#kathryn GIRL BOSS Janeway
captainkaseykirk · 2 years
Sometimes I reblog my own posts when I follow a new person with cool content in an effort to signal “hello yes I am also very insane about this we should be friends” in case they look at my account. Like a mating call but in a platonic way.
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eatmacherries · 2 years
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A special gift I did for a special lil bean 😌
Here is a chibi Janeway for ya @baylardian-1
*hands you over this lil creature*
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starfleetimagines · 4 years
Mobile Masterlist
I figured it might be easier for my readers to find my previous imagines if I make a mobile masterlist that I update at the same time as I update my desktop one. So here it is! I’ll add to it when I post new imagines, so it should always be up to date. Some imagines are listed in multiple series if the character is found in both - like Q or Pike, for example.
If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi (it’s as low as $1CAD and it’ll go towards my education funds) or check out my commissions! Please check my bio and title to see if requests are open before requesting.
Alternate Original Series/The Original Series:
Being Leonard “Bones” McCoy’s younger sister would include…
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “Have you lost your damn mind?!”
Being Jim Kirk’s twin would include…
Jim Kirk - “I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me.”
Jim Kirk - “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - mismatched uniforms
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - you get hurt
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - medical anxiety
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott- “That’s a promise.”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy- flirting in sickbay
Pavel Chekov - Period Cuddles
Pavel Chekov - Moving Forward
Jim Kirk - Family
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Shore Leave
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott - Open Waters
Dating Leonard “Bones” McCoy Would Include…
Being Pavel Chekov’s Betazoid Wife Would Include…
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Study Date
Spock and Uhura’s Wedding Would Include…
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Dance Practice
Pavel Chekov - Set Up
The Enterprise Crew Finding Out You’re Bisexual Would Include…
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott x Jayla - Graduation
Spock and Uhura Having A Baby Would Include...
Spock - “To say that was unexpected is an understatement.”
Spock - Fireplace
Deep Space Nine:
Julian Bashir - “Cuddle me.”
Julian Bashir - “It’s almost midnight.”
Julian Bashir - “Just kiss me.”
Odo - “Are you hurt?”
Julain Bashir - “Please hold me.”
Benjamin Sisko - “How do you cope?”
Garak - “I’ll keep you warm.”
Dukat - you get hurt trying to defend him
Odo - you’re his adopted child
Miles x Keiko x Reader - Sunflowers
Julian Bashir - Insecurities
Enemies To Lovers With Odo Would Include…
Garak - Pregnant
Garak - Lulled To Sleep
Quark (platonic) - Marital Advice
Garak - “So, you like me?”
Garak - Rescue Party
Julian Bashir - Growing Family
Garak - Presents
Ezri Dax x Julian Bashir - Moving In
Julian Bashir (platonic) - Worries
Kira Nerys - Stress
Kira x Dax - Pride Month
Weyoun - “I don’t understand.”
Nog x Jake - Pleasure
Weyoun - “You’re the only one for me.” [NSFW]
Weyoun - “Please wake up.”
Enemies to Lovers With Kira Nerys Would Include...
Weyoun 6 Living on the Station Would Include...
Worf x Jadzia - “I love us.”
Weyoun - “Why did you take that shot for me?”
Cuddling With Weyoun Would Include...
Gabriel Lorca - “Did I stutter?”
Ash Tyler - “I need you.”
Saru - Christmas Gifts
Saru - You’re Overworked
Michael Burnham - “That was hot.”
Michael Burnham - She Saves Your Life
Saru - Confidence Boost
Christopher Pike - Longing
Christopher Pike - Longing part 2
Sylvia Tilly - Romance In Sickbay
Saru - Homesick
Ash Tyler x Michael Burnham - “Breathe with me.”
Christopher Pike - You’re In Labour
Being Saru’s First Officer and Best Friend Would Include...
Spock - “To say that was unexpected is an understatement.”
Jonathan Archer - “Leave her alone.”
Malcolm Reed - you’re his sister
Trip Tucker - de-con talks
Malcolm Reed - PDA
Jonathan Archer - jefferies tube acoustics
Jonathan Archer - “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
Jonathan Archer - “For some reason, I’m attracted to you.”
Dating Jonathan Archer would include…
Malcolm Reed - “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.”
Being friends with Trip Tucker would include…
Jonathan Archer - “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
Malcom Reed - “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!”
Trip Tucker - you’re shy
Jonathan Archer - “I thought you were dead.”
Malcolm Reed - you’re taken hostage
Trip Tucker - sleepless nights
Malcolm Reed - “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
Jonathan Archer - “That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.”
