#karate kid 1984
reareaotaku · 8 months
Daniel LaRusso Headcanons
Day 4 of this hell of a cold.
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He's very sweet and protective over you
He's always trying to impress you
Big Ol' show off
Always has some stupid joke in the back of his head to try and make you laugh
Carries your books and bag for you
Kind of guy to open the door for you and put his jacket over a puddle so you don't get your shoes dirty [Gets kinda mad when you walk around the puddle]
If you ever need anything, he'll drop everything to help you/ do what you need
Has cute nicknames for you like, Babe, Honey, Sugar, etc
Takes you on cute dates [Ex: Picnics, Movie dates, Dinner]
Would take a beating for you. If anyone ever talks shit about you, he's quick to defend your name. Doesn't care if the guy is 3x his size
Very gentlemanly; Your parents love him, because he's so polite
Will compliment the cooking and partakes in conversation, throwing in multiple compliments
He's very confident in you two being together and he takes every opportunity to tell you how great you would both be together
You finally go out with him when seeing him fight some asshole for you
You help patch him up, while thanking him. Though, you do tell him that he didn't have to and you can defend yourself, but it was nice
He's so smitten and he's not really taking in what you're saying
God, you're touching him and you're being so gentle... It feels so nice. Maybe he should get beat up more?
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jaidens · 1 year
hi! could you write something where daniel larusso is at soccer practice & his girlfriend is there watching him, and then afterwards when practice is done, they sneak off under the bleachers and talk & hold hands and kiss? y'know, just typical high school stuff 🫶🏻 thank you!
You've Got A Smile That Can Light Up This Whole Town — Daniel Larusso
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pairing [s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning [s] : none
a/n [s] : thank YOU for the request! I hope this fulfills what you asked.
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You sat on the bleachers, doing your homework two classes before. The hot sun beams down on you as you stare at Daniel. In all of his glory, he passed the ball through the green grass on the field. His coach is yelling at the team to “get themselves together” because they had choked the scrimmage.
The coach says they're off for the day and you see him running his sweaty hair back. Daniel picks up his stuff from the ground, takes his water bottle out, and takes a chug from it. You hear his Long Island accent ring out as he talks to one of his teammates, Josh. You were never quite fond of his team, as some of them had messed with your best friend.
A couple minutes later you finished your homework and put it in your backpack. You continued staring at Daniel. It was hard not to. His gorgeous tan skin was shining in the sun. He was slightly sweaty, shaking out his dark-brown hair. Daniel walked around the bleachers and up the stairs, carrying his soccer bag. You smile at him as he drops his bag next to yours and sits down. “Hey, Danny! How was the practice? You smell like sweat.” You teased and he put his arm around your shoulders. “Hey there.. the practice was good. Coach just will not get off of us over a scrimmage.” He says groaning.
“So dramatic aren't you? Wanna go under the bleachers? This heat is killing me.” You say, picking up your backpack and standing up. “And I'm the dramatic one?” Daniel says, grabbing his stuff and following you as you race down the stairs and to under the metal bleachers.
There's a couple people, mostly you and Daniel’s friends that are relaxing. You wave at your friend from chemistry and she smiles at you, just before her obnoxious boyfriend starts eating her mouth again. You make sure there are no teachers and pull Danny’s hand to get him closer to you. It provided a secret hiding place for you and Daniel to spend time together.
Daniel takes his jacket from his bag and puts it on the ground for you two to sit on. “Such a gentleman aren't you?" You said, grabbing his jersey to pull him down to the ground with you. He pulls out a couple of snacks his Mother packs for him whenever he has practiced. It's an assortment of finger food, crackers, and pretzels.
“How was class?” Daniel asks eventually, swinging his arms around your shoulders once more pulling you into his side. You remember, one day, his mother said you fit together like puzzle pieces and you almost cried. He was your best love, the sweetest and most caring boy ever who was completely fearless. “It was good. Mr. Johnson was yelling at this girl today and it was so hilarious.” Daniel laughs along with you as he stares at you while you speak about other classes you've had today.
Daniel was always a romantic after being raised extremely well by Lucille. He would never let you open a door if he was there, even if it was your bedroom door. The way he wrote notes for you and hid them in your books for every class. You always wondered how you were able to catch him. The star of the soccer team and the star of the Miyagi-Do Karate dojo. Even if he was the only one in the dojo.
“How was your day Danny? How was class?” You ask, taking another handful of snacks to eat. He starts talking about an annoying teacher, and a random thing that happened with Johnny. You can't help but admire him, the way he always has a small smile on his face when he explains stuff. His nose squeezes together whenever he eats a super salty pretzel but he continues explaining.
“Are you even listening baby?” Daniel says a few seconds later, after seeing (what he calls it) “your head in the clouds look”. You shake your head out of your daydream. “No! No, I'm listening. You were talking about Ashley Henderson!” You spout out, not sure if you were exactly right. You lay further on his shoulder and you smell his cologne. “Yeah alright." Danny’s Long Island was thicker whenever he was slightly tired. After practice, he would be almost unintelligible as you heard the way his words would stick together.
“Y’know. My Ma asked if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. We're having her famous lasagna I think. My Nonna taught it to her.” Daniel asks, running his fingers down your spine, something he did unconsciously whenever you laid on him.
You sat up slightly, looking up at his baby browns and his jaw. He has a small scar on the edge of his face from falling when he was younger. You always liked to kiss over it whenever you were alone. Secretly, Daniel loved it too. You let your lips fall on the scar, giving a small peck onto it. "Yeah, I'll come. Lucille always makes the best food. She could serve me mud and grass and I think I would still eat it.
“She does make pretty good food doesn't she?” He says, giving you a small smirk before holding his hand out for you to take. It was something he did after he got punched in the lip and you said he couldn't talk just in case he'd hurt his lip and to “hold out your hand if you want me to hold it.” You grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers together with his. He smiled at you before leaning close to your face.
You connect your lips with his, giving a slow kiss to him. Daniel slowly reaches his hand to your face, holding it as you continue kissing. Some of Danny's teammates walk up behind him and smack his shoulders before saying, “Get some!” You had to pull away to laugh as he turned away embarrassed.
“Your teammates are crazy Danny.” You say, pointing out the obvious as Daniel runs his hand down your arm. “Yeah I know. I gotta’ play with them baby.” He says sarcastically throwing his head to the side. You laugh at him as he readjusts his hips, slowly pushing them up to fix his back.
You grin as you lay back down on his shoulder. After it got hurt during the karate tournament, you were always careful about putting too much pressure on it. Daniel told you it was fine, but you were still worried. Danny stares up at the clock that sat outside and looks back at you. “We have five minutes until our next class. What do you wanna do for the rest? Jus’ relax or am I thinking what you're thinking..?”
You push yourself up off the ground and stare into Daniel’s eyes. After dating Daniel for a year, you always notice his eyes have a sense of mischievousness in them. Lucille would always point it out too, how whenever he would look at something, there would always be a look in his eyes daring himself to do something.
