#katsuo hamasaki
riruhappy · 1 year
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hey do you guys like idol boys? good please enjoy mine
there’s also a discord server where the va casting is going on rn!! plus a ton of other content
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abrasife · 4 years
8, 11?
MEME ┊accepting.
who is your latest muse? can be someone you’re only considering / not planning to play at all, but is tempting you.
Well, I don’t have any canon muses and I doubt I’ll ever be able to write a canon character other than the one I previously mentioned in the other response for this meme. As for latest original character, I made it for a private group roleplay (that’s not on tumblr). It’s a sci-fi fantasy setting one and I thought I’d give it a shot. In short, she’s an android.
As for a canon muse who is tempting to me–there’s nobody in mind except for going back into the fandom i really can’t stay in anymore. I love the characters and series but the fandom is just a bad experience for me.
For an original muse… I’ve been tempted to make another one but I have no ideas at all and I don’t want to impulsively add them to my work in progress blog. 
have you ever built or picked up a muse because you wanted to use a certain faceclaim? how did it go?
I’ve never picked up a canon muse that way (I say as I’ve only written one canon character). I’ve definitely made original characters because I wanted to use a specific face claim though! It’s a hit or miss on whether they stick around or not.
I lot of my original characters are characters I have a face claim in mind before I even start writing them up so I guess that also falls in this category. Keith is also part of it. I can name the whole list. It’s under the cut.
fandom original characters
Sorin Lupei (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Viorel Glenn (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Eirian Kendrick (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Koen Jardine (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Christian Solberg (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Azriel Karim (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Lonan Vilar (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Lucian Allard (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Kyou Ishikawa (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Ryouichi Hamasaki / Aulis Nurmi (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Shinobu Ueno (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Mirella Desroisers (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Aaren Zanetti (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Keith Jardine (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Rachael Jardine (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Reanne Atkinson (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Ryder Elliot (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Senn Adrichem (Fir/e Emb/lem: Thre/e H/ouses)
Ryuuko Oshiro (Dan/ganr/onpa: Trig/ger Ha/ppy Hav/oc)
Katsuo Todoroki (M/y He/ro: Aca/demia– this was before the second brother was revealed?? I don’t read the manga and I stopped watching the anime after s3;; I still love his character though)
fandomless original characters
Marie && Marcel Brändle
Aeron Vaughan
Lian Everhart
Kazuya Yamamoto
Lihua Song
Niko Mendel
Verena Mendel
Marianna Alagona
Valeri Orlov
Alister Macbeth
Jiang Liao
Elise Sommer
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akedocitydespair · 7 years
What Are You Living For? | Hoshi | Endgame
Hoshi stepped out of the elevator and felt a small sense of relief as he saw the change in the lights. The sounding of the alarms was an even more comforting sound. It meant that, despite everything, his plan worked. All the work he did on the computer, all the sleepless nights, somehow, it worked. If he was right, then the exit was open. If he was right, this city would be destroyed, and its power would never be able to threaten the outside, ever again.
Please…just let him be right.
What he didn’t see coming, however, was the sudden appearance of the drones. For a moment, he wondered if Otome had sent them to shoot down the survivors as one final act of vengeance. He braced himself, calmly, for the embrace of death. He’d given it his all, and he wouldn’t be surprised if fate had decided to tear the rug out at this last pivotal moment.
Please, at least, let the rest of them get out safely. He tried to position himself in front of any students he could, prepared for what he thought would be the worst.
But even his vivid imagination couldn’t have anticipated what happened next.
He stared at the projections numbly, trying his best to justify what he was seeing, what he was hearing. Rationally, he knew…he knew it was just an AI. He knew it was just a cheap, last-ditch effort to kill the last few survivors of the city. He knew there would be no ‘hanging out’ with the deceased, there would be no afterlife, there would be none of what was being promised.
Even so, that didn’t make any of this less painful, or any less infuriating. How dare Otome do this?
