awalkoflife-arc · 2 years
closed starter for @righteovsman​ 
The dreams had started a week ago. A mirage of unfamiliar images, none of which were connected to Grace Kingsley’s life. It began with the sound of a gunshot, the noise blending into the revved-up engine of a 1967 Chevrolet Impala. There was a faceless man, a darkened silhouette driving through the night. He was in search of someone, perhaps a lover, maybe a friend. It was on the third consecutive night of the same dream that Grace realised it was neither. This stranger was looking for someone whose bond was irreplaceable, a brother. The scenery would redirect to what appeared to be an abandoned home, stolen cars stacked on the lawn, a room filled with cages and weapons, showcasing the worst of humanity. It was during this part that she would awake at the very same hour, alert to her surroundings. For many people, a dream was just that. But, not for a witch.
They always meant something, be it a warning, a sign or for Grace, a connection to the spiritual world. The brunette was a direct descendent of the Salem witches. Born and raised in Massachusetts, she had the ability to communicate with spirits before she knew anything about her innate craft. It was because of this, when she revisited that same dream night after night, that she knew the stranger on the open road was no ghost. He was human, a living and breathing soul, a man who was now connected to her.
It was exactly 5:45pm, twelve hours since the latest instalment of her dream. Grace had been left to lock up the store where she worked; a private, family ran small business that supplied witches with crystals, potions and a range of magical goods while offering tarot readings and seances to those that wished to connect with the faithful departed. As she walked toward the window, a familiar license plate caught her eye, one she had seen before, but couldn’t recall from where - KAZ 2Y5. It was then that she saw the car it was attached to, a ’67 Chevrolet Impala was parked on the street corner. The silence in the store was deafening. 
He was already here. The man from her dreams had found her. He was inside, but how? Grace called out to him, unaware of his exact location, yet she could sense him. Her voice didn’t waver, as she demanded, “If you wish me no harm, you’ll show yourself.”
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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Can I please have Hiraeth and Epiphany for Destiel x demon reader? (@kaz-2y5-images)
You want both for the same pairing? It’s one fic per prompt :)
SPN Beautiful Words Challenge
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ofstormsandwolves · 3 years
can any supernatural fans help me out? doing some supernatural art for a family member for xmas and was gonna use the KAZ 2Y5 plates as part of it but i know the car had a few different plates during the show. is this the most popular plate? I looked at a few things on google images and all the ones i saw used that plate so...
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impalasgirl · 6 years
You came back to me (Final part)
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Characters: Dean,  OFC (Kate), Reader.
Words: 2,257
Pairing: Dean x ofc, Dean x reader.
Warnings: ANGSTT, cheating, guilt yada yada yada.  I want it to be clear that I, by no means, want to “promote” people being cheaters lol Saying this just in case….(Now adding kidnapping lol)
A/N:  The end is here! Guys, thank you so much for your love and support, I’m so happy that so many of you enjoyed this short series <3
CATCH UP: Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Tags <3: @kaz-2y5-images , @polina-93 , @roonyxx , @thewinchesterchronicles , @random-fandom-lady , @spnfamily-thewinchesters and @mega-mrs-winchester
You could not stop Kate from leaving, you were frozen and she just stormed out of your apartment, leaving you standing there, watching the contents of the box on your couch. But not wanting to remember any of those things, you put those memories away in the trash can.
Sitting on the couch, you analyzed all your options. At this point, it was obvious for you that running away from the bunker was not working and you were sure that not even hiding in another state would help; you had left such destruction and pain on your path of this people’s life’s that disappearing was not doing any good.
When you finally came up with something that might help, a little smile full of hope appeared on your lips.
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Two months had passed and it surprised you that she would even answer; you honestly expected that Kate would have even change her number by now.
“What do you want?”
“I know I’m not in a position to ask anything from you, but…” you began, talking as fast as you could, afraid of her hanging up. “I need you help on a hunt”
You heard Kate sigh and then, after a few seconds of silence, she gave you an answer: “Where?”
