#kato katono
shoukokunoaltairfans · 8 months
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After successfully fulfilling his diplomatic mission to the Mamluk Sultanate, Mahmud took the time to go to Jerusalem on his way home for pilgrimage and worship. In the Stratocracy era, he was the only Pasha who visited this holy land. Mahmud wrote a description of this city (during the Mamluk government at that time) in his diary: "This city is always filled with pilgrims and travellers from various countries and various religions. There is the Masjidil Aqsha, which used to be the first Qibla for the Muslims before it was moved to Mecca. "The Al Aqsa Mosque consists of two mosques: the first is the blackish Ash Shakra dome mosque, and the second is the gold dome. The gold color of this second mosque is said to have been built during the Ummayah era. But I don't know anything about the first mosque."
"This city is relatively peaceful and prosperous. Thanks to the Cairo government, which manages it well. And high religious tolerance among its people and immigrants. The population of this city consists of various Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities. However from what I saw, the largest community was many after Muslims, perhaps Jews. Most of them work as traders and skilled craftsmen. It is said that based on the stories of many people here, their community is getting bigger because most of them are refugees from Europe. They fled because of the persecution policies of the tyrannical European kings against them."
"Based on the Sultan's story, this city experienced a terrible fate under the feet of the infidels (crusaders). Then came Saladin from the Kurds, who liberated this city with Allah's permission. But after that, there came an attack by a tribe of horsemen from the Tartars who occupied countries in the Levant and almost took this city, but the Mamluk troops managed to defeat them at Ain Jalut, which became a star of glory for their kingdom, replacing the kingdom of their masters (the Ayyubids). What is clear is that the security and prosperity that I feel in this city will never be achieved except by great sacrifice, and the Mamluks have proven their resilience over it all."
Mahmud Pashas diary (Dr. Ekrem Imamoglu), P.76
Note: Dr Ekrem Imamoglu explains; It seems that Mahmud had difficulty distinguishing or did not know about these two mosques. The truth is, the mosque he is referring to is the Al Qibli Mosque which is black in color. while the new Dome of As Shakrah or Dome of the Rock is golden. But it seems Mahmud probably doesn't know the name of this golden dome mosque at all. so he mistook Al Qibli for the Shakra Dome. vice versa.
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left; Al Qibli Mosque. Right: Dome of the Rock. both are part of the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex. not one of them. (Because there has been a misunderstanding circulating, that the Al Qibli Mosque is the real Aqsa Mosque. Even though it is actually not like that).
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egagology · 28 days
Shoukoku no altair vol 2 chapter 8
Shoukoku no Altair adalah manga yang di ciptakan oleh seorang mangaka bernama Katono Kato yang pertama kali terbit pada tahun 2007 di majalah weekly shounen sunday terbitan Shogakukan. Manganya sendiri bercerita Negara Militer Turki dan Baltrhain yang bertetangga telah berseteru. Suatu malam, seorang mentri Baltrhain terbubuh. Hal ini memperkeruh hubungan kedua negara.Di antara para jenderal yang ingin memulai perang, Mahmut memperhatikan fakta di balik pembunuhan itu! Pertempuran jenderalm muda Mahmud untuk memimpin perdamaian sekarang di sini !!
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shoukokunoaltairfans · 7 months
The third battle of Centro ( 16/02/79)
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The Third Battle of Centro, also known as the Phoenician War, was fought on the 16th of the month of Tencere, in the year 79 CTR, between a combined fleet consisting of the Knights of Rhodes, Sicilia, Naples, Genoa, Balt Rhein, and Li'solani, against the fleet of the Turkiye-Venedik alliance in the sea of Centro, near the city of Phoenicia. This was the third round of fighting in the entire conflict at sea between the two powers, in an attempt by the Imperial and Crusader alliances to dominate the waters of Centro after the failure of the land invasion of Sud. The Turkiye-Venedik fleet won a landslide victory, killing many of the Crusaders' commanders, capturing most of their warships, and taking many prisoners and booty. This battle was the end of the Balt Rhein Empire's dominance of the Centro and the loss of its vassal state on the island of Crete. It also had a major impact on the first appearance of the Turkiye naval dominance as the new ruler of the Centro Seas.
Power map of Balt Rhein Turkiye after the battle of Cinza.
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several Countries in Centro and Mediterranean Before a Battle.
Prime Minister Louis of Balt Rhein was still not giving up his passionate determination to continue fighting Turkiye. even though the expeditionary force sent to Sud was destroyed. while according to miller, (who argues that the expedition to Sud was not at the direction of St Michael) Louis once again used his bet to be able to take Sud by sea. His strategy was to cut off all Turkiye lines of communication and supplies by taking control of Centro so that he could directly threaten Imbros (a Venedic colony) and Constantinople. Louis mediated with Pope Nicholas V to organise another Crusade. Despite Rome's difficulties in mobilising the masses, due to internal conflicts in western Europe, the pope's invitation was successful in getting Genoa, Sicily, Naples and the Hosipitaller Knights of Rhodes to form an alliance.
On 22 Lale, 79 CTR, the Naples and Sicily Fleets of 100 galleys each besieged Li'solani. Donattello Doria immediately surrendered, and asked for security guarantees. even offered military assistance in order to fight the Türkiye and Venedik. thus, Li'solani broke out of his agreement with the Türkiye 2 years ago that they had signed themselves. Donatello's betrayal reached the venedik and received a strong reaction from Antonio Lucio, Doge Venedik. Antonio conveyed this news directly to Constantinople. in response to this Zaganos Pasha ordered careful military preparations to Hamza Pasha as the Kapudan Bahriye who was positioned in Phoenicia. in order to mobilise his fleet.
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Turkiye Galleys in 15th Century
In addition to taking control of Li'solani, the crusader fleet attacked any ship passing through the western centro. It did not even distinguish which ships belonged to Turkiye from those belonging to their own allies. On the 28th, there was an incident of robbery of a venedic merchant ship by the crusader fleet. The raids expanded to reach Ponente, Tharos, and St. Lucino. The two countries on the island of Crete decided to submit to the crusaders. facing the worsening situation in Centro. Antonio Lucio decided to make military preparations. The levy of goods was increased, and soldiers and archers were recruited. Marco Quirini, one of the Venedic commanders who participated in the first Centro War, was appointed Commander in Chief in place of Silvestro Brega. at the head of the Venedic Fleet mobilised in Imbros, consisting of 150 galleys.
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Various Types of Venetian Ships
On the 3rd of Tencere, Hamza Pasha ordered the addition of 150 galleys in Phoenicia and immediately accelerated the mobilisation. With this new navy, Hamza Pasha tried to get out of Phoenike Harbour and met a small part of the crusader fleet that was coincidentally trying to get closer to Phoenike for the sake of looting. A brief battle ensued, and Hamza Pasha was able to repulse the invaders' attack. From this brief battle, Hamza Pasha realised that it seemed that the crusaders were attacking without any coordination or prepared strategy. So there was a possibility of winning the battle.
The next day, the Balt Rhein Imperial Fleet, led by Andreas Patarini, left the vessels for Li'solani, where the Crusader Fleet was supposed to be assembled. In the evening, a council of war was held. A dispute ensued over who would command the combined Crusader Fleet. Andreas put himself forward to lead the fleet. However, the majority of the Sicilian and Genoese forces voted against him. The Genoese instead put forward Giustiniani (their warlord, who was rumoured to have disappeared after the battle of Gallipoli, 77 CTR) to lead their leet. It is known that Giustiniani did not die and managed to survive his humiliating defeat and escape to Rhodes. Giustiniani is currently on his way to lead the Hospitaller Knight Fleet to Li'solani to answer the call of the papal alliance.
