tainbocuailnge · 11 months
do you know if there are any similarities between the mechanics of trees of emptiness and reality marbles? they are both impositions of "other states" on the world (or, like, are they? are reality marbles "on top" of the world or do they displace the world?), but reality marbles being created from someone's inner world and trees of emptiness being fantasies of worlds that were pruned away makes me wonder if they are really comparable at all. but the end result is similar, so i have to wonder what the relationship between them really is. do you have a more detailed understanding of the ways in which they are similar, and the ways in which they differ?
reality marbles are actually notable in how they differ from bounded fields (and arcueid's marble phantasm, the most relevant comparable power at the time) specifically because they are not imposed on top of the world but rather outright replace the world temporarily (replacing the laws of nature with it, while marble phantasm can only cause effects that could theoretically occur in nature no matter how improbable). time to pull out the old material book explanation image
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deploying a reality marble means temporarily swapping the "outer" material world and your own inner world. nasu's been obsessed with the world egg and by extension the hollow earth for a long time (thanks to revolutionary girl utena lol) and it's a theme that has popped back up in his works a lot even when not directly called that, for example with the inner sea of the planet. in melty blood actress again, dust of osiris' plan to wipe out humanity is to create a world egg containing "the world after it ended" and then swap out the contents of her egg with those of the current world. in lb5 we find out atlantis went missing because it sank into the hollow earth. lb7 just straight up takes place inside the hollow earth.
I'll be honest I don't actually know much of how fantasy trees work because i suspect most of that was in lb5 which i only read sparknotes translations of and still havent gotten around to on na tehepero. what I DO know is that the inside of a fantasy tree is an entire separate world, and I also know that the fantasy trees were only deployed after the texture of the world was already stripped away, which leads me to believe that while you could call them world eggs they can't actually swap out their inner contents with the outside contents the way a reality marble can, it can only place those contents where nothing exists already. last time i checked the state of bleached earth theory was that the bleached earth itself was initially generated within chaldeas and then swapped out with the outside world so that one did actually do it the reality marble way.
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mspaintripventure · 1 year
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every unique trickster dirk, ripped from the flashes for anon
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v1leblood · 11 months
@karudsbip idk if the script will help with the performance bullshit but thanks for making my dash less ugly at least!
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vriskasapotheosis · 2 years
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@karudsbip​ HUH???
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vriskasapotheosis · 2 years
@karudsbip soooooo normal
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