#kate randomly popping up to react to situations is sometimes quite funny to me
metabolizemotions · 6 months
... and the association of Vic with Beckett...
There's this thing about associating a woman with a man. Whatever happens, there is like a transference of hate to the woman and love to the man.
Men already get less hate doing something worse than women and more love when doing something minimally decent. The way the narratives are framed on the show don't help.
The choice to - make Maya give Beckett the bottle shifted the blame to her, absolving him. Somehow to some, she became the worst person on the show and whatever she did was her personal unique moral failings. Beckett's long list of poor choices made throughout his captaincy that endangered himself, his team n civilians... The resolution was merely his voluntary stint at rehab. Oh and quietly demoted. No mention of his wrongdoings again. Everyone's just fine with him already. Just like how they accepted his bad behavior right from the start.
The choice to - make Vic to not notice maya's distress and say those words about her, a longtime friend and teammate while being hyper aware of Beckett's state and being especially empathetic towards him.
I hope the speculation isn't true. It'll be a disservice to Vic as a character. It's the use of a well-liked female character to redeem a disliked male character.
On a show where already
... the men don't really need to work on themselves - the characters around them simply lower their standards to accommodate.
... toxic masculinity is conflated with addiction/ mental health issues,
... the men's addiction and wrongdoings - related or not to the addiction, are systemic issues - of the healthcare system failing Sullivan or an inter-generational alcohol problem trapping Beckett
I'm all for the empathy for the struggle with addiction n underlying issues but against using them as excuses to not hold people accountable for bad behavior.
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