#kaze writes: aiden and barrett
empresskaze · 8 months
Ahhh, those fall prompts are so wonderful! I'd love to suggest 🧥 and 💔.
Any OCs you feel inspired to write 😊
Combining this with Sicktember Alt Prompt: Forehead Kisses for female presenting-Aiden and Barrett.
🧥 - “I thought I told you to wear a coat.”
💔 - Date night gone wrong
Barrett had been gnawing on his bottom lip for so long he was surprised he hadn't drawn blood yet.
Aiden lingered under the awning trying her best not to get anymore soaked from the sudden downpour that left everyone on the street scrambling for cover. Barrett hadn't gotten as wet as he’d been smart enough to wear a jacket, though his curly hair now stuck matted to his face.
"I thought I told you to wear a coat." Barrett said as he attempted to shield Aiden from the rain.
His spouse merely rolled her eyes, "This is a S.J. Moore original, one doesn't cover it...with a...a..."
Aiden's head snapped forward as she sneezed. "A coat."
Barrett sighed, "You're not over your cold yet, darling. The chill of the rain isn't going to help that. Perhaps skipping the fundraiser is a better idea?"
Aiden looked up, even with the application of makeup, the irritated red around her nose was noticeable but Barrett dared not mention it.
"Retty... we...we...ah...hhhh"
As her breath hitched, Aiden turned away sneezing twice more before pulling tissues out of her purse. Another followed before she quickly blew her nose.
"Darling..." Barrett removed his coat, resting it on Aiden's shoulders.
Pulling it closer around herself, Aiden sighed. "Perhaps you're right."
Barrett smiled, kissing his spouse on her forehead. "Date night at home sounds much better anyways. I'll hail a cab. Stay here."
"Oh...ka...kay..." Tissues back up, Aiden caught the sneeze as Barrett signaled for the taxi.
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empresskaze · 8 months
Oh my gosh I adore fem!Aiden!! Could we maybe see her taking care of a sick Barrett? Maybe with some sort of scolding and/or tutting over how much he’s overworked himself or something.
Of course!
Sicktember alt prompt Pounding Headache ft fem-presenting Aiden and Barrett.
"What did I tell you?" Aiden huffed resting her hand on hips as her blue eyes pierced Barrett.
"I know...." Barrett said as he took a sip of water with the pain killers his spouse had brought him.
Aiden rolled her eyes, "That's not what I asked? What did I tell you, Retty?"
"That if I didn’t take a break soon I'd pay for it." The lawyer said lowly.
"And was I correct?" Aiden asked as she ran her fingers through Barrett's hair, softly massaging his scalp.
"Oh, that feels divine, darling." Barrett exhaled and closed his eyes. "Your massages are the best."
"Well," Aiden began smiling to herself, "Next time don't overwork yourself. Simply ask for one."
"Deal." Barrett replied.
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empresskaze · 3 months
🧣and 🤒 for Aiden and Barrett, maybe?
🧣 underdressed for chilly weather
🤒 cold/flu
Again sorry this is so late! Since you didn't specify who I decided to torture the Diva.
"Reehhhhtteeeeeee...." Aiden's voice cracked hard enough it sent them into a coughing fit. Hunched over in the bed, he coughed until he had no breath left in his chest. "Ow ow god damnit!" Aiden wheezed, as they pressed a hand to their chest.
"Sorry darling, I told you it'd be a moment." Barrett said entering with a tray. He tried not making a face but his spouse looked worse than this morning.
"I see that look!" Aiden snapped angrily turning away but it caused the room to spin. Aiden quickly leaned back grabbing at their head. Barrett, tray already set down, was next to him.
"Close your eyes, try relax." Barrett whispered. "It'll pass."
Surprisingly, there was no retort. Barrett felt Aiden leaning lazily onto his shoulder. "Take a few slow breaths." He said running his hand over the diva's back.
"It's fine...I'm fine." Aiden wheezed out yet stayed close to their husband. "Blanket?" They reached out gesturing haphazardly.
Barrett brought the afghan over Aiden's frame and gently sat him back up. He wanted to scold Aiden for once again, going to an event with Star without a suitable cover. Aiden again argued fashion over function and dearly paid for it with this terrible chest cold. However, Barrett knew nothing good would come from it, and given his spouses attitude when sick, keeping the beast tamed was always better.