"Oh, Daniel! No… I'm gonna get to class before I'm late. You know I have Mr. Thompson." You said, gently slapping his shoulder. He always knows you're joking, but you see him pretend to be upset and pout his lip out. You grab your backpack off the ground and his jacket. He grabs your arm and pulls you into a hug. "Hey, I'll see you later," Daniel says. You smile before hugging him again and kissing his cheek before walking off to your class. He waves you off, staring at you and you walk away.
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sylvanian-cat · 8 months
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Daniel Larusso x Reader
SUMMARY: It’s unusual for you to start to begin actually liking your upcoming school year. Maybe it has something to do with a certain brown eyed karate kid boy that lives right across from your apartment…
TAGS/WARNINGS: Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, mentions of bruises and wounds from getting beat up, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn, 1980’s setting
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 - 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐧 - When A frazzled, and quite handsome boy from New Jersey slams a door in your face on the last day of summer vacation, you quickly take in interest in him after his magnanimous apology.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐊𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 - After running into the new boy from the east coast, it’s almost painfully funny how trouble seems to follow him wherever he goes. Even on his first day of living in California. C𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 - Waking up in Daniel’s arms is quite alarming, even on your first day of meeting each other. But the only thing even more alarming than that scenario are the bruises and cuts that litter his face.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 - 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲 - You had been dreading the first day of senior year to arrive and it has finally came. Hopefully the day begins easier since you have a certain someone by your side. Although it might not end as you had expected.
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supersuoer11 · 27 days
Thinking about how lawrusso having the best 80’s/90’s queer coming of age set up… Think about it, they’re 2 dudes whose feud was practically borne from miscommunication, heteronormativity, and toxic masculinity—but if we look further into their interests, dreams, and the cores of their personalities they’re very similar but can at the same time balance each other out and learn from one another, as demonstrated in Cobra Kai. But unlike older Johnny and Daniel, younger Johnny and Daniel aren’t fixed and harder to separate from the lives they built up for themselves for the past 30 or so years… where so many factors and commitments make their relationship incredibly volatile and insistently tentative. Imagine if they had the chance to meet earlier? As older teens or as young adults? Both as people who still haven’t figured out what they wanted to do in life, presumably not thinking college is for either of them? Where they have the opportunity to grow into themselves and into adulthood together, with each other as a fixture in the their lives—lives that could’ve made room for both their passions for karate and healthy authenticity?
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killahmaria · 9 months
(what fandoms do i write for?)
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...coming soon!
...coming soon!
daniels got a crush!
...coming soon!
...coming soon!
…coming soon!
DUNGEON MESHI (please specify if you are anime only or have finished the manga as to not spoil anything!)
…coming soon!
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aarons-corner · 10 months
Okay I literally love this video so imma point out my favorite parts (and two I don’t like)
“I’ll work a bunch of 17 year olds right now” okay but was it rlly necessary to kick Dutch in the balls TWICE😭
“Roiled up Zach Morris look alike” ZACH MORRIS?? IM SOBBING.
“Sprays him while he’s doing the ol’ get high pinch a loaf” STOP THE POOR JOINT
“Daniel shows off some dope ass knee juggling which in the 1980s was code for hey my mom is out of town on Saturday you wanna do sex?” The fact both Daniel and Johnny didn’t get Ali though
“Mr. Miyagi teaches him the good shit by making him paint a fence, wash his car, and pretend he’s in the opening credits to a cinematic flick called the boy down the street.” This could NOT be more accurate
“The cobra Kai shitbags” No. Just no. Theyre my princesses. Jimmy did no wrong. Dutch maybe Johnny maybe but they’re pretty so we let it slide.
“Johnny and his friends don’t like that *talking abt Daniel talking to Ali*” incorrect they pushed him down a hill bc he went to cobra kai. Also Ali deserved better prove me wrong (you can’t).
“Hey man sorry for all the attempted murders it’s hard to move across country you deserve happiness” this is so real but also Daniel deserved to get his ass kicked in the Halloween scene😚
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sensei-venus · 11 months
It’s Ralph’s birthday!!!!!🎊🥳💕
Wishing our forever baby boy a happy birthday!!🎂🎊
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theobsessiveloser18 · 8 months
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🦋Y/N In Karate Kid🦋
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-Before karate kid-
•Y/N Nomen nescio Born on March 30, 1961, she is the second daughter of the Nomen couple. The tallest of the family, the most intelligent of the family (in her own words), the adoration of everyone she knows and above all things the younger sister of Jimmy, one of the most Popular at school, and an honorable Cobra Kid
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•Being the only daughter of a workaholic lawyer and a retired housewife from 4 supermarkets struggling to survive in the complex confines of the middle class, Y/N has had a difficult life.Quiet with good friends, a great family, being an average student with good grades, and having the best relationship with her older brother
•You could say that everything began to change in his life when his brother began to draw his attention to karate, Your mother enrolled him in a dojo near home, run by a walking psychopath and Having 13-year-old classmates completely deranged by using what they learned on anyone they wouldn't like, y/n began to see the havoc that an egomaniac spirit could wreak on The world.
•It could be said that someone like Jimmy would not be affected, he was a boy raised with good principles, responsible parents and without worries about his future, unlike some he had no reason.To become a bad boy, and he didn't, however he was 13 years old and being friends with Dutch, Johnny and Tommy was obviously going to affect him like it did Bobby and it did.
•So like a good sister, you tried to advise him, scold him, guide him and practically prevent him and his friends from going too far. Sometimes you succeed but other times you don't, however your parents never They have noticed the change that your brother had And let's say that you unconsciously make sure that this is so
“Y/N, let's go out, We take you somewhere ?”
“no Mom,The outing with the girls was canceled,” you shouted from your room, focused on the drama on your television.
After a while you went down to say goodbye to your parents
“Jimmy is going to bring his friends for a while, the cake is finishing in the oven, I hope you take good care of them” You looked disgusted at your brother and his cheeky smile.
“The boy is 18 years old ma, he's not stupid,And even less invalid, I don't see why he would need my help for this, other than cultivating sexism”
“The ideas of modern television rot the minds of young girls, I hope you don't watch too much while we are gone, one day you will be a mother and if that attitude has not disappeared by You divorced in 1 year, and believe me you don't want that”
“believe me ma, I don't want children and even less a man to support I have enough with these two”
“time will tell” your father left his office quickly Claiming that he was late for his meeting, they said goodbye to your parents, your mother did not leave without first telling you “and dress appropriately for the visits,” she commented, pointing to your shorts and Your strappy blouse
"Don't offend me, the last thing I want is for those chimpanzees to have to share information about my body." SHe gave you a dirty look and finally got into the car. You returned to your room, after a while. you changed and remembered the cake just before it started to burn
“Hey, I thought you didn't want the kids to comment that I have a sister who likes to dress like a clown.”
“Get lost kid, those stupid people don't deserve me to look this good, much less waste it. An expansive cake in them”
“Yes yes, whatever you say Stuck-Up”
You had the decency to open the door for them when they arrived,
“Jimmy,The Scorpions arrived” you shouted and immediately closed the door in their faces, by the time your brother had opened it for them. You were already halfway up the stairs.
"Y/N, let this be the last time you do that to the boys."