Being Trip Tucker's  twin would include…
Malcolm Reed - “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
Jonathan Archer - dress shopping
Jonathan Archer - pillow fights
Trip Tucker being your boss would include…
Cheering Jonathan Archer up would include…
Phlox - you avoid him
Jonathan Archer - nightmares
Helping Trip Tucker in engineering would include…
Jonathan Archer - horseback riding
Malcolm Reed - cuddles after a mission
Jonathan Archer - hideouts
Malcolm Reed - “Because I love you.”
Phlox - Trip sets you two up
Jonathan Archer - “This shuttle was roomier before I realized I’m attracted to you.”
Malcolm Reed - “Can I kiss you?”
Malcolm Reed - sexting on PADDs
Phlox - you hide an injury from him
Trip Tucker - “It was just a dream.”
Jonathan Archer - “Am I dreaming?”
Trip Tucker - “I just want you to hold me.”
Malcolm Reed - Emotional Trauma
Malcolm Reed - He Sees Your Scars
Trip Tucker - “Thank God you’re okay.”
Malcolm Reed - You’re Ill
Malcolm Reed - “I don’t fit in.”
Trip Tucker - Restless Nights
Enemies To Lovers With Malcolm Reed Would Include…
Malcolm Reed - Labouring Mission
Trip Tucker - Jealousy [NSFW]
Dating T'Pol Would Include…
Malcolm Reed - Nightmares
Trip Tucker - Tension
Malcolm Reed - Destiny
Malcolm Reed - “I’m broken.”
Malcolm x Trip - Caught [NSFW]
Shran - Blue Boy
Trip x T'Pol - New Life
Malcolm Reed - The Way I See You
Malcolm Reed - Confessions
Being Trip Tucker’s Sibling and Jonathan Archer’s Partner Would Include…
Trip Tucker - Helping Hand
Being Pregnant With Phlox’s Baby Would Include...
Malcolm Reed - Destressing [NSFW]
Jonathan Archer - Too Busy
Trip Tucker - “You can’t protect me forever.”
Malcolm Reed - Mistletoe
Chris Rios - “Thank you for not dying.”
Elnor - Quiet Time
Strange New Worlds:
Christopher Pike - Longing
Christopher Pike - Longing part 2
Christopher Pike (platonic) - Mentor
Christopher Pike - Brink of Death
Spock - “To say that was unexpected is an understatement.”
Spock - Fireplace
The Next Generation:
Falling in love with Data would include…
Dating Data would include…
Data - “Is there a special reason as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
Data - you tell Tasha and Deanna about your crush
Worf - “You did this for me?”
Data - pet names
Data - “You never told me you had a fucking twin.”
Jean-Luc Picard flirting with you would include…
Q loving you would include…
Being friends with Worf would include…
Jean-Luc Picard - he realizes he loves you
Data - “When I picture myself happy … it’s with you.”
Will Riker - midnight visits
Will Riker being a father figure to you would include…
Data - he protects you
Data - bathing with the emotion chip
Data - you repair him
Will Riker - cuddles
Dating Wesley Crusher would include…
Data - he teaches you how to fight
Will Riker - “I’m sorry I had to kick you out when you were possessed.”
First time with Jean-Luc Picard would include…
Data - “I think I forgot how to breathe.”
Q - “You’re so hot when angry.”
Wesley Crusher - “You said my name in your sleep.”
Data - you get caught kissing
Data - hometown trip
Data - stuck on a cold planet
Will Riker- “If I die, I’m coming back to haunt you.”
Deanna Troi crushing on a girl would include…
Data - “Are you hurt?”
Reginald Barclay - Fencing
Reginald Barclay - Unexpected
Data - Teacher
Deanna Troi - Feeling Down
Data - First Meetings
Wesley Crusher - Hidden Talents
Being Will And Deanna’s Child Would Include…
Visiting Risa With Will Riker Would Include…
Will Riker - Confessions
Beverly and Jean-Luc’s Date Nights Would Include…
Data - First Date
Having Worf as a Father Figure Would Include…
Will Riker - All Partied Out
Data - “You must breathe.”
Will Riker - “I love you.”
Coming Out As Bisexual To Q Would Include…
Being Married to Jean-Luc Picard Would Include…
Worf - “What were you thinking?”
Data - Art Teacher
Beverly Crusher - “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
Being a Scientist and Dating Q Would Include...
Data - “I suppose we would make a good couple.”
B'Elanna Torres - best friends
Going on a date with the Doctor would include…
Tom Paris - date night
Kathryn Janeway- “You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked for mine.”
Doctor - “I love you, you asshole.”
Harry Kim - “I thought you were dead.”
