#kakashi hatake x f!reader
pupkashi · 2 years
nap time
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pakkun loves spending time with you, kakashi doesn’t mind it one bit
a/n: literally one month late to this request I’m so so so sorry blame midterms plz !!!! i hope you still find your way to this piece and i hope u enjoy !! send in more kakashi requests i love him so bad <3
wordcount: 1,084
warnings: mention of pregnancy, kakashi refers to the reader as mama at one point
“kashi i already told you I’ll be fine on my own” you roll your eyes, one hand in his larger one and the other still running through his silver hair.
your boyfriend can’t help but sigh, the smallest of pouts sitting on his pretty lips. “I’ll just feel more comfortable if one of the ninken are here with you while I’m gone,” you can see the sincerity in his eyes, only pure intention behind his gaze, “I’m gonna be gone for who knows how long and i don’t want anything to happen to you, not when things between us are just starting.”
it’s with a small smile and a dramatically loud sigh that you roll onto your back, “fine fine, don’t have to get so sappy on me copy ninja,” kakashi smiled at your words, rolling over and resting on his forearms, placing a kiss to your cheek before getting out of bed.
you watch him with a smile as he summons his ninken, you expect to see the whole pack but only one appears, pakkun.
“what is it boss?” the deep voice makes your smile grow wider, the dog nods along as kakashi explains to him what’s happening.
“hi pakkun” you wave, the dog lifts his paw slightly and you giggle. kakashi can’t help but stare lovingly at the interaction, his eyes forming into small crescents.
“I’ll summon you again when i leave, got it?” the dog replies in a grunt before disappearing just as fast as he arrived.
kakashi got back into bed with you, opening his arms so you could rest on his chest. it was quiet, the only sounds were a couple birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves in the trees.
“d’you think he’ll like me?” your eyes were wide as you looked at kakashi, he smiled and kissed your forehead before replying, “he’s gonna love you.”
and so as you closed the door as kakashi left for his mission you turned to the pug, a smile on your face, “do you like doing regular dog things too?” pakkun’s tail wagged involuntary as you showed him a frisbee.
kakashi was gone a week, for him it was a long grueling, terrible week.
pakkun had the best week of his life with you. he’d gone to a lake, played fetch countless of times, got to walk around the village with you, and best of all he got endless cuddles and pats from you.
when your boyfriend returned he was shocked to find pakkun upset at his arrival, already asking when he’d be summoned to protect you again.
and so every other time after that, pakkun was always summoned while kakashi was gone, his little tail wagging as he saw you and practically jumping into your arms when kakashi left.
you loved the little dog so much. you’d even convinced kakashi to let pakkun be the ring bearer at your wedding (it didn’t take much convincing.)
nothing changed when kakashi became the sixth hokage, when he knew he’d have a late night he’d summon pakkun to keep you company.
and so when he learned his wife was pregnant, pakkun became like gum to your side anytime kakashi was gone. you didn’t mind, you loved having him around to keep you company and help you run errands and it gave your husband peace of mind. it was a win-win really.
kakashi never really got to see much of what you two got up to in his absence. during the beginning of your relationship you’d always greet him at the gates of the village. now that he was hokage he’d always come home to you cooking or doing something, pakkun usually just sitting next you.
with a happy sigh kakashi set aside the last of his paperwork for the day, glancing at the clock and smiling when he realized he was done nearly two hours earlier than what he had told you. he quickly grabbed his things and made his way back home, excited to finally be with you again.
the sixth hokage opened the door quietly, slipping his shoes off before his eyes landed on the two figures on the couch. his heart grew in his chest, warmth spreading across his body as a smile found its way onto his lips.
pakkun lay curled up in your lap, your hand resting softly on his back, you’d surely fallen asleep petting him. the two of you were breathing evenly.
kakashi didn’t wanna move, he didn’t even wanna breathe in fear of disturbing the two of you. but alas, pakkun was ninken and his ears twitched as the sound of kakashi’s quiet steps.
“welcome back boss” pakkun sat up, jumping off the couch and stretching with a big yawn, shaking before sitting in front of kakashi.
“i see you’re having a grand time with my wife,” he laughed, pakkun looked back at you before looking at kakashi once more.
“she gave me bacon today, she told me not to tell you but i just can’t keep things from you” kakashi smiled at his words, he couldn’t help but picture his own kid confessing that you’d snuck him an extra cookie after dinner.
“kashi?” you mumbled, sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you stretched a bit before smiling at your husband, “you’re home early.”
kakashi wasted no time in sitting next to you, placing a kiss to your cheek and resting his much larger hand atop your now growing baby bump. “couldn’t bear to be another second away from the two of you.”
pakkun had found his way to your other side, nuzzling himself under your arm and laying down, a content sigh when you scratched the top of his head.
“pakkun told me you gave him bacon,” your eyes went wide and kakashi laughed, “mama is gonna spoil you rotten isn’t she?” he spoke, bending down a bit to place a soft kiss to your belly.
“as if you won’t!” you retorted, a smile on your face when he blushed deeply, shy giggles leaving his lips. he couldn’t fight back, he knew you were right. instead he placed a kiss onto your forehead before getting up to shower and change.
before he rounded the corner to the restroom he glanced back, smiling as he saw you placing a now napping pakkun onto your lap, continuing to shower him affection.
kakashi couldn’t help but smile at his little family, happiness and love coursing through his veins as pakkun nuzzled up to your baby bump.
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hauntedhokage · 2 years
Pollen Count
Kakashi Hatake/F!Reader
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Summary: While on a mission to deliver documents, you and Kakashi stop for the night in a place where you probably shouldn’t. Something in the air didn’t feel quite right, despite everything else feeling perfect. Cross posted to AO3
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: sex pollen, dub!con, f!receiving oral, blindfolds, fingering, unprotected sex, outdoor sex
Note: I was struck by Kakashi brain rot during my Naruto re-watch. 
It was supposed to be a simple delivery task. There was a chance of enemy ninja, which made it not quite so simple as just delivering a couple pieces of paper. The nature of the documents required that two jounin be sent to take care of it. You didn’t know who the other jounin was, Tsunade said she had to do some reorganization of some squads to get you the backup you’d need since this document was now top priority over a couple reconnaissance and recovery missions. 
It wasn’t your job to know what was in it that made it so important, but you were very interested in who your partner would be. Hopefully entertaining but at the very least could keep up conversation. It was a long journey to the Hidden Sand, to spend it in silence felt like a fate worse than death. Team compatibility could be what made the difference between a mission’s success and failure, after all.
“Oh, sorry I’m late.”
Kakashi? Oh this was going to be interesting, indeed.
“Helping an elderly woman with her shopping? At dawn?” you take your guess as his excuse, smile on your face as he rubs the back of his neck. 
“Sure, let’s go with that. You have the cargo?”
You only pat your vest where the scroll was contained, and he nods before he suggests that you get going. And so you set out, being sure to act as casual as two shinobi heading out on a mission could. Nobody knew about the scroll, so it was imperative that you not act like you had anything that anybody else would want to see.
“We should probably think about camping somewhere or finding an inn to stay at for the night,” Kakashi suggests as the sun begins to set, and you nod before stopping to stand on a tree branch. “Which would you prefer?”
“Let’s get back on the road, and if we can’t find an inn by nightfall then we can set up camp.” At this time of year, it’d be dark in about forty-five minutes. Time wasn’t on your side if your hope was to sleep on a surface softer than your bedroll on the grass. Though there might have been an inn nearby, but you weren’t confident that you hadn’t passed it already due to how fast you and Kakashi had been moving.
For all your hoping, you’d been proven correct in your assumption that’d you’d passed the inn you’d been thinking of and that left you only moderately deflated as you turned off the main road with Kakashi to find a suitable campsite. Off the beaten path but flat was the goal, and you look through some tall shrubbery and smile when you see a clearing. It was really quite the scene with healthy grass, some flowers, and the river wasn’t too far away. The trees provided ample coverage, too, so it really did feel quite secluded. There was something in the air, too, something that put you at ease. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but you also knew that you needed to stay on your guard while on a mission even if the environment told you otherwise. Something about deception and things being too good to be true. 
Kakashi offers to take the first watch, and you tuck yourself into your sleeping bag with hopes of getting some rest. Only it’s too warm, so you remove yourself from within the sleeping bag to instead lay on it in hopes that it’d be more comfortable. Only now it’s your vest that feels too heavy, so you sit up to remove it and take a moment to roll your shoulders. Kakashi was here, you were safe to lose that protective padding to get some sleep if that’s what it took. 
“Are you alright?” He asks from his perch in the tree, and you look up to see that he’d been watching you. “You seem uncomfortable down there.”
“Does it feel hot to you, Kakashi?” you ask, almost tempted to pull your shirt off but knowing that wasn’t the wisest move you could make. But it was so hot and starting to rub you the wrong way so it needed to go. Sooner rather than later. “It’s so hot out here.”
“It’s a bit warm, yeah, but I’ve been trying to tune it out.” He’s kneeling in front of you now, pressing his wrist to your forehead. You can’t see the frown, but you hear it when he sighs before he tells you that you’re running a fever. “You’re just hot, though? Not nauseous or anything else?”
“I honestly felt fine until just now when I was trying to lay down.” But you’re acutely aware of the fact that he’s still got his wrist pressed to your forehead, and now there’s his other hand on your shoulder and contributing to the heat you felt. “But now I’m just hot, and my clothes feel wrong.”
“Does it feel heavy?”
“Kinda, just rubbing me the wrong way, y’know?”
“Yeah.” So he was feeling it too, and that both relieves you and horrifies you at the same time. What if your perfect campsite was just a massive trap? That’d be just fantastic if all this was your fault. “It’s not a genjutsu, and there are no chakra signatures anywhere near us either. It’s almost like there’s something in the air.”
Something in the air? That was what you had felt earlier, but that something wasn’t making you hot. Kakashi’s hands on you were not helping, but instead were contributing to a different type of heat in your core that was not easy to ignore either. Where was the light and easy feeling that you’d had previously? Where did that go?
“I have to get out of these clothes, Kakashi.” You hope you sound calm, like you know what you’re doing, but you couldn’t even really think straight.
“We have to get out of here, we’ll deal with our symptoms once we’re out of the hot zone.”
“I am the hot zone right now!”
“And we need to figure that out, but losing your cool is not going to help. We’re not going to go far, there’s another clearing nearby and I think we should be okay there. Let’s gather our things and move.” The instruction is clear and, despite how awful your clothes felt against your skin, you follow them without question. By the time you’ve settled in the new campsite you can’t stop yourself, taking your shirt off with your vest and laying back against the cool grass in hopes that it’ll help you relax - even just a little bit. 
The air felt different here, sure, but you still felt too hot. A look to your left tells you that Kakashi was feeling the heat too, since he’d removed his vest and was trying to fan cool air onto his skin. There was another more obvious problem just south of the hem of his shirt, but you avert your gaze from your partner to keep from potentially making him uncomfortable.  
“Doing okay?” he asks, and you shake your head since you were still feeling too hot even with your shirt being off and cool air hitting your skin. 
“Still too hot, but I’m running out of layers,” you mumble, jumping nearly out of your skin when you feel his hand on your stomach. How he got there that fast was not a question you’d waste time on, since the man did train with Gai. What was more pressing was the physical contact he’d initiated, all he really needed to do was move that hand just a bit further south and you were certain that’d either fix everything and make the problem worse - but such was the shinobi way of life. “That’s not helping.”
“I thought not,” he mumbled, and you chance looking up at him only to feel yourself get so much warmer when you see him looking down at you. There’s something unfamiliar in his eye, and that has you equal parts excited and concerned at what that look could mean. “The air is different here, so we must have inhaled something back there.”
How was he still so functional? You couldn’t give a damn about what could have you feeling this way, there were more pressing matters such as your body feeling like it was on fire and the growing discomfort with how wet your underwear was getting. 
“Please stop talking,” you whine, your hand grabbing his wrist. His pulse is racing beneath his skin, his thumb starting to move against your skin until you let out another whine at the contact. “But keep touching me.”
“You’re sure?”
“Only if you want to.” 
He shakes his head, and you’re not sure what it is he’s trying to convey but you err on the safe side and release his wrist. You’re ready to sit yourself up, go hide behind a tree so you could rub this out and get it over with, but his hand stays firm on your stomach to keep you in place as he leans in to get close to your ear. 
“We shouldn’t do this, but I can’t pull myself away from you when I’m like this and you’re so willing.”
If he wasn’t wearing that mask, you’d kiss him right now. But he is, and that brings you to let him go so you could move the placement of your headband so it’d cover your eyes. Kakashi had to be uncomfortable in the mask, this was how you could ensure that he could be more comfortable while you both were dealing with the side effects of whatever the hell you’d breathed in. You hear him sigh before his hand leaves your stomach, and you pick up on the rustling of his clothes before his mouth is on yours and his hand is pushing at the waistband of your pants. Your hand starts to move, but is quickly pinned into the grass by Kakashi’s other hand as he moves to straddle you. 
“Please behave, I’m struggling to contain myself as it is.” The warning has you nodding, but your hips move of their own volition in an attempt to get some friction where you most need it. He pauses above you, then his hands are gone from you only to work at pulling your pants and underwear down. 
Your mouth falls open when his fingers push between your folds, the fire burning inside sated by the contact that has you relaxing into the grass. You hadn’t realized just how large Kakashi’s hands were until he had two fingers inside of you working to stretch you open more, and you knew you’d be fixated on those hands long after this situation was over and dealt with. A bridge to be crossed later, if you remembered after all this was over and done with. 
A forearm is pressed to your hip, those two fingers part your folds, and you sigh when his tongue slides through to lap at your essence while his thumb circles your already over-sensitive clit. Another orgasm comes and goes before you can process it, your hands moving to his hair to try and pull him away. Instead, his other hand comes to replace his tongue, two fingers pushing into your cunt easily while his thumb continues to play with your clit. 
“Are you going to come already?” He sounds amused, but you can’t formulate the words that you need to tell him off or tell him that he was right. “You can come, it’s alright. Let me taste you.”
You’re going to blame your current state on the fact that you were able to come just by him telling you to, that truly had to be it. But he sounds pleased and you’re ready to cry when he continues to lick and suck at your quivering pussy until you’re practically begging him to pull back and fuck you proper. You just needed him to fill you now, fill you and keep you full and fuck the neediness out of you. 
“Ask and you shall receive.” There’s more rustling, and you wish you could see what he was doing and how he was looking at you but the headband remains in place to keep your vision obscured. 
The blunt tip of his cock coming to rest between your folds has your eyes closing behind the headband, your fingers digging into the soft soil beneath you as he presses forward and stretches you. There’s no time or consideration for adjustments, you’d wager that Kakashi’s patience has worn out given the situation, and you’re not complaining since this is what you needed.
“Just stay put,” he breathes into your ear, his hand taking yours and pressing it into the grass beside your head. He’s still moving his hips against yours even as he speaks, the heat and desperation radiating off of him in waves as he presses a kiss to your cheek before he gently bites at your jawline. “Stay put and let me take care of us, will you do that?”
You nod, your compliance earning you another kiss before he’s pulling out. Before you have the chance to complain, he’s turning you over and pulling your hips up so you’d be propped up on your knees in front of him before he’s pushing back into you. There was no gentleness, no careful consideration of the environment, this was Kakashi on a mission to get you both off and hopefully stop whatever had gotten you both so worked up. His hands grip your hips hard enough that you’re certain there would be ten little bruises decorating your skin later, and he muffles his own sounds of pleasure by biting into your shoulder, it hurts but in the best way possible as he fucks into you at a pace you could only describe as being brutal. There was no rhythm or thought to it, he needed to get off as badly as you did. 
“You feel so good, y’know that?” he breathes into your ear, every other word punctuated by a grunt that has you weaker than the one before. There’s a new heat burning inside you, this one you knew how to cope with, and you move your hand so that you could rub at your clit only to hand Kakashi grab your hand and press it back into the ground. “I said stay put and let me take care of you. You need to come?”
You nod, your head falling forward into the grass when his fingers make contact with your clit. At this point you think your body may be too sensitive, and that has you arching back into him at the feeling of the rough pads of his fingers against the nerve bundle.
“Stop running from me.”
“Sensitive,” is all you can gasp out, fingers digging into the grass once again as Kakashi chuckles in your ear. “Please, I’m so close Kakashi.”
This time you stay put when his fingers graze your clit, and you feel all coherent thoughts leave you as your body continues to rock with his as his fingers begin rubbing quick circles while his thrusts increase in pace. All that mattered was him and your approaching orgasm, anything else would have to wait until you could breathe normally again. A thrust punctuated by a pinch to your clit has your body going rigid beneath his, and he’s talking you through the orgasm until his own hips stutter and he also stills. 
An arm moves around your waist, bringing you with him when he moves to lay on his side. The headband is moved but you keep your eyes closed even though your back was to him, not wanting to chance seeing his face. Things felt a bit more clear, but now you weren’t sure where the source of the heat was coming from now - the unknown inhalant or the close proximity to Kakashi. The grass was helping, though, which told you it was likely Kakashi making you feel so warm.
“Feeling better?”
“Yeah, a bit,” you whisper, staying on your side while he lies on his back. “How come you were so functional? We were both exposed for the same amount of time?”
“My mask must have acted as a filter. I had it off to eat, though, which was likely where I got truly exposed.” You’re quiet after that, really trying to think about it but your critical thinking still wasn’t truly there. You’d give yourself a headache if you tried, you were sure, so you choose not to think about it for now. “Well I’m going to keep watch, you need your rest if we’re going to continue the mission.”
“What if it’s not fully out of our systems? Shouldn’t we go back to the village for treatment?” You’re sitting up now, still looking away since you weren’t sure if it was safe to look at him yet, but the cold air on your back does feel nice. 
“I think we’ve established that we’re pretty decent at dealing with the side effects, no need to delay by going back to the village if we can handle it ourselves.” That has you looking at him, not at all caring about whether he was masked or not. He didn’t truly mean he’d fuck you all the way to the Sand Village if that was necessary, did he? “I think that’s the fun part, don’t you?”
This man was going to be the death of you, you were certain of that.
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mayhem-neverending · 11 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Part IV
Word Count: 3,404
Warnings: Descriptions of anxiety, depression
Note: I really hope this flows okay, because I was writing this from my notebook while also working through the next part and it made my brain a little wonky. Also, right after I had copied it, my kid somehow deleted the whole thing so I was just barely saved.
After falling asleep the moment your head hit the pillow and getting a full night’s rest, you were more than ready to start your busy day. Your first order of business after dropping your son off was to pay a visit to Lord Sixth. 
You ambled down the hall to the office, waving at a few acquaintances who passed. Standing in front of the large oak door, you knocked lightly, hoping your timing wasn’t disturbing any important meetings or work. 
You were called in almost immediately, and slipped through the doorway before shutting it softly behind you. Kakashi had his head bent over some paperwork, so you stood quietly in the middle of the room until he finished. It didn’t take much waiting, and when he looked up to make eye-contact with you, the furrow in his brow dissipated instantly. HIs eyes crinkled in a tired smile which you returned. 
“Good morning, sir,” 
“Good morning, how was yesterday?”
You thought of how best to respond. “It wasn’t too bad,”
Flashing him a cheeky grin, you continued. “Can’t complain with my pay,”
Kakashi let out a small chuckle. “Good. Obito wasn’t… he wasn’t too much, was he?”
Your smile slipped into a neutral expression, the once you had always saved for mission debriefs. “He was not much of a hassle, though I suspect he was wary of my presence. The most bothersome part was the… hovering, though I’m sure he'll quit after some time with me,”
He nodded, holding back an eye-roll at his friend’s behavior. “Anything else?”
“Grocery allowance,”
Lord Sixth pushed back his chair and started rummaging through one of his desk drawers. He eventually found what he was looking for, retrieving a sealed envelope. He set it on the desk and scribbled something on the front. 
He held it out for you, and you approached the desk and grasped the other end. He didn’t let go, and you awkwardly met his deep brown eyes. 
“Thank you, for accepting this job.” HIs tone was low and soft.
“Of course, sir,” You replied slowly, and he let go.
“I wrote my number on the back of it.” He pointed to the envelope. “Shoot me a text if you happen to need anything,”
You nodded, and glanced at his messy scrawl. You hadn’t ever seen his handwriting, and it amused you that it was closer to chicken scratch than legible numbers. 
“If that’s all, you’re free to go,”
You gave him a small smile and bowed your head respectfully. “Have a good day, Lord Sixth,”
Kakashi openly rolled his eyes, the corner of his lips tugging into an exasperated grin. “Kakashi.”
“Mhm,” you hummed, there was a glint in your eye that he didn’t miss as you waved goodbye. 
Your short walk to the market stalls was uneventful, and your shopping much the same. You had made a mental checklist of all the things you needed, and after finishing at each stall, you took out a ninja scroll to store your goodies. A couple of the vendors tried to chat with you, and you would normally indulge them, but you kept the conversations short. In the end, it took you a little longer than you would have liked, but after about an hour and a half you were headed back out to the edge of the forest. 
Obito stared at himself in his grimy bathroom mirror for well over an hour before your arrival. He was staring past himself, letting his eyesight blur while he was lost in thought for the majority of the time, but every once in a while he would focus back in and curse his incredible attention to detail. 
Worse for wear would be a gentle expression for how he looked. He almost couldn’t fathom how he had gotten to this point. The dark circles under his eyes, his long, matted hair, and his bones were made more prominent by his weight loss. The face staring in the mirror taunted him.
He couldn’t help but think he looked more like Madara now than ever before. 
He scowled at his reflection, but it only intensified the resemblance. He was intimidating. It made him wonder how you perceived him when he had walked around the corner the morning before.
He hated himself for the thought, but it had been a long time since he had seen a woman. It was much different than having Kakashi and Naruto for brief company. He had the urge to fix his appearance the second after you two had made eye-contact. 
He didn’t want you to be frightened by him. He didn’t want anyone to be frightened of him anymore, but especially not the person sent to care for him. Obito wasn’t dumb, he could feel how tense you were when he was near; he just hoped he could change that, and quickly. 
His train of thought was interrupted by a curt knock on his front door, and the hinges creaking as it swung open. He tumbled out of the bathroom and hurried into the living room to greet you. 
You were already a few steps from the kitchen, and you raised your eyebrows in mild interest at his hasty movements. He stopped a few feet away from you, and attempted an easy smile.
The flash of bewilderment across your face told him he hadn’t quite managed it, but he persisted. “Good morning,”
“Good morning..” your tone came out questioningly. 
He tore his eyes away from your figure and looked around. “Weren’t you going to get groceries?”
“Oh, yeah. They’re right here,” You pulled a scroll out of your bag and set it on the floor. 
You weaved your hands and placed them on the surface of the scroll. In a poof everything appeared atop the scroll and spread around it on the floor. Obito seemed impressed by the sheer volume of things suddenly in his kitchen. 
“Are you trying to feed the whole Shinobi Alliance?”
You rolled your eyes and a smirk quirked the corner of your lips. You waved your hand around to encompass everything. “It’ll all be eaten, trust and believe,”
“First, though, is laundry.” You located the detergent and heaved it over the rest of the items as you made your way to the hallway. 
“You have a basket ready?”
“...Will a pile do?” 
You stopped and turned around, having passed him. “Are you telling me Lord Sixth didn’t provide a basket for you?”
He scratched the back of his neck under his messy mop of hair. “Uh, yeah, I guess,”
You shook your head. You made it to the end of the hallway, where the washer and dryer were hidden behind a sliding door. Obito followed behind you and went to grab his clothes. He plopped them in while you filled the dispenser. You were acutely aware of his presence and tensed when his arm grazed yours, though you tried not to show it. 
You walked back to the kitchen with Obito trailing behind you. While you got to work putting everything away, he stood around ominously, his keen eyes following your movements. It was a little disconcerting, but you weren’t sure how to address it. It was clear to you that he didn’t know what to do with himself, and clearer still that his social skills had been diminished close to nil in his time here. 
You considered the best course of action while your hands were busy. Cautiously, you called, “Obito?”
“Yeah?” He replied rather quickly. 
You turned your attention to him. “Do you, perhaps.. have any hobbies?”
It took him only a few strides to situate himself a couple feet from you, back leaning against the countertop. You barely held back an exasperated noise at the action. He brought a finger to his lips in thought, seemingly oblivious to your plight.
He couldn't be that oblivious, could he? Or did he not care? 
“When I was a kid… I used to help out old ladies a lot,” he replied with a straight face.
A burst of surprised laughter escaped your chest. His dark eyes lit up at the sweet sound tickling his ears. He couldn’t stop a small smile from lifting his lips. When your laughter died down, you asked with amusement, “anything else?” 
He paused. “I don’t - I don’t think so,”
You restarted your task of shelving cans so you wouldn’t have to meet his eyes as you said, “I noticed your lack of - well, your lack. So, I brought you a book I finished recently. I thought you might like to borrow it. Something to do at least,”
From the corner of your eye you watched him blink in surprise. He straightened his shoulders a bit. “Uh, thank you,”
You nodded and strode over to the table where you had set your bag. “Here,”
You held it out for him and he pushed himself off the counter. He gingerly took it from your hands, as if you might change your mind and he would be in trouble for taking it. He inspected the cover and turned it over to read the description on the back. He opened it up and pulled one of the chairs out from the table, sinking into it as he began to read. 
The quiet of the space was calming now that his eyes were elsewhere. You started on a small breakfast for him, just eggs and toast, so you could get to work on lunch, since it was closer to 10:30 am now. Your eyes wandered over to him, noticing that he slouched and stuck his legs out straight in front of him under the table, propped by the other chair. 
HIs brows were slightly furrowed, the left dipping lower than the right. HIs mouth drew a straight line of concentration as his eyes flit across the page. An image of a healthier, filled out Obito flashed across your mind. You couldn’t help the spark of attraction that rose in your chest as your gaze remained on him. 
HIs turning the page he was on broke you from your reverie, and you refocused on your task. The thought that he was attractive did not sit well with you, and you shifted uncomfortably on your feet. You didn’t dare look at him until you were setting a plate in front of him and replying to his, “Thank you,”
You busied yourself with switching over the load of laundry and bringing the cleaning products you bought to the linen closet. You were thankful for the distance you had created for him, and took the opportunity for some deep breathing. Once calmer, you stood in front of Obito’s closed bedroom door. You reached for the knob but hesitated, unsure if it would be intrusive to enter. You reasoned after a minute that it was part of the job description, so you twisted and pushed it open. 
The room’s bareness mirrored the rest of the home. There was one window, covered by dusty black curtains, a full sized bed and boxspring in the corner, and a dresser. The bed sported one pillow; it was one of the large ones, made for a king size bed-set, a white fitted sheet, and a matching white flat sheet. There weren’t any actual blankets. You knew from your rummaging around that there weren’t any in the nearly bare linen closet either. 
As far as you were aware, the cottage was heated only by the fireplace in the living room. You double checked for vents in his room, but your suspicion was quickly confirmed. It bothered you that he didn't have a proper blanket, considering Konoha was just as cold as anywhere else come winter. In fact, the nights were already beginning to be cold. You would have to have a word with Kakashi about it. 
You stripped the bed and pillow and dropped them in the washer, and on second thought, added his one bath towel to the load, along with the two new packages of washcloths you had bought for cleaning. 
You returned to the kitchen and pulled some ingredients from the fridge for lunch. Obito was still working on his breakfast, taking slow bites in between flipping the pages of his book. You were so engrossed in your thoughts you didn’t notice that his eyes repeatedly wandered off the page to you. 
Obito didn’t particularly like the frown tugging at your lips, or the way your eyes glossed over in deep thought. Unaware of the cause, he felt a little self-conscious. Now that he was more than aware of his disastrous state, he was embarrassed. He was also acutely aware of your presence at all times, and it was incredibly distracting. His body could practically feel your location in the house as you moved around. On second thought, he may unconsciously be feeling around with his Chakra. 
He glanced at you again, and to break you from your thoughts, and him from his own, he sassed, "You know I'm a grown man, right? This is barely any food," 
Rudely torn from your thoughts, you spun on your heel, a hand finding its place on your hip. You glared at him, and one of his eyebrows raised. He leaned sideways in his chair, throwing his arm over the back of it. He kept his expression impassive, if slightly annoyed. 
“And were you eating like a ‘grown man’ before I got here?” You looked him up and down slowly to drive home your point. 
A blush betrayed him as he mumbled something under his breath and looked away from you. “That’s what I thought. Trust my judgment. Lunch will be done in an hour or so anyway,”
You turned to the counter with a huff, and poured the coffee you had been brewing into your mug. You leaned against your hip so you could throw glares at him out of the corner of your eye while you enjoyed your sipping. 
“Where did the mug come from?”
"My apartment. You only have one mug, you know," 
“Ah, well I can’t do much about that, can I?”
You grimaced, shame at the tone you had taken with him hitting you with full force. “Sorry,”
A couple hours later, you found yourself scrubbing the bath while debating whether or not to text Kakashi. Well, you were going to text him, you were just struggling with the wording. You wanted to express your disappointment in him for letting someone he claimed to care for so deeply live like this. You knew he was busy, but damn, he was lucky Obito hadn’t frozen to death over the last two winters.
