#kelli giddish fired
whattarush · 2 years
this is truly just the worst year for tv. so many shows i watched for freaking years are just ruined for me and it feels so weird to not watch them anymore but i’m over it. between jesse, jimmy and kelli i’m just sad and trying to find something else to think about yes they’re just tv shows but shows are how i get through my shitty life
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thena0315 · 1 year
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In another universe, Rollins & Kidd worked on a case together while she was in New York during S10 of Chicago Fire & S23 of SVU
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 3 months
That is true about actors, wanting to move on to do another project, especially if they've been doing the same role for years. That's normal and I can accept that.
But there are times where actors are fired by higher ups who want the show to take a different route. Take for example some Law and Order SVU actors that left because it wasn't their choice at all: Kelli Giddish, Jamie Gray Hyder, Demore Barnes.
That’s true - There are instances where actors are fired/laid off. Either because the directors/writers want to go a different direction, or because the audience didn’t like their character and ratings went down, or a huge number of other reasons. This is a good point.
That is life, unfortunately. Someone higher than you dictates what is done to you/your job. It sucks. I mean, my manager could (theoretically) walk in tomorrow and fire me just the same. Granted, I work a corporate job and don’t know the rules in Hollywood (most likely grossly unfair, but law is not my strong suit and I am not well versed in Hollywood’s culture).
I am not discounting these facts. I think that the headline in the original article is overreacting - there are multiple reasons people have left (or were the equivalent of laid off/fired) from One Chicago. Just like most news/media, everything is blown out of proportion… It didn’t mention in the article about people being fired or forced to leave (maybe I missed it), which is why I didn’t mention it before.
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
Why are you a fan of Austin? Not a snarky question. Just what made you become a fan and why are you one still? Just curious.
when i saw elvis 2022 i was very…getting onto the outs with the law & order svu fandom which i was in for 5+ years. will always hold a place in my heart for the show and that cast and i still keep in touch with some buddies from the fandom but it just got. insufferable. if you think austin fandom is dramatic, it is nothing in comparison lol. ship heavy fandoms that have been around for 20+ years are the wild fucking west. *esp* with chris meloni coming back after a 7+ year hiatus.
and then just as i was seeing elvis a 2nd and 3rd time (both pre making my bcofl0ve twitter) the writing started to appear on the wall that kelli giddish, my fav on that show, was leaving (she ended up being essentially being unfairly fired by dick wolf, even with mariska harigtay trying to fight for her to stay!). deciding to ‘god im so dune with svu’ bite the bullet and make a twitter for elvis/austin was my ticket out of that mess and def part of why i latched on as hard as i did.
what really drew me to austin specifically though was just who he appeared to be as a person. while i did like the svu cast, speaking generally i was very burnt out from the arts industry as a whole. i ran like a bat out of hell from the theatre world bc the abuse-reckoning of 2021, which included my own groomer, fully opened my eyes to how far people will go to protect abusers.
and i will say till i’m blue in the face that theatre is worse than hollywood about that kind of thing . but tldr i fell out of love with theatre bc of being an angry, constantly triggered grooming victim, got burned out of the tv show fandom i was in for a long time bc of mess…and here comes this genuinely kind hearted, humble, caring (and pretty!) actor that seems to have Something a lot of people in entertainment, in my experience, don’t.
i 1000% credit for him for my finding true enjoyment in the arts again re: falling in love with film. and that’s my ‘thing i’d say if i ever met him’ bc it truly does mean the world to me. <3 i even teared up a little typing that!
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lo-diehards · 1 year
NBC's Law & Order Franchise -- A Franchise in Disarray
NBC's Law & Order franchise (which started with the original series in 1990) has seen numerous changes over the years, but in this post-COVID-19 era of television, some of these new changes are not for the good.
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The Law & Order 2022 reboot is lacking what made it's original run legacy television, Special Victims Unit lost a beloved show runner/executive producer (Warren Leight who decided the leave at the end of season 23) and cast member (Kelli Giddish, who was fired at the start of season 24, which later resulted in controversy as details of her firing came to light), and Organized Crime which has had a revolving door of show runners/executive producers since it's inception BEFORE it even made it to air.
