#kbc 11
srbachchan · 10 months
DAY 5655
Jalsa, Mumbai Aug 11/12, 2023 Fri/Sat 2:21 AM
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Aug 12 .. Amma ji .. Amma .. Maa .. Maaji ..
Eternal ..
Born today .. her strength , her vibrancy , her never say die inspiration, her fight against the odds .. to make us what we are today
वर्ष नव हर्ष नव; जीवन उत्कर्ष नाव
Routine .. in the days of life .. one wrong move , and the entire spaceology in the throws or turmoil .. the practice of what needs to be done next supersedes all else .. not in place where it was last put , and turmoil .. the cerebrum in complete disarray ..
much like what beckons us each day here on this platform Tumblr., .. changes occur without warning and the entire system goes to fetch oil ..
but one trundles along ..
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.. and the trundle goes well past the times of the night of the mid ..
hence sine the next morning is early we say in the time of the night ..
But before that a celebration by the Ef as they represent themselves in my Avatars on KBC .. so much effort made and with such elan .. my gratitude as ever ..
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horanghater · 11 months
Who Wants to be a Dumbass?
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Summary: Seungkwan wins the olympic gold medal in overthinking in under an hour and Jeonghan wins some money on the side.
▸ Pairing: Seungkwan x AFAB!reader
▸ Rating / Genre / AU: 18+, humor, f2? Minors / Ageless accounts DO NOT INTERACT. You will be blocked.
▸ Warnings: suggestive dialogue
▸ Word Count: 961
▸ A/N: More for KBCS’s Bon Voyage Bingo event! Prompt: Sunscreen (yes again but different lol) Kisses for @shuadotcom my forever-beta!
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Seungkwan has been pacing for the last 20 minutes trying to make sense of this, but the longer he thinks the more he works himself up. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. He spies his phone light up on the coffee table in his periphery, reminding him of the unread message waiting for him. Really deep breath in, ok? 
Finally, he grabs the device, bracing himself as he reads over the preview of your texts.
Y/N💐: i wanna go to the pool tomorrow, but… 11:23pm Y/N💐: Attachment: 1 Image 11:25pm Y/N💐: Kwannie :( 11:35pm
The attachment is dangerous. When he saw the preview come in 20 minutes ago, he glimpsed your bottom lip, quirked up just slightly. And from what else he could see in the minimized image, it also included your chin, neck, and the suspiciously bare expanse of the top of your chest. You’ve sent Seungkwan plenty of selfies, but something was different about this - he just knew it. But different how? What would he see when he actually opened his messages and saw the photo in its entirety? What if you sent something by accident? What if…what if you sent something on purpose? Seungkwan lives a moderately stressful life, but this is definitely the most stressed he’s ever been. The thought of seeing his crush - seeing what he’s pretty sure could be the love of his life, actually - indecently shoots equal parts excitement and terror through his veins. It’s that excitement that pushes him to unlock pandora’s box.
He enters his password and holds his breath. Y/N💐: i wanna go to the pool tomorrow, but there’s no one to help me put my sunscreen on! will you help me? 11:23pm The image beneath the message is better than anything Seungkwan’s imagination could have conjured up. You’re smirking, chin up and confident. His eyes stroll down your neck, past your collarbones to your exposed upper chest, image cut off just at the top of your cleavage. White sunscreen is smeared everywhere - oh. Oh. It looks a lot like cum. Like Seungkwan's wettest dream that he has on a regular basis at this point. As if you’ve never applied anything to your skin in your life. As if your hands suddenly stopped working. As if you specifically wanted Seungkwan’s hands to do the work instead. 
When he eventually does remember how to breathe, he reaches out to a lifeline. In times such as these, it’s helpful to phone a friend. “It’s midnight, loser, what do you want?”
“Y/N sent me a bunch of stuff and I’m freaking out,” Seungkwan cries, numb to Jeonghan’s (typical) greeting.
Jeonghan sighs dramatically on the other line. “You’re always freaking out. What’d she say?” “She sent me a photo.”
There’s rustling and suddenly Jeonghan’s voice is so much clearer in the receiver. “What kind of photo?”