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empresskaze · 2 years
Sicktember Day 6: Sick on vacation
Mobile will not let me tag the sicktember blog...
Aiden and Barrett this time (also they're married now so yay for them XD)
Barrett couldn't remember the last time he'd simply relaxed on a vacation. Even the honeymoon felt like a chore at certain points as Aiden had signed them up for sight seeing tours, diving, several fine dining experiences as they'd wanted to try as many experiences as possible.
Barrett never complained, being officially married to Aiden had been enough, seeing his spouse in their element had been a good majority of his enjoyment.
However neither had much time to actually relax so when Aiden proposed the idea of a small getaway to the coast, Barrett almost jumped at the chance. Aiden had been physically shocked as Barrett rarely if ever took vacation days that weren't planned a good few months in advance. But the firm had been chaotic lately and any reason to step away for even a few days, Barrett was willingly to do.
The first two days at the beach house, he'd barely left the chair which sat only a few feet from the water as he watched Aiden swim or sun themself next to him. The umbrella giving decent shade for most of the sun. Barrett finally allowed his body to relax.
That's when it started happening.
Really, he should have known. With how stressed he been over the past months, the fact his body decided to shut down while on vacation shouldn't have surprised him. He'd began feeling abnormally tired the second day as he lounged with a drink in his hand but dismissed it as nothing to worry about. However, even after a good night sleep cuddling next to Aiden, Barrett woke up feeling poor, his throat dry no matter how much water or wine he drank.
When he'd told Aiden he was going to lay down that afternoon, the diva finally gave her husband a proper look over.
"Retty...you look like hell." Aiden's hands on his neck feeling his glands. "Also these feel swollen." She said taking a step back.
"I'm sure it's nothing." Barrett attempted but his voice gave out. "I'm simply coping with not being at work." He pulled Aiden close, running a hand through their hair. "After a short rest I'll be fine. You promised me a walk on the beach in your new sun dress, remember?"
"Honey, it's a Chloe Barnet, how could I forget." Aiden chuckled. "We'll see how you're feeling after. We can always postpone the walk."
Barrett went to interject but coughed instead, he wouldn't be swaying Aiden's mind with that. "Alright, but don't let me sleep too late." Barrett leaned in kissing his spouses forehead.
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empresskaze · 11 months
The idea of Liam in a black t-shirt with the words GAY written in rainbow and Fessor in his normal 3 piece suit but with a nice looking rainbow bowtie just popped into my head and I had to sit down.
Babies first Pride event.
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empresskaze · 1 year
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empresskaze · 2 years
Four Christmases
Liam's Loft
"What Christmas movie do you want to watch, love?" Liam set his laptop down on Gabriel’s lap then slid himself under the covers next to the professor.
"Oh." Gabriel sniffled hard, nose covered in his handkerchief. This years Christmas cold was especially bad, one of the worst Liam had seen in their years together. "Whatever you wish, I doubt I'll..." Gabriel’s breath faltered, another deep sniffled before he found his voice, "Be much...company...thr...th..." His eyes squeezed shut, nose still buried in the cloth. Breath hitched hard once more as Gabriel pitched forward. The sneeze congested and wet, exhausted Gabriel, Liam could hear it in the heavy sigh his boyfriend let out.
Liam pulled the covers up closer around Gabriel who blew his nose again. "We'll watch until you fall asleep, anything to take your mind off your cold."
Gabriel managed a weary smile, then settled himself against Liam. "You're too...good to me my...dearest..." He turned to sneeze again happy to feel Liam’s hold around him tighen.
Colin's Penthouse
"Daria said she's still coming." River said looking at Colin's phone.
Colin scoffed, "She's never one to turn down food so not..." He coughed into his cluster of tissues. "So I'm not surprised." He leaned back on the couch resting an arm over his forehead. "At least I'm feeling a bit better."
River was happy Colin couldn't see his face. It wasn't that he didn't believe his roommate but how deshelved Colin looked currently, River had his doubts. At least Colin had been on enough medication to no longer to a threat to anyone, the only reason the critic wasn't in his room anymore.
