#keep safe and enjoy your weekend bb <3
inkykeiji · 2 years
i was just completely blown away by your post about agnes and what you said, it really really really resonated with me. i relate to everything you said and i remember reading in a post a while back that he was in the hospital and you felt conflicted about seeing him. i understand that. i also have a complicated relationship with my dad and i just love him so much but i could also be so upset with him because of the things he's done to me and my sister and my mom. oo i can't type too much!! -🧁
oh wow cupcake, thank you so much for this!!! i really appreciate hearing your thoughts, and it’s once again super comforting to hear that there’s someone else who can relate to it as well <33
tw: mentions of drugs + abuse
family in and of itself as a concept can be and often is so incredibly complex, especially when there’s something like drugs and/or abuse thrown into the mix. a lot of people (esp people online, i find) like to act as if these relationships are black and white, as if these feelings and these experiences can be easily and neatly sorted into defined categories when the fact of the matter is, they aren’t, and they can’t. obviously, abuse is bad—this is an objective fact we can all agree on. but when that abuse comes from a family member, a parent, someone who was supposed to be there for you and raise you and love you, it really muddies things.
i love my father, but i do not like him. i am hoping i can find it in me to forgive him for what he’s done to us before he dies, but i’m not sure it’ll happen. i still hold so much anger and bitterness and just generally negative feelings towards him, and in my twenty-something years on this earth i have only JUST begun to work through this shit. and he doesn’t have much time left.
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inkyajax · 2 years
Tartaglia is getting increasingly jealous about the attention you are giving daddy dendro, be careful clari😳
WAAAAH anon!!! (*/ω\*) stop hehehe u just made me so giddy!!! he is such the jealous type tho like the man is borderline yandere and lately i’ve been thinking about just how he’d react, knowing he was my first favourite, my original favourite, but then came ayato and thoma (a packaged deal, of course), and now here comes alhaitham, stomping all over everything with his big stupid boots and what the fuck??? ajax was here first, and he doesn’t even have a single fic to show for it, only bits and pieces of finished work!? that’s not fair! hehehe waaah i just feel like he’d be fuming over it all and def plotting some clever yet gruesome murders 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
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australiancarisi · 4 months
Mike Dodds ~ Family
"Can you please write a SVU x BB crossover where Mike Dodds finds out his new girlfriend is the youngest child of the Reagan family as they hadn’t met via work and neither wanted to bring up their connections and enjoyed the relationship being one that is just themselves and not because of their name etc. " Words: 1451
Anon thank you so much for requesting this, I don't really get requests anymore, I don't really write anymore but ugh this was just amazing to write and made me so happy so thank you :')
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“Would you still be with me even if I was a worm?” Mike’s hand that had been slowly running up and down your spine stopped. You were both lying on his couch, him on his back, you lying on top of him on your stomach. 
“We were having such a nice time” You shot up quickly making Mike groan as you move your weight into his stomach 
“That’s a no!” 
“I never said no” Mike pointed out 
“You didn’t say yes either” 
“Say it” 
“Say. It.” you huffed crossing your arms and pouting like a child. Mike sighed. 
“Yes I would still be with you even if you were a worm” 
“Thanks Mikey Moo back at you” you grinned and leaned forward to give him a kiss. 
“I don’t know where you think of these things” Mike laughed moving you off his lap so he could get up and go to the kitchen. 
“It’s the youngest sibling in me, you wouldn’t get it you’re the eldest child” you playfully rolled your eyes. You and Mike hadn’t been dating long, about 3 months. You’d met in central park, both of you had been on a run and almost like you were in the movies you ran into each other. 
You a bruise on your wrist from where you landed. Your brothers kept making handcuffs jokes at Sunday dinner. 
“Riiiiiiight” Mike opened the fridge and pulled out a beer as your phone pinged on the coffee table. You groaned it was your brother Danny telling you about a case he’d just picked up, all hands on deck. 
“I have to go, got a case” you jumped up, quickly going to Mike for a kiss.
“Be safe” he pecked your lips “are you coming back here?” 
“I’ll see where I end up” you shrugged, kissing him one last time before scrambling to grab your stuff as your phone rang. “yes yes I’m on my way…” 
Mike laughed and shook his head as you headed out the door. Although the relationship was new he knew he was in this for the long haul. He never saw himself with another cop, not when his father was a chief. He always had to prove himself 10 times more than anyone else that the idea of also having a partner be in the NYPD was not on his radar. He’s managed to keep his family out of the relationship, come to think of it neither of you really spoke about your family, his was highly dysfunctional, Mike was just assuming yours was the same or you just weren’t that close. 
Whatever the reason, Mike quite liked that it was just you and him right now. The rest of the SVU squad knew he was in a relationship, there just hadn’t been a chance to introduce you to them yet. He was looking forward to it though. 
It was Mike’s turn to groan as his phone vibrated this time, a message from his dad reminding him of the gala night on the weekend that his presence had been demanded for. He hated these nights. He wished he could have had you be his plus 1 but that would mean meeting his father and Mike wasn’t ready to pop the bubble the two of you had been in. 
Mike quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket to send you a text while his dad was distracted by someone. You and Mike had been playing phone tag since you left his apartment earlier in the week. Your case had turned into a big one and you hadn’t had a moment to yourself since and Mike was drowning in paper work. He’s been at this gala for over an hour, shaking hands and being introduced to many people. People his father wanted him to make a good impression on to move up in the ranks. Mike slipped his phone back into his pocket as his father’s attention turned back to him and they continued the rounds around the room. 
“Alright Mike get ready for this one” William nudged him and steered him towards a table. “Commissioner Reagan, nice to see you again” 
“Dodds” the commissioner held his hand out and the two shook hands. “and it’s Sargent isn’t it?” 
“Yes sir Sargent Mike Dodds, nice to meet you Commissioner” Mike stuck his hand out to shake  his hand. 
“Please call me Frank” Frank smiled and shook his hand “I hear you are at SVU now with Captain Benson, good squad” 
“Great squad” Mike said “Definitely different to what I’m used to but learning a lot” there was noise from behind the commissioner who rolled his eyes. 
“Well Dodds you introduced me to your kid I guess I better introduce you to mine, they are being loud enough, you’d think as adults they would mature but apparently not” Frank moved slightly to show the table behind him. 
Mike’s eyes widened. 
“Chief and Sargent Dodds meet my children. Detective Danny Reagan, ADA Erin Reagan, Sargent Jamie Reagan and my youngest Detective Y/n Reagan” 
“Oh my god can you put your phone away for one night?” Erin rolled her eyes at you. You were sat at a table with your family at some gala for the NYPD. Being the commissioners kid meant you had to show up to all these events even though all you wanted to be was curled up on the couch with Mike. Sure Mike could of come but that would of meant outing yourself as the commissioners kid and that’s not your idea of a fun date. There was an asterisks next to your name. No matter how good of a cop you proved yourself to be there was always going to be someone who said you only got there because of your family. And not that you think Mike would be one of those people, you weren’t ready to have the family conversation just yet. 
“She talkin’ to her boyfriend” Danny smirked 
“Boyfriend since when?” Jamie questioned 
“Since none of your business” you shoved him “how did you find out?” 
“Overheard you talking to Baez about him” Danny shrugged “so when do we get to meet him?” 
“If I’m lucky, never” you huffed. Your siblings started to gang up on you, you hadn’t even noticed your father had started talking to someone else. 
“Well Dodds you introduced me to your kid I guess I better introduce you to mine, they are being loud enough, you’d think as adults they would mature but apparently not” your dad said making all of you be quiet. You felt your heart stop as you looked at Mike. “Chief and Sargent Dodds meet my children. Detective Danny Reagan, ADA Erin Reagan, Sargent Jamie Reagan and my youngest Detective Y/n Reagan” 
As in Chief Dodds. 
You mentally face palmed yourself as you made the connection. How had you not put two and two together? You stayed quite as everyone said hello, your dad and chief Dodds began talking about something else. You excused yourself to go get another drink. As you stood at the bar you felt a hand on your lower back. 
“So…commissioners kid….” Mike whispered “didn’t see that one coming” 
“neither did I, son of a police chief” there was a moment of silence “we aren’t very good detectives if we couldn’t put this together” 
“yeah maybe let’s not tell anyone, they might demote us to traffic stops on Staten Island” Mike
smirked making you laugh.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, it’s just a lot to throw at someone. It’s not easy to tell the person you are dating that your father is their boss and I really like you Mike and I love spending time with you and it’s just been so easy and no drama and my family is all drama let me bloody tell you and it’s been so refreshing to just get to be me, y/n. Not a Reagan, not the commissioners kid and-“ Mike cut your rambling off with a kiss 
“I get it” he whispered against your lips. “Son of a police chief. I get it” 
“You’re not mad?” 
“Of course not. How could I be mad? I didn’t tell you about my dad” Mike kissed you again. You heard Erin call out your name. You both turned to see your siblings and both your fathers and your grandfather looking at you. “I guess there’s no hiding my love for you now” 
“I…your…what” you looked back at him “what did you just say?” 
“I love you y/n” Mike smiled down at you “even if you are the commissioners kid” 
“I love you too Mike Dodds, son of a police chief” 
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marvelcriminalhoe · 2 years
The Dancing Statue
Steve Rogers x Female Reader
This is for @supraveng 500 Followers Challenge!! Congratulations bb!!
Rules - There are no rules! 
Challenge - Pick a title from the list below and write it about your favorite character or real person!
My Prompt Choice - The Dancing Statue with Steve Rogers 
I’ve had this ready for a whole month and forgot to post it because it was in my drafts! Ah! Anyway here it is hope you enjoy :) this was REALLY fun to write and I had a different idea for it in the beginning but i just went with it lol :))
Warnings: just fluff
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You loved museums. Any museum really.
It started when you were a kid, your father would take you to the museum every weekend since it was only $3 for him to get in and kids were free. It didn’t matter that you could only go to the museum because money was tight, it was always a blast and your dad would make it fun every time. 
It’s started being where you would want to go for all of your birthdays or when you would have a hard day at school. Museums became your solace. Your safe place.
So it only made since that you would find it even more comforting at night, when you were the only one there. 
That started when you were in college. You got into Juilliard on a complete scholarship for ballet. They only give one full ride per year for ballet and the pressure you felt having to keep up, stay on top, was monumental. You knew you would never be able to attend without it, which just added to the pressure. 
You had made friends with the night security guard at the Museum of Natural History one night when he caught you crying on the steps after a hard rehearsal. You didn’t even remember going to the museum, it was like your mind knew it needed somewhere to relax. To recharge. 
And that’s exactly what you did with Barry. He let you walk around with him as you unloaded how stressful your first few months in New York had been. He let you complain about the workload and how overwhelmed you felt being so far from everything you had known for the first time in your life. He let you talk about how much you missed your dad, how you knew you wouldn’t get to see him for awhile since there wasn’t enough money for him to visit or for you to go home during breaks. 
Barry said you reminded him of his own daughter, and he let you come back after that night. He even told the other guards to let you in if he wasn’t on patrol. Sometimes he would walk around and chat with you and other nights he would let you go on your own. 
You’re not entirely sure when you started using the hallways to practice, but it was a few weeks later. You would dance in front of the paintings or statues or artifacts. Practice until you got it right. But unlike the stage or studio, you didn’t feel that overwhelming stress, all you felt was peace. 
You’re positive it’s what got you through college. 
When you got the call confirming your spot in the Washington Ballet, Barry and his wife were the second people you called, your dad being the first. They were all ecstatic for you and Barry put in a call that night with a friend that did security in DC.
That’s how you got here, dancing barefoot along the stone floors of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, a mixture of the soft patter of your feet and the velvet like melody of the music playing through the speaker of your phone, where it lays against the wall, fills the empty air around you. 