I'm going to start in sequential order in which negative change [IN MY OPINION] came into play with this once beloved TV franchise that was once taglined by critics and press as "Must See TV/Most Watched Television"
Please Click the read more tab below to read my thoughts on the brand and what I feel can be done to correct the course of the brand, before it's too late... hang on to your seats!
Law & Order: Organized Crime (2021-present, season 3) - a Disorganized Mess.
The Christopher Meloni led series has had numerous complications behind the scenes since the show's inception pre-production. Chicago P.D.'s Matt Olmstead co-created the show with Dick Wolf (and later Ilene Chaiken) and Olmstead left the production after the pilot ("What Happens in Puglia") to be replaced by Chaiken (of The L Word fame). Law & Order: OC never started with much of a premise and a way to establish itself as it started with Stabler mostly bringing Kathy Stabler's killers (the Wheatley's: portrayed by Dylan McDermott and Tamara Taylor) to justice. And in between that, Stabler and the unit going in and out of undercover assignments. The Organized Crime Control Bureau has never really been fleshed out since the series start; season 3 brought some new detectives into the fold to assist with that but storylines in the serialized series have been all over the place.
While Organized Crime was meant to distance itself from the formula of the Law & Order brand, it doesn't feel like a Law & Order show - it feels more like the Stabler show to where we mostly see Stabler as IMO this almost vigilante cop seeking retribution, in this day and age (and Stabler's because he should definitely be matured from this kind of mindset), it doesn't work. This show lacks "the Law & Order feel" (title cards don't even exist in this show except for one episode, "Gimmie Shelter") and I believe it's why the series doesn't hold audience much as SVU or even the rebooted mothership.
It doesn't help that the show is now on it's 6th show runner, being SVU's David Graziano (who is surrounded by a controversy of his own that seems to be being pushed under the rug and ignored by higher ups at the network and at Wolf Entertainment). Olmstead, Chaiken, Barry O'Brien, Bryan Goluboff from SVU, Sean Jablonski and now Graziano. What ever is going on behind the scenes at OC needs to come to a full stop otherwise this show won't make it to syndication status (5 seasons, 100 episodes). This show has a super talented cast that deserve the best; Danielle Moné Truitt and Ainsley Sieger absolutely shine!
Law & Order (reboot 2022-present, season 2) - more like crash & burn.
Now this show is really pushing my buttons and it's only because of how the stories are being written for this reboot starting from the very first episode. Dick Wolf and the network decided to give the mothership it's very much deserved second chance (it never should have been canceled) and they've managed to put together a stellar cast out of Jeffery Donovan (Burn Notice), Hugh Dancy (Hannibal), Odelya Halevi, and Camryn Manheim. Sam Waterston returned as Jack McCoy and this season Mehcad Brooks (Supergirl, Necessary Roughness) replaced Anthony Anderson who only opted to do one season.
I'm not going to sugar coat this, making Rick Eid (who 'developed' a show that was already developed once back in 1988/1990 when he was still in grade school - it's a reboot where nothing has changed formula wise!) the show runner/EP over this series is a very poor business decision. Eid has had a poor history within the Law & Order franchise itself. He was part of a writing team that Dick Wolf and the network had to intervene and dismiss back in 2007 due to declining ratings on mother ship due to the decline in the quality of the writing at that time, Wolf made him show runner over Law & Order: SVU's 18th season and Eid "had to move on [to Chicago P.D.]", basically for the same reason. The. Same. Reason. It's a case of "Fool me once, fool me twice," we're on the 3rd now.
From the minute "The Right Thing" hit the airwaves, I knew it was 2007/2016 all over again! The reboot storylines are tone-deaf, have massive plot holes, pull directly from the headlines without much deviance, skew to certain political leanings (hard left and right) and is shoved into the faces of viewers, and problems with legal strategy that actually go against the actual law and procedures that wouldn't even wash in an actual courtroom (and yes I am aware it's work of fiction but that is why they have legal advisors on the payroll - or at least I hope).