Another raucous cough forced Colin to sit up, his shoulders heaving until the spasm passed. Colin let out a shaky breath leaning back.
River came over setting the phone on the table and sat next to Colin. "Need anything?"
Colin waved his hand dismissively. "New lungs?"
River stilfed a chuckle, "Can't help you there. How about cough medicine instead."
Colin nodded as another cough escaped. "I'm going to lay down before Daria comes. If she's early...don't wake me." He smirked at River then pushed himself up heading to his bedroom.
River grabbed the medicine and followed.
Cecil's House
Ambrose had taken up residency in the reading room, one because it had the best fire place, two it would be the first place Cecil would seek out after returning.
Molly had assured him Cecil would arrive this afternoon but the sun had set hours ago, Ambrose remained alone. That wasn't true, Molly and Philip took care of him but it wasn't the same.
The clock rang 10pm, Ambrose sighed, closed his book and set it on the table. Removing the quilt from his lap, he stood wrapping it around his shoulders. A deep wheezing cough kept him hunched over, Ambrose's thin frame shook as he covered it into his handkerchief. Righting himself, his lungs still hissed as he regained his breath.
He then felt a comforting hand against his back.
"You're late." Ambrose rasped not looking at Cecil.
"I know." Cecil's voice weighed with guilt. "I left as soon as I could."
Ambrose kept his gaze down but drew closer to Cecil whose hand moved from his back to midsection. "I missed you."
"And I you." Cecil whispered in Ambrose's ear.
Aiden and Barrett's Apartment
"Retty, are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Aiden asked for the fifth time as he shrugged on his coat.
"Darling, I'll be fine." Barrett looked up from the couch. "I have plenty to do." He motioned to the folders of work surrounding him.
Aiden frowned, "You're supposed to rest today per doctors orders."
Barrett chuckled a cough. "Since when are you a doctor?"
Aiden flipped his hair, "Doctor of style, same difference." He walked over planting a kiss on Barrett's warm cheek. "Call if you need anything."
"I will." Barrett returned the kiss.
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empresskaze · 3 years
Could you do 🎬 for Barrett?
🎬: they’re watching a scary movie marathon with their friends and cannot. stop. sneezing. At first, maybe their friends thought it was funny, but now they’re starting to get concerned. What’s going on?
(I'm also working on the other TMA request and the River/Colin one, god I need to finish T42)
If there's one thing Aiden Summerville loved, aside from his fiancé, was a party. Halloween being no exception. For this year though Barrett had specifically asked for something smaller given how much money was going to wedding preparations. Aiden had begrudgingly agreed.
Everything was set, Aiden hired a small catering company for the evening. He'd been in charge of the decorations of course.
"Retty! Are you in you dressed yet?" Aiden called as he began pouring wine into glasses. "Star and Meg will be here soon! I asked them to come early to assist with finishing touches. Plus Star is making her famous cider, it's to die for, I had it a few times before, it'll get you in such trouble, Retty let me tell you, I....Retty?" It finally dawned on Aiden his fiancé had not answered him. "Retty?"
Barrett sat on the bed, rubbing his head and nose. He hadn’t said anything to Aiden but the last few days he hadn’t been feeling well. Barrett managed to conceal his symptoms since Aiden’s attention was purely on the party. Now though it was getting harder.
Barrett inhaled sharply before stifling silently. "Nearly dressed." He called when he heard Aiden finally take a breath. It was a lie, he hadn't begun putting on his suit. He'd talked Aiden out of dressing up, saying he'd simply be an uptight lawyer. Aiden on the other hand decided on going full Holly Golightly from Breakfast At Tiffanys.
"Retty." Aiden stood in the doorway, gloved hands on his hips. "You're still in that."
"Yes, sorry darling. I'm dressing n..." Barrett was cut off as the doorbell rang signaling Star and Megumi's arrival.
Aiden squealed. "Coming! Also Retty, remember she pronouns tonight." She stopped in the door. "Get dressed!"
"Yes, I will." Barrett sighed. He heard Star's voice float into the bedroom. "Just get up and dress." He said to himself before his breath hitched forcing another stifle.