You had maybe been here an hour or so, not nearly as long as usual, but for some reason the dance felt off. You felt like your steps and the music didn’t align. Your feet were dancing alone while it seemed the music was almost calling out for a partner, longing for one of the statues around you to come alive and sweep you off your feet. 
Of course, dancing in front of the Captain America exhibit, you couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself about that idea. 
Who wouldn’t want one of these hero’s on the wall to sweep them off their feet? 
Not that you’re someone that goes for the muscled up hunk types, you’ve always liked the art nerds more, but everyone can appreciate a man in uniform once in awhile. 
Shaking your head you try to refocus on the beat as it starts over again, taking a refreshing breath before going into your count. You get halfway through this time before you step out and have to stop.
Your just about to step back in when you hear clapping behind you, making you swivel around with wide eyes. 
“Uh, sorry— I just— that was really good. Felt like I should clap or something.” The real life statue of a man says when he meets your panicked gaze.
You were expecting one of the guards to have been making their rounds over here or something, not for the picture on the wall to actually come to life. 
Are you hallucinating? Have you been dancing longer than you thought? 
Maybe you accidentally fell and hit your head and now you’re in some sort of weird hypnotic dream.
Instead of saying something normal like, Thank you kind stranger that’s not really a stranger because I used to see you on the news all the time except for those few years your face was scattered on wanted posters, you went with the option that made you internally wince, 
“Museums closed.”
Smooth, really, because obviously he knows the museums closed. He is fully aware there shouldn’t be anyone else here and yet, here you are, practicing your piece in front of his monument. 
Truthfully, he should be the one to tell you the museums closed. Perhaps he’s taken up night guarding after he retired from avenging and he’s here to kick you out. 
Though, the other guards never mentioned anything. And surely he wouldn’t have clapped if he was just going to throw you out on your ass. 
“I-I know.” He stumbles over his words, as if he’s the one that should be nervous in this situation, “Sorry, I just heard the music and… You’re really good.” “Thanks.” You mumble, and now its your turn to be bashful. Of course, you've heard compliments bout your dancing all your life, but theres something so, genuine, about the blonde comment that you can’t help but be flustered about it. 
He takes a tentative step towards you, reaching his hand out as his next step is more confident, “Steve Rogers.” 
And you want to laugh at that, because you both are aware you already know his name, or you should, considering you’re dancing in front of his monument. You take his hand, introducing yourself with only a slight waver to your voice due to the shock you feel radiate up your arm at the contact. It takes all of your control not to become even more embarrassed, but when you look up to his bewildered face, you theorize that perhaps you weren't the only one that felt it. 
Regardless, you drop his hand and find your focus looking anywhere but him. The silence that now radiates is palpable and awkward, only broken when Steve clears his throat, “Do you only dance in dark museum hallways?”
His words have the desire effect, minimizing the tensioned air that had settled around you both and brings a laugh from your lips, “Uh, no, no— just when I need to clear my head.” “Guess we have that in common.” 
You look up at him at that, your turn to joke with a raised brow, “You dance in museum hallways when you need to clear your head?” And the laugh that now leaves his lips runs through you like fresh air, comforting a piece of you, you didn't even know needed comforting, “Never tried that, no. I usually stick to just walking around them. Are you a dancer?” 
“I dance for the Washington Ballet.”
Steve sends you a friendly smile, his hands tucking themselves into his jean pockets, “I uh, I’ll let you continue practicing then. I’m sure you have a big show or, something, that you’re getting ready for.” His smile is shy as he backs away, “It was really nice to meet you.” 
And you almost want to stop him, this is his area of the museum, technically, but before you can, he’s gone, and with how your brain is working tonight, you’re not entirely sure he was there to begin with. 
Am I going crazy? 
Shaking your head, you reset the music and practice for a few more hours before your feet finally have had enough, and you retire home. By the next morning, you’ve forgotten all about the encounter the night before. Another week of practice and a few more nights at the museum, without anymore special appearances from real life statues, and your show goes off without a hitch, another one soon taking it’s place. 
That’s how you find yourself in the same place a month later, practicing your steps in front of the Captain America Monument. Usually, you didn't care where you practiced, choosing a new place in the museum every time. But since that night, the one where you weren't sure if you were hallucinating or not, your body has either consciously or unconsciously bringing you back to this spot to dance. You try not to read too much into that, just like you try not to read into the ghost of his hand in yours, the way your arm still feels the rush of the shock, almost as if it’s holding onto the warmth it received. 
You practiced for hours, at least, but much like that night, the song feels off. Your steps feel off. Everything feels off. And it makes you want to scream out in frustration. Instead of doing that though, you look up at the picture of the blonde adonis of a man you can’t seem to shake out of your head, blaming him for how thrown off you seem to be, and mumbling a, “Stupid Captain America.” 
“Wow, what’d I ever do to you, doll?” Comes from behind you, and the deja vu you get turning around with wide eyes and a racing heart is comical, the only difference being this time Steve is leaning up against the concrete slab with a smirk on his face.
“Oh my god.” 
Thankfully, Steve doesn't seem upset at your earlier comment, nor does he acknowledge your shock. Instead, he pushes off the wall, hands in his pockets as he walks towards you. His smirk turning more into a reserved smile, “I saw your show.” The shock on your face stays the same, along with your pounding heart, “What? You did?” “It was really good.” He nods, standing in front of you now. You stare at him, surprise still on your face, reeling at the news he actually watched your show, but with some confusion too, he doesn't seem like the type of man to go see a show, “Why were you at a ballet show?” The small blush that settles itself on his neck and cheeks is so endearing it almost makes you want to melt at the sight, “I uh— I sorta, looked your name up after we met.” And you do melt at that, especially when he rubs the back of his neck and looks anywhere but right at your eyes, “I just thought— you’re dancing was so beautiful that night— I wanted to see the whole thing.”
And now it’s your turn to be flustered, again, because it seems to be the only emotion he brings out of you, mostly by his words and the way he peaks at you through his lashes. The blue of his eyes is mesmerizing, like looking at the stars in the night sky, something the pictures of him don't bring to justice, and you find yourself wanting to stare at them longer. 
“That’s,” You shake your head, a small smile gracing your features, “Thank you. That’s really sweet.” 
“Yeah.” A small smile of his own on his face as he nods. He looks over to where your phone lays, still playing the music, “Are you practicing something new?” “Yeah.” You nod, explaining the new show that will be happening in a few weeks, “Its— I’m just struggling a bit with the steps.” “Need any help?” Steve questions, and at the questioning tilt of your head, he explains himself, “Just, I could uh, tell you what I think. If you want. I don;t know a whole lot about dance, but, I’m sure a second option could help.” “Sure.” You grin, the acceptance coming out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, not that you would. Having the retired soldiers undivided attention on you sends a sort of rush through your body and brings a whole new set of butterflies you haven't had since the first time you danced on stage. Stage fright is not something you’ve experienced since you were little, and you find you try and hype yourself up in your mind as you restart the music. But at the reassuring smile Steve sends you as he sits on the bench in front of his statue, takes all of your worry away. He’s already seen me dance, what do I have to be worried about? 
This started a new tradition. You and Steve would meet up 3 nights a week. You, practicing through your steps, Steve, telling you his honest opinions. They were mostly praise, but after the 5th time of you reprimanding him, telling him you need the constructive criticism too, if you are to be at your best, and promising you wont take it as anything but him helping you, he started handing it out as well. Though, still far less than his compliments. 
4 months later, this weird dynamic you and the former avenger have built becomes the thing you look forward to the most. Steve does to, he told you that, rather self consciously, one night. You both had shared stories in-between breaks which turned into confiding in one another. It became part of the routine to talk about anything and everything after that. There were even some nights you never even got around to dancing, too busy walking around and the dark museum and talking. 
Like tonight, “I never ran so fast in my laugh.” Steve’s laugh echoes down the quiet corridor as you both walk side by side, “My ma was so mad at us. Bucky was banned from coming over for a whole 2 days.” You shake your head at the story, imagining young Steve and Bucky terrorizing his poor mom with the ‘’pet frogs’’ they decided to catch and bring into the house, “Did you have to bring so many in?” Steve’s grin as he looks down at you is infectious, “We couldn’t catch one and leave the rest! They were family.” “Still,” You laugh, “13 frogs in your house?! You’re luck Bucky was only banned for 2 days. If it was me, he’d be banned for life.” 
“Nah, my ma loved him too much for that.” Steve rejects that idea with a wave of his hand. You both flow into comfortable silence after that, only your steps making noise as you walk around. 
Steve looks down at you again after a few minutes, “You don’t need to practice tonight?” With a shake of your head you reply, “The next show is a duet. Hard to practice without my partner here.” He nods a few times, mind no doubt thinking about something, silence resuming as your walk seems to take you back to where you both first met. A question that has been burning  on the back of your tongue for months now comes to the surface. You usually try and stay away from the topic of his heroism unless he brings it up himself, never wanting to over step, but you can’t stop yourself tonight, “Why were you here? That night we met?” If he’s shocked by your question, his face doesn't show it. His gaze observing the memorial in front of him. His memorial. “Sometimes, I like to come here and just… Sit. I guess. Reminisce on everything.” He shrugs a shoulder, his eyes going over the pictures of his old unit. 
You lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, how isolated he must have felt waking up from the ice alone, all his friends gone, is chilling. No pun intended.
Granted, that was years ago, and he did get one of those friends back a couple years ago, and then went on the run, and then got pardoned when he saved the world, again, but those haunted times must still bother him some nights. You imagine someone doesn’t really move on fully from something like that.
He finally tears his gaze away, looking down at you. He reaches up with his other hand and places it over yours, giving it a squeeze. You expect, like the other times you comforted him like this, for him to let go after, both of your arms dropping to your sides. But he doesn’t. Instead, he searches your face for something, slowly dragging your hand down his arm until he switches hands, holding yours firmly now, linking his fingers through yours. 
You try to keep your breathing normal, but by the way his thumb runs over your pulse point, you know he can tell how fast your heart is beating. 
“I can help you practice.” He whispers and you find yourself watching his lips as he does. “What?”
He steps closer, taking your other hand and placing it on his shoulder, before grabbing your hip, “You said you needed a parter, right?” You find yourself smiling as he slowly starts to lead you in a dance. He doesn't seem to care that there isn't any music and neither do you. You do however raise a brow at him, “This doesn't seem to be ballet.” “I don’t know how to dance ballet.” He shakes his head, his lips pulling up at the corners, his grip on you tightening just a little as he pulls you closer, your noses brushing against each other, “Is this okay?”
“Yeah.” You whisper out, staring into his eyes that hold so much warmth and affection. Affection you know mirrors in your eyes, growing the longer you spend time with him. “Is this okay with you?” And Steve knows you mean it genuinely. He’s told you the story about the promised dance he didn't get to keep. How, even when he was able to go back, to finally have the dance, he knew then he hadn't found his partner, and returned to wait for the right one again. The breath he releases as his eyes close, forehead resting against yours, is one full of relief and peace, “Yeah. It’s perfect.” 
And you realizes then, quite startlingly, that your solace, the place that has always been the museum hallways, has shifted to the man now holding you in his arms. But you find it hard to care as his lips gently mold against yours, before pulling back and continuing to lead you in a dance that you’re sure makes all the statues in the museum wish they could come to life and enjoy. 
Too bad that sort of magic only happens once in a life time. 