“Y-You know. Like, a photo.”
“Like, a photo-photo?”
Seungkwan is still reeling from the image of you in such a suggestive pose. “I guess? Maybe? I don’t know.” Shit, what if he’s blowing this out of proportion? What if he just saw what he wanted to see?
“What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’? Did she send nudes or what?”
“No!” Even though he was literally just imagining you naked, hearing anyone else talk about you like that makes Seungkwan almost offended on your behalf. “It’s just her chest and–”
“Tits count as nudes.” 
“It’s not her-” why is he whispering? - “boobs, it’s just, like, the top of them, you know?”
“I don’t know because I can’t see the pic and you’re being a bitch.”
Y/N💐: hey Seungkwan the read receipts are on i’m sorry can… 12:03am
Oh shit. Oh fuck. Jeonghan tries again, “Just try to describe it.”
“There’s, um, sunscreen? I think? All over the top of her chest. It looks kind of like… Her face isn’t even in it. But she said she’s going to the pool tomorrow and needs–”
“Yyyes!” Jeonghan claps. “I called it!”
“Shua and I were betting on who’d confess first. I was right, naturally.”
This guy.
Wait, is this a confession though? Seungkwan really needs to check his messages. What if he wasn’t supposed to look? No, that text was for someone else. Oh no. He shouldn’t have looked. He’s such a fucking creep. You’re never going to talk to him again. “Seungkwan!”
“Yeah? Sorry, man. What if she’s not into me like that?”
“Are you dumb?”
“Jeonghan, shut up. It’s just that - what if it was a butt dial?”
“Oh my god, you are dumb!”
“Look, I’m just–”
Y/N💐: Facetime Video
“Fuck, Han, she’s facetimeing me!”
Another clap from Jeonghan. A condescending sendoff wrapped with love. “Break a leg! Just tell her the truth!” The line clicks dead and Seungkwan is left staring at your incoming call with seconds left to pick up. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no rrreally deep breath in no no no no no exhale through the mouth no no no no no. “Y/N?”
“Seungkwan, listen, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I just misinterpreted–”
“I-I’d love to rub sunscreen on your tits!” Seungkwan gasps loudly and covers his own mouth, mortified. What was that? Now he’s definitely a creep and this will be the fumble that haunts him to his grave. 
You’re not saying anything. Did you hang up? No, you’re still on, but you’re not saying anything. Phoning a friend right in such a critical moment was the absolute stupidest–
“Actually, there’s something else you could rub all over my tits if you want?”
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tightbrosnetwork · 1 month
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Join us on Thursday May 16th for another compelling edition of KBC with Atlanta’s most adventurous musicians and performance artists! This month we have a dynamic lineup featuring the following artists: 8:30 - Ipek Eginli 8:45 - Iriamu 9:00 - Kenito 9:15 - Jordi Lara / Matt Vu 9:30 - gh8st_dr4mm3r 9:45 - Washboard XT 10:00 - The Harmonic Continuum 10:15- Mark Warren 10:30- Nortnode (N.S.R.+ Vela Oma) 10:45 - jonathan’s basement 11:00 - B O R A X Doors open at 8pm, music begins promptly at 8:30pm. Admission Free In its various incarnations over the years, Kirkwood Ballers Club has created an environment where generations of avant-garde musical energy and talent have flourished throughout periods of existence and inactivity. During its early years at Lenny’s, a parade of local punk, hip-hop, jazz, and indie rock musicians would sign up to perform including everyone from garage punks and avant-garde musicians Cole Alexander of the Black Lips and Bradford Cox of Deerhunter to Grammy-winning saxophone player Kebbi Williams of Tedeschi Trucks Band. All utilized the format to create music in-the-moment that expanded upon their typical repertoires. “The Kirkwood Ballers Club was always a place of pure freedom,” says Kebbi Williams, who often showed up with large ensembles of musicians who lit up the room with an explosive free-form skroking jazz set. “I learned from Kirkwood Ballers Club at Lenny’s and from the scene at Eyedrum how to be free,” Williams goes on to say. “I saw some of the most original and provocative things at the Kirkwood Ballers Club, and it totally affected my life as an artist.” WHEN: Every Third Thursday of the month from 8-11:30pm WHERE: eyedrum art & music gallery 515 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd, Atlanta, GA 30312 - eyedrum.org
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blake-sherry · 2 years
История происхождения дорам
Наиболее ранние корейские сериалы были не телевизионными, а транслировались по радио. Появились они в начале двадцатого века, а именно в 1927г. Тогда в Корее было колониальное правление Японии и эти радиодорамы рассказывали о жизни простых корейцев и их переживаниях.
