duchesscelestia · 1 year
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and here's the art from today's video, a redraw of my favourite kurosagi corpse delivery service chapter opener!
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raifiel · 7 months
Yooooo Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service gonna have a new omnibus dropping in July!
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betsybugaboo · 1 year
The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
I made some little sprites of the KCDS crew!
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lho-archive · 1 year
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Ram confuses Numata (of the Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. Go read it (if you're over 18)).
Drawn 31/10/21
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cardo-de-comer · 5 months
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sir Divish of Talmberg I really like his armor design. also another cursed process. I render my art on one layer and it really shows here lol
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a-s-t-a-r-i-o-n · 4 months
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (2024)
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Even as a straight player, I'm tired of feeling like female LI's are only included out of obligation as the sidelined 'friends to lovers' trope. There are so many male LI's that feel like the main character of the story, and the right choice to romance narratively (Amen, Amrit, Malbonte), while so many female LI's are just the friend you can date if you want (Mimi, Lima, Anna, etc).
I wish more authors would start making female LI's that have agency and an integral role to play in the story outside of being MC's friend/forced diversity hire lesbian
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louhinks · 13 days
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Good Evening to all 4 people in the KCD tags
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galasgamingcorner · 3 months
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance | Scenery
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thyeternalhunger · 18 days
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yenleak · 1 month
A. Remy and her fanbase are the most problematic thing that happened in RC fandom
Not only she is rude to people being realistic/critical about her writing, but also clearly xenophobic and arrogant. I will never forgive her for the fact that she allows artists to draw people of color like this... Why making stories only about them – and their religion... – at all if she can't do any real research and figure out what she should be writing about?
Im also annoyed by the fact that SOTCN has no plot and too many holes in it. How does Livius know about Evthys' presence in that dream, if the dream did not belong to him, but to his ex? And what is generally known about the disease and why don't we hear anything about it? Why buy information about it to find out only the general features that we already heard about in previous chapters?.. It seems like the author herself just kind of threw the whole arc of disease to concentrate on Evthys' runaway.
KFS is weird, also. i am very concerned about the way Remy portrays the atmosphere in the story. The dynamics of relationship between Indians and British are so unclear? At one point they are very normal about presence of the whites, and Devi is so okay with marrying Ian even though they allegedly making plans and so on. I just mean that she has no thoughts other than couple of phrases in the beginning and we see very little of real relationships and historical accurate circumstances. And I think that you should be responsible for portrayal of the whole CULTURE and the least you can do is to make it less fetishized and inaccurate.
The way Remy is fully aware of what shes doing but purposefully ignores the amount of complaints our fandom has. She listens to her russian-speaking followers who do nothing but blindly admire her work without thinking about the representation she gives. And when someone point out on her mistakes she gets mad , subtly aggressive. If you know russian you can just take a look on her telegram channel and replies shes gives. Its arrogant and kind of disrespectful because the rejection of your own mistakes and the eternal justification and blame on others shows your true attitude towards your readers.
My main complaint is only about how illiterate she writes, how much she takes on herself and how she doesn't give a fuck about other cultures. And the fact that so many people love her and then misunderstand POC makes it so much worse
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brujahinaskirt · 5 months
I will never shut up about how Kingdom Come: Deliverance is the most tenderly written game served to the most loutish horde of jackasses. I think it is possibly one of the greatest pieces of popular fiction made about feudalism in recent history, even if it's not always the most historically accurate.
And that's because the whole damn thing is about the profound, authority-enforced inhumanity that self-propels feudal order... but this time, it's written from the perspective of, for lack of better word, "humanity undermines, and humanity wins."
Love wins, if you want to be cheeky.
This was originally meant to be a reply to @feelinungry's excellent post on the subject, but it outgrew itself and got super bloated, so I'm plopping it in its own post to not be obnoxious...
And the reason all this about humanity and love is so important to the core of the story, to the very backbone of the narrative (even beyond the plot), is that it exists in opposition and to the impairment of the feudal system. Kingdom Come: Deliverance means to teach us, by way of deeply dramatic plots following individuals, how feudalism works and why it worked the way it did. And why and how that system fails.
The vehicle by which the game does this is by showing us, over and over, how the stratification of feudal class is eroded and sometimes outright dissolved (either in general, as with Henry and Hans, or when it matters most, as with Radzig and Henry) by plain and simple love.
Feudalism, like most class-stratified systems, relies upon 1. dehumanization of those beneath one's appointed status; 2. fealty (mock-love) to those above one's status, their title-appointer class; and 3. the maintenance of a deep separation between these artificially bestowed statuses, as enforced by church (as in word of clergy, not word of god) & state (legal rules and law). Those words and laws existed to propel the system by divide-and-maintain (of the workforce populace, placing it firmly below the next class in line, etc.) in the service of unify-and-profit (for the ruling class).
