#kashi u are to blame for this
ashstfu · 9 months
me having so many unread books on my shelf: i’m going to reread crime & punishment
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pupkashi · 2 years
nap time
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pakkun loves spending time with you, kakashi doesn’t mind it one bit
a/n: literally one month late to this request I’m so so so sorry blame midterms plz !!!! i hope you still find your way to this piece and i hope u enjoy !! send in more kakashi requests i love him so bad <3
wordcount: 1,084
warnings: mention of pregnancy, kakashi refers to the reader as mama at one point
“kashi i already told you I’ll be fine on my own” you roll your eyes, one hand in his larger one and the other still running through his silver hair.
your boyfriend can’t help but sigh, the smallest of pouts sitting on his pretty lips. “I’ll just feel more comfortable if one of the ninken are here with you while I’m gone,” you can see the sincerity in his eyes, only pure intention behind his gaze, “I’m gonna be gone for who knows how long and i don’t want anything to happen to you, not when things between us are just starting.”
it’s with a small smile and a dramatically loud sigh that you roll onto your back, “fine fine, don’t have to get so sappy on me copy ninja,” kakashi smiled at your words, rolling over and resting on his forearms, placing a kiss to your cheek before getting out of bed.
you watch him with a smile as he summons his ninken, you expect to see the whole pack but only one appears, pakkun.
“what is it boss?” the deep voice makes your smile grow wider, the dog nods along as kakashi explains to him what’s happening.
“hi pakkun” you wave, the dog lifts his paw slightly and you giggle. kakashi can’t help but stare lovingly at the interaction, his eyes forming into small crescents.
“I’ll summon you again when i leave, got it?” the dog replies in a grunt before disappearing just as fast as he arrived.
kakashi got back into bed with you, opening his arms so you could rest on his chest. it was quiet, the only sounds were a couple birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves in the trees.
“d’you think he’ll like me?” your eyes were wide as you looked at kakashi, he smiled and kissed your forehead before replying, “he’s gonna love you.”
and so as you closed the door as kakashi left for his mission you turned to the pug, a smile on your face, “do you like doing regular dog things too?” pakkun’s tail wagged involuntary as you showed him a frisbee.
kakashi was gone a week, for him it was a long grueling, terrible week.
pakkun had the best week of his life with you. he’d gone to a lake, played fetch countless of times, got to walk around the village with you, and best of all he got endless cuddles and pats from you.
when your boyfriend returned he was shocked to find pakkun upset at his arrival, already asking when he’d be summoned to protect you again.
and so every other time after that, pakkun was always summoned while kakashi was gone, his little tail wagging as he saw you and practically jumping into your arms when kakashi left.
you loved the little dog so much. you’d even convinced kakashi to let pakkun be the ring bearer at your wedding (it didn’t take much convincing.)
nothing changed when kakashi became the sixth hokage, when he knew he’d have a late night he’d summon pakkun to keep you company.
and so when he learned his wife was pregnant, pakkun became like gum to your side anytime kakashi was gone. you didn’t mind, you loved having him around to keep you company and help you run errands and it gave your husband peace of mind. it was a win-win really.
kakashi never really got to see much of what you two got up to in his absence. during the beginning of your relationship you’d always greet him at the gates of the village. now that he was hokage he’d always come home to you cooking or doing something, pakkun usually just sitting next you.
with a happy sigh kakashi set aside the last of his paperwork for the day, glancing at the clock and smiling when he realized he was done nearly two hours earlier than what he had told you. he quickly grabbed his things and made his way back home, excited to finally be with you again.
the sixth hokage opened the door quietly, slipping his shoes off before his eyes landed on the two figures on the couch. his heart grew in his chest, warmth spreading across his body as a smile found its way onto his lips.
pakkun lay curled up in your lap, your hand resting softly on his back, you’d surely fallen asleep petting him. the two of you were breathing evenly.
kakashi didn’t wanna move, he didn’t even wanna breathe in fear of disturbing the two of you. but alas, pakkun was ninken and his ears twitched as the sound of kakashi’s quiet steps.
“welcome back boss” pakkun sat up, jumping off the couch and stretching with a big yawn, shaking before sitting in front of kakashi.
“i see you’re having a grand time with my wife,” he laughed, pakkun looked back at you before looking at kakashi once more.
“she gave me bacon today, she told me not to tell you but i just can’t keep things from you” kakashi smiled at his words, he couldn’t help but picture his own kid confessing that you’d snuck him an extra cookie after dinner.
“kashi?” you mumbled, sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you stretched a bit before smiling at your husband, “you’re home early.”
kakashi wasted no time in sitting next to you, placing a kiss to your cheek and resting his much larger hand atop your now growing baby bump. “couldn’t bear to be another second away from the two of you.”
pakkun had found his way to your other side, nuzzling himself under your arm and laying down, a content sigh when you scratched the top of his head.