By the time Barrett got himself cleaned up enough to pass as human nearly all the guests had arrived. Aiden was in corner telling a small group a story. Well Barrett assumed this as the cigarette holder she held in her hand waved around. Barrett slid his way over to the kitchen looking something soothing for his throat.
"Cider?" Star asked but handed him a cup.
"Thanks." Barrett smiled. "Your costume is extravagant usual."
Star did a curtsy in her ballgown fashioned after Marie Antoinette. She had kept her signature pink curly hair though which added some flare to the outfit. "Aiden helped, her eye is sometimes better than mine." Star leaned in, "But don't tell her I said that." She smiled.
Barrett smiled as he sipped the cider. Star was called away by her assistant. Barrett always forgot their name, he knew they were a twin but could never tell the two apart.
As the night passed Barrett felt his sinuses begin to clog more. Silently stifling was getting harder and causing sharp pains to form after each.
Barrett excused himself to the bathroom to blow his nose. One look in the mirror revealed exactly how he felt. "Maybe everyone will think I'm a ahh hhh..."
Barrett pitched forward, the sneeze escaping before he could stifle. Sniffling he wiped his nose then heard Aiden calling for him.
"In here darling." He hoped his voice didn't sound as bad as it did.
"There you are. Aiden strolled in. "Come on we're starting the movie!' She twirled back out into the hall.
"Right." Barrett said grabbing a handful of tissues.
Watching the movie proved difficult as Barrett was concentrating on not sneezing. The tickle that had formed all day was now at its peak. Thankfully the movie was quite loud so it didn't appear Aiden heard his constant sniffling.
However hiding the stiles was harder as Aiden definitely felt Barrett jerk each time.
"All you alright?" The diva asked more than once. Each time Barrett assured her he was fine.
When the movie finally ended and the room lightened, Aiden pulled Barrett into the bedroom.
"Tell me what's wrong. You sneezed during the entire movie." Aiden stood arms crossed looking at her fiancé.
Barrett exhaled a tired sigh and sat down. "I think I'm coming down with something." He sniffled. "Felt off yesterday, felt worse today."
"Oh Retty why didn't you tell me?" Aiden sat down next to him.
"I didn't want to ruin your party... excuse...me..." Barrett turned sneezing into his tissues. "I think I've had enough for tonight. Are you mad?" He asked.
"No, I do wish you'd said something though I could have made an excuse for you. Here." Aiden stood up and pulled back the bed comforters. "Lay down and I'll be in later." She blew Barrett a kiss on the way out.
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empresskaze · 3 years
😣, ⛈, and 💟 for Barrett and Aiden, maybe?
Still working through the spring prompt list! Also another anon requested (like a year ago... Barrett getting sick and Aiden being busy and not realizing it so fitting that prompt in here)
😣Scratchy throat ⛈rainstorms 💟 tissues
Barrett shook off the excess water that had soaked his umbrella, not that it had helped much. The lawyer, completely drenched, stuck it in the holder before quickly shedding his coat. Droplets ran from his hair which now curled tightly against his head.
Roughly clearing his throat, Barrett grabbed some tissues from a nearby box as he'd been sniffling from the cold damp weather. He was in mid stride to the bathroom when he saw a note laying on the kitchen island.
Something came up, home late, wine in fridge is for a client don't drink it. Kisses.
Sighing, Barrett continued to the en suit, running the shower immediately. As nice as wine sounded (not Aiden's obviously), Barrett's throat was in no mood for anything dry. With much warmer water running over him, he began to feel slightly more human. Slightly.
Barrett hated admitting but this freak drenching wouldn't help the general sluggish feeling he'd been fighting for a few days. He'd hoped to come home from a long tiring day and relax with his fiancé but that wasn’t happening. Both had been working odd hours lately and the brief times they had seen each other, Aiden had been distracted with wedding arrangements.
The diva had even joked about becoming a wedding planner since he was having such a time with theirs. Barrett managed to hide his eye roll.
Clearing his throat again, Barrett massaged his neck as he pulled on blue silk pajamas and his black robe. A bottle of water, a few pain killers later and Netflix, he was nearly asleep when the apartment door opened.
"Retty~~~" Aiden's falsetto voice rang out.
God, he was not in the mood for that nickname.
