#katrina cadash
empresstress13 · 7 years
If you're familiar with it, how do your OCs solve "the Trolley Problem"?
.  … This is a mean question. XD 
I’ve heard several variations of “the Trolley Problem”, but it basic: trolley going fast about to hit 5 or so people trapped on the track, you can’t break in time but you can pull the lever to switch tracks but there is one person trapped there that you’ll hit as well? Sometimes that one is supposed to be a child or specifically your child? 
Also, which OCs? I’ll answer with those I have the clearest idea of response for.
Nehnara Surana: I mean… .I feel like she’d do something crazy with magic to the trolley as she jumped out of it while cursing a whole bunch… but that may be cheating? She likes cheating. She’s ok with that. To get more to the heart of this “moral problem” … . .in theory she’d say you should do whatever saves the highest number of people possible. In practice if this was a version where it was a choice between strangers and a loved one … .she’d save her loved one. She would try to save as many people as possible but … . .I suppose it also depends on the scale? Because while she DID have Morrigan go though with the dark ritual, if that hadn’t been an option she would have sacrificed herself and possible others to end the blight - logically she knows that the blight HAS to be ended. If you are trying to force some situation where it’s a couple strangers or Beatrix & Zev? She’d choose Beatrix & Zev.   
Beatrix Tabris: Sooooo… .all of my OCs like to cheat? She’d switch to the track that had the less people involved and then try some crazy-ass, death defying, rogue move to jump out the front and try grabbing the person and rolling out of the way in time. Is that a smart plan: probably not. Would she make it: no idea. It’s not that she doesn’t believe in a “no-win” situation, she’s seen no-win situations and knows they exist. She just refuses to let that dictate her actions. She’s the type who when put into a bad spot will be 100% willing to try and do something absolutely out-there for the result she wants. Sometimes this leads to horrible shit, but she’d rather try and fail than not try. 
Svetlana Cadash: Ok. I put Svetlana on here because in ACTION she’d probably have a similar response as Bea, although she’s slightly less likely to do something … stupid? However, if you were to pose “the trolley problem” to her as a hypothetical question, she’d most likely give you so completely ridiculous response just to see the look on your face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N_RZJUAQY4.
Katrina Cadash: She would go with the choice that seemed the most logical to her at the time. Most likely whichever saved the most people. 
Adhlea Lavellan: So, compared to Beatrix and Svetlana, Adhlea is the least likely of these 3 to do something with a high percentage of failure. If she thought it was at least 50/50, she’d go for it. Otherwise she would do whatever she thought would save the most lives. However, if this is the version were one of her own children is the single person on the track… she’s my only OC who currently has children in her canon. If she saw her own, or actually any, child on the other track … .I don’t think she could mentally do it. Though I also think the guilt would eat at her horribly if something like that happened.
Lilith Trevelyan: Would do whatever saved the most lives. Though again, she’s more likely to try something sneaky like veilstrike the trolley out of the way while fadestepping to safety or something … .
Rurisa Adaar: similar in response to Adhlea, but she doesn’t currently have children…. 
There’s a couple other OCs (shoves the other 20 into my closet and under my bed), but here are the first responses that came to mind? Sorry for the long post! It was an interesting (and cruel) question that really got me trying to think. :)
What about Lizzie, Jane, Elinor, & Marianne? 