“pakkun told me you gave him bacon,” your eyes went wide and kakashi laughed, “mama is gonna spoil you rotten isn’t she?” he spoke, bending down a bit to place a soft kiss to your belly.
“as if you won’t!” you retorted, a smile on your face when he blushed deeply, shy giggles leaving his lips. he couldn’t fight back, he knew you were right. instead he placed a kiss onto your forehead before getting up to shower and change.
before he rounded the corner to the restroom he glanced back, smiling as he saw you placing a now napping pakkun onto your lap, continuing to shower him affection.
kakashi couldn’t help but smile at his little family, happiness and love coursing through his veins as pakkun nuzzled up to your baby bump.
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mochikage · 2 years
vanilla mochi wid kakashi?
ofc dear anon i hope u enjoy this mini vanilla mochi~ the very rare days and occassions where kakashi is clingy (back from a mission, long time apart, drunk kakashi, etc.)
On certain days, Kakashi craves you. 
It’s his first day back (officially) from a really long mission and he can’t help but want to be pampered with your affection all day. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t expecting it. Kakashi woke up to some morning cuddles and kisses (no complaints there), but when you got up and left him? To go make breakfast? He was betrayed. 
“Just five more minutes.” He begged. He knew you were so close  to giving in. Until his own stomach went against his true wishes. 
“You’re clearly hungry, Kashi. Let me make us something to eat and we’ll cuddle again.”
He lets go of you and flops back on the bed dramatically. A few seconds pass, how pitiful of him, and he’s already trailing right behind you to the kitchen. He watches you prepare his favorite comfort breakfast, and he can’t help it when his arms wrap around your waist while you cook. 
“Kashi, darling, I’ll finish faster if you wait on the couch. We can even watch the second Icha Icha movie if you want.” You turn to give him a quick kiss, but it does nothing to cure the pout on his face. Still, he listens to you (when does he not) and waits patiently on the couch. 
Minutes pass and he doesn’t think he’s ever glared so hard in his life before. He feels like a little kid in timeout, and wants to scold himself for wanting to be within two feet from you at all times. He blames it on his near death experience yesterday. He’s just being extra grateful that he can still share these moments with you. 
On certain days, Kakashi craves the warmth only you can give. 
A big sigh escapes his lips when you finally join him on the couch. His body bubbles up with excitement. Enjoying breakfast with you is one thing, but to watch one of his favorite movies while eating? He’s in love. He’s known he’s in love, but he’s never been this in love. 
Even with a hot tasty breakfast sitting in his tummy, a warm blanket shared with his lover, and the heater turned on in the apartment, he’s still cold. He’s gotten up to make the place warmer twice already, so using his deduction skills he knows of only one solution: you have to cuddle him. 
No questions asked, no warnings given. He wraps an arm around your waist and slides you closer to him. He gives a lame excuse that you’re hogging the blanket, but the kiss on your forehead says otherwise. A content hum rumbles through his chest, and he has 0 complaints of the room temperature. 
On certain days, Kakashi craves your gentle touch. The touch that makes his  heart start pounding. The special touch that makes him feel wanted, needed. 
His head tilts back to chase your hand, the one that’s running through his hair and giving him head scratches in his favorite spots. 
You love when he gets like this. He’s so relaxed by a simple touch. It’s a nice change of pace to see his shoulder’s slumped from relaxation and not from all the burdens he carries with him. It’s easy to maneuver his body when he’s this relaxed, so getting him to lie on his stomach was no sweat. 
You straddle his hips and slowly lift his pajama shirt up. A frown overtakes your features when you see the healing wounds on his back, but its not your first time seeing this nor the last. 
Little exhales escape his lips as your hands work around the injuries. You open your mouth to scold him for getting hurt, but close it when you remember what he does. When you lean down to leave gentle kisses on his injuries, Kakashi speaks up. 
“Don’t worry about them. They look worse than they feel.” He tries to reassure you but when your hands move too close to them, you can feel him tense up. 
Liar. You want to say to him, but you know where his intentions lie. 
Gently moving the shirt back down, you give him one final kiss right between his shoulder blades. 
“Stay with me for the rest of the day.” He whispers to you. You get off of him to let him readjust himself on the couch. When he pats his lap, you give him one last worried look. 
“Won’t that hurt your back?”
Kakashi shakes his head, reaches forward for your hand and pulls you to sit on him. 
“You make me feel better.” He kisses your forehead and wraps his arms around your body. He holds you tight, to let you know that he wants you close. To let him know that you’re here with him, he’s made it back alive, he’s okay. 
On certain days, Kakashi craves all of your attention. It may be selfish of him but he doesn’t care. It must be solely on him for him to feel whole. 
Kakashi craves you. Just you, on certain days where he needs someone to remind him that he’s not alone. 
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