However, the Giustiniani's arrival was very slow due to a westerly wind that was contrary to the direction they were travelling. Five days later, on Tencere 8, Giustiniani arrived at Li'solani and immediately convened the council of war once again. Provveditore Venier (Capitan of Naples), Albano Capello (Genoa), and Poei Manfredi (Li'solani) urged a direct attack on the Turkishye Venedik forces towards their headquarters, i.e., Phoenicia, given that both fleets were not yet fully organised. But Giusitiniani was hesitant about this proposal and preferred to target an easier target, i.e., the city of Chielo or the city of Scoglio. This proposal was supported by the commanders of the Balt Rhein. The crusader commander accused the Balt Rhein of greed and stubbornness, wanting only the result of the war for themselves. The division among the councils of war continued into the night. Nevertheless, Giustiniani finally supported the first opinion. and decided to reorganise his fleet, getting ready to face the Combined Turkiye-Venedik Fleet.
The fleet of the Crusader Alliance, consisting of 400 ships (according to Marino Satino), 200 galleys from Balt Rhein, 40 from Rhodes, 30 from Li'solani, 80 from Sicily, 30 from Genoa, and 20 from Naples. (Among all the ships, those of Genoa and Naples were the largest.) The movement of the Crusader fleet towards the battlefield was very slow due to the lack of wind. and the fleet only departed on the 12th. Meanwhile, the Venedic Turkiye Combined Fleet arrived in Phoenicia, consisting of 300 ships. The Turkish ships were dominated by small galleys (and no large ships), totaling 150 galleys. supported by the Venedic Fleet (100 Galleys, 20 Formosse, and 30 Mescolare). Hamza Pasha was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet. and prepared to organise his battle formation. upon hearing that the Crusader Fleet was moving towards Phoenicia.
The two fleets met on the Phoenicia Sea Route on the 16th. Seeing that the enemy forces had more fleets and larger ships, Hamza Pasha decided to face his galleys against the galleys of the Balt Rhein and Rhodes. while the Venedic forces faced the Genoese, Naples, and Li'solani. The two ships approached each other and began to fire arrows. Hamza Pasha arranged the formation of his galleys close to the enemy galleys so as to make it easier for his soldiers to fight each other, like a war on land. The war continued with mutual sword-slashing and arrow-shooting for a long time, turning into a frightening, bloody battle. The Imperial troops tried to break free from the oars of the Turkiye galleys. However, the two galleys had already docked and could not be released. Despite the bumpy and unstable tidal waters, the Turkiye troops were able to take control of the situation. and killed many of the Empire's marine troops. The Balt Rhein troops were in disarray as their commander, Andreas Patarini, was killed, so they decided to retreat, leaving their allies without a second thought. According to Satino, Andreas staggered on his ship due to the tide. then fell into the sea and drowned.
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Hamza Pasha General Commander of the Turkiye-Venedik Fleet
On the other hand, the Venedic battles against Naples, Genoa, and Naples are still ongoing. The Naples ships had difficulty keeping their fleet formation. So Marco Quirini took this golden opportunity to close his ships with the Naples ships. Provveditore Venier ordered his ships to retreat for a while in order to draw the Venedic forces further away from their gallai and thus separate them from the Main Fleet. The ships of Naples fought back by advancing ahead of the Venedik fleet; one of its commanders, Girolamo Minotto, misinterpreted Provveditore Venier's signal to stay away, according to Satino, and attacked the Venedik flagship instead. Seeing the tactical failure of the Naples forces, the commander of the Venedik Galleries, Lorenzo Festa, laid siege to the Naples Fleet. while Gianpaolo Cavallo attacked the Li'solani Galleries to separate them. 
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Marco Quirini commander of the venedic navy, who replaced Silvestro Brega.
Seeing the chaos in the formation of his battle fleet, Giustiniani tried to help by mobilising his remaining reserve ships. in order to release the blockade of the Venedik Force over the Naples troops. However, the Turkiye Galley, led by Hass Murad Pasha and Mesih Pasha, came from the side and intercepted the Genoa ships. The Genoa ships were able to match the Turkiye ships in battle by relying on the large size of their ships. thus being able to escape the interception. Venier himself was badly wounded by the many arrows that pierced him, feeling unable to continue the battle. He decided to withdraw his fleet and retreat. although the effort was quite impossible. However, Venier was able to make a feint with some of his crew by disguising himself as a common soldier and escaping with some of his ships that managed to escape the siege. 
As a result, the Genoese and Rhodesians were left alone. This angered Giusitiniani. upset, he decided to return to Li'solani. hoping that he could avenge his painful defeat at the Sea of Phoenicia. This third Centro Sea battle lasted from dawn to sunset. The combined Turkiye-Venedik fleet was finally able to defeat the Crusader fleet. Many captains and crew members of enemy ships were killed and taken prisoner. and captured 57 galleys and 10 galleons, according to Satino's records. while the rest were destroyed during the battle. while the Egyptian historian, Maqrizi, says the number reached 40. Nicollo (one of the Venedik historians who participated in the war) details the ships captured by the Venedik forces. Lorenzo Festa captured 70 galleys belonging to Li'solani, while Marco Quirini captured 10 galleons belonging to Naples and one flagship galleon belonging to Genoa. The record of warships captured by the Turkiye is not mentioned by Nicollo except based on Maqrizi's account. The Turkiye captured 57 galleys, or at least 40 galleys, belonging to the Balt Rhein and 22 galleys belonging to Rhodes and Li'solani. Casualties on the Turkiye and Venedik sides reached at least 4000 men. on the enemy side, as narrated by Maqrizi, reached 30000 men. Most of the casualties were from the Balt Rhein. 
Four days after the third Centro battle, Hamza Pasha and Quirini organised a pursuit of the fleeing Crusader fleet. The Turkiye-Venedik fleet approached the island of Crete and laid siege to Tarros and Ponente, which were the bases of the Balt Rhein Fleet's escape. After more than five days of siege, both cities were defeated. ending both city governments and entering into Turkiye domination. Hamza Pasha captured eight generals of the Balt Rhein superintendent and some resisting troops and executed them. Next, on the 27th, the Turkiye Venedik Fleet moved towards Li'solani through the Witch Straits to shorten the journey. Giustinianni had taken full command of the city's controls and taken Donatello Doria prisoner in his own palace, then prepared for the final battle. 
On the 28th, fighting broke out again around Li'solani waters. The Genoese and Li'solani Fleets put up a vigorous resistance to the attacks of the Turkiye-Venedik Fleet, destroying parts of their galleys. Giustiniani tried to keep the enemy fleet away from the island, but was unsuccessful. Due to the unstable wind direction, the situation was reversed when the wind direction actually blew to the west, which brought the Genoese and Li'solani ships closer to land. The Turkiye-Venetian fleet took advantage of this opportunity by showering them with fire arrows in order to burn their ships and surrounded them. Giustiniani was forced to change his strategy by adopting defensive tactics in the fortress. The Turkiye troops carried out the siege from the 1st to the 6th of Raki. Li'solani decided to surrender. Despite Giustiniani's ingenuity, he was able to defend the city and thwart two consecutive attacks by the Turkiye-Venedik fleet. Due to the discontent of the inhabitants and merchants, they wanted the Genoese to withdraw from their city. 
