besedar · 10 hours
beseda dne: pob (in ostale)
etimologija: iz (bavarske stare visoke) nemščine: puobe in (srednje visoke) nemščine: buobe (>nemško Bube, fant). Nemška beseda mogoče iz germanskega *broþar (brat).
Morda je angleški bub (pobček, mali ...) prav tako iz nemščine, ni pa nujno, ker bi bil lahko tudi izpeljanka iz njihovega brotherja. No, saj, brother, *broþar, ista figa!
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Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “bub (n.5), Etymology,” September 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/OED/1537050537.
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englishsimmercc · 4 months
Legacy Challenges if you're burnt out on the game
Sims in Bloom by a-sims-garden
Whimsy Stories by kateraed
Occult Legacy by asphodelmoon
Occult Legacy Graphics by kimbasprite
Solar System Legacy by GinovaSims
Star Sign Legacy by GinovaSims
Joy of Life Challenge by simelune
Hallmark Lore Legacy by WestCoastCowgirl
Bromance Legacy by maice
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plumite · 9 months
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・゚✧・゚: * ・゚: *Lilith Harp - Whimsy Stories Legacy challenge*:・゚*:・゚✧*
Helllo~ I've decided to hit pause on Not So Berry as i'm pretty burnt out with trying to figure out what to do next so... I wanna try something new! Whimsy Stories by kateraed !
I am using my sim; Lilith! I was originally gonna do The Joy Of Life legacy challenge but never got around to really playing it. So I figured I'd use her for this!
You’ve gone out into the word with nothing but a tent and a dream. As a child you never had your own home.. You were bounced from place to place, always dreaming of a suburban home to call your own. With a family of your own.
Traits - Loves The Outdoors, Freegan, Self-Assured
Aspiration - Master Maker
Career - Freelance - SIMply crafted
Find love while homeless
Name all children after nature
Master; Fabrication / Handiness / Wellness skills
Foster a healthy garden
Have a lot of House plants
Must build a suburban styled tiny home (that you have to build)
Rarely wear makeup/Love to dress casually ✔️
Have at least 3 tattoos ✔️
↓ Goals under the cut! ↓
Lilith will be residing in Widenburg! I will be giving her a tent to sleep in, and then taking all her money away per the rules.
Goals before Fall/Winter Hits in game [starting in spring] 1. Find Love 2. Make money [obv] 3. Put a roof over our heads 4. Possible green house?
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fer-jeans · 1 year
✧・゚: * Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge *:・゚✧
Creado por Kateraed (traducido por Fer Jeans)
¿Sientes que las historias no vienen a ti naturalmente?
¿Sientes que repites una y otra vez la misma historia?
¿Sientes que quieres ser el tipo de simmer que se mete en la vida de sus sims al punto de llegar a ser casi enfermizo? ¡Este reto es para ti!
¡Te vas a enamorar de les sims complejes y belles del Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge! ¡Historias que contigo y la ayuda de tu gente pixelada van a cobrar vida!
Atención: por supuesto que puedes añadir cualquier elemento a la historia/drama/ideas/etc. que se te ocurran para tu partida. Esto está hecho para ampliar vuestro modo de juego, no para encerrarte.
Los trucos de dinero están PERMITIDOS (hasta cierto grado) a menos que se indique lo contrario. Se pueden usar para tener las casas gratis freerealestate o con objetivos de seguir la trama de la historia cuando sea necesario.
Sin casa, pero no sin amor
Nuestra historia empieza como la mayoría de las historias lo hacen… con sufrimiento.
No tienes hogar.
Saliste al mundo sin nada, excepto una tienda de campaña y un sueño. De peque nunca tuviste tu propia casa. Ibas saltando de lado a lado, a la vez que seguías soñando con tener una casa suburbana a la que llamar tu casa. Con tu propia familia.
Desde muy joven anhelas una vida normal. Estás hasta las narices de que todo a tu alrededor esté roto y alborotado. Así que buscas la felicidad en las cosas mundanas.