And the characters? Caricatures. I can't really root for any of them - Samantha Maroun & Jalen Shaw (Halevi & Brooks who are great) are the closet ones who are actually being fleshed out as characters that can be relatable/likable. Cosgrove and Price need work bad! Cosgrove is basically a more hard-core Elliot Stabler with a thick Bronx accent in one episode and then another episode he's a young Lennie Briscoe/Michael Westen from Burn Notice mix; it's not consistent. Most seem to prefer him portraying Cosgrove in a Michael Westen-ish style as opposed to Stabler 2.0 (if that's the case swap Donovan and Meloni).
Nolan Price? I don't know where to start. Who is Nolan Price? I don't know honestly but I can tell you he is NOT a great prosecutor. He's no Mike Cutter, McCoy or even Ben or Peter Stone. Price is written just as inconsistent as Cosgrove is and the cases as they make it to court and trial make Price worse, because it seems ambition and wanting to win is the only thing this character has. "Bias" that just aired showcased Price as a colleague was murdered and he had a personal investment in the case. He should have be recused and maybe even suspended due to his misconduct. And Price's arrogance in this episode, telling Jack McCoy that he let him run with the case because "I'm the best." I love Hugh Dancy and he's a magnificent actor but this writing is hurting this role for him in my view.
And speaking of McCoy, where the hell is he? I understand Sam Waterston can't do what he was doing back in 2007 in the courtroom scenes and he is the district attorney but my goodness, his scenes "lack meat" now, it's all bone. Jack says something pithy about the case, yells a little, and walks out his office/elevator/outside. Eid said in an interview that he wanted McCoy to walk in the shoes of Adam Schiff (Steven Hill), if that's the case Schiff was way more involved in his prosecutors cases and had more say in the direction the cases go. Again, it goes back to the writing.
Unlike on OC, Law & Order could use a show runner change, and it could use it ASAP, because what's airing as quality in this reboot is tarnishing the legacy that the original mothership established.
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999-present, season 24) - what is going on behind the scenes and on screen is especially heinous.
Warren Leight's departure last year was the catalyst, however Kelli Giddish's firing was the irresistible force slamming the immovable object - so to speak. Kelli Giddish was fired in place of Wolf/NBC wanting younger blood (Molly Burnett, Days of our Lives); not even a year prior Wolf/NBC faced a form of backlash after dropping two cast members of color - Demore Barnes and Jamie Gray Hyder - in exchange for one male (Octavio Pisano). Star Mariska Hargitay tried to step in to keep Kelli on the show but she was overruled by Wolf and the network.
Meanwhile something that hasn't been overruled but more overlooked; new show runner David Graziano's prior and current accusations of bullying, misogyny, and toxic behavior on sets and behind the scenes of show's he's worked on, including SVU. Graziano took to his Instagram to try and 'explain' his accusations but he did not deny them. How can you write and supervise any kind of story about women's empowerment, healing after trauma and sexual assault, inclusiveness, and justice as someone who has/is doing personal actions against that very stance? And how can Dick Wolf and NBC over look it? Money talks in short. He's also running OC for the last 3 episodes in this season.
That aside which is problematic of itself, like the mother ship, the storylines on SVU have taken a turn sideways. Season 24 started off pretty solid, it wasn't the best it's been in it's prime and younger years (S3-7, and again S13-17), but it was passable to view. Now? Post-Kelli Giddish it seems like the focus is on Muncy (Burnett), Velasco (Pisano) and the recurring guest cast (Kevin Kane and Jasmine Batchelor); ICE T and Peter Scanavino's screen time is noticeably decreased this season than season's past. And like mothership's storylines, inconsistency is on display in full view.