Pursing your lips, you scrubbed a little harder. You would need to ask for extra allowance so you could purchase a few necessities. With that in mind, you found yourself at the kitchen counter. Your bag was pushed to the side nearest the fridge, and you fished out your phone and the envelope from that morning.
“Is the tub done?” Obito called from the couch. 
He eyed your phone but kept his thoughts to himself. 
Obito had been forced to wait to change into his freshly clean clothes until you had finished in the bathroom. Despite your initial apprehension towards him, you wanted him to have the full clean experience. 
“Just a minute,” you unconsciously held up a finger.
You opened up your messages and punched the number in under New Messages. 
Good afternoon, this is Y/n. It has come to my attention that Obito needs a few more things than the budget allows. I was hoping you could fund a new bed-set, some dishware, and a couple more odds and ends. Thank you.
You pressed send and returned your phone to your bag. Turning your attention back to Obito, you caught him already watching you. 
“What was that about?”
“You need some things, I was informing Lord Sixth about it,”
“Why do you call him that?” 
You thought for a moment, tapping a finger to your chin. “Professionalism, I suppose,”
He snorted. “Okay,”
Your eyes scanned over him, taking in the dark circles, still sunken cheeks, and rats nest of a ponytail. The only difference from the day before was that his pallor had improved. Your eyes roved over him once more, and they stopped on his hair. 
Before you could stop yourself, you asked, “Can I cut your hair?”
With zero hesitation he replied, “Yes, please.” 
You pulled his chair out from the table just enough for him to sit down and gestured for him to come over. While he took a seat, you rummaged around in some of the kitchen drawers for a pair of scissors. They were hidden at the very back of the silverware drawer. 
You made a quick stop in the bathroom for a comb you had seen earlier, and took your spot behind him, excited. You inspected the knot, lifting a bit to see how far it went up. It seemed to stop nearer to the nape of his neck. 
“I’m going to have to take quite a bit off,”
“Do what you have to do,” he replied casually. 
You hummed. “Alright,”
Carefully, you cut above the knot. After a few well placed snips, it fell to the floor. You gently carded your fingers through the free hair, starting at his nape. Obito shivered involuntarily in response. He straightened and made to get up. 
You placed your left hand on his shoulder. “I’m not done.”
He turned his head to look at you. “But-”
“You’re not walking around with this choppy mess. Turn around and let me finish,”
“It’s not like anyone is gonna see it,” he grumbled, turning his head forward.
“I will,”
The feeling of your fingers just hardly brushing through his hair sent Obito into overdrive. It was foreign; far gentler than anything he had been accustomed to in a very long time. 
Electricity ran up and down his spine every time you measured out another section between your fingers. Hen tensed his body in a conscious effort to keep the shivers under control. He wanted to lean back into your touch, his body yearned for it. Your movements were simultaneously overwhelming and not enough. He became twitchy without realizing it, reacting to you. 
Without a second thought, you raked your fingers across his scalp, just barely pulling on the hairs. The action lifted his chin and he outwardly shivered. 
“Stop moving,” you murmured in his ear.
“Sorry,” he squeaked.
He cleared his throat. “My bad,”
You released your grip and continued trimming. Heat spread up his neck and across his face as well as tinting the tips of his ears. He sat as still as he possibly could, hardly daring to breathe. 
You pulled his chair a little farther away from the table and moved to stand in front of him. close enough that your legs brushed the side of his thigh when you leaned in. You took the comb to the front of his wild hair and pursed your lips in thought. 
“How much of this do you want in your face?” You brushed a piece away from his forehead. 
He stared at you dumbly, lips slightly parted. Your eyes traveled from his hair to his eyes. You took in his glazed expression and tinted cheeks, and your look of concentration turned into a playful half-grin. 
His eyes widened a fraction and flickered from your smile to your eyes. “Up to me, then?”
You didn’t wait for his response. You continued with your trimming and styling, aware that his eyes never left your face. And for once, you couldn’t find it in yourself to mind. 
Finished, you stepped back and admired your handiwork, a hand resting on your hip. You nodded to yourself, happy with how it turned out. He looked quite nice, actually. Much nicer than you would like to admit - alluring in a sort of grungy way.
Obito released the breath he had been holding. “How’s it look?”
“Good,” you cracked a genuine smile. 
“You look a little less like a mangy stray now,”
He scoffed, but couldn’t bring himself to scowl at you. The corner of his lips turned up, and he watched you go to reach for it again, but ultimately let your hand fall to your side. Your smiling face slipped back into one of polite neutrality.
“Let me get your towel so you can shower,”
Part V
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
A Chilly Trip to The Sugar Dealer
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi x f!Reader
Summary: In the middle of the (mild) Konoha Winter, Lord Sixth and his wife go out for a jaunt to the confectionary. Kakashi feels challenged in the small store, and gets you home quick to make a point. Smut! Lemon! Explicit!
W/c: 5.8k
Warnings: Swearing, jealousy, unwanted flirting, teasing, begging, demanding, possessive!Kakashi, oral (f receiving), p in v, cumming inside (lowk, the slightest talk of wombs)
Notes: ive got a sweet-tooth and I feel like kakashi would support me about that idk please enjoy this and lmk how you feel - btw Satō-Shō literally just means Sugar Dealer
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The sun shone brightly on the two of you, for where else would it shine? Gentle breezes carried the two of you closer, for a chill is always a nice excuse to pull your loved one close. Konoha had never seen such a brisk day, for it was the dead of Winter.
Even on the coolest day of the year, the sun still loved you. It warmed your back, though the large hand of your husband was infinitely warmer. His fingers splayed on the small on your back, reminding you the he would always love you more than the sun ever could.
With an absent smile, you tilted your head up to him. You admired Kakashi, enraptured by the way the sunlight glinted in his hair.
"You're making me nervous," he admited casually without looking at you.
You just chuckled, "The most handsome man in the village should be used to lingering stares."
"No, darling, it's not that," he hummed deeply, curling his fingers around your hip. Kakashi pulled you closer, leaning low to your ear as he whispered, "Nervous to call off our little excursion and hurry back home."
"It's a gorgeous day, today," you beamed, twirling away from his hand, making the skirt of your dress puff out in your spin. Purple fabric swished around your thighs as your husband put him arm back around you, now draped over your shoulders. Bringing his dangling hand to your lips, you pressed a kiss to the side of his pointer finger and teased, "Won't you let me enjoy it, before I enjoy you? Or must I beg for that privilege, too?"
Knees bending slightly, Kakashi's arm weighed down on your shoulders. You smiled, squeezing his hand still in your grasp. With his smooth tone, steeped in licentiousness, your husband groaned, "Let's go home, it's not even that nice out."
"We'll have to agree to disagree, dearest," you tittered, ignoring Kakashi's huffs. Spotting your favourite confectionary around a street corner, your feet steered the two of you right. "If you get me a couple taffies, we can go home."
"I'll get you a kilo later."
"No," you sang, squeezing his hand again. "I want something to suck on now."
As your husband delivered a craven look, you just smiled at him, popping up on your toes to rub your nose against his masked one. With a rumbling chuckle, Kakashi pulled you into his body, causing the two of you to walk in a very strange, haphazard fashion.
"Do you hear yourself, pretty lady?" He asked lowly.
For a second longer, you looked at your husband. His gorgeous Onyx eyes were filled with adoration, and you could see a deep smile stretched across his face through his mask. Tracing your features, Kakashi stared at you lovingly, as if he were almost certain you were but a dream that he never wanted to part with.
"Do you see yourself, Lord Hokage?" You replied.
Biting your lip salaciously, you stared up at your husband through your long eyelashes. His head turned away from you, glancing around the area. The weather was only inviting you to bask in it, as it seemed most everyone else was rightfully in the comfort of their home. A few stragglers milled about, going between markets for essentials, but the streets were relatively empty.
You restored yourself to a proper walking position despite your husband's subtle protests. Only a few more paces and you were at the step of the confectionary, going up to the door as Kakashi stuttered in his movement.
"Give me five minutes, yeah?" He asked nonchalantly, taking his arm away from your shoulders and letting his long fingers trace down your arm, lingering in a hook around your fingers.
Looking at him, you couldn't help but smile back as Kakashi's eyes danced with thought. You grinned, leaning up to kiss his masked cheek, "Four minutes, fifty-nine seconds." You came back to your feet. "Fifty-eight seconds....fifty-seven."
"Fine, shave off a whole minute, if you want to really challenge me," Kakashi snickered before turning to walk in the direction that caught his eye. His pace was frighteningly quick, bordering a run, and you sighed contently as you watched him lock onto his target, a florist's shop.
Suddenly feeling strange for lingering outside of the confectionary for so long, you bit back a smile and opened up the glass door. The old shopkeeper smiled at you sweetly, having seen you standing outside for a minute or so.
"Back again so soon?" He asked kindly.
You nodded, coming further into the store. The fragrance of sugar enveloped you, making your stomach ache for something a sickly red. "Nothing can keep me away from the Satō-Shō."
"Well, have no fear, the Sugar Dealer is here!" He exclaimed with a hearty laugh, coming closer to the counter.
The old man pulled out a wooden crate from behind, setting it right in your eyeline. You approached happily, and the shopkeeper began pulling out a massive bag of caramel drops, making your eyes widen and your mouth salivate. He held it to his nose, and through the plastic, he inhaled.
"Made fresh this morning, they're still soft," he told you with a sigh, waving the bag of sweets around between the two of you. The warm caramel wafted to your nose so tauntingly.
"Have you got any taffy?" You asked hopefully, smelling a fruity tone in the air.
"Have I got taffy? Have I got taffy, in spades!" He laughed, setting the caramels on the counter as he dove back into the crate. Rooting around, he asked, "Is it the saltwater taffy you're after, or the chocolate taffy?"
"Saltwater if you made cherry or that nice, wild watermelon again - otherwise, probably chocolate," you replied cheerily, hearing the crinkles of the bags and soft clacks of not-yet-set hard candies getting thrown around.
Your excitement and anticipation clouded your senses, overwhelmed by the bright colours and mouth-watering smells in the store. Caught in the shopkeeper's presentation, you hadn't even noticed the other person in the shop. Only when the person moseied up the aisle, basket in hand, did you finally notice him. But, from his eye, he had noticed you the second you entered the store.
"You really know your taffy," he chuckled, sidling up to you.
Allowing your smile falter, you looked back at the shopkeeper as he came from the crate with a large, red package in his hand. Gently, you hummed, "No, the Satō-Shō knows taffy. I just buy it from him."
"Touché," the other customer replied. "From the looks of you, you don't eat a lot of taffy, or candy for that matter."
Narrowing your eyes, you turned over what he said in your mind. You felt a bit gross, like you had been looked at in a certain way by someone who shouldn't have been looking in the first place. Besides, you looked like you ate candy, you were sure you did. You didn't know what a candy-eater looked like, per say, but you were sure it would be a picture of yourself in that dictionary.
"Anyway," the shopkeeper interrupted pointedly. Your eyes snapped up to his kind, old face and the ghost of a smile returned to your lips. The old man's eyes twinkled and the corner of his lip curled as he said, "I've got something special for you, my best customer."
"Is it another gobstopper?" You gasped, "No, another one of those massive lollipops? Or is it something new, something experimental? Might I die, just at the sight of it?"
Recieving your waves of excitement, the shopkeeper chortled, "I won't be selling it, because of the special ingredient, but it is a new idea. And maybe you will just die when you try them."
"The mystery is eating me alive," you said very seriously. The shopkeeper smacked the counter lightly before coming around it.
"Alright, give me a minute, it's in the back still."
Stars, you hoped it was something wacky. That lollipop was bigger than your head, and it took you over a week to finish - but the Sugar Dealer could always have a crazier idea. He won't be selling it, which confused you some, but made you feel wildly special. It had you wondering what special ingredient would make a candy unmarkettable. Perhaps it-
"How about, this trip, you let me pay," the man offered, ripping you away from your thoughts. You looked at the dark haired man beside you, who smiled as nicely as he could, rubbing the back of his neck. "It seems you come here a lot. A pretty woman like yourself shouldn't be spending all of her money on sweets."
"I'm sorry."
"I was asking-"
"No, I heard you, I heard you," you mumbled, looking behind him to check for the shopkeeper. "I'm sorry," you repeated more firmly, looking into the man's hazel eyes. "My husband has no taste for conversations like these - I suggest you quit while you're ahead ."
Your warning wasn't enough, as the man shamelessly flirted, "How can I, when put in front of a woman so beautiful?"
"Isn't she just the prettiest lady in all the Land?"
Oh, thank you, Stars.
Turning the other way, there Kakashi was standing, a single rose in hand. You smiled up at him gratefully as he put the rose into your fingers and his arm around your waist, pulling you as close to him as you knew you needed to be. The rose in your hand was perfect, without the one blemish or tear anywhere in the petals.
"One flower? Couldn't have sprung for a bouquet?" The dark haired man quipped dryly.
Before Kakashi could say something harsh, you just hummed, holding the flower to your nose and putting your free hand over the hand of your husband as it clutched your waist posessively, "It's rare that a man can appreciate the value of one perfect rose."
"Here we go!" The shopkeeper exclaimed, hurrying out of the back. When he returned to the counter, his eyes immediately landed on Kakashi, morphing his cheery expression to shock as he bowed. Hurriedly, he said, "Lord Sixth! I didn't know I would be graced with your presence in my meager, little shop."
"My wife loves this place dearly, I would never call it meager," Kakashi replied politely. He took a deep breath, eyes darting to the man who stood on your other side, mortified.
Flirting with the Hokage's wife was a massive issue, it was just lucky that Kakashi's mind wasn't terribly dark that day.
Waving off the praise of his store from the Hokage, the shopkeeper set a bag of light brown taffies on the counter. Drawing forward, you ooh'd, which diffused a grand amount of tension in the store. The Sugar Dealer's special something turned out to bless you before you even had the one.
"Why don't you want to sell these?" You asked, looking at the bag from a couple different angles.
The shopkeeper chuckled, "It's Amaretto taffy. I can't let a child experience the bliss of Amaretto so early on."
Eyes the size of dinner plates, you pulled out your wallet immediately. You riffled through the bills, collecting a thousand yen at least.
"Keep your m- Lord Hokage, please, I don't-"
"Don't set that precedent," Kakashi remarked deeply as he set two thousand yen on the counter. You threw a few hundred extra down, knowing you owed that shopkeeper so much more from all of his free samples and special somethings.
"I cannot accept your money," he insisted, going to pick up the bills to hand them back.
Plucking the bags of cherry taffy and Amaretto taffy into his free hand, Kakashi just laughed, beginning to steer the two of you away, "Seriously, Satō-Shō, she'll come back here and clean you out."
Nodding in agreement, you waved goodbye to the shopkeeper while pressing the soft rose petals to your cheek. You didn't spare the dark haired man a glance as you turned forward, leaning into your husband's large body. Warmth radiated from him, even more noticably when the two of you stepped back outside.
"What am I going to do with you?" Kakashi asked in a sigh, mainly directed toward himself as his hand drifted from your waist, up your spine.
Brow furrowed, you joked, "You can start by giving me one of the Amarettos."
"Would you have let him buy these for you?"
It was a stupid question, you both knew it, but Kakashi always worried. Worried about everything, but nothing made him as anxious as a potential threat to the sanctity of your relationship.
"You would turn down free candy?"
His expression darkened as he hooked his arm over your shoulders. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking up at his gorgeous face with the halo of cloud. Slowly, he said, "You should be."
"Oh, my dearest, so green with envy," you hummed, holding the hand that rested over your shoulders again. You kissed the back of his hand, promising, "I only jest. I knew you would come to my rescue. My pretty boy always swoops in the save the day."
"Fuckin' right I do," he huffed, pulling you into an alley.
In an instant, his mask was down and his lips were on yours, moving assertively. Like a wire becoming live in your stomach, you could feel electric shocks throughout your body, going all the way down to your fingertips.
Stealing a kiss in a darkened alleyway was so juvenile. It reminded you of all the times the two of you had been in this situation before, especially before you were wed. Not often was the reason for these desirous kisses another man, but the subject had been raised before.
"You're mine, all mine," he snapped, the vibrations of his baritone voice sending ripples against your lips. You let a whimper pass through you as you gaze at your husband's bare face. You leaned forward to kiss your husband again, but he pulled away gently, pressing you against the brickwall of the alley. Looking at you with cloudy eyes, Kakashi purred, "Tell me. Tell me you're mine."
"I'm yours, Kakashi, I'm entirely yours- until the end of time," you replied breathily. Eyes scanning your face, Kakashi apparently decided your words sincere as he came forward again to press his soft lips to yours.
He tasted so divine, you couldn't help but moan softly. His tongue slipped past your lips slyly, making a pool form in your stomach. As Kakashi's tongue swirled around yours, the two of you were locked in a dance. A duet, that you and your husband had perfected over the years. You whispered a complaint when Kakashi takes a breath, but it falls on deaf ears.
"Not here," he growls while pulling the fabric back over his face, snatching your hand up quickly. Through the mask, Kakashi places a chaste kiss to your forehead before swiftly pulling you out of the alley. Hushed and hurried as he barreled the two of you down the street at a blistering pace, Kakashi promised, "I'm going to have you screaming those words all night long, my pretty lady."
Supressing the squeal that bubbled up from the pit of heat in your stomach, you happily scurried along as Kakashi led the way to the Red House under Hokage Rock. It was a darling place to live, and you enjoyed decorating it, but even just the residence wing was huge - you almost preferred the apartment you and Kakashi had before he became the Hokage. But, anywhere was the perfect place to live, so long as you were living with Kakashi.
In half the time it took the two of you to get to the confectionary, you were home. Not wasting a second, Kakashi threw the bags of taffy onto the console table in the foyer, immediately putting both of his hands on your hips to pull you in. You hadn't even caught when he pulled down his mask again. But, with his speed, Kakashi caught the single rose between your two bodies and you yelped, holding the flower high.
"You took all four of your minutes to pick out the perfect rose, be gentle with her," you chided, inspecting the slight dents on either side of the rose's bulb.
"I'll be gentle with her," your husband replied, plucking the flower from your fingers.
Gingerly, Kakashi placed it on the console table, just on top of the taffy bags. He turned back to you, eyes darkened a shade further, and he replaced his hand to your hip. Kakashi snapped your body to his with a chuckle, making you gasp. His gorgeous, pillowy lips were all you could focus on, taken by the flushes of self-inflicted bite marks that dotted the center of his mouth.
Muting any remark from you, Kakashi began kissing you again. This time, in the comfort of privacy, his lips were enflamed with passion and desperation - the two ingredients mixed so deliciously to deliver you a kiss that made your knees weak. Kakashi wrapped his thick forearm around your lower back, allowing you to lean on him. As you did so, his other hand travelled lower, squeezing the plump flesh of your ass before nudging you to jump. You do, and Kakashi caught you firmly, one hand squeezing beneath your thigh while the other remained to support your back. The jump gives you the friction both of you crave, but doesn't satiate further.
Pressing you against the growing tent of his pants, Kakashi whispered, "There's my good girl."
"Am I not always your good girl?" You whined against his lips, letting your left hand rest on the back of Kakashi's neck while the other pressed on the ample muscle of his chest.
Peppering your jaw with kisses and nips, Kakashi shook his head and began to walk you down the hallway to your bedroom. The ache within you grew, upset at his lack of validation. You had tried your best to ignore and warn the man from the confectionary, and yet he was the reason Kakashi wasn't giving you what you wanted.
"Kakashi, please, kiss me," you begged as he pushed the door to your bedroom open with your back. Your husband continued pressing warm, sloppy kisses to the angle of your jaw, laying you down amongst the linen bedsheets. Feeling so criminally empty, you pleaded, "Please, kiss me- my lips... let me show you I'm your good girl."
"You'll only get my lips on yours after you've proved yourself," Kakashi hummed, adding a modest suckle right on the sweet spot under your ear.
You could've melted beneath your husband, but the nagging knot of nerves in your abdomen kept you intact, barely. Clenching around nothing as Kakashi slid his leg between your thighs, you let a shaky breath fall from your lips. Kakashi's head perked up from your neck, looking at your face amusedly.
"What are you supposed to do when another man starts flirting with you?"
You shrug, feeling like you did as much as you could have without being rude. You threw your head back into the sea of white linen and replied, "I dunno. Wait for you, like I always do?"
"You do know, pretty lady." You freeze as Kakashi's right hand floated to your thinly clothed cunt. Drifting his finger over the fabric that covered your slit, you sucked in a moan and Kakashi hummed, "You know, and once you give me the right answer, I'll give you what you want." A stifled scream passes through your pursed lips as his lithe fingers graze your sensitive clit. He repeated, "What are you supposed to do when another man flirts with you?"
"Talk about you," you answered, bucking your hips against your husband's hand and thigh.
With a small amount of pressure, Kakashi's middle finger began laying small circles onto your clit. You gasped, "Tell him... tell him h-how frightening you are... when you're mad."
"No," Kakashi snipped, taking his hand and leg away, making your thighs snap shut. He corrects you, voice filled with a dire intonation, "You tell him I'll kill him."
"If another man ever comes so close to you, tell him his body will be found in five different places."
Despite how sharp his words were, you could feel wetness pooling in your panties. Kakashi's eyes were so serious, and there wasn't a hint of humour in his tone. Just fanning the flames of your arousal, Kakashi still did nothing to quench the heat that devoured every nerve in your body.
"I will," you swore, trying to look as sterling as possible.
Kakashi hummed, slowly letting his left hand slide down the inside of your thigh. You went to squeeze your knees together, but Kakashi immediately separated them with either hand. With a shake of his head, Kakashi slotted himself between your legs again, his massive length straining against the black fabric of his trousers as he rubbed against the sopping cloth of your underwear.
"Fuck, you're so wet for me," he sighed, hanging his head. Then Kakashi looked up at you, the corner of his mouth twitching so hungrily. "I do believe, me having saved you falls under the you-owing-me-one category." You nodded quickly, swallowing the excess spit in your mouth. Kakashi smirked so cruelly, "Look at you, my pretty lady - so eager to please."
"Eager to please you," you affirmed, making Kakashi groan your name as he leaned down to finally give you a proper kiss.
Rutting your hips up, you ground against the twitching bulge in your husband's pants, getting ready to pull turn yourself around. You weren't in a terribly good position to suck Kakashi's cock - he greatly preferred it when you hung your head over the edge of the bed, opening up your throat so perfectly for him to slide down. You could never fit more than half of his length before he was hitting the back of your throat, but if your head was over the edge of the-
It didn't matter. Kakashi moved before you could, slowly moving away from your mouth and down to your jaw. Holding you down slightly, he interspersed your soft neck with gentle sucks and bites, sure to show up as a million love bites the next day.
You had plenty of turtlenecked shirts for the such occasions, but you still found yourself pulling down the neck at various parts of the days you wore them, bragging to each and every one of your friends. They always demanded such lewd details, and you were much obliged to offer up every juicy facet, if only in a private setting. All of them were jealous, so fucking jealous of you, and this was why.
Trailing down to the valley of your chest, Kakashi groaned deeply as his left hand massaged the flesh of your right tit through the fabric of your bra, kneading and squeezing so strongly it elicited a shaky thrum from you. While his hand went up to your shoulder, Kakashi pressed a myriad wet, lingering kisses to the exposed skin of your bust. He pushed the short sleeves of your dress and the strap of your bra off of your shoulder, doing the same to the other side, before Kakashi began tugging the purple dress off of your body entirely. Hastily, he pulled his two top layers off as one, throwing them to the ground with your dress.
"Now who's eager?" You teased as he thumbed the waistband of his trousers.
Feeling a breeze with how quick he is, Kakashi's fingers were nearly sinking into you through your panties. You inhaled sharply as he replied adamantly, "Me. I'm eager."
He would always admit it, quite happily too; Kakashi loved your cunt, in any way he could have you.
Battling his urges, Kakashi was much slower to pull your cotton underwear off than he was with your dress, seeming to greatly enjoy watching strands of your slick pull away with the fabric. He groaned lowly, flicking the soaked cotton to some corner of the room. Cold air flushed against your flaming core, making you clench at the contrast. Slowly, Kakashi lowered to his knees, face to face with your already moistened pussy, and he smiled as you threw your legs around his shoulders.
"Tell me what you want," he commanded lowly, hot breath fanning over your folds.
You swallowed thickly and answered, "I want you, Kakashi, how-ever you wish to have me."
"Fuck, I love you," Kakashi groaned, leaning forward to lick a stripe up your slit. You can see your white and translucent slick on his tongue as he hummed, "You taste so good for me, darling. All that candy, it makes you sweet."
"I love you," you whimpered breathlessly as Kakashi's tongue licked another stripe, entering your folds to get as much of your wetness as he could on his tongue. He swallowed it up, humming to himself lowly before capturing your clit between his lips in a soft suckle. Instantly, you're throwing his headband away and letting your fingers find purchase in your husband's silver tresses. "Stars almighty, Kakashi."
"Mm. That's right, say my name."
Without question, you give in, your husband's name becoming like a prayer as he lapped at your pussy. His tongue swirled around your clit as his long fingers danced around your inner-thigh. The tickle made you shiver, which only seemed to make Kakashi hungrier. Bringing his fingers to your folds, your husband began teasing your entrance with his calloused pads.
Looking down at him, you let out a heavy moan that was felt even in your cunt. Kakashi's eyes were half-lidded as he locked them with yours, and you could recognize how ablaze with desire they were.
"I'm all yours, K-kashi, please," you bit out, starting to feel a whirl in your mind. The fog began to lift, and you could see the light of an orgasm at the end of the tunnel. You ran toward it, calling out Kakashi's name until-
Cold air hits your folds, making you shutter your eyes open. You didn't remember closing them. Looking down to your husband, still with your legs over his shoulders, you babbled a plea, only to be met with another cold blow from Kakashi's very own lips. You whined loudly, throwing your head back into the sheets.
"Where's my good girl gone?" Kakashi wondered aloud in a light tone. He slid down his trousers, lazily pumping his impressive length. Even after so many years, so many encounters, Kakashi's cock always made your lip quiver. As you stared, entranced, he came up your body, slowly pressing your legs up to your chest, and made eye contact with you.
The way Kakashi looked down at you... it almost brought you to tears. Tears of elation, of disbelief, even after all this time. His expression was of playful adoration, of the man you had fallen in love with most ardently so many years ago. But his eyes - they screamed of a dark desire, thousands of thoughts flitting behind his charcoal irises. The uncomfortable nagging of your denied release faded as your heart swelled five sized too big.
Sliding the leaking tip of his cock through your folds, Kakashi lowly chuckled as you squirmed, "I asked you a question, pretty lady."
"You'll just have to ask me again - your eyes are far too distracting," you purred, trying to sound as sultry as you could.
"Flattery will get you everywhere, darling."
Despite his candied tone, Kakashi slapped the tip of his cock against your clit. The jolt made you stutter away, but Kakashi pulled you back with both hands clamped on your hips, before leaning down to hook around your back and remove your bra.
As he threw the plunged bra aside, he murmured, "Be good. Don't you want my cock? Or... would you prefer-"
"I'll be good! I'm good!" You wailed, dragging your slicked folds over your husband's girth. "I want your cock so fucking bad, Kakashi, please, please- I want you, please-"
"Not very good of you, interrupting me," Kakashi mumbled under his breath, his hand wrapping around the base of his cock to line himself up with your velvety entrance. He sighed as the tip of his dick spilled into your warmth, "Oh, but who am I to deny my pretty lady?"
Inch by inch, Kakashi squeezed into you, filling you beyond your wildest imagination. You whimpered, calling out his name as your nails dug into his muscular thighs. No corner of your mind could capture how stuffed-full Kakashi made you feel, it was something you were blown away by every night.
"Fuck- yeah, just a bit more- fuck, you're taking me so well, pretty, pretty, pretty lady," Kakashi groaned lowly as he sank into your warmth, your wetness squelching with the vacuum seal. His hand cupped your cheek, so warm that you couldn't help but lean into his touch as his fingers curled under your jaw. He bottomed out, giving you a second to adjust, cooing, "Such a good girl for me. This pretty pussy's mine, mine alone."
"All yours," you gasped in a squeak. Kakashi groaned, rocking his hips against you. He reached so deep inside of you, you could feel him just below your belly button. You hissed, gripping his thighs, "Kakashi- fuck- you're so- fucking big."
"Mm, and you take everything I give you." Oh, how true the statement was. But your agreement melded to a guttural groan the second Kakashi started moving.
Finally beginning a slow pace of deep strokes, your eyelashes fluttered. Soft moans accompanied every breath as Kakashi started pulling more out, making you feel even more full with every thrust. The sounds of your cunt squelching to accommodate his rapidity fill the room, undercut by the soft slapping of skin.
Putting more pressure on the backs of your knees, Kakashi pushed your legs deeper into your chest. He fucked into you so lovingly that you could see the passion emanating from his body, making all of your muscles simultaneously tense and relax. In a stutter, Kakashi put his left hand on the bed, beside your head, while the other travelled lower to grip your ass. His entire body came closer to you, deepening his movements that much more. Breaths mixing between the two of you, a humidity arose in the room, with a very particular scent.
Enthralled by the sight of his cock disappearing within you, Kakashi's head was tilted slightly down. A stupid smile plastered on your face as you choked back a moan and kissed Kakashi's forehead. His eyes immediately found yours and his hips snapped into yours.
