#kardffy aisha
sixcostumerefs · 4 months
Happy Asian and Pacific Islander Month to our queens!
Here in the US, May is Asian-American and Pacific Islander month. So just like last year, I'll be highlighting the Asian and Pacific Islander queens of Six. This year is especially fun as there's currently an Asian or Pacific Islander queen in every currently-running replica production of Six!
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Pictured: Aragon: Grace Mouat (Burmese, 1st UK Tour and West End), Nicole Kyoung-mi Lambert (Korean, pre-Broadway regional tour and Broadway); Jasmine Shen (Chinese/Hong Konger, Breakaway 1.0); Chloé Zuel (Mauritian, 2020 Sydney); Phoenix Jackson Mendoza (Filipino, 2021-23 Aus Tour); Kristina Leopold (Chinese/Thai/Indian, Broadway/Boleyn Tour); 이아름솔/Lee Arum-soul (Korean, South Korea); 손승연/Sonnet (Korean, South Korea) Boleyn: Andrea Macasaet (Filipino, pre-Broadway regional tour and Broadway); Cherelle Jay (West End and 2nd UK Tour); Amanda Lindgren (South Korean, West End); Sunayna Smith (Indian, Breakaway 3.0 and 5.0); 김지우/Kim Ji-woo (Korean, South Korea); 배수정/Pae Su-jeong (Korean, South Korea); Fiorella Bamba (Filipino, Bliss 6.0); Thảo Therése Nguyễn (Vietnamese, West End) Seymour: Jasmine Forsberg (Filipino, Aragon Tour/Broadway); 박혜나/Park Hye-na (Korean, South Korea); 박가람 /Park Ga-ram (Korean, South Korea); Singh Viki (Indian, Hungarian non-replica) Cleves: 김지선/Kim Ji-sun (Korean, South Korea); 최현선/Choi Hyun-sun (Korean, South Korea); Danielle Mendoza (Filipino, Breakaway 3.0/Boleyn Tour); Kardffy Aisha (Persian, Hungarian non-replica) Howard: Jaina Brock-Patel (Desi/Indian, 2nd UK Tour); Zoe Jensen (Filipino, Broadway); 김려원/Kim Ryeo-won (Korean, South Korea); 솔지/Solji (Korean, South Korea); Elysia Cruz (Filipino, Canadian); Hien (Vietnamese, Hungarian non-replica); Sierra Fermin (Filipino, Broadway); Alizé Ke'Aloha Cruz (Filipina, Bliss 3.0/Boleyn Tour) Parr: Shimali de Silva (Hong Konger/Sri Lankan, original student cast); Vidya Makan (Desi/Indian heritage, 2020 and 2021-23 Australian Tours); Shannen Alyce Quan (Eurasian, 2020 and 2021-23 Australian Tours); Karis Oka (2020 and 2021-23 Australian Tours); Megan Leung (Chinese/Hong Konger, Bliss 2.0 and Breakaway 5.0); Roxanne Couch (Maori, West End); Joy N Woods (Southeast Asian and/or Pacific Islander, Broadway); Elena Breschi (Filipino, Breakaway 4.0) 유주혜/Yoo Ju-hye (Korean, South Korea); 홍지희/Hong Ji-hee (Korean, South Korea); Aoife Haakenson (Taiwanese, UK Tour); Lauren Mariaoosay (Indian/Polynesian/Malaysian/Cambodian, Canada) Notes: - All information is from this post. There may be additional info or queens missing, as it's only information I specifically have been able to verify. This list also doesn't encompass the full breadth of many queens' identities; many of them are of mixed race and ethnicity, or of several nationalities. That post provides further information. - I usually don't include actors who haven't debuted. That means that Kimberley Hodgson and Deirdre Khoo (both of the recently-announced Australian Tour) and Fia Houston-Hamilton (cancelled Breakaway 2.0) are not included.
