#kassam’s route
elliesmith33 · 1 year
If they’re going to do an all stars season for LITG then these are the characters I want. And all of them have to be romantic interests.
Seb • Nicky • Hazeem • Rocco • Kobi • Miles
Kelly • Priya • Hope • Shannon • Lexi • Hannah
And I want to say Tim because we deserve a whole season with him as a li. 😫 we deserve that. Just ignore him if your s1 mc is married to him now.
Let me know who you would want in an all star season? Who would you end with?
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beccas-gf · 9 months
My love island the game apk is not working anymore and I am not sure why. I will be so sad if it doesn't work
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mrsbsmooth · 10 months
Let’s see if we can come together as a fandom and make this happen. Please, if you have time over the next two weeks, please pick your favourite LI and try your best. We need to get this down 😭
Putting under the cut and hopefully will update with links as I find out more info.
Complete and/or in progress
✅ Complete & Uploaded to Youtube 🔵 Volunteered (there's no guarantee they'll be finished - don't let this dissuade you from doing it yourself!) ❗ Haven't heard of anyone doing this route yet!
(I've also decided to remove the routes that are screenshot-only because these are going to be mostly youtube links and it's hard to do that unless you create a video out of them)
[Thank you so much to the dedicated screen recorders!]
Season 1
Tim [Christmas]
Allegra [Christmas]
No Date, broke up with Mason
Season 2:
Bobby / Bobby #2
Carl 🔵
Elijah 🔵
Elisa ❗
Felix 🔵
Ibrahim 🔵
Jakub 🔵
Kassam 🔵screenshots but not screenrecord
Lucas (slowburn) / Lucas 2
Bobby / Bobby 2
Gary / Gary 2
Henrik / Henrik 2
Bobby / Bobby #2
Gary / Gary 2
(We don't have any others!)
Season 3
AJ / AJ #2
Harry / Harry #2 / Harry #3
Lily 🔵
Rafi (pending upload limits on youtube but done)
Boat Party
(We don't have any others!)
Guys that’s it. That’s all we’re gonna have unless YOU HELP
Screen record your favourite route, upload it to YouTube, or save it in a google drive and send it to me and I’ll upload it on the Love Island Fan Creations one where I put all my vine compilations.
If you do one, please let me know so we can get as many done as possible!
Don’t let the bystander effect kick in. Don’t expect that someone else will do your favourite. I don’t have TIME to do all my favourites so I’m prioritising Ciaran because I know no one else will do him. If you want Lucas or Jake or Levi or Bill or Gary or Marisol, YOU HAVE TO DO IT.
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litgarchive · 9 months
It's at least December 12 everywhere in the world. Now what?
An LITG Archive Update
To preface, the original seasons are still playable at the moment if your auto-update is turned off. (I can confirm; I can still play on my Android phone.) I've heard (but have not tried) it's possible to play using older mods as well. Overall, this is good news!
However, no one is sure how long this would be viable, given that you do still need to connect to the Internet to play them. And, how long would Fusebox allow that from their end?
Well, I'm not putting this project on hold. And the fact that the seasons are still playable? A good time to collect more records. (IIRC, I don't have a Season 3 playthrough with Seb as the best friend yet. Please hook your girl up with any link whatsoever.)
What I'm doing and what are the goalposts moving forward, all under the cut!
Originally, I was going to do Season 3 first (as you might have seen from the demo), but I did realize that we'd likely lose more content from Season 2, given it's the longest and has most extensive branching compared to the other two seasons.
So, what am I doing now?
I've mapped out all the choices for Season 2 Day 1 Part 1. I will start transcription. If there are any missing choices, I will create a separate post requesting assistance (like I did before).
Season 3 transcription of a recorded Harry route is being continued by lovely people on their free time. They are currently doing Day 4 Part 1.
Any particular timeline when you'll be able to release a playable Season 2 (or any other season)?
What I can say is it won't be up for a while unless there will be more volunteers helping me transcribe seasons using a particular formatting and process. This is the most time-consuming part.
For a general idea, it took me almost 6 hours to transcribe the part for the demo using 2 recorded playthroughs by @queen-of-boops and by @mrsbsmooth. I broke up the scenes and added in some code/notes as I transcribed. Then I had a few more hours tweaking the transcript into ink, breaking it up a bit more so it won't flood the screen as much UI-wise, installing the UI framework, and testing it.