Правительство установило цензуру, и далеко не все они проходили в эфир. Далее следовала кровавая корейская война, после которой была выпущена радионовелла под названием "Красная нить, синяя нить". Она зацепила многих корейцев, ведь в ней повествуется о вдове, которая потеряла супруга на войне. Такая ситуация была у многих соотечественников, поэтому этот трагический мотив получил отклик у жителей Южной Кореи.
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Через два года после выхода в эфир радионовеллы "Генерал и Я", в Южной Корее стало функционировать телевидение. В 1961г. начал трансляцию национальный канал, который назывался KBC. В тот момент дорамы не имели большой популярности в виду того, что очень мало людей владели телевизорами. Через 10 лет популярность телевидения распространилась, а ещё через десять случился настоящий телевизионный бум - на экранах стали показывать цветную картинку. В это время мир увидел телесериал "Любовь и амбиции", который смотрели все, кому не лень. Конечно, наибольший процент сериалов приходил из заграницы, в основном из Штатов. Корейские же киностудии не располагали достаточным количеством финансов для съемок хороших дорам. Прорыв корейского кинематографа наступит немного позже.
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В 90-х годах ситуация стала лучше в связи с началом телевещание канала SBS. Это был платный телеканал, котрый всячески пытался развить сериальную индустрию в стране. В эти годы было снято ряд популярных сериалов. Среди них "Глаз утренней зари" (1991) о тяжелой эпохе правления Японии, и "Песочные часы" (1995) - дорама, которая изменила представления о съемочном процессе. Апогеем 90-х годов в корейском кинематографе стала дорама "Первая любовь" (1997) - эта кинокартина до сих пор занимает первое место в рейтинге корейского кинопрома.
Пока снимались новые дорамы, их популярность потихоньку начала переползать за рубеж. "Зимняя соната" (2002) - первая дорама, которую вместе с корейцами оценили японцы, китайцы и другие жители южной и восточной Азии. Это стало точкой отсчет популярности корейских сериалов во всём мире. Через 11 лет прибыль от продажи дома за границу увеличилась в 4 раза (167 млн. $)
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swradiogram · 8 months
Shortwave Radiogram, 5-9 October 2023 (program 325): Digital modes underground and in deep space
WRMI in Florida has changed its internet service provider. This will increase the speed of content uploads by WRMI's program makers. Let's hope everything goes smoothly this weekend, but please report any anomalies. If you are in the USA, did your hear the FEMA emergency alert test on Wednesday? I have a Sangean portable radio that receives HD channels on both FM and AM. Some of the HD broadcasters send signals that make radios like mine turn on and display text during these emergency alerts. My radio displayed the text sent via WETA, 90.9 MHz. But I later learned from the fine print in the manual that the radio will not turn on from the off position unless the AC adapter is being used. i will try that during the monthly November test here in Virginia. This is the time of year that photos of fall foliage abound. This weekend's show will feature only one red leaf, and a photo of pumpkins and gourds. But expect more seasonable images later in October.   A video of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (program 324) is provided by Scott in Ontario (Friday 1300 UTC). The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is provided by Roger in Germany. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 325, 5-9 October 2023, in MFSK modes as noted:  1:40  MFSK32: Program preview  2:48  MFSK32: NASA craft to continue exploring deep space  6:31  MFSK64: Underground wireless communication may be possible 11:02  MFSK64: This week's images 28:01  MFSK32: Closing announcements Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki: https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway  
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Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio and Radio North Europe International (RNEI). Links to these fine broadcasts, with schedules, are posted here.
From taschenrechner in Houston ...