Al principio, la vida es solitaria, pero afortunadamente te enamoraste de otre sim sin hogar. No tienes nada, pero se siente como si lo tuvieses todo con tu pareja a tu lado.
Eres una persona despreocupada, soñadora y amante de la naturaleza. Algunas personas te llaman hippy, pero tú te llamas a ti misme feliz.
Creas todo desde la base.
Creas velas, fabricas tus propios muebles y buscas en los contenedores de basura. Al final, tienes tu propia casa, construida con tus propias manos.
Una minicasa.
¡No solo es una minicasa, sino que es una minicasa suburbana! ¡Finalmente has logrado tu sueño!
Te quedarás en esta casa acogedora del tamaño de una caja de zapatos durante el resto de tu vida. Plantarás tu jardín, criarás a tus hijes y venderás las cosas que tú haces en las tiendas locales para ganarte la vida.
Enamórate mientras que no tengas hogar.
Ponle nombre a tus hijes relacionados con la naturaleza.
Debes vivir en una minicasa de estilo suburbano (que construyes sin trucos) durante toda tu vida. (Microcasa durante la juventud, luego puedes mejorarla).
Cultiva un jardín sano.
Amante de las plantas (es decir… esta casa está LLENA de plantas, que sorprendentemente caben en 32 baldosas)
Ten al menos 3 tatuajes.
Domina las habilidades de Fabricación, Destreza manual y Bienestar.
Completa la aspiración de Elaboradore Experte.
Trabaja de forma autónoma en el oficio de fabricante.
Rara vez llevas maquillaje y te gusta vestir casual.
La felicidad no se encuentra solo en una pareja.
Tus progenitores te han cuidado y amado de forma extrema desde que naciste. Eran la pareja perfecta. Después de ver lo que parecía una historia perfecta de amor desde que eres peque, sientes que no serás capaz de encontrar lo mismo.
Incluso empieza a resultar intimidante.
Así que decidiste alejarte del amor. Tienes numerosas citas por aquí y por allá, pero al final el miedo y la ansiedad por tener pareja te hacen que te quedes sin pareja durante toda tu vida.
Aunque nunca quisiste una pareja, te encantan les niñes. Siempre has querido ser progenitore. La idea de darle amor y casa a une pequeñe sim por el resto de su vida te remueve por dentro. Quieres ser eso para alguien.
¿Y quién dijo que necesites pareja para tener hijes?
Mandas a la mierda a las normas sociales y adoptas cuatro hijes a lo largo de tu vida. Les crías en soledad. Aunque solo estás tú, tienen todo el amor que podrían pedir. Son felices. Tu familia es perfecta.
Eres une super progenitore y sientes que tu vida está llena de amor, aunque nunca tuviste algún interés romántico.
Hasta que llegas a la vez. Te coge por sorpresa, conoces a alguien con quien conectas automáticamente. Habéis tenido vuestras propias vidas y os enamoráis perdidamente, de forma totalmente inesperada.
Vives el resto de tu vida con tu alma gemela y tejiendo cosas de punto adorables para tus nietes.
Adopta 4 hijes (y/o ten bebés probeta).
No puedes estar en una relación hasta la vejez.
Cásate cuando llegues a la vejez.
Completa la aspiración de Superprogenitore.
Ten los rasgos de Nada coquete y Familiar.
Domina las habilidades de Aptitud parental e Investigación y debate.
Dalo todo en todas las estaciones y festividades. Tu casa está DECORADA. Tu árbol de Navidad es perfecto. Tu casa debería salir en una revista. Sí, ese tipo de dedicación.
Completa la profesión de Educación.
Ten siempre al menos una mascota en casa.
Ten una pared llena de fotos familiares.
Seguiré traduciéndolo poco a poco. Lo tengo empezado en mi canal por si queréis echarle un vistazo ✨💙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiuIkrSyXT8
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blursims · 2 years
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Whimsy Stories Legacy - Generation 1
Averie Warren: Loves Outdoors | Freegan | Gloomy
You’ve gone out into the world with nothing but a tent and a dream. As a child you never had your own home. You were bounced from place to place, always dreaming of a suburban home to call your own. With a family of your own. As you have since you were a young child, you long for a life of normalcy. You are tired of everything around you being turbulent and broken. So you search for joy in the mundane.
