum 💖😼✨
ART COLLAB WITH @kara1kum According to Art’s idea, we decided to go to the Fnaf movie, although Kara looks just like a security guard 😉
Well, I’m very happy about this, thanks @kara1kum 💖😼✨
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whipp-slash · 1 year
Lay With Me On a Bed of Roses
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little-eye-guy · 5 months
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finished geneing the both of them! i really love sunday's new look and i'm glad i found a dragon to carry on his old one
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the-ironic-monster · 1 year
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It cant be Sonic all the time- lol Have a quick draw i did of some of my poke-crew~! Karakum the Krookodile, Mummer the Scrafty, and Fohn the Marshtomp! (yes, Fohn is wearing an eviolite on that string on his neck xD)
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gekouka · 1 year
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Derweze, Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan
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20041964 · 1 year
Also known as "Hell's Gate", Darvaza is a natural gas crater in the Karakum Desert of Turkmenistan. Known for its fiery appearance, the crater has become a popular tourist destination in recent years.
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cassiewarrens · 2 years
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Derweze, Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan
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sgiandubh · 5 months
She doesn't even mention the character's name (Geneva)😂
Dear Geneva Anon,
Irish people are feisty, boisterous, addictive, sentimental and larger than life. They also tend to often be jealous as hell(water - wee lame joke, again) and possessive, without ever admitting to it.
I very clearly remember an intercontinental tantrum thrown by Someone (1/2 Irish) by email (!), when I was traveling alone along the Silk Road and reached the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan, visiting the Darvaza gas crater and sleeping in a tent under the stars, in the lunar emptiness we usually call the middle of nowhere. An Internet curfew made any contact impossible until I finally reached the Uzbek Karakalpakstan province, some five days later. I then found a truckload of WHERE ARE YOU? I AM SICK WITH WORRY. DO NOT PLAY GAMES WITH ME WOMAN emails, ranging from an improvised rubaiyat to pleading in at least three languages of shared use. That was 2010, Anon, and he knew perfectly well where the hell I was during all that time (he started the bet that sent me there and he planned the whole trip, FFS!) - still, bless his heart, could not help himself.
As far as I and my own life experience are concerned, FWIW, Anon the answer to your unasked question is a resounding yes. And I bet she would gladly send anytime that foolish Geneva girl straight through that Darvaza gas crater, aka the Door to Hell. Here, Anon, I found the pics of that desert road trip for you:
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Also, the tent: the strangest night in my entire life, easily.
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But you know what, Anon? I wasn't really interested by that BTS Season 2 tidbit, to be perfectly honest with you. Those banging pots, pans and that coughing boiler were far more telling than anything else.
Amen. Hope my convoluted answer helped, somehow.
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Okay, so I'm pretty sure that everyone who's watched the Mozenrath episodes has had at least similar thoughts to what I've had about black sand, but I've never seen anyone else bring it up, so I'm making a post to clean my brain out.
The quick version: Is the substance that Mozenrath used in The Secret of Dagger Rock the same substance that he used in Black Sand? Is the substance of Black Sand the same as the black sand that covers Mozenrath's kingdom? ...Where did that sand even come from?!
So Mozenrath lives in the Land of the Black Sand, which seems to be an area completely covered in black sand, as opposed to the brown or yellow sand that we see in most other places in the franchise.
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(Also, this shot is gorgeous and would probably make the Land of the Black Sands a place I would want to live in, if only it weren't for the towers on that giant slab held up by an uneven geological column that gives me anxiety.)
Aside from just being the sand that covers Mozenrath's kingdom, Black Sand is also the name of a substance that he uses in the episode Black Sand in order to ensnare and imprison his opponents in what looks to be some sort of pocket dimension.
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Note that the first image there has the Black Sand sticking to Mozenrath, which is interesting to me because the same episode has Iago pull out some grains of Black Sand, let it slide through his feathers, and then dust his wings off...
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...which means that the Black Sand that Mozenrath uses to trap his opponents in the adhesive substance may be similar to the regular black sand that covers his own land, if it isn't outright the same.
While we don't see Mozenrath use the substance in the same way he did in the episode Black Sand, we did see something similar in the earlier episode The Secret of Dagger Rock.
