#delilah reed
nikkiruncks · 1 year
Sharon Adams and Delilah Reed for the pride month ask game please?
Delilah Reed
Sexuality: Heterosexual and demisexual
How would they/did they come out: She didn’t really have to per se. Everyone just knew, since she had a hard time having sex without that emotional connection and the whole reason why she was so comfortable with Mitch was that they were basically dating without even realizing it.
How would/did their family/friends react: Like I said, everyone would know already and they’d be cool with it. Mitch would too, since he’s demi as well.
Do they go to pride: Yes
What would they wear: She isn’t as flashy as Kristie but she does wear a purple dress with a beanie that has white, grey, and black.
Sharon Adams
Sexuality: Lesbian
How would they/did they come out: She called her parents into the kitchen and told them. She told Sarah and Mikayla during freshman orientation.
How would/did their family/friends react: Her parents were pretty cool with it. They had a hard time wrapping their heads around it but they just wanted Sharon to be happy. Sarah was so happy and even made jewelry in the lesbian flag colors. Mikayla was also ecstatic (partly because she had a crush on her lol)
Do they go to pride: Yes
What would they wear: She’d still have the goth esque outfit and look going on but she would wear a pink beanie and some pink charm bracelets.
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saveraedae · 8 months
Darcy & her sister?
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Back when things were simpler.
It's been a while since I've drawn Delilah!
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Allison Reed and Vasili Rogov skating to Bacchanale from Samson and Delilah for their free dance at the 2012 Nebelhorn Trophy.
(Sources: 1 and 2)
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okay bc the game has decided I'm not allowed to play I guess: today I am thinking about Oral Hygiene
idk if I've seen evidence of toothbrushes, but everyone SEEMS to have straight, healthy teeth. I am absolutely sure this is something we're not supposed to over-analyze but I'd like to see them Try to stop me.
Zeki has a gold tooth which implies extraction and replacement technology. (probably grimalkin tech??)
Chayne is the town doctor so presumably he's in charge of the town's dental health - the shrine he works at has, like, 4 cots and some jars and does not seem ideal for any sort of surgery but I assume they have some sort of sterilization technology I am not aware of.
possible brushing implements are things like sticks, grasses, reeds. I think bamboo?
pastes/etc I can think of them using..... idk, various soaps. baking soda and salt. alcohols? things like fennel seeds I think
Braces: this one is driving me crazy. With age and poverty, Badruu and Delilah seem like they would have a lot more dental issues at this point, so they're my main evidence that Something is different than how this works irl
Majiri live 150 years how many sets of teeth do they have........................ are they like sharks........
in closing: I think in palia, teeth just naturally are more healthy than irl. I'd love casual chewing-stick/etc mention in game. I'd love some sort of enamel repair mentioned. I'm staring into space thinking about the evolution of human grain chewing teeth and the implications of the same teeth in another species that was possibly Created by the Moon (????) (do they even have evolution in this world..............)
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twofacedharveydent · 3 months
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Fides Cordis | @darknightfrombeyond → Delilah ‘Del' Shepard & Lt. Malcolm Reed
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starlordcumidk · 1 month
New Kind of Love
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~chapter 1~
word count: 3.2k
notes: slight ooc, reader wears glasses, this is an AU of TASM!Peter where he is a fraternity brother. reader is portrayed as rude/stand-offish. reader is a tad neurodivergent. playful banter. please read this knowing that i am a newer author and the plot is based on a song.
warnings: not proofread, minor cursing? does that count?
Enough of "Love Lite"
And "I Can't Believe It's Not Love!"
Monday, October 21st, 2024.
School started back up eight weeks ago, frat, sorority, club rushs and event posters making anyones head spin. There were at least forty parties that happened just in the first six weeks of school, none you attended. Right now, the school was setting up for their next pep rally, big decorations all over the place, even in Siebert’s courtyard. 
Empire State University was known for its largely populated campus, even for a private school. Truly, the scholarships they offered were the biggest reason anyone was able to go. Those from out of state were even encouraged with extra offers, you included. 
You have been living rather normally, even with the hussle and bustle through the dorm halls every night, your favorite being the RA catching the girl down the hall with two gallon size ziplocs with coke and her boyfriend naked in the hall in the middle of September. 
It was refreshing, almost. Being back in New York always puts an extra pep in your step, especially after a very long, very hot, very southern summer spent back at your parents house. Not only was it over one-hundred and five degrees most days, the humidity was consistently breaking the ninety percent mark.
Even though you weren’t as lucky this year with housing and got the road facing room, six floors up— with a broken elevator nonetheless– you were comfortable. The room was decorated meticulously, just the way you liked it. Warm lighting from lamps, the big light never on, a rotary fan at the foot of your bed. Perfect.
The cool seventy degree weather was a welcome breeze as you opened the window, allowing yourself to get the dry, definitely polluted air into your lungs. Looking down at the road, even though it was nowhere near as beautiful as the courtyard, filled you with excitement every single time. It was a beautiful swarm of colors, bright jackets and scarves creating a moving mural with the fresh morning sun.
I missed this. The thought floods your senses as you feel your first genuine chill of the year.
