#kelly shaland
nikkiruncks · 1 year
Kelly Shaland and Leia Forman for the pride month ask game please?
Kelly Shaland
Sexuality: Pan
How would they/did they come out: She’d open up about her kiss with Jo and explain her feelings to her friends and tell her family.
How would/did their family/friends react: Betsy and Serena would be shocked but accepting. They’d just be happy she’s not getting back with Ryland lol. Same thing goes for her parents. Kristie would also be a little surprised since she never really expressed interest in women before but would be supportive.
Do they go to pride: Yes. She already did in support of Betsy tho.
What would they wear: She’d wear a yellow, pink, and blue striped dress.
Leia Forman
Sexuality: bi
How would they/did they come out: Gwen would be her bi awakening and first kiss. Out of curiosity on what it would be like to kiss a girl, she and Gwen kissed and ended up being each other’s bi awakening.
How would/did their family/friends react: Her parents were chill about it since Donna is pan and Eric is bi. Gwen would also be supportive along with the rest of the gang.
Do they go to pride: Yes!
What would they wear: Leia would wear a pink tank top with dark blue ripped jean shorts. She’d also wear some purple rings and a necklace with the peace sign.
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disneymbti · 1 year
Jo Mitchell “What are you trying to prove?”
Hi there, Poorni! I really hope you like this a lot!
Jo Mitchell never gets so nervous about anything before until she meets Kelly Shaland; because after Kelly dumps Ryland for a long time and in her own perspective, Kelly Shaland looks refreshingly glowing from head to toe and her radiant smile just shines through many rooms in darkness but no must know about her secret crush on Kelly Shaland because she has never felt this feeling before with anyone else before.
Until one day while Jo is hanging out with Alisha and Jared in the concert, she spotted Kelly Shaland with her friends looking so gorgeous as ever with heart eyes in her eyes and a pink blush in her cheeks; Alisha and Jared were looking at each other like they are both up to something mischievous with Jo and Kelly together in a second.
So, the both of them went to get Kelly off from her friends' hands and Jo said to both Alisha and Jared angrily at the two of them "What are you trying to prove you two?" "A science experiment that we'd like to experiment just for you." Jared and Alisha said to Jo simultaneously in sync together and pushed Kelly in front of Jo to see Jo's change of reaction when it comes to Kelly Shaland and Jo Mitchell saws Kelly Shaland with a happy grin on her face with the heart eyes in her eyes.
Kelly Shaland was just hanging out with her friends Betsy and Serena, and she saw Jo Mitchell looking gorgeous as usual today and she got pushed in front of Jo Mitchell thanks to Jo's best friends Jared and Alisha besides Jo and plus Jo and Kelly are always talking about interesting topics together just as friends or somewhat along the way a couple of lovebirds in the future.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Icons by @fabrayswife
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Kelly Michelle Shaland
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
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Kelly Shaland bedroom aesthetic
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Saw @einsteinsugly’s post about the kids from her verse and I kinda wanna do mine.
Layla Quinn Kelso - She's very kind and sweet but gets vicious on Halloween. (her and Betsy have a yearly prank off)
Trevor Nicholas Canton - Confident and self assured. He's also very smart and gets straight A's in school. He's basically what Finn Hudson tried to be but failed miserably. He's also on the football team.
Alisha Amira Callesti - Kind, intelligent, and minds her business. Despite being Jo's best friend, she doesn't agree to her meanness and ways of torture and does the right thing by them.
Jared Michael Kwan - He's a very reserved and introverted person despite being besties with the very extroverted Jo Mitchell. He loves being on the computer and playing video games with his friends. Similar to Alisha, he doesn't agree with Jo's methods of torture. He's also a very loyal person to the people he cares about.
Joanna "Jo" Star Mitchell - She's a lot similar to Jackie, being like a 'queen bee with a heart of gold'. She cares a lot of about what people think of her and tries to maintain a certain image of having this shiny, lavish, and rich life. But she has a lot of pain, anger, and resentment deep down that she doesn't show.
Ryland Clifford Barnes - He's basically early seasons Kelso and Nate, except with little to no redeeming qualities. He acts like some sort of god but is really just an arrogant douchebag. He's a terrible boyfriend and has no qualms about having sex with other women, despite being with Kelly. He also has no problem bragging to his teammates about his sexcapades and hitting on other women. He barely listens to, let alone respects Kelly as an individual. Alisha even broke up with him during freshman year because he kept trying to touch her boob without consent. He also doesn’t believe girls can play sports and has tried sabotaging the girls’ sport teams several times.
Mikayla Annapoorni Burke - She’s a very intelligent person and super supportive of her friends. Not to mention, super chill and easy going. Similar to Aneesa from nhie.