“You're not in charge of me” you argued and the boys looked at you quite amused
“I'll tell mom that you're staying up late watching TV”
“And I'll tell them both where you keep Dutch's marijuana” Everyone They were offended, while you laughed at their reactions
“Go back to the kitchen, let's see if you tame the hyena." You went down the stairs quickly ready to confront him but Jimmy stopped you while the other cobras scolded him
“Suck my excrement, you damned caveman”
“What the hell with those insults ?” Johnny ask with an awkward laugh,The fulminating thing with your look
“I wouldn't have broken the door down on them if they didn't come with The incarnation of the damned Cráter- face”
“Don't compare me again. With your fucking comedies you little bitch” this time he received a blow to the head from Bobby
“Where are you going with that”
“they don't deserve my strawberries much less the sacred whipped cream”
“You will gain weight”
“At least I'll never have your damn height oompa loompa” Finally you disappeared from the room.
After 2 hours you returned to the living room to leave your plate and half a jar of cream in the refrigerator.And you thanked God for having done it when you realized the state of your house
What the hell is this?
Don't exaggerate y/n" Tommy said a little drunk, of course for a boy who could barely stand the smell of marijuana, an apparent large speck of dust,What was it really? the cigarette butt on the table,The amount of empty beers on the floor, and the 3 bales of them that still remained to be uncovered, were nothing to him.
“"Don't exaggerate, you idiot." You took off the headphones of your brother,And you almost fainted because of how dazed it was With the voice of Judas Priest, you ran to cut off his voice.
“Don't fuck around.”Johnny said, approaching angrily with a cigarette but he started to back away when you faced him, much more upset.
“You guys don't fuck with me with all this...you can tell me what the hell made you think this was all a good idea” your screams seemed to sober everyone up “you have a damn thing Idea of ​​what time it is?, My parents are going to arrive any minute, and fucking look at this, this..."your brother started vomiting, everyone left the room including him, he washed himself in the dishwasher and after a few minutes he tried to Regaining your composure you continued “and don't even get me started on all of this together.”
“Okay, okay, we understand, we're leaving."
"Oh no, gentlemen, you're not leaving now," you commented, grabbing him and Johnny by the collars of their shirts. "You are going to help clean the place that they turned into Satan's damn inn”
So they started cleaning the house “seriously!!! “You guys drank 4 bottles of dad’s red wine...Oh damn it, damn it and well damn it”
“Here, all at once and you'll be as good as new,” Bobby commented, offering you 4 cigarettes. You looked at him wrong. “Bad idea, I got it.” He walked away. you began to exasperately trying to detect which one was the most sober, and surprisingly your recently vomited brother fell into the category
“listen to me carefully, honey You're going to get it damn in the old man's cabin damn, you're going to take them in a Unfortunate bag, they're not going to fall off the danmn it bike, you're not going to damn it delay... and above all," you approached him, grabbing his shirt, "you're going to bring Exactly the same damn brands, or else you and your friends are going to learn what a modern bonfire is, are you screwed or did you understand me right? Before he could respond, Dutch asked,
“With so much rudeness," you snapped at your brother and responded sarcastically, "oh seriously, I'm being very rude, my goodness, forgive me, Dutch, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I thought you were fed up with my Insults from a good girl baby” you looked at him annoyed and he simply rolled his eyes “every damn world get to work.”
You really put them to work, Bobby made the 4 pots of coffee to get rid of the hangover, Johnny He mopped the house, Tommy threw away the beers and cigarettes 4 blocks down from his neighborhood, and Dutch took care of his friend's vomit, washing the mop and the kitchen things (nothing personal)While you put everything back as it was originally and certain inconsistencies in the crime scene disappeared, when they were finally finished, your parents walked through the door,
“Good night sir and madam nemon.”
“Good evening young people” Your father greeted awkwardly, you and your brother wanted to laugh
“It's a little late for you to still be here, did something happen?”
"No, of course not, ma'am, just "We ran out of time," the tender Bobby responded too quickly,
"it stinks of air freshener, excuse me."
"Eh, is the gentleman okay?"
"Yes, it's just that strong smells bother him, and he's right, the house stinks of clean... And because his father's wine bottles are in a black bag" without them being able to avoid it, Your mother approached, took the bag and fine price tags put them on the apron, you passed your brother while Dutch kicked him in the shin, your mother said as politely as she could to The boys, and your brother and you were left in an interrogation
“Are you going to explain to me what happened?”
“It was my fault mom, I burned the cake, and I rushed to be someone else but that's when the boys arrived and it was a complete disaster,I spilled the juice, I collided with Dad's bottles, put old milk on the cake and Dutch got sick and I mistook the soda for beer."
You didn't know who was more surprised, your brother or your mother, her scold you a little, punish you a little, give you more homework and you got rid of your addiction to television for 2 weeks, (the replacement for your addiction to romantic books)
Your brother and the cobras kidnapped you at school at almy time“A gift? My God, you guys are so sweet, you wouldn't have bothered, I did it with all the good will in the world, I would do it again if that were the case.”
“We created a monster,” Tommy commented, amused,
“actually, just woke him up.”
•Deep down, your brothers' friends are like the distant cousins ​​with whom your brother forced you to play football when you were little. You want them your way (except Dutch)They do it their way, and you could live with them even if your brother wasn't there.
•To bother you they like to sneak into your plans
“Don't come into my fucking room without knocking, you fucking bastard.”
“Will you never recover from the insults?” Johnny asked, leaning out of the doorway.
“Where does the television clown go?
“Are you sure you said that word right, Tommy?” you asked, finishing your makeup.
“You're not going to distract us, smartass, you're going to go out without your older brother.”
“If it's about intelligence I'm older than you”
“If it's about street experience I'm still the oldest”
“Are you sure”
“oh so this is how we're going to play?”They both stood face to face, you looked at him mischievously Letting him know that you wouldn't back down, he then unexpectedly ran out of your room, “Mom, mom, don't let Y/N out, she's going to go to a dangerous neighborhood,” you obviously ran after him,
“That's not true,Mom I'm going to Veronica's ”
“But she doesn't want me and the boys to accompany her, it doesn't seem suspicious to you, mommy."
"Because she didn't invite you, and you always talk bad about her."
"Because she's weird, I don't want you to get that."
"It's stupidly ridiculous, mom."
In the end, your mom ended up agreeing with your brother, forcing you to join him in your plans.
"After you, dear little Sister”You fell dramatically on your bed.
“So where are we going,” Tommy asked, playing with your pillow.
“Veronica's House,” Jimmy informed.
“I would kill you if there was a way for mom and dad to not find out.”All the cobras began to mess up your room, while you tried to call your friend to inform her of the change of
•Although they also like to force you to go out with them
“Get ready girl let's go to the bar”Tommy informed
“I hate bars”
“well we can golf n stuff”Bobby suggested.”
“That place has me fed up” “To the movies it will be” Johnny said determined
“Cinemas seem pathetic to me”
“since when?!
“Since you have been with me”
“Very funny little mouth, let's go” your brother said pulling you by the arm
“leave me alone.I have to study for an exam ”
“You've been watching TV for like 8 hours”
“I'm going to study”
“exactly when?” Johnny butted in.