“…this…isn’t them, and we know it…!” He feebly stammered out, trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince the others. “Ito just cut up…Ikumoto’s work…and slapped…our friends’ faces into these AIs…this isn’t them…this isn’t them…this isn’t what they think. They’re gone…they’re gone…there’s nothing here for us…please…”
Once Ikumoto approached, teasingly insulting Hoshi and belittling him in every conceivable way, his blood ran cold. This wasn’t the Ikumoto he knew. None of this was truly what his friend would think, or do, or say. Even if he could consider some of the other AIs as plausible…this one simply could not be. He turned to look at the darkened casino, his expression slowly tensing into one of sheer fury.
“How…dare you use Ikumoto’s work like this?! You can…take my city, you can take my dream, you can take my artwork and destroy it, but how dare you do this to Ikumoto?! How dare you make his work…turn our classmates against us?!”
There’s nothing there for you outside…
You wanted to die before you got here, crab-san…
But what was being promised was a different kind of freedom. The kind of freedom he himself admitted he’d wanted since arriving in the city. And, as Ikumoto’s projection suddenly shifted, Hoshi’s expression fell, and his eyes turned to find the familiar image of his friend—of his entire class, standing there and looking almost as he remembered them. Except…none of them were smiling now. None of them except Ikumoto.
Hey, hey, Hoshi, it’s alright, it’s okay…
You don’t have to keep going for anyone’s sake…
I remember, how tired you felt back then, and even now, everyone makes you keep going…And you still feel you need to keep going, to keep struggling, and it’s okay…
It’s okay, Hoshi, you can rest now. You’ve done everything asked of you, striving past everyone’s expectations. You’ve succeeded, Hoshi. You don’t have to worry about anything else anymore…
The artist froze, feeling another chill course through him. This…was the old Ikumoto…the real Ikumoto. In some respects, anyway. Ikumoto was never one to make things about himself…and he know Hoshi wasn’t either. Even so, his friend had always tried to look out for him. He always tried to calm him down, and those small words of comfort felt more real than anything the other AIs had said.
And none of his words were wrong. They were truthful, real promises of what staying behind would offer him. Rest. An end to the tiredness…an end to the drama…an end to the expectations, the struggle, the worry. He’d…gotten them all out, right? He’d gotten everyone he possibly could out. What more could he do…? Out there, there was truly nothing for him…was there? Going out there would just mean…interviews, interrogations, news stories, questions…going out there would just mean more people expecting him to become their vision of a miracle survival story…it would mean having to sleep, and eat, and take care of himself…did he really want any of that?
Hoshi slowly dropped to his knees, allowing the bag he had with him to slump beside him. The others would be disappointed, wouldn’t they? No…they wouldn’t care. They made it out, he hoped…they didn’t have a reason to need him anymore…they didn’t have a reason to care anymore. Jack, Basil, Makoto, Katsuo, Stella, and Mitsuko all had more important things to worry about than him. If the others were here…his class…Masae, Ryohei, Miliko…they’d be disappointed. But they weren’t here…not anymore.
Blankly, his eyes lowered to the ground, waiting for the inevitable darkness. He wondered…would the city go dark before it detonated? It would be comfortable, after that long, arduous motive with all that sound and light.
Just then, a small bit of red caught the corner of his eye. He turned his head a little more, resting his gaze on the stuffed crab he’d packed into his bag. It was a gift from Masae, and probably one of the best gifts he’d ever received. For a moment, the sight of it brought a bit of a smile to his face, and for another moment, it allowed him to block out the sound of the alarms, the visions of the holograms, and it forced more words through his mind.
I just want him to be happy, he’s got such a nice smile, and I just want to see him smile
If there is one person who has to get out of here, it’s him. We have to protect his life at all costs. I just know we have to. I don’t want him to die here. I don’t want him to die.