Generation Goals:
find love while homeless
name all children after nature
live in a tiny home
foster a healthy garden
plant parent
master fabrication/handiness/wellness skills.
complete maker aspiration
click here for the full list of rules & goals by @kateraed
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stellariders · 6 months
katera je tvoja najljubša sezona stellaride? and i have a question who do you like better gabby or brett. no hate i just liked gabby in the beginning and now brett. my favorite couple will always be stellaride and I mean my favorite couple has been stellaride since season 6 and I hope you are okay I got sick and decided to write to you and stay safe. Stellaride🥰🥰🥰
i think i like brett better. i think gabby is a tremendous paramedic but the way she made huge life decisions without casey bothered me about her. i get that she’s independent but relying on your partner isn’t a bad thing. she became extremely selfish in the end and i just couldn’t root for her as a character.
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444names · 7 months
Names generated from Greek and Ukrainian female given names
Acachka Acana Acandra Adone Adoslaida Aeoda Aeodo Afroda Afrosia Afrosyna Agara Agarisa Agatina Aikia Aikilina Albia Aldana Alefthouni Alekla Alektrysa Alene Aleophi Aleria Aleristina Aleroubov Aleta Alexa Alexanaia Alexisia Aliaris Alikolia Alinia Alippate Allika Allisa Althi Althy Andia Anditlana Andra Andronoula Anesa Angeli Angeliana Angeliya Angena Angene Angeni Anjelikia Antha Anthea Anthi Anthina Antiniya Anzhene Anzheris Apheodiya Argareiana Argia Arika Arine Arinie Arisoula Arissanka Arterina Artha Artra Athoe...
Basika Bohda Bohdanya Calefanda Calena Callana Calya Casha Caskevi Cassiantia Chalya Chana Chlome Chlomeda Chlometa Chria Chriana Chriantora Chrinia Chrisa Chrisia Chriya Chropi Chroslata Chryna Chrysa Chrysena Clexana Clianya Cosia Costia Cosyna Creia Crena Cymara Damalia Damarina Damfiline Dania Danie Danthilia Danya Darise Darya Deinia Deissia Delenya Demedochka Demia Demilia Demis Demisia Demotimoni Denie Dessa Didina Didrista Dioulana Dorespina Dorysa Drudocha Drudoxisia Druno Drunya Drusla Effira Effrona Effrostira Efpra Efthae Eftia Eftijani Eftippe Ekasilia Ekasta Ekatia Eleksa Elektorisa Elene Elera Elerista Eleriya Elesia Elesyna Elewte Elexi Eliana Elianna Elisiliya Eliya Emara Emarisanna Emiana Emini Eminia Erissa Eudmis Eudorina Eugena Euphea Euphrina Evdijandra Evdoria Fayis Fayithi Fayiti Fayiza Filania Filiya Galika Galiki Ganya Halewte Hanta Helyna Herina Heris Herya Hloria Iannateria Ilenia Inesyna Inesypa Ioandroda Iphilika Ireis Irena Ireta Irisenie Iristaniya Iriya Iryska Ivandra Izola Julia Junced Junoubov Junya Kalena Kalesa Kaletamfie Kaline Kalissa Kalla Kaloe Kalya Katea Kateftina Katera Kathi Katinaina Katsa Khlora Kilia Kiliani Koria Krissa Ksena Kyrone Kyrosika Lamfia Lavetzia Leska Lessa Lexia Lidana Lidiandra Lilippe Linia Lioni Liudores Lugatine Lugelanna Lugeleni Lugeliya Lyania Lyudonia Lyura Maidiya Maidoki Maliya Margiris Marianna Maris Marisa Marisia Marista Marka Marysa Marysandra Marytani Mayidra Melia Meliki Meliky Melinayis Metantina Metigorya Metra Miria Miriya Myria Myrodora Myronoula Nadne Nafie Nafympra Nasha Nasia Nasina Natala Natemine Nateriana Natheodora Natia Natija Natinia Natippa Neone Neria Neristina Nespa Nitlana Oksanthe Olefthe Oleina Olektra Olenia Olera Olycana Olyna Ophana Ophina Ophria Orytacia Ourossa Ourosya Palia Palioris Palymara Pamfirhi Panastina Pandra Pargira Paria Parista Phalaretra Pharia Phemedra