“I will review all my notes, 5 minutes before going to sleep so that the information is concentrated in my brain.During sleep, and the adrenaline of ruining what defines 85% of my final grade, will help me get exactly a C.”Everyone looked satisfied with your answer, however Johnny insisted
“Okay that. It gives us 5 hours To choose between mad max 2 and Ramboo:First blood,And if you go for hamburgers, ice cream and pizza, should I leave it at that or are you still not hungry?”
"I hate you"
"I don't believe you"
-In Karate Kid-
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•You weren't at the beach the night Johnny met Larusso,But that didn't stop you from finding out about the situation, you hadn't even been at school for 5 minutes when your friends found you and told you everything.
“Seriously, not even in the summer you guys can't keep calm” They raised their shoulders and gave you their best stupid face. “Okay, who is the guy?”
“That transvestite.”
“Since when are they xenophobic?”
“Hey, don't insult us with words we don't know?”
You try to convince the kids that the boy has learned his lesson, but there is no one more stubborn than John.
“she's not your girlfriend anymore Johnny, they broke up like 3 months ago, she has the right to go out with whoever she wants, Don't treat this whole matter as if the boy stole something of your property."
“Using so many words, it's not going to confuse me, I know exactly what I'm doing”
“She was your first girlfriend, you're almost 18 years old, you're Johnny Lawrence, you're going to have hundreds of girlfriends after her, and she's It will become a memory of everything that could have been for a 17 year old boy, get over it” you commented holding his shoulders
“you're making a pass at him?” ask rogue tommy “gross dude”
•Although you felt a little bad for the boy, there was nothing you could do to avoid the situation, and deep down you knew that Johnny was right when he said that Larusso liked problems.
•It was the Halloween party at school and surprisingly you managed not to go and no one questioned your decision. You were calmly resting in your room when one of your friends called you. Telling you that another of them had sprained her foot, and possibly needed to go to the hospital, as worried as if hell were burning, you asked your father for permission to take the car.
“I understand that you're worried, but the road won't do it, so if you get into an accident, or end up in jail, I most likely won't help you today."
You arrived almost trembling at the party only to discover that they had set you up, and you had made their job easier by bringing jeans, a striped shirt,and cowboy Shoes, hat were really easy to get
You were enjoying this change of plans, when you saw the cobra skeletons slip while chasing a shower.
“Who were they chasing?
“to Daniel”
“Larusso!,the new guy” You denied,
“Ali's Dirty Dream Boy”
“He's not,” the girl argued, a little blushing.
“Yet”Susan commented.
You ran away trying to catch up with them.Walking around the school, and a little further screaming and trying to find them You were afraid of getting lost and/or that something would happen to you because you were alone.
“Well, I'll have to give them away at home.” Suddenly you heard moans and screams. Determined to find them, you continued looking for them. “Forget it, I'm going to have you arrested right now.”
You saw the boy lying on the floor from afar, but as you got closer you realized that the skeletons were being beaten
"Hey hey, leave them" you ran towards them screaming like crazy "Go damn it, or I'll call the fucking police" before you could get close enough, the one who hit the cobras was running away with the larruso in his arms, you couldn't really see who he was from.But I don't know if you forget those words, “Mr Miyagi, we have to go.”
You were on the verge of insanity watching your brother, Johnny and Tommy seemingly unconscious and Bobby next to Dutch writhing in his sleep.Pain
“My God, this went down an abyss”
As stubborn as they were, they refused to go to the hospital, you negotiated with them to take them the next day.
You called your parents to tell them “that your friend was fine, with a sore foot, and you were going to stay at her house” they didn't agree, but upon hearing “That the girl lived across the street from Tommy(where was your brother staying)” they calmed down for a while
You treated the boys as best you could, they decided to watch the stars for a while in Tommy's yard, you lay down on the grass feeling that your back was finally relaxing
“I'm done...Bobby 4 They are not enough,“I'll settle for the pack” Johnny threw something at him
“we only have pore left” you raised your eyebrow.You fell asleep in the patio
•The situation was forgotten by them, not by you, you were too alert for Larusso and they, curiously, were in the Restaurant Where Daniel's mother worked, in charge of Cobra Kai (you didn't know she was his mother) you saw Daniel enter with a man, your nervousness increased
“Go ask for what is ours, the conflict is not going to escape me this time”
“Don't do anything stupid”
“I assure you” you said, tangling a lock of hair with your finger, a code of trust between you.
You entered the dojo, but you remained discreet listening to the entire conversation, you cursed Kreese, Johnny, Daniel and especially the old man, both of them passed by you, and you looked heavily at the already scared Jersey
“You need something, young lady?" you were paralyzed by Kreese's abrupt voice.
"I'll take care of it, sensei, excuse me." He looked at your brother with distrust, but when he asked his question he assumed that they were related and left it. "What the hell are you doing here, I told you what sensei thinks about women?"
“I just...I wanted to tell you that I was in the cafeteria across the street...you know in case something” he messed up your hair playfully, but he said quite angrily
“You're not going to harass me like a damn police officer” Bobby gave you a half smile before you found the strength to leave.
•Reduce surveillance of your brother and the boys by focusing now on Daniel and the old man who possibly hit them.He noticed it but didn't pay attention to it, because he didn't consider you a threat, just a paranoid girl because her brother was hit, him mistake was exactly what made you her threat. You found out where the old man lived, and everything was very easy for you.
•A few weeks later Larusso was furious at the cobras, he pushed your brother in the back, luckily for him there were only the chestnut, Bobby and Tommy.
“What sissies are happening to you, boy?”
“That's what I tell you, damned coward, why don't you fight me if you're such a man?”
“Oh believe me, that's just what I would do, if our senseis didn't have a deal.”
“Screw the deal, I'm going to cut you in half”
“I'll do it to you first Cockroach Nest” Tommy shouted but was stopped by your brother and Bobby.
“We're trying to stop Dutch and Johnny from crushing you like a potato, but you don't help yourself much, masochist.” Bobby said, you were leaving school calmly when you saw what was happening in the Parking lots
“I'm sorry I'm such a sinner, Jesus Christ, that you can't grant me a moment of peace.” You mumbled before entering the scene “get lost boy”
“You do it is a man thing”
“How curious, I don't see any” if If you weren't in the middle of a possible fight, your brother's friends would have already laughed.
“I hate to say it but Y/N is right, just go away”
“Why don't you keep your part of the deal, and wait until the tournament to get your long-awaited trip to the afterlife?"
“Are some cowards for involving Me Miyagi in this."
"What the hell are you talking about, you damn loudmouth," Tommy asked.
"About the complaint they made against my sensei."
"Stop crying, I was, a damned whiner."
"Why the hell would you go where you don't have any business, and where you don't know anything?" you started hitting him in the chest with your finger, making him retreat.