Under Graziano in his first 6 episodes (Gimmie Shelter is written by Rick Eid and Gwen Sigan as part of the season premiere crossover) were the solid ones, even before Kelli's last episode I felt a change in tone coming into play; and coming off of the season's Bronx trilogy its even more noticeable. It's like it's a mix of Eid's season 18 and some other show that's NOT SVU. The focus has gone off of the survivors, veteran characters, the pursuit of the worst criminal offenders, the pursuit of justice and the unit itself. SVU has gone off of the rails and if they want this show to continue to break records and preserve the legacy that it has both on and off screen, they better make some changes fast. SVU's ratings haven't exactly decreased but all this 'change' could soon have a negative impact on them; SVU's dominate the entire franchise right now as a show that's consistently been on air for 24 years now in a changing TV landscape.
In summary/my suggestion(s): the Law & Order franchise needs to undergo some major changes behind the scenes, starting with the gentlemen running these shows. I don't directly want to call for the dismissal of show runners/executive producers Rick Eid and David Graziano (certainly from SVU) but I do feel this is the start absent them being given a different set of marching orders that they should follow (not likely). The issues I brought up above only touch the surface, I don't want to sound nit-picky but things could and should be better.
This franchise is 33 years old and still going, and it could go longer and further but if there aren't any immediate changes that make an impact and turn things around, and the shows keep going about as they are: this franchise won't be around much longer. "The Story Is Everything" is what Dick Wolf has said about the L&O brand and NBC even used that as a tagline during the prime years on the network 2003-2007. That's where the investment needs to start.
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vntagetee · 10 months
muse list.
*-primary +-secondary &-request only !-private
the covenant kate tunney. eighteen. heterosexual. fc: jessica lucas. + sarah wenham. eighteen. heterosexual. fc: laura ramsey. +
dc comics barbara wilson. nineteen. pansexual. fc: alicia silverstone. + chase meridian. thirties to forties. heterosexual. fc: nicole kidman & suki waterhouse * rachel dawes. twenties to forties. heterosexual. fc: daisy edgar-jones & keri russell. *
disney belle french. early-twenties. hetersexual. fc: emmy rossum * ella tremaine. twenty-two. heterosexual. fc: lily james. * snow white. eighteen. heterosexual. fc: camila mendes. * ursula. forties. asexual. fc: melissa mccarthy. *
don't worry darling alice chambers. twenty-five. heterosexual. fc: florence pugh. +
marvel comics pepper potts. thirties to forties. heterosexual. fc: sarah snook. +
misc. comedy kat stratford. 10 things i hate about you. eighteen. pansexual. fc: julia stiles + president barbie. barbie. thirty-eight. asexual. fc: issa rae. * weird barbie. barbie. thirty-nine. asexual. fc: kate mckinnon. * allison reynolds. the breakfast club. eighteen. bisexual. fc: jenna ortega. + claire standish. the breakfast club. eighteen. heterosexual. fc: sophie turner + dani dennison. hocus pocus. early-30's. bisexual. fc: holliday grainger. + pamela. saltburn. thirty-eight. pansexual. fc: carey mulligan. + venetia catton. saltburn. twenty-six. bisexual. fc: alison oliver. * jules van patten. st. elmo's fire. twenties. bisexual. fc: demi moore. + leslie hunter. st. elmo's fire. twenties. heterosexual. fc: ally sheedy. +
misc. horror nancy downs. the craft. nineteen. homosexual. fc: fairuza balk. * shelly webster. the crow. twenty-six. pansexual. fc: angelina jolie * john tate strode. halloween h20. forties. heterosexual. fc: josh hartnett. * pearl. pearl. twenties to eighties. pansexual. fc: mia goth. * tatum riley. scream. eighteen. heterosexual. fc: rose mcgowan & billie lourd. + maxine minx. x & maxxxine. twenties. pansexual. fc: mia goth. *
promising young woman cassie thomas. thirty. bisexual. fc: carey mulligan. &
teenage mutant ninja turles april o'neil. twenty-eight. heterosexual. fc: emma stone. *
titanic rose dewitt bukater. twenty-three. heterosexual. fc: kate winslet. +
tv shows.