This was home. Being surrounded by tall buildings, loud and awful people, hagglers and one very fit red-blue spandex hero, was comforting. Back home, there were no heroes to swoop in if you were threatened. Spider-Man was always a welcome guest, and you’ve definitely seen more of him these past few months than before. 
Maybe your paranoia was bad, but the idea of a sticky-gross-web man sweeping in and saving you made those thoughts calm down. Even if you thought the idea of being part spider was less than exciting. 
It was Monday, all of your aggravating and mundane classes were scheduled for this morning. It took effort to get dressed and go to your first lecture, but eventually you did.
As you walked across campus, you messaged back and forth with your close friend who still lived in your home state, so many thousands of miles away. 
Delilah: girl u have to go out and make more friends. i’m tired of being your only one. you: you know that isn’t happening right now. people find me too abrasive and that makes it hard enough as is. Delilah: ok well maybe be nice to people babe ? you: ehhhh not really my thing but maybe i’ll try for you < 33 Delilah: u better !!!!!! Delilah: hugs n kisses < 333 i gtg, reed is here you: it’s not even 9am so idk how you’re already at it with him… have a good day lilah.
You shake your head at the quick interaction and feel a moment of missing her before shoving your phone back into your pocket and taking a deep breath. Opening Dr. Howards lecture doors and seeing that you’re the first to show again, a small smile graces your lips as you make your way to your seat. 
It’s not long until the small, bubbly, blonde seventy-year-old woman walks in, big binders and a mug in hand. Following her are more of the students, none of which you know or care to know. You look away for a few minutes to gather you notebook and pencil to scribble nonsense notes to try and dissect later. 
And the lecture begins. 
Peter, frankly, was over everything. He was the one who had to organize where people would be sleeping, how they’d fit into the chapter house and he even had to argue with the stupid underclassmen asking why he was the one with a private bathroom. Being in a frat was tiring, he was only here for the scholarship and housing opportunity. 
It was always the same, but luckily this was his last year he had to be involved with it. 
After this year, his bacholers in hand, he could just worry about graduate school. Everyone and everything outside of bioengineering and Spider-Man would wash off of him. His hands clean and life lonely, just as he liked it to be- with the exception of May. 
Even if one fleeting conversation leaves him enamored with the wrinkle of your nose, the way it caused the inner corners of your eyes to crease. He hadn’t been this way since highschool, it was scary and unwelcomed. Something he’d rather kill off and walk away from, but every day in the courtyard or the times you happened to be on the Q train at the same time as him, the weird adrenaline rush would light him on fire.
Mondays, Wednesdays and select Fridays were the worst. He was sure of it. 
Environmental Managment, a dumb class, but he took it to get his credit hours up, hoping to balance out his GPA…. Somehow, you were here too. Almost like a curse, he has to look at you from the back row of the class, the closest seat to the back entrance. You sat alone, front and center of the lecture hall. You were always there on time, which urged him to be too, it gave him extra time to stare. Even with this, he was never sure of your name.
The teacher was droning on about some mudslide somewhere in California, babbling about the random effects it had on the surrounding citizens, the heavy rain that caused it. Your pencil was etching into the paper lazily with each slide. 
A small timer went off which indicated the end of class, but before you could react there was a loud clap and Dr. Howards mic was turned on. She only used it for important announcements or when the frat boys in the back wouldn’t shut up. 
“So, this semester is going really well. Many of you are keeping your grades and positivity up! But, we still need to discuss our final exam.”
A symphony of deep groans sound from the back, you feel your eye twitch at it. 
“Thank you, boys.” A pause and a glare, “Anyways, I have decided your final will be a presentation on a hypothetical scenario. In groups of two, that I assign, you and your partner will have to decide on a catastrophic event, it can be any of the ones we have discussed or any you find in your books. After picking the event, choose the setting, it can be close to home or even Australia, just make it realistic. No monsoons in New York. You two must decide how devastating it is and how the community will recover. The groups are in the class Canvas. Take care! Go Otters! Excelsior!” She closes her laptop and is out of the room before anyone can complain about her groupings.
You are quick to start thinking over ideas, most of which are tornado-centered. You’ve never experienced one, but the movie Twister was a classic at home when you were little. Quickly, you write down some ideas, tornadoes, hurricanes, mudslides…. 
You pack your books away and look into the list the professor had composed on your phone, scrolling through too many names before your gaze lands on yours next to… oh no.
Peter Parker. 
You feel dumb for a moment, you hadn’t realized he was in this course let alone the same exact class as you. Turning around to look for him, it’s hard. The cluster of bodies was too big to just be pairs discussing their ideas.
Then, your eyes meet a messy mop of brown, leaning over a laptop and the same sweater from back in summer all the way in the back. You feel nervous just looking at him, but you swallow the hard lump and start towards him. Of course he’d be all the way in the back, surrounded by sport and frat bro’s. 
With a deep breath, you tap on his shoulder. It causes him to jump, and for a moment he looks as nervous as you feel, but it disappears quickly and is replaced with a smile. 
“Hey, I know you.” Peter says it with a warm tone.