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jillaxkalangg · 4 years
feb 2021.
wow. i can’t believe a month has already passed. time flies really fast when your mind is occupied. right. actually, i don’t know if i should create a post like this or what, i just want to update things here and blabber shits here hahahaha i missed posting here but nah, i don’t want to stay here anymore. i want to deactivate this since i’m not really posting here but, all my teenage memories were here. from my 13-year old self, until now that i am already 21 years old, my secrets and personal stories were here. since i am sentimental person (lmao) i won’t delete this app and update here casually. 
anyway, its already my second semester. well, its already started last week but my profs were still mia thats why i have all the time last week to just enjoy fangirling and stuff hahaha yk i’m excited to learn this semester, although i have 4 major subject. actually one of them were for my prof course which is transpo engineering. yes, i chose that specialization as my major for my course. i just hope i won’t have regrets in the future *fingers crossed* 
i have a lot of things to share but now that i am typing this, i can’t think of one hahaha i am *still* slowly working on my confidence and self love this year. tho there are times that i just want to disappear, often times i am just barely existing. thank you to my ult bbs, treasure for saving me from this fucking pandemic and making me happy these days. oh, i also bought two ver out of three versions of their full album. it cost me almost 2k but i have no regrets sis hahahahaha i still have one album in transit from their chapter three. and yes, i don’t have regrets lmao. this is my reward for myself for pulling my shits together and striving to study hard in this fucking pandemic. 
one more thing, i am always thankful for my family. because of the issues of some of my uncle and aunties, they were divided but the heck those people who stayed with us got our backs and vice versa. i am thankful that our family became closer and comfortable with each other. i can’t wait to celebrate long weekend with them next week. hopefully, nothing bad will happen. 
anywayzzz this is getting too long and boring hahahaha i don’t know what to update or say that’s sensible. happy february! sana magkajowa ka na, at ako rin hahahaha charot not charot. keep safe everyone <3
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weaponmistress · 4 years
"I’m easily excitable but definitely an ambivert, knowing when to bring myself down a level to match the room’s vibe. I’m definitely more hyper and outspoken than most, when I’m around friends or friends of friends. I can be a clutz and probably joke around too much.
In a relationship I can be physically distant since physical intimacy leaves me uncomfortable sometimes. However I still try to give my partner enough physical affection and intimacy so they aren’t left feeling unloved. My particular love language is gift giving and also words of affirmation. I do my best to be my partners hype man, if you would.
I’ve played sports through my school years and I also play video games sometimes. In both instances I can get a bit competitive. (I definitely don’t wake my parents yelling at a screen at 2 AM)."
Requested By: @shoogarcube
I'm not the best at taking zodiac into account but I still try to incorporate some qualities of it so it won't just be discarded along the way.
I'm sorry this took a bit long, I was hesitant on reaching out to you because i'm a bit embarrassed about it. (´∩。• 3 •。∩`)
But here it is, I hope that you'll enjoy!!
Thank you so much for requesting! <33
Haikyuu Edition! Matchup Season.
I would pair you up with...
Kozume Kenma
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🎮 Bb cat baby boi.
🎮 He doesn't mind that you're not into physical intimacy.
🎮 Respects your boundaries. (whatta man)
🎮 Kenma's the type to be distant too, so he understands you.
🎮 He shows his affection in small ways that a few of his friends, like Kuroo, knows that it isn't common of him to do a certain action.
🎮 "Let's play a ranked game."
🎮 As a pro-player in the gaming community, his ranks in several competitive games are his prized posessions. Nobody can tell me that he isn't a pro-player even way before he was introduced as one after the timeskip.
🎮 Isn't surprise that you're actually good at this one game he likes to play right after an exhausting game.
🎮 He wasn't holding back whenever he plays with you because apparently, you can see through him. He has this certain gesture he does that meant he was holding back.
🎮 You got too competitive that you actually won.
🎮 "Hey, I won!"
🎮 "I probably need to find a new game to play..."
🎮 Smiles when he sees your bright twinkling eyes when you won against him.
🎮 "Whoa...is it really going to be released earlier?"
🎮 He doesn't know that you have your way with things.
🎮 He occasionally gets his information from you about the early bird release of a new game that was fairly popular for their trial game.
"Can't believe that the employee in the game shop didn't told me about this..."
🎮 He can get hype when he sees you so hyper.
🎮 Sometimes whenever he goes on a weekend training with his team, you'd join in the training but most of the time you're on your own watching him from afar when they do a informal practice match.
🎮 Is so motivated to do works when you're there that it legits surprises his teammates to the core???
🎮 Only when they notice that you were his main source of hyperness will they start teasing him.
🎮 He doesn't get so worked up during practices, they remembered way before he met you and started seeing you officially, Hinata was the only guy on the court to give everything his best.
🎮 "Sh-shut up...go back to your position...!"
🎮 Durings official games, in volleyball or in gaming, he makes sure to look at you and respond back to your cheers and whoopings that's directed to him.
🎮 When he hears you cheer, he flashes you one of his shy smiles.
🎮 Gets flustered when Kuroo notices it.
🎮 "I just really want to acknowledge her cheers so it won't go to waste."
🎮 Gets so focused on the game because he didn't want to disappoint you.
🎮 Super motivated Kenma on full motion!!
🎮 He'd be super tired after the game though.
🎮 "You're so cool! It's so hard to do a feint that casually! You set so nice!"
🎮 His social battery just went a bit high because of your praises.
🎮 It can give him an ego boost, no one knows this except the two of you.
🎮 He's impressed when he gets some extra information from you about the next team they'll be facing against.
🎮 Strategizes with you that can help him and his team to overwhelm the opponents.
🎮 So thankful that he has somebody to point out some small errors of him or his teammates that he wasn't able to notice before.
🎮 "Ah, I didn't notice that a while back, thank you."
🎮 He's so grateful to have a s/o who knows how to match up with the vibe. He's pretty much a chill kind of guy who can't keep up with every exhausting activity,
🎮 Except volleyball, that's the only thing he'll exert extra effort,
🎮 You too, but he won't see you as exhausting to handle, just somebody who he'd want to show how he's so grateful for being there with him.
🎮 Plays volleyball with you, whatever position you're comfortable with, he'd likely adjust to you if you want to be in a certain position that him, being setter, isn't the best to play with you.
🎮 Would ask everytime if it's alright to you if he kisses you or hugs you just to make sure he doesn't misinterpret.
🎮 "Um...is it alright for me to...uh..."
🎮 He gets so shy and quiet the first time he asked.
🎮 Eventually, he'll get used to reading your small actions and would know when he can.
🎮 He thinks that kissing you on the forehead is affectionate and at the same time, a somewhat safe spot for him to kiss that wouldn't catch you by shock.
🎮 "Look, Kenma, kids!"
🎮 He inadvertently hides behind your back when a child comes up to you.
🎮 Doesn't hate kids but are kinda scared of them, He could imagine a kid running around in his house, eventually ruining his expensive build of his pc.
🎮 You help him interact with the kid and he do as you told him to do.
🎮 He won't grow fond of them even after years of being with you, but will try to not make the child cry because of him.
🎮 Will absolutely not babysit.
🎮 Actually knows how to cook, just not some complex meal.
🎮 "Ice cream!"
🎮 He likes seeing you all so smiley whenever he buys you some sweet desserts.
🎮 "You got some cream on the corner of your lips."
🎮 Chuckles when he sees you reach for it to lick it off.
🎮 Will eat the cherry if the order comes with one.
🎮 He could take some heat, what can spicy food do to him anyway?
🎮 He enjoys some spicy food, low to medium spiciness level, but unfortunately his stomach says otherwise.
🎮 Would feel his stomach growling in displease when he smells your food when you feel like eating something spicier than usual, the sharp spicy smell struck him.
🎮 "Ugh, you enjoy this...?"
🎮 "Of course!"
🎮 Has a pet cat only because you love cats.
🎮 He grows fond of it and doesn't mind too much when it causes some mess.
🎮 When he goes out to buy his games, he sees a particular game that you've been talking about for a week.
🎮 When he comes home, your presence welcomes him warmly.
🎮 It's been years since he moved out and settled in an apartment near the university he was attending. It was pretty lonely but he didn't mind until you came along. It feels more like home whenever you feel like crashing in his place. He feels that every time you're not in the apartment, it truly feels emptier than he remembered.
🎮 "I went to buy my game and saw this game you want, I bought you some spicy snacks on my way home too."
Second Pick: Akaashi Keiji
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🏐 He is totally fine if you don't get physically intimate with him all the time. He sees you being affectionate in your own ways anyway, maybe people would judge but,
🏐 They're not in the relationship so???
🏐 He feels so special and loved when you tried to be intimate with him.
🏐 Same as Kenma, he'd ask you if you're up for some cuddle session, some kisses here and there. He'll eventually learn when you feel like receiving some too.
🏐Cooks you food especialy to your liking,
🏐 Asks you if you wanna make desserts with him,
🏐 "How about it, love?"
🏐 "Yes please!"
🏐 Encourages you to do your tasks but won't pressure you if you don't feel like it.
🏐 Helps you in anyway he can.
🏐 "If you need me to do something, don't hesitate to ask for my help."
🏐 If you feel like doing some of your hobbies and you decide to show the result to him, you know he'd look at it silently with starry eyes.
🏐 "This looks so pretty!"
🏐 Nicknames, he gets soft when you come up with a few cute nicknames.
🏐 he's a very soft bb.
🏐 When you tripped out of nowhere, his fast reflexes get the better of him, and will hold you to steady yourself.
🏐 If you get a scratch because of a random fall, he'll make sure to patch it up even if it's minor.
🏐 "Please be careful, alright love?"
Third Pick: Sugawara Kōshi
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🏐 He cherishes every hugs, kisses, basically everything you give.
🏐 His hobby is to pamper you with a lot of things he bought.
🏐 Cooks you some spicy food!
🏐 The two of you can share because looking at Kōshi, he's full of surprises.
🏐 He can handle any spicy food, and could compete with you.
🏐 Probably eats something spicy to compete with your tolerance for spiciness.
🏐 "I bet that I can eat spicier than you can!"
🏐 Naturally competitive too, so your bondings would consist of little competitions here and there.
🏐 Would be bad in video games from the start,
🏐 but in the end, he's slightly better than before.
It's an improbement you have to say.
🏐 Always loses to you, but won't get all sulky about it.
🏐 Gets all fired up when you play on your own against some random strangers,
Fourth Pick: Shirofuku Yukie
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🏐 Praises you on the regular.
🏐 Actually good at video games, but she turns humble,
🏐 "I'm not that good."
🏐 Actually wins with perfect scores.
🏐 Gets pretty competitive too when it comes to food, and protective of her food, but when it comes to you, she's going to give you a piece or two.
🏐 "You're lucky that I love you..."
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violetsystems · 4 years
Weekend two has started since being let go for financial reasons due to Covid-19.  Much like the lack of email communication from responsible parties, I feel I shouldn’t say too much more about it.  One of the last official trainings from that job I did complete was about Social Engineering.  I was twelve when my parents first put a second phone line in my room.  In that back bedroom I connected a WarGames-esque computer modem to my computer.  I would post the number up on local bulletin boards my mother and I frequented.  Before I had the computing power to run an actual BBS like Telegard, I had an open terminal open accepting random calls.  It was just me typing out on the other side.  Acting like the AI’s I read about in William Gibson novels.  I dreamt I was Wintermute fucking with random hackers on that phone line.  I did probably freak people out.  Computers were so new back then that everybody thought they were hacking a military grade silo.  Being twelve on the internet back then was far different than it is now.  I was playing Crucible the other day and the scripted team chatter caught me.  My character, a space trucker named Earl, wants to show a team mate a picture of his children.  They’re marooned on a lush space planet harvesting essence.  The character chides him to put the photos away.  She remarks the safety of his children is in jeopardy.  He mumbles and puts them away.  These days being an accountable adult on the internet with a twenty year resume can be frightening.  I worked in an academic environment for years where cancel culture had it’s place at times.  There is a fair amount of graffiti in my neighborhood that talks about “provoking culture.”  A very transgressive sentiment.  Provocation is a tricky word.  It doesn’t mean what you think it does.  It’s a test, yes.  One to make a person deliberately angry.  A trick to melt someone down to their base metals.  And in some ways, the universe has reared it’s head in my life with a fair amount of reminders of the culture I already wield.  I’ve faced my power.  Faced my privilege.  Face the very essence and critique I swam in for years.  And now ironically just like my signature line in an email locked out after twenty years.  I know nothing other than the time I spent here seems more valued at the end of the day.