"What I know is that you, Mr. Michaci, hit my brother and his friends.", to defend a little girl who doesn't know how to do anything other than fall on her face in the puddle where she doesn't belong, so that when she's already dirty, she cries saying that life is unfair 'to someone so nice' And oh surprise!, where my family is involved is up to me. ”
“I told you to leave Y/N” your brother shouted grabbing you by the shoulders but you quickly let go “I'll leave when my belly button feels like it” he looked at you disgusted and you said in a low voice “And don't touch me, I'm not one of these” enough anger for him to take a step behind you, and you returned to the black-haired man
“you haven't left yet, what do you expect me to ask you nicely or what?”
“You're going to withdraw the complaint”
“besides being mentally retarded, stupid, you're the whole package” you commented sarcastically “You didn't listen to what I said to the boy, I do whatever I want, the last thing I would do is bend down The head for one of your kind."
"If you don't withdraw the damn complaint," he began to yell at you, causing the boys to almost pounce on him.
"I'll kill you, sewer toad."
"Don't get involved, this is now between the child and me” They stayed behind you “Excuse me, darling, what were you telling me?”
“If you don't withdraw the damn complaint I'm going to" he said while shouting pointing a finger at you, but you pushed him, he almost fell
"What are you going to do, huh, what are you going to do to me, I hear you cute"You continued advancing, he walks backwards, trying to find a way out, while half the school witnessed the spectacle “Are you going to hit me?! You can't handle them, you charge less with me, In my life a Guy has threatened me, so that almost one of them dares to even think about it” you pushed him again, and finally he fell, people laughed at him,You took your bag, approached him one last time, pointed at him and said in a low voice “I'm more dangerous than them, and believe me, you don't want to check.”
•Halfway down the road the cobras caught up with you, insisting that you let them get into their fights. “You can rot, you are dying for me Jimmy, and I don't want to see you in my house again”
You wouldn't show it but this was killing you, you were walking with your girlfriends, when you ran into
“This fucker, it must be a joke from the decomposed part of the left cerebral cortex”
“The fact that I didn't understand what you said, won't stop me from making something very clear to you!!
“Give me a second Lasagna, girls where always” when they were already far away you continued “Now that Cassie Powell”
““Withdraw the damn complaint”
“your brain is only coded to say that, why would Parrot, You can learn a new word”
“I don't do a bad thing, defend the young man” speak to you for the first time, Lord. “You hit minors, sir, I don't know if you understand English, and I don't know what the laws of the country you come from are like, it's not my intention to be xenophobic, but in the United States it is a crime.”
“It is a crime that he defends me, but that they have beaten me since they saw me is not an action rewarded by your beloved law, perhaps?”
“You're supposedly a man, right? I don't see you as one-armed.”
“Even the most Brainless knows that 5 against 1 is impossible” “Johnny, Bobby, Dutch Tommy and even my brother could” “They have trained
“Well, you do the same... Oh no, I know a better idea, stop putting yourself where you're not called”
“I have never done anything wrong”
“You are right, but you are not innocent either, trying to Attract with a bully's ex-girlfriend, and then getting revenge when he is at his calmest, is the equivalent of messing With the wife of a Gangster and stealing his gun when he is drunk, believe me, I have seen too many movies, it doesn't end well, keep that in mind for the future.”The man looked at the boy with quite curiosity. He looked embarrassed at being exposed. You were about to leave.
“The gang and your brother are not good people.” He shouted. You turned back.
“They're not bad, they're just not Good, like you, like me, like any teenager” You said too kindly, surprising him “Do you want them to pay for what they did? I myself can send them to a correctional facility but only after That he's in jail for hitting them" you were about to leave again
"You're evil" he murmured, you came back, your eyes were heavy he got scared "I'm not, I'm just a woman, a sister, who's fed up Of karate, of his parents' occupations, of his brother's change, of his brother's friends,Of having to take care of them, and Cover their mistakes just so Just not to be heard, seeing the disaster they cause, but above all I am tired of Kreese, do you want a villain in your story?,It's that I hope they screw him up, that they burn alive, and that their dojo is demolished and the ashes licked by a dinosaur."
With the last thing you said, they were a little confused, you resumed seriousness.
"I'm sorry that you They have done all that, child, and I'm sorry to have to ruin your plans, but you had a mother?,She must have noticed that something strange is happening, and you haven't let her get involved, well... this is what happens when you even ignore women, everything comes to the damn edge of a rock, I'm not bad, I'm just want this to end, and I don't have an adult to help me, so I'm trying to figure out how to stop this alone, and it seems like the only way...If you have nothing more to tell me excuse me,and see you later."
"Her name?" you heard the old man whisper
“Goodbye y/n San”
you stopped short, the man smiled at you,You didn't know what it meant but in a way it made you feel relieved. You nodded and continued your journey.Once at home you couldn't stop wondering if what you were doing It would really make life better.
You had “one of those conversations” again,You were in the supermarket helping your mother with shopping, you were in a section the product was falling out of your hands and Sir grabbed it
“Thank you, Mr Miyagi right?
“The right thing, miss” you shook your hand
“a placer meet you, my name...”
“Y/N knowing...Family shopping?”
“Yes, mom and me, that's our version of them.”
“Need help carrying groceries?”
“No thanks, we compare little by little”
“good time, buy lots, they will have help”
“Thank you, but she doesn't trust strangers and believe me it's not good for them to know each other”
“Because of what happened, understand”
“Maybe it's not appropriate for me to say it, because of everything I'm causing, but it seems incredible to me How could he with the cobras, they were not too enthusiastic about it but I imagine it was a fight like Bruce lee”
“Hear about it, really good wrestling, just different techniques, teach someday if you want”
“Thank you very much, but I really hate karate, and fighting would be the last sport I would practice on this earth”
“For damage caused, understand again, really talented brother and friends”You sighed
“Too much for my liking, I hope it doesn't end up leading them to carry blood on their hands, I'm sorry about the complaint”
“Don't apologize, do the right thing, stranger hit family”
“and family try to murder boy,I thought my parents would pay more attention to my brother, with what happened But in a way the only thing that changed was our opinion of the other, I am a Gossip, and he is an accomplice to an attempted murder.”
“People will change”
“Only if they want”
you turned around and saw your mother in that section picking up more products,
“His mother” He whispered “...Y/N San, good person, life will treat you well” You smiled
“See you later Mr. Miyagi”
“What did that old man want?”
“he couldn't find my way out of the supermarket, poor immigrant.”
Luckily for you, you and your mother never remembered a face
The day of the tournament was approaching.
“What do you want?” You asked with your eyes fixed on your book.
“The tournament is next week,” Dutch informed.
“Good for you.”
“You're coming, right? Johnny asked.
“Why should I do it?"
“You go every year”
“It's not like when you were 14 years old, you are more sadistic, cheap metal blinds anyone, and if I don't like hearing that they beat people for fun, I would like less to see them beat people for ambition and cheap congratulations from Fulgencio batista”
“Are you going to look us in the eyes when we talk?”Jimmy asked, annoyed.
“It's a sign of respect, I don't feel that way about you”
“For anyone?” Bobby asked, you looked him in the eyes
“What do you think? You are the smartest of them,Also why did you want me there? If I'm a gossipy, nosy little bitch, that no one will ever care about”
"say you're sorry." They told Dutch
"it's not about him, I don't care what he has to say about me, it's you."
