turnipoddity · 1 month
Hades is now a canon character in the Saw Universe. I don't make the rules.
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hawkepockets · 1 year
previously on: pepa posting
it’s 1308. by mapping underground optic cables using a lens apparatus based on the VOED, and thanks to a lucky stumble upon a natural shaft in the ground, pepa has discovered an abandoned ancient rata, “rata x,” located not far from rata sum. the arcane council refused to fund an expedition to explore and loot the rata, fearing any disturbance could wake destroyers or cause sinkholes, and the priory respected this decision. so pepa signed on with an inquest archaeology krewe, and undertook the rata x-pedition illegally.
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the mood of the krewe was twitchy. the city was partially flooded and entirely unsound. and while pepa was fascinated by the dropped toys, broken-down appliances, and household items left behind by the fleeing inhabitants, the inquest had no interest in sentimental junk. they were nervous about destroyers, tunnel collapses, pitfalls, the inscrutable dark water, and the ancient security systems that might putter back to life just long enough to kill them, and they quickly developed a suspicion amongst themselves that pepa knew about some real treasure down here, and was holding out on them.
which was true! the magnified VOED lens had picked up a faint but still active energy signature in the heart of rata x. based on her observations of rata x’s layout and the modern statics library, pepa made an educated guess that this signature came from the data core crystal of the city library’s computer base, containing all the stored knowledge of this rata. it would be worth a fortune to the right museum head, researcher, or antiquities collector. and pepa didn’t want the inquest to touch it.
the closer the team got to the library, the more they noticed soft scuttling and magma glow in their periphery. there were destroyers down here—just the tiny melter crabs, for now, but in increasing density.
the krewe scaled a wall and picked their way over rooftops & improvised bridges to the roof of the library, where kaskk used a nifty little inquest laser to cut a new skylight where pepa indicated, and pepa was nominated to rappel down & in.
she slid down kaskk’s rope, into the center of the library, which was encrusted with sleeping destroyers like barnacles on every surface. picked her way around them looking for a data crystal, FOUND IT! had to cover her mouth to keep from squeaking EUREKA!!! pumped her fist did a little stompy dance and pocketed it. and heard the rope slap onto the floor behind her as kaskk let go of the other end.
something must have……. happened up there!
slinking for her life, pepa made it all the way to the front door of the library, which slid open on the loudest, screechiest, last-oiled-250-years-ago track—and the destroyers didn’t move. then, a tinny speaker chimed and said “thanks for learning with us,” and a thousand fiery eyes opened to look at pepa.
the inquest krewe was waiting outside the doors to jump pepa, but took their cue to run when she fucking booked it, triggering the ancient defenses as she ran.
behind her, the library wall caved outward like a breached dam, and destroyers flooded the rata’s walkways. several inquest krewe members were pulled under, trampled and burned in the first few seconds. their single heavy fighter, armed with a flamethrower, turned to face the destroyers, who just swam right through their gouts of artificial fire, fell upon the heavy and tore them to shreds. pepa saw that. most of the others made a last-ditch effort to blast open a new exit to the surface, and brought part of the cavern ceiling down on themselves—crushing a lot of the destroyer swarm, to pepa’s benefit.
the end of his braid smoking, his heels and calves sliced and singed by nipping destroyers, and still holding the data crystal, pepa reached the bottom of the small shaft he’d come in through when he first found the rata, gulped the fresh air, and braced his hands on the sides of the shaft, ready to scrabble his way back up like a mole—
and got stabbed in the back. literally. the inquest krewe leader, kaskk, pulled her knife out of pepa, shoved her down, and stepped on her back to help herself up the shaft. pepa might have been able to follow her up before the destroyers swarmed their position, so they could both survive to settle their differences topside, but she was filled with such fierce and sudden hatred that instead she bucked and squirmed around until her teeth could meet in kaskk’s leg. she bit and tore until the other asura fell on top of her, they rolled a few times, and then pepa kicked kaskk down the slope into the onrush of destroyers. she saw kaskk’s face as she died: an expression of hurt surprise, as if they’d been dear friends, instead of enemies who briefly collaborated, giving each other shifty looks the whole time, then wrestled for the right to feed the other to destroyers.
it confused pepa, and never really left him.
he got out, though climbing the shaft with his back ripped open was agony, then in a frenzy kicked rocks and dirt down the mouth of the shaft, tore down brush and saplings to plug the hole (a feeble stopgap against destroyers, if they'd been intelligent enough to take an interest in the shaft, but they were not), and finally, smashed his VOED lens apparatus and jammed the parts into the ground there, twisted antennae and sharp claws of metal signalling “danger” to any passing explorers. he realized he was weeping crazily and tried to wipe the tears away, smearing blood and jungle mud across his face.