I am an adult.  I’m pretty sure everyone figured that one out by now.  I’ve talked with people on this platform for years.  Opened my heart up about things.  Had it weaponized against me in varying degrees.  I weaponized it back at times.  And these days, it’s definitely apparent that many things have changed in my life.  I spent the entire last week decoupling my personal information from my work without access.  I had given up a personal number years ago to be on call twenty four seven on a new cellphone.  Ironically I have new service and a new number with the same provider.  That now rings the watch I could never get set up with my work phone.  I sat in the Verizon store for a good hour talking with the employees behind plexiglass.  Getting a job is always an audition.  I can’t exactly jump at getting a job at the moment or I void some of the benefits I’ve been promised.  I also don’t have written details about any of that in an email yet.  There are some details I do have and they relate to financial obligations I’m owed that people would rather be rid of anyway.  Again I’ve spent years talking vaguely enough about romantic feelings on the Internet.  I’ve seen those weaponized against me even worse.  I lost my job.  Not those feelings.  Ironically those feelings are still communicated loud and clear.  People expect you as an adult to handle your shit and remain accountable.  And there are also people out there who expect to catch you slipping.  And truth be told, this time is both the worst and best time for me.  When I reflect about how long I have been inside the culture of Information Technology, I know where I belong.  And for the moment I’ve been enjoying playing the Crucible beta for free.  I’ve had to be painfully clear that I don’t work for anyone right now.  This is for fear of someone jeopardizing the verbal agreements I still have no written acknowledgement of.  I haven’t signed anything.  I don’t know anything.  All I know is I am afloat on a wave of loss.  I’ve been riding that wave.  Out on my bike or running.  An eerie silence.  The phone only rings when it’s my parents.  My friends and people I saw daily are now gone.  No one seems to know how to get ahold of me other than my business email.  And every few days it’s something about still getting details.  I could go on and pine about it in an election year.  Someone could hone in on the message.  Retailor it.  Use it on the virtual campaign trail.  And it still wouldn’t solve anything.  I’d rather handle it myself and go back to the safe haven I’ve created for myself.  Here online in a community that respects each other’s privacy to a certain extent.  I cling to that respect I have here.  Because you don’t know the shame I feel losing something I worked so hard to keep.
I am not really ashamed at all now.  I had to get through all those feelings by myself the last week.  I will say that playing video games has been therapeutic.  Playing a closed beta in an inclusive and respectful environment has healed a lot of damage I feel.  The truth is the damage is far deeper than I really care to admit.  It’s twenty years of connections dropped in an ocean like a brick.  Probably for good reason.  It’s a massive disconnection of being known and yet exiled.  Fenced off to the side.  Made to feel like I am nothing without that time in my life.  And yet all the time I spent here seems worth more.  How we all learned how to get along and watch each other’s back.  How we learned that people can talk to you for hours and say nothing.  How conversations are just projections where you have no say.  And how we’re all fucking bored with that and would rather speak through memes, hints and clues.  The major clue phone alert being that I still love you.  Tumblr too.  But most importantly the person I always address in these.  I feel like a loser.  I feel like this was meant to be this way.  I don’t blame anything.  I just know how I survive.  I had four job offers ping my watch on my bike the other day.  I wonder if somebody is just waiting for me to jump at the first offer so they’ll be off the hook.  And again these are thoughts that are best left to myself.  I spend most of my business days thinking about them.  Dealing with the trauma that’s reached a frightening crescendo in my life.  Financially, I probably could sit the rest of the year out if need be.  But I only have three months of health insurance in the middle of a pandemic.  And I spent five months grappling with the concerns of my employees and their concerns about being at risk.  I don’t really have the luxury anymore to wonder if I’m at risk.  I don’t even think I mean anything to anybody anymore.  At least in my past life.  Other than you.  Let’s be truthful.  The signs and portents are still out there.  Nothing on that front really changed.  Although I think I needed to be set free from my old life.  A life that spends years plotting and harvesting information about me for no other reason than to trick me.  To provoke me into something I’m not.  And when the final showdown happens and the smoke clears, it’s just me and you and everybody else down here on the internet.  Playing games, staying safe, wearing masks, and treating each other like human beings.  Respecting privacy.  Being accountable for our actions not only in this public space but in the trust and intimacy of our friends.  I’m not ashamed to be here with all of you.  And I know you trust that I move forward with nothing to be ashamed about.  I’ve got some time to play games and be a community leader in my own way.  By just being me and showing the love.  All you need to do is stay on point.  <3 Tim
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
MLB Energy Rankings: Week 12
http://tinyurl.com/yxd48uyh Welcome to the Rotoworld MLB Energy Rankings, a weekly function that can run each Tuesday via the top of the 2019 common season. These rankings aren’t fantasy-driven in any method, although I’ll embrace nuggets of extra summary fantasy recommendation right here and there inside the person group write-ups. Who’s sizzling, who’s not — that type of factor. Ship any and all complaints to me on Twitter: @drewsilv. Please imagine me after I let you know that I don’t hate your group. 1. Los Angeles DodgersFile: 48-25Final Week: 1Cody Bellinger and Hyun-Jin Ryu proceed to be the lead tales in Los Angeles. Bellinger slugged his 23rd dwelling run of the season on Sunday in opposition to the Cubs, serving to the Dodgers to a 3-2 victory. Hyun-Jin Ryu began that sport and scattered two unearned runs over seven innings whereas hanging out eight batters and issuing zero walks. Bellinger then doubled, drew a stroll, and scored a run within the Dodgers’ 3-2 series-opening loss to the Giants on Monday and is now batting .355/.452/.701 via 301 plate appearances this yr. He is the main vote-getter within the 2019 All-Star balloting. Ryu, who might begin the All-Star Sport for the Nationwide League, owns a ridiculous 1.26 ERA and 85/5 Okay/BB ratio in 93 innings. 2. Houston AstrosFile: 48-25Final Week: 2Houston received blown out in surprising style on Sunday, falling 12-Zero to the visiting Blue Jays, after which struggled to unravel Luis Castillo and the Reds in a 3-2 loss on Monday evening in Cincinnati. However the Astros can sit up for the return of Jose Altuve — he is been out since Might 11 with a number of leg points however could possibly be activated as early as Tuesday — and they need to get George Springer again from his Grade 2 left hamstring pressure earlier than the top of June. At the same time as this group will get more healthy, Yordan Alvarez ought to preserve a safe spot on the energetic 25-man main league roster. The 21-year-old Cuban masher has tallied 4 dwelling runs, eight RBI, and eight runs scored via his first seven video games within the bigs. 3. Minnesota TwinsFile: 47-24Final Week: 3Minnesota fell 8-6 in Sunday’s collection finale in opposition to the Royals and received shut out 2-Zero on Monday versus the Red Sox. It was simply the second time all season that the Twins managed zero runs in a sport. They’ve the most effective profitable proportion within the majors (.662) and the best run differential (+114), and so they’re up 10 video games on first place within the American League Central regardless of dropping on back-to-back days. There’s definitely a case to be made for bumping this group as much as the No. 1 spot in our Rotoworld MLB Energy Rankings. Perhaps subsequent week. A fantasy observe: Kyle Gibson is at the moment owned in simply 57 p.c of Yahoo leagues regardless of boasting a 2.82 ERA and 65/9 Okay/BB ratio over his final 60 2/Three innings. Editor’s Be aware: Keep forward of the competitors from wire to wire with rankings, customizable projections, commerce evaluator, unique columns and extra in our Season Pass. And begin utilizing optimized lineups on Yahoo!, DraftKings and FanDuel with our DFS Toolkit!. 4. New York Yankees File: 44-27Final Week: 5 As if this group wanted any extra energy bats, the Yankees acquired veteran slugger Edwin Encarnacion from the Mariners on Saturday evening in change for minor league right-hander Juan Then and about half of the $14.25 million nonetheless owed to Encarnacion. The 36-year-old had posted an .888 OPS (140 OPS+) with 21 dwelling runs and 49 RBI via 65 video games this season with Seattle. Giancarlo Stanton (calf, biceps, shoulder) is ready to come back off the injured listing earlier than Tuesday evening’s sport in opposition to the Rays and Aaron Judge (indirect) ought to be prepared for activation by the top of this week. When this lineup is at full energy … look out, American League pitchers. And any fan sitting within the outfield seats. 5. Atlanta BravesFile: 43-30Final Week: 8 Ronald Acuna slugged the 11th leadoff dwelling run of his younger profession within the first inning of Monday evening’s sport in opposition to the Mets, setting the tone for a 12-Three blowout victory. Acuna, 21, has been on a tear for the reason that calendar flipped to June and is now batting .301/.380/.519 with 17 homers, 49 RBI, 9 steals, and 50 runs scored in 72 video games for a Braves group that has received 10 of its final 11 to open up a three-game lead over the Phillies for first place within the NL East. Josh Donaldson has gotten sizzling in a rush as properly with 12 hits — together with 4 dwelling runs — in his final seven video games. That is among the many most well-rounded lineups Atlanta has ever fielded, and there have been some nice ones over the years. 6. Tampa Bay RaysFile: 43-29Final Week: 4 The Rays have been shut out by Masahiro Tanaka and the Yankees on Monday evening within the Bronx and have now misplaced 5 of their final seven to fall 1 1/2 video games again of New York within the American League East standings. Charlie Morton and Blake Snell, the Rays’ co-aces, each struggled within the group’s weekend collection in opposition to the Angels, with Morton yielding 4 earned runs over six innings on Friday and Snell lasting simply Three 1/Three innings on Saturday. It was a uncommon hiccup for Morton, who nonetheless owns an amazing 2.37 ERA with 107 strikeouts over 87 1/Three whole innings this season. Relationship again to the start of 2018, the veteran right-hander has a 2.87 ERA and 308 strikeouts over his final 254 1/Three main league frames. 7. Milwaukee BrewersFile: 40-32Final Week: 6 The Brewers break up a two-game collection in opposition to the Astros final week, dropped two of three to the Giants over the weekend, after which received shut out 2-Zero by the Padres on Monday evening in San Diego. However they nonetheless sit atop the Nationwide League Central standings — a half-game above the Cubs as of Tuesday afternoon — and their ultimate 17 video games earlier than the All-Star break are in opposition to the Mariners, Pirates, and Reds. Christian Yelich has continued his quest for back-to-back Nationwide League MVP awards with a major-league main 26 dwelling runs via 65 video games. He is additionally tops amongst all certified hitters in OPS with mark of 1.183. Yelich hit a double so hard it went through a fence on Sunday in San Francisco. 8. Chicago CubsFile: 39-32Final Week: 8 The Cubs went 2-5 on a seven-game street journey final week to Coors Subject and Dodger Stadium, and so they misplaced one  of their steadiest beginning pitchers alongside the best way. Kyle Hendricks, who had a 1.99 ERA and 50/6 Okay/BB ratio in 58 2/Three innings (eight begins) between Might Three and June 9, was lit up for 5 runs over Four 1/Three innings on Friday in opposition to the Dodgers after which landed on the injured listing Saturday with proper shoulder irritation. The severity of the difficulty remains to be unclear, however any shoulder downside is trigger for nice concern. The Cubs made an enormous bullpen improve in signing Craig Kimbrel — he ought to be able to debut someday subsequent week — however they could additionally want to seek out some outdoors rotation assist. 9. Philadelphia Phillies File: 39-32Final Week: 9The Phillies dropped two of three to the Braves over the weekend, after dropping two of three to the Diamondbacks the collection earlier than. As of Tuesday afternoon, they’re three video games again of Atlanta for first place within the Nationwide League East standings. Philadelphia’s bullpen is riddled with accidents and will use an addition or two from the commerce market. The identical may be mentioned for the beginning rotation, with Aaron Nola failing to satisfy the lofty expectations he set forth final yr and Jake Arrieta cratering in latest weeks. However do not blame Scott Kingery, who has emerged as a post-hype fantasy stud as a sophomore with an excellent .344/.385/.664 slash line via 39 video games performed. He’ll be enjoying much more video games transferring ahead. 