brenscott · 5 years
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hackadventures · 6 years
There’s a Crazy Stalker of the Vlogsquad
So there’s this fan account on Instagram that is crazy obsessed with Joe Wegner, who’s friends with the Vlogsquad. I’ve been following the account for well over a year since I too have a bit of a crush on Joe but definitely not as much as the owner of the account has. Anyways, I remember the account started to get a bit too dark a few months into following it. The account would post innocent vids and photos of Joe just like any fan account would but in the captions of these posts, they would write out fanfic “like” stories or say things like, “why doesn’t Joe ever like my posts, I know he sees them”. Of course I started to get intrigued into the account since the owner started to seem like they were getting very aggressively obsessed.
Then one day, there was a post that was added showing screenshots of a conversation between Joe and the owner of the account. Apparently Joe was upset due to a video that was posted on the account a few days before that showed a girl dancing on Joe and the account saying that the girl was Joes girlfriend. In the caption, the owner wrote a long paragraph saying that they apologized for, “crossing boundaries” and learned there lesson on privacy. I managed to save the screenshots since things were getting very interesting.
Here are the screenshots:
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As you can see, Joe handled the situation in a nice and kind way. Right? Well after this post was added, the account was takened down. I think maybe Joe and his friends reported the account enough times that Instagram took notice. After this happened there was nothing left to see, so I lost interest in all the shade/drama/tea or whatever that had happened.
Fast forward maybe a month and I ended up finding another account named “wegnerclub2.0” which later turned its name to “thewegnerclub”. I followed the account and turns out that the owner of this account is the same person who ran the other account where all of the drama had happened at! The owner of the account ended up getting into more trouble with Joe and instead of reporting it Joe just blocked him. So now the account is back to posting innocent posts but I was still left wondering.
What happened!?
Before I continue, I first want to say that I know what I did was wrong and invaded someone’s privacy out of my own selfish curiosity. NO ONE should do what I did since I’m lucky to have not even been caught or gotten into any legal trouble. To put it simply, I managed to hack into the account and what I found behind the scenes of the account, could explain all of the incidents that have happened to the Vlogsquad these past few months.
When I first got into the account, I went straight into the DM’s. I couldn’t find anything at first just simple gossip that he had with other fan accounts associated with the members of the Vlogsquad. Some questions that he asked them though, came off like he was trying to find out what they knew about the Vlogsquad. Which is weird since what could they know!? Anyways, I did manage to find a convo that he had with a random account that I found interesting…….
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I know what your thinking, “what does he mean he’s verified on Instagram”? To tell you the truth, I don’t know what he means. From what he says, he’s instagram famous who has a secret fan account dedicated to Joe? Honestly I think he’s lying about being verified on Insta but who knows for sure. I mean can you image!? Someone who’s Instagram verified who has thousands if not millions of followers with a secret obsession!?
Now that’s a Theory ☝
Anyways, I kept scrolling through the DM’s and ended up finding a conversation that he had with Jay Boice!(Joes best friend) Here is that conversation:
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The fact that he contacted Joes friend is so disrespectful! It’s like he’s trying to mend a relationship with Joe that does not exist. When I say that this is obsessive behavior, I mean OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOR! It’s so creepy! He did have another convo with another friend of Joes and Jays but nothing that was too interesting to put in this story. I think he was in one of Elton’s travel to Thailand videos?
After finding these DM’s I thought maybe I trespassed for nothing. At least nothing that was “NEWS WORTHY”. I never found out who ran the account (the accounts personal info was under someone named Kev Dole but I’m pretty sure that’s just an alias), or if they were some kind of threat. But then something came to mind. I wondered if this person had any archived posts?
Now this is where things get very interesting……..
When I got into their archived posts page, I found what can explain all of the things that have happened to the Vlogsquad these past few months. Now some of the dates of the posts are off since the person kept rearranging, deleting or reposting them but when I first hacked into it, the archived posts were there weeks before David’s house got broken into, Erin’s car being stolen, Zane’s bag getting robbed from his car, and Todd’s car being keyed. This is what I saw:
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Now I’m not saying that this person 100% did these things but like… this kind of proves it, right!? This is evidence, receipts. This person could have been stalking the Vlogsquads every move and doing these things that have happened. I mean the guy even wrote that they were trying to “teach them a lesson”. Which gives me CHILLS!!!
After finding all of this out, I waited a few months to report this (which is why your seeing all this months later) because I wanted to make sure that for one, the owner of the account didn’t suspect anyone snooping around in his account, and also to see if any of this was really a concern. I’ve now realize that this should be a REAL concern since after doing my own research, found out that there’s many celebrities that actually get hurt by there stalkers.
I mean there’s countless reports about celebrity stalkers. Jennifer Lopez had one living in her guest house for weeks before she realized he was there, Kendall Jenner had one waiting for her at her steps in front of her house, and then there’s the really scary ones where the celebs actually get MURDERED by their stalkers! So when I say that this is serious, it’s serious!
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davidsvlogs · 5 years
are you the @keepingupwiththevlogsquad account on instagram?
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multipandombabe · 4 years
Do you mean davidsvlogs? The one carly and Erin use for the videos?
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isthisthingeven0n · 5 years
What did Todd tweet?
if I remember correctly it was about gossip videos being pointless. I saw it right after I saw corinnas tweet on my tl. if anyone has the receipts do share- you might find it on keepingupwiththevlogsquad 
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piperforever · 4 years
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Remembers when Todd texted Natalie drunk @keepingupwiththevlogsquad
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