Hamza Pasha accompanied by the Janisaries entered the city on the 6th and ordered the troops to spread out, in search of Giustiniani. However, they did not find him. Most likely, Giustiniani had escaped with 700 of his troops by robbing some of Li'solani's Galleys and then returning to Italy. Hamza pasha then stormed Donatello's palace and arrested him while expressing his anger for betraying the Anti-Imperial Tripartite that had been agreed 3 years earlier. in return, Hamza Pasha placed Donatello's son, Antonio Doria as the new Li'solani ruler. signifying the end of the independence of the Li'solani government. and transformed into a Vassal state under the auspices of Turkiye.
The victory at Centro marked the beginning of the fledgling Turkiye naval supremacy that would continue to develop until the end of the Stratocracy and the return of the Ottoman Empire. Nicollo says that although the Turkiye lacked the quality of ships capable of matching the Venediks, Genoese, and Li'solani, and their ships were mostly small galleys, their rowers were adept at mobilising them according to the tide and wind direction. Hamza Pasha's strategy, docking fellow galleys until the transfer of rowing troops to enemy ships, and the ambush of the Genoese ship, which was in fact larger, made the Venedik commander, who witnessed the Turkiye way of war for the first time at sea, truly amazed. seen, several times the Turkiye troops applied the strategies of the Venedik troops themselves. One of them was pouring oil or soap on the enemy's deck to throw off their balance when moving. Or, the troops' shoes were coated with sand so that they could walk on the soap. Because of this, Nicollo commented, "This tribe of horsemen has learned something from us.".
According to Seth Perry, "the destruction of the Crusader Fleet at Centro emphasised the influence of Turkiye, this time not only dominating the land but also the sea. This was evidenced by the conquest of Tarros, Ponente, Li'solani, and finally Vessels. making Turkiye a major player in naval warfare. next to Venedik, Li'solani, and Genoa.
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shoukokunoaltairfans · 8 months
How could Mahmut change direction to become a pro-war faction on Zaganos' side?
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Some historians differ regarding Mahmut's attitude of turning 180 degrees to become a supporter of Zaganos, as well as its radical ideologies. to the point of abandoning the dreams and thoughts of Sehir Halil, his own adoptive father. Some people think that Mahmut is not yet mature and that he is still unstable, so he is easily influenced by anyone. Others argue that Zaganos used cunning tactics by eliminating most of his fellow supporters of the Halil faction through the Rumeliana Crusade. thus creating a sense of trauma in Mahmut's desire to take revenge on the Imperial Army.
However, if we examine Mahmut's attitude as well as Zaganos' political tactics on the divan during the Rumeliana crusade, then we find that things are not as they say. Mahmut is the type of person who learns from their weaknesses and mistakes. This was proven in various missions and events that occurred after he was removed from the divan. He tries to become better and stronger, and he develops the viewpoints of various people he meets across the country. However, the point of view he developed was still directed towards Halil's ideology. Moreover, the people he met (Mizraki Bayazit, Fatma, Orhan, Ismail, and Suleyman Bashkan) were in the Halil Faction. That's why he concluded that peace is everything and considered that thought to be correct. However, Halil's death, accompanied by the Crusaders coming to invade Sud, changed his entire perspective. when he was rescued from captivity and returned to Constantinople. He still defended his beliefs by scolding Zaganos, accusing him of being the culprit of all the disasters that occurred. However, things changed drastically when he was defeated by Zaganos in a sword duel. Zaganos, in this case, is trying to instill a new perspective in Mahmut, that the incident that happened to his family 14 years ago was caused by his weakness. not the impact of the war itself. He said that no matter how hard he pursued peace, he would never achieve it until he returned to Allah's side. He will continue to face endless conflicts and wars, which are motivated by religious, cultural, and political motivations. If not, of course Rasulullah Shallallahu Allaihi Wassalam and his companions could live comfortably and be surrounded by comfort, because they should have been able to achieve peace much earlier. But apparently, that didn't happen in history. On the contrary, their lives were marked by the harshness of the struggle, the shedding of blood, and the deaths of the martyrs. It was not uncommon for the Prophet, Shallallaahu Allaihi Wassalam, to lose his uncle, Hamzah, in the Uhud war. He also lost his adopted son, Zaid, in the Mu'tah war. However, all these losses did not make the prophet afraid, and instead he chose the path of peace. He continued to advance and fight jihad until he succeeded in his preaching and left an Islamic country, which became the embryo for the birth of subsequent Islamic dynasties in the future. (Zaganos' words show how deep his historical scholarship and his straight and competent understanding of religion are.).
Mahmut's meeting with the Pasha of the Zaganos Faction (Saruca, Karaca, Hasan Ulubat, Karamanli Ishaq, and Radu Del Crumos). made him doubt the path of his ideology that he had adhered to all this time, even doubting Halil Pasha's own thoughts. Slowly, he began to leave this path and decided to join the Zaganos Faction. From the short stories above, the slanted assumption emerges that Mahmut is still unstable and has no convictions. This opinion emerged even in the mouths of the Pasha of the Khalil faction, who did not believe in Mahmut's betrayal and had the heart to abandon their adoptive father's vision and mission. Mahmut has refuted this slanted opinion by saying, "Previously, I thought that this world was only a bowl. But now I am shocked to see that this world is like an end without an end. Halil's thinking might only be able to hold water in this bowl. But it's impossible if this bowl is filled with something that has no limits." He further said, "I used to think that Khalil's thoughts were correct, but in the end I decided to accept the reality that my family had died and they would never come back. It was me who was stupid and didn't want to accept this bitter reality. So I decided to take the Halil path. Therefore, no matter how much I lose the people I love, I will not be afraid and continue to fight for jihad until Allah decides the matter between us and them (the infidels). I used to sacrifice my life to achieve a trace of peace; now I will sacrifice my life no longer for anyone, not for Zaganos, not for this country, but for the sake of Allah and His Messenger."
Mahmut's statement above shows the sharpness of his mind and his true religious knowledge. He is at least able to act, make decisions, or change them according to the conditions and reality in which he lives. even if it means conflicting with the ideals of his faction and his own adoptive father. This is very different from the Halil faction, especially Mimar Zeki Pasha, who also criticised Mahmut's change in attitude and continued to adhere to the Halil ideology until the end. Mahmut's attitude towards something is based on reality, not feelings.
Sources: M. Tayyib Gökbilgin Tuğrul Mahmut Paşa (2021) Istanbul, Turkiye.
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In addition to naval development, Zaganos Pasha also modernized Turkiye's ground forces. The ground forces at that time consisted only of Sipahi cavalry forces without any infantry units. then infantry troops began to be added in the military division of Turkiye. Their weaponry was the spear of halberd that was brought from the land of Toro. also weaponry for melee combat such as Shamsir swords and circle-shaped shields to protect themselves.
Zaganos pasha did not forget to pay attention to the Division of the Sipahi Cavalry forces, the old-fashioned helmets commonly worn by sipahi troops were replaced with Chichak-style helmets. Their armor is made thicker so that it can withstand the puncture of a special European-style sword, but still flexible. Turkiye cavalry horses were generally only saddled, but this time they were coated in armor in order to survive the balt Rhein's spear formation. The armor worn on horses is made light and thin in order to move at high speed, and break through enemy infantry forces. and this was used by the Heavy Cavalry.