10. Boston Pink SoxFile: 40-34Final Week: 12 The Pink Sox have rattled off six straight victories, together with a 2-Zero win over the AL Central-leading Twins on Monday evening during which Rick Porcello struck out eight batters over seven scoreless innings. Porcello struggled in his first three outings this yr, however he has quietly posted a 3.30 ERA and 64/13 Okay/BB ratio over his final 12 begins (76 1/Three innings), with the Pink Sox going 9-Three in these 12 video games. Chris Sale has been on a roll, too, boasting a 2.09 ERA and 98/11 Okay/BB ratio over his final 60 1/Three frames. Now that the NHL’s Boston Bruins have did not safe the Stanley Cup — needed to throw that in there as a St. Louis Blues fan and NBC worker — baseball can take heart stage once more in Boston. 11. Texas RangersFile: 39-33Final Week: 11The Rangers took two of three from the Reds over the weekend in Cincinnati and earned a 7-2 victory in opposition to the Indians on Monday evening at Globe Life Park. They’ve gone 22-11 over their final 33 video games relationship again to Might 15 and could be within the playoffs because the second American League Wild Card if the season ended in the present day, although the hard-charging Pink Sox are proper on their tail. It is superb that Texas has been in a position to stay so profitable within the absence of Joey Gallo, who was sporting a 1.074 OPS with 17 dwelling runs and 41 RBI via 50 video games when he landed on the injured listing June 1 with an indirect pressure. The present hope is that the 25-year-old slugger will probably be able to return to motion this weekend. 12. Colorado RockiesFile: 37-34Final Week: 11 Colorado’s four-game weekend collection in opposition to the Padres featured a complete of 92 runs — probably the most in a single collection since no less than 1900. The Rockies received 9-6 on Thursday, misplaced 16-12 on Friday, earned a 14-Eight victory on Saturday, after which fell 14-13 in Sunday’s collection finale. It could take this whole column area to recap all the pieces that occurred, so let’s simply give attention to a few constructive developments for the Rockies. Charlie Blackmon went 15-for-24 (.625) over the 4 video games and is batting .500 with six dwelling runs, 16 RBI, and 14 runs scored in 9 video games since coming back from a calf damage on June 7. Ian Desmond is red-hot, too, with a .459/.475/.838 slash line in 40 plate appearances since June 6. 13. Arizona DiamondbacksFile: 38-35Final Week: 13The Diamondbacks are 8-Three over their final 11 video games after splitting a four-game weekend collection at Nationals Park. The massive story proper now in Arizona is the ability breakout of Ketel Marte, who tallied simply 22 dwelling runs over his first 1,548 main league plate appearances between 2015-2018 however has already gone deep 20 occasions in 317 plate appearances this yr. He entered this season with a profession .712 OPS in 402 video games and has delivered a .906 OPS via 71 video games for a D-backs group that’s simply two video games again within the NL Wild Card hunt. Marte had a median draft place of 249.6 this spring in Yahoo leagues. He has returned top-40 worth, with eligibility at shortstop, second base, and the outfield.  14. Cleveland Indians File: 37-34Final Week: 15 Mike Clevinger lastly returned to the Indians’ beginning rotation on Monday evening in opposition to the Rangers after lacking over two months with an upper-back pressure. He regarded sharp within the first two innings however struggled as the sport went alongside, in the end yielding 5 earned runs over Four 2/Three frames. Some rust was to be anticipated, and Clevinger ought to discover extra success in his subsequent outing at dwelling in opposition to a Tigers group that ranks dead-last within the majors in runs scored. The Indians simply swept a three-game weekend collection in opposition to Detroit and have received six of their final 9 video games to remain within the hunt for the second American League Wild Card spot. It seems to be just like the Twins are going to run away with the AL Central. 15. St. Louis CardinalsFile: 37-34Final Week: 16 The Cardinals have crushed up on the Marlins and Mets during the last week-plus, profitable six of their final eight video games to maneuver inside 2 1/2 video games of the Brewers for first place within the Nationwide League Central standings. They’ve three extra video games in opposition to Miami and can then welcome Albert Pujols and the Angels to Busch Stadium on Friday evening. That is Pujols’ first journey again to St. Louis, as a participant, since he accepted a 10-year, $250 million free agent contract from Anaheim again in December 2011. Pujols spent the primary 11 years of his profession with the Cardinals, and it was some of the productive 11-year runs in baseball historical past. The ovations ought to be deafening all weekend lengthy.  16. Oakland Athletics File: 37-36Final Week: 17 We’ve not written sufficient about A’s starter Frankie Montas in these weekly Rotoworld MLB Energy Rankings. The 26-year-old right-hander moved to 9-2 on the season on Saturday after limiting the Mariners to 2 runs over six innings in an 11-2 blowout victory. He struck out 9 batters and issued only one stroll in that outing and now holds a 2.85 ERA, 1.18 WHIP, and 88/21 Okay/BB ratio in 82 innings (14 begins) this season. That is a outstanding strikeout whole provided that he ranks sixth in groundball fee amongst all certified American League starters. Montas had a median draft place within the 500s this spring in Yahoo leagues — so mainly off the radar in any commonplace format. He is been waiver-wire gold. 17. San Diego PadresFile: 36-37Final Week: 14 The Padres break up a wild four-game weekend collection at Colorado’s Coors Subject — 92 whole runs have been scored throughout the 4 video games — after which shut out the Brewers for a 2-Zero victory on Monday in San Diego. How about that for a juxtaposition? Joey Lucchesi was terrific Monday versus Milwaukee, working seven scoreless frames to decrease his season ERA to three.74. He additionally has a 1.109 WHIP and 78/23 Okay/BB ratio in 79 1/Three innings, and but the 25-year-old left-hander is owned in solely 65 p.c of Yahoo leagues. Kirby Yates has been the highest nearer in fantasy this yr with an MLB-leading 25 saves — he earned No. 25 on Monday evening — and a dominant 1.16 ERA and 52/Eight Okay/BB ratio via 31 frames. However there are holes on this roster that want plugging. 18. Los Angeles AngelsFile: 36-37Final Week: 19 Justin Upton missed the primary 11 weeks of the season whereas recovering from a toe damage, however he lastly returned to motion on Monday evening in opposition to the Blue Jays and introduced his presence with authority, turning the very first pitch he noticed into a no-doubter over the left-center subject wall at Rogers Centre. He then singled in his second plate look and drew a stroll within the high of the sixth because the Angels earned a 10-5 win in Toronto. Upton jumped proper into the cleanup spot behind the hot-hitting Shohei Ohtani, who went 2-for-5 with a house run and three RBI on Monday and is now batting .333/.395/.694 with seven dwelling runs and 21 RBI over his final 18 video games. The Halos are rapidly approaching the .500 mark. 19. Chicago White SoxFile: 34-36Final Week: 22 The White Sox made it to .500 after profitable the primary two video games of a four-game weekend collection in opposition to the Yankees, earlier than New York took revenge within the ultimate two video games at Assured Charge Subject. Lucas Giolito began Saturday versus the Yanks and pitched into the seventh inning whereas incomes his ninth straight win. The 24-year-old right-hander is 10-1 on the season and boasts the bottom ERA of any certified American League starter at 2.22. He has additionally racked up 95 strikeouts in 81 innings. We must always quickly see the debut of 23-year-old high pitching prospect Dylan Stop, who owns a 2.96 ERA and 437 strikeouts in 343 2/Three profession minor league frames. This can be a group on the rise. 20. New York MetsFile: 34-38Final Week: 18 The mixed struggles of offseason commerce acquisitions Edwin Diaz and Robinson Cano are making first-year Mets basic supervisor Brodie Van Wagenen look relatively silly. Diaz allowed three earned runs between the ninth and 10th innings of Thursday-turned-Friday’s rain-suspended loss to the Cardinals after which gave up a run on three hits in a tightrope-walking save on Saturday. Diaz has a 3.77 ERA and 1.36 WHIP via his first 28 2/Three innings with the Mets, after posting a 1.96 ERA and 0.79 WHIP throughout 73 1/Three innings final season with the Mariners. Cano hit a solo shot in Monday evening’s 12-Three loss to the Braves, however it was simply his fourth dwelling run of the yr and he is slashing .240/.288/.385 total. 21. Washington Nationals File: 33-38Final Week: 20 The Nationals received 12 of 16 video games between Might 24 and June 10, however they misplaced three of 5 to the White Sox and Diamondbacks final week and are 9 video games again of first place within the Nationwide League East right here on Tuesday afternoon. Patrick Corbin has run into some sort of midseason wall, as he is given up 20 runs — 16 earned — on 22 hits and 7 walks over his final three begins overlaying simply 12 2/Three innings. The high-priced lefty had a 2.85 ERA via his first 11 begins this season, however that quantity has ballooned to 4.11 in a matter of weeks. Stephen Strasburg additionally had a tough outing lately, serving up 4 dwelling runs — and 6 runs whole — within the Nats’ 10-Three blowout loss to Arizona on Saturday. 22. Cincinnati RedsFile: 32-38Final Week: 23 Cincinnati blew out the Rangers by a rating of 11-Three on Sunday after which outlasted the AL West-leading Astros for a 3-2 victory on Monday, incomes consecutive victories for the primary time since Might. The Reds’ run differential is definitely fairly good (+39) and they’re technically nonetheless alive in each the Nationwide League Central and NL Wild Card races — 7.Zero GB, 6.5 GB, respectively — however this figures to be a summer time of promoting in Cincy. Yasiel Puig is bound to be shopped, however it will likely be attention-grabbing to see what he can fetch for the Reds as an impending free agent with a tough .229 batting common and .274 on-base proportion via 65 video games. Derek Dietrich and Sonny Gray will additionally in all probability be on the commerce block. 23. Pittsburgh PiratesFile: 32-39Final Week: 21 The Pirates took two of three from the Marlins over the weekend, however that they had misplaced seven straight main into that three-game set in Miami and their -77 run differential at the moment ranks sixth-worst amongst all 30 main league golf equipment. Mitch Keller, one of many high pitching prospects in all of baseball, has been an enormous disappointment via his first two MLB begins, yielding 12 earned runs over seven whole innings, however he ought to fare higher Tuesday in opposition to a Detroit offense that ranks dead-last within the majors in runs scored. Pittsburgh may also sit up for the return of Trevor Williams, who had a 3.33 ERA and 1.13 WHIP in 9 begins earlier than straining a muscle in his aspect in mid-Might. He’ll begin Wednesday versus the Tigers. 24. San Francisco GiantsFile: 31-39Final Week: 24The Giants swept a twin-bill final week in opposition to the Padres earlier than taking two of three from the Brewers over the weekend and topping the arch-rival Dodgers by a rating of 3-2 on Monday. San Francisco has received 5 of its final six in opposition to three good groups. That is the most effective stretch of baseball we have seen from the Giants all yr, however let’s as an alternative give attention to the large image. We all know that Madison Bumgarner goes to be one of many extra sought-after starters on the commerce market, and that Will Smith will probably be among the many most sought-after relievers, however how about Brandon Belt? The 31-year-old first baseman has managed to keep away from the injured listing whereas delivering an .825 OPS (120 OPS+) and .354 wOBA via 67 video games. 25. Seattle MarinersFile: 31-45Final Week: 25Mariners GM Jerry Dipoto executed one other commerce this previous Saturday, delivery veteran slugger Edwin Encarnacion to the Yankees for minor league right-hander Juan Then and money concerns. It is truthfully shocking that Encarnacion lasted this lengthy in Seattle. There was speak of the Mariners making an attempt to flip him on the identical day they acquired him from the Indians again in December, and he was shopped round all through the spring. Encarnacion performed properly throughout his quick time with the M’s, delivering an .888 OPS with 21 dwelling runs and 49 RBI in 65 video games. His bat will probably be missed, however Mariners followers knew all alongside that this was going to be a rebuilding yr, even amid the group’s sizzling begin in March and April. 