Credits: Aragon: anniekwithacamera; Lloyd Bishop; _jasmine_shen_; jamesmorganphoto; sixthemusicalau, unsure of origin; ymduck_pic; _young_img Boleyn: Sara Crulwich; jonalderson_; Pamela Raith; sunaynasmith; _young_img; _shannon1025_, unsure of origin; fiorellabamba; Pamela Raith Seymour: Joan Marcus; hbiiii._.iin; jjang_beautiful; Szabina Jardek Cleves: hbiiii._.iin; gren_pic; Joan Marcus; Szabina Jardek Howard: Pamela Raith, Joan Marcus, day_star_._, 890110kr; Joan Marcus; Szabina Jardek; sierrafermin; Joan Marcus Parr: sixthemusical, unsure of origin; sixthemusicalau, unsure of origin; daynaransleyphoto; daynaransleyphoto; meganswleung; Pamela Raith; michaelah.jpg; elenabreschi; yoozuyoozu, unsure of origin; jjang_beautiful; Pamela Raith; Joan Marcus
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redladydeath · 6 months
Fun fact: Danielle is the first Asian principal Cleves in an English-language production.
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cwamc · 1 year
so i just learned about a hungarian non-replica (but licensed) production of six opening this fall – i really wanted to be excited about it, but the translated lyrics in this promo performance are so incredibly cringe that i'm not sure i'd make it through the entire show :/
they are doing double-casting, which is pretty common in hungary, but it's unclear if they're gonna keep them separate, or mix them up (a la korea) – they specifically mention that each queen is covered by one pop singer and one musical actress.
anyways, at least the singing is mostly there (i don't know all of these performers, but the ones i do are pretty great and let's hope the dancing gets better by october), and i'm very curious what a licensed non-replica is going to look like. (the led screen has some costume sketches!)
sidebar: i know you're seeing a bunch of white looking ladies (your vision is fine), but the country's population is ~97% white, and even those who aren't are often white-passing. i was actually positively surprised to see a few women of color in the cast: hien (vietnamese-hungarian, not at this performance, but listed on the website), kardffy aisha (persian-hungarian) and singh viki (indian-hungarian).
stay tuned as i expect to be increasingly horrified as i learn more about this production!
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bdpst24 · 10 months
Meglepetés várja a Mamma Mia! nézőit decemberben!
Meglepetés várja a Mamma Mia! nézőit decemberben!
Az évadban csak két napig, december 1-jén és 2-án látható a Madách Színház nagysikerű Mamma Mia!-előadása Budapesten! Az ABBA slágereire épülő, világsikerű musical decemberi előadásainak nézői extra élményben részesülnek: az est folyamán színpadra lépnek a SIX koncertmusical királynéi: Zsitva Réka, Csonka Dóra, Gadó Anita, Kardffy Aisha, Peller Anna és Gallusz Nikolett is. De hogyan találkoznak…
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tveckling · 7 years
Riviera Girl final song (2017.05.17)
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nonestcurrentis · 5 years
Yup, you read that correctly. WE HAVE A CAST LIST!
Rómeó: Veréb Tamás (Fame, Mozart!, Miss Saigon, Gone With The Wind, even RésJ in 2013 (as Romeo), plus several songs released.)
Júlia: Kardffy Aisha (Lady Budapest, Marica grófnő, Riviera Girl, only 20 years old and already getting lead roles.)
Benvolio: Kerényi Miklós Máté (Y'all know him. He's wonderful live, he has my complete trust. Plus I think he's played Ben before.)
Mercutio: Cseh Dávid Péter (Lady Budapest, RésJ (as Paris), Hunchback of Notre Dame (not the french one). Newspapers say he's great, and by his IG he seems like a fun guy, we'll see.)
Tybalt: Horváth Dániel (Lady Budapest, RésJ (as Tybalt), Hunchback of Notre Dame, Gone with the Wind. I don't know him at all but he has a lot of roles in the Operett at current so he must be good.)
