#kaz threatens to bleach their eyes
parkersbliss · 3 years
Tough | K. Brekker
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pairing: kaz brekker x reader
warnings: blood, cursing, kaz being a simp
wc; 2K
synopsis: mission gone wrong… gone right?
prompts: 028: “hey, hey, hey, I’m right here.” 030: “you could’ve died!”
a/n: I don’t know how I always end up so off track
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“This is ridiculous,” Jesper hisses, looking between you and Inej. “Someone tell him that!”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Tell Kaz to back out of a job? No way.”
“I prefer to keep my head,” Inej said.
Jesper rolls his eyes. “You’ll lose it either way at this point!”
“Jesper, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not! Do you realize how-”
“Shut up, Jesper,” Kaz scowled through the earpiece.
Jesper mumbles something under his breath, but you don’t catch it.
“How’s everything looking, Kaz?” Inej asked.
“One last round of guards, and then you two can come in.”
You nod, securing your gun in place as you stand up.
“If you two don’t come back, I told you so!” Jesper said.
“If we don’t come back, we probably ditched you,” You quip back.
Jesper scoffs, standing up. “At least I still have Wylan.”
“No, you don’t,” Wylan responded through the earpiece.
Jesper throws his hands in the air, “No one appreciates the voice of wisdom around here.”
“(Y/N), Inej, go.”
Inej takes the lead, climbing the gate and dropping safely on the other side. You follow after and make a run for the main entrance. You hide behind a column, holding your breath as two guards walk back to their posts. A hand sticks out from the opposite column on you, and Inej makes a hand signal that means go.
With what you hope are quiet footsteps, you emerge from behind the column and follow Inej to the hallway to the left. You patiently wait as two Grisha emerge from the bedrooms, and in the span of a few seconds, it takes the door to close; you both rush in.
Inej opens the closet, throwing you a kefta, and you gasp at the softness of the fabric.
“Do you think we can keep these?” You jokingly ask.
“Unless you want to be an even bigger target in Ketterdam: I’d advise not.”
“They’re bulletproof and warm,” You said, slipping on the blue kefta with red and yellow detailing.
Inej only hums as she slips hers on, which has green swirls embellished on it.
“Tidemaker,” You said.
“Inferni,” Inej replied. “Suits you.”
You both walk out of the bedroom, the kefta’s making it easier to walk through the palace undetected. The Grisha all automatically assumed you belonged there. They didn’t bother to take a good look at your face.
“Status?” Kaz asked.
“On track,” You said softly, passing by two Grisha’s.
Kaz nods on his side, dressed as a guard inside of the palace. He waits patiently by the door for the two of you. He can just barely spot Wylan in the distance, acting as a servant to the Queen.
She was too stuck up to ever notice or acknowledge any of the servant's names. Similar to the Mercher’s back in Ketterdam.
What snobs they are.
Kaz watches as you and Inej round the corner. The Kefta’s fit both of you surprisingly well. He nods at you two, giving Wylan one last glance before going to unlock the Queen’s room. His fingers and quick, and the lock cracks open in a few seconds.
In those few seconds, someone screams. You can hear Wylan laughing nervously before being pinned down by a guard.
Kaz instantly stops what he’s doing as you all watch the scene unfold. They disarm him, grabbing a remote and throwing it across the floor.
“Get back!” Kaz shouts as the button lands first onto the ground. There’s a moment of silence, utter stillness as you and Inej look toward the Queen’s room, and then it explodes. The blast echoes through the castle and shatters everything. Pieces of rumble rain down as the building begins to shake.
You slam against the adjacent wall, coughing at the dust and groaning. Blood trickles down from your forehead, and your entire body aches.
A low moan catches your attention, and you look up to see a crystal chandelier, cracks surrounding the ceiling it was attached to.
“(Y/N)!” You can hear Kaz scream as it gives way.
You don’t have enough time to get away, you know that. Your vision was still blurry, a loud ringing in your ears. You were too disoriented to even comprehend the idea of being pierced with the decorative piece.
But Kaz isn’t.
He lunges forward, tackling you to the opposite end and shielding you with his body. He’s holding his breath the entire time, counting in his head and reminding himself that it’s just you. If he lets go, then you’ll be dead.
Don’t let go. He repeats it like a mantra inside his head, focusing on the sound of glass shattering as you both skid across the floor.
Sharp glass shards pierce his jacket and skin, but he’s barely fazed by it. It gives him something else to focus on other than the feeling of you.
“Don’t move,” You said quietly, and you can see his eyes widen because by saints he needs to, or he’s going to pass out. “Kaz, if you move, you’re going to push a piece of glass further into yourself.”
He starts shaking his head because the feeling of you breathing under him is overwhelming. Your voice had snapped him out of his daze, and now he was fully aware and fully scared. He doesn't know why. It's you and you were the one person he wishes he could be able to touch, but right now, he can't.
“I can’t,” He whispers.
“Kaz, don’t.”
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m right here,” You assure. “I’m alive, okay? Just breathe slowly until I can get out.”
Kaz closes his eyes and breathes deeply. Every nerve in his body is screaming. It’s worse than the shard of glass sticking out of him. He can’t do it.
“Kaz!” You scream as he rolls off of you and onto the floor.
Almost instantly, the glass pierces through him, and he groans. There’s a huge shard sticking out of his stomach, and you can feel panic surging through you.
Your instincts overwhelm the pain, and your senses come rushing back to you. There’s no way you can grab the glass without cutting yourself in the process, and Kaz would bleed out before you can do anything.
“Kaz Brekker, don’t you dare die on me.”
“I’m not trying to,” He hisses back.
