#karlach is having to make up her 10 years of hell in as short a time possible
bhaalsdeepbat · 8 months
Astarion and Karlach are perfect foils showing how trauma from having autonomy ripped from you, your body forcibly changed, and then used as a pawn serving a master can present wildly different, but still with that same under layer of RAGE.
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beepersteeper · 3 months
I Will Always Find You -- Astarion x Tav-- Meeting a Friend | Part 10
Astarion and F!Tav live happily together for the remaining years she has, she refuses to be turned into a vampire because her faith says that her soul isn’t finished with its work yet. Tav dies of old age and leaves Astarion to put together the pieces of his broken heart. AN: Lord of Light lore taken and changed to fit the story's means. Not canonically accurate. TLDR story line stuff. This is an AU where Astarion ascends but isn't a power hungry bastard and Tav is able to help him continue healing. Wyll is immortal and the Duke. Karlach in my mind, if given a new engine would be able to live a lot longer than the usual tiefling. Another AN: idk if anyone wants tagged in this WIP but let me know. 
“FANGS!” Karlach shouts and wraps Astarion in a tight hug, lifting him off the ground “Look at me! Out of the hells and not the least bit on fire!” Giving him one more squeeze and letting his feet steady on the floor. "And this must be Vira? I'm Karlach." She reaches for Vira's hand to shake. Vira's eyes glass over only for a second before she smiles and shakes the tiefling’s hand. “Are you lot ready? This is my first night back on Baldurian soil in years that I don't have to fight for my keep or anything! Can we go have fun!?” she pleads “Pleeeese."
Astarion shakes Eyman’s hand and Vira kisses his cheek before Wyll and Karlach shake his hand before they all leave and make the short walk to the Counting House. Astarion and Wyll discuss the political impact of having the ceremony in the Counting House. Neither is pleased with the change of venue. 
“It was supposed to be at Wyrm's Crossing.” Wyll shrugs “but they say they were booked for something else. But it's funny, the party booked there tonight was scheduled a month after the Fist graduation was reserved.”
"Come off it Wyll, you and I both know that the master of the Counting House is just trying to prove that the Fist is in their pocket. It's much more profitable when everyone is arrested over utter rubbish.”
"But my lord." Wyll jokes slipping into his courtly voice "The master of the counting-house is just being a most gracious host for the newest rank of the Flaming Fist. But if I'm not mistaken, don't you make large and regular donations to the Fist’s education?”
"Sir, I do think you're right, I however haven't been the most involved with the bookkeeping of the Ancunín Estate as of late. That question would fall on the desk of Duke Ravengard.” Astarion responds in kind. Pretending to flip through a log book. 
The two continue this charade to complain about the location and the Fist, still clearly annoyed by their treatment many years ago while Karlach and Vira walk between them.
“I hope they weren't this pompous when you traveled with them." Vira quips to Karlach.
“Oh, they had their moments." Karlach groans while readjusting her hair “Now they just have the titles to back it up. But the years in public service have humbled them if you'd believe that." She laughs, getting dirty looks from both men.
“I do." Vira responds with a laugh and squeezes Astarions hand 3 times. “They only get like this when they're forced into their court clothes." She says before whispering to Karlach but loud enough to be heard by all “They both act like they don't like getting dressed up though."
She and Karlach share a laugh while both men groan and roll their eyes. The couples walk through the doors and are greeted and ushered to their seats. Four high back chairs at a large ornate table along the side of the room. “For our esteemed guests." The concierge says with a flourish gesture “You all will find your seats at the front end of the table saer." The man bows deeply to Astarion and Wyll. “The graduates will be entering soon."
They find their seats and Astarion pulls Vira's chair out for her. Karlach looks at Astarion with a big grin.
"Don't, Karlach.” Astarion playfully warns. 
“What?" She defends putting her hands up and holding back a laugh, poorly. A boisterous giggle escaped. “I was just going to say that it does this metal heart good to see you happy.”
Astarion smiles and whispers quickly "Well I’m sorry if I expected some sort of snarky comment. Thank you Karlach.” he sets himself between Vira and Wyll noticing that Vira seems to be deep in thought. He squeezes her knee to get her attention and speaks low enough to just speak to her “Is everything okay my love?" 
She nods curtly, focusing her eyes. "Just taking the night in.” Her mouth smiles, but he notices it doesn't meet her eyes. "Something about tonight just feels… familiar." She shrugs and lets her smile become genuine “I like her." She whispers and points her eyes to Karlach.