and that’s how she went back to rata sum. straight to her rented lab space, to pack what little she kept there and take the closest waypoint to refuge peak. she had already traded the data core to gixx in exchange for novice status and sanctuary in the priory before the arcane eye—or the inquest—noticed anyone had disappeared, or that pepa had acted against the council’s ruling.
and again, by asuran standards, the x-pedition was considered a mixed success. some loss of assistant life, but the objective was met. not an atypical job for the inquest, except for how flagrantly they'd crossed the arcane council. and the data crystal was everything pepa had hoped. pepa even mentioned rata x when trahearne asked, while scouting her for pact commander, whether she had any prior leadership experience.
but pepa knew it was a nightmarish failure, in her gut. she shouldn’t have worked with the inquest at all, and once she had committed herself to it, she should have put some value on their lives.
when trahearne looked into the details of the rata x incident, following “shell shock,” he was appalled. and his horror cracked their friendship apart forever.
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bwoahtastic · 9 months
Okay, these are really me letting myself putting some shipping glasses. And most of them don't even make sense. But here's the following madness
- GP and Jos
- FIA president (forgot his name 😭) and Michael Masi or Christian horner.
- Zak brown and Otmar
- Mattia and Gunther. (specifically omega Gunther and Alpha Mattia)
- Rupert and Charles
- Oscar and Fernando (Because as an F1 aussie he will fuck that dilf)
And that's it for now. Because I don't want to be traumatising or let my brain wonder too far 😭
Ajdjdjc omg these have me screaming in different ways kaskks
Jos and GP skdjwjd pls no GP deserves better sksks
You know that can be a threesome lololol, fianpresident/Michael masi/Christian lmao
Omega gunther would be a devil lmaoo just cursing and growling and mattia as Alpha is literally 0 dominance I feel like, so in a way it works!
I am only a silly quags Idk who Rupert is I'm sorry😭
Oh pls oscar/Fernando is kinda??? Like Oscar's type is just DILFs and Fernando liked Mark and now there is a tiny mark twink so he kinda interested too!
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malboraslihan · 9 months
hi friends just a heads up that i got the flu 🤡 and i haven’t been able to do anything from replies to getting to messages but i will as soon as i can stay seated for more than a couple minutes kaskks
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follarnos · 2 years
es cierto eso de q cuando tu no hablas primero nadie te habla kaskks
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sherased · 2 years
@thirtnth asked for a one-liner starter!
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❛ i’m real. i��m here. ❜
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shozaii · 4 years
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but seriously─congrats mitra bbg, my sun, my world, u deserve it all
mitra replies !! : this picture has beeN SAVED-
omgomg my precious moon🥺🥺🥺🌙❤❤❤✨!! thank you so so much for this i am in tearS HHHH😭😭i’m gonna give you tons of hugs and kissies sksksksks
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seishue · 4 years
thank you charlotte @porco-galliard​ and ana @uzuittengen​ for tagging me >< love seeing yours!!
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here the link!!
im tagging @erisu​ @volexis​ @shiio​ @charmspeakers​ @sakuatsu​ ;w;
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red-winters · 5 years
I just have SO MANY FEELINGS about Endgame, OKAY?!?! UUUGHH. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHH. Today has been a day filled with watery eyes.
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estellamila · 6 years
Çok garip bir rüya gördüm.
Uyumadan önce iki bölüm Westworld izlemiş olmam bile bu garipliği azaltmıyor, her ne kadar konuları bağdaşsa da. Rüyamda yapay zekayla ilgili çalışıyorum falan kendimi Westworld'teki davranış biriminde görüyorum, burası tamamen benim hayallerime dayanıyor yani *-* Sonra karmaşık şeyler oluyor ama pek hatırlamıyorum ki zaten vurucu kısmı bu değil. Vurucu kısmı şu, rüyamda bir an oldu ve bilincim açık gibiydi. Böyle bilincim açık, bir yataktayım sanki uyku felcindeki gibi vücudum paralize olmuş falan, ama bilincim açık (aslında hâla rüyadayım, bilincim açılmamış o sırada, uyku felci falan yok yani sadece uyku felci geçirdiğimi düşünüyorum rüyamda) acaba yapay zeka mıyım falan diye düşünüp duruyorum, bir nevi matrix gibi yani işte sonra yapay zeka olduğuma kanaat getiriyorum falan. Yemin ederim aşırı derecede ürkütücüydü, yani uyandıktan sonra aklımdan geçen düşünce şu: vücudumda derin bir kesik açıp, içine bakabilirim demir parçası vs. var mı diye. Neyse ki bu sadece bir düşünceydi ve bir an gelip geçti.