Phina Phippe Rayis Rayista Reniya Rheoris Roditsia Roksa Rozalia Rozavanais Rozavetra Salafyma Selia Serenayia Serinasia Smala Smara Sofila Sopina Sotiana Sotiania Sounia Staciana Stalyca Stasia Staxia Steme Sterisia Stylia Styna Stynie Taina Tamarysa Tamfia Tasikilia Tataliya Tatea Taterina Tatina Tatrinia Tatta Tattalia Tayine Tayis Tayma Teklahna Tektryni Tetanta Tethe Tethi Tethoe Tetja Tetraxi Tetrudoxia Tetya Thaidia Thaina Thaisiani Thalcyone Thana Thanesi Thanya Thanyaksa Thara Thedorgira Theni Theodia Theodijane Theonasta Thera Timilia Toulana Ulyna Valeklyna Valexia Valia Valiya Valoriya Valya Valyna Vanthea Vargia Varia Vasili Vasiliadia Vassa Vassia Vastia Vastya Verisa Victone Vikilika Viola Vionia Viotina Virhaisa Virosouno Xania Xantalia Xrina Xristi Xylina Xylla Yandija Yantaxiana Yanthe Yelana Yelenira Yevanna Yevgeletya Yevgena Yevheopi Yosia Yosyna Zachana Zacia Zelioula Zhaia Zhara Zoresa Zorgiopi Zorgirhia Zorina Zorinie Zorkaska Zoyana Zoyanae
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igotsnothing · 2 years
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Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge- Generation 1
Finn Pearce is my legacy founder. Easily one of my favorite Sims that I've ever made.
Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge by @kateraed
Challenge graphic by @lonelytrait
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radwhims · 9 months
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Meet the Gen 9 Heir of The Family Whims
Ivy Whims
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Traits: Creative, Paranoid, Romantic
Bonus Traits / Lifestyles: Observant, Workaholic
Focused Skills: Writing, Mischief, Vampire Lore
Task: Write a book on every occult type, even if she has to be the first one to do it.
Expanded version by lysiablr. Original challenge by kateraed.
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edylin31 · 2 years
My very first post
After a lot of lurking around I finally decided to start posting some pictures of my game play. I started the whimsy challenge today, rules by @kateraed
My founder is the lovely and gorgeous Audrey Hofmann. She started out homeless in Wilow Creek with a wish to have her own home and family one day. The beginning was rough, but she made do with what she had. One day, while on a trip to Evergreen Harbour to get some good stuff from the garbage bins down there, she met another homeless sim all ready sniffing in the garbage bins. A romance was born ❤️
Roscoe Miller moved in and helped her selling her woodwork while she continued to work on her handiness. They have almost 2.000 simoleons, when we reach 5.000 they are going to start building their micro forever home.
Oh yeah, in the meantime Roscoe got a phone call about the death of his distant family member, so now they can actually marry and win some money, talking about a win-win situation 💍💰
I downloaded the lot on the gallery, by Ibotimlu
The wonderful Roscoe Miller is a stunning sim by @servegrilledcheese
I have no idea if anyone is interested in this, but I am so excited to finally be an active simblr myself, more to come next week!
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boobpancakes · 1 year
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∘⁠˚⁠☆˳⁠° Whimsy Stories Legacy - Gen One
"You’ve gone out into the world with nothing but a tent and a dream. As a child you never had your own home. You were bounced from place to place, always dreaming of a suburban home to call your own. With a family of your own."