26. Detroit TigersFile: 25-43Final Week: 26The Tigers have misplaced 4 straight video games and 9 of their final 11. They personal the second-worst run differential within the majors at -132, forward of solely the Orioles at -152. Not that you just wanted inside data to infer what lies forward this summer time in Detroit, however Jon Morosi of MLB.com is hearing from sources that “the group is open to transferring just about any veteran on its roster.” Matthew Boyd will be the hottest commerce chip as a 28-year-old cost-controlled left-handed starter who has registered a 3.35 ERA, 1.08 WHIP, and 112/17 Okay/BB ratio in 88 2/Three innings (15 begins) this season. There can even be heavy curiosity in nearer Shane Greene, and impending free agent outfielder Nicholas Castellanos is prone to go too. 27. Miami MarlinsFile: 25-45Final Week: 27The Marlins constructed up some constructive momentum between the center of Might and the early a part of June, however they’ve regressed in predictable style during the last two weeks, dropping 9 of their final 11 video games to fall 20 video games under the .500 mark. The absence of starter Caleb Smith (hip) has definitely damage, although it seems like he could possibly be able to return from the injured listing someday this weekend. Jose Urena will not be again so quickly, as he was positioned on the 60-day IL on Friday after being identified with a herniated disc in his again. Urena was purported to be an enormous commerce chip this summer time for the rebuilding Fish, however that can in all probability have to attend till the offseason, or maybe even subsequent spring or summer time. 28. Toronto Blue JaysFile: 26-46Final Week: 28Edwin Jackson is pitching for his 14th totally different main league group, which is a report. But it surely’s a protected guess at this level that Toronto will be his ultimate main league cease. The veteran right-hander received lit up for seven earned runs whereas recording solely two outs in Monday evening’s 10-5 loss to the Angels and has now allowed no less than six runs in 5 of his seven appearances this season with the Blue Jays. He has a 12.43 ERA and a couple of.29 WHIP in 25 1/Three innings. Jackson has spent elements of 17 seasons at baseball’s highest stage, received a World Sequence with the Cardinals in 2011, and posted a gradual 3.33 ERA in 17 begins with the Athletics in 2018, however this seems to be to be the top of the street for the 35-year-old. 29. Kansas Metropolis RoyalsFile: 24-48Final Week: 29Kansas Metropolis has gone 4-Three over its final seven video games and it is trying like Hunter Dozier (chest) will probably be able to proceed his breakout 2019 earlier than the top of the week. However this group is about to start shedding contracts for prospects, and it will likely be a race to final place within the American League Central between the Royals and Tigers all through the second half. Whit Merrifield is the largest commerce chip in KC, although basic supervisor Dayton Moore told a local television station on Monday that “the ask could be simply loopy” for groups focused on buying the dynamic 30-year-old. That is in all probability typical GM posturing, however the Royals did signal Merrifield to a four-year extension over the winter and should choose to maintain him. 30. Baltimore OriolesFile: 21-51Final Week: 30The Orioles suffered their sixth straight loss Monday in opposition to the A’s and are 30 video games beneath .500 on June 18. That is past tanking, people. It is horrible roster development. The O’s have not strung collectively consecutive wins for the reason that first week of Might and so they have the worst run differential in baseball, by a fairly important margin, at -152. There’s one factor to sit up for in Baltimore: the approaching arrival of high corner-infield prospect Ryan Mountcastle. He has batted .305 with 12 dwelling runs and 44 RBI via 59 video games this season at Triple-A Norfolk and ought to be known as up round late June or early July. Cuban outfield prospect Yusniel Diaz was simply named the Jap League Participant of the Week, so there’s that too. Source link
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demitgibbs · 5 years
Emily Estefan Talks Miami Beach Pride, Famous Parents
Miami Beach Pride is a weeklong celebration, April 1-7, with special events, social mixers, dance events, a VIP gala, an incredible 2-day festival and Parade.
Miami Beach Pride brings together members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their friends, allies, and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of the LGBT community.
Nowhere is this spirit and enthusiasm more apparent than during extraordinary two-day Festival on Saturday and Sunday that features two stages with world-class DJs, entertainers, and celebrity entertainers. Special surprise performances throughout the day, along with 125 vendor booths, food and cocktails at Lummus Park in world-famous South Beach. The festival also includes the Pridelines Youth District and Safe Zone, Lambda Living Lounge, BB&T Food Pavilion, “The Garden of Eve” Women’s tent and many family friendly activities.
Coming into its 11th year anniversary year, Miami Beach Pride has grown into one of the most popular and anticipated events of the entire year in Miami Beach. The hugely successful event in 2011 attracted more than 40,000 people, in 2012 more than 60,000 people, in 2013 more than 80,000 people, in 2014 more 100,000 and in 2015, 2016 and 2017. In 2018 more than 145,000 people from all walks of life, all parts of the country, and all age groups attended the celebration.
The mission of Miami Beach Pride is to bring together members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their friends, allies, and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of the LGBTQ community.
Miami Beach Pride is proud to announce their 2019 Ally Marshals, Judy and Dennis Shepard, parents of Matthew Shepard and founders of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, who will be helping kick off Pride’s 11th annual celebration on Miami Beach.
Coming off of the 20th anniversary of the attack on University of Wyoming student, Matthew Shepard, the Matthew Shepard Foundation has been working tirelessly to erase hate crimes and foster understanding, compassion, and acceptance for the LGBTQ community.
Leading these efforts, Judy and Dennis Shepard have spent two decades working to provide a safe place for LGBTQ youth, and educate parents and allies on how to stand up for the LGBTQ community. Judy and Dennis were also instrumental in helping pioneer the first federal legislation against hate crimes, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
There are many headliners this year led by Emily Estefan, the daughter of Gloria and Emilio Estefan.
Emily’s career has spanned across several platforms that have included writing, producing and performing music. From the years 2008-2013, Estefan performed with Miami Sound Machine at the Bette Midler Happy Hulaween event and with Carole King and Estefan’s mother at Foxwoods. She recorded a guitar solo and joined a list of respected artists on the track “Somos El Mundo” (“We Are The World”) to help raise money for the earthquake victims in Haiti, another guitar solo for Gloria Estefan’s album “Miss Little Havana” and for Carlos Santana’s song “Besos de Lejos”.  
In 2015, she premiered on Entertainment Tonight, playing her first original song and music video “F#ck To Be,” which celebrated individuality and the importance of not acquiescing to society’s expectations. Her original song “I Just Want It To Be Over” premiered at the Miami Beach 100 concert and was featured on The Today Show.  
After having graduated from the prestigious Berklee College of Music in 2016 at the age of 21 where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Contemporary Writing and Production with a minor in Philosophy, Estefan created her own record label, Alien Shrimp Records. Soon thereafter, the label signed a multi-year distribution deal with Sony Red in order to help spread her “music for the planet” mantra, which expresses Emily’s belief that music not only reaches across cultures and oceans, but space and time as well.  
In the same year, Emily, wrote, performed and produced her debut album, “Take Whatever You Want.” Since then, she has continued writing and producing original music and performing at music festivals like Essence, SXSW, and GroundUp Music Fest, to name a few. 
“I just want to tell my stories, put out good energy and love into the world, and not be afraid to be my true self in my music,” she says.
View this post on Instagram
  Who says teleportation doesn’t exist when music is one of the most potent entities around us all? Let go of your fears and let the music take you where it wants to… get out of the way of it. You don’t have to play … dance, cry, listen… but let it wash over you and take control… you won’t regret it. ———————————————————————- 🎸: @edbrad777 I love you, thank you. 🥁: @ginesdrum I love you, thank you. 👔👠: @holagemeny I love you, thank you. See you all out there soon 🦋.
A post shared by Emily Estefan (@emily_estefan) on Mar 9, 2019 at 10:23am PST
It was a pleasure to sit down with Emily, who will perform on Saturday, April 6 at 9pm,  for this Hotspots Exclusive interview:
Do you remember the first time you sang and where it was?
Yes, I started singing by myself, and I kept it that way for a long time to make sure that I had my own voice.
The first time I sang in public was at a small bar gig.
What was your first professional singing gig?
The first performance gig I got paid for was for being a drummer. I was part of a band throughout my high school years and we played parties and bars in Miami, Miami Springs, and Vero Springs. I played almost every weekend until I went away to college.
When did you realize that performing would be your career?
I went to high school to play basketball and was considering Med School. But you can only run away from your passion for so long. I started in a summer performance program at Berkley the summer before college started, and from then on I knew I would be a performer.
View this post on Instagram
  Growing up has taught me a lot … first of all .. that truly growing means never reaching anything .. just continuing to evolve and learn.. that is what we are here to do..forever grow until our time on earth is done. Mom, I love you so much. At first, hearing over and over “that I sound like you” made me question my musical identity, and sent me into a flurry of negative emotions. It made it hard for me to let go. But that is a selfish emotion. The only person I was actually up against, was myself. Music is not for the self, it’s for all. It’s from the soul of an individual, to all, for all, for always. I sing from MY voice. You and dad created my skin and bones, you have shown me time and time again what it means to be a true, beautiful human being, and musician: a mission I try to keep in front of my face every single day. So.. if anyone hears a similarity in our voices, then I am honored. I am proud. But I know now, standing inside of myself.. you have created me with my own voice, my own things to say, and my own way of transmitting what I have to offer this world. And that is what I will do until the day I die. I am proud to come from you, I am blessed to come from you… and I can’t wait for everyone to see how much love filled that room, and how every single musician that honored you, not only had their own voice and vision while expressing your beautiful music, but came from a selfless pure place of love, to celebrate two incredible human beings, Immigrants, Americans, musicians, and game changers. See you May 3 on @pbs for a beautiful tribute to two true legends. I love you @emilioestefanjr @gloriaestefan ———————————————————————————👠🎩👗: @holagemeny 💋💄✍️: @sidneyjamila 💇🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️🌹: @hairbygeorgina
A post shared by Emily Estefan (@emily_estefan) on Mar 15, 2019 at 9:26am PDT
Is it easier or harder having such famous parents?
If you had asked me that question a couple years ago, I would have said it was harder since no matter what I did, without even hearing my voice, people assumed I would have doors opening for me. My mom is a pop star, and I don’t sing that type of music. I sing Jazz and Funk. However, nowadays I firmly believe it’s a blessing. They give me so much support and wisdom, etc. I am very proud to have them as my parents as they are two of the most incredible human being on earth.
Are you excited to be performing at Miami Beach Pride and what should our readers expect from your performance?
I am super excited as we have attended every year. Last year I saw a shirt that sticks out in my mind it said LGBTQ and then that was crossed out and the word Human was written…what a powerful message that was! I have learned that that Hate is not the opposite of Love, Fear is, and Pride is a day to celebrate all the differences that we have.
I am so excited to perform for everyone as its going to be super fun!
View this post on Instagram
  The mothership is landing @miamibeachpride 👽👽👽👽see you APRIL 6 @9pm with my aliens to celebrate love, light, and HUMANS!!! Let’s do ittttttttt🦋🦋🦋🦋 #Repost @miamibeachpride ・・・ JUST ANNOUNCED: @emily_estefan is our Saturday headliner! She’s performed and collaborated with Carlos Santana, Carole King, etc… Now, Emily Estefan is taking us out of this world as #MiamiBeachPride’s Saturday headliner! ✨☄️⠀ ⠀ Move to the talented singer, songwriter and performer’s cosmic sounds at the Celebrity Cruises stage on Saturday, April 6, at 9 PM! Click the link in our bio to learn more ☝️ #pride2019 #lgbtqiapride
A post shared by Emily Estefan (@emily_estefan) on Mar 26, 2019 at 10:16am PDT
What does the future hold for you?