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Chichak Helmet 
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Horse With Armory
In general, zaganos' Infantry army was yeniceri's army. Yeniceri's forces in Turkiye have a wide variety of divisions, which can be known by the uniforms they wear. in Turkiye, their Yeniceri Army was red, and this was the Yeniceri division formed by Zaganos Pasha. in Muzrak, yeniceri they were blue, serving as muskeeters as well as archers. there is another Yeniceri in kuluch in green uniform who is on the front line for close combat. however, during the Rumeliana Crusades, Zaganos Pasha always relied on his Yeniceri Army as the main army.
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Muzrak Yeniceri 
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Turkiye Yeniceri
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Kuluch Yeniceri
Turkiye was one of the first to use rifles in the 15th century. The rifle used is a Matchlock type that has a firing range between 100 to 200 meters. It was first used in the Civil War of 4 Military States in the year 75 Turkish Calendar. but after that it was destroyed for no apparent reason. Zaganos Pasha ordered Muslihiddin Reis to return to produce the weapon. it is said that Turkiye obtained a replica of the weapon from the assemblies of several Dynasties of China and Central Asia. Yeniceri's troops were trained in rifles, then incorporated into the Musketeer division serving as long-range shooters in combat. They gathered in a battalion and then took aim and fired simultaneously at the command of the commander. The Musketeers have made many major contribution in several battles in Rumeliana. especially in the wars of Asykavya and Kosovo, where they were able to kill hundreds of Cavalry soldiers and Balt Rhein infantry, it was even known that the matchlock bullets were able to penetrate the giant Balt Rhein shields and their armor. Pasha, who had served as commander of the musketeer's army, was; Karaca Pasha, Syihabudin Syahin Pasha, and Bayazid Pasha.
The other most important weaponry in turkiye's history was cannons. It was the most recent weapon of the 15th century. In Turkiye one of those who managed to bring in gun-making techniques was Orban. he was once a commander of Zeni forces in the Balt Rhein Empire. until finally he betrayed, and decided to serve Turkiye and give up his expertise to them. the models of cannons that existed at that time were various. from the smallest to the largest. Cannons used on open battlefields are usually driven on trains. sometimes equipped with a cover in front of it. while large cannons, usually used in the siege of enemy strongholds. The largest gun Orban ever designed was the Basilica Cannon which was 8 meters long with a diameter of more than 0.7 meters. the muzzle of the cannon alone can be entered by adults. the thick lip of the cannon reaches 20 cm of solid metal. the bullet weighs up to 700kg per bullet. It was this gun that once destroyed phoenician fortifications in the month of Ak Koyunlu in the 77th year of the Turkiye calendar. it is also known that it was used in the siege of St. Michael in the late 80s of the Turkiye Calendar.
In the case of heavy weaponry, Zeni's forces and artillery forces were formed in the Turkiye military division to carry out this task. These divisions were important, as they were often driven both on a wide-scale battlefield, as well as the conquest of fortresses. in the battle of Asykavya, the Turkish army managed to destroy the Zeni Balt Rhein Forces that wearing balista. so was the Kosovo War. where the Artillery was able to destroy 20,000 Hermann Cavalry Soldiers belonging to balt Rhein. Balt Rhein's troops were rightly frightened by turkiye's new weapon at the time. even these cannon guns are much more deadly than their Balista guns.
after the End of the Rumeliana Crusade, the total turkiye army had reached 250,000 Soldiers.  this still does not include reserve troops in every eyalet, nor does it include marines in the navy.
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Cannon with Split Trail elevation, and Draught Trail
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Model of Cannon with Drought Trail
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Mehmet Great Cannon or also named with Basilica Gun
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Trebuchet, Siege Weaponry which used In Middle Ages 
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Siege Of Phoenicia ( 77 Of Turkiye Calendar )
The siege of Phoenicia by the Turkiye Forces lasted from the 26th of Ak Koyunlu to the 8th of Kara Koyunlu in 77 Calendar turkiye. after Mahmud Pasha defeated imperial forces in the Asykavya Valley and conquered several cities in South Rumeliana. The situation of the phoenician city after the defeat, filled with refugees from the army lost the war. After fierce fighting between the two sides, Ryan Lowe bargained with Mahmud so that he could surrender his city peacefully, and Mahmud agreed. The fall of Phoenicia was the beginning of the loss of influence of the Balt Rhein Empire in South Rumeliana for ever. Balt Rhein’s efforts now invaded Turkiye directly through the north which triggered the Battle of Muchever. although in this war even the Balt Rhein Forces also suffered defeat.
the state of military power between the two sides changed drastically in the mid-77th Turkish Calendar. when the Turkish forces led directly Zaganos Pasha broke the balt Rhein army’s attack on southern Turkiye at the Battle of Maritsa. Turkiye’s forces now took advantage by launching a full-on attack on the Balt Rhein forces in South Rumeliana. Balt Rhein’s forces were pushed back and retreated to the border between Phoenicia, Furullio, Espada, Humo and Seallant. Their greatest defeat came at the battle of Ashkavya. most of the Balt Rhein soldiers were killed and taken prisoner. between the months of Tuz and Ak Koyunlu, Mahmud Pasha had taken control of Humo, Seallant, Espada, Chielo and Furullio. the surviving imperial forces fled to Scoglio, and Phoenicia, who was still Survived.
Situation in Phoenicia
Phoenician conditions have become claustrophobic, since the defeat at Asykavya. The city is now filled with soldiers fleeing mahmud pasha’s conquest. day after day, the refugees continue to grow. there are approximately 14 generals in the city. Lowe was forced to make the soldiers as frontline troops to defend the city. although they had experienced fatigue, and wounds from battle. Ryan Lowe expected reinforcements to come from balt Rhein allies, such as the Crusaders, as well as from Salos. but it turns out that the Turkiye navy along with the Venedic Fleet has blocked the Pheonicia canal. before Mahmud’s main army came from the ground. Lowe tries to save as much food and money as possible to face the inevitable Siege. After conquering Furullio, Mahmud Pasha arrived at the gate of phoenician land fortifications on the 26th.
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After a brief reconnaissance around the city, Mahmud Pasha’s forces camped out in front of a land-side fortress. for 6 consecutive days, Turkish forces continued to rain down on the city’s fortifications with Cannon fire, and Trebuchet. but has not reaped significant results. the city fortress still stands firmly. Mahmud Pasha immediately ordered the first attack. Turkish troops were accompanied by siege towers made as high as possible in order to climb phoenician giant fortresses. but until the 3rd, the month of Ak Koyunlu. Turkish forces have not managed to break through the fort. casualties on the turkish side of the army were greater at the beginning of the battle.