“Idaho” you replied, trying to not sound too excited about her probably going there with you. “Might be a Djinn”
“Let’s meet at your apartment” She hung up quickly, but you didn’t care, not really. All that mattered to you at that point was that you might have a shot at fixing things, at least with her.
It was weird because, lately, you didn’t think about Dean as much as you used to. Yeah, you still had feeling for him and not only because he used to be your best friend, but the romantic love you still had for the green eyed hunter was not going away. Nevertheless, you felt that after what happened, you owed Kate more of what you owed Dean.
And you were hell bent on fixing, as much as you could, your friendship with her.
When Kate arrived at your apartment a few hours later, she did not even said “Hello” or smiled at you, she simply entered the place the moment you opened the door and put her bags on the floor, whispering she needed to use the bathroom, so you only indicated her where it was and then waited for her to return.
Needless to say, the drive to Idaho was a tense affair.
At a few hours after leaving, you decided to start talking. But Kate beat you to it.
“What’s all this about, Y/N?” she asked, clearly annoyed.
“Come on, don’t play dumb with me” Kate almost laughed at what she probably thought was a fake expression of surprise on your face.
You bite your lip and replied, a little unsure. “Remember that hunt I ruined? The one where you had to comfort me afterwards?”
Kate went silent and you could feel her eyes on you, like she was trying to decipher where you were going with all of this.
“The djinn I left go…” you kept going, keeping your eyes on the road ahead of you. “I think he’s back to the same place he got his victim’s from…”
“And I thought…” your voice was softer now. “I thought this would be a good time to…I don’t know, try to bring back the good memories, you know?”
“I know, Kate. I know it sound stupid but…” you licked your lips and tried to keep the tears in your eyes. “But you helped me so much on those moments. You were a true friend and I paid you doing that with Dean—“
“We broke up” Kate interrupted you, leaving you speechless. “Well, more like I broke up with him.”
Both remained silent for several minutes.
“I’m sorry, Kate, I—” you began but shut up when you heard Kate groan.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N…If you apologize one more time I’m gonna fucking throw myself out of this car”
“It’s done! Ok? It’s over between me and Dean” she yelled “I’m getting over this whole situation and you should too.”
You could not bring yourself to say anything else from the next hours. But when you were finally at a motel to relax and eat for the rest of the trip, you had to ask more: “When did you broke up? “
Kate sighed but still answered your question while she started undressing: “Right after I went to your apartment that day.”
“Why?” you questioned before you could think twice about what you had just said.
She rolled her eyes and decided to ignore you for the rest of the night and good part of the morning.
<<Probably for the best>> you thought.
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
This Djinn was like your arch enemy; he always managed to give you a fight…a good one. The first time you had confronted him alongside Kate, she had saved your life after you had been reckless; but now you had to get to her and kill that son of a bitch. It was not like Djinn’s were hard for you, but this one dude was like a representation of your past, of good and bad memories that would make you feel weak.
“It’s funny, you know?” the Djinn asked, hovering over your body after he had managed to slam you against a wall. But he did not attempt to poison you…no, he was looking at your vulnerability from his privileged position. And he was enjoying your pain, your struggle to get up. He was playing with his food way before he even got the chance to feed from your dreams. “Last time we met, the hot one was braver and smarter than you”
Ok, you tried to ignore how much that annoyed you and hurt, trying to concentrate on getting rid of him.
“Now? She’s like one of those scared young girls I used to pick up on the highway” he chuckled, kneeling at your side. You eyed the silver knife that had been kicked away by the Djinn and then calculated your chances at getting it back. “What happened to that feisty hot girl, huh?”
His face was so close to yours you almost thought he was going to kiss you or something, but as before, he was just enjoying everything in front of him. You knew what you were about to do was going to be disgusting and, if you made it out of this; you wished Kate would never talk about this.
