karlani67 · 2 years
Hallo Liebe Windel Träger und AdultBabys
In meinen Kinder Zimmer ist noch Platz.
Ich habe eine Wundervolle AdultBaby Gruppe auf Telegram.
Wer ein Teil der Familie sein will schreibt mich an .Mit Vorlieben Tabus und Erfahrungen
Ich bin sehr erfahrene Mami .
Ich zocke auch nicht bei Tribut ab.
Das läuft so
Start Tribut 25€ Amazongutschein Code oder Verse
An Geburtstag und Feiertagen oder wenn ich mal Hilfe brauche.
Ich freute mich auch Eure Nachricht
Euer Mami Karlani
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coffeeangelinabox · 8 months
Febuwhump #8: Why won't it stop?
"E- enough," Tyler whispers.
Karlanis pulls back instantly, softening her touch to ungentle scratches through his hair. Too vicious to be truly caresses, but he relaxes into it nonetheless after the last hour.
"Awww, baby, do you need a wittle break," she says in her disgustingly sugary sweet baby voice.
He doesn't have more defiance in him, pushes harder against her red filed nails. "Yeah. A break." His breath hitches.
"My wittle boy is tired. He needs a sweepy weepy."
"Please, Karlanis. Just- just a little while."
Her smile can only be characterised as evil. He wouldn't be at all surprised to see vampiric fangs sprouting from it, a forked tongue snaking between her scarlet lips. "Of couwse," she mocks. "All I want is one teeny tiny wittle kiss."
He knows it's a bad idea. He knows that this bargain will come back and bite him. He knows that this is what she has wanted from him for days, that if he gives in she might stop asking. He could wake up to find he has sold his body for whatever brief respite she will give him.
But despite all of that knowledge, Tyler is done. He'll deal with the consequences when they appear. He forces himself up, bowing his back, letting the hand in his hair guide him and presses his lips to hers.
She tastes overly sweet, like rotting fruit, and beneath it there's something chemical. Something false.
Tyler gags as her tongue flicks into his mouth. Then Karlanis pulls back and, without another word, stands and leaves, door of the cell slamming behind him.
He has just a moment to flop back to the concrete floor, to revel in the peace and quiet, the privacy, the being alone without her hands all over him.
Then the lights come on, bright enough to blind even through his hastily slammed lids. Then the music starts, soft at first, then coming in like the tide, a bass that shakes the floor.
On and on and on.
No chance of rest. No chance of peace or time to recuperate.
A tear squeezes from Tyler's screwed-shut eyes. When will this ever stop?
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molkolsdal · 2 years
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Mangal Tribe (eastern Paktia and Khost provinces)
(Traditional Dresses of Afghanistan, from the calendar of Ariana Airlines. Circa 1973)
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whattarush · 3 years
manifest final season not having jack messina or athena karlanis but having to deal with holly taylor’s annoying as character is………….bullshit
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un-enfant-immature · 3 years
Wannabe ‘social bank’ Kroo swerves VCs to raise a $24.5M Series A from HNWs
Launched in February 2018, Kroo, the London-based consumer-facing fintech raised some seed funding last year for its prepaid card service which claims to offer more ‘social features’ in its drive towards offering full-blown banking services. Kroo’s pitch is that it removes friction from financial interactions with friends and family, and throws in some environmental initiatives as well, such as tree planting.
It’s now raised $24.5 million (£17.7 million) in a Series A funding round led by Rudy Karsan, a high-net-worth tech entrepreneur and founder of Karlani Capital. Kroo will use the funding in its drive towards a full banking license in early 2022.
The fund-raising is fairly unusual for a fintech startup that aspires to become a bank, given the lack of an institutional investor. However, this will give it a lot more freedom as it heads towards bank status next year.
Kroo currently offers a prepaid debit card plus an app to track personal and social finances, such as the ability to create payment groups with friends, track spending, and split and pay bills, removing the usual awkwardness around such things.
The company has also pledged to donate a percentage of profits to social causes, and launched a tree-planting referral scheme, so that every time a customer refers a friend, Kroo plants 20 trees.