Mahmud Pasha realized that a cannon of standard caliber would not be able to break into the giant fortress. He was still waiting for the Cannon basilica to arrive from Constantinople. On the 5th, 2 Cannons of the Basilica were ready to be placed in front of the city fortress. The cannon’s fire destroyed part of the wall and created a large gap. Turkish troops crowded into the gap, which was then greeted by resistance from the imperial forces guarding the city. The Imperial Army was unable to repel turkish forces, at the same time, the balt rhein forces had to face attacks from venedic and Turkish forces on the side of the sea fortifications.
on the 7th, Ryan Lowe and his entourage of envoys came to Mahmud, to offer surrender. Mahmud Pasha told Lowe that he would conquer the city by force. and slaughtered the remaining Balt Rhein troops. as they once did in the first conquest of Phoenicians in 75 the Turkish Calendar. Mahmud said that one of the Turkish flags had fluttered on the northwestern side of the fortress. but his army was repulsed. Lowe threatened Mahmud that his troops would burn Phoenicia, slaughter its Inhabitants, and burn their own possessions and food. moreover, that the phoenician population showed their support for the Turks. hearing of the threat, Mahmud finally agreed to Lowe's agreement, however, the Imperial army still had to surrender unconditionally, and they were able to leave the city after paying the ransom. Mahmud proposed a total of 100,000 gold ducats to free the 20,000  Balt Rhein Soldiers who guarded the city during the battle. Lowe complained that the soldiers could not afford such a ransom. he proposed that 7000 of them be redeemed with 30,000 ducats. and Mahmud agreed.
The next day, on the 8th, on Lowe's orders, the Balt Rhein Army surrendered the city of Phoenicia to Mahmud's army peacefully. very different from the conquest of balt Rhein in the city in 75 Turkiye Calendar. Lowe paid 30,000 ducats to free 7,000 of his soldiers. while the rest are paid individually. Mahmud Pasha set 10 Ducats for soldiers who wanted to redeem themselves. at each city gate, a commander is stationed to ensure that only the person who has paid the ransom is allowed out. and those who cannot afford the ransom will be taken captive. despite having set a relatively low ransom price, there were still many Balt Rhein soldiers who could not afford it. they came from among the soldiers who lost the battle of Ashkavya, as well as those who escaped during the operation to conquer mahmud's army. mahmud pasha was still kind by raising their weaponry as a ransom price.
The Venedik army after the end of the battle, took a chance by forcibly taking the Balt Rhein Soldiers to be made Slaves. however, Mahmud Pasha forbade them, as he himself was already under agreement with Ryan Lowe. Mahmud Pasha declared freedom for the Balt Rhein Warriors to leave the city without ransom. it made some venedik soldiers as well as pashas feel annoyed and astonished at his actions. for they themselves did not obtain good booty assets after conquest. Mahmud pasha reasoned that he did this to change the statement of the Rumeliana who considered the Turks to be the barbarians who ruled the land. instead, after the inner-city affairs were completed, Mahmud pasha distributed a ransom of 4,118,000 gold coins to be distributed to both turkiye and Venedic soldiers.
After the Conquest, Mahmud Pasha planned to build a Mosque in Phoenicia, he did not change the church there in order to attract sympathetic Orthodox Christians. Mahmud Pasha handed over the construction of the Mosque to Mimar Zeki. to control the inner affairs of the city, Mahmud entrusted Hamzah Pasha as commander of the Turkiye navy.
Doge Venedik, Antonio Lucio congratulated him for capturing the Lighthouse City. he asked Mahmud to re-establish a trade partnership that had been destroyed since the first Phoenician battle. His request was granted and the right to trade rights was retained. however, Venedic's trade relationship with Phoenicians did not last until the signing of the Treaty of Florence.
Mahmud Pasha continued to capture a number of cities still under imperial control. among them; Nina, Sal, Campana, Scoglio, Ovest. while the navy of Turkiye and Venedik moved to conquer the castle on the seafront centro. Like, Bosque, Sirena, Almeja, Duna. Their navy also moved to besiege the Island City which still provided support to the Empire. Li'solani decides to surrender, followed by Salos and Ponente.
Meanwhile, the News of the Fall of Phoenicia was brought by Philip, as well as several other commanders and soldiers. while Mahmud Pasha had conquered the entire land of Sud Rumeliana towards the end of the year 77 the Turkiye Calendar. it is not known why balt Rhein did not provide assistance to the army after the Fall of Phoenicia. feeling impossible again to seize sud territory, Minister Louis again launched an attack north of the Turkiye Border. which was his last attempt to launch a counterattack against Turkiye. although it also ended in the failure of a military expedition to Muchever, leading to the signing of the Treaty of Florence.
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Timeline Sud military Expedition by Turkiye.
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Battle of Muchever ( 08/01/78 )
The Battle of Muchever was a failed military campaign initiated by the Balt Rhein Empire against Turkiz in early 78 calendar Turkieh, in response to their conquest of sud territory. This battle was the last battle in the period of the First Balt Rhein – Turkey War. which was then concluded by the agreement of the Treaty of Florence on the 30th, the month of Lale, the year 78 of the Turkiye Calendar.
Balt Rhein’s military power faltered after their defeat at Asykavya, then the fall of the Lighthouse City of Phoenicia into Turkish’s grasp. Virigilio Louis had delivered a message to Cardinal Izidor, to ask the Pope for help in Rome,to re-wage a crusade. but the request was difficult for Izidor’s view. The Papacy of Rome fell in the Italian war ( 77 - 80 Calendar Turkiye ), after the Emperor of the Habsburgs, Freederick III launched an attack on the pro-Papal state in the north. in addition, the Battle of Lombardy between Burgundy and Milan, drained the pope’s attention. Minister Louis turned his attention to Hungary to enlist the help of Mathiaas Corvinus. reminded him for the sake of the Christian faith, for the sake of expelling turks from Europe. Mathiaas sent his emissary to St. Michael with a large amount of possessions as an oath. however, he himself was not in Budapest, he was at war with the Duchy of Austria in order to claim the Austrian throne from Ladislaus the Posthumous.
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Mathiaas Corvinus, King of Hungary between 70 - 86 Turkiye Calendar .
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Ladislaus the Posthumous, Reigning Austria between 76 - 78 Turkiye Calendar.
Minister Louis decided to spend a lot of state coffers, needing a lot of money to hire mercenaries from Bosnia, Moldavia to Serbs and Poland. St. Michael’s diet rejected his policy of exacerbating the country’s condition after a prolonged war on the Rumelia Peninsula. Nevertheless, Minister Louis promised victory for the Empire. King Gol De Balt IX agreed.
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Muchever Battlefiled in Rumeliana Contigent.
Composition of Balt Rhein Forces
Balt Rhein’s army numbered 90,000. consists of 45,000 Balt soldiers, 15,000 Elvadezberg soldiers, and the rest from the Standby Forces in the capital, as well as from the Rhine Region. the commander of the main army is held by lelederik. Elvadez’s army commander was held by Glarat as his most loyal army of Lelederic guards and Servants. the mercenaries who were the main supporters of the Balt Rhein army numbered 40,000. 11,000 serbian and Bulgarian men, under Frunzhin’s command. 12,000 Bosnian archers under castriozeks command. the other cavalry troops from moldavia as well as Poland.
Composition of Turkiye Forces
Turkish forces are estimated at 60,000 - 100,000 men. including 20,000 Wallachian soldiers. the most widely said sources by German historians, including Tuchman is 60,000. while Sukrullah in his Tarikh 80,000. Turkish troops also included 20,000 Wallachian Soldiers, under the command of Stephen Lackfi, on the orders of King Zgymunt III. as the embodiment of Turkiye’s political friendship with Wallachia, and the Three-State Alliance.
Siege of Muchever
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Sack Of Muchever after Captured by Balt Rhein Forces.