“Y/N You are my sister, you know us better than anyone, you know we are sorry”
“You are right, I know them better than anyone, that's why I know they only apologize for why things ended just the way they wanted,Dad and mom don't care, and you like the big males, I sent you to rot once, so do it twice." You picked up your things to go to the next class.
“Know that we love you.”
“You have never shown it.”
•Anyway, you showed up minutes before it started, they didn't deserve it but it was your brother and his cobras, you never gave them the answer.You met Daniel in the hallways
“You came”
“I never back down from a fight”
“Good for you, because they don't either, they are more demonized than ever, you know their sensei”
“They don't scare me, I will cut their asses”
“the facts will speak for themselves, I would wish you luck, but I never do it, it would be betrayal, and apparently you don't need it."You turned towards the stands. “Don't have mercy on them,Maybe you can teach those morons Not to underestimate To the people .”
You had read about the Roman battles open to the public, you couldn't imagine how it could be worse than this.
• The critical point came when only the 2 best cobras were left, you were terrified when Kreese He practically forced Bobby to take Daniel out, and your soul actually left your body when the boy obeyed the order, and regretted it immediately afterwards, shaking Daniel for forgiveness.
•You went after him when he left the place, returning only to see Johnny's terror at "Sweep The Leg”
•You were standing there, in a corner watching everything, wanting to go back to Bobby without being able to really move, without feelings and opinions, you felt a chill all over your body when Daniel defeated the blonde, time froze in front of you, everything passing so slowly that It felt unreal, then you saw the boy congratulate Daniel, and you had a small emotion of pride, for both, the winner and the loser, but it was not enough for you to come to your senses, your gaze fixed on Kreese, this tournament had not been the end of nothing, you went for bobby
-Karate kid II-
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"step aside,"
•"You enter the scene" in the eyes of Daniel and Mr Miyagi, who see you running with a stick through the crowd leaving the tournament until you reach the parking lot where Kreese and the cobras are,
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you hit the man with too much anger in the neck and Head, To let Johnny go , he manages to elbow you in the stomach, and you fall down in pain. Jimmy runs at you, and stays standing next to you while you rub your stomach in pain.
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•You catch Tommy when Kreese pushes him too, and you put your hand on Johnny's shoulder, who looks exactly how you feel at that moment, you rock him for a while.
•You feel normal again when Mr. Miyagi makes Kreese cut his hands on car windows, and makes him think that he will kill him with a Bruce Lee-style blow to the neck (if your memory serves you correctly) before he and Daniel walk away, you get the strength to get up
"Mr Miyagi" They both turn around and look at you "Thank you"
"You're welcome, Y/n san"
You smiled at him, you watched them walk away for a few seconds, and you returned to where the others were, Kreese walked past you.
"To rot"
They both stared at each other for a few seconds, but the hatred in their gaze consumed your eyes, and you felt a chill adjoin your body, for it was the first time you had insulted an adult to their face, it didn't feel good, you approached them. guys.
"Get your asses out of here" you picked Johnny up, placing his arm on your shoulder, and holding his back, you looked at him proudly "don't worry I'll take care of yours"
Finally you all got out of there
-The next Karate Kid-
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•You live a few blocks down from Julie, you are kind to her, and after some casual conversations, you gain her trust.
•once chatting once passing in the distance Mr Miyagi
"My grandmother left me in charge of her and I barely know him, can you believe it?"
"If it's a little strange, he seems like something out of a movie… but don't worry, I know him too, he's a good man."
"How did you meet him?"
"Karate in a certain way is part of his history, he believes that with it you can change your life, I find it a little difficult to believe, but I would never doubt what that man said"
"Well, he really impressed you."
“He did it, maybe one day I can tell you the story, I don't want to influence you, but maybe you could try to get to know him, see if his teachings could contribute something positive to life, after all human beings are different, which can be useful for you "It may not have been for me, and that's okay." She meditate on your words for a few seconds
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“You are quite wise and pleasant for being almost my age.”
•She listened to your advice, and you began to notice her more open and happy.
•but since most people had to leave, shortly after while you were sweeping the front garden you received a visitor
“Mr Miyagi! glad to see you, after all this time!”
“Same feeling Y/N San, traveling a lot is tiring, it's better to be home”
“Surely that's the case, the furthest I have been from home has been 4 days away. It must be quite a merit to leave the country where you have been seeing for a long time to return to your country of origin... What is Okinawa like?”
“Beautiful place, pleasant to visit, but too much family and enemies, privacy, and tranquility here, good to the United States for that”
“I get it, some families are too much for the world.”
“Your family will be that for you?”
“A little, being married and having children is difficult, I would prefer to live like you, I will enjoy the tranquility of silence”
“San, being too nice not to have a family of your own.”
“You are much more so than me, and yet you have a cozy place to live, doing what you love, and educating the new generations”
“Coming from the airport, saying goodbye to Julie, your neighbor, also a lovely lady, she will do well in the world.”
“Yes, I met her. It's good that she was able to meet you.”
“Going back to California in a few days, how long will you stay in Boston?”
“I will finish my degree in 3 years, I am working in a nice cafeteria, I like it, but maybe I can work on what I am studying soon”
“Well, time goes by quickly, well received in California, I'm sure we'll see you soon Chan”
“I hope so Mr Miyagi”
•Before leaving he give you a beautiful Bonsai.
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creepiecreator · 21 days
-Daniel can't handle his alcohol at ALL
-discovers He's weirdly good with plants thanks to Mr. Miyagi
-not buddhist but follows some of the tenants
-Daniel's favorite flower is the daisy (He's depicted next to them multiple times in the movies if I remember correctly?)
- absolutely learned so much about taking cars to keep the car Mr. Miyagi gave him in perfect condition
-his favorite time of day is the evenings and early mornings
-his favorite holiday is July 4th because there's no presents or costumes involved, and he likes the fireworks
-*really* good kisser. My dude has some soft ass lips and he's real attentive as a partner
-*loves* to be held. He's big on physical romance and quality time
-big on meditation (eventually)
-learned a lot of fake it til you make it
-has an unnatural sense of puppy dog eyes. He doesn't even know he's doing it.
-Will feed birds. Will befriend pigeons and crows
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bbyangst · 2 years
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I want to share this mini Bravo (Germany) magazine of Ralph Macchio from the 80s, that I got off of ebay. 
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mirobraz · 9 months
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reareaotaku · 7 months
hi! can i request more daniel larusso headcanons? maybe with some nsfw?
Say it with your full chest babe I'm not very good at NSFW, but here we go- [Did yall know Ralph was 22 in this movie- That's insane]
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He loves when you patch him
Your hands all over him- He might just go crazy
He can get distracted when you cheer for him
Something about hearing your voice saying his name- It's rather exciting
His opponent [Johnny] will sometimes either see you or hear you and realize you're with Daniel and try and embarrass him
It never works because nothing Daniel does could embarrass you, because you're so in love with
He'll wave to you before and after each match
Hell, if he has time, he'll go up and kiss you for good luck
He's very affectionate and that translates into the bedroom
His hands and lips are everywhere
He's more of a giver than a receiver
He loves to please and if you give him compliments while he does it, he goes even harder
Good Boy really gets him going
Only gets off if you get off
He's not super serious during it, but he might try- Although, he can't hold it for very long
You can expect a very long after care with cuddles and him holding you tightly
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jaidens · 1 year
Hopelessly Devoted (To You) - D.L.