Leaning to connect his lips with yours, Kakashi quickened his pace, swallowing every wanton sound that came from your lips. His tongue Waltzed with yours, leading you in a lovely dance. You reached up, moving one hand over your husband's gorgeously chiseled face as the other squeezed the plump muscles of his shoulder. For a moment, Kakashi let you really get used to his pace, allowing your orgasm to climb to the forefront of your mind once again.
As you climbed the mountain, your walls clenched around your husband's dick, sucking him in further, ushering his precum into your womb. Right on the edge of bliss, your body twitched around, moans becoming more and more obscene.
"Maybe I should stop right now," he groaned, slowing his thrusts painfully.
Vehemently shaking your head, your eyes flew open. "No, K'kashi, no, ple-ase, I was s'close, please, you feel so- so good."
"Tch, how can I deny such a good, beautiful girl?" Kakashi tittered, gradually going back to his original speed. As you sank back in, he pulled you out, asserting firmly, "Look at me when you cum on my dick."
"Kakashi-i-i-" You moaned for a prolonged time, eyes fighting to stay open. Your husband's lip was curled into a darling smile, and the thoughts behind his eyes finally settled. A wide smile stretched across your lips, mouth falling open as you could feel Kakashi's eyes caressing your very soul.
When his hand ghosted around your thigh and intuitively found your clit, shockwaves were sent through your entire body. Just a few beats behind the tempo of Kakashi's thrusts, his middle and ring finger whirled the sensitive bundle of nerves. In only a few more thrusts, you're screaming Kakashi's name as he finally gives you the sweet release.
"Fuckin' stars," he gasped, stilling in your cunt as your walls fluttered and spasmed. "You're s'fuckin' tight, so fucking beautiful."
Smiling up at him, Kakashi pressed another hungry kiss to your lips, before pulling back entirely. He gripped your hips and began snapping into you with more force than he had before.
"Kakashi! Fuck!" You yelled out, hands left to grip his thighs again. Digging your nails into the back of his thighs only seemed to give your husband more vigour. You gasped, "Fucking sensitive, Kakashi, stars-"
"I'm the only one who gets to fuck you like this," he groaned, bottoming out with every thrust. His timing grew uneven, and his strokes got messy, telling you he was nearing his light too. "Such a good girl f'me. Me. Only me."
"I love your cock," you whined, feeling blood rushing to your head, a slight spin percolating.
"M-my perfect wife, fuck- I'm gonna cum, pretty girl." Pulling your flushed body up, Kakashi took you in his arms as he fucked into you, delivering his last few plunging strokes, before he stuttered entirely. He groaned so deeply, you could feel the vibration in his cock, pressed against your cervix, "I fuckin' love fillin' you up."
A heat trickled into you, making you smile as Kakashi thrusted into you a few more times at a relatively lazy rhythm, bringing you a swell of relief. Your husband's cock twitched within you, filling you more and more. With a contented breath, you clenched around him, beckoning his cum further into you.
Bringing you up for another kiss, Kakashi hummed against your lips as he stilled, keeping all of his spend nice and secure within you. He took you up fully, then turned and fell back into the bed. The position had you sinking onto his cock so deliciously as you leaned against his chest.
"I love you, more than anything," you murmured as Kakashi's eyes roamed your face.
A small smile tugged at his lip, bestowing you with a dashing look. "I love you too, pretty lady."
"So, what's your verdict?" You asked with a soft chuckle and a tired undercut.
"What's my what, darling?" He asked, voice slightly rasped.
Reaching to your face, he tucked a lock of hair behind your ear lovingly, which had you biting down on your lower lip. Kakashi's eyes danced over your puffy lips, smile deepening on both of your faces as you laughed,
"Can I have an Amaretto taffy now?"
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ssailormoonn · 1 month
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Hatake Kakashi X Fem!Reader
WC; 2.1k+ | !MDNI! | TW/CW :: x fem reader, overstimulatiom, coming on tits and in mouth, oral -> male reciveing, teasing, edging + more
⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯 :: (filled request) I saw the itachi nsfw alphabet and I was like Noway! You writ for naruto? Oh can you write one for kakashi? - ANON
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A = Aftercare
Would 100% place soft kisses around your neck and your cheeks as you fall asleep against him. In the morning or when he and you wake up I feel he would run a warm bath for the two of you with special oils and soaps. Probably would turn into him gently and caringly fingering your cunt as you squirm against him and pant his name softly while you grip your hands into his arms. OR, the two of you wouldn't even be bothered to move, your limbs entangled with each other as you fall asleep
B = Body part (his favourite about himself and you)
(His) Kakashi favourite body part about himself would probably be his arms because he loves wrapping them around you, especially wrapping them underneath your boobs, loves your boobs. Loves his chest, and loves it when you trail down kisses to give him head.
(Yours) Kakashi's favourite body part from you is your boobs. He loves everything about your body of course but he specifically loves your tits. Loves it when you don't have a bra and he can wrap his arms around you so he can rub your perk nipples in between his rough fingers. Or he loves your ass, loves watching it move due to his thrusts, loves to grip it, to sleep on it, you name it.
C = Cum
Loves to cum on your chest. After he does he loves seeing your fucked out face and he continues to smear it everywhere while groping your breasts overstimming you in pleasure just get's him going. Loves coming in your mouth as well, loves to see your throat stretching from him and asking you to stick out your tongue to see his cum spread all over your mouth.
D = Dirty Secret
Really wants to fuck your tits. Wants you to be either laying down or on your knees as he squishes your plush tits together and pushes his thick dick through them and thrusts to get off. Loves to see that you are even getting pleasure from him fucking your tits, your head thrown back and whimpers leaving your pretty little mouth. Maybe even wearing some lingerie thigh highs to top it off would just make him so needy for you.
E = Experience
Everyone thinks this man is so experience, however, I dont think so. Maybe he's had one or two fucks but I doubt that this depressed asf man would've fucked any one in his teens. Did most the fucking in his adult years. Only has experience from his dirty smut books I suppose. But Kakashi radiates that even if you WERE to fuck him as a virgin, this man would know what he's doing.
F = Favourite Postion
I'm going to say prone bone position, or even just missionary mostly doggy though. Loves to prop you up with a pillow underneath your lower abdomen as you lay on your stomach, holding your waist and thrusting deeply into you, loves the way you let out a whimpered scream into the bed sheets and your dainty hands gripping the comforter wishing that you would be scratching his back and arms, but he'll save that for later. Loves doing doggy bc he can lean down over you and whisper filthy things into your ear while still feeling your ass ripple against his thrusts. Also loves to grope your boobs, lick and squeeze them in this position. Missionary is self-explanatory, loves to see your fucked out face making his ego grow.
G = Goofy
Loves to make random remarks during sex but on the other hand, he is serious other than his evident teasing in his playful voice. Loves to know he can make you dumb on his cock and fingers just from his words. He finds sex intimate so don't expect him to say anything that isn't teasing to often
H = Hair
I'm gonna say he's more on the clean-shaven side like he trims often only because I feel like he doesn't seem like the type to not trim or shave, he seems like a clean person. I have a feeling he's probably scared of having a lot of hair down there 😭, don't ask me why., he likes to feel and be clean. His pubic hair probably isn't that noticeable anyways because it's a pale white.
I = Intimacy
Leaning to the romantic side although when he's rough he still is romantic in his own ways, his teasing shows how much he loves you. Loves to tease as he makes his way down your face to neck down to your cut with tongued kisses, his body towering towering over your significantly tinier body. Loves it when you have to bite down onto his shoulder and when you're on top leaving the same amount of hickies as he does.
J = Jack off
Definitely jacks off when you're not around and he needs you so badly. When he's on a trip for a soccer game and you aren't allowed to come he definitely masturbates more than a few times because he misses you so much
K = Kink/s
Kakashi's kinks have to be overstimulation, edging, and teasing (teasing you). Overstimulating you when he's giving you oral is one of his favourite things to do with you, continuing to finger your clenching hole as you squirm to get away from him but it feels so good at the same time and the tears coming from your eyes at the pleasure makes him feel so good making him want to tease the fuck out of you. Edging you when you came home so needy and horny for Kakashi only for him to stop thrusting into you or slowing down just makes you whine for him making chuckles leave his mouth continues to tease you with his egotistic words and slowly moving again with slow kisses and thrust.
L = Location
I'm going to say either the classic bedroom or even in the aftercare part when he wants to fuck you in the bath. He just loves to have you in a space where you can't squirm away from him and wants to have your body pressed tightly against his. So any place which gives him the most access to be skin-to-skin with you would be his favourite. If you're on a mission with him he would fuck you in a forest or an inn.
The hokage office is looking real nice though
M = Motivation
Anything. Or seeing your nipples poke through a shirt or you not wearing any pants.
N = No
Wouldn't publicly fuck you, like in an alleyway, he wouldn't do it on a train or anything very open like that. Kakashi thinks that romantic and sexual things should be for his eyes only and not for any perverts.
O = Oral
Prefers to receive. Doesn't mean he don't enjoy munching on your own cunt though, he absolutely love eating out your soaked cunt but he just rather your tight mouth try to fit his length without gagging. Loves coming down your throat and making you open your plump lips to make sure that you swallowed all his seed. Kakashi loves the way you make sure to trace every vein on his dick before taking him whole in your mouth and the muffled gags and gasps you make on his dick causing you to grip his thighs just makes him want to cum down your tight little throat more.
P = Pace
His pace really depends on his mood. But he's more into the rougher side of sex. He doesn't mind going all romantic and slow with you, he usually does what you ask his to do. If you want it gentle, you'll get it gentle. You want it rough? you'll get it rough.
Q = Quickie
Isn't a big fan of them because he would rather worship every square inch of your body than just a quick fuck. If he's late or you are late and you both are needy for each other then he will gladly have sex with you no questions asked. He would rather hear your moans for longer though. He would love to have an audio recording of your moans. He just loves how you sound and wants to relish in all of you.
R = Risk
Would make you walk around with no underwear on.
S = Stamina
Bro holds the status of Hokage, that's self explanatory. He can go all day and night with his stamina. He'd get so lost within your cunt, like he would spend hours in you and pleasuring you and him, filling you up. Though, he knows you don't have his stamina so you'd have to stop after 3-5 rounds bc you'd pass out on him :D
T = Toys
No. Wouldn't be opposed to having a pretty clit vibrator for you, aghhhhh overstimming you on his cock and having the vibrations flow through on his dick with make him go feral.
U = Unfair
He isn't the kindest person during sex regarding when you get to cum. Overstimulates you, edges you. He finds it entertaining how you beg and beg for him for a release or for him to stop and slow down. If he's teasing you he makes sure to slowly thrust in and out of you until your are practically crying and screaming for Kakaahi to please you how you wanna be pleased. Every time you chant his name his ego gets boosted. Loves to see you in the palms of his hands.
V = Volume
I'm going to say he's not loud but he's not quick, doesn't matter anyways because you're probably not going to hear him with the way he's fucking you. He definitely groans and moans louder when he's getting close to his release. Groans into your pussy when he hears you moan, he just loves getting you off knowing that he's the only one to make you feel like this.
W = Wild?
Recreating the smut scenes in the books he reads is a given. He would recreate all of those with you. He fucks wild and tame at the same time, well mostly tame. But the things he says with either praising, degrading, or teasing you are wild. he fucks to the bridge of the 'tame fucking', so he's basically fucking you wild as well but he says he doesn't
X = X-ray
Kakashi is the definition of having a long and thick dick oml. Probably a solid 6-7 inches when soft and 8 inches when hard, his dick is definitely heavy along with his balls. His shaft is a shade darker than his pale skin, so still pretty pale. His tip is a darker shade of pink, not a pale pink but a deep pink as the shade of his lips.
Y = Yearning
Wants you all the time. Can't wait until he has you crying on his cock and. He reads smut in his time all day every day (like me 🧍🏼‍♀️)
Z = Zzzz
Falls asleep last, and makes sure that his princess is asleep and comfortable before him. Loves to have you flush against him when the two of you are falling asleep. He already has a warm wet rag that he uses to gently clean up the mess between your thighs and chest
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
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strawberrystepmom · 11 months
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pairing: werewolf!kakashi hatake x f!reader
word count: 5.2k
about: your boyfriend leaves you alone for one week every month and you can never seem to put your finger on why. convinced he’s cheating, you book a romantic getaway to pin him down and figure him out. while preparing to leave, you instead discover the hairy secret he has been keeping from you all this time.
contents: nsfw - mdni. cw knotting, cw mating, cw breeding kink. miscommunication with resolution, established relationship, piv sex, vaginal fingering, reader has breasts and is referred to as pretty and mate multiple times, reader has pubic hair, few mentions of birth control (reader is on it but method is not specified), sloppy and messy sex (saliva is mentioned but there is no specific instance of spitting)
notes: part of thot-o-ween 2023! ngl i had the most fun writing this one out of the whole group this far and i hope that it shows and you enjoy reading it! thanks for the support the last four weeks and i'm so glad we are getting into the thick of the good stuff now. ♡
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“Don’t be ridiculous, he absolutely adores you.”
Despite the consistent reassurance of your best friend, you aren’t certain that your boyfriend Kakashi does adore you. 
It’s not that he isn’t wonderful because he is. Supportive, serious without being a bore, and surprisingly humble - these are all things it takes no effort for you to feel and say about him. Despite this, you can’t shake the nagging distrust you’ve felt since he told you he’s going on his once a month week long business trip. Unfortunately, this time it coincides with a romantic getaway you tried to book for the two of you as a surprise. Despite days of trying to convince yourself that it’s nothing and you have nothing to worry about with his cyclical departures, you have a really bad feeling. 
“I can’t explain it but my intuition is going crazy. It feels like he’s lying to me.”
Your mind has played through all of the reasonable possibilities for his departure and is now filtering through the unreasonable ones. The “he has a family he’s hiding from me” paranoia pings between your ears like a racing pinball and your friend can tell, her face set in a displeased frown. She has been placating you for the past five months, politely shoving you in the direction of speaking your mind to the man, but she knows you’re uncomfortable with the idea.
She reaches across the small table the two of you sit at, dotted with discarded napkins and cups full of rapidly melting ice, and grabs your hands between hers. You appreciate the gesture and squeeze her fingers with your thumbs, smiling softly. 
“You already know my advice because I’ve given it freely. What you do next is completely up to you.”
Nodding, you know she’s right. She has told you to confront him, to snoop, to follow him and these all sound like wonderful ways to handle the issue in theory. In practice, though? That’s a different story. 
Dropping her hands and picking your phone up from the table, you sigh and open the little green bubble that is the messages app. Kakashi’s thread is at the top of your list and you open it, smiling looking at his sweet wishes of a good evening with your friend. 
Hope you’re having fun. See you soon. 😊
“I booked that cabin before he told me he was leaving, do you think I should still tell him about it?”
Your friend nods firmly, sticking to her earlier advice.
“Yes, you should have told him as soon as you planned the getaway but maybe he can arrange something with work if he knows. It’s still a week out.”
Sighing, you nod in agreement and tap out a message in response to your boyfriend, worrying your lower lip between your teeth.
I know this is kind of off the cuff and you already told me you’re going to be gone but I booked a cabin for all of next week for the two of us. If you can’t make it, I understand. Romantic surprises are so hard sometimes!
The message whooshes and shows as sent, the blue text bubble sitting as heavy as the anxiety in your stomach. It’s long winded and something you probably should have said in person rather than via text but considering how nauseous you already feel anticipating his answer, you think this may have been for the best. You lock your phone and place it back down, not wanting to stare at the screen any longer, and the waitress comes to drop off your check. 
Just as you reach for the little black tray with your receipt, your phone pings and your eyebrows raise. You smile at the waitress as you slide your card onto the tray and send her off, picking up your phone as soon as it’s not rude to do so.
You are so thoughtful. Don’t worry about not saying something sooner, I will see what I can figure out. Thank you for doing something so sweet.
Maybe your mind really has been playing tricks on you. It’s hard to hide your grin as you pass the phone across the table and your friend smiles as she reads as well, holding her hands out and tilting her head.
“See? Good communication is key.”
You know she’s right.
Across town, though, Kakashi paces the floor of his bedroom wondering how the fuck he is going to make this work.
How he ended up landing someone like you is still beyond his rational understanding. You are too good to be true and booking a surprise romantic getaway, in any other situation, would be a gift. A luxury, even. Time spent with you, secluded, watching the autumn leaves fall? He couldn’t dream of anything more but next week simply does not work for him.
Pressing the screen of his phone wildly, he swipes through apps until he finds his moon phase tracker, popping open the calendar to see when exactly the full moon falls. He’ll get more details from you later but if you booked it from Monday to Sunday, he may be able to pull off leaving early but staying for most of the time. The full moon falls on Friday and realistically if he spent the week with you up until Thursday, he may be able to pull it off.
Sighing, he slumps down on the edge of his bed and scrubs his hand over his face. The luck he has had over the last few months hiding his secret from you has been nothing short of fortuitous and he’s glad for your trust in him even though it eats him up to lie about his whereabouts for a week every single month. 
Putting you at risk is the last thing the man would ever want to do so he’s already taking a huge chance trying to make this week work knowing that his hormones are stronger in certain months rather than others. He has felt overcome by his instincts this entire month, it’s the reason he has buried himself in busy work rather than spending his free time with you, but he knows that if he hangs you out to dry this week it could result in him losing you.
That’s simply not an option he’s willing to entertain so he will figure it out despite how it makes his gut twist and his mind race. 
Swiping off of the moon cycle app, he opens his messages and the cursor blinks at him tauntingly while he considers what to say. 
I can come along Monday through Thursday if that’s alright with you?
Tapping the little blue arrow that sends the message off to you, he feels a weight on his shoulders that he can’t quite name. It’s sadness because he knows eventually he’ll have to tell you the truth about himself or let you go but selfishly, he wants to put it off for as long as he possibly can. 
Something about you makes him believe that those old stories his dad told him growing up about their kind having fated mates may have been true. His mother was his father’s mate, she knew of his secret and kept it until the day she died, and despite this harsh world, Kakashi has always kept the smallest kindling of hope that it could be true.
Then he met you and his body all but told him it was, the ruts coming more consistently and stronger, lasting for longer than they ever have. What started as one day a month he had to hide away to keep from exposing himself became two days, and then three, and then an entire week having to seclude himself from you to keep from giving into his more base urges.
Another sigh leaves the man and he taps his feet against the floor beneath them impatiently, clutching his phone in his palm. Three pings in succession make him lift it to his face, squinting slightly thanks to the brightness of the screen, but he smiles reading your words.
Omg yay!!! 
I’m glad to get you for even that long
Thank you for making it work for me
It’ll be a risk but he’s willing to take it to see your pretty smile and to spend time cozied up reading and watching your silly shows and enjoying each other. 
It’ll all be worth it as long as he can keep control.
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The days leading up to the trip pass uneventfully for you but Kakashi feels differently with each hour that passes, especially today.
He’s hot. Cloyingly and overwhelmingly, to the point he has to lay on his couch in nothing but boxers and an old tank top dug out of the back of his dresser drawer to try and cool down. Sweat glistens across his skin and his very bones ache, all of the blood in his body running to his cock and making it impossible for him to think.
When you arrive at his apartment to spend the night in order to make leaving in the morning simpler, you’re shocked to see him lying on the couch with one hand down his boxers halfheartedly playing with his hard cock with one arm thrown over his eyes. His cheeks are pink and he’s panting, only glancing up briefly when the door opens and shuts. He scrambles to sit up but you can tell he’s struggling, his abs tensing with every breath he takes.
“Oh babe, are you alright?”
Dropping your bags at the front door, you rush to his side and kneel on the ground next to where he is strewn across the sofa. You press the back of your hand to his clammy cheek and coo, your other hand tangling in his unruly hair and combing it away from his forehead. He doesn’t uncover his eyes but his breathing is so heavy you worry something is seriously wrong with him.
“Kakashi, what’s wrong? Are you sick? Do you need to go to urgent care?”
He shakes his head and groans, chest still heaving and you notice the tip of his cock peeking above the waistband of his boxers. It looks the same as you remember it in every way except for the color - so red, as if it’s blushing to be spotted and leaking a pool of sticky pre-cum onto the barely exposed skin his tank top isn’t covering. You know the two of you have been too busy the last several days to spend much quality time together and sex hasn’t been possible but you’ve never seen someone so horny they’re actually ill because all current signs point to that being the exact issue.
“Talk to me. What’s going on?”
Embarrassment keeps him from opening up. Kakashi is ashamed of who he is, a beast more than a man, and he’s even more ashamed that he has no way of keeping the secret from you any longer. This rut is too strong and he needs you to leave lest his instincts take over his logic. Pulling his arm from over his eyes, he tries to sit up and you assist him to the best of your ability, his cock throbbing through the thin fabric of his boxers and catching your eye despite your attempts to focus on his handsome face. His stormcloud colored eyes have never looked more tumultuous than they do right now and you reach out to cup his face, only for him to gently grasp your wrist and pull you away.
“Don’t touch me.”
The look on your face, brows pinched and mouth agape, reminds him that he’s a monster and not a man and he should have never brought you into his life. The only thing he can do is hurt you. His grip on your wrist is gentle and he loosens it further but you capture his hand in your own, eyes brimming with tears of frustration. 
“Please tell me what’s happening,” your voice cracks as you speak and you feel warm tears spill down your face, irritated by your own ability to hold it together, but your worst fears are coming true in front of you. Something is off about your boyfriend, you were right, and now he’s denying your touch when he clearly needs it. “I just want to know the truth.”
The truth would be a heavy burden for both of you and the last thing he wants to do is force you to carry it with him despite the pleading look in your eyes and your quivering bottom lip.
“What are you hiding from me?” 
Your voice cracks again and his heart breaks all over, gray eyes trained on your face despite his disgust with himself. Despite the tears and the way they blur your vision, you scan his face and drink in every feature because despite how you feel right now, you love this man. You were hoping to tell him so this week, tucked away in the idyllic countryside, and now you feel the dream slipping away from you.
“Are you married? Do you have another life?”
Desperation for the truth makes your hands shake and he shakes his head, blowing a breath out of his lips. He continues to feel so hot it’s painful, like he’s burning alive, and he is resisting inhaling and choosing to breathe through his mouth instead to keep from catching your scent that is gradually replacing all of the fresh air in the apartment. 
Allowing you to hold his hand, he sits forward and looks you in the eyes. If his gut feeling is real, if what he believes about you is true, then he needs to be honest. If you are his mate then you’ll understand. His voice shakes when he speaks and you scoot forward on your knees, closing the distance between your bodies as much as possible, still kneeling on the floor next to him. 
“I think I should be offended that you’d even think that about me.”
Despite yourself, you laugh and he hides a smile of his own, eyes darting away from you. He pulls you up to your feet and scoots over on the couch, hissing as you occupy his space even further. You are affecting him more strongly than you ever have and his self control thins with every moment that passes. 
“I’m sorry, I just don’t know what else to think. The weeks away, the secrecy, all of it…my mind has filled in the blanks I don’t understand.”
Kakashi nods. He understands, he truly does, knowing that his behavior has been less than exemplary while he has tried to keep his secret from you, but he wants to right his wrong while his mind is still clear. His cock throbs angrily, still pressing against the bottom of his stomach even while he sits, and he knows it’s now or never.
“This is going to sound ridiculous but I’m not what you think I am.”
Tilting your head to the side, you look over your handsome boyfriend and wonder what he could mean. Is he lying about his job or where he’s from? He can tell you aren’t following so he looks away from you and tries again, spitting out the words he himself has tried to run from his entire life.
“I’m only half a man, the other half of me is something else entirely.”
Again, you look lost and he grasps your hands in his own hot ones and chuckles, letting his eyes shut.
“Werewolf. I’m a werewolf.”
He opens his eyes at the sound of your surprised laughter and he’s met with the smile he has found himself falling more in love with every single day, your nose scrunching the way he finds utterly adorable.
“Kakashi…” you start but he squeezes your hands and shoots you a look so earnest you feel guilty for ever questioning him. His cheeks have turned from pink to flaming red, the same color as the engorged tip that is still peeking out over the top of his boxers. Your jaw drops and he groans, eyes falling to your lips. 
“What is happening right now is called a rut and unbonded men like me go through them occasionally.” You nod, understandingly. You are always unfailingly kind and patient to him, more so than he deserves for lying to you all these months. He takes your silence as permission to keep speaking and you remove your hand from his to push his sweat slicked hair off of his forehead, noticing the way his nostrils flare with your touch. “Mine have been happening more frequently than that, though, because of you.”
He expects to have lost you again and to see confusion on your face when his eyes flit up to look at you but instead he sees a sweet, almost nervous, half smile. You don’t know what he means or how you could possibly be affecting his rut but the insinuation that you have this strong of an impact on him is flattering to say the least.
Arousing too, you think while pressing your thighs together. Your focus shifts from the heat in your own core to Kakashi and you lean your head on his shoulder.
“How can I help you through this?”
Your boyfriend is far from shocked that this is your next question for him but he’s grateful, shaking his head and gazing at you nervously from the corner of his eye. You have been surprisingly okay with everything so far, or at least it seems like it, but he worries how you’ll react if he tells you everything. 
“Well, ruts are usually resolved by…well, for lack of a better word, mating.” Nodding, you keep your cheek pressed to his shoulder. “It’s not just, you know, having sex like we usually do. It’s more than that.”
You shift where you sit and he watches you intently, gasping when you move to straddle him and sit on top of his thighs. His bulge presses against your core and you hum, still combing your fingers through his hair. Those instincts he was dreading continue to work at him, his mind all but overwhelmed with the sight and scent of you, and his mouth fills with saliva.
“I can handle a few days of fucking if that’s what will make you feel better,” you smile and press a kiss to his forehead, his hands finding their way to your hips and holding them tightly. His grip is harsher than he has ever touched you but it doesn’t hurt, it’s simply anchoring you in place. “But if that’s not all, I will do anything you need.”
He chuckles lowly, the sound sexy and ringing in your ears, and you instinctively grind down on his lap to relieve the tension of your own arousal. It doesn’t take much to turn you on, not when it comes to him, but the mystery of what you have to look forward to makes your head swim. 
“I, uh…well, I’d need to knot you.”
Your eyebrows raise and your eyes glisten with mischief watching him search for the right thing to say. 
“What does that entail?”
Again he sighs, cock throbbing painfully, and you press your lips to his forehead again. He holds you in place to keep your hips from grinding or bumping against him. His mind is growing fuzzier with each passing second and he doesn’t need the encouragement of your luscious hips to turn him into something he can’t explain away with a conversation. He’s teetering on the edge of it anyway.
“You’re familiar with my dick, of course, but when I’m rutting it’s different. It’s…” He trails off again and you reach down between your bodies, snapping the elastic waistband of his boxers. You smirk, the little temptress that you are, and he groans in defeat.
“Show me.”
Despite his brain telling him not to, he nods, happy to bend to your whims as long as you’re okay with what you see. He shifts where he sits, keeping you anchored to his lap with one hand and he uses the other to pull his boxers down around his thighs. You gasp when you notice the thickened base, larger than you’ve ever seen it and swollen. 
“This is your knot?”
He nods, eyes fixed on your face as you inspect the newest part of his anatomy, to you anyway, and he’s relieved to see nothing but curiosity on your face. Your hand drifts back between your bodies and you squeeze the base of him, his knot almost too large for your hand to wrap around, and his hips buck into the touch. He pants, chest heaving with each breath, but you keep your grip intact.
“So let me make sure I have this right,” you start and he nods to indicate that he’s listening despite the overwhelming pleasure he’s feeling at your touch, lower lip tucked between his teeth. “You need to knot your mate to get through this and feel better?”
He nods again, happy that he doesn’t have to explain the gory details and that you were able to fill in the blanks on your own.
“Do you know who your mate is? Is it someone I need to go find for you?”
Shaking his head, his brows furrow.
“You are my mate. That’s the only explanation why my body is reacting like this to everything about you.”
His voice sounds strained, struggling to hold onto his humanity with each passing second. You mercifully let go of his knot, the relief on his face disappearing when you do, and you lean forward, just inches from his lips.
“Then fuck your mate and feel better, baby.”
Sealing your offer by pressing your lips against his, you’re shocked to find that they’re as hot as his hands, his body, his cheeks, but they feel like home to you and the sloppy sound of your tongues running against one another in open mouthed kisses fill your ears. His grip on your hip tightens and he does his best to remain gentle as he slides you off of his lap and places you on your back on the sofa below you. He pauses for a moment to glance over your face, to be absolutely certain that you still want this, and you smile at him.
Reaching for the button of your jeans, he helps you slide them off and tosses them across the room, your panties coming off with them and the rest of your clothes in short order. He wants to shred them, to see the pieces fall and flutter away from your beautiful body, but he holds himself back.
This is just the beginning of his rut, after all, and the two of you are bound to have a very interesting week ahead of you so he savors this moment, the first that he can be who he really is in front of someone he loves.
It’s freeing and terrifying but his cock is throbbing so painfully he can’t focus on anything else.
“Tell me if I’m hurting you, okay?”