…he’s such a light into this world, into our world, here in this horrible city. He’s so important…and no matter how many times he’ll tell me he’s not…he is. He is, he is, he is. Please, Hoshi-san believe that… please…I wish he had more faith in himself…I wish he could see how important he is…how important he is to me… thank you for being my friend here, Hoshi-san.. that means more than you know… please don’t…die.
I’m sorry that you’re alone now… but please don’t think that you’ll always be alone. I’ll always be there with you somewhere…
I hope that whatever you may look at… a cube…or a bandaid…as selfish as it may sound I hope you don’t forget about me. I don’t want to be forgotten. I know it’ll hurt a lot, Hoshi-san, and I’m sorry that I won’t be able to be there to tell you everything will be okay or to make sure you’re eating and sleeping and taking care of yourself when you don’t have the energy to anymore… but just please don’t forget about me.
 There’s a reason why people like you, Hoshi-san.. There’s a reason why people want to be your friend and why people like being your friend. You’re you, and people like you. You’re fun to be around, you’re caring.. You care so much and you just want your friends to be okay. You are so full of love and life. You just want people around you to realize their potential too. Realize your potential, Hoshi-san. You’re so much more than what you present yourself to be. You’re so selfless and caring– anyone would love to be friends with you. Everyone would love to get to know you and call you a friend. I certainly did. I definitely did. I still do…
I’m honoured to have met you, Hoshi Murakami. I don’t want you to lose hope- not in this horrible prison they turned your city into… and not when you finally leave and live your life! You have so much to give to this world.
Please don’t isolate yourself. Don’t hide from the world… don’t deteriorate and… please don’t.
If I can’t live on anymore, please live a full life for me. That’s all I want from you, my last request would be that.
I want to see you smile. You have a wonderful smile, Hoshi-san. Please don’t let anything in this world take that away from you.
You’re not alone. My family and my friends will be there to be with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to them- especially my sister. I know that out of everyone, she will definitely want to talk to you. So please don’t let that opportunity go to waste. Wherever I am now, I’m not scared anymore, and I want you to be happy with life. I want you to be happy with living.
Don’t give up. Don’t ever stop fighting. For me, Hoshi-san… please keep on living.
The next thing Hoshi knew, he was trembling on the ground, staring at the red woven bracelet around his wrist, and the lone red bandaid on his finger. He pulled the crab out of his bag and held it to his chest, choking on a sob.
Why did she care about him so much? Why did she take all this time…to write about him in her journals? To write him a goodbye letter? Why did she care so much if he lived or not? What was he worth to her? What was he worth to anyone…? What was he worth to Masae, or Ryohei, or Miliko, or Ikumoto or…or any of the 81st class? Through tear-blurred vision, he stared at the framed photo that was peeking from his bag, recalling every vivid detail of that moment, and recalling every other interaction he’d had with his friends leading up to it.
Murakami-san, please make sure you take care of yourself! Eat and sleep and maybe try to drink some water once in awhile? You know how much we’re gonna worry here…
….l-like Hamasaki-san said…p-please make sure you eat well out there…I, um…baked some bread for your train ride back…I hope you like it
Ah ha! Look at that smile! We got one, we got one! Alert the presses, call the news, we’ve got a genuine Hoshi Murakami smile on our hands, haha! I told you my camera would love to see that smile, and man, I can’t wait to develop this baby! You go on and have fun out there, Hosh-kun, but if you’re even a little bit skinnier or more tired when you get back, you’re gonna feel our loving wrath!
…have a safe ride back to school, Murakami-san. I echo the sentiments of the others…it would be a shame to see you come back in worse health. Please take care…
Failure is not an option, and I intend to see this city project succeed. And I intend to see you succeed.