My personal goal is to “refocus for the moment” and not worry about what coming in the future. Don’t get me wrong, goals and dreams are important, but I want to focus in being in the moment and enjoy every single second.
I hope the future has me performing, which is what I love!
For more info on Emily, follow her on Instagram.com/Emily_Estefan.
The other headliners include:
Icona Pop – This Swedish Electro Pop duo, whose breakout hit “I Love It” (featuring Charli XCX) topped charts around the world in 2013. The triple-platinum winning Icona Pop will hit the Celebrity Stage in Lummus Park on Sunday, April 7, at 9 pm.
Tito Puente Jr.  –Sway to supernova sounds as acclaimed Latin musician and percussionist Tito Puente Jr performs at the TD Bank Stage on Sunday, April 7 at 8pm! Son of Tito Puente, the “King of Latin Music,” Tito Puente Jr carries on his father’s legacy with charisma and panache—and you get to hear him right here in Miami Beach.
Some of the DJ’s spinning are:
Sat April 6 (6-10 pm)
International DJ superstar Erik Vilar brings his signature beats to the TD Bank Stage. Move your body to the Brazilian DJ’s energetic mixes at one of the most legendary dance parties the cosmos has ever seen, presented by AHF and Impulse Group! ⠀
Sun April 7 (2pm)
Dance to galactic beats by the sensational DJ Duo Sea & Gunn at the TD Bank Stage. You can join them afterwards at the “Cowgirl Invasion” Women’s Tent for a special meet and greet with the star of Showtime‘s “The L Word”: Daniela Sea!
Sun April 7 (7-11pm)
Prepare for blastoff with Kidd Madonny’s mesmerizing blend of vocals, progressive house and electro sounds at the Celebrity Cruises Stage. The DJ’s unforgettable performances complete with laser beams and costume changes will transport us to galaxies far away!
For a full list of all the parties, events, performers, honorees or to purchase tickets (pride is free, but there is a VIP Tent) go to: miamibeachpride.com.
South Beach Group, the official hotel sponsor of Miami Beach Pride, offers special rates for Pride attendees who use the promo code: SBGPride at www.southbeachgroup.com/pride.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/04/04/emily-estefan-talks-miami-beach-pride-famous-parents/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/183939019185
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hotspotsmagazine · 5 years
Emily Estefan Talks Miami Beach Pride, Famous Parents
Miami Beach Pride is a weeklong celebration, April 1-7, with special events, social mixers, dance events, a VIP gala, an incredible 2-day festival and Parade.
Miami Beach Pride brings together members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their friends, allies, and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of the LGBT community.
Nowhere is this spirit and enthusiasm more apparent than during extraordinary two-day Festival on Saturday and Sunday that features two stages with world-class DJs, entertainers, and celebrity entertainers. Special surprise performances throughout the day, along with 125 vendor booths, food and cocktails at Lummus Park in world-famous South Beach. The festival also includes the Pridelines Youth District and Safe Zone, Lambda Living Lounge, BB&T Food Pavilion, “The Garden of Eve” Women’s tent and many family friendly activities.
Coming into its 11th year anniversary year, Miami Beach Pride has grown into one of the most popular and anticipated events of the entire year in Miami Beach. The hugely successful event in 2011 attracted more than 40,000 people, in 2012 more than 60,000 people, in 2013 more than 80,000 people, in 2014 more 100,000 and in 2015, 2016 and 2017. In 2018 more than 145,000 people from all walks of life, all parts of the country, and all age groups attended the celebration.
The mission of Miami Beach Pride is to bring together members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their friends, allies, and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of the LGBTQ community.
Miami Beach Pride is proud to announce their 2019 Ally Marshals, Judy and Dennis Shepard, parents of Matthew Shepard and founders of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, who will be helping kick off Pride’s 11th annual celebration on Miami Beach.
Coming off of the 20th anniversary of the attack on University of Wyoming student, Matthew Shepard, the Matthew Shepard Foundation has been working tirelessly to erase hate crimes and foster understanding, compassion, and acceptance for the LGBTQ community.
Leading these efforts, Judy and Dennis Shepard have spent two decades working to provide a safe place for LGBTQ youth, and educate parents and allies on how to stand up for the LGBTQ community. Judy and Dennis were also instrumental in helping pioneer the first federal legislation against hate crimes, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
There are many headliners this year led by Emily Estefan, the daughter of Gloria and Emilio Estefan.
Emily’s career has spanned across several platforms that have included writing, producing and performing music. From the years 2008-2013, Estefan performed with Miami Sound Machine at the Bette Midler Happy Hulaween event and with Carole King��and Estefan’s mother at Foxwoods. She recorded a guitar solo and joined a list of respected artists on the track “Somos El Mundo” (“We Are The World”) to help raise money for the earthquake victims in Haiti, another guitar solo for Gloria Estefan’s album “Miss Little Havana” and for Carlos Santana’s song “Besos de Lejos”.  
In 2015, she premiered on Entertainment Tonight, playing her first original song and music video “F#ck To Be,” which celebrated individuality and the importance of not acquiescing to society’s expectations. Her original song “I Just Want It To Be Over” premiered at the Miami Beach 100 concert and was featured on The Today Show.  
After having graduated from the prestigious Berklee College of Music in 2016 at the age of 21 where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Contemporary Writing and Production with a minor in Philosophy, Estefan created her own record label, Alien Shrimp Records. Soon thereafter, the label signed a multi-year distribution deal with Sony Red in order to help spread her “music for the planet” mantra, which expresses Emily’s belief that music not only reaches across cultures and oceans, but space and time as well.  
In the same year, Emily, wrote, performed and produced her debut album, “Take Whatever You Want.” Since then, she has continued writing and producing original music and performing at music festivals like Essence, SXSW, and GroundUp Music Fest, to name a few. 
“I just want to tell my stories, put out good energy and love into the world, and not be afraid to be my true self in my music,” she says.
  View this post on Instagram
  Who says teleportation doesn’t exist when music is one of the most potent entities around us all? Let go of your fears and let the music take you where it wants to… get out of the way of it. You don’t have to play … dance, cry, listen… but let it wash over you and take control… you won’t regret it. ———————————————————————- 🎸: @edbrad777 I love you, thank you. 🥁: @ginesdrum I love you, thank you. 👔👠: @holagemeny I love you, thank you. See you all out there soon 🦋.
A post shared by Emily Estefan (@emily_estefan) on Mar 9, 2019 at 10:23am PST
It was a pleasure to sit down with Emily, who will perform on Saturday, April 6 at 9pm,  for this Hotspots Exclusive interview:
Do you remember the first time you sang and where it was?
Yes, I started singing by myself, and I kept it that way for a long time to make sure that I had my own voice.
The first time I sang in public was at a small bar gig.
What was your first professional singing gig?
The first performance gig I got paid for was for being a drummer. I was part of a band throughout my high school years and we played parties and bars in Miami, Miami Springs, and Vero Springs. I played almost every weekend until I went away to college.
When did you realize that performing would be your career?
I went to high school to play basketball and was considering Med School. But you can only run away from your passion for so long. I started in a summer performance program at Berkley the summer before college started, and from then on I knew I would be a performer.
  View this post on Instagram
  Growing up has taught me a lot … first of all .. that truly growing means never reaching anything .. just continuing to evolve and learn.. that is what we are here to do..forever grow until our time on earth is done. Mom, I love you so much. At first, hearing over and over “that I sound like you” made me question my musical identity, and sent me into a flurry of negative emotions. It made it hard for me to let go. But that is a selfish emotion. The only person I was actually up against, was myself. Music is not for the self, it’s for all. It’s from the soul of an individual, to all, for all, for always. I sing from MY voice. You and dad created my skin and bones, you have shown me time and time again what it means to be a true, beautiful human being, and musician: a mission I try to keep in front of my face every single day. So.. if anyone hears a similarity in our voices, then I am honored. I am proud. But I know now, standing inside of myself.. you have created me with my own voice, my own things to say, and my own way of transmitting what I have to offer this world. And that is what I will do until the day I die. I am proud to come from you, I am blessed to come from you… and I can’t wait for everyone to see how much love filled that room, and how every single musician that honored you, not only had their own voice and vision while expressing your beautiful music, but came from a selfless pure place of love, to celebrate two incredible human beings, Immigrants, Americans, musicians, and game changers. See you May 3 on @pbs for a beautiful tribute to two true legends. I love you @emilioestefanjr @gloriaestefan ———————————————————————————👠🎩👗: @holagemeny 💋💄✍️: @sidneyjamila 💇🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️🌹: @hairbygeorgina
A post shared by Emily Estefan (@emily_estefan) on Mar 15, 2019 at 9:26am PDT
Is it easier or harder having such famous parents?
If you had asked me that question a couple years ago, I would have said it was harder since no matter what I did, without even hearing my voice, people assumed I would have doors opening for me. My mom is a pop star, and I don’t sing that type of music. I sing Jazz and Funk. However, nowadays I firmly believe it’s a blessing. They give me so much support and wisdom, etc. I am very proud to have them as my parents as they are two of the most incredible human being on earth.
Are you excited to be performing at Miami Beach Pride and what should our readers expect from your performance?
I am super excited as we have attended every year. Last year I saw a shirt that sticks out in my mind it said LGBTQ and then that was crossed out and the word Human was written…what a powerful message that was! I have learned that that Hate is not the opposite of Love, Fear is, and Pride is a day to celebrate all the differences that we have.
I am so excited to perform for everyone as its going to be super fun!
  View this post on Instagram
  The mothership is landing @miamibeachpride 👽👽👽👽see you APRIL 6 @9pm with my aliens to celebrate love, light, and HUMANS!!! Let’s do ittttttttt🦋🦋🦋🦋 #Repost @miamibeachpride ・・・ JUST ANNOUNCED: @emily_estefan is our Saturday headliner! She’s performed and collaborated with Carlos Santana, Carole King, etc… Now, Emily Estefan is taking us out of this world as #MiamiBeachPride’s Saturday headliner! ✨☄️⠀ ⠀ Move to the talented singer, songwriter and performer’s cosmic sounds at the Celebrity Cruises stage on Saturday, April 6, at 9 PM! Click the link in our bio to learn more ☝️ #pride2019 #lgbtqiapride
A post shared by Emily Estefan (@emily_estefan) on Mar 26, 2019 at 10:16am PDT
What does the future hold for you?
My personal goal is to “refocus for the moment” and not worry about what coming in the future. Don’t get me wrong, goals and dreams are important, but I want to focus in being in the moment and enjoy every single second.
I hope the future has me performing, which is what I love!
For more info on Emily, follow her on Instagram.com/Emily_Estefan.
The other headliners include:
Icona Pop – This Swedish Electro Pop duo, whose breakout hit “I Love It” (featuring Charli XCX) topped charts around the world in 2013. The triple-platinum winning Icona Pop will hit the Celebrity Stage in Lummus Park on Sunday, April 7, at 9 pm.
Tito Puente Jr.  –Sway to supernova sounds as acclaimed Latin musician and percussionist Tito Puente Jr performs at the TD Bank Stage on Sunday, April 7 at 8pm! Son of Tito Puente, the “King of Latin Music,” Tito Puente Jr carries on his father’s legacy with charisma and panache—and you get to hear him right here in Miami Beach.
Some of the DJ’s spinning are:
Sat April 6 (6-10 pm)
International DJ superstar Erik Vilar brings his signature beats to the TD Bank Stage. Move your body to the Brazilian DJ’s energetic mixes at one of the most legendary dance parties the cosmos has ever seen, presented by AHF and Impulse Group! ⠀
Sun April 7 (2pm)
Dance to galactic beats by the sensational DJ Duo Sea & Gunn at the TD Bank Stage. You can join them afterwards at the “Cowgirl Invasion” Women’s Tent for a special meet and greet with the star of Showtime‘s “The L Word”: Daniela Sea!