Kroo CEO Andrea de Gottardo
CEO Andrea de Gottardo (pictured), who joined Kroo as Chief Risk Officer in 2018, said: “We want to build the world’s greatest social bank: a bank dedicated to its customers and to the world we live in. We’re going to do more than just work with Kroo customers to improve their relationship with money and provide them with access to fair loans. We’re going to offer them ways to actively take part in making our world a better place, like carbon offsetting and a tree-planting referral program.”
Karsan said: “The reason I’m excited about Kroo is that it has a concrete opportunity to dramatically change the way people feel about their bank, for good. Kroo has an exceptionally talented management team and a nimble tech stack that will enable the continuous delivery of banking features customers really care about.”
Speaking to me over a call, de Gottardo added: “We have raised, including the series A, over £30 million through high net worth individuals and syndicated investors. So we still haven’t done an institutional round. That was a choice.”
He elaborated: “We’re lucky enough to have Rudy Karsan, a high net worth, and an extremely supportive pool of investors that keep following on in the rounds. It was our intention get up to a Series A without any institutions, and to be free of the pressure from VC. It’s now highly likely we will go institutional for a Series B round.”
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kovaludyswata · 4 years
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115) Turi lub Torai to podgrupa plemienia Karlani Pasztunów, zamieszkująca Dolinę Kurram w Agencji Kurram na Terytoriach Plemiennych Administrowanych Federalnie w Pakistanie, z mniejszą liczbą mieszkającą po drugiej stronie linii Duranda w prowincji Paktia w Afganistanie. Mówią w języku paszto i są zwolennikami sekty islamu Dwunastu Szyitów. Turis zyskali na znaczeniu pod koniec XV wieku. Wędrowali w koczowniczy sposób między Aryob Valley of Paktia i Kurram Valley. Będą migrować zimą, przekraczać dolinę Kurram, która była wówczas zamieszkana przez Bangash, i podróżować aż do rzeki Indus. Z Narr'ra, na brzegu rzeki Indus w pobliżu, tehsil jand, Attock, wydaje się, że Turis corocznie migrowali podczas upałów z powrotem do Doliny Kurram. Cesarz Mogołów Babur wspomina Turis w Kurramie w swoim dzienniku z 1506 roku. W XVIII wieku Turi i ich kuzyni Zazi wdali się w kłótnię z Bangaszem z Doliny Kurram, która była wówczas częścią Imperium Durrani (Kurram przeszedł pod brytyjski Raj po drugiej wojnie anglo-afgańskiej w latach 1879-80). Turisom udało się zdobyć przełęcz Paywar, Shalozan i Malana, zepchnąć Bangash obszaru na południowy wschód w kierunku doliny Miranzai i ostatecznie Turis osiedlili się w górnej Dolinie Kurram. Po aneksji Kohat do Indii Brytyjskich, Turis, w zmowie z innymi klanami, wielokrotnie nękali granicę Miranzai, atakując wioski Bangash i Khattak na Kohat. W 1854 r. zawarli traktat, ale ich naloty trwały nadal, chociaż nie stosowano środków karnych, ponieważ plemię było utrzymywane pod kontrolą Amira z Afganistanu. Jednak ich naloty przybrały na sile iw 1856 roku do doliny wkroczyły siły generała brygady Neville'a Bowlesa Chamberlaina. Następnie zażądano odszkodowania (którego wypłatę gwarantował gubernator Ghulam Jan), a Turis zgodzili się zapłacić 8630 rupii. W 1859 r. Turis dołączyli do brytyjskiej ekspedycji przeciwko Kabul Khel Wazirs, ale ich spór z tym plemieniem sprawił później wiele kłopotów, a Wazirowie podjęli odwet za przestępstwa Turi. W 1816 r. doszło do poważnych niepokojów między Bangash of Lower Kurram a brytyjską wioską Thal poza sporem granicznym. W 1877 r. Turis byli niezadowoleni z opresyjnej administracji Shahbaz