Lady Montague: Détár Enikő (Renowned actress with a lot of roles, but. You guys. Honest to God. I didn't know she could sing 😅 Or I did and forgot.)
Lady Capulet: Muri Enikő (X-Factor 2011, Gone With The Wind, Mamma Mia!, now sings in a band called Sugarloaf)
Lord Capulet: Makrai Pál (West Side Story, Evita, Hair, Jesus Christ Superstar, Les misérables, Dorian Gray, Anna Karenina, István a király, Fame, Jungle Book, Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat... among many)
Nurse: Mester Viktória (mostly opera roles like Carmen or Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro)
You guys. Sorry, I have to stop here a little. WHO THE FUCK CASTED THIS. And no, I don't mean it in a bad way as all these people are fantastic, but let's look at the ages a little.
Between Lady C and Juliet, there are 9 years. Between Lady M and Lady C, 26 years. Between the Nurse and Lady C, 13 years. And (hold on to your seats) between Lady C and Lord C, 45 YEARS!! No, I'm not kidding. ACTUAL FORTY-FIVE YEARS. I'm sure this is gonna work out one way or another but it kinda fucked with my mind. Anyway, let's continue.
Prince Escalus: Egyházi Géza (Apparently RésJ as Paris, Der Tanz der Vampire, Les mis, Cats, and I'm quite fucking sure I know this guy from somewhere but I can't remember where)
Paris: Kádár Szabolcs János (Fame, Midsummer Night's Dream, and so it seems solo songs as well)
TBA: Mészáros Árpád Zsolt (called it, he's gonna be fucken Friar Lawrence, isn't he?)
So, this is it, you guys. Go ahead, do your research, pick it apart, discuss it, while I'm trying to get my head around it a little. But I'm sure it's gonna be great whatever way. And if not so much... it's just one show after all. But I've never been disappointed in Hungarian casting.
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redladydeath · 1 year
Six actors who's names share a common root
Hannah (12) Jana Larell Glover, Anna Uzele, Hana Stewart, Annamaria Baranyai, Anita Gado, Hannah Lowther, Annabel Marlow, Anna Peller, Gerianne Perez, Analise Rios, Hannah Taylor, Anna Terpiłowska
Elizabeth (9) Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Ella Burns, Bella Coppola, Izabela Pawletko, Analise Rios, Leesa Tulley, Elizabeth Walker, Ellie Wyman
Laurence (8) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Lauren Byrne, Lauren Irving, Lauren Mariasoosay, Laura Blair, Lauren Drew, Loren Hunter, Lori McLare
Margaret (7) Małgorzata Chrusciel, Meghan Corbett, Meghan Dawson, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Megan Gilbert, Maggie Lacasse, Megan Leung
Christos (7) Kirsty "Zara" MacIntosh, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Cristina D'Agostino, Kristina Leopold, Christina Modestou, Kristina Walz, Krisztina Magyar
Helen (6) Ellie Jane Grant, Elena Breschi, Ella Burns, Elena Gyasi, Aline Mayagoitia, Ellie Wyman
John (6) Jana Larell Glover, Gianna Grosso, Jaina Brock-Patel, Janique Charles, Janice Rijssel, Lori-Jane McLare
Nicholas (6) Nicole Louise Lewis, Nikki Bentley, Nikolett Gallusz, Collette Guitart, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Nicole Lamb
Alexander (5) Alexia McIntosh, Sasha Renae Brown, Alexandra "Zan" Berube, Aleksandra Gotowicka, Ji-sun "Lexie" Kim
Gabriella (5) Gabbi Mack, Gabrielle Davina Smith, Gabriela Francesca Carillo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Gabriella Boumford