Sun April 7 (7-11pm)
Prepare for blastoff with Kidd Madonny’s mesmerizing blend of vocals, progressive house and electro sounds at the Celebrity Cruises Stage. The DJ’s unforgettable performances complete with laser beams and costume changes will transport us to galaxies far away!
For a full list of all the parties, events, performers, honorees or to purchase tickets (pride is free, but there is a VIP Tent) go to: miamibeachpride.com.
South Beach Group, the official hotel sponsor of Miami Beach Pride, offers special rates for Pride attendees who use the promo code: SBGPride at www.southbeachgroup.com/pride.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/04/04/emily-estefan-talks-miami-beach-pride-famous-parents/
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inkykeiji · 2 years
What would happen if reader accidentally hit Touya-nii in the face or wherever? How would he react? Would he get mad and get some type of attitude? Or would he just tell you it’s ok? m’just wondering Clari have a wonderful day and sending lots of positive vibessss!
anon this is a veryyy interesting question oh my god??? i mean, if it was truly accidental—which it would be, she’d never ever lay a hand on him like that—he’d brush it off pretty easily. he might even laugh about it, because there’s no way it would actually hurt him, and he’d find it so hilariously cute, how her letters and words would be tripping over her own tongue in her haste to spit sincere apologies from her lips, all tangled in threads of thick saliva and so pathetically, adorably desperate to make sure he knows that she didn’t mean it! and she’s so sorry, touya-nii! and she’d never dream of hurting him, she swears, she promises! <3
and touya’s ribs are vibrating with that deep, smooth, sinful laughter—the kind of laughter that sends spikes of ice up her spine, the kind of laughter that makes her skin inch along her bones—as he draws her into his arms and pets her hair and plants kisses atop her head, soothing her shivers and whimpers as murmurs drip from his lips, reassuring her that it’s okay, that he knows she didn’t mean it, that he knows she would never do such a thing, because if she did, oh lord would there ever be fucking hell to pay <3
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braddavis2410 · 6 years
You’re Still In First Place, Pittsburgh Pirates
My Dearest Pittsburgh Pirates,
I said that I wanted a 4-2 week and you delivered. I’m rather impressed. The week started with a snow out in Chicago on Monday which is when we last spoke. You followed that up by winning two out of three against the division favorite Chicago Cubs. Not easy to pull off on the road though Anthony Rizzo’s trip to the disabled list certainly helped your cause. You didn’t have to face Yu Darvish or Jose Quintana though both of them are off to rough starts anyway. They also didn’t have to face your best pitcher, Jameson Taillon, so it all evens out in the end. You followed that with trip to Miami to play the Derek Jeter owned, rebuilding Marlins. After losing game one in sloppy fashion, you rebounded to win game two 1-0 on Saturday thanks to two bunt base hits and capped it off with a solid 7-3 victory behind a strong outing from Ivan Nova. You are 11-4 and still sit atop the National League Central. You are tied for the second best record in the NL and you are tied for the fourth best record in all of baseball. The bats weren’t as electric this week but you kept finding ways to win which is a sign of a (gulp) good team. I hesitate to use that term simply because it’s still so early and things like Corey Dickerson having the highest lineup drive percentage and the highest WAR in baseball seem unsustainable. The pitching has been better than expected and even the bullpen seems to hopefully be calming down. Who knows how far this will go but all I know for sure is that so far I’m very much enjoying the ride.
Jameson Taillon has become the unrequited ace of this staff. After him, the second-best pitcher in the rotation has by far been Trevor Williams. People might think that his current record of 3-0, his 1.56 ERA, and his 1.21 WHIP are unsustainable statistics. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that he will keep those numbers but his 3.03 FIP is a stat that’s far more interesting to me. It’s not out of the question that he could have a consistent mid 3’s ERA because that’s what he’s been doing for a year now. Over his last year as a starter, Williams is 10-9 in 28 starts with a 3.74 ERA and a 1.30 WHIP. Batters splits over that time against him are .251/.324/.380 for a .704 OPS against. He has given up 14 home runs in 163 2/3 innings over that time. That means he gives up one homer every 11.7 innings. All of those numbers include a BABIP (batting avg of balls in play) of .290 which is high and could also go down. Those aren’t exactly ace-type numbers but they are really good if that’s your #3 starter. And keep in mind that he’s young and still learning. He could conceivably improve as he gets older. If he continues like this, the idea of Taillon, eventually top prospect Mitch Keller, and Williams at the top of the rotation becomes very attractive. We will see if the league figures Williams out and if he will have to adjust to keep performing at this level. So far getting him in a trade for a coach that ended up getting fired anyway looks brilliant.
The bullpen still left a lot to be desired after last week. I begged for Neverauskas and Smoker to be demoted for Siegrist and Schugel while not being fully aware that Schugel was coming back from an injury and just started a rehab assignment this week. Siegrist still hasn’t reported to AAA so it seems unlikely we will see him anytime soon, if at all. You did finally send down Smoker and Clay Holmes who was brought up after Musgrove hit the DL. You brought up Kyle Crick, the reliever you received as part of the Cutch trade. He’s a hard thrower with upside so you would hope he can at least be a better option than Josh Smoker. Richard Rodriguez, signed to a minor league deal this offseason, was the other pitcher brought up. He’s at least interesting because his last two years in the minors have been very good. He’s sported ERA’s of 2.53 and 2.42, WHIP’s of 1.10 and 1.05, and a .216 batting average against in both seasons. In those two seasons, he pitched 152 1/3 innings, walked 43, and struck out 161. Those are dominant numbers. He got lit up in five innings in the majors last year but that’s a ridiculously small sample size. He’s a hard thrower but he is already 28. Sometimes you wonder why someone who is so good in AAA hasn’t got more of a chance in the majors. I like his upside so we will see. This week you also acquired Enny Ramirez off waivers from Washington. He will report in the next day or two which hopefully means the demotion of Neverauskas is finally upon us. Ramirez threw 55 2/3 innings in the majors last year for the Nationals with a 3.56 ERA and a 1.40 WHIP. His 10.5 K/9 were impressive and his 3.7 BB/9 were not. He pitched 75 2/3 innings the two years prior in Tampa Bay with WHIP’s of 1.73 and 1.53. That’s not good. I like that he has major league experience and if this is our last option out of the bullpen, I feel a lot more comfortable with him then our previous options. Hopefully these additions can stop the bullpen carousel that could very well be a season long issue.
I’ve spoke extensively about how important keeping Polanco healthy is to your season, even after only one hit the entire weekend. It’s very important to keep Francisco Cervelli healthy too. Let’s start with the fact that he currently holds a .904 OPS, a 135 OPS+, and that he’s been extremely clutch sporting a 1.274 OPS with runners in scoring position including 2 homers and 12 RBI’s. The job he does behind the dish might even be more vital. Every pitcher he’s ever caught raves about the help he provides them. Ivan Nova decided to resign with you partially because he loved Cervelli’s insight so much. You also see how seasoned he is compared to your other options. Elias Diaz started for Cevelli on Friday night and he had an adventurous night. He was 2 for 2 with a walk and a two-run homer. That’s a pretty good night. Defense was another story. With a 2-1 lead in the bottom of the 5th, the Marlins had the bases loaded and one out. Starlin Castro hit a sacrifice fly to Polanco in right field scoring a run and tying the game. Polanco still made the throw to the plate and Diaz tried to catch the runner tagging to take second. He airmailed it into center field allowing both runs to score and putting them up by two runs. I’ve honestly seen Cervelli make similar mistakes but it’s always worse when it basically costs you the game. The defensive play I had a bigger problem with was when the Marlins got their first run. With two outs and runners on 2nd and 3rd in the bottom of the 2nd, the Marlins’ pitcher, Dillon Peters, was batting. Chad Kuhl threw a slider in the dirt to Diaz’s non-glove side. Instead of sliding over and using his body to block it, Diaz lazily just tried catch it and it turned into a wild pitch. That slide and block is a Cervelli specialty. That’s not acceptable especially in that situation and Cervelli would know that. It’s those little elements that show off his importance. He already took a pitch off the hand yesterday so who knows how long until he has a stint on the DL. If he keeps hitting in any capacity like this, he becomes more essential than ever.
Naturally all of this good news had to be met with some bad news. The pitch that hit JHay yesterday broke his hand and he will miss six weeks. That means he’s back around the end of May. Not the end of the world but we will see a drop in defense at that position if Adam Frazier becomes the everyday starter with SRod getting starts against lefties. Frazier can hit but watching him boot an easy grounder yesterday after JHay left the game isn’t reassuring. You will go into this week JHay-less back at home for a quick three game homestand against the Colorado Rockies. The Rockies were a wildcard team last year and are out to a 9-8 record so far. Not bad. Thanks to a fight that broke out after a pitch was thrown at him, perennial MVP candidate Nolan Arenado will not play in the series because he’s serving his five-game suspension. That’s now two of the last three series where arguably the team’s best player is out. You need to take advantage. You already did once against the Cubs. After that, you travel across the state to Philadelphia to take on the upstart Phillies in a four-game series. They are 9-5 and currently sit in second place in the NL East. That series should begin with a (not so) friendly face. Jake Arrieta was signed by the Phillies this offseason for 3 years, 75 million and he is scheduled to start game one of the series on Thursday. Fun times. This will be the first week you don’t have a day off so make sure to pace yourself. These are beatable teams but nothing is ever a given. Take care, be safe, and talk to you next week.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Surprisingly Still Steeped In Success,
P.S. still stands for “Plugging Something” which remains the unchanged phrase. I would like you remind you that my new podcast that I co-wrote with my friend Chris Maxwell called DEATH AT SUNSET: HARD TIMES AND SOFT DRINKS is now available on Apple Podcasts (aka iTunes), Stitcher Radio, Google Radio Play, and SoundCloud. Follow P.I. Jack Dime as he searches for a missing bus boy and stumbles upon a conspiracy involving a Los Angeles booze shortage. This comedy sunshine noir story is told in four, 20 (ish) minutes episodes. Please listen, rate, and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Thanks so much for your support of this blog and of our new endeavor!
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inkykeiji · 2 years
For bmb Tomura, how lavish if a lifestyle does he bestow on his darling?
Does he give anything to her whenever she asks, or before she even asks? 👀
Does he use expensive material gifts as rewards?
Or does he hold back on buying her the world, in case she becomes too spoiled?
Thank you!
good questions, anon!! <3 i’ve touched on these elements before throughout various asks + oneshots, but no one has ever asked outright so!! let’s get into it!
how lavish if a lifestyle does he bestow on his darling?
extremely lavish. like unbelievably extravagant, downright decadent. in return, he only requires her whole and complete submission to him <3 as i’ve mentioned, tomura makes all of her decisions for her, and reader knew that this would be the transaction (for lack of a better term) the moment she agreed to be his. she is completely fine with this about 98% of the time, as she is quite lazy and enjoys being doted on and taken care of. she WANTS him to make most of the decisions, and relinquishing that power to him results in mountains and mountains of gifts and trips for her.
does he give anything to her whenever she asks, or before she even asks?
most of the time, yes. it depends on how well she’s been behaving, but he genuinely loves showering her with all kinds of gifts, including luxurious dinners and sumptuous vacations. his love languages are gift giving and physical touch, pretty much!
does he use expensive material gifts as rewards?
YES. 100% yes. in this ask i discuss very briefly how he would reward reader for getting good grades! but in addition to using material items as actual rewards, as i said above he also just really enjoys giving her things for absolutely no reason at all; he spoils her fucking rotten. if he sees something cute that he knows she’ll like, or something she mentioned she was interested in in passing one time or another, he buys it for her without hesitance and surprises her with it <3
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