Granted, since I have brushed up on ink and have done base stuff for the demo, it shouldn't take me too long to code the full game once I've done all the non-coding related tasks.
Why not release it in chapters?
Honestly because I'm not a programmer, I have massive technical debt, and I could do that, but honestly I'm not very comfortable with doing that unless I at least map out all the choices first. I want to avoid missing variables which may, in turn, break everything else.
You might be surprised with the scenes we're still discovering as we repeat the playthroughs. We've got aliens, Islanders checking Bobby's reaction to Rocco possibly stealing you away from him, Ciaran being turned on by a belch, and Kassam actually considering you as a dateable prospect despite not being interested in you in the first place, etc. Honestly wild.
So, now what?
I will be posting an update once a week until all three seasons are completed. I'll post recording requests when needed. (Thank you to everyone who has shared their records so far, I could kiss you all. It's so lovely seeing our community band together like this.)
We can only hope Fusebox publishes the remastered versions soon (if at all) so people (like me) can play their comfort routes or just play some of the best seasons they had put out into the world.
So, yeah.
Much love before it's December 13 from my side of the world.
💕 Pine
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loveislandthegame · 9 months
I didn't know that heart scores carried over when you replay! I always assumed something was weird tbh but I just didn't know. About kassam's route, I don't have to select specific personality choices when I replay to get him? I tried to play the chill, shy personality but it didn't work
yeah, as much as i enjoy S2, the OG app is extremely glitchy . held together by duct tape & toe jokes luv. (i want to see the game's code sooo bad . not in an "i can fix it" way, it's too late for that, but in a "wtf happened ?" way)
our choices were meant to influence MC's personality, heavy emphasis on the were (e.g. chill MCs can tell noah how to fix hope's hoodie, instead of getting the backhanded "you don't seem like the hoodie type" comment)
this affects the casa guys pursuing MC, because it's supposed to be based on whether MC is shy or outgoing, then if she "is a people-pleaser" or "puts herself first." marisol will tell you about your casa partner's type in her gem scene (we already know, kassam is coded to be interested in shy MCs that put themselves first)
no matter what you do , there's a glitch that causes MC to always be viewed as an outgoing glam girl . literally the only time i got acknowledged as chill was at the very end
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(picked the same option while recording my elisa route, ended up replaying cus she complained about that being unlike MC lol)
so yes, you don't need to make specific choices to unlock his route, because it's actually impossible to do so . all that matters is the casa guys' heart scores. don't worry about MC constantly being called glam/extra/outgoing, cus that's just unavoidable. it's annoying but it won't ruin your chances ! he still said my name, using the heart score cache method on my other post
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what would season 2 li’s do if someone was hitting on them in front of their significant other
Here’s my off the cuff answer-
Bobby: nervous as all hell. He’d try to make jokes, maybe pretend to be cocky about it, but he’s so afraid his partner thinks he did something to encourage them. Will probably end up with his arm around his partner and talking them up like they’re the most impressive person on the planet
Rahim: extremely in distress. Has no idea how this person decided he was interested in them, is worried his partner is going to think he tried to use a pick up line on them. Probably ends up trying to hide his tall ass frame behind his partner tbh.
Gary: honestly I see him mentally checking out. He’s had the playboy lifestyle, he wants the stability of having someone steady, which he has. He doesn’t care what attracted this person, he’s probably looking at them in confusion while just mentally compiling a list of why his partner is better.
Lucas: this cocky shit 🙄 he’d be clear he’s taken, but probably be super smug about it.
Henrik: would not notice. What’s flirting? Remember his over the top wink? If this person is subtle he has no idea what they’re doing, his partner would need to tell him.
Marisol: she might be basking in the idea that she has options, since she usually felt on LI that she was a last resort, but she also knows the miscommunication can lead to issues if she isn’t clear that she’s taken, so she wouldn’t hesitate to introduce her partner
Elisa: she might forget she’s taken for a minute, and then get mad that her partner was annoyed about her getting hit on. Saying it’s part of “dating an influencer”. I’ve never done her route, I am basing this on the little bit of screen time she gets.
Noah: we know he’s not great at ignoring someone when he’s supposed to be attached. If he really thinks there is a future, he won’t hesitate on claiming his partner, but if it’s still early stages he may send mixed signals to keep them both happy. End result: nobody is happy.