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narlth · 7 years
Got tagged by the very talented, @lao-paperman 
1. Taggame Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. 1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke 2. Disney or Dreamworks: Disney 3. Coffee or Tea: Tea, always tea. 4. Books or Movies: Both :3 5. Windows or Mac: Windows (or Unix tbh) 6. DC or Marvel: Marvel 7. Xbox or Playstation: Xbox 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age 9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Night Owl 10. Cards or Chess: Cards 11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate 12. Vans or Converse: Vans 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: English please? 14. Fluff or Angst: Angst! But fluff is good too :D 15. Beach or Forest: Forest 16. Dogs or Cats: Cats 17. Clear Skies or Rain: Clear skies (who wants to get wet tbh) 18. Cooking or Eating Out: Eating out, because I’m lazy 19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Mild food 20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloween \o/ 21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: I’m always too cold in real life, but at least that means I can wear a million blankets 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Flight, or teleportation 23. Animation or Live Action: Live action 24. Paragon or Renegade: ??? 25. Baths or Showers: Baths, though I usually just shower 26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Cap! 27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Fantasy 28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: “I want you to always be you.”  "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." 29. YouTube or Netflix: Youtube 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter 31: When You Feel Accomplished: Finding the solution to something at work 32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars 33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperback (they hurt less when I enviably drop it on my face) 34. Handwriting or Typing: Typing 35. Velvet or Satin: Velvet 36. Video Games or Movies?: Movies 37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Own a dragon! 38: Sunrise or sunset: Sunset 39: What’s your favourite song? Running with the wolves by Aurora 40. What was your first ship? 10th Doctor/Rose
2. Taggame Name: Narlth Nicknames: Narlypoo  Zodiac sign: Aries Height: 5’5″ Orientation: Asexual Nationality: British Favorite fruit: Strawberries Favorite Favourite season: Autumn Favorite Favourite book: Tough one, can’t choose Favorite Favourite flower: none, I get hayfever Favorite Favourite scent: Pizza Favorite Favourite color colour: Purple Favorite Favourite animal: Horse Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea. Tea for every occasion Average sleep hours: 6, but not enoug Cat or dog person: Cat Favorite Favourite fictional character: Merlin :D Number of blankets you sleep with: 2 Dream trip: Japan Blog created: Novemember 2012 Number of followers: 1,128
Tagging time xD it’s always my pleasure! Of course you can choose only one taggame if you want to do this ;D @eilonwy77, @momotastic27, @katrina-linden
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therandomeer · 6 years
About Me Questions (Tagged by stuck-as-me)
@Histuck-as-me You sly friendo! I appreciate being tagged, it’ll be nice to take some time to answer what inquiring minds die to know lol I’m absolutely okay with being tagged and can’t wait to see what comes in the future <3 Consider this my first big post since returning home to the States 
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Tagged by: @stuck-as-me 
1. Coke or Pepsi?: Neither, I don’t drink soda 
2. Disney or Dreamworks?: Disney
3. Coffee or tea?: Neither, although... Perhaps coffee will grow on me
4. Books or movies?: Books, but movies are easier to consume these days if I can keep my attention on it
5. Windows or Mac?: Windows
6. DC or Marvel?: Marvel, but DC is still amazing. 
7. Xbox or Playstation?: Playstation, but I’d rather have Nintendo above all else.
8. Dragon age or Mass effect?: Neither, but most likely Dragon Age. I like fantasy over space, but again, I’m sure it’ll grow on me due to a certain someone
9. Night owl or Early riser?: Night owl but the last while upon returning home I’ve woken up at 4:30am and then 7am. 
10. Cards or Chess?: Cards, but I’d love to learn chess
11. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla ice cream, chocolate cake.
12. Vans or Converse?: Converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar?: Whomst? :D -looks it up- Oh, Dragon Age. Again, I know nothing
14. Fluff or Angst?: Angst.
15. Beach or Forest?: Forest
16. Dogs or Cats?: Cats
17. Clear skies or Rain?: Clear skies. Preferably overcast, but at least there’s enough to keep warm. 
18. Cooking or eating out?: Eating out by preference... But it’s an expensive feat. So I learn to cook. 
19. Spicy food or Mild food?: For the love of god, mild. Milder than tofu. 
20. Halloween or Christmas?: Neither. 
21. Would you rather be forever a little too cold or a little too hot?: Little too hot
22.If you could have any super power what would it be?: Teleportation
23. Animation or live action?: Animation
24. Paragon or Renegade?: I don’t know nothin’ about Mass Effect pls ask me questions about Animal Crossing or something lol 
25. Baths or showers?: Baths, but I need one that’s bigger to get what I want. So showers, sadly. 
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man?: Cap. We were fighting about it in the car, my family and I. 
27. Fantasy or Sci-fi?: Oh, haha. I said earlier, fantasy. But I’m sure I can be swayed. 
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they?:
"And just remember that bad times... are just times that are bad." Katrina, Animal Crossing "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes “If you can still turn back, it’s not really a journey.” Hinata Miyake, A Place Further Than The Universe 
29. Netflix or Youtube: Youtube first, then Netflix. 
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?: Harry Potter. I tried reading Percy Jackson for a Battle of the Books and it just didn’t stick. 
31. When you’ve felt accomplished: Finally coming home after being away in London for so long. 
32. Star Wars or Star Trek?: I’d have to say Star Wars over Star Trek, but this is really fighting with past and present for me. I need to sit down and marathon it. 