You nod when he slots himself between your spread legs, his boxers and tank top gone. Your cunt pulses at the sight of him, walls clenching almost painfully around nothing as you look at the size of his knot and wonder how you’re meant to fit it inside of you, but he quiets your wandering mind by leaning down and pressing his chest to yours, kissing you sloppily.
“God I love you,” he mutters and you hum in agreement.
His mouth is wetter than it ever has been, a side effect of his current state, and saliva drips down both of your chins and drips into the valley between your breasts. You moan into his mouth and your hips cant and grind against his erection that slips into the cleft between your pussy lips and he feels himself slipping further and further into the basest of his needs, the warm slick seeping from your cunt a nectar he can no longer resist.
Kakashi’s fingers slide down your body, dragging through the pool of saliva between your breasts, down your torso, across your belly button, and finally down to your aching pussy. He makes himself useful quickly, one of his long digits replacing his cock and running through your soaked folds. You whine, hips bucking, and he increases the pressure of his finger as he slides it over your slippery clit.
“My pretty little mate is so eager for me, huh?”
Nodding dumbly, you spread your legs further hoping he’ll take the hint to get moving to where you need him the most. Your eyes dart from his face to where his finger slowly slides inside of you, warmth accommodating the digit with ease thanks to how soaked you are, and sweet relief washes over you. Tipping your head back, you softly moan beneath him while he works you open for him - he’ll need all the help he can get if you’re going to take his knot, and a second finger joins the first while his thumb massages your clit just the way you like.
“Oh baby, you feel so good.”
You nod and hum, hips grinding into every thrust of his fingers in and out of you, the sound of your own sloppy pussy making your breaths stutter. Who would have guessed you’d be so into finding out your boyfriend’s not so little secret? 
His fingers continue to spread you open, shifting and grinding against the spot deep inside he knows drives you wild, and you know you’re about to cum for the first time tonight when his thumb grinds small circles directly into your sensitive clit. Your back arches off of the couch and you clench around his fingers, mumbling his name. His lips find yours, chests still pressed together, and you whimper into his mouth while your legs shake.
Withdrawing his fingers from inside of you, he holds them up and spreads them apart, breaking away from your lips long enough to let you look at the slick that webs between them when he does. You gasp, his fingers glistening with your arousal, and he smirks.
“Think you’re wet enough for me now. Gonna stuff you full of me, is that what you want?”
Nodding, you shiver, catching a glimpse of the hunger in his eyes. He’s the same man you love and have known for all this time but there’s a hunger you can’t wait to sate dancing in his eyes. Your cunt clenches again, finally ready for more after your orgasm, and he reaches between your bodies to position himself at your entrance.
The first inch isn’t anything you aren’t used to but you still gasp as he slides himself inside of you, your nails digging into his shoulder while his blunt head prods at your eager cunt, slipping inside with ease. He sinks deeper and deeper and you gasp breathlessly when he stops just short of the inflamed knot at the base of his cock.
“Can’t go all the way in, not yet,” he explains, grinding his hips and guiding them to make sure the head of his cock brushes against the same spot his fingers were just working. You are breathless, wordless, and completely overwhelmed, deciding to let him have his way with you however he needs. His hands travel the expanse of your waist, settling on either side of it, thumbs brushing the underside of each of your breasts that bounce slightly with each movement he makes.
He isn’t satisfied keeping his hands at your waist, though, and one travels back down your stomach and rests in the hair covering your mound. He loves the feeling of the hair between his fingers and he stretches his hand so that his thumb brushes against your clit, maintaining steady pressure on the bud while he grinds and thrusts in and out of you.
“Baby,” you coo from beneath him and he smirks, leaning forward enough to fold your legs up against your sides. Your thighs are pressed against your torso and your knees rest by your ears, the shift in position making you groan, shocked at how deep he is despite the whole of him not even being inside of you. “Need it all, Kakashi, please.”
How can he deny you when you ask so sweetly and he’s so close to cumming himself?
Shifting his own position so that he is practically mounting you, the front of his thighs pressed to the backs of yours. It feels like you can hardly breathe with how he has you folded but you don’t mind, succumbing to the mind numbing pleasure of the additional inches of him slowly sinking inside of you.
“Tell me if it hurts, okay?”
You nod, licking your lips, and he continues to push what remains of his cock inside of you. His hips grind and shift and you do your best to lift your own to meet him but he stills you with the hand spread over your pelvis, pressing directly on your clit while you stretch to accommodate his knot that slowly slips inside of you.
The stretch is delicious and your lashes flutter against your cheek, eyes rolling back into your skull. He thrusts shallowly, not wanting to release his knot from your warmth, but he gives in quickly and withdraws his knot. You gasp at the loss of the fullness but he’s quick to rectify his wrong, slipping his knot back into you in a quick motion that leaves you breathless. 
“Full,” you spit out with a nod and he chuckles, dipping his head to kiss you again.
“Not as full as I’d like you to be but soon.”
You giggle and kiss him back, his grunts and pants against your lips making you whimper. He’s so sexy and you’re so full of him, your head spinning when his grunts increase in a way you know means that he’s close. His cock spasms inside of you and his thumb doubles down on its ceaseless pace on your clit, his knot swelling as he groans and fills you with his release. His knot remains swollen and keeps his cock in place, the warmth of his spend filling your pussy. 
Reaching for his face, you grab both of his cheeks and kiss him, his thumb still rubbing idle circles on your clit until your hips jerk and the sensation becomes too much. 
“I love you,” you return his earlier sentiment with a smile against his mouth. He smiles and kisses you back, the two of you afraid to part and technically unable with his engorged knot still inside of you.
“We have to stay like this for a little while,” he explains and you nod, eyes glossy and body limp. “Instincts say I have to make it take even if we both know it won’t.”
Smiling, you keep your grip on his face and kiss him again.
“Do you feel better?”
He nods, sighing contentedly.
“For now but we have a long week ahead of us and the full moon is on Friday.”
Dots connect in your head and you giggle, wrapping your legs around his waist while he gradually shifts and rests his head on your chest.
“Good thing we’ll be all alone in the woods then, huh?”
Kakashi chuckles and nods, kissing you between your breasts.
“My thoughts exactly.”
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eiloveir · 2 months
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mad (for nothing)
✰ pairing: hatake kakashi x f!reader
✰ genre: light angst, romance
✰ warnings: argument, brief mention of strong language
author’s note: i started writing this while listening to ne-yo’s “mad” and kakashi’s face suddenly popped out and it seemed to fit him perfectly. i tend to write quickly and this piece is no different, so i hope you can bear with any rough edges.
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the silence in the apartment you shared with kakashi was almost unbearable, a suffocating presence that hung heavily in the air. it was as if the very atmosphere had thickened, becoming a physical barrier that pressed down on you both with relentless force. the room, usually lively with the hum of daily life, now felt unnaturally still. the silence was so strong that even the faintest rustle of fabric or creak of the floorboards seemed amplified, each sound echoing with an exaggerated intensity that only deepened the discomfort
you wanted to say something—anything, but the words felt lodged in your throat, trapped by the tears that threatened to spill over at any moment. every time you glanced in his direction, the memories of what you had seen surged back. the vivid recollections of those moments were like a tide, crashing against the walls you had built around your heart.
"fuck you, kakashi!" you suddenly screamed, your voice erupting with a intensity that shattered the silence. in a burst of pent-up rage, you leaped up from the sofa, your movements fueled by an anger so fierce that it seemed to burn away any semblance of restraint. you flung the door open with a violent force, the sharp sound of the door slamming against the wall punctuating the outburst. your hands trembled uncontrollably, the tremors a sign to the depth of your anger, and you didn’t care in the slightest if anyone heard. the boundary of your patience had been crossed, and in that moment, you were beyond caring about the consequences of your eruption.
as you stood at the door, you attempted to slam it shut, your frustration fueling the effort. but before you could complete the action, kakashi moved swiftly to block you, his presence almost perceptible as he forcefully pushed his way inside. his voice, though frantic, carried an unnerving calmness as he tried to soothe you. “stop,” he urged, “let’s talk this through. please, just listen.” despite his attempt to placate the situation, the urgency in his eyes betrayed his struggle to manage the tension.
“how dare you try to calm me? motherfucker!” you exclaimed, your voice rising with each syllable, each word dripping with anger. you could see a flicker of irritation and hurt in his eyes, a clear sign that his patience was wearing thin. the calm facade he tried to maintain cracked, revealing the strain and frustration beneath.
looking around, you noticed your neighbors peering out from behind their doors, their curious eyes taking in the unfolding spectacle. the embarrassment stung, but not that deep as the kakashi had inflicted. as you locked eyes with him, his gaze conveyed a plea, an unspoken request: “let’s talk about this inside.” his expression, though strained, held a semblance of hope that reason and resolution might still be possible within the confines of your shared space.
“god, what did you just do?!” he exclaimed, voice full of anger that took you by surprise. “now all the neighbors, everyone in konoha, knows what’s going on.” his outburst was jarring; he rarely raised his voice, and seeing him lose control like this was unsettling. his usual calm and composed self seemed to shatter, revealing his frustration and the impact of the public spectacle you had inadvertently created.
with a sigh, you stepped aside, allowing him to close the door behind you. the soft click of the latch echoed in the apartment, accentuating the weight of the moment. you stood facing each other in the cramped space, the familiar surroundings now feeling stifling and charged with tension. kakashi's usually composed demeanor began to fracture, his calm exterior giving way to a growing frustration. as the silence stretched, his control finally snapped, and he erupted with the intensity of his suppressed emotions.
as you stood there, your emotions still taut and unsettled, the room seemed to constrict around you, its walls closing in with an oppressive weight. the thumping of your heart felt almost audible in the stifling silence that enveloped you both. in the midst of the atmosphere, his eyes narrowed, his gaze steely. his voice, though firm, carried a note of disbelief that underscored the gravity of the situation.
“you think i cheated on you?” he asked, hurt evident in his voice.
“i... i just saw you... with that girl. it looked like... like you were flirting with her.”
your voice quivered slightly as you spoke, the words emerging with a hesitant, yet accusatory edge. you avoided his gaze, unable to meet the hurt reflected in his eyes. instead, you focused intently on the floor, its familiar surface offering the emotion swirling within you. you took deep breaths, attempting to calm yourself amidst the mounting tide of emotions that threatened to crash over you. the silence in the room seemed to grow more oppressive.
“flirting? what are you talking about? i was just talking. there's nothing more to it.”
his tone grew sharper, cutting through the tense air. his jaw tightened, a sign of the effort it took for him to reaffirm his innocence. despite his best efforts to maintain his usual composure, the strain was evident as the tension in the room thickened with every second. you could almost feel the weight of his words pressing down on you, the gravity of his protestations mingling with your own swirling emotions.
“i saw you with that girl. it was more than just talking.” you insisted, fighting back disbelief.
“for the hundredth time, i was just talking. can you give me a moment to explain instead of jumping to conclusions every damn time?”
he pleaded for understanding, he was exhausted from constantly having to justify himself. and the words itself carry the burden of his frustration, the weariness of having to defend his actions repeatedly. his request for patience heightened the strain that had taken hold of your relationship, a reflection of the growing rift between you both.
“i can’t just ignore what i saw! it looked suspicious,” you retorted, “and besides, you’ve been distant lately. you’re never home.” you clung desperately to your perception of the truth, unable to shake off the doubts that clouded your mind. every observation, feeling of neglect seemed to reinforce your fears, and it creates a barrier between you and the reassurances he offered.
“i’ve been working a lot, but that doesn’t mean i’ve been avoiding you. i’m just exhausted, both mentally and physically."
“and what about that girl? huh, why were you so close to her? why were you leaning towards her?”
“i was just trying to hear her better in the noisy environment we were in. you’re making this into something it’s not.”
“how can i trust you now?” you muttered, the distrust in your voice unmistakable. “how am i supposed to believe anything you say when you’ve been acting so distant?” the words were heavy, your tone conveyed uncertainty that had taken root.
“enough, i can’t take this anymore!” he erupted, his voice cracking under the pressure of the misunderstanding and accusations that had pushed him to his breaking point. “i need to rest, okay? give me a break.” his plea for a reprieve was both a surrender and a desperate cry for respite from the relentless emotional stressed that had consumed both of you.
it’s been about an hour since the argument, and the tension in the air has only intensified, rendering the distance between you and kakashi seemingly unbridgeable. the room, once filled with the sounds of argument and emotion, now lay in a suffocating silence, punctuated only by the steady, rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall. each tick seemed to emphasize the growing chasm between you, marking the passage of time in a space that felt increasingly charged with mounting frustration.
his tiredness and aggravation were noticable, evident in the way he slumped slightly and the frustration that marred his features. his inability to articulate what you had witnessed earlier only added to the strain. the urge for clarity and understanding weighed heavily on you, but his persistent silence seemed to deepen the stress, the moment of quiet stretching the tension further. the unresolved questions hung in the air like a dense fog, intensifying the emotional distress as you grappled with the need for answers that remained stubbornly out of reach.
you blinked back tears, making a deliberate effort to move slightly away in an attempt to conceal your weakness. despite your efforts, the sound of your stifled weeping seemed almost deafening in the silence. every suppressed sob felt magnified, piercing through the quiet and betraying your emotional struggle.
then, very slowly, kakashi approached. his steps were cautious, his movement deliberate as he broke out the silence that had settled between you. he reached out with a tentative hand, his fingers brushing lightly against your hair as he gently moved it away from your face. the touch was soft and careful, almost tender, conveying an unspoken apology. it was a subtle gesture, with remorse and a desire to bridge the emotional gap between you.
kakashi’s features softened, the hard lines of his face giving way to an expression of regret. he approached you slowly. his voice, laden with remorse, broke the heavy silence as he spoke, “baby, please, i’m sorry.”
you turned away, unable to meet his gaze, the pain still fresh and raw in your heart. each attempt to face him only deepened the ache, making it harder to bridge the chasm of hurt and mistrust that had formed between you. the emotional weight of the moment was too great, leaving you feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed.
“i’m so sorry, baby. it was a misunderstanding. she was our client, and it was an important mission—i promise. you can slap me or do whatever you want. i won’t talk that way again.” his statements were a plea for understanding, his eyes—usually so piercing and intent—now softened with vulnerability. he waited for your response, the weight of his remorse evident in his expression, as he sought a way to make amends and mend the rift between you.
“are you sure? i’ll ask sakura if that’s true,” your voice quivered, betraying the need for reassurance. your eyes locked onto his, you sought the truth in his gaze, your heart torn between the desperate desire to believe him and the lingering fear of being deceived. the internal conflict played out across your face, reflecting the struggle between trust and skepticism as you awaited his response.
“you can ask anyone,” kakashi assured you, his voice steady but soft as he gently tilted your head to meet his gaze. he reached out, his fingers tenderly brushing away the tears from your cheeks.
“i swear, kakashi, if you’re lying…” you began, your voice trembling with apprehension. but before you could finish, he cut you off with a gentle chuckle, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere. his soft laughter was an effort to ease the tension, providing a brief moment of levity amidst the emotional storm.
“baby, i’m not…” he murmured, his voice low and tender. he guided you back to the sofa, his movements gentle and reassuring as he pulled you into his arms. the warmth of his embrace began to dissolve the tension between you, offering a fragile yet comforting sense of relief as the emotional storm slowly started to subside.
a heavy, almost intoxicating weight enveloped you as you melted further into his arms, his body radiating warmth that seemed to seep into your very core. the air grew thick with a charged, tension, your muscles instinctively tightening as you felt the moment. kakashi’s hands, gentle yet insistent, brushed teasingly at the fabric of your shirt, his touch lingering in a way that sent shivers across your skin. he leaned in closer, his breath a warm, tantalizing whisper against your ear as he murmured, “baby, i know i screwed up.”
you could feel his hands on your stomach, the soft whisper of his breath on your chest, and your body grew more tense as tensions with what your boyfriend came up. “i’ll make it up to you.”
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detectivestucks · 7 months
Overnight Training
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interract
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader
Summery: Your adopted baby brother Naruto isn't being treated fairly by his Sensei as he prepares for the third Chunin Exam. You go over to Kakashi's house to give him a piece of your mind.
Warnings: NSFW, gaslighting, spanking, slapping, fingering, oral, unprotected penetration
Word Count: 4.5k
Anon Request
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The smell of Ichiraku ramen wafts through the air and into your nose like a welcome friend on your way towards the noodle shop. You see a familiar pair of legs dangling off the stool as you approach, ready and waiting for you to pay for their meal.
“Hi Naruto!”
“Hi Y/N-san!”
“How ya doin kiddo?” you say as you tousle his blonde hair. 
Though he was a royal pain in the ass, you took a liking to Naruto shortly before he enrolled in the Ninja Academy. He was loud and crazy, and terrorized the village plenty, but then one time you caught him between acts of corruption. You saw the sad orphan who just needed attention and you took it upon yourself to become a sister figure to him. You’d chase down shop owners who were rude to him, gossiping wives spreading false rumors about the boy, and yes, you went toe to toe with Iruka several times while he was at the Academy. The latter may have resulted in a brief relationship but ultimately caring for Naruto was your primary concern and Iruka couldn’t appear to be favoring the boy more than he already was. The two of you had started talking on and off now that Naruto was no longer at the Academy but now you have a new sensei to worry about. 
The infamous Kakashi Hatake, the Copy Ninja. You were less than thrilled to find out he would be responsible for your baby brother because of his reputation as being ruthless. Naruto needed a nurturer like Iruka, not a solider like Kakashi. Lord Hiruzen assured you it would be fine but you had your doubts, hence why you began checking in on Naruto more than ever. 
“I’m doing really really well! I learned all kinds of chakra control stuff and I made it through the second exam!”
“That’s wonderful!”
“But now I’m trying to learn a cool new jutsu for the third one and Kakashi-sensei is too busy with Sasuke to train me!”
“What?! He’s not helping you train!”
“No” He crosses his arms in front of him. “I’m relying on some pervy old sage guy who said he’d train me.”
Your stomach sinks knowing who he’s talking about. “His real name wouldn’t happen to be Jiraiya, would it?”
“Yeah! That’s the one! But he spends most of our time looking at girls instead of giving me directions.”
“...I bet he does.” you murmur under your breath.
“Look Naruto, Jiraiya happens to be a really great ninja. You’re lucky to have gained him as a sensei.”
“You think so?!”
“They don’t call him one of the Legendary Sannin for nothin.”
“Wow! Really?”
“Really. And while you train with him, I’ll go give your Jonin Leader a good talking to. Remind him that he has three genin he’s responsible for, two of which made it to the final round.” You say in a firm tone as you accept your bowl of ramen.
“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t go dating him like you did with Iruka-sensei. That was embarrassing.”
The heat on your cheeks rises as you nervously tuck your hair behind your ear. “It’s not gonna be like that. Iruka is…well…sweet,” you blush “But Kakashi is such a, well…”
“A Jerk!”
“Naruto! Don’t say that about your sensei!”
“Why not? You were going to.”
“Was not!”
“Were to!”
“Just eat your ramen.” you say with a soft tap of your chopsticks on his yellow mop.
The two of you chow down before you escort Naruto back to his home. He excitedly blabbered on and on about his experience in the second chunin exam and you couldn’t feel more proud of the kid than if he were your actual biological brother.
You reach the door to his second story home and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Okay, kiddo, have a good day of training tomorrow. Learn everything you can and put your all into it like usual.”
“Will do Y/N-san!”
“Night kid.�� you say with a chuckle releasing his shoulder and watching as Naruto unlocks the door.
“Night Y/N-san!” he shouts as he closes the door.
You couldn’t help but smile at the disappearing image of the world’s most adorable little punk with a heart of gold to match his spiky locks. The idea that Kakashi abandoned him right before the third chunin exam had your blood boiling.
What the hell was Kakashi’s problem? Did he have some vendetta cause Naruto housed the Nine Tails? Was he favoring Sasuke cause of unresolved feelings about his old teammate, Obito? Or was he just a wannabe Uchiha jerk who needed to be taught a lesson?
You march your way over to Kakashi’s house and bang on his door. He takes forever to answer so you knock again, feeling your temper rise. 
You hear the latch of his lock click and the sound of the knob twisting. As the door opened, you saw a shirtless Kakashi standing before you in sweats, with a towel in his hand. He had clearly been showering after a day of training with Sasuke and was in the middle of drying off when you disturbed him. 
“Oh hey, Y/N. Come in.” he says casually as he walks away from the door towards his kitchen and lowers his head to dry his hair with the towel in his hand. 
“Oh hey nothing, Kakashi! Don’t act like you didn’t do anything wrong.”
You let out a grunt of anger. Was he really that arrogant that he couldn’t have possibly done anything wrong. It just made you fume.
“You’re spending all your time training the Uchiha boy and left Naruto to fend for himself! How can you be so callous to your own team?!”
“I already told him I’m sorry. Plus what I’m trying to teach Sasuke is very complex and only someone with a sharingan can learn it.”
You stride up to him standing centimeters from his face as you glare and poke at his chest.
“Look at you all high and mighty. ‘Only someone with a sharingan can learn it.’ Bull! Naruto is swimming in chakra! He brims with potential while you’re out here playing favorites!”
Kakashi grabs the finger you were poking him with and spins you around so that your hand is pinned behind your back. He holds you firmly as he whispers dangerously in your ear, 
“I’d be careful who I’m poking that finger at, little lady.”
Your breath may have faltered a little from the change in position but you had a point to prove so you press on.
“What, can’t take criticism?”
Kakashi slams your upper body down on his kitchen counter, your free hand barely catching you before you hit your head too hard. He leans down over you, his body pressing into yours as he chides, 
“I treat all my soldiers the way they need to be treated. Only I can know what all three of them need from me at any given time. Right now, the only Uchiha in the village needs training from the only other posesser of a Sharingan in the entirety of Konaha. Unless you’re secretly an Uchiha bastard who can train him, I’d suggest you simmer down.”
His words were chilling. Ice to your ears. It made sense but why should Naruto get the short end of the stick? He was always excluded from everything. You struggle in Kakashi’s grasp trying to turn around and face him as you continue to defend your little brother.
“That’s a bullshit answer! Just cause Naruto doesn’t have  a sharingan, means his own sensei can’t give him any training at all?!”
Kakashi slaps the flesh of your ass with all his might making you cry out in pain. 
“Enough! I’ve heard about as much as I will tolerate from you! You don’t know a thing about leading a squad! I will not subject myself to any more of your baseless, ignorant opinions.” 
He brings his hand down again on the same spot. All the muscle he spent years developing, employed in this moment to humiliate you as you laid bent over Kakashi’s counter, hand still pinned behind your back by nothing more than his grasp on your finger. 
Your breath hitched as the blow landed, pain searing your skin. You were certain that a bruise would form within the next few minutes. 
Overcoming the shock of his actions you begin to struggle in his grasp. “Fuckin’ asshole, let go of me!”
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who came to my house to yell at me!” he snarls, twisting your arm painfully. You cry out but he doesn’t loosen his grip. No, he stands directly behind you, leaning in, securing your hips against the edge of the counter. He begins rubbing his hand in large circles over your hip and cheek as if preparing the area for another assault. 
You continue to struggle when you feel his warm breath as he chuckles in your ear. 
“Did you really think you could come over here to yell at me and get away with it?”
He interrupts his rubbing to deliver another striking blow to your cheek. “No. It seems you’ve been spending too much time around Naruto. You’ve forgotten your manners.”
His free hand slides from your ass up to your neck where he grabs you at the base of your jaw and turns your head to the side just enough to press his nose into your cheek.
“Maybe you need some private lessons from a sensei of your own. Hmm?”
You can feel his manhood hardening beneath his sweatpants, your compromised position once more causing your breath to falter. 
Smiling at your reaction, Kakashi kisses your cheek before standing up. He keeps his hips ground against your rear, pinning you to the counter still. He begins to play with your hair using his free hand as he continues,
“Naruto’s lucky to have such a pretty big sister. Watching out for him, picking senseless fights.”
“It’s not senseless you’re showing favoritism.” You grumble before he twists your arm again causing you to wince. 
“As likely as that may seem, let's not jump to conclusions yet.”
You scoff at him and he slaps down on your backside once more. You let out a small groan upon impact making Kakashi chuckle. 
“Let’s look at the facts, shall we?”
Kakashi releases your arm to grab your hips and spin you around. He steers you towards the wall, backing you up against it, caging you in as he grabs both your wrists, bringing them up above your head and pinning them together to hold with one hand. He casually props his free hand on his hip while leaning his weight against your wrists with the other as he continues.
“Naruto is a high energy kid who needs a high energy sensei. His father’s former sensei is in the village, available to train him. Ask yourself, is that a coincidence?” 
Your eyes narrow as you glare at him. His words were so convincing but you couldn’t shake the feeling he was full of it.
“Sasuke has no other options and happens to have the same chakra nature as me. A perfect student to pass my jutsu onto.” It takes every fiber of your being to resist the eye roll threatening to make an appearance at the mention of passing down his original jutsu. “It’s only logical that I give Naruto the honor of studying under one of the Legendary Sannin while I take on Sasuke”
He was damn good, you’d give him that. You knew he was full of shit but you almost believe him.
“Now what do you have to say to me?”
“Excuse me?”
He takes his hand off his hip to give your face a sharp slap.
“No, you do not need to ask to be excused. Try again.”
Your mouth falls open in disbelief. Your eyes scan down his body, starting with his covered face and dropping down to his shirtless chest. You take note of his war torn body carved to perfection with an alluring V-shape plummeting down into his baggy sweatpants currently pitched by his erection. 
“Eyes up here, Sweetie.”
You look back up to his uncovered eye suddenly very aware of your nipples stiffening in your bra. You were so mad at yourself. You came to defend Naruto but found yourself pinned to the wall doubting your convictions as Kakashi closed the space between you. He gave you no other option than to feel his entire body against your own, pressing himself into your chest as his free hand roamed up and down your side. 
Your breathing becomes shallow. All the free air between you is being used up by him when he reminds you what he’s waiting for.
“What do you have to say to me for coming to my house at night to yell at me?”
“I’m sorry?”
He slides his hand to your sore rear and grips it harshly, pulling your pelvis into his.
“Try that again.” 
Brimming with shame you whisper in his ear, “I’m sorry”
“Good, but perhaps I should ensure this lesson really sticks so we don’t have a repeat of tonight, hmm?”
Your eyes grow wide as you search his face for answers but with a stoic expression he begins to unbutton your pants and tug them to the floor. 
“Hey! What are you do-”
Your protests are cut off by Kakashi quickly removing his mask to kiss you. He presses his lips into yours, silencing your voice. It was surprisingly welcome. Tender but passionate with the taste of his orange mouthwash freshly on his breath. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into it.
Once he had the cooperation of your lips he resumed removing your pants. Stripping you down to your thong. He began to rub over the fabric, circling around your clit making your breath catch in your throat. 
“It seems like you’re struggling to stay mad at me. Isn’t that right Sweetie?” He stops rubbing to give your sex some firm pats over the cloth. 
“Your underwear is soaked. Is that cause of me?”
Arrogant asshole. You were embarrassed and ashamed. You looked down so as not to acknowledge his statement but he gave a more forceful slap between your legs causing you to sharply inhale. He hums into your ear, enjoying how he is toying with you. 
He slips your thong to the side exposing your bare folds and you can’t help but return your eyes to his face. He slips one of his long fingers in causing an involuntary whine to slip past your lips. The corner of his mouth turns up at the sound. He strokes in and out of you a few times before adding in a second finger. “Ah”
The sound was quiet and small but it ignited him in a primal way. He leans his forehead against yours as he continues to taunt.
“Naruto’s mouthy older sister. Always sticking her pretty nose where it doesn’t belong. I was wondering how long before I saw you at my door. Heck, I was practically counting the days.” He gives you a long drawn out kiss as his fingers continue to stroke in and out of you. “Been hoping to get a taste of what Iruka had ever since the kid was assigned to my team.”
You were so mad at him for bringing up your ex, but the way he was working your walls was enough for you to hold your silence. You didn’t want him to stop. You needed him to keep going, even as your trapped arms began to lose circulation and fall asleep above your head.
A third digit slides in leaving you gasping and breathless. 
“You like that, don’t you Sweetheart?”
You’re biting your lip and closing your eyes, resisting the urge to scream ‘yes.’ 
“You don’t need to say anything, just let the cream running down my knuckles do the talking for you.”
You hated giving him the smug satisfaction but you squeeze around his fingers helplessly. Then he finds just the right spot and begins to hook his digits as he drags them outward. A long moan spills from your lips
“Oooh, gods Kakashi, yes!”
He hungrily kisses you, attempting to claim you as his own. The scent of his soap lingering on his freshly washed skin fills your nostrils as you inhale between kisses. His tongue explores the inside of your mouth, the muscle dancing with your own. A need to devour you communicated by his greedy lips.
He withdraws his fingers from your cavern and feeds them to you. You suck on them while making eye contact with him before he takes them out and finishes licking them clean in his own mouth, sucking one digit at a time. 
When he was done he released your wrists and brought both of your arms to wrap around his neck, holding your gaze while he did. 
The familiar tingle of circulation restoring itself spreads through your limbs as you tighten your grip around him. His hands run the course of your back. Wandering, touching, feeling, groping, before settling with one around the small of your back and the other in your hair. You lunge back into a kiss, nibbling and biting his lips, consumed with want. He pulls back briefly to pant, “bedroom.” You get the message and the two of you kiss sloppily as you stagger over. Once through the door you each shed your remaining layers before you fall to your knees. 