Felix: this moron would bask until he saw an unhappy look start to cross his partner’s face, then he’d probably yell “IM TAKEN PLEASE DONT TRY TO LEAD ME ASTRAY”
Elijah: is used to getting hit on, apparently. Would know when it crossed a line, wouldn’t hesitate to claim his partner before the person could think they had a real chance.
Kassam: he’d be uncomfortable that someone had the audacity to walk up to him. Probably uses his partner as a shield while he makes a disgusted face.
Carl: he’d make them uncomfortable. They probably redirect their attention to his partner and when the partner claims his weird self the flirter heaves a sigh of relief.
Arjun: he starts asking if they have a dog. By the end of it, his partner is laughing their ass off and the flirter has a new dog groomer.
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codename-mango · 10 months
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wardingoffevil · 2 years
Kassam as a Dad
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My obsession, my heart, my soul: Kassam. I love him so much. I get so excited seeing people talk about him or use him in their work. I know a lot of people have a hard time seeing him as a LI, let alone a dad. Let me try to show you a different side to this elusive DJ.
Trust me, it’s worth it! 🖤
Please note: I headcannon Kassam’s surname as Mansouri, and I headcannon his son’s name as Amir. It’s okay if you don’t agree!
💿 It’s canon that Kassam wants a family, but I can only see him having one child. A son. He has brothers, so a son would be perfect for him.
💿 Kassam wants to be relatively young when he has Amir. He wants to be at least 30 years old.
💿 Kassam comes from a traditional Algerian family. They wanted him to name his son after someone in the family, but he chose Amir. It had to be a cool name.
💿 In Arabic, Amir means “the prince.”
💿 Chelsea did not design Amir’s nursery. Kassam thought the less he had to interact with her the better. So, he hired his own designer instead.
💿 His son is going to be the best dressed newborn leaving the hospital. As he grows up, he will always be picking out his own outfits. Kassam is dead-set on Amir having his own sense of style.
💿 Kassam and Amir have matching studded blazers (iykyk).
💿 You wouldn’t expect it but Kassam is the type of dad to get up at all hours with his son. He has no problem changing him, feeding him, and doing all the daddy-duties.
💿 This is not a dad who is all over the place emotionally. Kassam has anxiety, but for the most part is pretty laid back. He does like a routine. So having Amir on a routine makes him very happy.
💿 Kassam is not active on social media, so he won’t be posting pictures of Amir. He isn’t keen on the idea of baby pictures of him being posted online anyway. Now, in his camera roll, on his phone? Full of pictures and videos. He looks at them all the time.
💿 It physically hurts Kassam to have to leave Amir when he goes on tour. Especially as a baby. They’re only that little once, and that’s why Kassam stays on FaceTime with him whenever he can.
💿 Like Lucas, Kassam will be very protective of his son. Not quite as intense as Lucas. Not just anybody will be his nanny, and he definitely won’t be going to just any daycare. He will most likely be looked after by a trusted family member. Probably Kassam’s mother.
💿 Kassam is the type of father who will encourage structure and discipline. He won’t be strict or authoritative like his own father was, but boundaries will be set.
💿 Expect multiple songs about Amir, if not an entire album.
💿 Amir is the only one he allows in his home recording studio while he’s working. He can multitask by making beats while Amir plays.
💿 School work will come easily to Amir. He’s the type of kid we all wished we could be like in school. The type of kid who never had to study and passed every test with an A. His favorite subject is math.
💿 Kassam isn’t going to be the loud, center of attention dad at any of Amir’s events, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t proud of him. Quite the contrary. He just wants to enjoy the event without chaotic parents (no offense Bruno, Bobby and Gary).
💿 As Amir grows up, he will be known for his parties. His dad’s an international DJ after all…
💿 The boys have a “pizza night”, every single Friday, where they eat pizza and watch trashy horror movies.
💿 Lucas and Kassam are close. They do hang out. I can see Lucas’s daughter being friends with Amir. Even if she is older than him, she looks out for him.
💿 They vacation to Algeria at least once a year. Kassam is very close to his grandparents, who still live there. He loves showing Amir around and immersing him in their culture.
💿 Did Amir inherit his fathers musical prodigy gene? Absolutely. Give him any instrument and he’ll play it. Especially a guitar. But he can’t stand techno music. Kassam just shrugs when he finds out.