Khana, gubernatora Kurramu, a kiedy Amir zażądał od nich 50 000 rupii (pogłówne w wysokości 5 rupii na każdą dorosłą kobietę) i 6 000 rekrutów na wojnę przeciwko Brytyjczykom, zbuntowali się i uciekli na wzgórza. Próby spacyfikowania plemienia były przez pewien czas nieskuteczne, ale Turis w końcu zgodzili się wysłać dżirgę do Kabulu i zapłacić dobroczynność w wysokości 25 000 rupii, podczas gdy Shahbaz Khan został odwołany przez Amira. W listopadzie 1878 roku kolumna generała Robertsa wkroczyła do Kurrama z Thal i 25 dnia tego miesiąca zajęła Fort Kurram. W następstwie kolejnych podbojów brytyjskich Turis współpracowali teraz z brytyjską wyprawą przeciwko Zaimuchtom, których wrogość została naznaczona zabójstwem porucznika Kinlocha, a Kurram był przetrzymywany bez dalszych niepokojów aż do jego ewakuacji w październiku 1880 roku. Zaopatrzeni, ich składki były wykorzystywane do eskortowania konwojów, a razem z Bangash złożyli petycję, aby Brytyjczycy przejęli dolinę i uwolnili ich spod rządów Afganistanu; ale Brytyjczycy zdecydowali się ewakuować kraj i plemię zostało uznane za niezależne. W ciągu kilku miesięcy wybuchły wewnętrzne waśnie, a przez całe 1882- 1882 r. Turowie nieustannie walczyli między sobą, a także z Jajis i Zaimukhts. Administracja doliną została ostatecznie podjęta przez rząd brytyjski, na wniosek samych Turis, w 1892 roku. Chociaż ich wczesne kontakty z rządem brytyjskim były skłonne do zawirowań i byli zaangażowani w wyprawy Miranzai w 1851 i 1855 r., jedyną specjalnie skierowaną przeciwko nim ekspedycją była wyprawa Kurram z 1856 r. Po tym osiedlili się i zajęli się handlem. Podczas drugiej wojny w Afganistanie zaopatrzyli Sir Fredericka Robertsa w przewodników i zapasy. W 1892 roku dobrowolnie przyjęli brytyjską administrację i dostarczyli dużą część plemiennej milicji w Dolinie Kurram. Turi mają długą historię konfliktów z grupami dżihadystów. Podczas wojny radziecko-afgańskiej, sunnici Mudżahedini zaatakowali Turich i innych szyitów z Kurramu. Kurram był platformą startową dla ataków Mudżahedinów na Afganistan, a szyici nie chcieli współpracować, uniemożliwiając Mudżahedinom przejście przez ich obszary w celu walki w Afganistanie. Niedawno konflikt z Turi rozszerzył się na zwolenników sieci talibów, Al-Kaidy i Haqqani na tym obszarze. Oprócz aspektu religijnego (Talibowie wyznają twardą sektę sunnicką, gardząc szyitami), terytorium Turi ma strategiczne znaczenie dla handlu transgranicznego i najazdów na Afganistan - do tego dochodzi również napięcia międzyplemienne. Główne bitwy stoczono w 2007 r. i walki trwają. Turis, zwani także Turizais, ma pięć dywizji. Są znani jako              - Hamza Khel,                                                                                                     - Mastu Khel,                                                                                                     - Ghondi Khel,                                                                                                   - Alizai                                                                                                                  - Duparzai.                                                                                                           Są one podzielone na dwie główne grupy lub klany. Hamza Khel i Mastu Khel są znane jako Sargullai, podczas gdy pozostałe trzy to „Chardari”. Szczegóły dotyczące każdej dywizji i zajmowanego przez nie obszaru podano poniżej:        - Hamza Khel: są również znani jako „Kuchis”, ponieważ byli głównie nomadami. W czasie zimy migrowali do Zarak-i-Kamal i Shobak. Hamza Khel ma pododdziały Spinkai, Mallal, Tarakki, Jana Khel, Pari Khel, Sati Khel, Dreplari, Badi Khel, Jaji i Khashki Khel. Spinkai mają sekcje Jamal Khel i Adam Khel, podczas gdy Tarakki mają sekcje Bailkai, Shakar Khel, Saragullai i Aka Khel. Hamza Khel posiada ziemie na wzgórzach Karman, Shalkhana, Matudai, Mianji (obecnie Mali Khel), Taida, Kotkai, Malana i Gorakmor, Nasardin (Mali Khel), Kot Ragha, Serai Mela, Joeri i Tseri na wzgórzach Jajis.                                                                                                   - Mastu Khel: Mastu Khel są podzieleni na Pirzai Khel, Zakaria Khel, Hussain Khel, Haji Khel, Turka Khel, Biga Khel i Mina Khel. Mieszkają w Tezana, Maidanak, Menozai, Badshah, Ahmadzai, Hakim Qala, Karim Qala, Sadara, Tari Kot, Shakar Kot, Baliamin i Jalamic.                                                - Ghondi Khel: główne pododdziały Gondi Khel to Ali Khel, Muhammad Khel, Adin Khel, Kamil Khel i Alam Khel. Hussain ali khan khel. Podsekcje Muhammada Khela to Shamshai Tanai Khel i Nandar Khel. Zajęli lewy brzeg rzeki Kurram od Amalkot do Ibrahimzai we wsiach Gharbina, Pewar, Agra, Amalkot, Ramak, Wali Muhammad Qala, Walidad, Sameer, Yakubi, Topaki Charsianukalley i Ibrahimzai. Ich prawobrzeżne wioski Kurram to Rana i Maura.                                                                                                                  - Alizai: ich trzy pododdziały to Mir Hassan, Ahmad Khel i Malik Khel. Podsekcje Mir Hassan to Muhammad Khel i Chago Khel. Główne wioski Alizais to Alizai Lower kurram, Piewar, Habib Qala, Kunj Alizai, Gambir i Agra.   - Duparzai: dwa pododdziały Duparzais są znane jako Saro Khel i Mirdad Khel. Podsekcje Saro Khel to Daolat Khel, Jafar Khel, Sultan Khel, Shubalan Khel, Baghdadiwar i Megak. Podsekcje Mirdad Khel to Kami Khel, Dreplara, Tar Khel, Lamikot Khel i Kachikana. Duparzais żyją w wioskach Paiwar, Shublan, Bughdi, Alam Sher Qala, Dangila, Shaikh Nur Qala Mathzai, Gidara, Shingak, Burki, Kharlachi i Tangi.                                         Być może nic nie warte jest to, że te wioski i pododdziały Turi istniały na początku tego wieku. Wraz ze wzrostem liczby ludności zaszło wiele zmian w samych ludziach i ich osadach.
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inventivaindia · 5 years
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
B-Social, the London-based fintech building what it calls a “social bank,” is announcing that it has raised a further £7.8 million in seed funding.
Once again the injection of capital comes from “high-net-worth” individuals. They include Rudy Karsan from Karlani Capital, although most of the investors remain undisclosed.
It brings the total capital raised by B-Social to £13.25 million, as the…
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
New Post has been published on http://rebrand.ly/ilhdiop
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
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B-Social, the London-based fintech building what it calls a “social bank,” is announcing that it has raised a further £7.8 million in seed funding.
Once again the injection of capital comes from “high-net-worth” individuals. They include Rudy Karsan from Karlani Capital, although most of the investors remain undisclosed.
It brings the total capital raised by B-Social to £13.25 million, as the company continues the journey to becoming a fully licensed bank. It also plans to re-brand next month to the new name “Kroo”.
Launched in February last year, B-Social currently exists as a “social finance” app and accompanying debit Mastercard. It enables users to make purchases, share and keep track of expenses with friends and family, and negate the headache of “who owes who”. More broadly, B-Social says it is on a mission to improve the relationship people have with money.