Immediately you grasp his length, wrapping your fingers around its base while your other hand reaches up to claw at his back. You stroke him a few times before you point your tongue and drag it all the way from his base to his tip. You feel the rush of his blood pulse through his shaft as your grip tightens before you seal your lips around him. Up and down your hand tugged, keeping the pressure firm while your tongue worked along his slit, siphoning out his oozing pre cum. His hips shifted forward slightly and you knew he was yearning for you to swallow him whole. 
You released his head with a wet pop before licking one more stripe up from his base.
You look up at him through your lashes and part your lips, breathing on his tip before opening up and swallowing till he hit the back of your mouth. 
“I know you can do better than that” he taunts
You grip his hips, bracing yourself as you reangle and relax your throat, allowing him to sink past your vocal cords. Your nose brushes against his silver body hair as you push forward.
“Mmmm much better.”
He sinks his fingers into your hair, guiding you up and down along his length, the lip of his mushroom tip catching in your throat with each pass. 
“Feels so damn good. This is where you belong. On your knees before me. Fuck”
He draws a breath through his teeth feeling a tingle run over his entire body. The lewd sounds coming from your mouth fill the air as he begins to rock his hips into you. He closes his eyes and groans, letting you service him, excited by the powerful feeling of having you choke on his cock. 
Saliva dribbles out of the corners of your mouth and down on your barren chest. Your tongue glides along the underside of his length. When he bottoms out in your throat you stick it out further, trying to lick some of the skin below his endowment, making him shudder. 
“Grab them.” he whispers.
You reach down and tactfully massage his balls in your hand. One arm still gripping around his hip and your nose flush with his abdominals, Kakashi was twitching harshly in your mouth. He was on the brink of cumming.
“Fuck Y/N! I didn’t wait all this time just for a blow job. Get on the bed.”
Slowly you withdrew your lips from his manhood and crawled up onto the bed. As much as Kakashi wanted to rail into you from behind, he wanted to see your face when he entered you for the first time. Cause it definitely wouldn’t be his last. 
“On your back, Sweetheart. I wanna see your face.”
You nod and lay down with your knees propped up and legs spread. He settles between your thighs and slaps you clit with his slobber-soaked dick, allowing you to flinch from the strike. Your eyes are fixated on his thick girth as he lines himself up with your slit. You watch him begin to sink in when he demands, “eyes up here.” 
Your gaze snaps up to meet his as your mouth drops into an O shape, brows furrow together and a shameful breathy moan slips from your open mouth. A stifled grunt from Kakashi lingering with it.
Your face was everything he hoped it would be. You paint the picture of pleasure while your pliable silken walls fold around him perfectly. He couldn’t help how his toes curled from the simple act of entering you. A mutual understanding that this would be the first of several rounds was silently communicated by nothing more than your response to his intrusion. 
He slides back and forth, lubricating his length as he slowly acquaints himself with every part of your interior. Your core knots up each time he fully sheaths himself in your cavern, arms clutching him, forcing him down to your lips. 
“Fuck Kakashi”
“Yes?” He bottoms out again pushing your groan past your tongue. “Did you have something to say?”
“Just fuuuuuckk.”
“Apologize for jumping to conclusions and maybe I can treat you this good everytime we see each other.”
“Are you fuckin serious right now?” You pant, sexual pleasure stealing all bite from your words. You are little more than a pile of flesh at the present moment unable to argue with Kakashi’s ego.
He leans closer to whisper in your ear, “dead serious” before leaning back up and establishing his pace. You know his mind is almost as clouded as yours from the way your bodies mold together. His usual calm and domineering demeanor faltered each time you squeezed around him. The pleasure creasing his features as he pushes into you, maintaining his tempo. 
He shifts all his bodyweight over to one arm as he uses the other to grab your face, pulling you into him for another heated kiss. His lips working against yours, sucking off the last remnants of your chapstick. Normally he didn’t kiss his hook ups so much but something about you made him hungry. Maybe it was how mouthy you are. He needed to give your lips something better to do than shout your ignorant opinions. If that’s the case he’d kiss you for hours if he had to. Never able to get enough of the taste. 
You thread your fingers through his soft hair. It was nearly dry and smelled heavenly from his conditioner. You push your chest up into his, allowing your tits to rock against his pecs with each thrust into your soaking wet folds. Little sighs and groans filling the space between you. He couldn’t help but think that you were the cutest fuck he’d had in awhile. Maybe he needed to piss you off more often since it got him here, between your legs, panting and moaning for him the way that you are. His eyes roll backwards as your fingers toy with the silver strands. 
“Shit Y/N, on your knees.”
You comply with one last hungry pull at his lips, shifting to all fours. Kakashi grabs two fist fulls of your ass as he plunges in, hitting so deep you can’t breathe. The wind has been knocked out of you. It’s all you can do to catch it again. He lets his excitement get the better of him and launches into you with brain rattling speed. 
He hit so deep he found a sweet spot that has been long neglected. One you can’t reach on your own. When he felt how you constricted around him he focused on it. Pummeling into that same spot, making you drop your face to the sheets. You cry out from the pressure and he knows you’re on the brink of orgasm from how white your knuckles are as they grip the sheets for support.
He smiled at the bruise he created in the kitchen while watching how your ass rippled violently from his hips colliding into it. His shinobi training allowing him to get carried away. Speed far exceeding any normal man. Your poor little cunt is no match for his unrelenting strength and stamina.
You start to scream from the stimulation. Kakashi fists your hair and yanks it back so he can hear your screams properly. Your cries are by far the sexiest sound he’s ever heard and he needs to make you louder. He needs to hear the power his cock has over you. Your current predicament, boosting his ego far more than it should ever be boosted. One arm tugging back on your hair, the other secure around your waist, he arched your back impossibly far, his tip displacing your cervix, you both speed to the precipice of orgasm. The squelching that omits from where your bodies connect, mingles with your moans and screams. Kakashi doesn’t think he’s ever heard a more beautiful melody. 
All of Naruto’s more tedious qualities are completely justified in this moment. They are worth his patience if he can ravage you like this everytime Naruto throws a tantrum. 
“That’s it. You can take it Sweetie Just a little more.”
His praise only continues to lead to your undoing. One hand clutching the arm wrapped around your waist while the other grabs around the wrist of the hand in your hair. Words aren’t even an option in this position. All you can do is empty the air in your lungs with whatever noise comes out. You are millimeters away from falling over the edge. Each thrust scooting you there. He’s almost there too. He’s losing his rhythm. His strokes are getting sloppy but it doesn’t do anything to dampen the intensity of the moment. 
You cry out as the orgasm finally hits. You start to tremble and quake. Kakashi lifts you all the way back so you are flush against his chest as he empties himself inside of you. Deep groans fill your ears as your walls flutter closed around him, sucking out every last drop. You feel a rush of relief flood your core as his strokes slow to a complete stop. 
The two of you kneel on the bed, you weak in his arms, as both of you catch your breath. You feel him grow soft inside your walls while a mix of both your cum slips out of you and slides down your inner thighs. Kakashi holds you tight, not letting go. He begins to kiss the curve of your neck making you close your eyes and moan some more. 
“Thank you, Sensei” you breathe
“Mmmmm, you up for another round?”
You feel his length hardening again between your legs. He responds to your question by twitching his cock so that it tapped against your labia. 
“Do I seem ready to you?”
You obediently lower back to all fours again, letting him slip past your lips a second time. He strokes in and out of you lazily as he says, “Brace yourself, Sweetie, it looks like we’ll be training all night.”
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honeykngdom · 8 months
‎‧₊˚✧ naruto | masterlist ✧˚₊‧
‎‧₊˚✧ completed ✧˚₊‧
the caretaker : ̗̀➛ pairing: iruka umino x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ synopsis: It's a particularly rainy that Sunday morning. You have places to be, and the rain certainly wasn't going to stop you - a pothole in the road might, however. How embarrassing, now you're late and wet. Oh, God, please tell me you didn't see that? : ̗̀➛ content warnings: set early in shippuden. fluff & comfort. reader sustains a minor ankle injury. mentions of otc painkillers. minor suggestive themes. : ̗̀➛ read here
sentimental values : ̗̀➛ pairing: iruka umino x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ synopsis: Iruka hasn’t been able to stop thinking about the young Sarutobi woman he spent Halloween with; he’s completely enamoured with you. How had he never noticed you like this before? Here’s the catch: Konohamaru doesn’t appear too happy with the budding relationship between you and the Academy instructor - a continuation of the caretaker. : ̗̀➛ content warnings: set in early shippuden. fluff. mentions of prior injury. suggestive themes. : ̗̀➛ read here
triad effect : ̗̀➛ pairing: yamato tenzo x fem!reader & kakashi hatake : ̗̀➛ synopsis: Excuse me boyfriend’s best friend, I need you to come underwear shopping and tell me which set he’d find hottest as a gift. Oh, can you also explain what the hell this contraption you’ve put me in is? Wait, what are you doing in here … stop, we shouldn’t do this … alright. Maybe just this once. : ̗̀➛ content warnings: modern au. valentines series. 18+ only. explicit sexual themes. threesome. cheating (never fear, it works out for reader in the end), cunnalingus, public orgasm, voyuerism, consensual recording, multiple creampies, sexting, dry humping. : ̗̀➛ part one : ̗̀➛ part two : ̗̀➛ part three
current naruto works in progress can be found under the cut!
‧₊˚✧ in progress ✧˚₊‧
kill of the night. : ̗̀➛ pairing: kiba inuzuka x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ content warnings: 18+ only. dark and explicit sexual themes. a/b/o au. mentions of blood. fingering. oral sex (f receiving). unprotected vaginal penetration. marking/scenting. mating press. breeding. creampie. where kiba fights his natural instincts to devour you & breeds you instead.
lean on me. : ̗̀➛ pairing: iruka umino x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ content warnings: 18+ only. explicit sexual themes. mentions of canon character death. angst & comfort. dealing with grief & mourning. - fourth instalment of the caretaker.
just working on my fitness. : ̗̀➛ pairing: fem!reader x might gai / rock lee / shikamaru nara / kiba inuzuka : ̗̀➛ content warnings: suggestive themes. modern au. headcanon series regarding the type of gym-bro the characters are & how they would react to a muscle mommy in the gym.
202 notes · View notes
felixtrash469-blog · 21 days
Professor Hatake x reader
Tumblr media
Parings: Hatake Kakashi x reader
Reader Gender: They/them pronouns - AFAB
Genre: Smut - Minors do not interact
Other: University AU (Separated into years), Alpha Kakashi, Omega reader. Professor Kakashi, Student reader, Slight breeding kink, Marking, F/N (First name) over Y/N (Your name) used
Kakashi organized his papers that were strewn across the desk. He sighed, lining them up and preparing for the staff meeting. He made his way down the hall to meet with the other professors. Wandering in, only slightly late, he watched all eyes flick to him. Iruka gave him a disappointing look as he took his seat beside him.
“Now that all professors are present, let’s discuss the students. Is there any trends, concerns or issues arising?” Konoha was a small university, consisting of only 50 students in each year. This cohort of professors taught the 3rd years in their respective subjects, Iruka focusing on history, Gai in Physical education, Orochimaru in chemistry, there were more teachers, but he didn’t interact much with them. Kakashi himself taught biology, with a focus on how each of the different special gendered possibilities interacted with each other. A special interest of his was guessing which category each person fit into, Alpha, Beta or an Omega. Kakashi himself, being an Alpha could normally sense when other alphas or omegas were on heat, but there were no other known signs on how to tell in current research. His eyes swept the table, Iruka was a beta without a doubt. He’d known the man long enough to know he’s never gone into heat; he had barely taken a sick day. Gai was also an alpha, taking off 2 weeks every six months. Tsunade was… looking at him angrily.
“If we may steal just a moment of your attention, it would be greatly appreciated Kakashi.”
“Of course, the question?”
“The student F/N L/N has been missing for a week and hasn’t informed anyone. Do you have any idea of their whereabouts?”
“I can’t say I do, sorry.”
F/N L/N was an average student in his class. Not the best but far from the worst. Mostly came in and did their work before leaving for the next class. It wasn’t unusual for a student to take a day off here and there and not inform anyone, but a week without telling any professor was cause for some alarm. The students were adults, in their 20’s; by this point, they could handle their work fine. The greatest concern was that the majority lived alone and if they got hurt, they had no one to help them.
“Who has the least amount of classes for the day?”
Every professor around the table mumbled out their remaining classes. Kakashi was the only one without classes. Tsunade didn’t hesitate.
“Kakashi, come to my office after this meeting. I will provide you with F/N’s address and you are to go check on them and ensure their safety. “
There goes his afternoon. The one day he has a free slot to mark papers, taken by Tsunade’s wishes.
The meeting continued without further discussion on Kakashi’s behalf. There were no trends or concerns in his class, he wasn’t even sure why he had to attend these meetings. A better use of his time was to work on the next topic for the class.
Once the meeting had concluded, he followed Tsunade to her office. She shuffled around through the student paper, attempting to locate F/N’s file. She finally placed a file on the desk, a small picture of F/N on the front. He had to admit, if they weren’t his student, he would have found them at the very least, slightly attractive. Tsunade copied down the address on a sticky note, handing it to Kakashi.
“Just go make sure they’re okay. You can have the rest of the day off. Consider it a thank you for checking on them. Pack up and head over now.”
“I’ll tell you how they are on Monday.”
“Sure, have a good weekend Kakashi.”
Kakashi reviewed the note on the way to his office, it wasn’t far, a 20-minute walk, if that. At least he got an early Friday out of it.
Kakashi packed up his things, looking over at his half-written work. The work for the next lesson sat, glaring at him. ‘The effects of marking on Omegas’. An important topic for anyone looking to go into the research of alphas and omegas. Kakashi would have to finish it Monday, possibly read up on sources over the weekend to reference.
It wasn’t as if he had marked anyone himself. Most of the sources he read explained it as euphoric, a once in a lifetime feeling that could never be replicated. It was apparently something that came on instinct to mark when either the omega or alpha was in heat. Kakashi had specifically avoided that. He would never sleep with someone when they were on heat, after all, it could bring on his own. On his own heat, he would lock himself away. Marking was a bonded for life sort of deal, not something he was interested in.
As Kakashi walked towards his student’s house, he reviewed the topics he had covered so far. Most were surrounding the mating ritual research or lack-there-of. It was still so under researched. Lost in his thoughts, he had finally reached his destination. Walking up to the door, he raised his hand to knock.
There was a sweet smell drifting in the air. The smell was hard to explain. When F/N opened the door, the smell hit him like a ton of bricks. The pheromones of an omega, something he had smelt before but never this close. Kakashi could feel his instincts igniting at the scent.
“Professor Hatake?”
You stood in front of him. Your face was flushed and your lips looked unbelievably glossy. You stood in front of him in a long t-shirt and what he would hope was panties underneath.
“H-hello F/N. I just came by to check on you and make sure you’re okay.”
Your eyes looked glazed, and you seemed completely out of touch with reality. There was no denying that you were in heat. Kakashi tried to advert his eyes.
“’s okay, professor, you smell really good.”
You were definitely out of it and too far gone to think straight. Kakashi could feel his pheromones start to build as he stood in your presence. He had to leave, his heat would come on quickly standing in your presence and he could already feel the rush of lust heading straight down.
“Yes, well, now that I can see you’re safe, I should take my leave.”
You stepped out a little from behind the door catching his wrist. The jolt of excitement it sent through Kakashi was dangerous.
“Professor, why don’t you stay a little while?”
Kakashi looked at you, your eyes were half lidded now, a desire filled gaze looked down at the connected hands. You tugged Kakashi back a little, the smell from your apartment hit him again. He was losing all sense and allowed himself to be tugged into the apartment. He knew he fucked up when the door clicked behind him, but he had lost all will to fight against it.
You sat Kakashi on the couch, sparing only a single moment before seating yourself on his lap. Kakashi couldn’t stop looking at your face, your perfect lips, just begging to be kissed. Your eyes and the way they trailed down his body, almost filled with excitement when you saw the tightness of his pants.
“Forgive me professor, but I can’t help myself.”
You reached down, pulling down his mask and connecting your lips. The session between you two became a heated mess of tongues as you eased themselves to sit on top of Kakashi’s dick. He could feel your wetness soak into his pants. Kakashi grinded up into them, making you moan into the kiss. Finally pulling away for air, a trail of saliva connected your lips. Kakashi went straight for the neck, kissing and sucking on your sweet spots. Hands started to wonder and Kakashi gripped your right breast, feeling the smooth skin under his hand. The nipple was unbelievably hard for him, he knew you were horny, but he didn’t realise you were this desperate.
Kakashi broke away from your neck, seeing the red and purple forming where he had been a tad rough. He flipped their positions so that you were laying on the couch. Kakashi removed both of their shirts, finally getting the perfect view of your breasts. Kakashi didn’t waste a second, dipping his head to suck on your nipple. He reached his hand up to play with the other while you mewled underneath him. He could feel his dick twitch in anticipation at what was to come. He could only imagine the pre-cum that was leaking out of his throbbing erection. Kakashi released the nipple from his hand, chuckling a little at the annoyed noise you made. His hand trailed slowly down, slipping past the elastic of your panties. He could feel how wet you were for him. His hands hadn't yet found their way inside of you and they were already slippery with your arousal.
When Kakashi finally slipped a finger in, he heard a groan of pleasure. He moved his mouth to the other nipple, leaving a trail of saliva before slipping another finger in. He pumped slowly in and out at first, his fingers curling while inside, trying to find the perfect spot. That didn’t last long as you started grinding on his fingers, trying to gain more friction, more movement, more of him.
“Patience baby, I promise to stuff you full of my cock soon.”
Truthfully, it was taking everything in Kakashi to not just do it now. His heat response had kicked in enough that he needed to fuck you into oblivion but not enough to forgo ensuring you were prepped enough to handle him.
Removing his fingers, he scissored them, watching as your arousal connected between the two digits. Kakashi brought them to his mouth, sucking them clean.
“You taste so good F/N. If you feel even half as good, I won’t be able to stop myself from fucking you all night.”
Kakashi reached down to remove your panties, sniffing the pheromones off them before flinging them away. He didn’t hesitate, moving to free his erection next. He watched a little as you sat up, eyeing his dick as it sprung free. Kakashi removed the rest of his clothing before spreading the pre-cum over his length. He knew he was decently sized, a bit on the girthy side and he could see in your eyes the excitement build.
Kakashi moved his length between your folds, gathering your arousal before lining himself up. When he finally thrusted in, he lost all control. He pounded his way in, all the way to the hilt. He could just hear you moan mix with his own. Kakashi wasn’t escaping this, he was going to keep fucking you until he knew you were pregnant with his child. Until you were so filled with his cum that you became swollen.
Kakashi started moving and he was sure he was seeing stars. The way your velvety walls suck him in and clenched around him, the sound of your arousal coating his dick, creating a squelch every time he moved back in. He was sure this was heaven. Kakashi reached down to your clit, thumb rubbing in circles as you squirmed underneath him. The pleasure was almost unbearable, the mix of all the sensations drove him wild. When you reached up and dragged your nails across his back, his body reacted pleasingly.
Kakashi couldn’t stop himself from thrusting, pulling out to the tip and going back into the hilt. The thrusts were hard and fast. He used his free hand to pin your hip to the bed to stop you from moving. Your walls were clenching more, and he could smell how close you were to climaxing. Kakashi moved his thumb faster on your clit and when he felt your walls fluttered and clamp on his dick, the urge to mark you came. Kakashi had never felt like this before, he wanted it forever. He was so close to cumming, you were under him, begging for more, a steady flow of ‘don’t stop’ and ‘fuck me harder professor’ spilling from your lips.
“’m going to cum. I’m going to fill you up with my seed. You’re going to get pregnant for me. Is that what you want baby? You want to carry around your professor’s baby?”
Kakashi heard you choke out a ‘please Kakashi, fill me up’ between sobs of pleasure. At the sound of his name, he was cumming. He pushed himself in as far as he could go, making sure that his cum reached your womb. Kakashi slowed down slightly to milk himself inside you. In a moment of weakness, he reached up to your shoulder, biting hard and pushing out pheromones. He was still riding his high, too engrossed to care that he marked you.
Even after cumming, Kakashi still wasn’t satisfied. He was still rock hard. Seeing his mark on your shoulder only pushed to further his need to breed you like his perfect cum slut. You also continued to rock your hips against his, begging for a round two.
Kakashi happily obliged, fucking you again and again. Time wasn’t a factor of consideration, the only need Kakashi had was to continue filling you to the brim with his seed.
When Kakashi finally gained some control back over his body, it was morning. His mind was foggy and his mouth was dry. The nausea raised in his throat not long after, he struggled to get out of bed and make it to the attached ensuite. His legs felt like jelly, the only way he could hold himself up was by leaning on the sink. Kakashi dry heaved but nothing came up. Looking in the mirror, he had purple blooming across his skin. He had fucked up. He had royally fucked up. You were his student. He fucked his student.
The dizziness set in and he made his way back to the bed he woke up in. No more then two minutes later, there was a small knock at the door before it opened. Your head popped through. When you saw him, you brought a tray of food and water into his view.
As much as Kakashi was thankful for the water and food, he could see the purple marks moving up your neck from under your clothes.
“Are you feeling better Professor?”
Kakashi nodded, unsure of his voice.
“Can I ask a couple of questions? Like when you got here? Or why you came?”
“I came Friday to check up on you as you hadn’t been attending classes. What day is it?”
Two days. Two fucking days. He had lost control of himself for the whole weekend. He knew that being in heat with an omega could be bad, but he didn’t expect this bad.
“Um, professor? I have one more question.”
Kakashi raised his eyes to you, prompting you to speak. He watched as you rolled down the neck of your shirt to expose your shoulder.
“Is this a- um- a mark?”
Kakashi had severely fucked up this time. There was no going back. A mark. For life. The pheromones in that would make them bonded for life. All the research papers told him he would never be able to fall out of love with them once the mark was placed and the feelings grew. He’s fucked. He fucking came in them. How would he explain this to the school? How would he explain it to their parents.
“Professor, your breathing has gotten pretty bad. Did you need some water? What’s wrong? Is it a mark?”
Kakashi nodded. He watched as their face faltered before dropping. He watched as they went through the motions of acknowledgement, feeling everything in a mere 30 seconds.
“Well, I suppose there’s worse people to be bonded to, right Professor?”
At least he knew they could see the bright side.
“I hope you keep that same positivity for when the baby comes F/N.”
“The w-what?”
AN: I was bored and decided to write this, I am getting back into writing after a 5 year break, so I apologise if it isn't the best. I appreciate all support. Requests are open if you did want to request something.
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hauntedhokage · 2 years
Yes, Lord Hokage
Kakashi Hatake/F!Reader
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Summary: Kakashi has a need, and it happens to be entertainment from one of his Anbu captains. Cross Posted to AO3
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: uneven power dynamics/play, unprotected sex on his desk, a little bit of dacryphilia, dirty talk, degredation, humiliation, dub!con (because of the power dynamic), mean(ish) dom!Kakashi, m!receiving oral, gagging, choking, breath play, clothed sex, fingering, could be perceived as role play
Note: I haven’t watched far enough to see Kakashi become Hokage for realsies but I know it happens and am obsessed 
The morning had been quiet, something that he’d usually be okay with. Usually being the key word. No fires to put out meant that he had very little to be concerned with aside from the paperwork. No fires also meant that he was quickly growing bored as the morning continued. One of the Anbu teams should be returning soon from a mission, that would be enough to get him through the morning considering the Captain happened to be one of his favorites. 
There was something about how uncertain you still sounded despite being one of the highest ranked shinobi in the village. Maybe it was an authority issue and he was the only recipient of the soft, questioning tones and avoided eye contact. Even behind the fox designed mask he knew you looked to the windows behind him or the desk in front of him when you delivered your reports. It was adorable, really, but also intriguing because you were selected as Captain because of your ability to maintain your composure and command authority. It was probably him, which only added to the interest. You probably didn’t even realize you did it. 
As soon as he’s informed that your team has returned, the summons is sent for the Captain alone to report in. He didn’t need an audience, just his Captain. 
“Lord Hokage.” And there you were, appearing before his desk like the obedient little Anbu that you were. 
“Good morning, Captain,” he greets, watching as you look up from the floor. The mask is in place as he expected. How you loved to hide, which was probably why you performed so well within the Anbu Corps. “Report?”
Your report is about what he’d expected, successful tracking and elimination of the target. One of your team members sustained a serious wound and reported immediately to the hospital for treatment upon return to the village - that part was bothersome but such was the way of life when you were in a tracking and assassination unit. But he’d expected nothing less from your unit, a very accomplished team with an impressive leader, success at any cost was the expectation. 
“Recommended rest period for your unit?” 
“Five days minimum, to give him time to really heal,” you suggest, shoulders relaxing as you move from your spot in front of his desk to stand beside it. “Is there a reason you summoned only me? Usually these are a team affair.”
“I wanted to see my favorite Captain, hopefully on her knees for me while she’s here.” The comment has you pausing, biting your lip as you process that. Here? Now? Where anybody could come in? “I know there’s a pretty face behind that mask, and I’d love to see it.”
“L-Lord Hokage?”
“Humor your Hokage, Captain.” It wasn’t a request, this was an order, and that has you dropping to your knees and removing your mask as he hums. “Oh, there she is, the prettiest shinobi in the village. Shame we hide that face behind a mask all the time.”
Gentle fingers trail along your jaw before he stands, and your eyes stay on his as he squats in front of you. This was your Hokage, your superior, and he was clearly having fun with that fact. 
“The mask has its perks,” you murmur, looking away from his curious gaze to where your mask sat on the floor beside you. 
“It does, I like being the only one who sees how flustered you get in my office when I force you to make eye contact with me. Does the Captain have an authority issue?” The question has your face warming, not sure how he would come to that conclusion while you were literally on your knees in his office, and the not-so-gentle grip on your chin forcing your gaze back up to him tells you that he was definitely going to be enforcing his authority as Hokage this morning. “We can fix that easily, though. Would you like to fix this issue?”
“Yes, Lord Hokage.” You nod to the best of your ability, not wanting to further his perception that you had an issue with his authority. You were certain that you’d more than proven that you were very comfortable with his leadership by serving as one of his Anbu Captains, but maybe not. “I’d do anything to correct this.”
“Anything, hm?” He stands, hands going to his pants and you keep your eyes on his as he pulls his already hard cock out. You don’t know if you should continue to look at his face or his cock, but you open your mouth when he tells you to. “Eyes on mine, Captain. We’re going to work on your eye contact.”
You don’t want to further disappoint your Hokage, keeping your eyes on his face even as he guides himself into your mouth. Holding his eye contact was difficult when he was limiting your ability to breathe, you wanted to close your eyes to better focus on what you needed to ensure that you actually provided decent pleasure to your Hokage. But your order was to keep your eyes open, so they’d stay open even if it hurt.
“Look at you,” he coos, pulling out of your mouth almost completely before he pushes himself back in. The slow pace allowed you to adjust to this intrusion, but the depth that Kakashi pushed for had your eyes welling with tears. The fact that you hadn’t yet gagged was something you were proud of, but you feared what would happen when it finally did. “So eager to comply, so excited for my cock that you’re crying about it.”
You aren’t able to really respond, his hand on your head keeping you in place as he begins to thrust into your mouth at a faster pace. The hand not holding your head rests on your shoulder, and you find a small amount of relief at the connection point that would help keep you in position as he has his way with your mouth. 
“Keep your eyes open, Captain,” he instructs as he stills, his cock practically down your throat and your nose is pressed to the cool fabric of his vest as you continue to stare up at him. “I want to see those pretty tears.” 
It would be easier if you could see his face, so that way you could know if you were actually providing him the pleasure he sought out in teaching you this lesson, but the only mask that had been removed was your own and you felt very exposed without it. His hand moves from your shoulder to pinch your nose closed, and your eyes widen at the blocked airway. Any training you may have sat through didn’t exactly apply to having your Hokage’s dick down your throat, so you really didn’t know what to do here.
“Breathe, Captain,” he requests, releasing the hold on your nose while also fully removing himself from your mouth. “Maybe we need to review the Anbu training, if even a Captain struggles to hold her breath.”
“Forgive me, Lord Hokage,” you breathe out, feeling the shame at having your leader be so disappointed in you. “The situation shouldn’t impact my ability to abide by my training.”
“That’s right, Captain, but you can make it up to me.” How, you don’t know, but it doesn’t matter.
There’s a knock on the door and he pauses, pointing to the space beneath his desk and you move accordingly, watching as he doesn’t put his cock away before he takes his seat. Instead his hand finds the back of your head to bring your mouth back onto his cock and he holds you there as he provides the all clear for the visitor to enter. 
“Lord Hokage, we have the intelligence you requested from that last reconnaissance mission.” 
“Go on.” The fact that he would be willing to accept a mission report while he had your nose pressed to his pelvis and was holding you in place was cruel to you but also very telling. He did not care if there had been a sensory type among the group, able to sense your presence there as well. He was the Hokage, after all, he could do what he wanted, and you were the Anbu Captain whose job was to obey the Hokage.