Sharon Michelle Adams - Sharon is very thought driven person and tends to prioritize logic over emotion. But she is very loyal and cares a lot about the people she loves.
Sarah Paige Mitchell - Sarah is a very sweet girl who cares deeply about other people’s emotions. She’s wise beyond her years and can be pretty stubborn at times. Sarah is also a good listener and supportive friend.
Etienne Marshall - I haven’t thought much for Etienne but I feel like similar to Ozzie, he can be brutally honest and into acquired tastes but at the same time, wears his heart on his sleeve more often.
Ridge Pinciotti - He’s very laid back and enjoys partying and having fun. Unlike Kristie, Delilah, and Mitch, he doesn’t really care for monogamy nor being in a serious relationship. He can see the appeal and is supportive of his friends but he’s not super into that. Some of the girls he hooks up with try to change his mind but it never works. He’s a bachelor and buddy at heart.
Raquelle "Kelly" Michelle Shaland - She’s a very bubbly and happy girl who enjoys chemistry and doing experiments. Kelly may come off as shallow at times, but isn’t even remotely close to shallow. She’s also a very forgiving person (too forgiving sometimes) and tends to have a hard time figuring out who she is on her own.
Mitchum Eduardo Pinciotti - He can be pretty mischievous and do some childish antics but truly has a good heart. He claims to not do relationships and tries to be bachelor-like just like Ridge but fails (I.e. Lilah)
Delilah Reed - She’s a lot similar to Kristie, with being rebellious and outgoing, yet still having a soft heart. But her, it’s kinda at a different extent. For my followers that watch degrassi, Kris would be like Spinner Mason and Delilah would be like Jay Hogart.
Serena Marotti - She’s very outgoing and comfortable with her sexuality. She’s also a part of the soccer team and wants to an athlete in the future and get into Stanford. She doesn’t exactly have the best track record with guys but it doesn’t stop her from being able to open her heart and leave her guard down.
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Patricia Runck - Same as canon
Nathaniel "Nate" Glenn Runck - Same as canon but he matures a lot when he starts hanging with Sarah.
Osmund "Ozzie" Chen - Same as canon
Nikki Alison Garcia - Same as canon
Kristina "Kristie" Anne Marie Forman - She is a very mischievous and reckless person similar to her mom but deep down, has a lot of anger and pain she tries to let go of. She gets straight A’s in school
Elizabeth "Betsy" Victoria Kelso - She’s super blunt and outgoing. Betsy doesn’t take any shit and will be anyone’s worst nightmare if they hurt her and/or the people she loves. She’s part of the dance team and has been dreaming of being one since she saw Angelina Ballerina (let’s pretend there was a version that came out in the eighties). Similar to Serena and her other friends hitting on Jay, Jay’s friends often hit on her as well. Betsy also has a thing for rebels lol.
Leia Anne Forman - Same as canon
Jason "Jay" Michael Kelso - Also same as canon
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
*Everyone is giving advice to Kelly *
Delilah : It's okay to ask for help.
Serena: You're not a burden.
Betsy: Murder is okay.
Kristie : Your feelings matter.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Kelly Shaland and Delilah Reed?
Kelly Shaland
Sexuality Headcanon: pan
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: Jo
A BROTP I have with said character: Alisha, Betsy, Serena, Kristie, and Dana
A NOTP I have with said character: Ryland
A random headcanon: She sleeps with her chemistry textbook under her bed. Also she’s like Quinn Penske in how her experiments go wrong.
General Opinion over said character: Angel bby who needs a hug.
Delilah Reed
Sexuality Headcanon: heterosexual and demisexual
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: Mitch
A BROTP I have with said character: Kris, Mitch, Ridge, Dana, Lydia
A NOTP I have with said character: her being nice to Ryland
A random headcanon: I think I already said this but on her mom’s birthday, she and her dad visit Lola’s grave.
General Opinion over said character: My precious bby <3. Love child of Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson :)
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Serena Marotti and Kelly Shaland?
Since Kelly is not technically a canon character (she is lol), idk any unpopular opinions for her.
But for Serena, I do think it would’ve been fun if the show utilized her more instead of just having her as a plot device for jeia.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Ozzie Chen with Betsy Kelso, Kristie Forman, Serena Marotti, Kelly Shaland, Mitch Pinciotti and Delilah Reed?
With Betsy, they don’t interact much but when they do, they definitely bounce off each other well humor wise. Ozzie would admire how open and confident she is about her sexuality (since he’s mostly in the closet).
With Kristie, it’s the same and she even helps him come out to her grandmother. Similar to Betsy, Ozzie admires how honest and upfront Kristie is about her true self. They’d bounce off each other pretty well and easily too.