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pairing[s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning[s] : none
a/n[s] : hi! if i made any mistakes tell me please! <3 also writing for unpopular fandoms is fun lol.
wc : 1,107
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Daniel was your best friend. He had protected you whenever your ex-boyfriend got angry, finding out that you were not into him anymore. This ended up in Daniel, leaving a black eye and a bloody nose. After the fight, you helped him and brought him to your convertible. You opened the door and sat him in the passenger seat with a napkin held to his cut, temporarily stopping the blood.
You drove to your house as he held a napkin to the cut on his face. You put the radio on to take over the silence wrapping around each other. You sang quietly and tapped your wheel on your driveway.
You opened the door and helped Daniel out of the car and held his waist, and his arm was wrapped around your shoulder. His cologne took over these senses as you pulled him into your house. You let him go grab stuff from your medicine cabinet as he walked to your bedroom and sat on your bed. He admired your room, running his hand down your comforter.
You anxiously ran into your room and shut the door softly, your hands filled with medicine, and things to help with the cuts on his face. You sat on your bed in a cris-cross position and wet the cotton pad with an antiseptic to begin running over the open wounds. You padded it to the cut above his eyebrow, and he stared at you with a look of appreciation. It was comfortable tranquility, as the only thing heard was the crickets outside, the passing cars, and your soft breathing as you concentrated on the Jersey boy in front of you.
That is when you realized that you were in love with Daniel. His brown eyes were half-lidded, and his cut lip was pouted. He smiled at you and said, “What I got somethin’ on my face?” You smiled and shook your head, “No I jjustcan't believe you did that for me. Thank you. Really.”
He quickly closed his eyes when the antiseptic touched his cut lips, and hissed in a breath. You let out a soft apology and take it off your lip. “It’s alright. I swear. It just stung.” You put the pad to the side to bandage his cut with a butterfly stitch and pull it away from his face. “Your lip is a gonna take, maybe a week to heal. Just be careful okay?” You tell him before getting up to throw away all your pads and put the antiseptic away. He nods yat ou and smiles.
Once you put everything away, you returned to the room. He stares at you before asking, “How did you know how to do all of that?” You sit down next to him and fall into your bed and huff. “One of my family members is a nurse. They taught me after one of my cousins got hurt real bad. They wanted us to be all safe so we were taught how to stitch things up.” You explained that he had watched your face. “Oh wow, Ma’ usually cleans me up. She would get mad if she saw what I looked like right now. Speaking of her, I should call her.” He speaks.
You point him to your telephone that sits on your side table, and he punches in his house phone number, and it begins to ring. He sits on the call with his mom, explaining how he is staying the night at a friend's house, he will go to school with such a friend tomorrow morning. He mumbles her about how he loves her. You hear a thick accent telling him to speak up, and he does, finally saying “I love you Ma. Goodnight.” You smiled at him, domestically, making your body tingle.
You're in love. With your best friend. The beautiful, handsome, strong, and hilarious Daniel Larusso. You cannot blame yourself, and many girls begin their affection for him. You were definitely not the only one.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He states Before you realize that you have been zoned out on him. Thinking about him. You catch yourself and look away, going to stare at the many romance movie posters you have staples on your wall. Olivia Newton-John staring back at you. “Nothing. I just blanked out and didn't realize where I was looking.” He turned around on your bed, kicked his conversation off the floor, and began lying on your bed.
You begin and turn your head to look at him and he turns as well; staring into your eyes, “Why did you do that for me? Truly. Like, why did you get your ass kicked for me?” You question him before he blows out air.
“Well, I mean, I felt like I had to. You are my best friend, and I think it is my duty to make sure you are safe. And, gosh, watching that dick try and grab you made me angry. I'll always protect you.” He turned to look up at the ceiling and his hands on his chest as you continued staring at him.
He looks at you and you gain eye contact. You put your hand on his face gently and pull your lips together. You can feel that your hand touches your waist softly. You pull away and let out your breath. “I think.. I think I love you anniously. And I do not know what to do. You're my best friend.” You admitted. All of your feelings began to pool in your chest, threatening to come out if they were not let out. “You’re so kind to me. How could I not love you? You are the best guy ever. So many people would agree.” It comes pouring out your hold onto him and feels so close to you.
“If it helps, I've loved you too. I remember seeing you and thinking you were the prettiest girl I've ever seen.” The patient mumbled into your shoulder. You laid him further into him. “Does this mean we're dating now?” Daniel always tries to make light of things, which is what he is doing now. You take your head out of his chest and place your lips once again. “Yes. Definitely yes.” You told him to lie down after going back.
You woke up the next morning, sunlight pouring through your window and laying on Daniel's warm skin. You admired him for some time as he slept. You were so lucky. Maybe you can now officially understand Mrs. Olivia Newton-John when she sings about being hopelessly devoted. Now, you have your boy to be devoted to. Hopelessly, devoted.
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sylvanian-cat · 8 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
Disclaimer - This part is still apart of the second chapter, I just wasn’t able to copy and paste the whole thing in one post so I had to break it into two parts. Please read Chapter 2 in order to understand this section. This is not a third chapter. The full version can be found on my Wattpad - sylvanian_cat.
PAIRING - Daniel Larusso x Reader
TAGS: Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn
SUMMARY: Waking up in Daniel’s arms is quite alarming, even on your first day of meeting each other. But the only thing even more alarming than that scenario are the bruises and cuts that litter his face.
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When you woke up, the first thing that you could feel was the tapping of a finger against your plush thigh.
The action was small and once your eyes fluttered open, the first thing that came into your vision was Daniel's smooth and soft face smiling at you with a sleepy but happy smile, a smile that scrunched his nose and turned his eyes into the shape of little crescent moons.
Your body sluggishly started to get up and your hands reached to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
"Daniel...where are we." your words were lazily slowly streaming out of your mouth. To be honest, you didn't truly care where you were, you knew that with Daniel you most likely would have been safe. But the only thing you could truly focus on right now was the ache of your legs and the punctuating strain that was very much prominent in your neck.
You twisted your neck side to side hoping it would relieve the tension. Both of your hands were still resting on Daniel's back and as your mind started to clear, you looked around and realized you two were both back at the entrance of the apartment complex.
You turned back to meet Daniel in the eye and he was still giving you that terribly cute sleepy smile.
Did you fall asleep on your way here? You must've had to there was no other possible explanation.
Oh gosh...you hope you didnt drool on Daniel and now he thinks you're a weird freak who enjoys canoodling inappropriately on peoples backs!
"Daniel, I um, I'm so sorry that I slept on the way here. I totally forgot that you still needed directions to the apartment and it was inappropriate me to lay myself on your back like that. I uh, I know your personal space must have been disrupted and-"
His comforting words cut off your ramble with his own and he now turned so that his stomach was now facing you. His hands were now cupping your elbows, just as the first time you two had met,  and his eyes held a tired but sympathetic warmth in them. His charming grin was now replaced with a small lipped smile.