He lowered his face into the soft fabric of the plush, shuddering as the weight of it all crashed down on him. Why did they care? There was nothing to care about. He’d made sure so long ago that he would become someone that no one would ever want…that no one would ever expect something from…and yet these people saw right through it. They saw right through him, and somehow found someone they could truly, genuinely care for. But why? Why couldn’t they just let him die? Why didn’t they see that it was all he wanted? Why…why did they want so desperately to show him…just how beautiful life was? Why did they all try so hard to show him the good in the world? Why did they try so hard to see him smile, when all he wanted was to let all of them smile instead?
They all deserved so much better than him. They deserved someone who could value life…who could smile, and laugh…why did they value someone who could hardly do any of those things? They deserved every ounce of happiness he’d somehow given them, and then so much more.
Once again, the ending of Masae’s letter sounded back to him. 
Don’t give up. Don’t ever stop fighting. For me, Hoshi-san… please keep on living.
He lowered his head, shuddering. He was loved…he was so, so loved…and he couldn’t do anything to repay that love he was given. No action he could ever take, no contribution he could give, and nothing he could ever say, would ever match up to the power and depth of what they’d all tried so hard to give him, despite how little he was worth it. He would give them the world, if he could, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
Surprising words from Jack, from shortly after they’d found the bodies of his classmates, suddenly rang through his mind.
Here’s what you can do: stay alive. For Atoshi-san’s sake, at least. And for the rest of your class. We’re going to need a concept artist for when we finish this city, hopefully with something less dangerous powering it.
He supposed…there was…one thing he could do.
He could give up on the chance to finally get what he felt he deserved. He could give up on the one thing he’d wanted since arriving in this city. He could give them what they wanted…and he could deny Otome Ito the one thing she’d been trying to accomplish since arriving in this city.
He dizzily pulled himself to his feet, trudging his way through the streets and silently remembering the process behind designing each and every building. He recalled the contributions made by his friends, he recalled the love and effort they put into making this project succeed. He recalled their corpses, littered around the meeting room. The positions of their bodies could only further prove how much they loved this city, and how much they loved each other. They fought, comforted, and shielded each other right to the very end. Just as the 84th class had done, right up to the end.
He stepped into the mall, gripping the crab plush even tighter to his chest as he stepped into the General Store. He slowly made his way to the back room, slowly and steadily hollowing himself out as his city, his dreams, all faded away.
“…goodbye…my friends…I’m so sorry–…” 
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trishnawrites · 7 years
Prologue - Welcome to the mansion
Welcome to a story of mine that I called Fanganronpa because I’m “creative” like that. Suggestions for a better title are always appreciated! The same thing of course goes for questions, other suggestions and/or corrections. I also have to thank @xagrofiction and @labyrinth-of-headcanons who helped me a lot during writing, motivated me and corrected this chapter again and again. They’re both writers as well, so feel free check out their stuff, too!
I woke up. Just like that. Why I had been asleep (unconscious maybe?) before I didn't know. I could have thought about that fact alone for a long time if I had wanted to, but just dwelling on that wouldn't bring me any further. Instead, I looked around. The room I was in looked like it was out of an old movie. I lay in a queen-sized bed that even had red curtains which contrasted nicely with its ebony wood. The curtains to the window of the room were red as well. Curious I looked outside. I seemed to be on ground level and I could see some old trees in a... Garden? I couldn't really make out what lay behind these trees, but from all those specks of grey I saw, I guessed it was a wall. That would explain why the light wasn't as strong as it should be. Probably. That is... If it really was daytime at least. What time was it anyway? I turned around and looked for a clock in the room. I found one hanging next to a door. It, just like the rest of the room, seemed to be rather old, but judging from the ticking, it was still working. 