İşte rüyama dönersek, böyle gözlerimi açmıştım, ama rüyadayım rüyadayım diye tekrarlayıp sakinleşmeye falan çalışıyorum kendi kendime, sonra bir ses ya da bir düşünce geliyor (bir yüz falan yok hiç aklımda rüyadan kalan)
- Rüyada olsan işte nasıl böyle gözünü açacaksın, diyor
sonra ben düşüne düşüne ikna oluyorum yapay zeka olduğuma, sonra ağlıyorum galiba nasıl yapay zeka olurum diye, işte tüm hayatım yalan mıydı triplerine giriyorum. Madem yapay zekaydım madem hiçbir şey gerçek değildi niye daha güzel bir gerçekliğin içine koymadınız beni diyorum falan. Sonra yine aynı ses/düşünce tutup şey diyor,
-Eğer acı çekmeseydin asla bu bilinç seviyesine ulaşamazdın.
Sonra uyandım, yastığım ıslak, gerçekten ağlamaşım rüyamda. Böyle rüya mı olur, bilinçdışımı tokatlamak istiyorum, ders çalışmayıp iki bölüm westworld izlemenin cezasını mı kestin naptın acaba??
Hala matrix gibi bir şeyin içinde miyim yapay zeka mıyım diye düşünmekten kıvranıyorum. Böyle varoluş sancısı mı olur 😓
Yalnız gerçekten Westworld'teki gibi ya gerçekten kodlarla davranışları belirlenmiş, başkaları tarafından kontrol edilen varlıklarsak? Ki başkası tarafından olmasa da yine de evrim sürecinde geliştirdiğimiz kodlarımızla yaşıyoruz aslında yani. Karar verme, özgür irade ile ilgili bir çalışma vardı, aslında siz kararınızı verdiğinizi fark etmeden önce beyniniz kararı vermiş oluyor. Garip bir cümle oldu ama olay bu.
Bu çalışmaya göre, tüm kararlarımız biz farkına varmadan verilmiş oluyor. Eee peki biz farkında olmadan gelişen kararlarda gerçekten özgür irade var, diyebilir miyiz? Eğer özgür irade yoksa sorumluluklardan, suçtan, cezadan falan nasıl bahsedeceğiz?
İşte böyle şeylerle kafayı bozdum.
Bu bölümü kazandığımda aile dostlarımızdan biri şey demişti keşke psikoloji bölümü yazmasaydın ya bunu okuyanların kendileri kafayı oynatıyorlar bence falan diye burun kıvırmıştı. O zaman sinirlenmiştim tabi. Hani ben hâla pişman değilim de yine de kafayı oynatma konusunda kadın acaba biraz haklı mıydı diye düşünmeden edemiyorum şu an.
Hâliyle son durumum aşağıdaki gibi:
- Rüya macerası, gerilim vs. oranı %95
- Uykudan alınan verim oranı %2.5
Şimdi de gideyim mahvolan uykuma ağlayayım. İyi geceler, TATLI RÜYALAR 🌌
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oceanmists · 3 years
I just realised why I feel so itchy today💀
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never--st0p-smiling · 5 years
51.¿Cuál es el color de tus ojos?
Azules obvio kaskks mentira, son color caquita ☹️
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wildxroseshop-blog · 6 years
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@haileybieber wearing a belt so similiar to our Rhine Stone Belt 🤩 we loved how she combined it. You can find this Belt in our online shop ✨🤩@wildxrose_official https://www.instagram.com/p/BqaXM-kAsKk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15m6qzfw8xaz6
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bwoahtastic · 11 months
Lol Omega kev looking all small and sweet and innocent, until someone gets too close and *CHOMP* he will bite them. The red collar is no joke.
But then a pup toddles over to Kevin, making everyone scared. But Kevin completely melts and it's that fist time they see him act like a sweet Omega momma.
Kev being the crankiest omega ever lol, he just doesn't like people! Omegas he will be nice too sometimes, Betas too, especially if they are young and scarwd in the centre. But Alphas will get chomped without hesitation if they come too close<3
Pls Kev growling dangerously in a corner when a new pack comes in to meet the people in the centre but then the pack has a lil pup who toddles over to Kev cos Kev is holding snacks and the pup loves snacks! Kev instantly turning all soft and sweet and dotting over the pup and sharing his snacks (and he NEVER shares his snacks) and even begrudgingly let's the pup's pack closer. He is secretly the biggest ever softie!
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
UM MERMAID AU or Mermen? I'm throwing this straight to the deep end. Bitey guppy Yuki lol!
Kaskks yuki's fav hobby is going to busy beaches and biting people's ankles lol! But he meets his match in Pierre, who has a snorkel mask and sees the giggly little merman swim over, and bites in his tail kwksks
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
Omg little pup Lando holding Roscoe by leash. I bet that if Lando wonders off Lewis just asks Roscoe where is Lando cause Roscoe always finds his little bestie who gives him extra snacks
Kaskks lando always being allowed to hold the leash mostly cos then he doesnt just run off ksks
Vut if Lewis goes "where's your buddy?" At Roscoe, he instantly toddles off and guides Lewis to where Lando is sksk
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