Of all the houses Randy had lived in, not a single one was good enough for them to call home. Better yet, it seemed as if they were the thing that wasn't good enough for these families. A boisterous and often-misunderstood youth causes disruptions in the household and that was just too much for every adult that walked into the revolving door of their life. So when they turned 16, they ditched their latest foster family and hitched cross country with nothing more than a couple outfits and a portable tent.
There isn't much they are good at, and they aren't the brightest bulb in the store, but they have a goal: make a home, no matter the cost.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Self-Assured, Loves the Outdoors, Freegan Aspiration: Live Fast (Teen), Master Maker (YA-)
- Find love while homeless  - Name all children after nature - Must live in a suburban styled tiny home for their entire life - Foster a healthy Garden - Become a Plant Parent (tons of houseplants) - Have at least 3 tattoos - Master the Fabrication/Handiness/Wellness skills - Complete Maker Aspiration - Be self-employed with the Freelance SIMply Crafted Career - Rarely wear makeup/dress casually
a big thank you to @kateraed for making this challenge! if you also want to play you can find the rules here ✰
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besedar · 5 months
beseda dne: mikica (frotirna majica z dolgimi ali kratkimi rokavi)
etimologija: iz pogovorne nemščine: Nicki, Nickihemd, Nickipullover. Nicki mogoče izpeljano iz imena Nikolaus, ki je pri nas Miklavž - pod vplivom Miklavža torej prehod iz n v m.
glede pomena mikice: hvala vsem, ki ste glasovali! zaenkrat prav nihče, ki je oddal glas, mikice ne razume, kot jo fran, kar bi deskriptivistom lahko pomenilo, da je treba razmisliti o možnosti dodajanja sekundarnega, manj specifičnega, pomena v slovar. fascinantne reči!
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leeyarak · 1 year
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The first day of Julie Whimsy. Founder for the
Whimsy Legacy Challenge (expanded): @kateraed
Aspiration(s): Master Maker [Eco Lifestyle]
Loves Outdoors
Any Trait
Focused Skills:
Fabrication [Eco Lifestyle]
Handiness [Base Game]
Wellness [Spa Day]
"Your story begins as most stories do... with endurance. 
You are homeless. You’ve gone out into the world with nothing but a tent and a dream.
As a child, you never had somewhere you could call home. You were bounced from place to place, always dreaming of a home to call your own... A sweet, suburban life, complete with a family of your own. 
Since childhood, you have longed for a life of normalcy. You are tired of everything around you being turbulent and broken... So you search for joy in the mundane.
Life is lonely at first, but fortunately, you find love with another homeless Sim. Though the two of you have little to nothing, it feels like absolutely everything with your partner by your side.
You are a carefree, nature-loving, naïve dreamer. Some may call you a hippy, but you just call yourself happy.
From the ground up, you create. 
You make candles, fabricate your own furniture, and search dumpsters to make it by, day by day. Eventually, you have a home of your own, built with your own two hands.
A tiny home, but a home nonetheless. 
You've done it - your dream is finally realized!
You will stay in this comfy, small, shoe-box sized home for the rest of your life, making a living by growing in your garden, raising your children, and selling the things you make at the local markets.
It's a meager life, but it's everything you've ever wanted."
(by @kateraed)
Reshade: Moonmilk by @plumbaleena
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Katera of the punishment islands! Drown that man! Drown him with the symbol of the women he hurt, kill him with the symbol of life
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mamapsims · 1 year
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Yara and Aron are engaged! Meet my first generation for the Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge by @kateraed. They just purchased their first tiny home and are no longer living on the streets of Evergreen Harbor. I love this couple so much already��😍
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delilahx93 · 1 year
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Hey everyone, my name is Delilah (she/her) and I am new to the Simblr world! I just started my Youtube Channel about 2/3 weeks ago with Sims content. At the moment Im doing the Whimsy Stories Legacy Challenge by @kateraed and a Series of Townie Makeovers. I would be really thankful to receive any comments, tips, advice or opinions and about your experiences too. If you also have a channel feel free to contact me so I can subscribe and help you out if I can or maybe a collaboration ❤️. I really want to learn and improve while having fun playing my all time favourite game in the world. Hoping to hear from you!
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