Preparations for balt Rhein’s troops are concentrated in the north of balt which is directly adjacent to Buchak Stratocracy with its capital, Muchever. Minister Louis’s plan was to take control of the region as a springboard to break into turkish territory all the way to Constantinople. moreover, on the border of Buchak there is a road built by Sultan Uzun Ismail which is directly connected to the Balt area. although the road was only half finished, the lelederic army continued to force themselves to pass through it despite the risks.
on the 31th, the Month of Cay, 77 of turkiye Calendar, the lelederic army had crossed the buchak border and reached the capital Muchever. Kurtchu Dogan, as commander of the standby forces in Muchever realized he had to defend the city to the point of bloodshed. he received a message from Zaganos Pasha, telling him to continue defending the city fortress until the main army arrived. Zaganos Pasha had departed from Constantinople from the 25th, passing balta all the way to Muzrak. there he met Lackfi’s Wallachian army and joined Zaganos’ army.
although with a relatively weak defense, turkish forces were able to defend the city of Muchever for 7 days. Balt Rhein forces have been beginning the siege since the 1th, Month of Lale, 78 Turkiye Calendar. although the city eventually fell as well, the lelederik ordered his troops to plunder Muchever and slaughter the Inhabitants as punishment for daring against the Imperials. but a few hours later, word came from his spy, that the Turks were on their way to Muchever. Lelederik orders his troops to stop looting and immediately confronts Zaganos’ army with confidence.
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Since Dawn on the 8th, lale month, Year 78 of the Turkiye Calendar, the soldiers have organized themselves under the command of their respective war banners. Lelederik ordered the middle-wing troops to advance first, followed by right and left wing forces. although the commanders of balt Rhein were uneasy with this tactic. worried if the Turkiye forces set a trap. a mercenary of 40000 men was stationed by lelederik in the back row.
Schiltberger and Nevers realized the number of turkish right- and left-wing troops was smaller than the center wing. they focused the attack on this point to break through the Turkish war formations. while the Turkish central army led by Syihabudin Syahin Pasha fought with the central wing of Balt Rhein led by Phillpie De'Eou. Phillipe’s army was superior to Syihabudin’s, forcing him to retreat. followed by the right and left armies. this scene makes Schiltberger and nevers think that victory is at hand. they’re chasing a turkish army that’s running away.
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Syihabudin’s forces also retreated, but gradually to maintain the formation of his forces. In contrast to the right and left wings that have been destroyed because of their fewer numbers against enemy forces. Zaganos Pasha tried to lure balt Rhein’s troops into moving in the direction he wanted. He shouted “I’m the commander, kill me”. Balt Rhein’s forces without hesitation immediately attacked zaganos troops from two sides at once. Zaganos’ army fled backwards. mercenaries who saw the defeat of the Turkish army intervened to carry out the pursuit. however, Lelederik prevented them, instead insulting them by saying that it was his army that would monopolize this battle, and that they were merely a deterrent to his army. hearing this humiliation, provoking the anger of the Mercenaries so that they decided to withdraw from the battle, they were disappointed that it was imposed racist by lelederik. Strangely enough, lelederik just let them go.
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Balt Rhein’s forces continued towards a hill, hoping they could cross paths with zaganos’ fleeing main army. but they saw a strange sight of a lined Haystack which they thought was a barrier to block the movement of enemy forces. so the Balt Rhein forces underestimated him and continued to advance. however, cannon fire came heavily against their troops, balt Rhein’s troops became confused, not knowing where the gun came from, they tried to avoid the cannon fire, but failed. Balt Rhein’s forces decided to retreat in confusion. as they prepared to retreat, Turkish cavalry and wallachian forces came to besiege them, it was reported that almost all the troops perished and some survived, captives. it is known that the haystack was a camouflage form of a cannon hidden to outwit imperial forces, according to Schiltberger’s description.
Turkish forces on the right and left have fled to the high hill, this time beginning to draw up plans to ambush Phillipe De'Eou’s forces on the centre wing. they stormed suddenly on both sides of balt rhein’s weak army. Balt Rhein’s forces were pushed back and retreated after experiencing severe fatigue as they continued to fight, as did Syihabudin Pasha’s forces. but their escape was not simply left to the Turkish army. The Turkish cavalry helped with the pursuit of the Balt Rhein forces to prevent them from joining the Lelederic army.
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Zaganos Pasha ordered the Cavalry forces to be divided in two, 20,000 Cavalry under the command of Mentesoghlu Ilyas Bey besieged De'Eou’s forces, while 20,000 Wallachian cavalry attacked the lelederic and Glarat-led Elvades soldiers. Zaganos’ own forces focused their attacks on the lelederic forces. a few thousand Balt Rhein troops fled to hear rumors that Lelederik had been killed. Lelederik and Glarat’s stay with Elvadesberg’s forces defended his commander. Elvadesberg’s forces continued to resist the siege of the Turkiz forces, until they suffered a complete defeat and Lelederik was captive, at the hands of Zaganos’ forces.
Zaganos Pasha traveled around the battlefield that day, arriving at the ruins of Muchever City, his anger mounting after the discovery of the slaughtered inhabitants of Muchever along with the discovery of Kurtchu Dogan’s body. he commanded all the captives to be gathered before him the next day. Zaganos Pasha asked the captives to be bound together in groups of three or four and their hands tied to be herded naked before Zaganos. in the process, a group of executioners begin to kill each group in turn. beheadings, or the removal of other limbs. the general’s classy prisoner, forced to stand next to Zaganos to witness the execution. the Generals were then executed as well on Zaganos’ orders. the number of death is said to range from 300 to 3,000, although the number of death on the battlefield is much higher.
As for the other surviving captives, forced to march 350 miles to Gallipoli, stripped of clothes all the way to their shirts and mostly without shoes, with their hands tied and beaten by the Executioner. After two days at Gallipoli, the prisoners were transferred to Bursa in Asia, where they waited for news of a ransom. some of them were eventually released under the agreement of the Treaty of Florence.
In the third week of the 25th, rumors of defeat at Muchever spread to St. Michael. especially after Lelederik fell as a prisoner. Zaganos pasha used Lelederik as a political prisoner, threatening King Gol De balt IX to kill her if he insisted on continuing the episode of war to Turkish.
Broader ramifications
The threat from Zaganos Pasha left St Michael’s diet unstoppable. moreover, King Gol De Balt IX’s wish for his nephew to return safely. St. Michael’s diet forced the King to make peace with Turkiye, ignoring the opposition ridden by Louis who still insisted on continuing the war. the King leans towards the first opinion, he no longer believes in Louis’s sweet promise. although it still allowed him to serve as Imperial Prime Minister.
The Imperial delegation to turkiye left St. michael on the 26th, negotiating a peace treaty. At Zaganos’ wishes, all Rumeliana leaders will attend the negotiation of the peace treaty as collateral. negotiations will take place in the city of Florence in Cuore. as the largest center of political diplomacy in Rumeliana, the delegation agreed.
On the 30th, the month of Lale, year 78 of the Turkiye calendar, balt Rhein and Turkiye signed the treaty of Florence. attended by all rumeliana leaders. This agreement led Turkiye to acquire sud territory. Divan formed their new administrative government, and began appointing pashas to lead the region. Florence agreement is valid for 3 years, 3 months. although the reality can only last for less than a year.