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What's interesting about this one is that while the substance is never given a name, it does share a slightly similar appearance and serve a similar function to the substance in Black Sand. The main difference is that the Black Sand of the episode Black Sand seemed to almost work on its own, spreading out and ensnaring people after it was blown from Mozenrath's palm. It occasionally sucked people into it, but it also seemed to work like a liquid too, with people splashing after falling directly into it. Meanwhile, the substance in Dagger Rock seemed to work more like tar, with Aladdin sinking further into it the more that he struggled. We see something similar later on where Aladdin is hanging directly beneath Dagger Rock with ropes of the substance around his wrists. Near the end of the episode, the substance has covered his hands and forearms, and the ropes of the substance holding Aladdin up are sagging low enough for Mozenrath to grab Aladdin directly.
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We also see Genie cut through the ropes with scissors, but the goo-like substance sticks to him the moment that he presses his fingers against it.
All this is to say that these are all different substances or that the sand that covers Mozenrath's kingdom may have different properties depending on the moment. Maybe it's due to Mozenrath enchanting his sand or something.
But that's half of it for me, because I'm really curious as to where this sand came from in the first place.
(Heads up, much of the rest of this post consists of me, a person with little to no knowledge of geology, relaying information that I found after some quick internet searches that usually led to Wikipedia, so take it with a grain of... basalt.)
So, I don't know enough about geology to ask more specific questions, but I'll give it a shot; What is the more normal black sand made of, and why is it there? The most popular types of black sand that I know of are from black sand beaches, consisting of basalt fragments and are the remains of lava flows that made contact with salt water. A desert consisting entirely of sand that is black, however... well, doesn't really exist. You've got things like the Karakum Desert, known for its sand that looks black due to the darker soil beneath it, and the Black Desert in Western Egypt has mounds capped by basalt sills which gives them their darker appearance.
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Iceland has some interesting examples because much of the country is technically a desert, having little rain, but it has areas covered in black sand due to glacial outburst floods (jökulhlaup) that result from geothermal heating and the occasional volcanic subglacial eruption. The water that melts from the glacier mixes with the volcanic debris, and that's how you get the black sand.
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So right now, a black sand desert that's far away from any oceans or glaciers doesn't really exist. It would be difficult to realistically place one right next to the orange sandy deserts of and around Agrabah, especially if you believe from the movie's demos that Agrabah is the replacement city for Baghdad in Iraq, which doesn't have much access to the ocean. If we went realistically, it could be the location of a dried-up ocean from long ago that was also prone to volcanic activity. Maybe it's the result of black rust from a massive deposit of iron.
Or maybe it's magic.
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thelongview · 2 years
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Owadan-depe ("beautiful hill" in Turkmen) is a prison for political inmates in the Ahal Region of Turkmenistan. Located in the Karakum Desert about 30 kilometers from the village (reported to have been depopulated by the authorities) and train station of the same name, the prison is situated in a lowland surrounded by hills about 6 km from the nearest road.
from Wikipedia
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dash000spn · 27 days
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Shining of Karakum in Darvaza, Turkmenistan
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ektenia · 2 years
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A yurt in the Karakum desert, Turkmenistan, 2005 by Christopher Herwig (source)
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horsegamesins-old · 1 year
oc summaries for fun, I've done a lot of thinking abt these 2 and wanna put it on paper before I forget stuff.
Tonie & Phoenix and their horses
(smol tw Tonie's section has mentions of depression & alcoholism)
Tonie's horse, Jello (fn Jellybean), is a Dartmoor pony rescued from a killpen. Rescued here meaning that one night Tonie and a bunch of likeminded friends went to Jorvik city harbor & broke free a shipment of horses that were to be transported abroad for slaughter. She's a mealy light bay mare with messy & long tail and mane, and she also has a dorsal stripe. Nobody knows where exactly Jello came from, but what they do know is she's the textbook case of a naughty pony and has a very human-like sense of humor. Whenever someone else tries to ride her she doesn't really listen, or at worst finds the fastest way to get rid of them. Tonie simply put up with her tricks until she eventually softened up, and now she doesn't want to be without her. Jello is insanely protective and has the guts of a goose, which make her very reliable in most situations despite her small size.
Meanwhile Tonie.. is kind of a lost soul. She came to Jorvik to study and get away from her home, "broaden your horizons" and all that, and when she was done she just didn't know where to go after, so she moved to Firgrove after hearing the stables there were looking for employees. Easy money & a place where she could keep Jello close. Her apartment is the upper floor of an old log cabin, just a small bedroom and a kitchen but it leaves enough for her to live comfortably. The stable pays her enough to live on but she does freelance photography on the side for extra cash.