Jasmine (5) Jasmine Shen, Jasmine Smith, Jasmine Forsberg, Jasmine Hackett, Jaz Robinson
Julius (5) Juli Horanyi, Giulia Marolda, Julia McLellan, Julia Pulo, Jillian Worthing
Adal (4) Alicia Corrales-Connor, Alyssa Giannetti, Alize Ke'Aloha Cruz, Aline Mayagoitia
Amy (4) Amy Bridges, Aimie Atkinson, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Kara-Ami McCreanor
Courtney (4) Courtney Monsma, Courtney Stapleton, Courtney Bowman, Courtney Mack
Emil (4) Amelia Walker, Emily Rose Lyons, Emily Harrigan, Emilia "Millie" O'Connell
Katherine (4) Caitlyn De Kuyper, Kathryn Kilger, Caitlin Tipping, Kate Zulauf
Kayla (4) Kala Gare, Khaila Wilcoxon, Kaylah Attard, Kayla McSorley
Monica (4) Monika Nika Veres, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Janique Charles, Mónika Horváth
Sophia (4) Sophie Golden, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Sophie Isaacs
Abigail (3) Abigail Sparrow, Abbi Hodgson, Abby Mueller
Aenor (3) Ellie Jane Grant, Ella Burns, Ellie Wyman
Danielle (3) Danielle Steers, Danielle Mendoza, Danielle Rose
Eireann (3) Aryn Bohannon, Erin Palmer Ramirez, Erin Caldwell
Hayley (3) Haley Izurieta, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Hailey Lewis
Laura (3) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Laura Blair, Lori McLare
Lucius (3) Lucy Aiston, Lucia Valentino, Lucinda Wilson
Natalie (3) Natalie Pilkington, Natalie Paris, Natalia Kujawa
Oliver (3) Olivia "Liv" Alexander, Olivia Donalson, Oliver Wickham
Rhiannon (3) Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Sarah (3) Kala Gare, Sadie Hurst, Sarah McFarlane
Theodore (3) Terica Marie, Didi Romero, Dóra Csonka
Agnes (2) Inez Budd, Agnieszka Rose
Aisha (2) Aiesha Naomi Pease, Aisha Kardffy
Alan (2) Lana Zoe Jensen, Alana M. Robinson
Amanda (2) Amanda Lee, Amanda Lindgren
Ashley (2) Ashlee Waldbauer, Ashleigh Weir
Brian (2) Brianna Brito Mooney, Brianna Javis
Cassandra (2) Cassandra Lee, Cassie Silva
Cathassach (2) Casey Esbin, Casey Al-Shaqsy
Ceallach (2) Kelly Sweeney, Kelly Denice Taylor
Cennetig (2) Kennedy Carstens, Kenedy Small
Charles (2) Carly Mercedes Dyer, Caroline Siegrist
Chelsea (2) Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Chelsea Dawson
Chloe (2) Chloe Zuel, Chloe Hart
Eloise (2) Eloise "Ellie" Sharpe, Eloise Lord
Eric (2) Terica Marie, Erika Herceg
Grace (2) Grace Mouat, Grace Melville
Hadrian (2) Adrianna Glover, Adrianna Hicks
Henry (2) Harriet Watson, Harriet Caplan-Dean
Holly (2) Holli' Conway, Holly Musgrave
Jennifer (2) Jennifer Caldwell, Ji-woo "Jennifer" Kim
Jessica (2) Jessica Niles, Jessica "Jessie" Bodner
Ludwig (2) Lou Henry, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Maia (2) Maiya Quansah-Breed, Maya Christian
Martha (2) Marta Burdynowicz, Marta Skrzypczynska
Mary (2) Annamaria Baranyai, Marilyn Caserta
Matilda (2) Maddison Bulleyment, Maddison Firth
Melissa (2) Melinda Porto, Melissa J. Ford
Rachel (2) Rachel Rawlinson, Rachel "Rae" Davenport
Renatus (2) Renee Lamb, Brene "Bre" Jackson
Shannon (2) Shannen Alyce Quan, Su-jeong "Shannon" Pae
Sidney (2) Cydney Clark, Sydney Parra
Taylor (2) Taylor Iman Jones, Taylor Pearlstein
Victor (2) Victoria "Vicki" Manser, Viki Singh
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redladydeath · 1 year