batman beyond dana tan. twenty-one. heterosexual. fc: natasha liu bordizzo. + max gibson. twenty-one. bisexual. fc: tati gabrielle +
batman the animated series veronica vreeland. twenties. heterosexual. fc: christina hendricks *
dawson's creek jen lindley. eighteen to twenty-one. panromantic. fc: michelle williams. +
gotham fish mooney. early-forties. bisexual. fc: jada pinkett-smith.
house of the dragon rhaenyra targaryen. thirties. bisexual. fc: emma d'arcy. * helaena hargaryen. late-teens. heterosexual. fc: phia saban *
law and order svu amanda rollins. thirties to forties. heterosexual. fc: kelli giddish. +
mr. robot darlene alderson. mid-twenties. bisexual. fc: carly chaiken. *
the musketeers constance d'artagnan. twenty-five. bisexual. fc: tamla kari. & queen anne of austria. twenty-five. heterosexual. fc: alexandra dowling. &
one tree hill peyton sawyer. eighteen to twenties. bisexual. fc: hilarie burton. +
peaky blinders ada shelby-thorne. twenty-six. bisexual. fc: sophie rundle. *
power rangers kimberly hart. nineteen. bisexual. fc: kaia gerber. &
reacher frances neagley. mid-thirties. lesbian. fc: maria sten. * karla dixon. late-thirties. heterosexual. fc: serinda swan. *
smallville chloe sullivan. eighteen to twenties. bisexual. fc: kathryn newton. * lois lane. twenties. bisexual. fc: erica durance. * martha kent. forties. heterosexual. fc: annette o'toole. + succession jess jordan. thirty-three. homosexual. fc: juliana canfield. * rava roy. forty-two. heterosexual. fc: natalie gold. +
teen wolf lydia martin. eighteen to twenties. heterosexual. fc: holland roden. *
the last of us sarah miller. thirty-three (survivor au). bisexual. fc: alexandra shipp. *
the royals princess eleanor henstridge. mid-twenties. bisexual. fc: alexandra park. * queen helena henstridge. fifties. heterosexual. fc: elizabeth hurley *
the white lotus daphne sullivan. thirty-three. heterosexual. fc: meghann fahy. * portia. twenty-seven. bisexual. fc: haley lu richardson. + tanya mcquoid. sixty-one. heterosexual. fc: jennifer coolidge. +
dc martha wayne. forty. heterosexual. fc: rebecca hall. * selina kyle. thirty-two. bisexual. fc: zoe kravitz. * vicki vale. forty-one. bisexual. fc: jessica chastain & holland roden. *
ghost world enid coleslaw. eighteen to twenties. homosexual. fc: thora birch. *
gone girl amy dunne. forty. bisexual. fc: rosamund pike. +
interview with a vampire claudia. appears eighteen. pansexual. fc: anya taylor joy *
maxton hall ruby bell. eighteen. heterosexual. fc: harriet herbig-matten *
psycho marion crane. thirty-one. heterosexual. fc: samara weaving. +
robin hood lady marian. twenty-five. bisexual. fc: alicia vikander. *
the talented mr. ripley richard 'dickie' greenleaf. mid-twenties. pansexual. fc: nicholas galitzine. +
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theonethinginlife · 2 years
wait this is a crossover episode arc again? all three shows again? I saw the lady from the original l&o in the promo pics, uuugh I don't caaaare. Is Carisi even present there or it's like the premiere minus Rollins? ugh can they just have at least a little 15 seconds scene with Liv 'on the phone' with Amanda say something like 'no Amanda I'm ok I promise, don't worry, yes mrs Carisi😏 me and Noah will be there for saturday dinner' just to give us some continuity with rollivia friendship?!!! how to NOT be excited for the next part of the season without Amanda, yikes, i don't even know if I'm gonna watch
I don't think it's actually a crossover, I think just Camryn Manheim guesting on SVU because DW/NBC have fired so many women actors that they've left Liv with literally no woman she could take to about her trauma. (And Mariska had to specifically ask for Camryn to guest on the show; see article here).