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deepjams4 · 2 years
😂🤣शुभ प्रभात!😝😇
🕴🕴सप्रेम नमस्ते!🎬🎞
Anwar Ali Anwar
Saat Hindustaani
Subir kumar
Dr. Bhaskar K. Bannerjee
Vikram 'Vicky' Maharaj
Namak Haraam
Insp. Vijay Khanna
Vijay Verma
Arjun Singh
Namak Halaal
Debraj Sahai
Deepak Sehgal
Bashkor Banerjee
And the list is endless
of the movies of
The evergreen and much loved veteran host of Quiz Show KBC
Kaun Banega Crorepati!
Today is
The 80th Birthday
of the first Angry young man of Indian Cinema and
💐”the THESPIAN!“ 🎭
Thanks Mr. Bachchan for your numerous spellbound on screen performances that keep us enthralled!
But before I wind up and say you bye for the day, here is Amitabh Bachchan for you !
Amitabh's conversation with Mausi in Sholay
Mausi : Arre beta, bas itna samaz lo ke ghar me jawaan beti seene par
pathhar ke sil ki tarah hoti hai. Basanti ka byaah ho jaaye to chain
ki saans loo.
Jay : haa sach kaha mausi aapne. bada bojh hai aap par.
Mausi : Lekin beta, is bojh ko koi kunwe me to phaik nahi deta.Bura
nahi maananaa , itanaa to poochhanaa hi padataa hai ke ladke kaa
khaandaan kyaa hai uske lachhchhan kaise hai, kamaataa kitnaa hai?
Jay : Kamaane ka to ye hai mausi,..,ke ek baar biwi bachhon ki
jimmedaari sar pe aa gayi to .. kamaane bhi lagegaa.
Mausi : To kya abhi kuchh bhi nahi kamaataa?
Jay : Nahi nahi ye maine kba kahaa mausi, kamaataa hai lekin,... ab
roj roj to aadmi jeet nahi sakataa na. .. kabhi haar bhi jaataa hai
Mausi : haar jaata hai?
Jay : haan mausi ab ye kambakht juwaa cheej hi aisi hai ab mai kyaa
kahoon ?
Mausi : heynnnn. to kya juwaari hai?
Jay : chhi chhi chhi chhi mausi, woh aur juwaari na na. woh to bahot
hi achchha aur nek ladka hai.Lekin mausi, ek baar sharaab pi li na
phir, achchhe bure ka kahaa hosh rahataa hai. Haath pakad ke bitha
liyaa kisi ne juwaa khelane. ab isme bechare Veeru ka kya dosh?
Mausi: Thik kahate ho beta. juwaari woh sharaabi woh lekin, uska koi
dosh nahi.
Jay : Mausi aap to mere dost ko galat samaz rahi hai. woh to itanaa
seedha aur bhola hai. aare basanti se uski shaadi karke to dekhiye, ye
juwe aur sharaab ki aadat to do din me chhoot jaayegi.
Mausi : Arre beta, mujh budhiyaa ko samaza rahe ho. ye sharaab aur
juwe ki aadat kisi ki chhooti hai aaj tak.
Jay : Mausi aap Veeru ko nahi jaanati , wishwaas kijiye wo is tarah
kaa insaan nahi hai. Ek baar shaadi ho gayi to woh us gaane-waali ke
ghar jaanaa band kar degaa. bas, sharaab apne aap chhoot jaayegi.
Mausi: Hi hi, bas yehi ek kami raha gayi thi. to kya kisi gaane-waali
ke ghar bhi aanaa jaanaa hai?
Jay : To isme kaunsi buri baat hai mausi. arre , gaana soonane to
raajaa- mahaaraajaa unche unche khaandaan ke log jaate hai, haan.
Mausi : Achchha ! to beta ye bhi bataate jaao ki tumhare yeh gunwaan
dost kis khaandaan ke hai?
Jay : Bas mausi, khaandaan ka pataa chalate hi ham aap ko khabar de
Mausi : Ek baat ki daad doongi beta. bhale sau buraaEyaa hai tumhare
dost me ,phir bhi tumhare munh se us ke liye taareefe hi nikalti hai.
Jay : ab Kya karoo mausi.. mera to dil hi kuchh aisa hai.(pause)...