The growing dampness into your own pants tells you exactly how you’re feeling about the visitors, and you carefully work to remove one of your arm braces and set it aside so you could push your hand into your pants to relieve some of the ache in your own core. You were wetter than you had expected to be, and that made you almost mortified that you had enjoyed being under that desk where all it took was somebody paying attention to their surroundings to realize you were sitting there with the Hokage’s dick down your throat as he continued to work. 
“...I’ll have to escalate this to the Anbu to be dealt with. Thank you, you’re all dismissed.” As soon as the door is closed, his chair is pushed back and you’re pulled from under the desk, only to be pressed against it as Kakashi presses his forehead to yours. “And how wet are you, Captain?”
“I’m very wet, Lord Hokage,” you whisper, keeping your eyes on him even though you so desperately want to look away and hide in your shame. But that wouldn’t do, not when he was so clearly smiling beneath that mask of his at your admission. 
“The thought of being caught under the Hokage’s desk was that thrilling? Quite a naughty young Captain, aren’t you?” It’s a question that needs no answer, he’s pulling at your pants before he’s feeling for himself just how wet you were. An amused hum leaves him, and you’re biting your lip at the feeling of his already slick finger gliding over your clit with just enough pressure to have your eyes fluttering shut. “I said eyes on mine, didn’t I?”
“Yes, apologies M’lord,” you breathe, forcing your eyes open despite the continued teasing of your clit. He’s toying with you in the best way, and your hand grips the desk behind you to keep yourself balanced. 
“If you can’t follow simple orders from your Hokage, should you really be a captain?” 
“T-That’s not- I follow all of your orders!” Your argument has him chuckling as he continues to play with your clit, and you feel yourself growing more upset with how condescending and unfair he was being. 
“And you’re crying again, very cute.” There it was again, the familiar feeling of shame rising one more as his fingers move inside your cunt. This man was degrading you and your work, and you were letting him finger you in his office while he did it. What was wrong with you, you didn’t know. But your Hokage was being very mean and you should have been trying to remove yourself from the situation. Instead you were welcoming it with sustained eye contact and a dripping pussy. “Anbu Captain reduced to tears because her Hokage isn’t being nice? Poor thing.”
The his fingers are gone, his hands are on your hips to turn your body around so that you’re facing the desk and bent over it slightly, with one of the Hokage’s hands remaining on your hip as he lines the tip of his cock up with your entrance. 
“Don’t cause a scene, Captain,” he warns, and you nod your understanding of the request before he slowly pushes himself in. You bite your lip, hand shooting toward the edge of the desk so you’d have something to hold onto (and accidentally knocking a stack of paper off the desk as you moved). There’s only a chuckle that leaves him as he leans against you, his body over yours, his lips by your ear once more as his hips repeatedly slammed into you. He kept one of his hands on your hip but the other came to rest on your neck to apply just enough pressure so you knew he was in charge here. “You can come whenever and however many times you’d like, that’s not my concern. Understood?”
“Understood, who?” A warning squeeze against your throat, and you shut your eyes tightly as you try to refocus yourself on the situation. 
“Understood, Lord Hokage.”
“Better, Captain. Clearly, you’re learning,” The praise has you relaxing against the desk as he continues to thrust into you, you’re sure the desk has nudged forward a couple times against the hard flooring but clearly he cared as much about that as he did the paperwork that continued to fall to the floor. That didn’t matter much to you either, all you could think about was the way his thumb would gently press into your neck every time he bottomed out, the soft grunts and groans of praise in your ear, and how it felt to have the Sixth Hokage fucking you on his desk in the middle of the morning where anybody could barge into his office and find you there. It was all a bit overwhelming but still adding fuel to that fire in your core. 
His hand moves from your hip to your clit and he presses his thumb hard enough to have you biting into your arm hard enough that you were sure you would have bled if not for your sleeve. Your knees buckle, and you collapse against the desk before he pulls out and guides you back onto your knees in front of him. Your eyes meet his again, your unfocused gaze meeting his amused look as he begins to stroke himself. You knew he was close, his hand was focused yet frenzied until finally hot ropes of his cum shoot out and onto your face. You manage to keep your eyes open despite your immediate reflex being to close them, and you earn yourself a gentle hand atop your head while he uses his other hand to fix his pants. 
“You always do so well, Captain.” The praise has you smiling, your eyes fixated on him as he moves to pick your mask up from the floor beside his desk. Your mask is put back on to cover your face and the mess that he’d left on it, and he gives it a gentle tap on the nose before telling you to get home and get some rest. “I expect to see you tonight, am I clear? I don’t think we’ve truly handled this authority issue.”
“Yes, Lord Hokage.” 
A bow and then you’re off, and he’s dropping back into his chair to take in the mess that you’d made of his office. Maybe he should’ve kept the Captain back a few minutes to clean up the mess you’d made, but he couldn’t just summon you back - you’d think you were actually in trouble and he couldn’t have that. 
He’d need a few minutes before he could get that cleaned up, though. 
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bridgetotheskyyy · 1 year
✨Skyyy's First Kinktober 2023!
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Just as it says on the tin, this is my very first kinktober event ever! My main priority will be to post my prompts on ao3 at a timely basis but I will try to post those same fics on Tumblr on the same day if I can! Please patient with me 💕
These are the prompts I've made up my mind on so far, but the list will be updated (edit: still making up my mind lmao)
I am not comfortable with taglists at this time so please just check back here for updates/links to prompts ✌
Prompts will be a mix of one shots and drabbles 💕
18+ only
Character x f!reader always
Fandoms included: naruto, bleach, jjk, arcane, csm, aot
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October 1st | Hashirama Senju | PEGGING
October 2nd | Jiraiya | TITFUCKING
October 3rd | Aki Hayakawa | HATE SEX
October 4th | Viktor | RIMMING
October 5th | Naoya Zenin | COLLARING
October 6th | Toge Inumaki | DUBCON
October 7th | Yuji Itadori | STUCK IN WALL
October 8th | Suguru Geto | MASTER/SLAVE
October 9th | Akatsuki | GANGBANG
October 10th | Kisuke Urahara | PRAISE KINK
October 11th | Itachi Uchiha | SOMNOPHILIA
October 12th | Utahime Iori | LINGERIE
October 13th | Kento Nanami | ORGASM DENIAL
October 14th | Armin & Eren | THREESOME
October 15th | Silco | SPANKING
October 16th | Kisame Hoshigaki | SIZE KINK
October 17th | Yuuta & Toge | DOUBLE PENETRATION/ONE HOLE
October 18th | Kisuke Urahara | SENSORY DEPRIVATION
October 19th | Mitsuri Kanroji | BODY WORSHIP
October 20th | Yuuta Okkotsu | VOYEURISM
October 23rd | Mitsuri Kanroji | SEX TOYS
October 24th | Gaara | MASTURBATION
October 25th | Itachi & Shisui | DOUBLE PENETRATION/TWO HOLES
October 26th | Mikasa Ackerman | FACESITTING
October 27th | Kakashi Hatake | ROLEPLAY
October 28th | Toji Fushiguro | PUBLIC SEX
October 29th | Suguru Geto | DADDY KINK
October 30th | Itachi & Sasuke | INCEST
October 31st | Kishibe | STRIPPING
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
Chocolate-Coated Confessions
Pairing: Kakashi x f!Reader
Summary: Kakashi's been jealously hating on Valentine's Day for a very long while, but he's pushed over the edge when you suggest you might be spending the night with someone else.
W/c: 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff, just jealousy really
Notes: he's down bad, lmk if this sucks <3
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Valentine's day had never been Kakashi's favourite holiday. To him, it was a day filled with superficial displays of affection, a spectacle for those who mistook infatuation for love. Nobody in love would ever put on such a show, Kakashi reckoned as he strolled down the street to the market. As he walked, he let his eyes drift past the loving couples, holding flower bouquets and boxes of chocolates, alight with temporary delight. He couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever truly felt the emotions they so desperately attempted to display.
In his time at the Academy, a plethora of cards would be found on Kakashi's desk at the start of the day. He would always look through them casually, hoping to see your gorgeous scrawl on one of them. But he never did. As a Genin, and into his Chunin years, the girls moved from handmade cards to tiny candies and strange tokens. He'd accept the things, but usually just throw it all out by the night - he'd keep a few chocolates, just to comfort him. Kakashi didn't want their gifts, he wanted just a sliver of your attention. But he never got it, with you only holding conversation with him when he would instigate it.
You never made him a card, you never gave him a sweet - but you were the first to wish him a happy birthday since his fifth. Surely, that had to be some kind of love, right?
Kakashi trudged on, down the street, and into the fruit market. Once he stepped through the doors, Kakashi's eyes clapped onto you. Your back was turned, but he could recognize you anywhere. A picture of casual elegance, the sight of you made Kakashi's heart ache with a mixture of longing and resignation. You were so beautiful, and just destined to be his - but you didn't want him, not as anything more than a friend.
"Oh," you said, turning around to see Kakashi a few meters from you. Your smile was like a ray of sunshine, and as you approached, the subtle fragrance of your perfume enveloped him. "Hi, Kakashi. Lovely day, isn't it?"
"Isn't it just," Kakashi murmured shortly, though his thoughts were racing. "I thought you did your shopping on Thursdays."
"Just like you." The gentle laugh in your tone sent a vibration through Kakashi's body, electrifying him.
In defense, he replied, "I felt like cutting up a pineapple today, but I have no pineapple to cut."
"Don't do it," you said a little too quickly. Kakashi's eyebrows furrows as he chuckled, amused at the slightly panicked expression that flitted across your face.
"Why not?"
"Er...because...well, just don't, okay? Trust me."
"Okay," he hummed, looking at the top of a pineapple sticking out of the bag in your arm. Curiousity piqued, he asked, "What's in the bag?"
"Not yet, Nosey Rosey," you quipped, skirting past Kakashi with a brush of your hip against his. Despite the confusion, Kakashi found himself smiling down at you as the sun caught your hair so beautifully.
Yet. He would get to find out eventually, to some capacity. It was a small win, but a win for Kakashi, none-the-less.
"I've got to go, there's a lot of work I still have to for today." Like always, you shied away from Kakashi just when you seemed to be opening up. "I'll see you later, Hatake."
Before he could respond, you turned and left the fruit market, going in the direction of your apartment complex. His words died on his lips as he watched you leave him, to go do work for today. Today. Valentine's Day.
What did you mean? Did you have a valentine? Were were making something for them? Who? Who deserved your love and how could Kakashi prove to you that he was more deserving?
Getting a couple of mangos instead, still craving pineapple, Kakashi kept your command in mind. He left the fruit market and had the mangos back in his apartment, where he read for a long few hours.
The day seemed to melt away, only eating away at Kakashi's beating heart - he didn't want to spend Valentine's Day alone anymore, and he certainly didn't want you spending it with anyone else.
It was time for action. Kakashi didn't care if he would be interrupting your hot date - in fact, he hoped he would be.
Springing from his bed around the stroke of five, Kakashi left his apartment for the confectionary a couple blocks away, getting a kilo of chocolate almonds, before heading to Yamanka Flowers. There, Kakashi bought the most expensive bouquet in the store, ignoring Ino when the little girl inquired about Kakashi's big date. He didn't want to get his hopes up, but he certainly wasn't going to dash the idea.
As he dashed around the Hidden Leaf, Kakashi thought about what to say to you. It was all situation dependant, he came to realize - and, eventually, Kakashi figured he would have to let his heart speak for him, for once.
After dragging his feet, still deeply in thought, closer to the hour of six, Kakashi slowly made his way to your apartment complex. Battling with his internal monologue, he ascended the stairs, and went straight to Unit 36. He had walked you to your door a few times, but you had never invited him in.
His breath was shaking, and the items felt heavier than bricks in his arms, but Kakashi was determined. He wanted you so badly, and he needed you even worse.
Smelling a dark but sweet scent coming from under your door, he rapped upon the wood three times. Kakashi could hear a bang, then a small shout, before the lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing you, as gorgeous as Kakashi had ever seen you.
Your hair was tied up messily, in disarray from the obvious culinary tasks you had taken on. A pastel pink apron hung from your neck, synching your waist, with white frills bordering the fabric. Chocolate was smeared on the front, in thin, abstract lines. The same chocolate was on your arms and hands, even a smudge having made it onto your cheek.
Kakashi took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on," he began, voice trembling slightly. Your smile widened as you leaned on the door, opening it wider for him. Gathering every shred of courage he had, Kakashi continued, "For years... all I have been able to think about is you, morning, noon, and night. Your face, your voice... they bring me comfort like nothing else."
He paused, collecting his breath and searching for any sign of what you were feeling, but something compelled him to go on before you could reject him.
"I've tried to ignore it, tried to move on, but I can't. You have a hold on my heart that I can't break. I...I need you to know...I love you." With a sharpness, you inhaled, and Kakashi sighed, "I love you more than words can describe... and it hurts to not know how you feel about me."
Breathing deeply from his monologue, Kakashi felt as though a weight was lifted from his shoulders. Even if you denied him, even if you told him your heart was for another, Kakashi would be okay, because, at least, now, you knew.
A beat of quiet passed through your apartment corridor as your eyes sparkled in the luminescent lighting. Then you simply giggled, "Do you still fancy a pineapple?"
Blinking rapidly, Kakashi asked, "What-?"
"C'mon, Lover Boy," you teased, motioning into your apartment with a smile that seemed to light up the room. "You don't know how much easier you've made things."
Still in a state of confusion, Kakashi wasn't going to turn down the invitation. He stepped into your apartment, taking in the large window and your twenty-some paintings that lined the walls. Snapping his attention back to you, Kakashi presented the bouquet and you took it up, holding the flowers close to your nose as you inhaled.
"I hope you don't think my thing is lame," you sighed, looking between the flowers and the bag of chocolate covered almonds that still resided in Kakashi's hand. "I didn't spend half as much money as you did."
"You...got me something?"
Brightly, you nodded with a deepened smile. "Yeah- well, no...kinda." You started walking toward the other room in the small apartment. "Come to the kitchen, I'll show you."
As he walked through your apartment, he took in all your little knick-knacks and chachkies. Everything in the room screamed about various corners of your personality, corners that Kakashi hoped to one day know like the back of his hand.
The kitchen was very white - white cabinets, white counters, white cupboards, white fridge, white backsplash, white oven. All white, except for a smattering of brown mess, all over two pots and the stove and the baking sheets that sat beside. You walked over nervously and motioned for Kakashi to do the same. As he got closer, he could decern chunks of various fruits and strawberries sat on the baking sheets, covered in chocolate.
"You...did this?" Kakashi asked, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and disbelief as he took in the array of chocolate-covered fruits. You nodded, eyes shining with anticipation. "For me?"
"All for you, Kakashi. Only for you."
You didn't know just how much Kakashi had prayed to hear those words come from your mouth. It was like he was dreaming, being given everything he ever wanted, and he grew anxious that it was.
Driven by a sudden surge of courage, Kakashi stepped forward and gently pressed his lips to yours. An electric jolt coursed through him as your hands instinctively cradled his cheek and the back of his neck. You melted into his embrace as he brought you close, fitting perfectly against him. Kakashi knew then that this was no dream; he was wide awake and finally living the reality he had longed for.
He also knew that he had to reevaluate Valentine's Day.
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mayhem-neverending · 2 years
Kakashi Hatake x f!Reader
I feel like although there's a lot of Kakashi fics, there's a good majority of them that are pure smut. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, I love Kakashi smut, I just want there to be more pining/loving from sadboi!Kakashi who needs to be held so tightly he might break.
Summary: Reader has a peculiar jutsu that comes in handy when she and her team are in a very tight spot. Due to the nature of this jutsu, an exchange is made and you experience your comrade's thoughts/memories that are strongest around the time of the transfer. You're sure Kakashi never meant for you to see what he exchanged with you.
Warnings: Smut, cursing, fainting, angst, teacher-ish/student relationship (Kakashi is 29, Reader is 24)
Word count: 3,353
Although a proficient ninja, times like these were the true reason for making you an addition to teams on dangerous missions.
You held onto Sakura while Naruto, Sai and Kakashi continued their attacks in the forest not far from the Hidden Leaf Village. The three Akatsuki members who they battled had terrifying strength, and you wondered if you would make it out of this alive.
Despite being out cold in your lap, Sakura had minimal injuries. You were thankful they hadn't done more damage, not only for her safety but because you didn't want to expend too much chakra. You were sure that the others would need it later.
Naruto came whizzing passed you and slammed into a tree not far from your right. He crumpled to the ground, breathing heavily.
"Naruto!" You shouted. You began moving Sakura's head carefully from your lap, but Naruto moved his head up and made eye-contact, giving an almost imperceptible shake of his head. You nodded in response.
With Naruto's crash being so near, you decided to move Sakura's limp body further away from the action. You carried her easily as you jumped into a tree and leapt a few hundred yards out of the way. You placed her down gently against a gnarled trunk and turned back to the fight where explosions and shouting could be heard. There was no doubt that when she woke she would know where to go.
You made your way swiftly back to the battle ground. As you approached you could see that one of the Akatsuki had taken the brunt of one of Naruto's attacks and you silently cheered. You arrived at the clearing they had created and watched at the tree line. Your purpose here was as back up, and Kakashi had made it clear that that was your only job. You would not get involved unless he called upon you.
Kakashi used a lightning attack while Sai distracted his opponent. It seemed that the man was hardly affected. He coughed and let out a raspy laugh. Their strength frightened you. Even with your incredible reserves of chakra, you would be no match for them and you hoped desperately that you wouldn't be called into it.
You studied their attacks for maybe fifteen minutes before Sai was out of the game. He fell near the tree line a ways away from you, so you hurried to retrieve him. He was half conscious and muttered a 'thank you' as you carried him to the same place you had deposited Sakura.
Once he was placed down, you assessed his wounds. He had a good extent of them, you winced at the sight of his broken femur on his left. There wasn't much you could do about that there, so you coaxed some pain reliever in his mouth, wrapped his other wounds, and headed back to the fray.
Your team was holding their own better than you could have hoped. You watched as Kakashi, who had become a sort of mentor to you, matched his opponent punch for punch. Naruto was fairing a little worse, but the Nine-tails had yet to appear so he was doing pretty well too.
At that thought, Naruto came flying passed your head. Your eyes widened as his disheveled body slammed through a series of branches and he fell to the ground.
You looked back to see Kakashi had looked back at you, the red of his Sharingan flaring. You nodded to him, jumping from your position and down to Naruto.
"I'm okay," He grunted as you hovered over him.
He tried to sit back up but you placed your hand on your chest, not letting him move. You activated your medical ninjutsu before he could say another word, assessing the damage. You gasped at the extent of his injuries.
"I'm okay," He repeated, but his eyes could hardly focus on your face.
"Stay down, Naruto," You sternly replied, your ninjutsu working at his injuries.
"You're new here, Y/n. You have no idea what I can do," He argued, trying to push you away.
"You don't even have the strength to move me, what do you think you're going to do out there?"
He gritted his teeth, eyes finally focusing on your own. You were impressed at the fire behind them, even more impressed that he pushed you away in one smooth motion.
"I have to do this, for Sasuke,"
You heard someone approaching and whipped around to see Kakashi running towards you, panting.
"Naruto, are you okay?" He called.
"Perfect," He growled, standing back up.
"Listen, I think I figured out a way to finish this, are you up to it, Naruto?" You looked between them in disbelief. That child was not okay!
"Ready, Sensei,"
Kakashi knelt down to you, still breathless. "I need your kekkei genkai, Y/n," His gaze was intense and your breath stuttered at seeing his Sharingan so close.
You nodded. You looked him over and placed a hand on his exposed neck, assessing the amount of chakra left in his body. You blinked when you realized he was near empty.
"How much do you need? You're almost empty, Kakashi."
He sighed. "For this to work?.. I need to be almost full."
Your eyes widened a little, this was going to be an intense transfer. And despite the situation, your cheeks reddened as he stared at you in his disheveled state. "I-I'll do the best I can,"
He smiled tiredly at you. "That's all I ask. Are you ready?"
You took a deep breath and nodded, steeling yourself. He pulled his mask down, exposing his plump lips. You barely had time to glance at him before he was pulling you in.
Your lips crashed together in a searing kiss. You began pouring your chakra reserves into his network where your lips touched. It was absolutely electric and you could just make out his stuttering breaths as he surprised you by sliding his tongue against yours. Your fingers dug into his hair as he pulled your body closer, nearly knocking you both over in your kneeling position.
You could feel the chakra leaving your body in droves. Soon, it would be replaced with memories, thoughts, feelings from Kakashi. That's how the exchange always worked. You felt wrong to desire knowing his innermost thoughts, and so intimately, but that desire burned through the kiss. If this man wanted everything you had, you would be more than happy to give it to him.
Your hand slid out of his hair and down his chest. Never had you given so much chakra before; you could feel all of the energy leaving your limbs, filling him. He kissed you hungrily, kissed you harder than he needed, sucking your bottom lip, caressing your tongue with his own. All he had to do was touch his lips to yours for your kekkei genkai to work. Somewhere distant you remembered explaining that to him, but now you were feeling the last bit of chakra you could give climbing out of your throat and rushing into his body.
You pulled away, your vision hazy as you looked at him through your lashes. He was breathless, his neck and cheeks aflame. Somewhere in the background you heard a gagging noise. Your mind swirled as his memory exchange started tugging at it.
Your eyes fluttered shut. You wondered what you'd be in for.
Kakashi laid you gently on the ground and swiftly pulled his mask back up. He stood up, his knees a little wobbly. His body felt amazing, your chakra licked at his insides like lightning.
"Naruto, let's go,"
You had performed this jutsu many times before, but never had you seen yourself in them. The thoughts were important, recurring, or highly charged that you received. Nothing was ever a random thought, it was all important to that person, at least within that time frame. That's why you were shocked to see yourself in that first memory.
You watched your chest heave, saw your hair had fallen from its clasp and frame your face. You lunged at Kakashi, whom you saw this through. He deflected your attack, but you caught him off guard by kicking the back of his knee. He fell forward and you rushed him, tackling him and grabbing his hands so that he couldn't move.
You remembered this, and smiled. It made your heart sing that the first time you had ever taken him down in training was an important memory to him.
You watched as he managed to flip you around, straddling you. You could feel everything, as if his body was your own due to the jutsu, and felt heat travel up his neck as he stared at you. You had never saw yourself as terribly pretty, but you could feel it in him; he thought you were gorgeous in this moment.
The next image was in his dark bedroom. You could feel that he was in bed, his heart racing. He reached out as tears ran down his cheeks. He closed his eyes and your heart stopped when the image of your face pressed against his chest as you curled around him appeared. You could feel some of his anxiety falling away at his thought. Was he- did Kakashi think of you as a safe place? He imagined himself tangling his fingers in your hair and took deep breaths. Your heart broke for him.
The image changed to one of his students. Young Naruto was running around, chasing Sasuke and Sakura was sighing and swinger her legs on a bench. You felt contentment in his heart and yours swelled with happiness. He loved these kids so much. You wondered how many more memories you would see, since this was the most chakra you had ever given.
The image swirled and you were transported to a bedroom - the same as before. Due to the hazy quality of it, you could tell that this was going to be some kind of fantasy or dream.
You choked suddenly at the image before you. His bed was a disaster of pillows and blankets, and in the center, was you. You were splayed out on his bed, biting your lip, eyes half closed. You watched through his eyes as he rubbed himself against your folds. You could feel that what he was feeling was his own hand. You felt him pump himself to the image of him slowly pumping into you, watching your own breasts bounce and hearing yourself whine.
"Kashi," you sighed out, arching your back.
He leaned in and kissed you, hand caressing your breast and moving down to circle your clit. You were in such a state of shock you thought your body outside of your mind you had probably stopped breathing too.
Was your mentor and friend just thinking about this all the time? You shook your head mentally. Maybe it was just a recently charged moment. Actually, that didn't make it much better.
The image whirled again. You felt yourself salivate. There was Kakashi himself in the mirror before you. It was another fantasy. His muscles rippled as he held you by the throat with one hand, the other holding your leg up by the knee has he rutted into you.
He was gripping himself hard at the image. You could feel the head was slick with precum. "You like watching, baby? You like seeing Daddy's cock destroying your pretty pussy?"
"Yes, Daddy," You whined.
You could hear him grunt aloud in the memory. He opened his eyes and you saw the thick ropes of cum covering his stomach, could feel the heaviness of his breath.
His sense of relief at his release was overcome by guilt. He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. You furrowed your mental brows in confusion, despite being absolutely astounded by what you were seeing.
He raked his fingers through his hair. "Why do I have to love you?"
His memories faded and your mind turned to black.
"Is everyone okay?" Kakashi's voice waded through your subconscious. Confusion coursed through you, where were you? What was going on?
Memories of the battle, of your chakra transfer, or Kakashi's memories rushed back to you. Your fingers twitched and your heart pounded against your chest. Slowly, you managed to force your eyes open.
Sakura was leaning over you, working her medical ninjutsu and she smiled when your eyes found hers. "Y/n, I'm glad you're okay,"
You managed a smile. "I didn't even do anything, don't worry about me."
She helped you sit up. You looked around you and saw everyone on your team in various states of injury. Naruto was out of it, Sai and Sakura awake, although Sai was in obvious pain. Kakashi looked wiped, even with the extra chakra you had given him.
You were still in the woods, but considering everyone was alive, you knew that they had won the battle.
Kakashi caught your eye. "I've sent Pakkun to get back up. They should be here anytime to help us back to the village."
You nodded, having a hard time keeping the eye contact. The revelation that your longtime friend and mentor was masturbating to you was fresh in your mind.
And that he loves you. A tiny voice said in the back of your head.
"There they are!" You heard Pakkun call from somewhere in the trees. Before you could blink, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji and four medical ninjas were before you.
You got to your feet as two of the medical ninja pulled out there stretcher to load Sai onto. They rushed back to the village while Kakashi explained what had happened to Shikamaru. The other two medical ninja took Naruto away.
"Y/n, Sakura. Head back to the Hokage's office. I'm going to show them where the bodies are. I'll be right behind you."
The mission report took a couple hours. The whole time, of course, you avoided eye contact with Kakashi. At the end, after the door had closed, he caught your arm with his gloved hand.
"Thank you," He looked at you seriously. "The mission would have been lost without you,"
You nodded, your face reddening. "Of course, anytime,"
He let go of you. "Do you want to go have a drink? On me?" He smiled, his hand rubbing the back of his head.
You schooled your features so as to not let away your mild alarm. Would it be rude to say no? Would it come off as out of character for you? You had gone to share a drink with him a few times before.
"I'm really tired, raincheck?"
He nodded with a smile. "Okay, I'll hold you to it,"
You had taken a long hot shower and had slowly eaten some food when you heard a knock on the door. You were lost in thought and it startled you. You looked at the clock. It was already past nine.
You got up and peered out the window. Kakashi stood at your door, running his hands through his hair. You stepped back and frowned. What could he possibly want that couldn't wait until tomorrow?
You unlocked the door for him. You could feel his nervousness in waves as he looked down at you in the doorway.
You motioned him in and he stepped forward almost hesitantly. "Kakashi,"
You waited for him to continue. You watched as he struggled to collect his thoughts, which was a trip. You had never seen him look unsure of himself like that.
"What's going on?" You leaned against your kitchen counter facing the table, where you motioned for him to sit.
He sat, perched at the edge of the chair. His fingers twitched. "I know how your kekkei genkai works, and I was wondering..."
You narrowed your eyes, but the blush that was slowly taking over his ears was also creeping up your neck.
"You know how it works, but you still decided you wanted to stick your tongue down my throat?" You sassed.
He choked, his eyes widening. You wondered if he could get any redder and failed miserably to hold back a laugh.
His shoulders loosened at the sound, but he still looked anywhere but you. His foot tapped on your hardwood floor.
"It's fine, don't worry about it," You offered.
"What was it that you were wondering?"
He cleared his throat. "Well, I- You weren't acting like yourself - after the mission and I just-" He cleared his throat again. He could probably hear your heart pounding if he could hear past his own. "What memories did you see?"
You looked down at your hands. You didn't know how to approach this. Should you lie? You had liked Kakashi for awhile but you didn't want to embarrass him.
"I saw you watch team 7 train." You said quietly. You looked up at him, his shoulders tensed again. It was like he could see right through you with his piercing gaze.
He took an audible breath. "What else?"
You spared him a glance. "I saw you.. wake up from a nightmare,"
He tapped his fingers on the table. He looked like he wanted to ask you again.
"If that's all-" You started.
"There's more." He stated dryly.
You watched each other for a few moments. "Tell me,"
"I think you know," You stated quietly, playing with your fingers.
He exhaled shakily, a pleading glint in his eye. "Just tell me, please,"
"I was - I was in your imagination and I saw-" You breathed in deeply, embarrassed for him and yourself. "I saw myself. Under.. you. In a, you know, compromising, um, position."
He took a deep breath, closing his eye. "And-" His eye shot open.
"I saw us.. in the mirror. You know what we were doing."
He looked like he was going to explode. He stood up quickly, nearly running to the door. "Thank you for telling me,"
You grabbed his wrist and he stilled. When he looked at you, it was with a mixture of shame and fear. "Kashi,"
You liked the way his nickname fell off your lips. "Stay,"
It was now or never. You pulled him into you, hugging him to you. He was rigid at first, but slowly relaxed into you. "You know I like you too, right?"