33. Paperback or Hardback?: Hardback if they have it. More expensive, but more pristine. 
34. Horror or rom-com?: Rom-com
35. Tv shows or movies?: TV shows. Netflix has the fun comedy section I love. 
36. Spotify or Pandora?: Spotify, but usually I just download songs off Youtube and play Windows Media Player on repeat unless it’s whole musical soundtracks where the OST isn’t on Youtube. (Looking at you Joseph...) 
37. Zootopia or Inside Out?: Zootopia. Just yiff the fox. 
38. Favourite book?: The Borrowers. Still need to finish it but it’s 1300+ pages so slow and steady. 
39. Favourite flowers?: Hydrangeas, pink roses, and cherry blossoms
40. What field of study are you in or aspire to be in?: History all the way, with a minor in anthropology. 
41. Song lyric you really love?: “So if you’re gonna hurt me, why don’t you hurt me a little bit more? Dig a little deeper, push a little harder than before” 
42. What’s your MBTI type?: INFJ back in high school, but actually let’s test it again... ISTJ-T now, huh. I’ve grown. 
43. Favourite Movie?: aaa there’s too many to choose from. Perhaps the Madoka Magica Trilogy? 
44. Favourite tv shows?: Grace and Frankie, Bojack Horseman, Orange is the New Black, basically a lot of Netflix crap 
45. Top three authors?: I don’t read enough novels lately to have a top three tbh... 
46. Favourite season?: Fall
47. Favourite High School Musical?: I mean none of them lol 
48. Silver or gold?: Silver
49. Favourite Director(s)?: I mean nah... I just enjoy the creations, I tend not to look at the producer or director to influence judgment. 
50. Favourite superhero(s)?:Maggie
51. Deep fried Twinkies or Oreo?: I guess oreos if we must 
52. Which fictional setting could you see yourself fitting into and why?: Oh god... Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Madoka. Either fluff or angst we don’t discriminate. Pokemon and Animal Crossing because I’ve grown up with them and would love to just have fluffy creatures to bond with in either setting, and Madoka because Sayaka was a strong identifying character until you know, I grew up and life turned around.  Tags: I mean don’t feel obligated but like go ahead if you want to <3 
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empresstress13 · 7 years
Oooh, ooh! Codex prompts! For Svetlana Cadash, number 4 - something written on a statue dedicated to her, please!
4. Something written on a statue dedicated to your OC
A rather crumbled letter found on the desk of one Josephine Montilyet:
“Josie~ Dearest, I really do wish you’d write to me more. Cullen never includes any of the juicy bits and Leliana is too worried about sending the details while I’m out in the field. 
It really is just too tragic that my statue in Val Royeaux has been vandalized in such a manner! Who could ever do such a thing? 
I’m not sure what you mean by bringing up my dear cousins who just happen to live in Val Royeaux but now that you mention it - Katrina’s mother does run a masonry business and Lucas is a master sculptor. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help fix the statue at a family discount for their illustrious relative! And they can fix my face and figure. You know, so that it actually looks like me and not some tiny child who could be blown over by a gust of wind. And put me in more sensible clothing - or at least less ugly. If it has to be unrealistic it should at least be more attractive than the current statue. 
Oh! Maybe also a better inscription this time? Those titles they gave me, “Vanquisher of the Rebel Mages, Champion of the Blessed Andraste” and all that rot, don’t sit quite right with me. I understand that Orlais may not appreciate “Shorter and Better Than You” but it is still my preference. We can work on it when I return to Skyhold. 
Finally: if Grand Cleric Magliore is so concerned about the sanctity of the Chantry Plaza, well maybe they should pull a couple of those Chevaliers and have them actually doing something at least slightly worthwhile for once. Or are they all allergic to doing anything that doesn’t make total arses of themselves?
- all my love! ♥ 
Svetlana Cadash”
Besides the letter is the start of a missive with several lines crossed out:
“You know what you did , I’m not sure how you and your relations, Please understand how this reflects on , I can only hope that next time someone displeased with art connected to our organization feels the need to make their displeasure known it is through official channels instead of petty crime. Regardless of who their family connections might be. 
We will see what can be done about any future statues of you. 
Please be safe Inquisitor. 
-Josephine Montilyet”
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