11 o'clock it said. My curiosity was stirred anew and I opened the door. Behind it was a bathroom. Made me feel like I was in a hotel even more. A big bed, rather sparse furniture otherwise and a bathroom belonging to the room. But... Why? After checking myself quickly in the bathroom mirror I decided to venture out and maybe find out where I was. The hallway was rather dark, illuminated by some dim lamps hanging over my head. Again, dark colors dominated. I followed the corridor until I came into some sort of atrium. But I wasn't alone. 15 other people were there as well. And they looked just as confused as me. “'The hell we're doin' here?!“, a pretty rough but definitely feminine voice almost growled. I looked up. The girl the voice belonged to was easily identified. She was rather tall; long, dark blonde hair reached down to the small of her back and also covered most of the left part of her face. Didn't help to make her stormy gray eyes look any less piercing though. What tipped me off were her clothes: A black school uniform with red accents (again, these colors), but the skirt of the uniform had been lengthened considerably. That, combined with her hair and the way she talked told me that she probably was a sukeban, a delinquent. I shivered slightly, I really didn't want to anger her. Next to her a boy with black hair that he had pulled into a ponytail answered with a slight crooked smile on his face: “I do not know, but that seems to be the case for everyone here. And while we're on the topic of 'everyone'... I think introductions are needed here first. I don't know a single one of you.“ I agreed silently, not daring to speak up, and apparently the others did as well, even the deliquent girl. In fact, she was the one who started with the introduction. “Alright, alright, fine.“ She put extra emphasis on the 'fine'. “The name's Sena Hayabusa. And I'm The Ultimate Sukeban as you might have guessed.“ Ultimate? How could you be 'The Ultimate Sukeban'? But... As strange as that wording seemed to me, it also felt somehow familiar. Was I an Ultimate as well? Maybe. But did I even possess a talent that was worthy of such a title? People hardly remembered me anyway. Oh. Of course. That was my talent. Probably more mockingly than everything else I had been given the title of 'The Ultimate Wallflower'. Which raised the question... By whom? My head hurt, I couldn't remember. “You probably have seen me on TV already, after all I am The Ultimate Model, Takara Kamoto“, a girl with strawberry blond hair and nicely contrasting vivid green eyes said. She had a good figure and her clothes looked expensive, too. Yup, definitely a model. I wasn't really sure what to think of her beside that, right now she was radiating an aura of professionalism like she was on the catwalk. Well, she was presenting herself, so she probably just did it automatically. Next to her a timid looking guy spoke up. “M-my name is Itsuki Fujimori. I-i am The Ultimate Gardener.“ He didn't even look up for his introduction and just kept staring at the floor. He really reminded me of myself.
“Should I go next?“ a warm, breathy voice asked. The owner of the voice was a girl with powder blue hair and blue-gray eyes, that seemed to stare off into space. “The name's Mayuho Sonan... And I am The Ultimate Puppeteer.“ Now that she mentioned it, there was a marionette holding onto her left shoulder, apparently strapped there by its strings. Interestingly enough, Mayuho also wore a school uniform, but unlike Sena's, hers consisted of an olive jacket and a dark brown skirt that stopped slightly above her knees. That... would probably mean that these two did not visit the same school. And something about Mayuho's name also stood out to me, but I couldn't really put my finger on it.
The next one to introduce himself was the boy Sena had been growling at earlier. “Pleased to meet you all. People call me The Ultimate Storyteller and my name is Kenshin Oshiro.“ Unlike me, this guy radiated confidence.
“Same goes for me. I'm Umi Hamasaki, The Ultimate Diver“. She did look the part. Umi's long, wavy blonde hair was in a low ponytail and her skin, which she actually showed quite a bit, did look tanned.
“Well then, seems like I'm the next one... My name is Kyou Fukase and my talent is The Ultimate Apothecary.“ He, on the other hand, didn't really look the part. Kyou was tall and muscular which gave him, together with his rather short chestnut hair, more of a athletic vibe than anything else. He... looked really intimidating. I silently added him to the list of people I would be cautious about.
“I'm Katsuo Sasori, The Ultimate Sniper. But don't worry, I only do sport shooting - 'sniper' probably just sounded cooler.“ Katsuo's voice was rather dark and sounded controlled.
A good contrast to the next voice that began to speak.
