#keep dem anons coming in fam
littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
What do you think of the Nuts and Dolts pairing? They’ve also got some focus this volume so far and also when Ruby rested her head on Penny’s shoulder at the end of vol 7.
Hey there Sweet o/
“…They’ve also got some focus this volume so far and also when Ruby rested her head on Penny’s shoulder at the end of vol 7…”
Well...technically both Ruby and Weiss were there to comfort Penny on the airship after she chose to join their side. Ruby rested her head on Penny's shoulder yes but at the same time; Weiss also took Penny's arm as her way showing support for her (especially given what transpired between Penny and Winter Schnee).  
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Let's not forget the full context of the small scene which wasn't so much focused on just Nuts and Dolts alone but more so on the Ice Flower pair showing Penny that they have her back as she was now a full-fledged member of their team too; now more than ever since she left Ironwood's side to join them.
In respect to my feelings and opinions on the Nuts and Dolts pair, I mainly like Ruby and Penny as a friendship. I don’t ship them romantically if that’s what you were referring to, fam. While I wasn’t that big of a fan of the show resurrecting the same old Penny who died back at Beacon since I felt like that undermined all the grief and growth that Ruby went through as a result of her death, still it’s nice that the show has been delivering good on rekindling the strong friendship and sense of platonic love and trust that Penny and Ruby share with one another for V8 since that’s something that was missing for me from them last season.
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In V7, despite Penny being back as ole herself, I was surprised on how much little screen time she and Ruby shared together---at least any that led into any meaningful discussions where the two shared a deep discussion on how they both have grown and changed since the Beacon Days.
Nope, instead what we got was “just like Beacon again”, almost as if the events of V3 involving Ruby failing to arrive in time to save her Atlesian friend from death didn’t happen at all. This bugged me but, what is a squiggle meister to do, right?
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Even after Penny was framed for the attack at the Robyn Hill Victory Party, we received no focal moment or scene of Ruby comforting Penny afterwards or even being there for her to help her through such an emotional period for her. The closest we got in the canon was Ruby and Weiss at Pietro’s lab in the aftermath of the party where the Ice Flower duo learnt from Papa Polendina of how Penny was first created.
While it was nice to see Ruby (and Weiss surprisingly) trying to be there for Penny, this still didn’t change the fact that there were no moments of Ruby comforting Penny in any meaningful way for their bond.
However V8 definitely flipped the script with that because now we got three episodes full of Ruby being there for Pen-Pen which is nice. However, as pointed out by another anon-ninja, the impression that some folks are getting is that Ruby is being rather dismissive of Penny’s feelings in respect to everything that’s happening to her right now. I didn’t really see it that way but I digress, 
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Penny was originally designed to be a hero---to be a sworn protector for not just Mantle but all of Atlas. In V7, we saw that reputation be tarnished by her framing and even now, as she had been given a newer purpose as the Winter Maiden, one can clearly see that Penny is struggling emotionally---torn between her duty and willingness to act upon what she feels is best to help everyone and others telling her that it would best that she hid or remain low. And the fact that all of her former allies in the Military---General Ironwood and even the Ace Ops---keep guilt-tripping her for the fall of Mantle and protecting Atlas isn’t helping.
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Bottom-line, while I dislike the fact that everyone (at least on General Ironwood’s side) seems to be taking the piss at poor Penny (for something that isn’t even her fault by the way), nevertheless, I do appreciate it for what it’s doing for Penny’s development as a character. My only concern in the clear foreshadow of Penny ultimately betraying everyone---not just the Atlesian military but even her friends with the hero team. Ruby especially. I feel as if there will come a point in the PLOT where Penny will do exactly what she told the heroes she would do in the first episode.
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Penny will surrender the Relic of Creation to Salem to beg for Atlas’ salvation under the naïve pretence that this will be what’s best for all only to be proven wrong. 
As wholesome and adorable as it was to see part of the hug budget for V8 be dedicated to the Nuts and Dolts friendship, let’s be real, Sweet.