Needless to say, biting a Djinns nose did not taste good…at all. But watching him get away from you, grunting and screaming in pain while holding his bleeding nose was kinda…satisfactory.
You crawled as fast as you could towards your knife and when you finally had it in your hands; you could not help a little smile on your lips as you raced towards the Djinn and plunged the knife onto his chest.
You let the relief sink in just for a few seconds until you remembered Kate. You ran to the basement and when you found all those girls tied up and as pale as ghosts, you tried to untie them as fast as you could, but your eyes kept drifting towards Kate in a corner, making sure you could see her stomach rising and falling.
It was probably “unprofessional” for a hunter, but you decided to give Kate the antidote first and while she started waking up and looking at her surroundings, you gave the antidote to the other girls and tried to calm them down while you called an ambulance.
“Come on, we need to get out of here” you mumbled, helping Kate getting up from the floor and walking with her to your car parked right outside the abandoned house.
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
You were happy that the hunt was over, that you got the job done; but Kate’s silence while she packed her things was starting to worry you. Physically she was completely healthy, she only had a few bruises and scratches that were nothing for a hunter; but had a strange look on her eyes that you had never seen before and you simply couldn’t decipher.
“I broke up with Dean because I don’t love him anymore”
Her firm voice and her response surprised you; making you stop packing and freezing were you were standing.
“I think—“she turned around to face you and you could see her reflection on the mirror in front of you. “I think I stopped loving him long a time ago.”
You turned to look at her, thousands of questions in your head. Kate smiled sadly, her attention set on the floor.
“Dean and I lost each other way before you two kissed, Y/N” Kate looked up at you at the smile she offered you was one of acceptance, you could not see any trace resentment on her face. “I tried to convince myself that I still had feelings for him…that I still like this…life. That when he came back to me that night, we would be able to get through whatever was happening”
“I didn’t know…”
“I know” she shrugged. “I think we were pretty good at hiding stuff to others, and sometimes to each other.”
A comfortable silence settled in the room for a few minutes before Kate sighed again and kept talking.
“What did you saw?” you asked. Kate bites her lip and then smiles again at you.
“A confirmation of what I really want for myself.”
“And what is that?”
“A normal life”
You could not help yourself; you walked towards her and hugged her as hard as you could. She hugged you back immediately.
“I’m sorry” you both said at the same time, making you giggle a little. Tears running freely.
“I should have never done that, Kate. It was so stupid and wrong and I—“
“And I should have never bullied you or whatever that was—“
“Hey” you chuckled, separating from her and putting your hands on her shoulders. “I deserved that”
“Yeah, you kind of did” she…joked? Ok, you could not tell if she meant it but you decided not to say anything more. “Anyways, I’m gonna leave now.”
“Wait…where are you going? Aren’t you driving back with me to Lebanon?” you questioned, confusion all over your face.
“I’m not gonna stay in the U.S anymore” Kate answered  with a big smile on her lips. “New life, new lands, you know?”
 •• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
Your relationship with Kate was not the same as before, but you still kept in touch with her even though the time difference between Lebanon and London was a little difficult. But still, knowing she was being successful with the whole “normal life” thing made you happy and proud.
After a while, that happiness started to fade a little. Because sure, you had fixed things with Kate…but you knew you still needed the Winchesters.
You still needed your best friend Dean.
The guilt on your shoulders also started fading away and that helped you to drive to the bunker and knock at the door.
When Dean opened the door, you felt your legs a little weak and your hands started sweating a little. It had been a long time since you last saw him and he looked as handsome as always, even with that surprised expression on his hard features.
You bite your lip before speaking and smiled nervously at him: “Can I come in?”
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
You had to talk to Dean on his room because everyone was at the bunker and at that point, there was no real privacy on the place. He sat next to you on the bed and he offered you a beer which you gladly took from his hands —you needed alcohol to relax—.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“About us”
He cleared his throat and you watched him play nervously with the empty beer on his hand.