"Hey hey hey, don't sweat it, it's alright. And- I let you sleep on me on purpose because on the bike ride coming back, I knew how tired you were and I didn't want to wake you. Besides, I'm a big boy. Sooner or later I'm gonna have to figure my way around this city anyways"
he playfully rolled his eyes and he held that charming grin again. The words that were coming out of his mouth were like a soft warm blanket on a cold night, a warm soup on a rainy day. Of course he would understand, why did you expect any less from him?
You must've dazed off from paying so close attention to every little detail of his gaze that you once you started to come too, his hands were now pulling you up from the bike by your wrists and you two were now heading upstairs to apartment 15-your apartment.
Once you two arrived at your door, you noticed that he was still holding your wrist with his warm hand, he turned to face you and suddenly, you remembered all about needing to patch him up.
"Oh...Daniel come inside. I still want to treat that erm, black eye of yours..."
He let go of your wrist and you put your focus onto quickly unlocking your door as fast as you could. You still were unaware about how Daniel felt about coming inside your home and you didn't want to scare him away so quickly right now, not when he was so close to entering your apartment.
"Y/n it's kinda late don't you think... I don't um, I don't wamna bother you. I saw how tired you were just a few minutes ago and I think it's best if you get to bed..."
Oh no, he wanted to leave and you knew it. But you didn't really care what he wanted right now because right now, it was best if you just took him inside and got him fixed up.
You made a small exasperated noise. "No no Daniel it's fine, really. Let me just put some treatment on those cuts of yours and you'll be out of here in no time. I promise!"
He made a small sigh and gave you a small pat on your back, as to not want to worry you any further.
Once you unlocked your door, you quickly, but very quietly, led him inside.
As you tried to silently close your door in an attempt to not wake your parents, Daniel stood there waiting for you; looking around and observing your house with his eyes.
You took his wrist and you placed your pointer finger on your mouth, giving him a signal to be quiet. He nodded his head in agreement and you both started making your way around the apartment to your room.
You didn't realize how intimate it was being in your room , your room where you expressed your thoughts, your room where you cried and laughed and slept. You started to feel a little self conscious. What if he thought you two were moving too fast? Maybe he thinks this is insane and wants to bolt right out of here?
Trying desperately to ignore your overbearing worrisome thoughts, you made a silent command to Daniel to sit on your bed.
Of course, he sat there. And the sight was quite funny. He looked like a bull in a China shop, a zebra in a tropical island.
Comfortably there but comfortably out of place.
His shoulders were uncomfortably tight and as if he was trying to avoid eye contact, he kept glancing around, looking over and observing your room.
You sneakily made your way to your bathroom and quickly gathered all your supplies you needed; band aids, ointments, and creams you would all apply on Daniel's poor bruised and scratched up face.
"Are you real sure you need all that? Please y/n,  I really don't wanna bother you" Daniel's tone was a bit sluggish, he must've been as tired as you were right now.
"Please Daniel let me do this. You're already here so there's no point in leaving now."
You didn't want to come off as too commanding but right now, you were too tired to argue with him so honestly, it didn't really matter what your voice sounded like.
He sat there silently as you stared to apply an ointment on his cuts. Occasionally, he would wince in pain of pinch his thigh when he felt as of the pain was too overbearing.
Finally, it came to the big part. The huge purple black eye covering most of his right eye.
"Daniel, I'm going to put some cream on it then cover it with a bandage. This is gonna hurt so please, try your best to not move around too much." You pleaded with an almost worried tone.
He gave an almost exasperated mumble under his breath. "Yes Ms Doctor.Y/n" he almost cutely putted out of his lips then turned his focus to an aimless area in your room.
As you started applying the cream and ointment, he would huss and whine in pain. Sometimes, he would even swiftly grab your wrist when the pain felt too much.
His eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was in a tight, lipped line. "Where did you um-argh-where did you learn to do this-ow."
You tried to hold off your laughter from the silly noises he was making. "I learned it from my family friend, Mr. Miyagi. He lives in the apartment complex here but one day I came up the stairs, leaping with a scratched up knee and he saw me and put this foamy liquid on it. I asked him how he managed to do it and he showed me all of his medical miracles." You mumbled the last part of your words, you didn't want to seem like a mumbler. And you felt as if you didn't need to tell him a lot about Mr.Miyagi anyways because he was probably going to one way or another meet him.
As you finished applying the ointment, you started covering the huge bruise with a large cotton bandage.
"His medical miracles huh? I guess maybe next time Johnny and his entourage come back and kick my ass again, I should just come back running to you." His right eye was squinting from the large bandage you were still applying and he was holding that cheeky grin again.
You made an almost playfully annoyed face. "Well maybe there won't be a next time if you stop interfering with Johnny and his said "entourage". Your face was showing signs of teasing but your words held hints of malice in them.
It was true, Daniel wouldn't be here, sitting on your bed, being aided by you in the middle of the night. And you wouldn't be here, standing in front of Daniel playing doctor if he just avoided Johnny and Ali's situation. He shouldn't have been trying to play Ali's knight and shining armor, her savior while Johnny was around.
But you guessed it truly didn't matter. It was stupid of him to jump in like that but it showed his immense courage and his need to help others. That was the only part of him you enjoyed during that whole fiasco.
He bubbled out a sigh and as you finally finished the last piece of bandage, he slowly got up, almost as if he was an old man, and stabilized himself by propping himself up with his hands behind his back.
He gave you a warm smile and his eyes were back to looking tired again. "Thank you y/n. I know I already told you this but I'm glad you're my friend. I know it's cliche but... it's fine." His grin was now slightly lopsided, but yours must've been too. You were both feeling the effects of lack of sleep.
"It's alright Daniel. Anytime, I promise if you get hurt like this again you can come see me. But let's hope there's not a next time where we have to be in this same position again."
You held out your pinky finger and for a split second, he looked slightly puzzled until he gave you a cheeky smile and tightly interlocked his pinky with yours.
You led him out the door and watched for a couple of seconds as he continued to limp toward his doorstep and entered his apartment. You wanted to make sure he got there safely..
As quickly as you possibly could, you got ready for bed and almost leaped onto your mattress if it wasn't for your parents sleeping in the next room.
Even though you took that peaceful nap on Daniel's back, you knew a 15 minute rest break could not compare to the peace of a full 8hr sleep.
Before your body could even dwell into a state of peace and serenity, a sudden thought that the next following day would officially be the day when Summer break ended and school started.
You weren't quite sure if you felt pleased about the new school year. Angry, heartbroken, or anxious. Maybe all of the above was what you were feeling right now. But the only thing you knew for sure was that there was this small feeling inside your chest silently hoping that Daniel Larusso would be able to accompany you in this long, long school year.
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popposposts · 2 years
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Icon Johnny Lawrence 1984
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sour-punch-cos · 2 years
I need to get my hands on Johnny Lawrence's red jacked --
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-- without spending over 100 bucks.
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