Carisi's not in it, I don't think--back when abusive showrunner David Graziano was posting scripts on IG, he didn't tag Peter Scanavino, and he's not in any of the promo pics.
We might get a mention about Rollisi being on their honeymoon or something, but I'm not holding my breath for anything.
I'll try to keep up with what's happening on the show via fandom, but I am absolutely unable to watch any episodes of the show without Amanda--Kelli Giddish not being in the intro is actually going to destroy me.
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lovemurphythe100 · 2 years
It get annoying when people say they going stop watch law and order svu because they fire Kelli Giddish.
How upset it is for her get fire and all we can't do anything about it.
I still going watch it matter what even though I'm disappointed about it
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Dick Wolf really sucks for firing Kelli Giddish
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electrictoes · 2 years
so yeah lol anon from before, l&o original fucked up the timeline big time lol!! the shooting wasn't the 16th of September but August, that makes 6 weeks exactly. When I read the date timeline of this episode being 26th of Sept. I fucking laughed and screamed so hard like WHAAAT?! 10 freaking days how is she not dead on the precinct floor, go back to bed AMANDA!!! until Olivia saved my mental jumps and said 6 weeks!!
yeah the pregnancy hypothesis is crumbling down I think for me too after today, they're probably going with the 'being scared of losing her family/dying' path which I'm ok with and kind of not, meaning like, the idea that a woman has to choose between her job that she loves and she's damn good at it and the family because it's dangerous eh, i know they're using the fear of dying option but I hope they deliver it good or it could seemed the other way. It's not like she's careless now, before yes a bit but since she had the kids she changed even at her work, and other detectives have family and a dangerous job too, idk I just hope they deliver her storyline good, in the right way, she deserves as much. The thing is, I can only think that they're writing it like this because The asshole decided to fire Kelli, or this would have worked differently even if Amanda would have still been shot, she would have maybe decided to take up the sergeant exam and go up the ranks, which she fucking deserves, and try to have a less dangerous carrier but still staying at svu. uuugh I'm so mad at that man and whoever agreed to it.
The fact is that, I always envisioned Amanda taking charge of the svu department after Liv retired/became chief as the end of the tv show. Like, Liv would have left it only to Rollins (since I believe Fin would have retired, I don't see him becoming captain and taking charge of svu, he had to be begged to just become a sergeant lol😂). And if some asshole DW would let it, it could still work, now Amanda leaves and maybe she takes a different job for a couple of years (seasons) or something, in the mean time she becomes sergeant/lieutenant wherever she is, and when the show nears the end we see Olivia maybe deciding to take the chief step and telling the squad 'a new captain is coming take charge of this unit', and eveyone be like 'omg no, an outsider nooo', and then we see Rollins coming in, relief on everyone lol, ADA her husband, and Amanda be like ' I only said yes because you would be the chief I refer to lol not that mcgrath asshole'😂 and voilà we see a whole season of this and then the end of svu. somebody tell Graziano this pleaseee lol.
Anyway, Kelli Giddish fucking delivered this episode wow.
Hey anon! I was pinning my hopes on Sergeant Rollins(-Carisi) taking over SVU in the final episode too - I'm definitely disappointed that not only do we lose Amanda but we don't get to see her take that next step in her career, but I can live with it as long as she goes to something that's right for her character. A lot of the theories floating around don't sit with me because I can't imagine Amanda just staying at home - she's spent so long working hard to protect others I can't see her settling for less than doing the same thing in a different way. And wherever she goes I hope they leave the door open to bring her back - whether for a guest appearance, permanently, or to tie up the show. Kelli <i>absolutely</i> delivered this episode - she's been killing it for so long and whatever role she goes onto next they are very lucky to have her.