His route is one of the most frustrating routes in the game. It’s hard to get him to say your name. This was the guide I used. I have found that it only works once. I do not remember who wrote this, so please let me know so I can credit them asap! And, this guide, by @kokokabana, is also very helpful. @ravenadottir has everything you’ll ever need here. From information on his route, to headcannons, even another way his route could have been written. I do mean there is everything there. @litgwritersroom has headcannons for Kassam here.
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wesawbones · 1 year
i wish they made hamish a route like they did with kassam in s2. like you could bring kassam back from casa amore whether or not he preferred someone else but you had to do things very specifically before casa for him to pick you as his favourite from day one. i would’ve loved to bring hamish back to the main villa because he’d either stay himself which is fucking hilarious or he could have this like deep storyline where he stops putting on this facade and is like a real loving and supportive li.
in conclusion i loved kassam i love hamish and if andy didnt seduce me he would’ve been my second choice.
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countessklair · 9 months
you know what i just realized that really pissed me off?? i literally NEVER got to do a Kassam route. the one true unicorn literally *never* wanted my mc no matter what i did, and now i'll never get to play an original Kassam route. ugh.
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rebelrayne · 2 years
Can I do more than one? If yes, then my mans Kassam 🥲
I have never gotten Kassam to say my name so this will be interesting! Thank you for the ask! I'll give it my best shot! Also... Added this to say I was doing a lot fic recs in this headcanon.
1 sexuality headcanon
He gives me bi vibes? But again - I have never done a Kassam route. He just seems chill like he'd be open and accepting. Someone who knows Kassam really well can correct me though
2 otp
I know this is sooooo weird but @longbobmckenzie put him with Chelsea in 'It's Just a Crush' (AO3) and I just... I love that for Kassam. Also MC but not mine because he's so uninterested it's not even funny.
3 brotp
You know who would be fun? Bobby and Gary. Kassam is so quiet, just sitting and observing and he's pulled into their friendship somehow. I can imagine him just having these snarky comments (why do I want everyone to be Youcef? - Side thought).
4 notp
Lottie LMFAO Fusebox, who thought this? Although... In @0shewrites0's 'Seamless' (AO3) I love that he's just playing her and using her as a way to stay in the game. We stan a snarky and sneaky king.
5 first headcanon that pops into my head
He sees Felix at a club outside and Felix is like, "OMG KAZ! KAZ! IT'S ME, FROM LOVE ISLAND, FELIX, REMEMBER?" And Kassam just shrugs and looks at the bouncer like, "I've never seen this guy in my life."
6 favorite line from this character
"Gotta be [JESSIE'S MC]. Or Lottie." Oh wait. No that never happened. How about the way he corrects Felix over feeding the ducks bread? Felix is an idiot.
7 one way I relate to this character
We're both really quiet. And also difficult to catch 💅 We both have high ass standards. Except... Lottie.
8 thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The fact that he looks like a raccoon. So every time I see Rocket Raccoon, I think of Kassam.
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9 cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Oh for sure problematic fave. How many of us have screamed at the phone because this pixel WON'T SAY YOUR MC'S NAME???? The audacity. I'm just saying, S4 LIs would never (except Youcef sometimes but he's excused).
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perfectlysunny02 · 1 year
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Chapter Four
Word Count: 3k
Read it here or on AO3
AN: Thank you again so much @0shewrites0 for all your help. I appreciate you so much Rae🫶🏼
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Grief group, in Suresh’s honest opinion, was a complete fucking waste of time. Sitting around in a circle, saying your feelings didn’t seem to help anyone. It wasn’t like the feelings went away, but Suresh continued to sit through Grief Group. It was, after all, just simply better than sitting in his empty apartment, with only a bottle of liquor to keep him company.
If only this lady would shut up, though, she’d been going on and on about losing someone named Jason for the better half of the hour.
“And it’s like I feel him everywhere, I even feel him in this room.”
“Bullshit,” And as every head turned to look at him, and awkward silence filled the room, Suresh began to realize he didn’t say that quite in his head as he had hoped.
“Excuse me,” the poor woman said.
“No offense,” Suresh scoffed, waving his hand. “I’m sure you’re a nice woman or whatever, but I’m calling bullshit. You do not feel your husband, son, whoever the fuck Jason is in this room. And if you really, truly do, you need to be committed.”