Astarion smiles and nods, keeping his red eyes fixed on her face, making sure she's okay. A well-dressed man breaks his concentration on Vira when he approaches and starts speaking while in a deep bow.
“My lord.” he starts “I would like to extend gratitude to you on behalf of this year's graduates. They have worked very hard to meet your and Duke Ravenguard's standards. They feel like they are more prepared to serve the community of Balder’s Gate than any classes before them.”
Astarion nods and shakes the man's hand “I am eager to see the newest rank put their education into action. Thank you.” when the man disappears into the crowd Astarion returns his attention to Vira who is concealing a giggle. “What?” he sarcastically rolls his eyes.
“Nothing at all My Lord, just simply observing you in your element.” she chided.
“No.” he groans and leans in to whisper to her squeezing her hand “You're watching a sham.” he is interrupted by another person approaching and bowing.
“Greetings My lord. I would be remiss if I didn't properly thank you for your help in proving my husband's innocence. And even further for letting us see what your plan for the Fist is in the future.” tears start to fall down the person's face “Thank you for saving my family.” their voice wavers.
“It was my greatest pleasure, Fawn. Enjoy your evening” he says before he starts to whisper, handing her the napkin at his place setting “Wipe your face dear, they don't deserve to see any of your tears ever again. Take everything they offer you tonight, you deserve all of it and more. Give Ben and the kids my best.” he reached his hand out and squeezed the visitor's hand.
They smile and dab tears away, bow their head with a smile, and walk away meeting with their family and taking their seats.
“Now that is my element darling.” he nods toward the family. Vira laughs knowing that he is right.
The gentle music that fills the air is stopped by a loud man who starts to speak. Vira watches Astarion roll his eyes before fixing his face to the one that the community expects to see, clearly not pleased with the gentleman speaking. She laced her fingers with his stealing a glance at him sitting straighter and his face in a way she can only describe as stern. Putting on an air that he is the most important man in the room. He just might be she thinks to herself.
“Esteemed guests, family and friends. It is my pleasure to introduce to you the latest graduating class. The fine individuals I will soon welcome into the great hall have decided to dedicate their lives to protecting our great city. So I ask that you stand and congratulate them before they are given their official Fist pins that they will wear proudly as they do their duty." The room is filled with the sound of scooting chairs and applause. Vira shifts to stand and feels a pressure on her knee. She looks to her side to see Astarion shake his head slightly and mouthing “not us." At this, she notices that nobody at the long table stands, instead they all clap, and most smile. She follows suit and claps quietly- aware of how different the culture at this table is from her normal.
The new cadets stand proud as their loved ones pin their lapels and share hugs or kisses. After the ceremony ends the graduates walk down the table shaking the hands of people like Astarion and Wyll. Noble. Important. Influential. Their little band enjoys small talk through dinner, only interrupted by passersby stopping to talk to Wyll and Astarion. After the tables are cleared more people are milling about and start to dance to the band playing music.
Astarion stands and offers his hand to Vira “May I have this dance?” His face moved from the sneer it'd been stuck in all evening to a genuine smile as he bowed at the waist, his eyes rounded and soft.
"How could I say no.” She smiles back and places her hand into his. He kisses her knuckles and leads them both to the far side of the dance floor, actively trying to not be the center of attention. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, darling?” Astarion asks as he spins her in time to the song. 
“I certainly am now~" she giggles as her dress twirls around her legs when she returns to her partner. “Is this what all your fancy dinner parties are like?"
He hums before responding “Mmm, More or less. I've come to prefer them with less politics. Maybe Wyll and I will host our own ball sometime. To show you how fun these suares can actually be.”
“You think you can throw a better party than the master of the Counting House?” she jokes, goating his ego.
“There's no question about it darling.” his eyes find hers, filled with heat, knowing that she is toying with him. “Unlike Glitterbeard, I allow myself to have fun from time to time.” 
They both giggle and dance through several songs. Before Wyll walks up to them holding Karlach’s hand on one of his and puts his other hand on Astarion’s shoulder and asks to cut in with a smile on his face “Karlach wants to dance with you, my friend but I would hate for Vira to miss out on all the fun the night has to offer.” Astarion chuckles and bows to Vira and gives her hand to Wyll. He and Vira dance into the crowd to the now more upbeat music. Astarion and Karlach dance together and still on the outside of the crowd to be able to talk without interruption, and further away from the band.
They talk about Karlach’s recent upgrade, and life over the last years, and Astarion recounts some of his adventures before returning to Balder’s Gate. The conversation, unsurprisingly, turns to Vira. “She seems sweet, Fangs.” Karlach smiles “How'd you meet?”