“I'm Hibiki Utsunomiya and I am The Ultimate Singer. Nice to meet you all!“ Hibiki's voice was vibrant and, honestly, very pleasing to the ear, exactly what you'd expect from someone with that title. After Kyou, Hibiki also was probably the tallest among us, a fact that got even more emphasized because of Hibiki's long, flowing, golden brown hair.
The girl close to Hibiki pushed back her glasses before she started talking. “My name is Wakuri Hashira. They call me The Ultimate Student , a title which supposedly was given to me because of my studious nature and the fact that I am already a student teacher.“ Of course she had glasses. Other than that, her black, shoulder length hair and her analytic olive eyes also fit the picture pretty well.
“I'm The Ultimate Sculptor and my name is Takumi Yoichi,“ the guy adjacent to Wakuri said. He had chin long, ash blonde hair and cold, blue eyes. “People already call me Micheangelo's disciple.“
„And that's probably all you are, a mere disciple.“ Takumi looked sharply at the boy opposite of him who put a few strands of his sea blue hair behind one of his ears. “But I guess I'll just have to wait and see. After all, I am The Ultimate Critic, Arata Souzou.“ ...Critic? Apparently you could be an Ultimate at pretty much everything. Even at being a wallflower, like me, I reminded myself. I really shouldn't call other people's talents strange when my own wasn't any better.
But before Takumi and Arata could get into a real argument the girl to my left intervened. “No no no no, we haven't even introduced us all yet, so please don't fight before we're at least done with that.“
...Okay. Interesting reasoning.
“I am Barano Haida and I'm The Ultimate Painter!“ When she mentioned painting, her sky blue eyes almost seemed to light up. If you looked closely at the gray jacket she was wearing you could even see that in each and every pocket there were pencils and brushes. Not that I'd say the others weren't but Barano apparently was really, really passionate about her hobby. It was almost kinda cute.
Looking around I saw that only one girl, one guy and me were left. I decided to finally introduce myself. “I-I'm happy to meet y-you all. My n-name is Yuuna Kotake and... well, and I.. have the t-title of The Ultimate W-Wallflower... which I'm n-not very proud of...“, though at the end I mumbled more than anything. I started to fidget. What if anyone decided to comment on that?
Luckily they didn't. They just proceeded with the introductions. The only girl left continued. “Mein Name ist, um, I mean, my name is Iroha Saeki and I'm The Ultimate Polyglot. Right now I'm learning Russian and... I just think languages are really interesting. That's why I love them.“ So she liked different languages... That kinda explained the fabric that she had wrapped around her hip. If I wasn't completely wrong, its colors were those of the italian flag. And it looked like the pendant of her choker was also the flag of some country, but I couldn't really make out which.
Last but not least, the guy directly opposite of me had to introduce himself. However, he didn't start talking like everyone else did, instead he first placed his open right hand in front of his chest and his left hand atop of that with both palms showing downward. Then both hands turned into fists with only the respective index finger still extended. He let his right hand circle and then meet his left hand. After that he pointed to himself, made the OK sign and, in quick succession made a gesture that reminded me of the finger gun sideways, then spread his index and middle finger while pointing downwards but also moving to the side, and then... well, it kinda looked like the peace sign, but he also touched the first joint of his middle finger with his thumb. While we were apparently awestruck he continued with the gestures after a short pause. The first sign looked like a thumbs-up, for the second he went back to a fist, but with his index finger and thumb extended which were first spread but he moved them so they'd touch and lastly, he traced something into the air. He put his flat hand in front of him, like he was touching a table, and then stopped.
I had been so entranced by his motions that I hadn't looked him in the eye once while he had been gesturing. Right now he gave us an apologetic look. That... had been sign language, right? Thankfully for all of us, Iroha apparently understood him. “So... you're Shizuka Tamon, did I get that right?“, she asked. He nodded. “Good thing I thought that JSL was interesting and picked it up. Who would've thought I'd need it someday... Anyway, you answered my question just fine so I take that you don't have trouble hearing?“ He nodded again and then pointed at his throat. “Yeah, I figured that you were mute if that's the case. So, what's your talent?“ I'm not sure if what came next was the actual sign or if he just figured that it was easier to understand for us, but his motions looked like he picked up an invisible violin. Shizuka apparently was The Ultimate Violinist.