The lady opened her mouth to speak again, but a snort from the left of Suresh cut her off.
“I’m sorry,” the guy said, covering it up with a cough. “I am so sorry.”
“Anyway,” The lead said, clearing her throat. “Lucas, since you seem like you’d like to add something to what Suresh just said, how about you go next?”
“Ah yes,” the guy-Lucas cleared his throat and continued matter-of-factly and almost bored. “Hi. I’m Lucas Koh, and I lost my mother a year ago.”
Lucas Koh. The name rings a couple of bells. And as Suresh studied him, he was semi-sure he had seen him before. Lucas caught his eye as he was staring and sent a half smirk his way. Now he was definitely sure he had, but where?
“And how are you coping with that Lucas?”
Lucas shrugged.
“Work I suppose. It was alcohol until a fan saw me passed out drunk on the street and my producer decided I should attend this group. It’s not like I’m sad, me and my mother were never very close,”
“A fan?” Suresh asked, his brow furrowing.
“Damn Suresh, I thought you of all people would recognize me,” Lucas said, stretching. “I was on Season 2 of Love Island. I was runner up with Blake.”
Season 2. That’s where he had seen him. Harlow had actually been routing for him and Dahila Jones, until Lucas had returned from Casa Amor with Blake Mitchell and Dahlia with Kassam Maleek. Suresh flinched, trying not to think about his own Casa Amor.
“And how is Blake doing these days?” The lead asked.
“I dunno,” Lucas let out a bitter laugh. “Apparently I work too much for her, she left me a month ago.”
“Not surprised,” Suresh said, before he could stop himself. “No offense or anything man, but Harlow never liked her. Said she was the type to leave when shit would get hard.”
“Well, she was right,” Lucas muttered. “How is Harlow by the way? You two won Season 4 right?”
“Ah, no. Season 5.” Suresh muttered, his heart twisting as he asked about Harlow. “And H-Harlow is actually the reason I’m here.”
“Oh shit, I am so sorry man, truly. From what I could tell from the telly, Harlow was pretty amazing.”
Suresh smiled a small smile, and nodded.
“Yeah, she was. She was pretty special.”
Suresh was unsure of how it happened, but that day after grief group, Lucas Koh had become his best friend. You rarely saw one without the other.
“It was the Jason remark,” Lucas had told him when he asked. “You weren’t the only one wanting her to shut the fuck up. Besides we’re both former islanders, we’ve got to stick together. Especially since the season you were on had the worst people.”
“I’m ashamed,” Suresh had said, quietly. “I’m ashamed of my season of Love Island. They weren’t the only ones who treated Harlow so bad, I did too. And I look back and cringe at the person I was.”
“She forgave you, you know. She wouldn’t have picked you, if she hadn’t. If it makes you feel any better, not one other islander from your season has spoken about her death and the internet is not only dragging them for it, but for what they did in the villa. Again.”
Suresh let out a laugh.
“That does make me feel better, thank you.”
Suresh was proud, ever since Lucas walked into his life, he hadn’t had one single drink.
He was actually a semi-working human, until one day that he and Lucas didn’t have plans.
In the quiet, and loneliness of his apartment, the grief set in again. His thoughts overwhelming him, he broke out his bottle of gin and settled into the couch. It was going to be a long night. Or at least it was until the ring of his phone brought Suresh out of whatever stupor he was in.
“Hello,” He muttered, rubbing his forehead.
“Hey mate,” Lucas laughed. “Turns out I’m free tonight. Do you want to hang or something?”
“Uh, no,” Suresh mumbled, slightly slurring his words. “I’m a littleeee busy at the moment. S-sorry mate.”
There was a moment of silence, before Lucas began speaking again, more serious than Suresh had ever heard him.
“Suresh, are you drunk?”
“No,” Suresh laughed, bitterly. “At least not yet anyway.”
“Okay, well hold on, I’m on my way.”
Suresh went to tell him there was no need to come over but the end signal told him that he was far too late for that.
Lucas had to have run a red light or two by the way he arrived at Suresh’s quickly.
“Hey mate,” Suresh said leaning on the door as he opened it. “You didn’t have to come over. Although I’m glad to know how much you long to be around me.”
“Whatever Suresh,” Lucas muttered, pushing himself into the apartment. “Where the alcohol?”
Suresh, assuming that Lucas wanted a drink too, motioned towards his room.