Given how the CRWBY Writers often like to work, y’know they wouldn’t put something so blatant as Penny and Ruby bonding in the audience’s face especially for more than one episode unless it was there to service the PLOT. So if we as the viewer audience are getting all this wholesome Nuts and Dolts moments, you can definitely bet that this is the showrunners’ not-so subtle way of buttering us up for the inevitable heartache that will probably come for Ruby and Penny later in the season.
As I said over on Twitter, they gotta feed us all dem cutesy power of love and friendship bits before they inevitably stab us through the chest when Penny turns evil and unwillingly returns to Ironwood’s side, courtesy of Watts and for when Penny makes her own choice to betray everyone to Salem by surrendering the Staff of Creation to her in pardon for Atlas, like she teased she would do in V8CH1.
It is so clear that Penny is going to end up hurting Ruby a second time in the end---probably even more so that the first time she died.
Ruby will lose Penny again. There is no doubt about it this time. 
Whether that means Penny will live to see another day as a newly reprogrammed pawn for Salem (of her own choice or not) or…die tragically before Ruby’s eyes yet again as a result of her own naivety and her failure to protect her friend---that I’m unsure. Only time will tell. 
But the least I can say is that V8 is going really good so far in respect to the developments of certain characters who didn’t receive much before (such as Oscar, Nora and Penny so far). Hopefully this is kept up going forward.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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fleurlibelle · 4 years
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BLOG IMPROVEMENT - The End of Llama Drama! [ Fixes and Lot Updates]
Hey lovelies,
Have been quiet for a reason👀.  I took the time due to the fact that a bunch of my files had errors and I needed to fix most of them, dang it! I want to make sure that you guys don’t face any longer the ‘Llama Drama’ in your library because my mindless stupid ass somehow managed to deliver messed up files.
I dunno how I managed this. I honestly thought I was careful but two incredible Nonnies 🤗❤️ (Thank you million times, guys 🥺) were pointing at me that in fact I did mess up a bunch of my own files. 🙄
While fixing those files I also figured out to remove some old too dark pictures and replace them with fresh ones. They were just ugly as hell and too dark! Fixed Mess Keep in mind that I did replace all lots with a new fresh copy of “Tray Files” so if you faced a ‘Llama Drama’ with a lot you wanted to have, please re-download the lot of your desire, again. I fixed them all. Emptied my tray folder and saved each lot separate and fresh. This should do the trick and it has to work now, LOL. 
Check following posts, if you’re interested. Those links contain now better pictures of my first builds I posted on this blog back then when I named this blog maliapixie and started to post stuff. Maybe one or another didn’t spark your interest before because it was too dark, looked ugly etc.. 😅😅😅 You might find another gem within my older posts.
Lot Overhaul  I want to show dem off again after doing an overhaul: 
Bachelor Abode [ cool place for a Bachelor Challenge]
Noble Goth’s Manner [ an adequate makeover for the Goth’s Fam]
Passion’s Kiss Gardens [ Romance in Air with a wedding spot]
Alternative Download Next to the Gallery I will also provide from now on an alternative in case SFS does not work for you. Mediafire is my second choice. But remember there are certain Tumblr Exclusive builds. Those will be only via SFS and Mediafire downloadable and won’t be up on the Gallery. I tried to be as accurate as possible but in case I still messed up? Pretty please,  send an ask (use the anon function, if you want) but let me know. That’s the only way how I can fix it for you guys, again 😅.
Last but not least. With that out of the way story posts are coming, some edits and a new build are on my ToDo list 👀, yay! Fixing is such a pain in the butt, LOL Now I’m dancing like a Llama.
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gandalfbelike · 7 years
Honestly I die of joy every time someone sends me an anon. Like even if it's like 'wazoski from monsters Inc deserved the guillotine' I'll be like Wow. The Faceless Man in the Shades really Cares About Me and Wants to See Me Prosper During His Lifetime
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