“Wyll didn't tell you?” he responds honestly, surprised.
She shakes her head moving away from him as part of the dance before returning “No, all he said is that you met someone and were happy.”
“Well, that's true.” he chuckles and lets his gaze linger on Vira as she disappears further into the crowd. He explains the odd circumstance of how they met “and I don't spend a day away from her if I can help it.” He finishes his story as a song ends and another starts. “Did Tav ever talk to you about the Lord of Light after she remembered?” he asks with little time for transition.
“Of course.” Karlach’s eyes widen and she chuckles “That was something that she talked about a lot.” she raises an eyebrow “You know that?”
“Do you think that she came back again? Like she said she would.” he asks unintentionally letting his eyes drift to find Vira and Wyll dancing enthusiastically.
She groans “I don't know Fangs.” She takes a breath before she continues  “Sure it seems unlikely, but we both know that unlikely somehow always seemed to be possible with Tav.” she smiles and shrugs “Do you think..?” Karlach doesn't finish the sentence, knowing he will be able to fill in the blanks.
He groans “How should I know?” he spins her to the beat “There's a lot that is just uncanny. Like, she has dreams that are eerily familiar to her but even more similar to things I’ve witnessed, that we’ve witnessed... She has talked about a ‘warm friend who was laughing hysterically at a giant forge that killed a titan and made a sword at the same time’. I'm sure you remember something like that.”
“Woah,” she says, missing a step in the dance. “That is weird. Have you told her?”
“No.” he huffs, leading them back into the right steps. “I don't think I'm supposed to? I don't want to rush her…” he pauses his thoughts “process? I don't know, Tav didn't tell me what to do with this, it has been nearly 90 years since I've had to think about this.” he shakes his head “not to mention Tav pretty much did it on her own, though she never came to the point of being able to name any of her pasts. I just need to research it more.”
“Well isn't it lucky you’ve been practically living in a religious text house.” she booms a laugh “and you've got that audacious library of your own. Why don't we all put our heads together, and figure this out? We’ve already done much harder things than a book club.”
“You'd give up your time topside to help me do that?” he asks before he realizes that of course, she would. 
“First, I think I'm staying, as long as this new hunk of junk doesn't start burning hotter, so I hope there's still an open room in that big ol’ palace of yours.” She laughs again as the music slows and stops. “And second, you're not the only one who wants Tav back, Fangs. Let's get this figured out.” she winks “Vira and Wyll are coming back, is this shindig over yet?”
“Gods I hope so.” he sighs loudly letting go of Karlach’s hand and wrapping that arm around Vira’s waist “How was your dance darling?” 
“Wyll is a very impressive dancer. I had a lot of fun, even if I stepped on his toes more times than I can count.” she blushes and covers her face with her sleeved hand.
“Oh stop.” Wyll coos, “You were a wonderful partner, and my toes are still in perfect condition. You are too hard on yourself.”
“I think it's time we take our leave.” Astarion nods toward the door “We’ve done our part. Let the graduates enjoy their celebration, they've got a big day tomorrow.” he laughs and begins walking alongside the crowd, leading his friends into the cool night air. 
“Where to now!?” Karlach asks, still giddy to be back home after all this time. “I am not ready to turn in for the night yet." 
“I should probably head home, at least check in on Daddy. But if we weren’t so overdressed I’d say we could go to the tavern and actually unwind.”
“We could always just meet there after we get changed.” Wyll shrugs.
The group decides to go their separate ways to meet up back at the Elf Song Tavern. Vira and Astarion enter the bookstore and are greeted by a surprised Eyman “I thought for certain you would be staying at Little Star’s again tonight.”
“I didn't know that was an option.” she retorts with a laugh. Astarion stands behind her. “We are going to the tavern though." 
“You aren't just my little girl anymore Vira, I know that you are safe out there with him. Go back out there and enjoy time with your friends.” he waves his hand and smiles.
She smiles and kisses him on the cheek. “I’ll be back tomorrow for supper Daddy.” as she bounds up the stairs to pack a bag of clothes and grab their clothes from this afternoon. Eyeman’s gaze follows her up the stairs until Vira is out of sight. 
“I’ve been overprotective of my little girl her whole life, Astarion.” Eyman starts without hesitation. “But seeing you two together, I know I'm not the only one that cares about her. You have my blessing to stay here whenever you like, or at your house likewise. Just make sure she comes to visit me once in a while.” he chuckles.