“Have as much as you need mate, we’re all alcoholics here after all.” He laughed.
“That’s not funny, Suresh.” Lucas snapped as he walked into the room. Honestly his tone should’ve been enough to clue Suresh in on what’s going on, but it wasn’t until he heard the sink running that it clicked for him.
“What are you doing?” Suresh yelled, trying to push his way into the bathroom.
“Mate stay there, this is for your own good.”
“My own good? You don’t know shit about my own good.” The door finally gave way, only for Suresh to realize Lucas had already dumped it all out.
“No,” He whispered, close to tears, pushing at Lucas’s chest weakly. “No, what have you done? What have you done?!”
“What should’ve been done already,” Lucas stood there calmly taking the hits. “I’ve been here before Suresh, okay? I’ve been here before. She’s not at the bottom of these bottles, you’re not going to find her, okay? And I am so so sorry.”
Suresh practically collapses in Lucas’s arms, and Lucas gently lowers him to the ground, placing his head on his lap, lightly shushing him as he cries.
Suresh wasn’t sure how long he laid there, how long it took him to run out of tears, but even when it seemed to be over, he didn’t want to move. Lucas seemed in no hurry ti move either, letting Suresh take his time, and he gently rubbed his side.
“I can’t sleep without it,” Suresh mumbled breaking the silence.
“What?” Lucas asked, slightly blinking, confused.
“I can’t sleep without it, I can’t sleep sober. I-I keep waiting for her to come back. I can’t sleep until she’s safe inside our apartment. It’s too empty here without her.”
“Do you want me to stay with you a few days?” Lucas muttered. “Because I will, you don’t have to go through this alone.”
“Why-why do you care?” Suresh hiccuped. “You’ve only known me a short while. Marisol was here last month and knew I was drinking and didn’t stop it.”
Lucas’s jaw hardened and he took a deep breath.
“A real fucking friend would’ve taken it away.” He said, hints of anger in his voice. “And like I said, I’ve been here before. It’s nothing but a whole lot of pain. So if it’s because it’s simply too empty here, I will stay here. I meant it when you don’t have to stay alone.”
As Suresh glanced up at Lucas, he allowed himself to smile the tiniest of a smiles. Maybe there was a light at this dark tunnel.
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mrsbsmooth · 9 months
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An updated list of the routes we have available on youtube
Complete / Incomplete
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No Date, broke up with Mason
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Bobby // Bobby #2
Kassam screenshots but not screenrecord
Lucas (slowburn) // Lucas #2
Bobby // Bobby #2
Gary // Gary #2
Henrik // Henrik #2
Lucas // Lucas #2
C H E L S E A ' S M U R D E R M Y S T E R Y
Bobby / Bobby #2
Gary / Gary 2
We don't have any others. I haven't listed them here as there are too many we're missing.
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AJ // AJ #2
Harry // Harry #2 // Harry #3
Tai // Tai #2
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
I feel like Hasim might be the Kassam of this season cause they have a similar posture. I hope he's not like "I'm all about Amelia" while ghosting MC for 99% of the routes, that'd be so embarassing 😭.
lolol not a similar posture!! theres sooo many islanders that still need to come in, which is super exciting, but im sure some there will be one or two in the mix that aren't interested in MC. If its Marshall I will be so sad but at least they gave us the option to unlock Ozzy as an LI
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csmicletters · 2 years
Rafa!! 8,10, + 36 for the ask game 💖
8. Which Love Interests (LIs) are your favourite? (list as many as you like!)
Actual LIs: Gary, Bruno, Will, Oliver, Jake, Ciaran.
Missed opportunities: Tim, Seb, Rohan. 🤍
10. Which character do you always forget exists?
Mostly Sammi, but I totally forget about a lot of people from S3, Tiffany, I honestly can’t remember lol (pun intended)
36. What’s your wildest headcanon?
I think Lottie and Jakub being a couple, a lot of my headcanons are also ideas for fanfics tbh. I think Carl or Kassam would be great “ex” material for MC in some routes. I like to think some characters met MC before even if just by passing or briefly. I’m a sucker for like enemies to lovers, second chances or soulmates…
I loved those, thanks for asking babe 🤍
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loveislandthegame · 10 months
saying farewell to kassam, my first season 2 LI
i managed to unlock his route this time 😭❤️🎉
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