Kakashi pulled back in surprise. You tapped his covered mouth. "Why don't you take this off?"
"I-" You reached up, pulling his mask down. He didn't protest, and quirked his lips into a half smile. He leaned down, and you met in a slow kiss. His lips were soft and he sucked your bottom lip in to nip it. It took no time for the kiss to turn heated, and you were pulling at each other's clothes, stumbling back towards your bedroom.
Kakashi backed onto the bed, and you climbed on his lap. He looked at you with his half lidded eye. You kissed him roughly, pulling his hair. Heat pooled in your core as you sloppily kissed across his jaw and down his neck. He groaned when you sucked a hickey in the crook of his neck. You could feel his heart beating rapidly in his throat and it gave you butterflies.
He felt along your curves, tracing them gently even in this heated moment. He pulled your face back to his and continued kissing you. He rocked his hips against you, and you moaned softly at the friction.
He pulled away, gasping. "Y/n,"
"Why don't we take this slowly?"
"What do you mean?" You murmured, reattaching yourself to his neck. He inhaled sharply.
"Let me take you out,"
You pulled back and looked at him, raising your eyebrow. "You're saying you don't want to-" you grinded your hips against his "-do this- right now? You would rather take me out?"
He bit his lip, nodding. You pouted and he grabbed you by the chin. "Let me do this right, please,"
You licked your lips. "Let me get dressed, then,"
"I didn't mean now," He chuckled breathlessly.
"It's called a compromise, Kashi."
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abs-2020 · 2 years
Kakashi Hatake x reader(F)
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Summary: kakashi was your school boy crush. But you were the girl that was scared of evening. And him? He was scared of nothing. You hadn’t seen him since grade school. You hadn’t thought about him since grade school… at least up until now.
Warnings: SMUT/18+/praise kink/degrading kink/virginity loss/P in V/size kink/breeding kink/primal&pray dymanics/heartbreak/language/heavy topics/jealousy/stalking/alcohol/manipulation/guilt tripping/abuse if you squint/ and other stuff… it’s me so it’s either gonna be dark and angsty or sad, dark and angsty. But of course it will have SMUT.
Authors note: uuuh, I just had an idea and went with it. Kakashis my daddy. And I hope he’s yours too.
‘Kakashi Hatake…’
“Kakashi Hatake!” Naruto would yell once again both his arms waving in the air.
‘Kakashi Hatake..’
“KA-KA-SHI!! HA-TA-KE!!” Naruto would yell even louder this time each syllable getting aggressively pronounced.
You finally spoke “kakashi Hatake…” you’d say in a whisper, your face was covered in disbelief and concern. “Kakashi..h-“
Naruto would sigh an ‘uuuuuugh’ and roll his eyes “YES! (Y/N) YES! Again YES!”
A small ‘huh’ would leave your Cherry lips as you took your hand from the boys spikey, yellow hair and rose from your knees to your feet. The dust and dirt from the floor staining your navy blue combat pants. You were flabbergasted.
“I went to school with him.” You’d say out loud. More to yourself than anyone else.
Your small and dainty hands would fidget with the sticks and leave you had collected only minutes ago. You sat and the corner of the school. You liked to spend recess alone you were scared of the other kids. Your lips would form into a small pout when the leave you were trying to tie to the twig ripped in half. With an annoyed sigh you’d throw the sticks and leave to the side your hands now stained green.
You’d lift your head and trail your eyes upwards. And there he was. Your little school boy crush. Kakashi Hatake. Playing with his two best friends. Obito and Hanare. You didn’t quite know why you liked him. You didn’t even know him. Maybe it was His silver hair was just so beautiful. Maybe it was his pretty obsidian eyes. Or perhaps the little beauty mark on the right side of his face. But you didn’t know. And he didn’t know. He didn’t even know you existed.
Naruto’s eyes would gleem at your words and suddenly he’d jump up and down even higher.
“What was he like?? We’re you two friends??!!” Naruto would squeal jumping up and down.
A ‘meh’ expression would cross your face at the words friends. ‘Far from it.’
You’d lift your finger up in anticipation quickly raising your eyes brows in a cheeky manner.
“Heeeee…” you’d draw your words out to tease the little boy his eyes lighting up. ”..didn’t know I existed..” another ‘meh’ expression would cross your face as you slouched your shoulders.
Naruto would fall to the ground in a dramatic manner. “(Y/N)-Chan that was so messed up.” His voice was high pitched and full of disappointment.
Your look down at the blonde boy and smile. “Cmon get up.” You’d giggle like a child as he rose from the floor like you after a hard mission or battle. “Honestly tho, I had completely forgotten that, that man existed up until now.” You said with a cheeky smile as you and Naruto headed down the street the sun starting to set.
A knock at your door would have you throwing your head back and dropping your dough as you headed to the door a rag in your hands to wipe off the flour that coated your hands and forearms. Slowly and angrily you’d unlock your door annoyance radiating off your body as you swung the old piece of wood open.
“You better have a good reason for knocking this lat- oh.. Kotetsu.. Izumo.” You’d pause as you stared into the eyes of the two men who sheepishly held their hands up in a surrendering manner.
“Po tchari!!” The boys would yell in unison. The nickname had you cringing and your body visibly tensing.
“What do you two knuckle heads want?!” You’d bark wiping the flower from your hands obviously unimpressed.
The boys would grimace at your tone as they looked to each other. ‘That look.’ You hated that look. That look meant they had something up their sleeves. Kotetsu would finally speak his chin lifting in a proud manner.
“Well, we thought since todays a special day-“
“It’s a Monday” you’d chime in unimpressed
The boys would puff and shake their heads.
“We thought since it’s a very very special Monday, that maybe you’d want to go out to a party and get wasted??” The two boys would say the last word in unison as they both jumped in anticipation, stupid and childish grins painted on their faces.
Your face was plain and expressionless, you were obviously unimpressed or amused
You’d mentally curse at yourself as you stood between the two overly drunk boys that had dragged you to this party. ‘I’m going to kill them once they’re sober’ you thought as you shoved past them and the crowd of drunken and who knows what else ninjas. You’d stomp your way over to a kitchen island grabbing yourself and cup of water before plopping yourself onto a chair. ‘I hated parties’ you thought as you sensed started to get overstimulated and overwhelmed. You’d groan as you rubbed your temples in an aggressive manner. Annoyance was radiating off of you.
“Hmm, don’t like parties?” A velvety and alluring voice would coo from in front of you. As a slutry chuckle follower.
‘Jesus’ was all you thought as you raised your head to meet the eyes of the man with the slutry voice.
“Uh no, no not at all actually.” You’d laugh out before meeting eyes with the man.
And when you did verbally sighed. It was just some ugly guy. You thought as you looked the brunette up and down as he eyes you down like you were some dog toy.
“Cmon, how could a pretty little lady like you not like parties?” The man would boast.
His cheeks were visibly red. He was obviously drunk. His finger and hands were stained black from some kind of much or dirt. And his skin was coated with a nasty sheen of sweat. He looked what one would call musty. Especially since the white shirt he was wearing was stained yellow from where he sweat the most. The sight of him almost made you gag.
You’d visibly cringe at his words. ‘This, this is why I don’t go out.’ With an exhausted sigh you’d leap from your chair and make your way to the exit. You didn’t want this musty man to chase after you and you didn’t want the situation to escalate any further. But as if satan himself heard you, a rough and clamy hand would find it’s way onto your shoulder and squeeze the soft and delicate flesh. A shiver was sent up your spine as the man’s breath assaulted your ear.
“Hey now sweet thing..” he’d grind his hips against your behind. You’d freeze. No man’s ever touched you like that. Ever “why not go back to my place hmm? Let me forgive you for walking away from me like that??” His voice was husky and there was an anger behind it. A drunken anger. Your guy would turn as he ground his hips against you once more.
You saw red. You saw red and in the blink of an eyes you’d spun around and had the drunken bastard on his back. You didn’t say anything, you just stared into his eyes very fiercely and walked out of that crazy house.
Once the cold fresh air had hit your face your let out a sigh. A sigh of relief.
“Thank heaven..” you’d mumble as your stuffed your hands into the pockets of your maroon hoodie and sighed once more.
It was late. Super late. Luckily you hadn’t even let a drop of alcohol enter your system. But as you wondered through the streets you couldn’t help but think about why you were so ‘anti social’. The only people you could really stand were Naruto and maybe the two boys that had invited you to the party. They were the only ones you weren’t annoyed scared by. You laughed to yourself. A ninja, someone who saves people yet so annoyed scared by them.
You were lost in your thoughts, that was until the hairs on your body stood up. ‘You were being watched’ your intuition screamed as you froze in your steps. You’d close your eyes and take in a deep breath, you didn’t sense anybody. And you sure as hell couldn’t see anybody. You bit your lip at the feeling of prying eyes. With a gulp you shoved the feeling down and continued forward.
After what seemed like the longest walk of your existence you’d finally find yourself at Ichiraku Ramen. It was nearly 2 A.M. and the man was still up waiting for someone to come and eat his ramen. You’d chuckle at that observation.
“One bowl of your finest Ramen please” you’d say with a finger pointed up and a cheeky grin as you sat yourself.
The old man would chuckle and make small talk. The conversation you two were having seeming to be somewhat bearable.
“You found anyone special?” The old man would ask as you slurped up a noodle almost chocking on the damn thing at his question.
You’d laugh as you set your chopsticks down.
“Uh no, haven’t found the right guy.” You’d say your lips forming into a straight line. “Actually, I just got back from a party and this man practically threw himself at me..” you’d shiver at the memory. “The audacity of some men.” You’d say out loud as you shook your head.
A small clang would be heard from beside you, causing you to turn your head to the left wanting to investigate what made the noise. Your skin would go ghost white at the sight before you. ‘Kakashi.’ Your body would freeze at the sight of your childhood crush. It wouldn’t have been so unsettling if he hadn’t already been staring at you. But his obsidian eye locked onto yours. The hairs on your body would stand up just like before. His eye causing the same prying feeling as before to course through your veins.
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‘He was watching me. He was the one watching me while I was walking.’ You thought as you continued to stare at the white haired man. His presence now felt, more dominating than ever. There was a grey gloom that filtered your vision as your stared into his eye. Even though he was 2 seats away from you he looked huge. He looked like a big bad wolf. Your finger would twitch when you finally broke the trance you were in and pulled your wallet from the pocket of your sweats.
“Here’s a tip-“ you’d pause the feeling of Kakashis eye still on you. He was boring a hole into your soul. “T-thank you for them ramen. It was delicious.”
With shakey hands you’d place a $5 bill onto the island quickly stuffing your wallet back into your pocket. With a faker smile and a wake you’d throw your hands into your pockets and make your way back to your house, your heart was pounding. Racing. ‘Why was he just staring at me like that?” Your frantic steps would fill the streets as you sped walked to your old and crusty apartment. ‘Don’t look behind you’ you told yourself as you squeezed your eyes shut.
After a few rushed turns and twists your finally made your way to your small apartment shutting the old wooden door behind you with a rushed and quick thud. You didn’t give two shits about waking your neighbors as you tree yourself against your now locked door your breathing frantic and ragged as fear continued to pulse and shoot through your veins like a thick syrup. ‘Why was he staring at me like that…’ you thought to yourself as you bit your quivering lip. ‘Why was he watching me…’ questions filled your head as the image of his one eye bored into your brain. As your breaths died down and your heart rate calmed you’d close your eyes ‘he doesn’t even know it’s me. He doesn’t know I exist.’ You told yourself as the adrenaline from your earlier encounter began to die down and your body became tired and your eyelids heavy. Slowly but surely you drifted off only one thing on your mind ‘kakashi Hatake’.
You’d laugh with Naruto as you two sat in a small clearing in the lush green forest bright rays of sun poking through the thick bush of leaves formed on top of the forest canopy. It was a warm day, and a very light breeze flowed through and rustled the leaves. The chirping of birds filled you and the small blonde boys ears as you two continued to giggle at whatever none sense you could.
Then a crack would fill the air as the wind started to pick up causing leaves and stick to smack into you and Naruto’s face. A whine would leave the boy as he jumped up to protect you. the sun was quickly covered by a dark grey cloud. As the birds and animals in the forest started to screech and whale. Then another crack would fill the air and sting your ears. A growl would fill the air and suddenly the hairs on your body would stick up as prying eyes stalked you through the thick bush of the forest. The world would spin as you began to hyperventilate your small hand going to clutch your chest. Another crack of twigs and a single red eye would have you whipping your head to the left. A scream would shoot for Naruto’s lips and..
You’d jump awake as a scream ripped through your own throat your body covered in a cold sweat. You clothes were sticky and clung to your body in an unwanted way as you wiped a sheen of sweat from your forehead.
“My god..” you’d gasp out fear still racing through your heart, the images your brain had made up still causing panic to fill your senses.
‘Kakashi’ was all you thought as you stood from your spot on the floor your arse numb and flat from the hours you spent sat there. ‘I slept against my door..’ you’d note as you rubbed your ringing temples. You may have not drank last night but your encounter with Kakashi and that dreamnightmare was definitely enough to make you wake up and feel like you had. Your clothes were sticky and stained with sweat. Your body covered in the sheen of your BO. You needed a shower. So with a roll of your eyes and a shuffle from your living room to your bathroom you’d go and get the job done.
You’d throw your damp hair into a messy bun before throwing a jacket on and stepping through your front door. Today was your day off. A Tuesday. It made you cringe. Everyone else got to work and get their jobs done then party on the weekend. Everyone but you. You could say that was part of the reason you never really made efforts to talk to anyone or make friends. You never had the right time.
Aimlessly you walked through the streets full of everyday faces holding your head high but keeping your eyes low, that was until you heard the name ‘kakashi’ it had your ears tuning in and eyes widening. You’d start your eyes to the side using your peripheral to find the source of his name. It was two women. Two young and done up women. And they were whispering into each others ears their body’s full of excitement. You’d lean against the post of a small shop closing your eyes trying your best not to act as an imposter. Taking a deep breath you’d calm your body and mind tuning your senses and listing into their conversation.
“The way he touched me and ran his hands up my body.” One would squeal from beside her friend her feet stomping to the floor in excitement. “He was huge.. in both ways” a gargled chuckle would leave the woman’s throat as she playfully chives her friends shoulder.
“you know how high his body count is right?” Her friend would chime in your tone wavering and stern. “Did he even take his Mask of to kiss you?” Her friend would ask. “Or like, say anything?”
The once excited and ecstatic woman would Stay quiet for a moment a long pause filling the air. “No.” Her once Loud voice was now week.
“Exactly, you were just another body to add to the bag. You don’t change and man like that. You don’t change a man like kakashi.” Her friend would add lightly rubbing her friends shoulder. “He’s like a wolf, a big bad wolf. he takes what he wants and he leaves.”
You’d open your eyes after hearing the end of the conversation. And you’d cringe. ‘High body count’ was all you were stuck on as regret set into your stomach. Nervously you’d rub the back of your neck and shake your head as you continued forward. A part of you wasn’t surprised at all. But then another part of you was. You knew girls likes kakashi, and you knew he knew. You just never thought that he’d use their affections for that. But then again ‘what else are you supposed to do when your sweetheart dies.’ You’d reason as you stepped into a small book store.
Boredom would sink into your bones as you walked the the isles and looked at the covers and titles on the books that sat on the shelves. After walking around the store for about 5mins you’d feel defeated Turing around and making your way to the exit in a surrender. Then, a bright orange book with two people sat on the counter would catch your eye causing you to pivot around on your feet. Your small hands would reach to the book brining it closer to you to read the title.
“Icha Icha- Make Out Paradise….” You we’re intrigued and unimpressed with the title your words laced with curiosity as you flipped the book around and began reading the summary. Then In giant bolded red letters ‘18+’caught your eye. Your eyes would widen and your fingers would twitch. ‘A little curiosity never killed anyone…’ you thought to yourself. ‘Might as well read about it. See what I’m ‘missing out on’’ Izumo’s words replayed in your head as you convinced yourself buying the book would be ok.
Guilt and Shame would claw and scream at you as the cashier placed the orange novel into your hands. you were quite ‘embarrassed’ but at the same time you knew the man could care less about what you bought from his store. He had to make a living somehow. Just like you.
“Have a nice day” you’d squeak out as you waved ‘goodbye’ to cashier. Quickly tucking the book into your pocket before rushing out of the small store.
As you sat against the bark of a tree a bright red dust would paint it’s way onto your cheeks as you read a particular part in your new romance novel that had your thighs squeezing together and your stomach turning in an unfamiliar way. Hastily you’d throw the book away from you the orange novel landing with a thud a few feet away from you. your hands would shoot up to your now tomato red face.
“Icha Icha~” a velvety and unfamiliar voice would coo from above you.
‘Oh god, not another perv..’ you’d internally groan as Your delicate and small hands dragged across your face.
“Whao-“ you’d jump back your head hitting the back of the tree as none other than kakashi Hatake stared at you his face only inches from yours.
He was giant. He was a giant. His form overpowered yours like you were nothing. It looked like he could swallow you if he wanted to. ‘Bastard’ you thought to yourself as he slowly lifted one of his arms placing it right besides your head against the tree. ‘I forget about this man for years and suddenly he has me pinned to a tree.’ Your hands would begin to shake at the proximity of the large man. Your school boy crush. The big bad wolf. And right now you felt like a little ass lamb.
“U-uh… yea-“
Kakashi would cut you off as he lifted the book into your face in a taunting manner.
“(Y/N) right?” His voice was just as velvety and smooth as the first time he spoke, something about it drawing you in.
All you could do was nod as you staired into kakashis singular obsidian orb. Kakashi would give you a close eye’d smile as he gestured for you to take your book. With a shudder you’d grab the orange Novel from his large hands and mutter a small ‘thanks’ as you continued to stare into his singular eye. ‘So close’
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“It’s a good read.” Kakashi would say as he lifted his hand from the tree and stood himself up. “I would know.” The white haired man’s voice was filled with a strange sense of pride as he pulled a much more tattered and withered version of your book from his pocket. Then he’d give you another close eyed smile. “Although, I don’t think I’ve ever had that kind of reaction.” Kakashi would snicker in a teasing tone as his eye never left yours.
You’d give the giant man a look that said ‘what the fuck’ as you stood up from the tree your back still flush against its bark. Then a look of confusion would cross your face as you finally broke eye contact with the man an insulting laugh leaving your throat in the process. You’d take a step from the tree walking towards the man. And his eye widened. That was until you shoulder checked right past the beast making your way out of the forest. Out of the big bad wolfs territory.
“The audacity of some men” you said out loud to yourself. The boldness and Oddness of your encounter finally setting in. ‘He’s watching me’
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Naruto would yell your name as he pulled on your pants trying to get your attention in a childlike manner.
“What?” You’d question your mind still fuzzy from zoning out. “What is it?” Your tone was full of annoyance.
“Kakashi…” your eyes would roll at the sound of the white haired man’s name coming from the blonde boys mouth.
Purposefully you’d zone out as the little boy rambled on about something the legendary ninja has taught him and the rest of his team. If it was any other teacher, any other man you’d care to listen. But not when it was kakashi.. not when ever since the first time naruto had brought him up he’d consumed your ever thought and being like some animal.
Then there it was again. Your hairs would stick up from every single place on your body your spine automatically stiffening as once again prying eyes pried onto you. You’d stop dead in your tracks your heart stopping once again.
“Do you feel that?” You’d ask naruto as your eyes did a 360 of your surroundings the sun bright and heavy.
It had been 3 days since your last encounter with the white haired man. 3 days since prying eyes had pried onto your very soul. 3 lucky days.
“Feel what?” Naruto would ask jumping into a ninja stance as he dramatically whipped around. “WHOS THERE??” Naruto would bark as he circled you in a protective manner. ‘Funny, I should be the one protecting him.’
“So you do feel it?” You’d ask the little boy frantically. A small sense of hope washing over your small form.
Naruto would turn to face you making a ‘oh’ face whilst rubbing the back of his neck.
‘I hate the feeling of his eyes..’ you though to yourself as you rubbed your fingers tighter and tried to shake the stiffness from your spine away.
“No…” Naruto would cringe at his words. And you’d sigh in defeat as you rubbed your temples annoyed steam coming from your ears.
“Forget it… I think I’m just going crazy.” You’d say as you hung your head in a defeated manner. “Let’s just go get some ramen.”
Naruto would jump up and down at your words and start yelling about ‘how much’ he was gonna eat and ‘how full’ he was gonna feel. You’d chuckle at the boy his smile causing your paranoia and stress to fade.
Loud slurping noises would fill your ears as you tried to peacefully eat your ramen. ‘This boy acts like he hasn’t ate in months’ you groaned to yourself as you looked down at your bowl of ramen. ‘And he’s going to make me go broke’
“TWO MORE!” Naruto would demand from besides you causing you to shoot a glare to the child next to you.
“Naruto!! You’re going to make me go broke! Five is plenty you little crotch goblin!!” You’d yell.
“Don’t worry, it’s on me.”
‘Oh god’ your eyes would widen at the sound of the same velvety voice from earlier that week filled your ears invading your presence. You’d look to your left only to find kakashi sitting right next to you. ‘How does he just sneak up like that?’ You asked yourself as you continued to stare at the giant man. There was a glint in his eyes as he gave you another far to innocent close eye’d smile.
“Oh, that’s really uh, sweet of you.” You’d stumble on your own words trying to find the right words for your school boy crush. “But you don’t have to. Trust me it’s fine.” You’d say as you raised a defensive hand in the air your eyes locked onto kakashis.
Kakashi would chuckle.
“I insist, it’s the least I can do.” You’d raise a brow at his words ‘the least you can do for what? Stalking me?’
“Well then.. I gotta get going. Uh. Here’s this, it should cover for me and Naruto.” You’d hand a $50 bill to Teuchi Ichiraku but before the bill could reach his fingers kakashi would rip it from your fingers in the blink of an eye.
“It’s already covered.” Kakashi would say sternly as he grabbed your hand and placed the bill into your fingers in an aggressive manner.
His eye stared you down like prey, like he was testing you. like he was just waiting for you to make some kind of mistake. And you did. Your brows would furrow into a harsh line as you ripped your fingers from kakashis grasp crunching the bill in your harsh grip. You and kakshi would stare each other down both of your eyes filled with a fire that neither one of you could quite describe.
“Ya know, most ladies would say thank you.” Teuchi would peep from beside the two of you.
You’d break eye contact with kakashi to look at the old man and give him a nervous smile and look back at kakashi who was now looking at you with dark, dark eyes. It had you taking a step back.
“U-uh thank you Hatake..” you wouldn’t call him by his first name. Not to his face.
Kakashi didn’t say anything, all he did was stare at you. The same look in his eye as when you first saw him at the ramen booth.
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“Yeah, you’re crazy Po tchari.” Kotetsu would laugh as he listened to your story of kakashi and your frantic and crazy assumptions. “The son of the great White Fang wouldn’t stalk you, or ANYONE for that matter.” Kotetsu would add as you took a sip from his canteen Kotetsu wiping the sheen of sweat from his forehead.
The two of you had been training together for the past two hours and a half the sun finally starting to set and tiredness beginning to hit your overworked bodies.
“Whatever, you have no idea.” You’d bite back your voice laced with annoyance. “It all makes perfect sense, it all lines up.” You’d state as you threw a hoodie over your sweaty form. “You wouldn’t understand, you’re too realistic to understand.” You’d say your voice dying down.
Kotetsu would laugh.
“And you’re too paranoid to think straight.” He’d sigh “cmon Po tchari.. let’s be realistic here. What are the chances that your Childhood crush would suddenly come into your life and start stalking you? What are the chances he would like you..?” Kotetsu would stay quiet for a moment “slim. Very very slim. Especially since it’s Kakashi Hatake.”
You’d visibly wince and shrink at his words. ‘Chances that he’d like me’ you’d drop your eyes downward as you turned around making it so your back was now facing Kotetsu. ‘That hurt’ you’d think as you bit your lip feeling smaller and more defeated than ever.
“That really fucking hurt.” You’d say barley above a whisper. And you had no idea why, but tha though of kakashi not liking you brought an emptiness you hadn’t felt before. “Why would you say tha-“ you’d cut yourself off as you brang a small Hand to the bridge of your nose pinching the soft flesh before taking in a deep breath. ‘Be realistic…’ kotetsus words rang though your head “yeah.. you’re right.” Your words were small. You felt small. Smaller then when kakashi was around.
Subconsciously you’d bring both your arms across your chest in a way to protect yourself from anything else your ‘friend’ had to say Before walking away. Your brows would furrow at the words Kotetsu had said played on an infinite loop as you made your way from the training grounds to your apartment. Your safe space. Your sanctuary. You didn’t quite know when or why, but as the sun set a sheet of grey had filled the sky blocking out the beautiful colors of the setting sun. This only depressened the mood. Your mood. Then it was back. Those prying eyes that had you stopping right in your tracks and every hair on your body sticking up. But this time you weren’t scared. You were angry. Angry at the man that wasn’t was stalking you. You’d bite your lip as you looked to the trees around you steam coming from your ears as you stomped at the floor like a child.
“GO AWAY YOU SICK BASTARD!” Your words were filled with a sadness and venom you couldn’t quiet put your finger on.
There was nothing. No answer. No rustle of leaves. No gust of wind. And no kakashi. It had you rubbing your temples yet again a few mumbled curses leaving your breath. ‘Just go home’ you pleaded to yourself. A look of distress crossed your face as you looked to the heavens above before continuing your journey home.
“ kotetsu was right. You’re just paranoid (Y/N)” you reassured yourself.
“Rough day?”
“Perfect….” You’d spit out rolling your eyes as you looked to your left. And there he was in all his glory resting against a fence post.
At first you were angry. Furious when you heard his stupid amazing voice but when your eyes met his singular obsidian orb you found all of your anger and stress melting away. You found yourself humming as a warm and fuzzy feeling sat inside your belly. You felt safe. And happy. And you just didn’t understand why. So you finally caved in. You caved in and gave the man what he wanted. A response.
“Uh- yeah. Yeah you could say that..” you’d reply as you turned your body to face his. His frame still leaning against the fence post.
Kakashi would stay quiet as he studied your form. You should’ve felt embarrassed letting him see you like that, sweaty, messy hair, tired, boyish clothes. Most girls would’ve. But you didn’t seem to care. That intrigued him.
“How so?” Kakshi would question his voice as velvety as ever as he pushed himself from the fence post making his way towards your small form.
Now you were nervous. Nervous to have him so close. Nervous to have him tower over you. Nervous to inhale his woody and grassy smell with just a hint of lotus. You’d rub the back of your neck nervously, pondering what to say to the legendary ninja.
“Well, I just feel like I’m being watched…not all of the time but most of the time. I feel like prey. But my friend said I’m just paranoid.”
Kakashis eye would darken at your words his body visibly stiffening. He’d hold still as he looked down and you something dark glowing in his eyes. He’d take a deep breath in then a long exhale out.
“What are you telling yourself?” Kakshi would ask his head tilting ever so slightly. The world seeming to get a whole lost smaller and kakashi and whole lot bigger.
“T-that I’m being hunted..” your voice was squeaky.
Kakashis singular eye would darken even more, you didn’t think that was possible. Not with his already obsession orb. Then he’d lean in, the fabric of his mask rubbing against your cheek as he whispered into your ear.
“Might wanna listen to your instincts and be careful then…” kakashi would growl causing vibrations to shoot down your spine at the animalistic noise. “You don’t want the Big Bad Wolf to get ya.” Kakashis voice had dropped a million octaves, your body visibly shaking at the dominating tone in his voice.
‘It was him.’ Now you were sure of it.
The next two weeks had gone by perfectly fine. Kakashi had walked you home a couple times and even decided to buy you a couple snacks for some of your missions. Although you and his ‘encounters’ were limited and vague you still enjoyed ever second of being with him. At least some part of you did. The other part was terrified every second screaming and begging for you to run away. It was warning you. Kotetsu and Izumo had teased you about kakashi singing stupid little love songs about you two just to get on your nerves. Naruto had loved training with kakashi and always told you about how ‘cute Sakura’ was it made you giggle. But something just didn’t feel right. Something was just so wrong.
You sat with Kotetsu And Izumo all three of you hanging at another party with some friends. Everyone sitting in a circle you all getting ready to play ‘truth or dare’ part of you was annoyed that they had dragged you into this yet again buuut another part of you was happy that you were finally learning to let go and have fun. You still wouldn’t drink tho, not in-front of everyone one, and surely not in this setting. Then the door would click causing all of your heads to turn.
“Sorry everyone, sorta got lost on the path of life.” Kakashi would wave as he gave everyone a close eyes smile.
Everyone would cheer and chant his name, especially Might Guy. He looked happy and relaxed. Until his eye connected with yours. And where you were, at this party, full of drunken ninja and seated between to boys at that. something about him changed. And you could sense it. Hell you could see it. But you just didn’t understand why he looked so bothered. You were just here at a party you didn’t really care for. So when he asked you to talk with him for a bit and somewhere ‘more private’ you fingers twitched and your gut sank as you excused yourself from the circle Kotetsu and Izumo playfully nudging you before you left.