“We recognise that almost all financial transactions are inherently social,” B-Social co-founder and CEO Nazim Valimahomed told me in late 2018. “We want to change the relationship people have with money by helping them overcome the anxiety, awkwardness and wasted time when they engage with their social finances. We are doing that by building a digital bank that truly accommodates the way people live their lives and is dedicated to connecting a person’s finances to their social world”.
To date, B-Social says it has over 8,500 customers who have spent more than £1 million with their B-Social cards and have shared over 36,000 expenses with friends.
Valimahomed tells me the company has also “significantly progressed” the pre-application stage for acquiring a U.K. banking licence. This includes things like submitting a regulatory business plan, capital and liquidity assessments approval, and challenge sessions completed. He expects to submit the full banking application in Q2 2020.
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theultimatefan · 4 years
The QL Gaming Group, Parent Company of BetQL, Acquires Accuscore and Raises Additional $1.1 Million
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(credit: Jeffrey Beall)
The QL Gaming Group (QLGG), a leading direct to consumer sports data and iGaming affiliate platform, today announced an additional $1.1 million in funding, as well as the acquisition of Finnish sports simulation company, Accuscore. The combined announcement will expand the capabilities of BetQL, QLGG’s sports betting analytics platform for casual bettors and will accelerate the launch of BetQL’s player prop and in-game predictions and more sports like International pro soccer, tennis, golf and eSports.
The round was led by Tim and Todd McSweeney, with participation by Boston Seed Capital, Karlani Capital, Subversive Capital, Rob Seaver and Jere Doyle. QL Gaming, formerly known as RotoQL,  has now raised $8.3 million from investors that have also included the late David Stern, former commissioner of the NBA, John Kosner, Stern’s former partner at Micromanagement Ventures and former William Hill chief Ralph Topping.
“Our thesis is betting properties with the best data and analytics will win, and our acquisition of Accuscore vastly increases our IP, grows our marketplace position and puts us in a very strong place as the sports world returns to active play in the near future,” said Justin Park, QL Gaming CEO. “Our new and long term investors are very bullish on the casual gaming and sports betting market, and we are now poised to emerge stronger.”
"We are thrilled to join QL Gaming,” Accuscore CEO Tuomas Kanervala, added. “Their expertise around customer facing sports data products is unrivaled and will help both our B2C and B2B businesses. The latter will serve as the foundation for soon to be launched BetQL B2B that will help sportsbook operators and media companies acquire and retain bettors.”
The injection of capital will be used to further accelerate BetQL’s growth, which boasted a 200% increase in subscription sales from 2018 to 2019. In just 18 months of launch, BetQL has acquired over 300,000 free users, 10,000 paying customers and is already a seven figure business. Funds will also supercharge BetQL’s burgeoning affiliate marketing business which has partnered with ten operators in Indiana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
QL Gaming initially launched in September 2015 as RotoQL to provide data and analytics to daily fantasy sports (DFS). “DraftKings and FanDuel’s dominance of the regulated betting market in NJ can be attributed to their pole position in DFS,” added Peter Blacklow, Managing Partner at Boston Seed Capital, who led the seed rounds for both QLGG and DraftKings. “The same is going to be true of QL Gaming and the media opportunity around betting. The team’s mastery of engaging DFS players through data is carrying over seamlessly to sports betting audiences.”  
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demianblog · 5 years
BSocial, el fintech del Reino Unido que construye un "banco social", recauda £ 7.8M adicionales antes del cambio de marca -
BSocial, el fintech del Reino Unido que construye un "banco social", recauda £ 7.8M adicionales antes del cambio de marca –
B-Social, el fintech con sede en Londres que construye lo que llama un "banco social", anuncia que ha recaudado otros £ 7.8 millones en fondos iniciales.
Una vez más, la inyección de capital proviene de personas de "alto patrimonio". Incluyen a Rudy Karsan de Karlani Capital, aunque la mayoría de los inversores siguen sin divulgarse.
Aporta el capital total recaudado por B-Social a £…
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endenogatai · 5 years
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
B-Social, the London-based fintech building what it calls a “social bank,” is announcing that it has raised a further £7.8 million in seed funding.