Rubbing his head in an effort to clear the cobwebs, Barrett sat up slowly, suddenly aware that Aiden has been speed talking this entire time. Barrett tried to interject but his fragile voice failed. Not that it would have mattered, once Aiden got going only an act of nature could have stopped him and he'd still have gotten the last word in.
Barrett, having pocketed some tissues from the bathroom, wiped his nose as he half paid attention. His throat was definitely hurting more as he rubbed it again.
It was then he became aware the apartment was quiet.
Looking up, he saw Aiden standing over him holding out a cup of tea.
"I know it's not your favorite drink, I might have put a little something in it, but you look as you need a little something, darling." Aiden handed Barrett the mug then sat down.
Barrett smiled, "You are the only little something I need." He leaned onto Aiden's chest.
"No cracks about my height, darling." Aiden barked but there was no anger in his voice.
God they've been engaged forever, I'm gonna eventually need to write them getting married, or at least outline how it went XD it's like 5am so apologies if there are any mistakes in this.
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empresskaze · 3 years
Gabriel : 💢
Ok here's all the cough asks cough anon!
Tumblr media
"Love that doesn't sound good." Liam said sitting next to his boyfriend. They'd been on a walk through the park when Gabriel’s asthma began acting up.
"It's fine." Gabriel’s voice was strained. "Give me a moment to..." He broke off masking another raspy cough into his handkerchief.
Liam pulled out the inhaler. "Here, just in case."
Gabriel managed a weak smile. "Thank you dearest."
"Ri-if-if-ver." Colin coughed out his roommates name from his bedroom.
A minute later the bookworm cracked open the door. "Yes?" River wasn't trying to be rude but he didn't want to catch whatever Colin had, not with inventory coming up.
Colin held up a finger as another nasty wet cough rocked him. He pulled out a cluster of tissues and blew his nose. "Is there....anymore cough medicine in...the kitchen?" Every breath he struggled with as a low wheeze emitted.
"I'll look, if not I'll call your doctor to get more." River said.
Colin leaned back on his pillows with a smile. "You're a lamb."
"Look forgive me if coughing isn't your thing." Mathias narrowed his brow at Beckett who was pouting. "I didn't ask for bronchitis." The Greek snapped.
Beckett sighed, "I know, I'm sorry for poking fun." He paused as Mathias coughed again. "Would tea help?"
Mathias nodded weakly.
"I can't believe this! A week before Greta Von Staub's couture show, which will..." Aiden broke off coughing. "No doubt be..." Another dry raspy cough. "The talk of the town and I'm suffering!" Aiden threw his hands up in the air.
Barrett was pretty sure he was suffering more but kept quiet.
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empresskaze · 3 years
🤒 and 🐶 for Barrett and Aiden?
Ok working through prompts, this is from the Valentines ones. This one was kinda hard because I didn't remember if I'd ever given either of them pet allergies XD Well now Aiden has mild ones.
"Retty, enough I'm fine." Aiden batted away the lawyer's hand.
"Are you sure?" Barrett asked again for at least third time.
Aiden snorted, "I look like hell but yes, it's passed. Probably will just have this awful rash." He frowned looking at his hand. "Red is my color but not like this."
Barrett wasn't about to mention how flushed the Diva's face looked. "Camilla obviously didn’t mentioned she'd brought a cat."
"Oh she did, couldn't stop going on how much she'd..." Aiden dipped sneezing. "Spent on it. What she didn't mention was it was long hair." He rolled his eyes. "I held out pretty long though, almost two hours."
Barrett shook his head. "Next time have her come here, alright?"
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empresskaze · 4 years
4 or 10 for Aiden and Barrett?
Warm drinks and colds. Since you didn't specify I'm gonna torture Aiden. >8D
"Here darling." Barrett handed the steaming mug of tea to Aiden who was sitting propped up in the bed. The chest cold he was suffering from made it impossible to lay down.
Aiden brought it to his lips but made a face as he sipped. "Retty..." He held the nickname.
Barrett rolled his eyes, "I put a touch of whiskey in it, I'm not going to spike your drink." He said while adjusting the blankets around Aiden's midsection.
"I'm not asking for a whiskey straight." Aiden croaked before coughing. "Just something to make the tea taste better." He made a face.
"I'll remember that for your next one unless you want orange juice instead."