“Dean, I love you” you declared and you were so relief of finally being able to say those words to him. It was like taking a huge burden off your shoulders. “I love you and I’m sorry for what I did—“
“What we did, Y/N” he corrected you, his green eyes staring into yours with an intensity that made you shiver. “It’s not fair to you to take all the blame on that. I kissed you because I wanted to, because in that moment it was what made sense.”
A sad smile appears on his lips and then he puts his hand on top of yours. “It’s what always made sense. I’ve come to realize that the only thing that I regret from that day was hurting Kate and you in the process of me being selfish and not thinking twice. And to make it worst I did not went to look for you because I thought I was only going to cause you more pain, but, God—”
“I know we did wrong, Y/N. But if you want…we could start with the right foot this time” he offered, looking hopeful. “Going out to watch movies, fancy dinner—“
“You really asking me on a date? A romcom type of date, Dean Winchester? “You teased him and he laughed.
“You came back, Y/N” he whispered. “I’ll give you all the romcom dates you want”
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kiwismoon · 6 years
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@kaz-2y5-images here
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splendidcas · 7 years
Do you mind if I make a fic based on your “imagine being a demon and being assigned to torture Castiel” I’ll give you credit (if you’re fine with it, you could find it on @kaz-2y5-images)
Sure! Thanks for asking :-)
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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[[Gif Credit: @thejabberwock]] (I tried so hard to get the second Gif with the gif search but it was impossible 😒]]
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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“You’re good with him.”
“You’re better.”
“He just needs to spend more time with Daddy.”
[GIFs found on Google, if you know the OP tell me and I’ll credit.]
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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kaz-2y5-images · 6 years
I’ll Make You A Queen||Michael!Dean x Demon!Reader||Michael!Cember Submission
Summery: Based off this post. My submission for @covered-byroses’s Michael!Cember.
Paring: Michael!Dean x Demon!Reader
Characters: Michael, Y/N, Dean Winchester (as Michael’s vessel)
Mentioned Characters: N/A.
Warnings: Fulff I guess, it’s romantic in a “we’re evil together, it’s super hot, and I’ll kill anything that hurts you” sorta way, implied smut, you’re naked the entire time.
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You groaned in protest as Michael rolled off of you, placing a soft kiss on your neck before getting out of bed and picked up his still-pristine clothes, dressing quickly as you watched. “Come back to bed, love.”
“As much as I would love to, I didn’t bring you here just to sleep with you.” He said as he fixed his bow tie. You were still getting use to his new voice, but the body, he was always handsome, both his true form and any vessel he took, but in his true vessel, he shone more beautifully than ever. And not to mention Dean’s own attractiveness was a plus.
You got up from bed, nothing covering you, and ran your hand up Michael’s back, tracing small patterns.
“Why did you bring me here?”
“Why wouldn’t I bring you here? When I remake this world, you’ll be my equal, and I’ll make you a queen.”
You draped yourself over him, pressing yourself against him, your head resting on his shoulder, pressing kisses under his ear and to his jaw, your hand roaming his chest, as he started to mirror, becoming increasingly irritated. You were going to pull away from him when he lightly grabbed your wrist.
“It’s not you, Y/N, it’s him.” He placed a quick kiss on your hand. “He won’t be quiet. I should kill him for the things he says about you.” He’s done it before, and you’ve killed many angels and demons alike for disrespecting him and for lusting after him.
“Then do it.”
“I don’t think I should. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.” He turned around pulled you against his chest, creasing your cheek and kissed you softly. “I love you, you know that, but now you’re my priority. Before remaking this world comes your happiness— What do you want?”
”You already have that.”
”You forever.”
”You have that too.”
“To be your queen and remake this world, even if we have to watch the world burn.”
“I’ll make you a queen.” And you kissed him passionately. “I’ll make you my queen.”
I like this, but I’m not sure how good this is.
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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“Happy Valentine’s Day, my Love.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N.”
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kaz-2y5-images · 5 years
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