“Eyman, that means the world to me. But why- what happened?” Astarion asks, a growing concern in his voice.
“Just been observing.” he shrugs. “I don't want to be the thing that limits her happiness. She is happiest when she's with you. You're far beyond just courting her, the two of you have a bond that goes beyond that which I can understand” he smiles as Vira comes back down the stairs with one bag on her shoulder and another in her hand.
“I'm almost ready Star, I'll be just another minute. “ She chimes as she ducks into the curtained room to grab her journal. 
“Are you moving out already, Daughter? Just like that?” Eyman heartily laughs.
Astarion excuses himself to change into more casual clothes.
“Very funny Daddy." She sighs “I told you I'll be back tomorrow." She smiles “What changed?" she crosses her arms, concerned. 
“Nothing changed my littlest love." Eyman grins and pushes her braid behind her shoulder “and that's what matters.  Little Star is a good man. It's like you two were predestined to find each other.”
She giggles a little, unsure what to say  "What's that mean?”
"I'm just saying there might be more to your Lord of Light studies than I had previously thought.” He looks up the steps as Astarion is coming down carrying his formal clothes under his arm “But that's enough of that for the night daughter. Go enjoy yourself."
Her father bid them a goodnight and the couple left to make their way to the palace before the bar to drop off the bags. They walked in a comfortable quiet with Vira clearly lost in thought.
“Deja vu again?" Astarion asks to check in with her.
“I… don't think so. No,” she laughs weakly, "Daddy said something weird before we left.”
“Oh?" He asks, turning his head to face her.
“He said that he thinks there's more to my faith than he originally thought. That he thinks that you and I are…” she pauses to ruminate on the word her father said, “predestined to be together." A smile creeps across her face. Astarion hums a response waiting for her to continue speaking. “It's like he knows something I don't. Maybe I knew you in a past life or something.” She laughs “That would explain the intense deja vu and the connection we had almost immediately." She shrugs again and leans her head on his shoulder.
“I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope that was true." He laughs, pulling her closer to him.
She shakes her head as if ridding herself of a thought she doesn't want bouncing around her head.
Tell her that her feelings are valid.  Tav's voice whispered in his mind. He blinks away the thought drawing closer to the bar. “Whatever you're thinking, darling, you can talk to me about it."
“I know." She smiles and waves her hand through the air “There'll be time for that later. They're waiting for us. Thanks, Star.” She squeezes his hand 3 times as they continue their walk into the bar.
As they turn the corner someone quietly puts a hand over Viras mouth and pulls hard to pull her off balance to pull her into the alley. Astarion holds tight to her wrist and feels her struggle against his hold.
Muffled growls come from Vira as she rips her dominant hand away from Astarion and lands a solid punch on her aggressor's nose. As the person reels back Vira reaches to her back to grab a sword that isn't there, left in a moment of shock when it isn't in her hand. 
@silverfangmarks @zoeloveslotr @prudent-nerd
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luxicorde · 11 months
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
I think the two that would have the most to say are Wyll and Karlach.
Shadowheart comments that he's a pragmatic sort, so you can trust him to have his own interests at heart and to not go out of his way to screw things up for the group.
Laezel appreciates that he means what he says, but doesn't like that he always seems to be plotting something.
Gale likes that Atsali can take care of himself and enjoys his sense of humor, but he agrees with Laezel; Atsali always seems to have something else going on in his head, even if he does speak plainly with the party.
As for Wyll, if you recruit him before Atsali, I imagine he would comment that he looks familiar but he just can't quite place his face. He will quickly follow up with this by saying it's probably nothing, that perhaps they just met on the road since Atsali seems like a well traveled sort like himself. I feel like it'd be a fun interaction if you had Atsali in short sleeved clothing, since that would show his tattoos which would be EASILY recognizable by Wyll, but as it is right now the game doesn't really account for clothes.
For Karlach, she WOULD recognize him. It might take a bit of prompting from the player, but the two of them have a small bit of history. The interaction likely starts with Karlach trying to remember where she's seen him before, and when asked what's going on by the player, she goes into a bit more depth. She KNOWS that she's seen him somewhere, that she wouldn't forget eyes like that even after 10 years in hell. If she's already told the player about Gortash and he gets brought up, that'll make it click for her. She knows him from delivering a message, and Atsali tried to convince her to leave Gortash and work for someone else "before something bad happens". She'd likely take on a more somber tone and explain that at the time she didn't believe him, and then a few months later she was shipped off to Zariel.
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