Aiden turned coughing hard into his pajama sleeve. "Add champagne and sure." Aiden remarked dryly clutching the mug to his chest.
Barrett chuckled, "Am I your caretaker or your bartender?"
"Both." Aiden said into the mug as he took another sip.
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empresskaze · 4 years
⏳ for Barrett?
Build up, okay then! 
Barrett sat propped up on the kitchen stool going over tomorrow's  opening statement for the hundredth time. At this point he had it memorized but wanted to go over the points of emphasis, how he'd address the jury, things like that. 
A sensation made him straightened, Barrett brought his hand up fanning it slightly in front of his face.
Than nothing, still he held his position a moment longer just incase. Nothing. Sniffling dryly he flipped his notes over but once again he felt something forming. Pushing his knuckle against his nose his breath hitched once more.
"Heh...hhh... damnit...haaa"
Barrett blinked rapidly as he head tilted back, his gaze aligning with the upper cabinets.
One last wave of the hand finally coaxed the sneeze out.
Clasping his hand over his mouth, Barrett pitched forward at the force.
"Bless you, babe." Aiden's voice rang from the bedroom.  Barrett thanked his fiancé then went back to his work.
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empresskaze · 4 years
¿ or ► for Aiden, possibly? I'm not sure if you're still accepting these, but I adore your Original Characters so much.
Thermometer and crisp clean pajamas for the Diva! Sorry this took some time but I got distracted by Fessor lately.
“Darling here.” Barrett entered from the closet holding a clean pair of silk green pajamas out.  They matched Aiden’s eyes which Barrett always liked.  “How did the shower feel?”
Aide shrugged, arms folded across his midsection. His thick robe tied tightly around him.  “Helped somewhat.” His voice raspy but still had that sound of settled congestion lodged in the back of his throat. 
Aiden changed quickly as he began shivering when the robe was shed.  The pajamas felt nice on his warm skin.  The robe felt even nicer.  Laying back on the bed, he glared at Barrett who held out the thermometer.
“Let’s just check, okay?”  The lawyer’s hazel eyes concerned for his fiance.
A gruff noise was the only reply but Aiden parted his lips. A few seconds later it bleeped.  Before Barrett could remove it, Aiden’s hand already had flung it out of his mouth back at his caretaker. 
Sighing internally, Barrett look the device.  He frowned a bit.  “Still high but not as bad.”
Aiden said nothing, only laid down on the bed facing away.
“Darling...“ Barrett sat down next to him. “I know you wanted to go to the fundraiser but I think we both know that’s...
“Barrett please.” Aiden’s rough voice still had his distinctive bite to it. “Can we watch trashy reality TV while I pout?”
Barrett smiled, “Of course.
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empresskaze · 5 years
What about a Aiden getting over a cold which he has unknowingly given to Barrett, who isn’t necessarily trying to hide it, but Aiden is still really grumpy despite the symptoms being gone and he takes it out on poor, sick Barrett?
God this has been in my inbox for...over a year... sorrysorrysorry, I hope the anon who requested it is still around. Here's Diva and Lawyer with a bit of a shared cold. I have another req for sick Barrett as well in my box, hopefully that one won't take me as long.~~~~"Oh for God's sake Barrett, how am I supposed to concentrate on work when you're coughing?" Aiden snapped as he shut his laptop closed. "I'm already a few days behind thanks to this ridiculous cold." He stood, the ends of his dressing down whirling around his knees."Sorry." Barrett replied. He set his book down and massaged his forehead. Aiden developed a cold over a week ago which had put him in top diva mode lately. Thankfully he was on the mend but the sadly he'd given it to his fiancé, even worse Aiden had not noticed yet.Barrett wasn't exactly hiding it from Aiden, but he hadn't missed work and that was normally his main red flag. Aiden continued his rant before a dizzy spell overtook him. Barrett, immediately up on his feet grabbed his partner gently easing him down to the sofa. As soon as Aiden sat, Barrett turned masking another dry cough into his fist."Sorry." He muttered but Aiden wasn't paying attention, he sat cupping his own head in his hands. "Headache darling?" He asked with worry.Aiden nodded slowly. "Painkillers would be nice." His tired eyes glared at Barrett.Swallowing hard, Barrett pushed up off the couch and hurried to the kitchen. Not a moment later he was back at Aiden's side with medicine and water.Aiden muttered a thanks while taking the pills. "Honestly if I don't feel better soon I might need to reschedule the fall line up." His shoulders heaved a sigh.Barrett wanted to console his fiancé but another dry racking cough erupted from him. His breath momentarily taken away, he bent over hacking into his hand. Finally he managed a sharp painful inhale as he sat up. The entire spasm had exhausted him."Oh Retty." Aiden's hand brushed at Barrett's curls. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice...I..." He handed the remaining water to Barrett who drank it quickly."It's fine, darling." Barrett whispered hoarsely. "Fancy a nap?" He said trying to smile.Aiden smiled and laid his head against Barrett's chest.