Once again the injection of capital comes from “high-net-worth” individuals. They include Rudy Karsan from Karlani Capital, although most of the investors remain undisclosed.
It brings the total capital raised by B-Social to £13.25 million, as the company continues the journey to becoming a fully licensed bank. It also plans to re-brand next month to the new name “Kroo”.
Launched in February last year, B-Social currently exists as a “social finance” app and accompanying debit Mastercard. It enables users to make purchases, share and keep track of expenses with friends and family, and negate the headache of “who owes who”. More broadly, B-Social says it is on a mission to improve the relationship people have with money.
“We recognise that almost all financial transactions are inherently social,” B-Social co-founder and CEO Nazim Valimahomed told me in late 2018. “We want to change the relationship people have with money by helping them overcome the anxiety, awkwardness and wasted time when they engage with their social finances. We are doing that by building a digital bank that truly accommodates the way people live their lives and is dedicated to connecting a person’s finances to their social world”.
To date, B-Social says it has over 8,500 customers who have spent more than £1 million with their B-Social cards and have shared over 36,000 expenses with friends.
Valimahomed tells me the company has also “significantly progressed” the pre-application stage for acquiring a U.K. banking licence. This includes things like submitting a regulatory business plan, capital and liquidity assessments approval, and challenge sessions completed. He expects to submit the full banking application in Q2 2020.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/2vfJHbW via IFTTT
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dizzedcom · 5 years
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
B-Social, the London-based fintech building what it calls a “social bank,” is announcing that it has raised a further £7.8 million in seed funding.
Once again the injection of capital comes from “high-net-worth” individuals. They include Rudy Karsan from Karlani Capital, although most of the investors remain undisclosed.
It brings the total capital raised by B-Social to £13.25 million, as the…
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molkolsdal · 4 years
asked my mom years ago what tribe her family’s from and she said she had no idea and I was so annoyed. just recently she found out she’s Muhammadzai and she mentioned it so casually while I was getting excited and ready to do research 
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taikindurandal · 7 years
Taikin. Explain you and Luciel. What is the relationship?
It is very simple. Our relationship is a constant of me dodging paper work and her dodging Karlani.
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
B-Social, the UK fintech building a ‘social bank’, raises additional £7.8M ahead of rebrand
B-Social, the London-based fintech building what it calls a “social bank,” is announcing that it has raised a further £7.8 million in seed funding.
Once again the injection of capital comes from “high-net-worth” individuals. They include Rudy Karsan from Karlani Capital, although most of the investors remain undisclosed.
It brings the total capital raised by B-Social to £13.25 million, as the company continues the journey to becoming a fully licensed bank. It also plans to re-brand next month to the new name “Kroo”.
Launched in February last year, B-Social currently exists as a “social finance” app and accompanying debit Mastercard. It enables users to make purchases, share and keep track of expenses with friends and family, and negate the headache of “who owes who”. More broadly, B-Social says it is on a mission to improve the relationship people have with money.
“We recognise that almost all financial transactions are inherently social,” B-Social co-founder and CEO Nazim Valimahomed told me in late 2018. “We want to change the relationship people have with money by helping them overcome the anxiety, awkwardness and wasted time when they engage with their social finances. We are doing that by building a digital bank that truly accommodates the way people live their lives and is dedicated to connecting a person’s finances to their social world”.
To date, B-Social says it has over 8,500 customers who have spent more than £1 million with their B-Social cards and have shared over 36,000 expenses with friends.
Valimahomed tells me the company has also “significantly progressed” the pre-application stage for acquiring a U.K. banking licence. This includes things like submitting a regulatory business plan, capital and liquidity assessments approval, and challenge sessions completed. He expects to submit the full banking application in Q2 2020.
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kovaludyswata · 4 years
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110) Plemię Wazir jest jednym z trzech głównych klanów plemienia Khogyani z Karlani Pashtun. Wazirowie występują głównie w południowych i centralnych regionach prowincji Nangarhar w Afganistanie, szczególnie w dystrykcie Khogyani i Pachir Aw Agam.
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