To.. mai ye rishtaa pakkaa samazoo?
Mausi : Pakkaa? . bhale saari jindagi ladaki kuwaari baithi rahe.
lekin mai aise aadami se Basanti ko nahi byaahanewaali. Sagi mausi
hoon. koi sautelee maa nahi.
Jay : Ajeeb baat hai. mere itane samazaane par bhi aap ne inkaar kar
diyaa.. Bechaaraa Veeru... naa jaane kya karega?
Amitabh's conversation in Namak Halaal
Arjun Singh : know such English that I will leave the British behind. You see sir, I can talk English, I can walk English, I can laugh English, I can run English, because English is such a funny language.
‘In the year 1929 when India was playing Australia at the Melbourne stadium Vijay Hazare and Vijay Merchant were at the crease. Vijay Merchant told Vijay Hazare. look Vijay Hazare Sir , this is a very prestigious match and we must consider it very prestigiously. We must take this into consideration, the consideration that this is an important match and ultimately this consideration must end in a run.‘
‘In the year 1979 when Pakistan was playing against India at the Wankhede stadium Wasim Raja and Wasim Bari were at the crease and they took the same consideration. Wasim Raja told Wasim Bari, look Wasim Bari, we must consider this consideration and considering that this is an important match we must put this consideration into action and ultimately score a run. And both of them considered the consideration and ran and both of them got out.‘
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raovattc · 2 months
Múc thôi ace cổ phiếu SHB 11, VPB 19, CII 18 KBC DIG 32.x NKG. VCG HHV FCN. SHS VIX https://youtu.be/MUXU-YEF9cU
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priokskfm · 2 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset RHYTHMS Radio Show (Mar.22.2024) Listen every Friday from 21 till 22 (Moscow time) Jazz FM (radiojazzfm.ru) Subscribe in iTunes: https://ift.tt/Np3Jwk4 for more details please visit beyondfunk.ru Tracklist: 1. Alice Russell - Gravity 2. Laufey - Fragile (emesonremix) 3. Angelo Outlaw - Silent Horizon 4. Soul Sugar - Fly Away 5. Jahari Massamba Unit - Karriem's Bolero 6. Soul Sugar - The makings of you 7. The Jazz Defenders - Meanderthal 8. Bacao Rhythm Steel Band - Love$ick 9. Luli Luchinha E O Bando - Flor Lilás (Kenny Dope Remix) 10. Ederlezi - Burn 11. Viktoria Tolstoy - What Should I Do 12. The KBCS - Deep Color Jam 13. The Waxidermist - Enter the Dojo (Instrumental) 14. Bugseed - Sundown 15. Cloud Of I - Sail Away 16. Amy May Ellis - Miner Farmer 17. Pure Colors - Ride On 18. Heavy Joker - That's It! Jazz, Funk, Downtempo, Electronic www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/24ObiDg
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gtaradi · 7 months
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furtivestar · 7 months
2023/11/12 大トリは最長60分枠
『テレビ朝日 旧ジャニーズ問題検証』
11/12日 10:00 - テレビ朝日ほか下記を除く系列局
11/12日 10:50 - 熊本KAB(題名のない音楽会)
11/12日 24:30 - 北海道HTB(題名のない音楽会、高校バスケウィンターカップ)
11/12日 24:55 - 北陸HAB(KICK OFF! ISHIKAWA)
11/13月 10:15 - 沖縄QAB(うちなーなんばー1、スマイル住まいる住宅)
11/13月 10:25 - 福岡KBC(福岡マラソン)
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最高裁の事実認定があって、証言者がいたこともわかって、にもかかわらずその少年たちに取材を申し込んできたメディア、あるいは個人での記者、一人もいませんでした。 これをね、私は「日本の記者全員が、人権意識がその当時全くなかった」と、「だからこれには興味を持たなかった」というふうには、さすがに思いたくないんです。 むしろやっぱり、「ジャニーズのテーマだから、これは取材しても書けないだろうな」というふうに皆さん思ったんじゃないかなというふうに、僕は信じたい。むしろ信じたいです。
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srbachchan · 6 months
DAY 5781
Jalsa, Mumbai Dec 15/16, 2023 Fri/Sat 11:26 AM
I shall be with you shortly .. busy getting over the Concert at Aaradhya's School and her performance .. such a delight and a moment of pride for all of us .. a complete natural on stage the little one - well not little anymore ..