Ozzie and Serena don’t interact a lot but he does wish her well and gives her a gift after finding out about her chemo.
With Ozzie and Kelly, they also don’t interact much but he is very much disgusted by her relationship with Ryland and makes it clear.
Mitch reminds Ozzie of Jay in some ways (ex: the antics). He’d also take note of Mitch’s “arrangement” with Delilah. The idea of them watching birds together also appeals to me. Idk why but it does.
Delilah and Ozzie don’t interact much either but they don’t have anything against each other. Ozzie respects Delilah’s crazy and Delilah respects Ozzie’s brutal ness
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Alisha Callesti and Kelly Shaland?
Alisha Callesti
• Sexuality Headcanon: heterosexual (an ally tho just like Trevor and S)
• A ship I have with said character: Jared
• A BROTP I have with said character: Jo, Kelly, Serena, and Teresa
• A NOTP I have with said character: Ryland
• A random headcanon: She and Amaya always get misunderstood for twins.
• General Opinion over said character: I like her a lot! Can’t wait to write more for her.
Kelly Shaland
• Sexuality Headcanon: pan
• A ship I have with said character: Jo
• A BROTP I have with said character: Betsy, Serena, her science buddies, Kristie, Alisha, and Jared
• A NOTP I have with said character: Ryland obviously
• A random headcanon: She always makes the most crazy science experiments that tend to mess up a few places.
• General Opinion over said character: A precious angel that deserves so much happiness.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
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(icons by @oliviasanabia @savannahmaystuff @colorsmistic)
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
icon by @savannahmaystuff
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Kelly catches Ryland cheating on her for the first time.
T9S au
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Jo: The fuck, no I'm not.
Kristie : Excuse the hell out of you?
Betsy: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Trevor: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Serena: Rude.
Kelly: *punches the person*
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Can I please have Kelly Shaland from t9s headcanons?
-Kelly has always had a hard time thinking for herself, even as a kid
-she’d latch onto Serena and Betsy for that reason along with the fact that to her, they seem to have a clear path
-she is a chemistry wiz and loves doing science experiments
-one of the reasons she still stays with Ryland is that she feels like no one else would ever love her
-when Betsy first came out to her and Serena, Kelly threw a party with just the three of them
-she first met Ryland at a party in the woods after a fight with her parents
-she first caught him cheating at a football game (he was grinding and making out with one of the female teen football players on a wall)
-she sometimes gets jealous about the fact that Betsy has a large family and wished that she had that too
-she, Serena, and Kristie are the only ones who know the truth about Betsy’s eating disorder
-she, Betsy, and Serena would make a birthday basket every year to use if one of them was feeling blue on their birthday
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
Chapters: 34/?
Fandom: That '90s Show (TV 2023)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive
Relationships: Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso/Brooke Rockwell, Eric Forman/Donna Pinciotti, Leia Forman/Jay Kelso, Betsy Kelso/ (Original Characters), Nikki/Nate Runck, Nikki/Gwen Runck
Characters: Jackie Burkhart, Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso, Brooke Rockwell, Eric Forman, Donna Pinciotti, Leia Forman, Jay Kelso, Betsy Kelso, Laurie Forman, Fez (That '70s Show), Valerie Pinciotti, Tina Pinciotti, Nikki (That '90s Show), Gwen Runck, Nate Runck, Original Characters, Serena (That '90s Show)
Additional Tags: I love writing for this, and i've gotten into a high, this may be inspired by some other stuff, slightly AU, has some canon elements here, parts of my pilot will be canon here, except for jay being Jackie's son
Summary: Betsy and Kelly help Serena find a man; Kelso bumps into Red and Kitty at the tattoo parlor
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
Chapters: 30/?
Fandom: That '90s Show (TV 2023)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive
Relationships: Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso/Brooke Rockwell, Eric Forman/Donna Pinciotti, Leia Forman/Jay Kelso, Betsy Kelso/ Original Characters), Nikki/Nate Runck
Characters: Jackie Burkhart, Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso, Brooke Rockwell, Eric Forman, Donna Pinciotti, Leia Forman, Jay Kelso, Betsy Kelso, Laurie Forman, Fez (That '70s Show), Valerie Pinciotti, Tina Pinciotti, Nikki (That '90s Show), Gwen Runck, Nate Runck, Original Characters, Serena (That '90s Show)
Additional Tags: I love writing for this, and l've gotten into a high, this may be inspired by some other stuff, slightly AU, has some canon elements here, parts of my pilot will be canon here, except for jay being Jackie's son
Summary: Serena opens up to Betsy and Kelly about her true feelings; Betsy finds out that Nikki and Gwen have been hanging out in secret
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