“Inej!” You shout, searching for the Suli girl through the rubble.
“A healer,” Kaz coughs out. “You look Grisha, call for a healer.”
You blink, still amazed how Kaz’s mind is still working, before standing up. “Healer!”
On cue, a girl with a red kefta and silver detailing runs over from the area where Wylan was. You don’t want to imagine how many others are hurt. Behind her is Inej, who nods at you, and you thank the saints for her.
“I need to get the glass out," The healer said.
You look at her, then back to Kaz. “Okay. I can do that. Trust me."
“What you did was stupid,” You said to Kaz, kneeling down by his side once more.
“You were going to die,” he protests weakly.
You slowly grip the glass tightly, trying to ignore the sharp sting of it as the jagged sides cut through your skin.
“You could’ve died!” You scowl, but Kaz could hear the fear in your voice. “You still could.”
“It’s better me than you.”
“No, it isn’t,” You reply, “Kaz, how can you not see it?”
“See what?”
“That I'm in love with you!”
His eyes widen, and at that moment, you grab the glass and yank it out. Kaz screams out in pain, shutting his eyes. “Fuck!”
It’s the first time you’ve ever heard him curse.
The healer jumps into action. She leans over Kaz, and with a single motion of her hand, stitches him up.
She looks at you, and before you can say anything, she heals the cut on your forehead and the gashes on your hands.
“Thank you,” You said.
She nods, and Inej thanks her as well before turning her attention back to you and Kaz. “We need to go, like now. Wylan’s already running out the door as we speak.”
You nod, looking to Kaz. “Okay, can you walk?”
Inej hands him his cane, and he uses it to steady himself. “I can.”
“Okay… can you run?”
“I don’t think we have much of a choice,” Inej said, tugging on your kefta and gesturing to the guards eyeing you down.
“We’re running!” You announce, taking off with Inej and Kaz on your heels. The guards immediately start pursuing you, and you try to lose them in the many hallways.
“Where the hell is Jesper when you need him?”
“Right here!”
“I’m here as well!” Nina shouts, coming to a stop behind him. “The Kefta’s suit you two.”
Jesper winks before beginning to fire as Nina drops their heart rate.
“I take it the mission was unsuccessful?” Nina asked, turning to run when the guards become too many.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Jesper said.
“I would,” Kaz seethed.
“Yes, well, you happen to be the most pessimistic person here,” Jesper replied, firing a shot at an approaching guard.
“(Y/N) confessed her love for Kaz,” Inej said through labored breaths, finally reaching the exit.
Nina whirls to face you, “What?”
“About damn time,” Jesper grumbled, ignoring the look Kaz gives him.
You roll your eyes at him, grateful to see your getaway carriage on time.
“And then she pulled a piece of glass out of him,” Inej added, opening the door and hopping into the carriage.
“Oh wow, that’s really the cherry on top of it, isn’t it?” Jesper asked sarcastically.
“You guys are the only people that gossip while being chased down with guns,” Your driver, Matthias, chuckled.
“When else are we supposed to be doing it?” Nina asked, getting into the seat next to him and grabbing the reins.
“Oh sorry, didn’t realize there’s a time and place for it. I’ll stop being a criminal and getting chased now,” You sassily replied, climbing in behind Kaz.
“Just go!”
Nina and Matthias don’t have to be told twice, and you all take off, leaving empty-handed, or so you thought.
Jesper and Wylan sit across from Inej, you, and Kaz. The curly-haired boy holds a bag tightly to his chest, and you’re not oblivious to it.
“What’s in the bag?” Inej asked.
Jesper grins. “Why thank you for asking. Care to share, Wylan?”
The boy rolls his eyes and opens the bag, revealing a crown.
“Oh my god,” You gasp.
“I told you we weren’t leaving empty-handed,” Jesper smirks, leaning back and ruffling his boyfriend's hair.
“How?” Kaz asked.
“Stole it from the queen after the explosion and quite literally ran for my life.”
“We taught him well.”
The ride back to Os Kervo is long, and most of the Dregs fall asleep, except for Nina and Matthias, of course.
Inej rests her head against the window, using her hoodie and scarf as a pillow. Jesper does the same, with Wylan resting on his shoulder.
However, you’re wide awake, not finding a comfortable position to sleep in.
“Did you mean it?” Kaz whispered, turning to face you.
His features stick out more in the moonlight, casting sharp shadows across his face. His blue eyes feel like they're piercing you in a single gaze.
“Mean what?”
“What you said before you yanked the glass out of me, or was it just a distraction?”
“Oh,” You said softly. “I meant it.”
“I mean it too.”
You raise a questioning eyebrow at him.
Kaz realizes he has to say it back. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but he felt like a child once again. There were butterflies in his stomach as he speaks. “I love you too.”
“Is that so?” You ask, a slightly teasing tone to your voice, and he knows it.
“I don’t risk my life for just anyone.”
“No, I suppose you wouldn’t.”
“I also don’t offer my shoulder to sleep on to anyone.”
Your eyes brighten. “Kaz?”
He gives you a small smile, “I can take it.”
“Are you sure?”
“If it means both of us get some shut-eye, yes.”
A slow smile spread across your face as you pull up your own hoodie, having shed the Kefta long ago. It was too bulky for you.
You slowly let your head fall onto his shoulder, and his breathing stutters for a brief moment before relaxing again when he can feel your heartbeat. It should freak him out, and it does, but he stays strong. That’s what you do for the people you love.
You tough it out.
That, and Kaz falls asleep a few moments later with his own head resting on yours.
— END —
🏷 Kaz Brekker Taglist: @ms-awkward @kykymyeon @alcottsangel @kaqua
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