so later ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
Sat 16 Dec 12:24 PM
Back as promised .. and had to finish an important meet so rushed there and rushed back .. never keep the audience waiting .. given a time stick to it as much as possible .. that is the tension at KBC for me .. the audience seated , briefed etc., the show must start .. else they wait for long and loose interest in the game .. so .. its a nightmare situation for me to be in time and get the audience involved .. and when the show is over to express my gratitude to them by walking into them to take photographs ..
audience .. janata .. janata Janardan .. worshipped like the Gods .. the mass the people .. they make the World .. they make us what we are .. they are never wrong .. they are what the Ef is to me .. with you there even if it is just one of you , it is my World .. a cherished World .. honoured and loved as ever .. once an Ef for me ever an Ef .. respect love adulation and companionship ..
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AB ❣️
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successvu-blog · 7 months
TCT phát triển Đô thị Kinh Bắc (KBC):Hưởng lợi trực tiếp từ dòng vốn FDI dịch chuyển từ Trung Quốc [Mục tiêu 38.000 đ/cp]
Chúng tôi khuyến nghị OUTPERFORM với mức giá hợp lý cho năm 2024 là 38.016 đồng/cp; tương đương +25% so với giá đóng cửa ngày 08/11/2023. Cập nhật KQKD Q3.2023 KBC công bố KQKD Quý 3.2023 với doanh thu và LNST lần lượt là 247 (+22% yoy) và 19 tỷ đồng (- 99% yoy). Trong kỳ, KBC không ghi nhận doanh thu cho thuê đất KCN do chưa kịp bàn giao đất cho khách hàng. KBC cho biết đã ký hợp đồng cho thuê…
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tightbrosnetwork · 1 year
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KBC is only two weeks away, and we are thrilled to share the latest lineup with you! Join the vibrant and exploratory #KirkwoodBallersClub, the avant-garde monthly forum as it celebrates its 19th year on Thursday, March 16 at the eyedrum art & music gallery. KBC has a history of moving to different venues, including now-defunct places like Lenny’s Bar, 11:11 Teahouse, The Highland Ballroom, and The Big House. It even had a stint at The Star Bar in Little Five Points. KBC also had a brief New York version in 2011 at Brooklyn's Zebulon Concert Cafe. The year 2021 saw the resurgence of the eyedrum art & music gallery, ushering in a fresh iteration of the Kirkwood Ballers Club. The KBC's revitalized spirit has captivated a brand new generation of musicians and performance artists, eagerly signing up for a 15-minute slot. The evening's enduring motto, "Bring an instrument, record, beat, turntable, laptop, prepared piece, song, film score, voice, bag of blood, agenda..." invites an eclectic assortment of creative expressions. Over the years, KBC has hosted notable figures in Atlanta such as Girl Talk, a mashup artist, Jana Hunter, a songwriter, and John Dwyer of psych-punk group Osees.