Turkiye’s victory in Muchever, reversing Rumeliana’s political power in favor of Turkiye. Balt Rhein’s forces became a position forced to defend against attacks by his neighboring countries. and became a threat not only to balt Rhein, but central European countries even Western Europe.
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Turkiye Territory after Treaty Of Florence.
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Treaty Of Edirne
Balt Rhein recognized the entire conquest of Turkiye over the Rhein and Balt Territories. And Turkiye designated several cities located in Elvadez and adjacent to the capital of the Empire and the banks of the Danube River as belonging to the Balt Rhein.
The Empire expressed loyalty to Turkiye and was obliged to pay Jizyah 50,000 pieces of Ducat annually.
Both countries' hostilities were abolished.
Balt Thein was willing to give up his subordinate states to Turkiye authorities, such as Salos, and Ponente.
Turkiye was willing to free all the captives, both from the Empire and the European Alliance without any ransom
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Balt Rhein Turkish War 76 - 80 Calender Turkiye
Dark Green ( Turkiye Province )
Light Green : Vassal Or Allies
Become Light Green : Become Turkiye Allies
Become White : Transition Authority Or  inaugurated a new king
Become White : war situation ( only for Island Part )
Kingdom of Naples Become Part of Castille Kingdom on Spain
Friedrich III become King Unity Of Habsburg
Amasra Become Part Of turkiye Province without Conflict
Become Red : Rebellion Or Declaration Of War
Become White Between Two Lines Country: Peace Treaty Agreement  
White : Surrender / Neutral
Dark yellow : Balt Rhein Vassal / Allies ( Only For Rumeliana and Centro Contigent )
Habsburg, Naples, Translvania, and Dulqadir Are not Allies Or Vassal From Balt Rhein
Update: with Timeline. editing some error.
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Battle Of Arch ( 24 / 01 /80 )
The Battle of Arch was a major battle between Turkiye forces against Balt Rhein forces with the Crusaders Alliance that took place near an Anata valley, 40,000 Zira from the Arch Defense fort which was occupied by the Empire on the 24th day of Lale in the 80th of the Turkiye calendar. This battle includes a very phenomenal battle in the history of Rumeliana and Europe. which ended in the Decisive Victory of the Turkiye Stratocracy and the Decline of the Balt Rhein Empire, culminating in the Treaty of Edirne.
On the 13th of Tuz in 79 Turkiye Calendar, is the end of the first round of Italian War When the Habsburg Empire supported by the Austrian Duchy, Bohemia, and Bavaria agreed to sign a peace treaty with Pope Piuz II, the successor of Pope Nicholas V who died. The Vatican, supported by the Kingdoms of Castille and Aragon, along with the Kingdoms of Sicily and Naples Agree to sign this Agreement which was requested from the two warring parties. from both the Habsburg League and the Vatican League. The two sides agreed to make peace accompanied by feelings of concern for the movement of the Turkish troops which were getting closer to the Danube River boundary. and the successive defeat of the Balt Rhein Empire in the Rumelian wars. Pope Piuz II again formed a New Crusader Movement which would be mobilized to help the Balt Rhein against the Turkish Forces on the Balkan Peninsula. After the Treaty of Peace, Pope Piuz II sent letters to the Kings of Europe, including Casimir IV (King of Poland and Lithuania) Matthias Corvinus (King of Hungary) John Huniyadi (Voivode Translvania). Stephen III (Prince of Moldavia). but it seems that the Pope has lost hope of embracing England and France who are still busy with their 100 year war. The 100 Years Battle of England - France ended in 83 of the Turkiye calendar.
In The Month of Kara Koyunlu Year 79 Turkiye calendar, Pope Piuz II convened a Council at the Vatican to declare war on all Europeans against turks. The Kings of Europe responded to the pope's invitation by preparing land and sea troops. King Ferdinand I of Naples and John II of Aragon (who became king of Sicilia) had hired the Genoese navy, to transport their troops to the Balkans of 20,000. German troops accompanied by their allies, Austria, Bavaria and Bohemia prepared their 50,000 best Soldiers. accompanied by ammunition and cannons. while King Casimir IV of Poland had prepared 40,000 Soldiers. (15,000 of them are Hussar Cavalry troops).  Prince of Moldavia, Stephen III prepared 20,000 Soldiers. As for the Kingdom of Hungary with Translvania, they prepared 55,000 Soldiers. then supported by a Standby army of the Balt Rhein empire of 40,000 soldiers. the total number of these combined troops amounted to between 200,000 - 225,000 Soldiers. The ground troops moved first to Budapest. then head to the capital Balt Rhein, St. Michael in the new year. The marines are known to have reached St. Michael in Cay.
The Turkish stratocracy seemed to first prepare the troops and learned of the crusader's advance towards Rumeliana sponsored by Pope Piuz II. Zehir Zaghanos Pasha had moved 80,000 soldiers of Anatolian Province under the command of Ahad Pasha, as reinforcements when needed. and when all the crusaders had arrived at St. Michael, Zaghanos Pasha ordered Tughril Mahmud Pasha to take 80,000 soldiers and join Ahad Pasha's army. to guard balt territory, Mahmud Pasha handed over command of 70,000 troops to Karamanli Ishak Pasha. Mahmud's forces then moved south Then the troops of Sud Province led by Karaca Pasha numbered 40,000 Soldiers joined him. so that the total turkish soldiers are known to reach 200,000 soldiers, at the same time the Crusaders moved, and the two armies met in the valley of Anata on the 24th of Lale.
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the two Armies met in the vast valley of Anata on the same day at noon. The large number of troops is like a crowd of ants, as Breissman freud said, a commander of the standby forces in the Arch's stronghold. at that time the Balt Rhein Forces guarding the fortress, could see the Turkish and Crusader forces at the same time. and they were the witnesses of the battle.
Tughril Mahmud Pasha as the main commander of the turkish army divided his troops into three wings. with 100 cannons stationed in the front line of the army's central wing. on the other hand Mahmud Pasha hid his main Cavalry troops on a steep hill as his command center. with 200 cannons facing the heart of the army and 100 cannons facing the right wing side of the army. in other words, Mahmud Pasha did not show his main artillery power in front of the enemy directly. as he also did not rest the actual number of soldiers before them. while on the side of the crusader Alliance, they placed 300 Cannons directly directed at the heart of the enemy forces. on the Right and left wings have been strengthened with the 15,000 best Cavalry troops of the Habsburgs and Poland.  
The beginning of the battle began with gunfire between the two sides. the direction of enemy cannons leads to the heart of turkish forces, turkish forces in the central wing experiencing chaos formations. shortly thereafter, the Crusaders advanced against the enemy forces valiantly. The Crusaders focused their attack on the central wing of the turkish army.  (because they thought that their commander in chief was there). Ibrahim Pasha, commander of the Turkish army, was killed and replaced by Radu Bey Del Crumos, as was the strategy of Mahmud Pasha. Turkish forces on the right and left flanks were also pushed. they retreated to avoid being hit by the Crusaders.
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to prevent significant advances from the crusaders,Turkish artillery placed on the hill was fired towards the enemy forces to block further movement of enemy forces in order to destroy the wings of the troops. Mahmud Pasha as the main commander continued to monitor the situation from his command center. he forced both armies to fight to the point of exhaustion. thus he can bring out his main army that still has fresh and strong energy while seizing victory. the deadlock situation is known to continue for 3 hours.