Sigismund & his invading army are wholly separated and adherent to the feudal theory, even if they have flouted codes of warfare & inheritance; they are presented to us as the main dehumanizing force of the story world, a wave of Order that indiscriminately burns opposition flat rather than an individual leading a royal coup, a cyclical destruction that paves the way for the next flavor of rule to continue the feudal system ad infinitum. They're thoroughly separated from the story even when they are burning down a village in front of our eyes and generally move as one, with Markvart occasionally stepping out of that mass of Feudalism and its antihuman nature to give it a face. They're more a force of nature than an individual as far as the narrative goes.
And we are meant to understand that in sharp contrast to the "close" story, the cast we get to know and watch as they attempt to answer this force of nature. And the second we see these characters get close enough to each other, by raw proximity, to poke a pin into the wineskin of feudal order as dictated to them by authority, it bleeds--everywhere. Not in the sense of ruination but in the sense that a tiny wedge of empathy cracks open the dam and leads, yep, to rehumanization--and love, the most human driving force there is.
And that changes everything, for everyone. Not just internally, as with a character's personal development arc (i.e., Hans learning why his duties, which he resented and viewed as an impingement on his freedom when dictated to him by authority, are incredibly important for real people who experience pain) but externally as well (as @feelinungry so elegantly points out in the original post).
Over and over, at every stage of the story, it's the rehumanization of and by these decision-makers (at a family level, at a community level, at a regional level, at a national level) that cracks the feudal cycle, even if in very small ways. Hans really brings this back home in a petri dish in late game, after the siege, when he complains to Henry about the noble's code (letting Istvan go) potentially leading to pain and disaster for the common people Istvan's machinations are likely to harm in the future. He chafes--and we chafe, and so does Radzig, and so does Divish--against feudal stratification because he has learned a general empathy through loving an individual, and that has in turn reshaped the way he sees the world.
And that's exactly why and when feudalism begins to fail, and why it thrashed itself the way it did, from the enforcement of sexual mores (though this wasn't exactly like it is in movies) and gender law to terror upon its own populations.
And it's the crucial understanding I think we begin to forget after being exposed to so much Hollywoodification of history, where the oppression always exists for cruelty's sake alone rather than in active and deliberate service to a political construct.
And I think it's why we've "lost the plot" so horribly when it comes to understanding that people in history were still people, not monolithic one-mind entities (as the feudal system demanded they be). And why we somehow forgot that such people fall in love, in all kinds of love, in a way that has never given a damn about authority. And that this in turn undermines supposedly supreme authority, even divine authority, and will always continue to do so, as long as people are people.
This is what it always comes back to. Always. From Henry's parents and their mysterious bond with Radzig informing the protagonist's journey from "the past"--to Henry & Hans falling into stupidly fierce soulmatehood with each other in the present--from Istvan & Erik's destructive fuck-the-world romantic love on the "enemy" side--to Divish's humbling, humanizing realization that he loves Stephanie in some way, he really does, despite the chasm of age/gender enforced upon them by their adherence to feudal order that doomed their romantic love to failure.
People will always love each other, even when the world orders them not to, even when faced with death and worse. People will always, given proximity and shared experiences, learn to see each other as human again. KCD reminds us of that. It's why the "slow" storyline exists and why it works.
And that is why this game is so fucking fantastic, and why the genpop fandom has utterly failed it.
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webanglikethat · 4 months
KCD and KFS family tree!
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Based on the family tree:
Radha Basu will give birth to Indira Basu, who is Amala’s grandmother. Radha Basu had this child with Raj Doobay.
Raj Doobay, on the other hand, will have two children with Amrita Rai: Devdas Doobay and Vimal Doobay.
Devdas Doobay and Sitara Dikhit or Dikshit give birth to Amrit Doobay.
Vimal Doobay, whose spouse's name is unknown, has two children: Rishi and Lalit.
There is no connection between Radha and the mysterious Sharma person, implying that she never married Devi’s uncle aka Anil Sharma. (this might suggest that she dies, as many have theorized, during childbirth)
Notably, Sara is not included in this tree.
Indira Basu is likely married to Aditya Thakur, Erit Thakur’s younger brother. Together, they have Kamal and Jatsuna Basu.
Jatsuna and a random British man then have Amala and Kiran.
According to the official wiki, Radha Basu is Amala’s maternal great-grandmother, and Raj Doobay is her maternal great-grandfather so this adds up.
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kaktusluis · 1 month
uhhh. I'm afraid, for some reason, to post my works. But I also want to share, because these guys are stuck in my head and don't want to leave it. This fandom is so small, which surprises me a lot. The game is quite popular after all.
I couldn't decide where to post it and signed the works with my Twitter account, but I'm embarrassed to post it on Twitter because Luke is very active there. 😅
So for now I'll upload it here. Maybe later I'll move it to Twitter.
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cardos-talking · 4 months
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every time
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cardo-de-comer · 3 months
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things worth living for
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