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"Ich bin Anna of Cleves (Ja) When he saw my portrait He was like 'Ja!' But I didn't look as good As I did in my pic Funny how we all discuss that But never Henry's little–"
[Oliver Wickham; Genesis Lynea; Alexia McIntosh; Brittney Mack; Sophie Golden; Shekinah McFarlane; Jessica Niles; Kiana Daniele; Scarlet Gabriel; Maya Christian; Dionne Ward-Anderson; Aiesha Naomi Pease; Kennedy Carstens; Olivia Donalson; Sasha Renae Brown; Janice Rijsel; Terica Marie; Reca Oakley; Nasia Thomas; Kim Ji-sun; Choi Hyun-sun; Kenedy Small; Haley Izurieta; Krystal Hernandez; Cydney Clark; Małgorzata Chruściel; Erika Herceg; Aisha Kardffy]
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redladydeath · 1 year
random post: anglicized versions of the polish and hungarian casts' first names
poland olga szomańska → no change izabela pawletko → isabella marta burdynowicz → martha małgorzata chruściel → margaret/margarita anna terpiłowska → no change natalia kujawa → natalie/natalia agnieszka rose → agnes aleksandra gotowicka → alexandra marta skrzypczyńska → martha
hungary annamária baranyai → anna maria/anna marie juli horányi → julie réka zsitva → no change enikő muri → no change anna peller → no change viki singh → vicky/vicki aisha kardffy → no change erika herceg → erica anita gadó → no change hiền thanh nguyễn → no change nikolett gallusz → nicole/nicolette mónika nika veres → monica
idk, i just noticed a lot of these had english equivalents, plus we have some new duplicates here
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tveckling · 7 years
Riviera Girl - Hoppsasa song (Barkóczi Sándor, Kardffy Aisha)
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bdpst24 · 2 years
Flashmobbal lepték meg a Városliget látogatóit a Lévi Story szereplői
Különleges meglepetés produkcióval lepték meg a Városligetben hűsölőket a Lévi Story szereplői. A színészek és alkotók a rendező, Kerényi Miklós Gábor, KERO vezetésével ugyanis egy vasárnap  titkos apák napi flashmobot szerveztek Budapest szívébe.  A gyanútlan járókelők és hűsölők számos furcsa dologra lehettek figyelmesek a délután során; Kerényi Miklós Máté és kedvese, Kardffy Aisha szolgálta…
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bdpst24 · 2 years
Könnyek, klezmer, humor és farmer – megkezdődtek a Lévi Story próbái
A főbb szerepekben Szulák Andrea, Szabó P. Szilveszter, Kerényi Miklós Máté és Kardffy Aisha látható. Klezmer daloktól zeng a Veszprémi Petőfi Színház, ugyanis megkezdődtek a nyár legnagyobb durranásának ígérkező Lévi Story – A Farmerkirály című darab próbái. Az olvasópróba kirobbanóan izgalmas hangulatban telt. Ez a musical egy nagyívű történet, tele bánattal, humorral, katartikus…
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bdpst24 · 5 years
Rómeó és Júlia dupla előadás az Arénában!
‘Szerelem a gyűlölet ellen!’
15 éves a Rómeó és Júlia musical Magyarországon! Különleges, az Aréna sajátosságait kihasználó érzelmekben és látványban gazdag produkciót láthatunk szeptember 14-én a Papp László Budapest Sportarénában. 
Előzetesként hallgasd meg a musicaltörténelem legszebb szerelmesdalát a nagy elődök – Szinetár Dóra és Dolhai Attila után – Kardffy Aisha és Veréb Tamás előadásában: 
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