Tonie's average height, roughly 160cm (5'7"), and a little fluffy but not insecure about it. Her hair is naturally red although she does dye it darker every now and then, and she wears loose and plain clothes with the exception of the occasional band shirt.
Tonie has high functioning depression. She's doing just fine all things considered, she just never thought of what she wanted to do in life and got stuck on that. She's keeping herself together for Jello, but she's also painfully aware horses don't often stay healthy past their twenties so it's very bittersweet. She keeps in touch with her friends from university, but most of them live far away so she doesn't get to see them very often. On the darker side, Tonie sometimes goes on weeks long drinking binges, usually around the winter holidays when it's cold and dark outside.
Phoenix Winding is, simply put, a butch lesbian in her early 30's. She's tall and imposing, wavy umber hair in a tight bun, minimal makeup, dark business casual clothes. She takes herself seriously, sometimes to a fault. Not that she doesn't have a reason, she is a respected dressage judge and trainer, and gets offers from all over Jorvik. Her home is in Silverglade, where she has a private stable for all her projects and client horses, as well as the one horse she's determined to keep.
Karakum. A mysterious Akhal-Teke exported from outside Jorvik, said to be directly descended from the last known Turkoman horses. She's almost completely black, exept for a white band that goes around her neck 15cm below her head. Nobody is sure whether it's a weird marking or an old scar. She's a gentle horse, but very sensitive when riding, making her challenging to train. Phoenix wanted a challenge, and is now slowly but surely shaping Karakum to be the next dressage champion.
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Central Karakum Desert, Gate of Hell.600 × 400 【OC】
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adribosch-fan · 2 days
No hay peatones ni internet, los autos son blancos y los jóvenes no pueden tener barba: un argentino en la ciudad más extraña del mundo
Por Cinthia Ruth Ashgabat es la capital de Turkmenistán y está ubicada en medio del desierto de Karakum, en Asia Central. Se destaca por ser una de las urbes más lujosas, vacías, limpias y exageradas del globo. El porteño Nicolás Pasquali, que la visitó recientemente, dijo que le pareció haber estado en “una película surrealista” Nicolás Pasquali es porteño y tiene 32 años. Está de viaje por el…
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fabioperes · 3 days
Encontré “La Puerta Del INFIERNO” En Turkmenistán En esta segunda parte de mi viaje al país más surreaista del mundo, dejamos atrás la extravagancia de Ashgabat, y nos adentramos en el vasto desierto del Karakum, para conocer la otra parte de Turkmenistán. Conviértete en miembro de Ramilla de Aventura para apoyar el canal y acceder a muchas ventajas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyPaCXX5RPYa0Q-eE_gGDug/join 📱Redes Sociales: → https://ift.tt/EY6ub23 → https://twitter.com/ramillaaventura Para los que me preguntáis, aquí tenéis todos los productos que uso para hacer los vídeos y para viajar: 🤳Setup pequeño -Gopro Hero 11: https://amzn.to/3lxyu0J -Empuñadura flotante Gopro: https://amzn.to/39iXWR6 -Baterías y Cargador: https://amzn.to/3TJRNRa y https://amzn.to/3rQ4KMg -Móvil (lo utilizo mucho para grabar recursos, y me va muy bien para grabar cosas lejanas cuando no tengo mi cámara grande): https://amzn.to/3LGsiy9 -Cámara acción 360º: https://ift.tt/IG4j0YV 💻Edición -Portátil: https://amzn.to/3kaTzd5 -Disco duro SSD: https://amzn.to/3rV5ZtJ -Disco duro normal: https://amzn.to/3OBWwBn -Powerbank 24000mAh: https://amzn.to/3KXElFj -Cargador para TODO cuando viajo: https://amzn.to/3HajEol -Tarjetas de Memoria: https://amzn.to/41z6h9m -Estuche para Tarjetas SD: https://amzn.to/3xVaB70 Otros: -Dónde busco vuelos: https://ift.tt/5Fj9JOc **si compráis algún producto a través de cualquiera de los links anteriores, yo recibo una pequeña comisión de afiliado, sin que esto repercuta en el precio del producto. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZi-9u60KG4
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