#katja obinger
devoutpriest · 7 months
Helena jumped at the voice, the pen slipping from her fingers. Too busy drawing her dolls to listen, she hadn’t heard the man come up behind her. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. In her lap, her fingers twitched. Almost, she hit herself. But the man was there, right behind her, so she didn’t. Her shoulders hunched as she glanced up, looking from the man’s face to the candle in his hand. The last person to come after her for something—besides Tomas-was the man who owned the diner. But the diner man came at her with a loud voice and raised fist, because she had not paid with money for her food. It was a sandwich which was brown and had melted cheese and ham. she had walked out, the diner man seeing her leave and saying, ‘excuse me, miss! you need to pay.’ she had just ignored him and went in walking, until he had gone after her.
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By the time she finally left, the diner man was in the corner. His hand and all one two three four five fingers were broken. And his nose. And the chair she’d hit him in the face with. She looked him as she ate her bread, then left. She was a good fighter at close combat, as well as rifle gun, in which she killed Katja Obinger as she was in a moving car, and many other clones. She could defeat men in wrestling arm matches, and thumb wars. One eye was popped out. The other was only scratched, because people started to come. There were witnesses. It was on the news. Tomas saw—and beat her for it. For being foolish and reckless. For being too stupid to know to pay with money, and not with worthless junk—Tomas’s name for the rocks and candy wrappers that found homes in her pockets. After, he put her in the cage, with only her razor blade for company. She was supposed to repent, to think about what she’d done. No food. No water. For three days. After he let her out, he took her to the hospital, to see the man, and she apologized and he did not PRESS CHARGES. They left that town several months ago, but she still thought about the diner man sometimes This man was different. He said MA’AM and PLEASE and CHURCH. So she kept herself still. Kept her hands in her lap. Almost she asked why God would mind about her drawing on His walls—but Tomas never liked her drawing on his walls either, so maybe God felt the same. “I’m sorry.” She made herself look back up as she talked. Like she was supposed to. “I will clean it up.” There was soap and water and rags somewhere probably. And if she cleaned it up, maybe he would let her stay.
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“I had not meant to startle you.”
Truly, he hadn’t intended for such a sudden reaction, but perhaps, she had been too engrossed in her drawings, to expect another presence in the Church, especially at night.
Athelstan nods politely towards her, bringing the flickering candle in front of him, to see her more clearly.
His disapproving expression softened a little, as he heard her apologize. Maybe she really had no idea what she was doing was wrong. Her words did not seem to have any ill intent hidden within its depths, none that he could recognize, anyway.
“You’re forgiven, ma’am. And thank you.”
“There are some cleaning supplies inside the cupboard, just a short distance away.” He gestures towards it.
He then paused, as his eyes then flicker to the clock to determine the exact time of night, before looking back into the woman’s eyes. They looked like they were ringed in a faded red, which he immediately associated with sleep deprivation.
“It is getting quite late. Do you have a home to go to…?”
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communicationissues · 2 years
I love that I've always clung to minor characters (azelma, katja obinger, ***** **** etc) since I was itty bitty first in fandom spaces. like these are mine and I don't have to look at bad fanon characterization because there's very little of it! fuck you!
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marinanuxd · 4 years
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I just finished watching Orphan Black for the second time and I hate the fact that I missed this show when it aired and I missed being in the fandom. Like, I missed everything and now I'm just late even tho I fucking love this show :(
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sofiasdoodleslife · 4 years
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That's how hard last nights wayhaught scene hit me.
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reppyy · 4 years
Finally watching this XD
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diver5ion · 5 years
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Welcome To Clone Club (Via The Backseat Of A Car) 1.01 | “You’re not Beth.” 2.01 | “You don’t wanna know everything, Art.”
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tr-robot117 · 5 years
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Katja - 311A55 6 / ?
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rainbowcadillac · 5 years
orphan black characters as minion memes
(keep in mind im only up to s3 tho)
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darling-leech · 6 years
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sandy-stills · 5 years
I see Cosima dancing, Alison with the shriek and Helena in the ending. Tatiana Maslany is a goddess.
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Conny Kampla - Die Stiefel sind zum Wandern (These Boots are made for Wa...
Guten Morgen. Katja Obinger. 
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A Masterclass in Acting by Tatiana Maslany (part I | part II | part III | part IV)
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darkfenix9 · 7 years
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I miss Orphan Black
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daryldixonaf · 7 years
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but at least we stole the show
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lesbiangeekspiral · 7 years
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I couldn't possibly let my favourite ever TV show come to an end without  doing something to say a proper goodbye.
Some of you might have seen some of these photos floating around before; my collection of cloneplays has been growing steadily over the years. I felt that now was the right time to add Tony, Jennifer, and Beth to the gang. A lot has happened in my own life since the start of Orphan Black. I started and completed my degree. I came out as gay to my parents. I developed vitiligo and dealt with my own identity crisis as my face started to change. Thank you so much, @orphanblack, for providing such a vast, interesting and exciting array of strong women for me to look up to, no matter how I'm feeling or what I’m going through.
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straw-berrydemon · 7 years
What the fuck do you mean Tatiana Maslany isn’t an actual clone?? She Has so many sisters and They Are All So Different. What do you mean she plays all those characters herself??? Uhh sorry,,,,,,,,,not possible,,,have you seen that chemistry,,,,,,,
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