After the two armies had been exhausted, and felt unable to continue the war, that's when Mahmud Pasha Came out with his cavalry and began to launch a blockade against christian forces. for that he divided his army into 2 parts, one company led by himself to attack the left Wing, while the army company led by Ahmed bey attacked enemy forces on the right wing. because of the depletion of christian troops who fought, many victims fell on the side of those who did not expect the arrival of the impromptu attack. but miraculously, about 10,000 Christian troops at that time managed to escape mahmud's army blocking and decided to flee. but about the condition of christian forces on the right wing. it is not known if any survived, or that they had all been killed or at least taken prisoner after the war ended.
after destroying enemy forces on the right and left wing, cavalry forces along with the main forces on both wings of the army together besieged the enemy forces that are still fighting in the middle wing of the turkish army. John Huniyadi as commander of the Hungarian army quickly realized that their troops had been besieged. so he decided to run away before the minister louis. was the commander of the crusader's main army who first fled at that time. John Hunyiadi's escape destroyed the morale of the Crusaders. at the same time the Turkish army continued to kill the crusaders who were trying to fight back. Minister Louis, who did not believe in the fall of the army in the face of the ferocity of the turkish army, finally decided to flee with fear and terror before his eyes, several thousand turkish cavalry troops at that time had chased the crusaders to their headquarters and obtained a large treasure of war, including their weaponry and cannons.
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The casualties on the Crusader side were reported to be 150,000, including four Spanish commanders, with two others from Moldavia and Austria. Plus 30,000 prisoners. As for the spoils of War counted very much. worth 2000000 gold ducat, 80000 horses, and 300 cannons and ammunition in the form of gunpowder weighing 160 kg.  beside there are two gold-plated crosses that are not emitted. As for the losses on the turkish side is known between 9000 - 16000 people who were injured or killed.
Arch's crushing defeat ended balt Rhein As the main ruler in Rumeliana. Basilios Bessarion a Catholic bishop writes: 
"God's mercy on St. Michael has been lost to the events of the Arch, a sturdy wall that protects us from barbaric attacks the Turks have fallen. the women and children crying at home wailed at their parents. The barbarians are now free to spread out on the fragile wall like termites. barbaric infidel anti-Christ tarnishing church’s in West Rumeliana with blood and wounds"....
3 Days after Arch War, Mahmud Pasha took over Arch fort and Saint Jacob. on the 8th of the Month of Tencere, Karaca Pasha conquered Skopje, then the cities of Bitola and Ohrid with little resistance. 10 days later turkish forces managed to subdue the towns of Kruje and Nis bordering the Kingdom of Bosnia. on the 10th of the month rakI Turkish forces led by Radu bey controlled the cities of Bait leh and Motnzferrat. 
The defeat at the Arch also led to the removal of Minister Louis as Prime Minister who was considered a member of the court in the balt Rhein's decline over the past year. his fate ended in imprisonment and died there. The Balt Rhein Empire also entered into a peace treaty with the Turkish Stratocracy which came to be known as the Edirne treaty on the 14th month of RakI year 80 of the Turkiye Calendar.
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Died in an enemy country, far from his own country
He was a friend of the Prophet shallalahu Alaihi Wassalam, and made his house a temporary residence. For Rasullulah shallalahu Alaihi Wassalam, he was a veteran in the Battle of Badr. He is Khalid bin Zaid bin Kulaib Al - Ansari or better known as Abu Ayyub Al - Ansari Radhiallahu Anhu.
Abu Ayyub was the person who first embraced Islam, he took part in the Baiat of Aqabah. Thus, he embraced Islam before the Prophet moved to Medina. He also participated in the Battle of Badr and the wars that followed. When the Prophet Shallalahu Alaihi Wasalam arrived in Medina, he stayed in his house until he built his own house and finished building the Masjid.
Abu Ayyub Al Ansari never missed a battle with Rasullulah Shallalahu Alaihi Wassalam. He also participated in warfare during the time of Khulafa Rasyidin after Rasullulah Shallalahu Alaihi Wassalam died. Until the time of the Caliph Muawiyah Radhiallahu anhu. He participated with the Muslim army led by his son, Yazid. To besiege the capital of Constantinople. This is the last battle that was followed by Abu Ayyub Al Ansari Radhiallahu anhu.
In 669M the caliph Mu'awiyah prepared an army led by his son, Yazid bin Mu'awiyah to surround the capital city of Constantinople. The troops of the Muslims fought against the Roman troops who took shelter in their fortress. Pepper at that time the Muslims suffered great losses because they were hit by a very harsh winter. As well as the inadequate siege tools to break down Theodosius' fort.
It was during the siege of Constantinople that Abu Ayyub Al Ansari fell ill. At that time he was 80 years old. However, this did not dampen his enthusiasm with the Muslimin to strive in the path of Allah. When he lay down on a stretcher. Yazid came to him and asked: "Do you have a request, Abu Ayyub?"
Abu Ayyub replied, "Give my greetings to the army of the Muslims and tell them," Abu Ayyub has a message to you that you should enter the enemy's earth as far as possible, take his body with them and bury him under the soles of your feet in the fence of the city of Constantinople. "
One of the last hadiths conveyed by Abu Ayyub before he died is:
من مات لا يشرك بالله شيئا دخل الجنة
"Anyone who dies and does not associate Allah with anything, then he will go to heaven"
Abu Ayyub's body was buried near the fortress of Kosntantinople. The Romans said to the people who buried Abu Ayyub, "O Arabs, it looks like you guys experienced something tonight?"
So Yazid replied, "one of the companions of our prophet has died".
The Romans said, "By Jesus, we will dismantle it and make the body as food for dogs".
Yazid replied: "By Allah, if his grave is dismantled, surely there will never be a bell ringing in the Arab country".
The Romans felt anxious and worried about the churches and their graves which were under the control of the Muslims. If only the Arabs did it because they did bad things to Abu Ayyub's grave. So the Romans replied: "By the Lord Jesus, we will not do anything to the grave of your friend, we will not allow anyone to disturb the grave of your friend".
The Romans then put each guard in front of Abu Ayyub's grave. Worried that someone who does not know what to do goes and digs up his grave. It is said that every time they experience a drought, they pray to their grave, and then rain down on them.
Abu Ayyub Al Ansari became a symbol of high position, especially in the eyes of the Ottoman Turks. His figure became the driving force for the spirit of the Ottoman Turks in conquering the city of Constantinople. And after the Conquest of Constantinople, the Uthmani Sultans on their inauguration day as sultans always celebrated religious celebrations at the Masjid of Abu Ayyub Al ansari. Abu Ayyub in the eyes of the Turks has the rank of wali Allah who is loved by the hearts of the believers. They consider that Rasullulah Shallalahu Alaihi Wassalam came to his house and his jihad with him was the greatest position and glory and the most noble virtue.
Syair from Shaykhul Islam, As'ad Effendi on Abu Ayyub Al Ansari's jihad:
He is present in every battle,
Fight seriously
Against what he fought in his war of war
So he came with determination and dignity
Into this battlefield at the end of this great battle
Finally he died of stomachache as a soldier,
In a state of isolation (far from his country)
So that he became a Syahid before being killed by a Syahid.
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Eyüp Sultan Mosque on Instanbul, Turkey
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Turkiye Expansion Map on Balt Rhein Teritory in Balt Rhein - Turkish War 76 - 80 Calender Turkiye.( with Some Recreate and Edit )
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