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tonymarias · 8 months
Interesting is that both Kelli Giddish (Amanda) and Cote de Pablo (Ziva) were both apparently/rumoured to have been fired, yet somehow offscreen each of their characters had a baby (the latter returning from the dead, albeit stupidly and unnecessarily)
Is there like a term for when this happens? Like academically…
It’s in line to fridging to me
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thena0315 · 2 years
Who’s going to say the quote?
SVU 24x09: And A Trauma In A Pear Tree
“Marriage is like a crime. You need motive, opportunity — but most importantly, witnesses.”  - quote from TBA
Episode 9 is confirmed to be Kelli Giddish’s last episode. And based from this quote that David wrote along with the picture of the script, it sounds like there might be a couple tying the knot. #1 candidate would be Rollisi. Though, at the same time, it could be a someone else.
IF it is Rollisi, then these would be the possible candidates that could say it, in my opinion:
Fin (?)
Another character
At the same time, the way the quote sounds, they might make a similar scene like in Chicago Fire’s 100th episode. I can see it happening. Carisi and Rollins take the girls with them to get married at the courthouse, but Liv and Fin hears about this and doesn’t let them do this alone without the whole squad there as their witnesses.
Both shows are part of the Dick Wolf’s universe after all.
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fosterwhat · 2 years
And now for something completely different!
Just a nice little rant about misogyny in television production, and the reckoning it will (hopefully) continue to face due to the rise of social media.
Have any of you been watching the behind-the-scenes drama around “Law and Order: SVU” unfold?
Within the last 48 hours, between rumors, social media posts, and DMs we’ve learned:
Rumor: Kelli Giddish (KG) who has been on SVU for 12 years might be leaving the show
Confirmed: KG posted a heartfelt yet vague confirmation that she has seen the rumors and this is indeed her last season
Comments: Response to her post is wild because, in case you didn’t know, people love SVU. America’s longest-running television something.
Attack: People start blaming the new Showrunner, who is starting this season
Response: The Showrunner actually engages with commenters, says they don’t know the whole story…
DMs: People who know people who work on the show start sliding into people’s DMs, stating that KG was fired, supposedly because of salary negotiations, but primarily because she was too old
Validation: Industry pubs, like Variety, pick up the story, including the factoid that Mariska Hargitay (aka Olivia Benson, 22 year SVU veteran and a producer on the show) were opposed to the firing
Realization: The Internet collectively realizes that Dick Wolf (creator) is likely to blame, due to his poor treatment of past actors, including Sophia Bush being forced out of the Chicago franchise, a willingness to continue to work with actors accused of sexual assault, the letting go of POC, etc.
The Limited Response: Mariska Hargitay posts an old photo of herself and KG to her Instagram stories with zero context
The Reckoning? There seems to be a push right now to hold Dick Wolf responsible. It will be interesting to see what happens there.
After all, he’s been bullying Mariska Hargitay for decades, and she’s desensitized enough to think it’s a funny story…
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everythingaddictxx · 2 years
I have so much sympathy for Kelli Giddish, and I hate that she has not left voluntarily and is being treated this way just because she dares to keep getting paid what she deserves.
If it is the same case for Jesse Lee Soffer, then I am also appalled at his treatment.
However, I am incredibly frustrated as this has been happening to other people on Dick Wolf shows for a long time now, particularly POC and WOC, and yet this is the first time the fans and the media are making a big deal about it.
Annie (Emily) from Chicago Fire didn’t return because her team and the show couldn’t agree on what she should be paid. And she’s just one example.
I have so much sympathy for the actors and the fans, but where was this support and outrage for the other people, particularly WOC and POC?
WOC and POC deserve to be given the same support as their white counterparts. Frankly, they deserve even more support.
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kennnnnnna · 2 years
this kelli giddish departure news is giving me unhealthy flashbacks to aj cook and paget brewster leaving criminal minds and i don't like it, both didn't want to leave, both got replaced with younger and cheaper actresses, and both allegedly weren't gonna get paid enough and got pushed out, one can only hope the same outcry happens and it gets fixed 🤞
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shania-twain · 3 years
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