Being friends with Tom and Harry would include…
Chakotay - near death confessions
Icheb - you’re shy
Being Harry Kim’s twin would include…
Being shy around the doctor would include…
Q Loving You Would Include…
Doctor - “You did this for me?”
Being Icheb’s friend would include…
The doctor being jealous would include…
Tom Paris - kidnapped
Harry Kim - “This shuttle was a lot roomier before …”
Keeping the doctor company would include…
Q junior - “You’re hot. Shame about your personality.”
Chakotay - “You love me.”
Q - “You’re so hot when you’re angry.”
Harry Kim - mismatched uniforms
Dating Icheb would include…
Harry Kim - he proposes
Kathryn Janeway - you’re insecure
Icheb - first date
The Doctor - talent show
Harry Kim - “Please don’t go.”
Dating Q Junior Would Include…
Chakotay x Kathryn Janeway - Dancing The Night Away
Date Night With Chakotay Would Include…
Tom Paris - Old Flames
Dating Tuvok Would Include…
Dating Seven Of Nine Would Include…
Q Junior Being Jealous Would Include…
Harry Kim - You’re Tom’s Sister
Tom x B'Elanna - “I’m scared, all right?!”
Kathryn Janeway - Locked Up
Being Kathryn Janeway’s Kid and Living on Voyager Would Include…
Coming Out As Bisexual To Q Would Include…
Tom Paris (platonic) - Different
Seven of Nine - Exploring
The Doctor (platonic) - Aromantic
Comforting Kathryn Janeway Would Include…
Tom Paris - “You are enough.”
Cuddling With Q Would Include…
Kathryn Janeway - Here For You
Friends to Lovers With Chakotay Would Include...
Harry Kim - Avoidance
Being a Scientist and Dating Q Would Include...
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novemberhush · 4 years
I was tagged by the lovely @princecharmingwinks ! Thanks, Ell!😘
Answer 20 questions and then tag people you want to get to know better.
1. Name: Dee
2. Nicknames: Technically Dee is a nickname as it comes from the first letter of my full first name, which I’m not comfortable disclosing online. I have had several nicknames over the years, though. Some derived from my actual name and some that are a bit harder to explain! But I can generally date people to what period of my life I got to know them by what they call me. For example, friends from my teenage years call me something different to what friends from now call me. And my family call me something different entirely from either of them. I can think of at least 5 nicknames I’ve had over the years just off the top of my head, and I’m probably forgetting some!
3. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
4. Height: 5′10
5. Languages spoken: English
6. Nationality: Born and bred in Northern Ireland
7. Favourite season: I was always an autumn girl for much of my life, but these days I think I love spring more.
8. Favourite flower: Bluebells and dahlias probably, but I love most flowers.
9. Favourite scent: If we’re talking perfume then I love Poison by Dior, Pure by DKNY (but only the original vanilla one) and BOSS Woman by Hugo Boss. If we’re talking just smells I love then petrol, paint, violets, Fahrenheit aftershave for men by Dior (Paul Smith also does an aftershave that smells similar to it) and that special scent babies have.
10. Favourite colour: Red
11. Favourite animal: Probably cats, although I’ve definitely warmed to dogs over the past few years.
12. Favourite fictional character(s): Where do I even begin?? Okay, just off the top of my head - Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale from the tv version of Teen Wolf, Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth from Jane Austen’s Persuasion, Elinor Dashwood from Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley from 9-1-1 (although I pretty much love the entire main cast of that show), basically everyone from Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Endeavour Morse, Fred Thursday, Reginald Bright and Shirley Trewlove from Endeavour, Harvey Specter from Suits, Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy from Star Trek and Captain Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager. I could go on, but we’d be here all night.
13: Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Tea. (I actually really hate coffee and don’t know how anyone can stand the taste of the stuff.)
14. Average sleep hours: It’s either feast or famine with me. My sleep pattern is all over the place, and always has been.
15. Dog or Cat person: I like both these days, but I’ve been a cat person for longer and am probably still one at heart.
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: Usually just the one duvet, unless we’re having a really cold spell then I’ll add more blankets as needed.
17. Dream trip: British Columbia in Canada. The Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Iceland to see the Northern Lights. Hawaii. New Zealand. Denmark. Alaska. There are a lot of places I want to go!
18. Blog established: 29th February 2016, so it’s my anniversary tomorrow!
19. Followers: 873
20. Random fact: My grandmother chose my first name.
I tag anyone who feels like sharing, doesn’t matter if we’re mutuals or if we’ve never spoken to each other in our lives (well, communicated with each other via tumblr, you know what I mean), if you feel like doing it then go ahead! 😊😘
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