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hardonize · 8 months
今週のオススメハードテクノ - Resident's Recommend 2023/11/02
今週のオススメハードテクノ - Resident’s Recommend 2023/11/02
  はいこんにちは、こんばんは。さんごです。     近況 先日は福岡に行ってまいりました。 特に深い意味は無いですがKBC まあいつものお舟行脚というやつでして、Hardonize45で放出したグルーヴを北九州の空気から吸収していくとかなんとか訳の分からない事を言っております。当日は朝4時半に起きて5時に家を出て7時の飛行機で羽田から福岡に9時に着いて競艇場行ってホテル行って荷物置いて呑みに行って、寝て起きたら6時前で宿を出て8時には唐津におりました。 その後、福岡空港内でまた呑んで羽田に帰って来るという。 ハードグルーヴというよりはただのハードスケジュールでしたなー!   次回のお知らせ ここ数年、Hardonizeが終わった後は御徒町の村役場に集まってお疲れ会&反省会&清算の儀&次回開催会議、をまとめてやるのが恒例となっておりますが、昨晩それが執り行われました。 お約束のやーつ…
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swradiogram · 11 months
Shortwave Radiogram, 20-25 July 2023: Digital modes from supercapacitors infused with espresso
We use Twitter @SWRadiogram extensively to share results of Shortwave Radiogram reception, and to send reminders about transmissions during the weekend. It is a simple and functional platform for that purpose. But, with uncertainties about the future of Twitter, I looked into Threads, the new competitor to Twitter. Establishing an Instagram account is prerequisite to getting on to Threads. I did that, and soon decided that Instagram does not interest me, for receiving or sending. I would just proceed to Threads. However, I learned that Threads does not, yet, have a desktop version. I don't do mobile, except sometimes as an internet radio, and to communicate with my wife. ("Where are you?" "I'm in the cat food aisle.") So I would just wait until Threads can be used on a desktop. A few days after signing up for Instagram, I received a rather stern notice from Instagram informing me that my account has been suspended. This is before I posted anything to Instagram or Threads. They mentioned procedures 1) to find out why the account was suspended and 2) to request a review of the suspension. I am not going to bother with those procedures. Threads will have to go on without me. I will stick with Twitter until it self-destructs, then probably exit social media altogether, and return to a unsociable linear website. Years ago, I had a Facebook account. I used it only to relay news about international broadcasting from my kimandrewelliott.com website (my @kaedotcom Twitter account is now my outlet for international broadcasting news). That Facebook account was also suspended, probably because I used a third-party app to push the website items to my Facebook page. So it seems that I've never met a Meta that will have me as a member. A video of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (program 313) (Friday 1300 UTC) is provided by Scott in Ontario. The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. H0b0_Radio has this IQ recording of the Saturday 0230 UTC broadcast. An archive of received images is provided by John @highroute in California. Analysis is provided by Roger in Germany, plus his notes on the closing music. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 314, 20-25 July 2023, in MFSK modes as noted: 1:39  MFSK32: Program preview 2:47  MFSK32: Milestone in energy capacity of supercapacitors 6:39  MFSK64: Espresso might be helpful against Alzheimer's* 11:58  MFSK64: This week's images* 28:41  MFSK32: Closing announcements Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki: https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway
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Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio, and This Is A Music Show (TIAMS). The schedules for these fine broadcasts are posted here.                                                                                                                                 Gabriel in Colombia sent an email with these images received 15 July 2023, 0230-0300 UTC, 9265 kHz from WINB Pennsylvania ...
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afroninja · 1 year
キム・セイン監督 歴代短編映画 期間限定無料配信!
【Foggy YouTubeチャンネルで配信】
6/11(日)-6/24(土) 「火遊び」
6/16(金)-6/29(木) 「コンテナ」
6/16(金) 20:00プレミア公開
6/16(金) 22:00 キム・セイン監督Q&Aセッション
6/22(木)-7/5(水) 「ハムスター」
URLはFoggy YouTubeチャンネル、Facebookページ、Twitter等で後日発表しますので、フォローよろしくお願いします。
6月23日~ 福岡 KBCシネマ1・2
6/24 キム・セイン監督舞台挨拶
6月24日~ 大阪 シネ・ヌーヴォ
6/25 キム・セイン監督舞台挨拶
6月24日~ 名古屋 シネマスコーレ
6/25 キム・セイン監督舞台挨拶
監督 キム・セイン
1992年、韓国・インチョン生まれ��聖潔大学校演劇映画学部及び韓国映画アカデミー(KAFA)で学ぶ。短編 『Hamster』(2016)のチョンジュ国際映画祭出品を皮切りに、短編『Container』(2018)ではソウル独立映画祭(SIFF) で審査員賞を受賞するなど注目を集める。 韓国映画アカデミーの卒業制作として製作された『同じ下着を着るふたりの女』(2021)で⻑編デビュー。2021 年釜山 国際映画祭に出品し、ニュー・カレンツ賞や NETPAC 賞など5つの部門で受賞。その後同作はベルリン国際映画祭の パノラマ部門にも選出された。
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