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empresskaze · 5 years
Auld Lang Syne - Aiden and Barrett - Illness
Some diva and lawyer to ring in the new year. Loosely inspired by @mypoorfaves prompt
Enjoy! (I wrote this here without editing)
"Retty...are you positive you'll make it to midnight?" Aiden stood near his partner in their kitchen. Barrett sighed rubbing his aching head. The couple had planned a small party to welcome in the new year; Cordelia and her date, none other than the youngest Wainwright, Benjamin. Star and Megumi, and a few of Barrett’s coworkers.
However, a day ago, Barrett had woke up with a nasty sore throat and mild fever. After a quick trip to the clinic and a full day in bed the lawyer, not wanting to disappoint his fiancé, put on his best face and tried to be as social as possible. Sadly at barely 11pm, Barrett was feeling the effects of his illness.
"Yes darling." He rasped sipping some wine hoping it would douse some of the fire he felt in his throat. Aiden approached looking up with concern as he adjusted Barrett’s tie. "You look ghastly dear." He said running his hand along his fiancé’s forehead. "Fever might be up, I'll get some painkillers."
"No, no." Barrett started after Aiden. "I will, you keep the guests happy." He whispered as Cordelia's laugh sounded from the sitting area.
"Hmmm big sister appears to be more than interested in Ben." Aiden raised an eyebrow while folding his arms. "Fine, but lay down in you need too." A quick kiss to Barrett’s warm cheek, grabbed his champaign flute and went back to the party.
Barrett combed back his hair hoping to hide some of the sweat that had glistened along his forehead. After swallowing some medicine, wincing as they slid down his aching throat, Barrett’s glazed eyes fell onto the bed. It looked inviting, soft and he could almost feel it calling to his tired body. Perhaps he should just call it a night. Aiden probably wouldn't kiss him at midnight for fear of catching his illness. The party appeared to be thriving without him as another round of laughter echoed down the hall.
The clock flashed 11:21. Clearing his throat, Barrett rubbed his head, he could make it. He would for Aiden.
The apartment had a fabulous view of the water where fireworks would ring in the new year. Everyone had gathered near the window. Star with her arm around Megumi's waist. Ben and Cordelia raising their glasses to clink. Barrett sat on the sofa away from the crowd, his own drink barely touched.
Right near the 30 second mark, Aiden sat down next to him, a smile on his face. "To us." He said handing the lawyer his glass.
Exhausted but happy, Barrett took it, clinking it against Aiden's. "Happy New Year, darling."
Everyone chanted down as the last seconds of the year ticked away. Barrett wasn't too pleased to be starting a new year feeling awful. Then as the clock struck midnight and the fireworks lit up the sky, Aiden leaned over resting his hand behind Barrett’s head pulling him into a kiss.
Surprised Barrett almost thought he was dreaming but Aiden’s cool skin against his face couldn't be ignored.
"I...wasn't sure you'd kiss me." Barrett tried in vain to hide his blush.
Aiden chuckled, "Barrett Sterling, I'd never turn down an opportunity to kiss you."
The next morning Aiden’s voice was hoarse. After taking Barrett’s temperature he took hos own. Letting out a disgusted sigh, Aiden crawled back under the covers.
"Sorry darling." The lawyer rasped sadly. Aiden waved him off.
"I had nothing planned, Mr. Chase." He replied with a cough.
Barrett smiled as he pulled his fiancé next to him. "Neither did I."
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