After being done with all these introductions, we decided to explore the rest of the house. The other girls had all woken up in rooms that were on the same corridor as my room while the boys had woken up in rooms connected to the corridor that was opposite of ours. Aside from those two corridors there were also two broad sets of stairs leading to some sort of balcony. From there you could probably access the second floor; however, the doors were shut tight and withstood even the most powerful of Sena's kicks. Going through underneath the balcony, we saw a small lounge area left of us with a big couch and some padded stools. To the right was a door that led into a kitchen. We probably wouldn't starve for a while; after all, the fridge was stuffed with food. The last two rooms were a dinner hall that was also connected to the kitchen and, interestingly enough, featured exactly 16 chairs, and some sort of theatre room. It had a fairly large stage, benches for the audience to sit on and some tables in the corners of the room. As we all explored the room, Takumi suddenly called over Shizuka. I couldn't really make out what they were doing from my position but it looked like Takumi handed Shizuka a few notebooks as well as pencils. Probably to make conversation easier for him.
Despite our efforts we didn't find anything noteworthy in the rooms accessible to us so for the time being, we decided to head back to the atrium. That was the moment, when... it happened.
First, we only heard a mechanic whirring that got louder and louder. Then the round stone plate in the middle of the atrium opened. Slowly, a platform was raised out of the ground. And on top of it was... A bear plushie? And a rather hideous one at that. While one half was white and looked rather nice, the other half was black and sported a slasher smile and a red eye that was shaped like a lightning bolt.
But those thoughts were immediately thrown out of the window when this thing started... to talk.
“Puhuhuhu~ Welcome to the MonoMansion! I am Monokuma, the owner of this lovely manor. I also invited all of you 16 talented people here! But of course a stay at such a beautiful estate doesn't come without any rules!
Rule #1: Active destruction of property is not allowed.
But that's just kinda arbitrary. Here comes the reeeal fun. Because you guys probably want to leave this wonderful place, right?
Rule #2: Anyone who kills a fellow guest and becomes "blackened" will be able to leave the mansion, unless they are discovered.
Rule #3: Once a murder takes place, a trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving guests.
Rule #4: If the guilty party is exposed during the trial, they alone will be executed.
Rule #5: If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will be allowed to leave, and all remaining guests will be executed.
Rule #6: The Body Discovery Announcement will play as soon as three or more people discover a body for the first time.
Rule #7: The bedrooms were built to be slept in them, sleeping anywhere else is forbidden.
Rule #8: You are free to investigate this mansion at your own discretion. Your actions in this regard are not limited.
Rule #9: Any violence against the owner of this mansion is not allowed.
Rule #10: Additional rules may be added if necessary.
Simple, isn't it? Puhuhu~“
After he was finished talking, the bear vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. We... Just stood there, still processing what had happened. We... Won't be able to leave unless we kill somebody? But...Nobody would ever...
We just tried to forget about the incident, but it did hamper our appetite. Still we forced ourselves to eat at least something. After eating, most of us went back to our rooms. Each bedroom was now recognizable thanks to a picture of a pixilated sprite of the owner that had been attached to the door.
I thought that I would be thinking about everything that happened for hours while laying in my bed, but in truth I fell asleep as soon as I snuggled into my sheets. Didn't stop me from having weird dreams about Monokuma though.
Monochrome means a state where everything is either black or white. People looove to think like that.
Usually you throw in a number of shades of gray in there as well. TV was like that, something you youngsters probably don't even remember.
That being said: I have a red eye, so my name should rather be Mono-with-a-red-eye-kuma!
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