Kakashi was quick to grab your wrist and pull you outside quickly placing his large hands onto your shoulders and placing you against the door in an all to aggressive and caring manner.
“Why are you here?” Kakashi would ask his tone laced with annoyance as he stared into your eyes.
An audible gasp would leave your throat as tor mouth fell open. ‘The audacity of some men’ you’d laugh a boastful laugh.
“Because I can be.“ was All you replied with as you took kakashis hands from your shoulders and shoved them away.
“Are you drunk?” Kakashi would ask as he took a heavy step towards you his body language rigid and fierce. His eye drilled a hole into yours.
“No, as a matter o fact I don’t drink!” You’d say pridefully. “And either way, it would be none of your fucking business.” You’d scoff “why do you care anyway? It’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything.” You’d question your tone fiery and fierce as you looked up at the white haired ninja with challenging eyes your brows furrowed into a hard line.
Kakashis Demeanor would shift at your words as he took a step back. He was stunned. You stunned him. No body had ever talked to him like that. No woman has ever talked to him like that.
Your Angry eyes would look kakashi up and down. ‘Who does this guy think he is?’ You’d ask yourself as you shook your head at the man. The large man.
“The audacity of some men..” was all you said before you aggressively took off stomping down the porch and back to your apartment.
You’d hum to yourself as you stepped out of your shower your hair wet and dripping a towel wrapped around your form. You hadn’t seen kakashi in a bit, and to be honest you didn’t want to. Not after he came into that party and acted like he owned you. Not after everything he’s done. Not after he stalked you. Thankfully you hadn’t felt his prying eyes in a bit. You’d hoped he’d just gone off and found some other prettier girl to mess with. But that thought also made you sad. He made you bipolar.
A sigh would leave your throat as you threw your towel off and quickly threw on an oversized hoodie and panties. You’d lay yourself in bed quickly reaching over to turn off your night lamp, only you’d stop once you saw your Icha Icah book sitting on top your night stand. And open at that. You’d raise a brow. ‘I never just leave it out in the open.’ You thought as you rubbed the back of your neck trying to think about how in ended up there. ‘Eh, maybe I just forgot..’ you tried to convince yourself as you finally turned your lamp off and laid your head onto your soft pillows. Your bed was much to big for one person. It needed someone. Kakashi. As you drifted off to sleep something felt off. ‘You never left your book out in the open’ you told yourself once again before drifting off into a slumber.
A long hard sigh would leave your throat as you slammed your back against the wooden door of your apartment. You’d just gotten back from a mission, and a hard one at that. You’d almost lost a teammate and your own life. Your close your eyes as exhaustion finally rammed into your body.
“Jesus..” you’d mumble as you pushed yourself from the wooden door “I’ll shower tomorrow” you mumbled to yourself as you hung your head low. Your back felt like crap, a sharp pain shooting up your body part with each step you took. You felt like crap.
A small grumble would have your eyes widening. You were hungry. Your body was hungry. You hadn’t ate all day. But you sure as hell weren’t making anything and nothing was open this late.
“I’ll eat tomorrow too..” you told yourself as you entered into your bedroom ‘it was darker than usual’ each step you dragged out and heavy.
You’d throw your head back looking to the ceiling as you threw your headband off it hitting the wall and floor with a few clangs. Next was your vest, it was heavy. It felt heavy on your shoulders a small ‘thank you’ leaving your lips as you took the burdened protective piece of clothing off your body. You’d take another deep breath your body relishing in the feeling of being free. Then a shuffle to the right would have your head snapping to the corner. You were on edge, after almost losing your life and a teammates who wouldn’t be? The corner was dark. Every corner in your room was darker than usual. ‘Who’s there.’ Is what you wanted to ask as your eyes glared holes into the dark corner of your room. Your breath would shutter when the hairs on your body slowly stood up the same feeling of prying eyes boring holes into your very soul “kakashi’ was All you thought. He’s what you expected to come from the corner to your right. But when a chuckle was heard from infront of you causing you to whip your head to your front your stomach would drop. He was in front of you. Taking slow and teasing steps from the darkness infront of you. His white hair shining brighter than the moon.
“Hatake…” you’d breath out as your eyes locked onto his obsidian orb all the tiredness from your body leaving in an instant. You still wouldn’t say his name. And you knew it triggered him.
He didn’t say anything. He just walked closer and closer. Slowly stalking his way up to you like a predator. There was a darkness to his eye as he looked your beaten and tired frame up and down. With each step he took he got closer, and closer, bigger and bigger, bulkier and bulkier, more dominating by the second. He truly looked like…
“The big bad wolf..” your mumble barley above a whisper.
The comment had his eyes growing even darker and his head dipping in an animalistic way. He kept stalking towards you Until he was finally an arms length from you. Then he’d speak.
“He’d lift a hand to her throat” kakashis voice was velvety and primal as he slowly raised a hand to your throat. “And squeeze” kakashis fingers would squeeze your throat his grip strong, like a vice. “Then he’d force her backwards slamming her against the wall.” And kakashi would do just that lightly lifting you from the floor your the tips of your toes barley touching the floor beneath you. You’d panic as a slick started to form between your thighs. “Then he’d leave in, his breath tickling her ears.” Kakashis lips would brush against the lobe of your ear the fabric of his mask sending shivers to shoot up your spine. “Then he’d speak…” the grip on your neck would tighten. You were gonna have bruises. ‘A mark to remember this.’ You thought as you stared at the wall infront of you.
Kakashi would practically throw his head back so his eye could lock with yours his lips leaving your ear.
“you’re Mine.” Kakashi would practically growl his words, the anger in his voice causing your thighs to clench.
Your eyes would widen as a recollection of a specific ’underlined’ portion of your book slapped you in the face. Then you connected the dots.
You’d lay yourself in bed quickly reaching over to turn off your night lamp, only you’d stop once you saw your Icha Icah book sitting on top your night stand. And open at that. You’d raise a brow. ‘I never just leave it out in the open.’ You thought as you rubbed the back of your neck trying to think about how in ended up there. ‘Eh, maybe I just forgot..’ you tried to convince yourself as you finally turned your lamp off and laid your head onto your soft pillows. Your bed was much to big for one person. It needed someone. Kakashi. As you drifted off to sleep something felt off. ‘You never left your book out in the open’ you told yourself once again before drifting off into a slumber.
“Y-you we’re there that night. It was you.” You’d try your best to accuse the man your words choppy and broken from the lack of oxygen you were receiving kakashis hand still wrapped around your delicate throat.
Kakashi would chuckle. A dark chuckle. It had you shivering. You were his prey. His meal. Kakashi would take his free hand using the giant limb to tuck a few lose strands of hair behind your ear. He was warm, too warm. His warmth had you subconsciously leaning into his touch. Again Kakashi would chuckle slowly dragging his fingers against the soft flesh of your cheek tantalizingly slow. You’d shudder when the pad of his thumb connected with your lips slowly pushing the large digit past your lips and into your mouth. The action had your thighs clenching and rubbing together as slick continued to poop between your panties.
“I can smell you (Y/N)” Kakashi would coo in his velvety tone as he dipped his thumb to the back of your throat causing you to gag on the digit.
Your hands would go to his forearm trying to pry his hand from your neck, or for support. You weren’t even sure. Your mind was just dizzy. Blank. You had to be dreaming. ‘This had to be a dream.’ Kakashi dipping his thumb into the back of your throat had you second guessing if it was a dream as you gagged a second time.
“Please..” you’d all but whisper as kakashi dragged his fingers along your plumb lips coating them with your own saliva.
You didn’t know what you were begging for, not in the slightest. All you knew was that you needed kakashi, you needed him like an alcoholic needed alcohol or an addict needed his drugs, because ever since he’d randomly popped into your life you hadn’t been scared, you hadn’t been lonely, and the world wasn’t grey. It was warm, colorful and enjoyable. You needed kakashi.
You’d bite your lip stuffing a whine when kakashis hand left your throat and his lower half parted from yours. before you could even protest the man leaving kakashi was back to you in the blink of an eye. You’d reach for the white haired ninja only to have him grab your wrist and spin you around before putting your back flush against his chest. He felt like stone. Every muscle in his body solid and condensed. It was your insides clenching and you throwing your head back to look at the ninja. You wanted to kiss him. And He knew. The fucker knew. So without asking he’d bring your headband into view only to blindfold you with the soft cloth. You were blindfolded. Completely at his mercy your senses were now doubled. Every touch or whisper from the man now brining more Ecstasy and pleasure to between your thighs.
“Hatake..” you’d whine as the man’s hands left your body once again.
He didn’t say anything, all he did was place his hands back onto your body hooking his finger tips underneath the fabric of your shirt slowly lifting the material off of your body. You’d blush a bright crimson red a as flustered smile crossed your lips. Then kakashi placed both of his hands onto your shoulders and guided your small frame backwards until the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed causing you to fall onto the soft and fuzzy material of your blanket. Then without warning kakashis lips were on yours his quickly overpowering yours in searing and passionate kiss the action had you audibly gasping as you brang your hands to his hair lacing your fingers between his beautiful white locks. ‘If only I could look at him’ you though to yourself. Kakashi would pull his lips from yours resting his forehead against yours.
“You taste good lotus..” is all kakashi would say before diving back claiming your lips with his in seconds.
You’d moan into kakashis mouth when his hand traveled between both of your bodies and began rubbing smooth and calculated circles over your bundle of nerves. It had you melting, slick and wetness staining your panties even more. Kakashis lips still dominating yours. You wanted him, more than you’d ever wanted anybody. Any man. No man has ever touched you like this, and you’d be fine if kakashi was the first and last. Subconsciously your begin to buck your hips against kakashis fingers your body begging for a release it’s never had or felt before. Finally kakashi would break the kiss once more only to slowly travel down your body leaving small kisses along the way making sure to unclasp your bra and give both your breasts undivided attention before he confined downwards stopping at the hem of your pants.
“Please.. Hatake please…” Is all you could muster as you dug your fingers into the blanket below you your knuckles going white.
“Beg.” Is all kakashi would say as he stared at your blindfolded face a devilish smirk plastered onto his handsome features.
“Hatake I need you, please… please..” you we’re embarrassed. You felt shame. Begging for such a thing?
All kakashi would do is click his tung before slowly dragging your pants and panties down your legs, ankles and finally discarding them some where on your bedroom floor. Kakashi would pepper small and delicate kisses up the Inside of your thighs as he made his way back up your body until finally stopping right between your legs.
“You smell… exquisite.” Kakashi would mutter to himself as he gripped onto your thighs Harshly. Then he’d take a long and dragged out whiff basically inhaling your scent. And then to your surprise the white haired ninja would moan. A quiet and buttery moan.
That had you going feral, your toes curling and your hole clenching around nothing. You didn’t think such a giant and dominant man could make such a beautiful noise and it had you falling deeper into madness with the man. Kakashi blowing a cool line of air onto your clit had your whole body jolting your thighs a molding around his head. Kakashi would chuckle saying nothing as his hands snaked around your thighs pulling them from his head like nothing. He was so strong.
“Please…” it was the hundredth time you’d said that word tonight. At least it felt like it.
To your surprise kakashi would comply with your plead planting A wet kiss was planted onto your clit. It had your hand shooting to his white locks while the other dug into the blanket below you. Kakashi would continue to pepper wet kisses onto your clit before he finally decided to take the little bundle of nerves into his mouth and give it a long and harsh suck. And my god the noise. The noise that filled the room when he sucked onto your little bundle of nerves had you crying outloud your nails digging into his scalp. Kakashis grip on your thighs was bruising but oh so pleasurable. You wanted him to leave his mark. Needed him to.
Kakashi would take another long and torturous suck before he finally decided to flick his tongue across your little nub deciding to finally devour and torture the bundle of pleasure. He’d continue to suck and flick at the nub for quiet a while wanting to draw out ever little noise from you he possibly could. At it was working quiet well. Very well. You were writing in your bed, bucking your hips into his mouth every so often your fingers daring to pull chunks of hair from the man’s scalp. Little Mewls and moans left your throat. But never his name. His name never left your throat. Your first ever climax would continue to build your vision fading as your mind trailed off into an abyss a knot in your stomach daring to snap any minute as slick poured onto your bed sheets kakashi every so often leaving your slit to suck of your delicious and exquisite juices. Your nectar. Kakashi bitting down onto your little bundle of nerves had the knot finally bursting as a white hot pleasure invaded every sense in your body. It had your toes curing and you screaming…
“Hatake!” As your heels duh into your bed.
Kakashi would continue to ‘eat you out’ through your orgasm making sure to drink every last drop you dripped.
“Oh, (Y/N) you taste so good.” Kakashi would grumble as he climbed back up your body the fabric of his clothes rubbing against your clit making your bottom lip tremble.
Kakashi would place both of his hands to your head and take you in a searing hot kiss the feeling of your wet juices and the taste still on his chin and lips. Your whole body would tremble and melt underneath the giant man fully accepting the kiss he planted onto your lips. But you just wanted to see him. To see his face. You hated that he had blindfolded you.
“Kaka-..” you’d pause “Hatake.. please. Take me. Take me, I’m yours.” You’d say between the kiss you two had just shared.
Kakashi would say anything. You were used to that tho. In a flash hed leave your body, filling the empty void with the noise of rustling clothes and your heavy breaths. Then kakashi was back onto you filling your senses with warmth. Kakashi would give you another kiss before taking both of your wrists into one of his hands and pinning them above your head. You couldn’t see him. Or his eyes. But you had no doubt his pupils were blow out and dark. Animalistic. It had you biting your lip.
Kakashis tip teasing your Folds, dragging back and fourth between your aching hole and abused clit had you jumping back into reality and out of your thoughts. Then kakashi would finally. Finally. Like his tip up with your aching hole. But, not All things go as planned.. at least not how you planned. In a matter of seconds kakashi was thrusting his entire length and girth into you untouched core in one go. A socket scream would leave your mouth your hand immediately fighting against kakashis trying to break free from his lock as a white searing hot pain pulsated through your lower half. You felt as if you’d just been ripped in half and split open. Pain, pain was all you felt. There was no pleasure. He was taking you. Taking you a wild animal.
A shuttered breath would leave kakashi lips when his cock had gone as far as it could go in one thrust. He felt your gummy walls stretching in a way they hadn’t before your insides confused on weather or not they wanted to suck him in or push him out. A cry would bubble from your throat as kakashi pulled most of his length out only to plunge all the way back into you causing another shot of pain to shoot through your lower half. None of this felt good. None of it. You were too hot. Kakashis body heat mixed with yours now causing you to overheat as a sheen of sweat began to form on your trembling body.
“H-Hatake that hurts..” you’d mewl from below. “You’re hurting me..”
This only earned a growl from the white haired ninja, as he quickly reached his lips down to yours taking you into another searing, wet, hot kiss. It actually seemed to numb the pain, that was until he started rutting into you setting a brutal painstaking pace that had your legs wrapping around him heels digging into his arse as another cry of pain left your throat. Grunts and snarles would leave kakashis throat with each thrust the sound of wet skin slapping set skin filling the room and your ears. The sound had your hole clenching around kakashis cock.
“J-just shut up and take it.” Kakashi would growl between his words as he continued to slam into your body.
Quickly the pain would turn into a burning hot pleasure few and quiet moan beginning to leave your throat as kakashi abused and used your weeping cunt. Tears of pain were falling down your eyes from just the size and girth of the man only minutes ago, now? Now tears of pure joy and bliss were falling soaking into the fabric of your headband. Your hole began spasming around the white haired ninja’s cock signaling to kakashi that you were close. And you were. Your toes were curling and that oh so pleasurable knot was beginning to form in your stomach. Kakashi would bring his free hand and squeeze it between your bodies immediately attacking your bundle of nerves with his large and rough digit.
“Oh fuck.. you’re squeezing me so tight (Y/N).” Kakashi would mutter a moan leaving his lips.
His moan was enough to set you off causing you to reach your second orgasm of the night. A loud and pleasure filled moan would leave your throat as your cunt squeezed and creamed around kakashis length. Kakashi would continue to pound into you through your orgasm his hips and thrusts starting to stutter signaling he was close to his own climax. Before you knew it kakashi was pulling out of you and paining your stomach with his cum another guttural and feral growl leaving the man’s throat.
Both of you would stay quiet the only sound that filled the room was the sound of you two catching your breaths. Then there was a rustling, kakashi getting off your bed. But then he was back. He was back and his hand were untying the blindfold from your eyes. ‘I finally get to see him.’ You thought. But when your eyes finally met his singular eye and the mask a sigh of disappointment would leave your throat. But you were tired. Too tired to protest. Your eyes and body were sleepy tiredness finally hitting you like a punch to the face. Kakashi noticed this and planted a kiss to your forehead before he laid you in bed and wrapped and strong and large arm around your form. A hum of satisfaction would leave your throat before sleep finally over took you the last thought on your mind being
‘Kakashis right here. Here’s right here.’
Authors note: Sooooo I hope yalll enjoyed. AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! This is y’all’s gift. Sorry for the wait but yeah!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 this was honestly just a daydream that I decided to write out so I hope it’s okay. I also didn’t know who to add to the tag list so I’m so sorry. 😅 buuut let me know for part two. 👍🏻
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detectivestucks · 8 months
Hatake Harassment
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18+ only content. Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Anbu Kakashi x F!Reader
Summary: You're new to the Anbu and ring leader Kakashi hazes you till you submit
Warnings: NSFW, DubCon penetration, degrading, sexual harassment, NonCon Oral, Unprotected Sex.
Word Count: 2.6k
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Your transition into the Anbu wasn’t exactly smooth. It’s always hard being a girl in the ‘boys’ club’ but it doesn't help when your prodigy ex-crush makes it his mission to make anbu-life a living hell. Kakashi never gives you a moment of peace. Everyday in the locker room he harasses you in some way to undermine you in front of your new comrades. 
The very first day you got your uniform you were sliding on your arm guards when Kakashi stole one and held it behind his back. You asked him nicely to please return it but a devilish grin stretched across his face as he said, “Come get it.” 
You were familiar with hazing but found it childish so initially you lazily reached around him trying to grab his wrist and get your guard back. He shoved you against the wall and whispered in your ear, “You’re gonna have to try harder than that fresh meat.” Your eyes grew wide as you realized he was serious and you began to strain against him to get your arm guard back. Your body pushed up against his in your struggle. You didn’t want to try and actually spar with him over a silly piece of uniform but you could tell how much he loved toying with you. Getting off on feeling your breath on his neck, your breasts pressed up against his chest, and your arms grazing against his back and biceps all just in an attempt to reach around him to grab what was rightfully yours.
The very next time you ran into him he stole your tactical pouch with your weapons in it and tossed it to Tenzo who promptly tossed it back. Again, you weren’t going to get into an actual sparring match with him, mostly because it would be a fool’s errand and would be a worse humiliation than playing monkey in the middle with the two assholes on either side of you. 
No one offered to help because they were either afraid of being the next target or were enjoying the same lovely view as Kakashi, seeing how his little game let him watch your tits bounce up and down with each vain attempt to grab your weapons.��
A tent began to pitch in his pants as you struggled. He wondered how it felt to rub his dick along your cleavage and what face you would make when his teeth sank in to your nipples. It would probably be similar to the helpless expression that spanned across your face at this very minute. 
Eventually Tenzo showed mercy and tossed you your pouch. You caught it as heat rose to your cheeks. Flush with embarrassment, you quickly left the room.
The day you finally had it was when Kakashi stole your clothes while you were in the shower. You opened the curtain to find they weren’t where you thought you had left them. No problem. You wrapped yourself in your towel and walked back to your locker looking for them when you heard his cocky voice behind you.
“Looking for something?”
You turn around, face red. “Kakashi, give me my clothes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about," he says with a smug smile.
“Kakashi, it’s not funny. Give my clothes back.” you say striding up to him.
“Kakashi it’s not funny.” he mocks before snatching your towel off your body leaving you covering your naked self with your hands in front of the entire locker room. You were mortified as you looked around to see your comrades whistling and cat calling at the sight of your nakedness. 
Kakashi however, felt no remorse as he leered at you with hunger in his eyes. You were easy pray and the hunt was ever so fun. The view made his mouth water. There was no way for you to completely conceal yourself and he got an amazing look at your ass as you ran away searching for another towel to cover yourself. You waited in a corner, near the showers, for the locker room to empty before hunting for your clothes.
Noticing where you were hiding, Kakashi strode up to you and whispered in your ear, "If you want them back, I’m willing to negotiate.”
You sharply inhaled. Cornered against the wall, he had one hand pressing into the tile by your face. Kakashi’s eyes panned down your body and back up to your face. Leaning in, he continued,
“Give me a handful of your tits and I’ll tell you where they are.”
Wanting to cry you nodded your head ‘yes’. You loosen your grip on your towel and lower your arms so that your chest is exposed but the towel still covered below your waist.
Kakashi’s breathing stuttered as he grabbed each breast in his hands. His fingers spread and he sunk them into the fatty tissue. You wince from his strong grasp as his digits close around them. You knew he didn’t see you as a colleague, just a toy for his games. He brushed his calloused thumbs over your nipples, smirking under his mask as they stiffen. 
You begin to pull away and in retaliation he squeezes both nipples causing your face to scrunch up in pain.
“This wasn’t part of the agreement, Kakashi.”
He keeps his firm grasp on your nipples, gripping them between his pointer and thumb, pulling you towards him so that you fall into him, chest first. He taunts you,
“They’re in my locker. Good luck figuring out the code.” before he gives a quick twist and vacates the premises. 
After an hour and a brazen guess, you figured out his lock code was your birthday and you were finally able to change and head home where you would pack an entire week's worth of clothes to bring to work and store in your locker. 
One afternoon you get called into the Hokage’s office. Lord Third  informs you that you have been promoted and reassigned to Team Ro. You outwardly thank him but on the inside you want to crumple up into a ball. Now the torment will never stop. It won’t just be between missions it will be during them. You try to calm yourself. 
Maybe this means you’ve finally earned his respect and that’s why he asked to assign you to his team. Maybe this means the hazing is finally at an end. 
Your hopeful thinking was quickly shattered when you left Lord Hiruzen’s office and Kakashi pulled you into a supply closet by your ponytail. He forced you on your knees while he shoved his cock in your mouth. He choked you with his enormous size, holding you down on him with one hand while he freed his belt with the other. 
Quickly adjusting his hands so that he held each end of the belt, he placed it against the back of your neck, pulling it towards him, restraining you with the pressure. Your hands push against his thighs trying to shove him off. You kept pulling back but the belt left no room for you to move. Desperately you tried to gasp for air as tears leaked out of your eyes from oxygen deprivation.
“Such a dirty little whore. Trying to fuck your way to a promotion. You’re going to be my little cum slut now, understand? And don’t even think about trying to tell the Hokage. I’ll tell him all about how you tried to fuck your way onto Team Ro, and who’s he gonna believe? A little slut like you or a tenured captain?”
You make eye contact as he threatens you, nodding with his cock in your mouth, confirming that you understand your situation.
“Good, now follow orders and suck out my cum.”
Feeling humiliated you hollow your cheeks. Upon feeling the suction, Kakashi loosens the belt enough that you have room to bob your head back and forth. He doesn’t give enough slack for you to pull all the way back and get a proper breath, so if you need air you have to suck it in through your nose. 
Tears streaming down your face, you suck till you feel his cock twitch in your mouth. 
“That’s it. Good little slut. Play with my balls.” he coos
You reach a trembling hand to grab him where he asks and you massage the skin with your fingers.
You slide his length in and out of your mouth with more speed as he groans and you feel his hot white cum spring to the back of your throat. You gag at the sensation. 
“Swallow it. Given your new position, you better get used to how I taste.” He pets your hair and in a soothing tone reassures you “Don’t worry baby, after a few missions you’ll learn to crave it.”
He finally takes his softening cock out of your mouth as you lick your lips and catch your breath properly. He pulls you up by the collar of your shirt to admire your swollen pink lips. He brushes them with his thumb. 
“Mmmmm. Missions will be a lot more interesting with you around.”
Your stomach sinks. It’s bad enough that you’re risking your life for the village but now you have Kakashi to worry about too. It was enough to make you consider quitting, but you had worked so hard for this. You weren't about to let some bully stop you.
On your first mission Kakashi impressed you with his command. He was so calm and collected and risked his life many times for the good of the team. You almost forgave him except his reckless behavior frightened you and you couldn’t help but be angry at him for basically trying to get himself killed to protect everyone else. 
He saw the anger in your face when you were healing him. As you began your journey home he pulled you into the bushes. He threw you over his knee and tugged down your pants to bring his very large palm down on your bare behind. You screamed and he quickly covered your mouth.
“Filthy brat. How dare you look at me that way. I’m your captain. You do exactly as I say without question. Do you understand?”
He continues to brutally strike you  against your now red and aching skin. “Yes” you manage to squeak out between blows. Eyes squeezed shut, teeth grinding together, trying to endure the pain of his ruthless punishment, you pray no one figures out what was happening while their captain had disappeared.
In his mind brats like you don’t belong in the Anbu, let alone be a member of his team, however he’d never allow you to be reassigned to another. You were his property now and he’d take full advantage of it.
That night you laid in your sleeping bag by the base of a tree, slumbering till it was your turn for watch. Kakashi snuck inside your bag while the others were either on lookout or asleep in their respective bags. He slid down your pants just to shove his angry cockhead up inside your warm unsuspecting walls. You woke up from the sudden intrusion with his hand already placed over your mouth so you couldn’t cry out. 
He stroked upwards into your cunt, slowly lubricating himself in your secretion. He sneered into your ear, 
“What an eager little slut you are. You’re so wet for me. Have you been waiting for me to fuck you? Were you just dreaming of my cock filling your tight little pussy? Is that why your cunt is taking my dick so well? Admit it. You’re just a little slut that’s been waiting to get fucked.”
You make soft whimpers into his hand. Your sounds egging him on. He feels so good inside of your tight walls, filling you up and stretching you out. You didn’t want to admit the pleasure you felt. He was nothing but awful to you but having him inside of you felt like a sinful treat.
With one hand gripped over your mouth and the other snaked around your waist, he pounded upwards into you as you moaned with each thrust. Both of your palms overlapping the hand that muzzled your mouth, your little sounds grew faster as he picked up speed. 
“So fucking pretty. You were designed to service my cock. I see the way Hyo looks at you, but you’re mine. Do you understand? You. Belong. To Me.”
“Mhm” you say, muffled by his hand. You begin to cum around his cock, surrendering to the pleasure he provides. He lets out a long low groan into the shell of your ear as he cums inside of you, slowly stroking in and out of our heat.
“That’s it. That’s a good girl. Collect all your captain’s cum in your little cunt so it can leak out of you during your watch.”
You felt ashamed as he tucked away his manhood and left your bag. It was your turn to be look out and all you could think about was the sticky mess seeping out into your underwear and the weird claim Kakashi felt he had on you.
The next day as you approach the Leaf, he pulls up beside you to inform you that you are to report directly to his home upon entering the village and you are to wait for him there. You gulp knowing it’s not going to be anything good.
He meets you outside his door and unlocks it, putting his hand around your throat, he pulls you inside and pushes you to the ground. 
“Captain!” you squeal as you fall.
Kakashi pulls off his pants and stands over you. “Lick them.”
“What?!” your eyes bug out of your skull
“Lick. Them.” he commands
You shake your head. Neither of you had showered in days. You were sweaty and unclean. You didn’t want to so much as touch his balls.
“Lick them clean or you will come off unfavorably in my mission report.”
“Kashi, that’s not funny. That could jeopardize my job!”
“Your job is to be my cum slut, now get on your knees and do what that little whore mouth was designed to do.”
With a defeated expression, you begrudgingly open your mouth and allow him to shove his orbs into your face. Drunk on power, he loved how he had broken you down. Devilishly grinning as you gagged on his filthy unwashed taint. 
“Now strip.”
You stand up and remove your uniform. He walks away towards the bathroom, discarding his top as he goes. You hear him turn on the shower and call you.
You follow, joining him in the bathroom where he grabs you by the neck and directs you to open wide so he can shove a bar of soap into your dirty slut mouth. You squirm and wiggle under his grasp. He holds you under the water so you can rinse and spit. 
Once he’s done he lowers his mask and kisses you feverishly. After the shock had subsided, you sank into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck realizing what a big deal it is that his face is exposed and he just granted you permission to it. He bent his knees to sink down and align his tip with your entrance to fuck you while you made out. You moan into his mouth making him stoke faster. You grab onto him, lifting a leg to wrap around his waist, deepening his access.
Butterflies release in your stomach as the warm water washes over your bodies. He releases his lips from yours,
“You’re mine. Do you understand?”
You pathetically nod your head, lunging back up for more of his lips. He lifts you so that you can wrap both of your legs around him as he pins you against the shower wall, fucking you stupid till he cums.
Afterwards, you grab the soap and wash him, standing close the entire time, tilting your head up occasionally to get one more taste of his lips. When you go to put the soap down, he grabs it and begins to wash you too. He gently caresses each part of your body. A stark contrast to how he usually handles you. He closes his eyes as he continues to kiss you, savoring the intimacy of the moment.
“Mine.” He says, dropping the bar and grabbing two greedy fists full of your ass.
“Yes, yours.” you say breathlessly, burying your face into his wet chest.
Part 2
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