“Yep. Uhm… we were partnered for the project?” You say it coolly, staring down at him.
“Ah- so that's who you are, huh?” He tilts his head, slowly shutting his beat up laptop and leaning back in his chair. He says your name a few times under his breath, as if reciting it to himself. 
“Uh-huh….” You nod, something weird stirring in your stomach at the timbre he uses when whispering your name to himself. “So, what days are we meeting for this thing?” 
“Uh- we could use the free period on whatever days you want. As long as it isn’t at night, I have a job.” He shrugs, looking up at you and his smile falters. 
“Monday, Wednesday and Friday it is then.” You decide, grabbing the paper you scribbled ideas on and hand it to him.
He takes it and looks it over, his brows furrowed for a moment before looking back up to you. “We can’t meet today, but if you give me your number I’ll look these over and text you.” He is so soft spoken compared to the other frat guys around you, it is almost shocking.
“You have my school email. Use that.” You shrug, your tone almost rude as you speak. “Sorry, I mean- just email me about it and we can talk Wednesday….” It’s kinder this time, but the tone correction feels embarrassing.
“Oh- okay. Sure thing.” He nods and starts to gather his things around, looking you over before slinging his backpack over his shoulder, you couldn’t help but notice the skateboard sticking out from it. “See you then.” He says your name then he is gone, quickly leaving to go wherever he needed to be.
—-------------- <[email protected] 
Sent at 2:27pm 10/21/2024
Let's do the hurricane and Louisiana idea. Meet me at the library at 12:30. 
Peter B. Parker
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Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
You walk into the library, your eyes scanning the large area. Peter and you had agreed to meet on the first floor for ease of finding one another, but he hadn’t specified if he was at a table, a computer or in a private study room. You groan at the fact you never asked for any more specifics.
The building had three levels, ground floor was all peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, anything that was used for research and could be ran through scribbr for essays, the middle floor was dedicated to fiction and had very limited stock, only a few of the books were actually worth a read, the top floor was just old archives, nothing that was allowed to leave the library. 
It was a very tall, circular shape. Each floor visible from the entrance, glass sidings and the small tables or armchairs pressed against them. Red and gold quotes painted along the walls. Your personal favorite was by Madame Curie, it was directly above the checkout desk.
"One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done." 
Slowly walking through the shelves, looking at each and every table and bean bag, you can't seem to find that stupid mass of brunette hair and slushy posture anywhere. In all seriousness, you’re getting angry. Had he stood you up? Was he running behind after he set up the whole meeting in the first place? 
Just as you were about to give up you felt a hand fall on your shoulder, a breeze of honey and pine enveloping your nose. 
“Finally, I found you!” Peter's voice was easy to recognize, especially with how sweet he smelt. 
You turn and look up, giving him a skeptical look. “Where are we going to study?”
He took a moment before pointing at the private study hall, his smile smooth and easy to take in. With a quick nod, you walked towards the hallway, looking in each room to decipher which had his items in it. To your delight, it was easy. Every other room was filled with people, some studying, others playing some tabletop games. You walked in, sat at the empty seat closest to the computer and started pulling your notebook out. 
He was right behind you, closing the door and settling in across from you. In one foul swoop his legs were propped on the table and he leaned back a bit. “So do you really think this assignment is going to take ten weeks to research?” He sounded so… carefree.
You respond with a shrug, looking at the page on natural disasters. 
Peter hummed a small ‘mhmm’ and drummed his fingers on his chest, staring at you. “So, are we gonna challenge ourselves and use just our textbook as a reference?” A small smile.
“That's dumb.” You scoff and put your book aside, logging into the school computer and doing a quick search for Louisiana and scrolling through its map, trying to find the city to zone in on.
“Oh. Okay… uhm….” He sits forward, dropping his legs and leaning forward, craning his neck a bit to try and get a peek at the screen.
“New Orleans is probably a good one. Super populated, a staple for tourists. It would be a big tragedy for it to get destroyed.” He pointed at the spot on the screen, his tone still just as warm as usual.
“No, too predictable.” It comes out like an insult, and you internally kick yourself.
There's a pause before a defeated sigh and he points out another spot on the map, it’s random and his smile is gone now. “What about there? Grand Isle?” 
You take a long look at it before nodding and writing the town name down, looking over at him with a forced smile. “Cool.”
“You know, we’re gonna have to talk like real people eventually, right?” It’s frustrated and a bit.. sad. Another internal kick.
“Listen I-” you pause, not sure of how to put it at first, “I’m not good at talking. Never have been.” 
“Yea, I’ve noticed.” He shrugs and pulls out the most beat-up laptop you’d ever seen. “But, that night in the courtyard you seemed pretty chatty.”
The memory flashes in your mind and you touch your nose, your new pair of glasses hasn’t arrived yet. “It was a momentary lapse. Probably won’t happen again.”
“Why not?” He stares intently, a stomach turning, heart flipping look on his face as he asks.
“Why would it?” You stare back, your hands starting to fidget with your jean pocket.
“Cause we’re friends now.” He spoke so nonchalantly.
“Not friends.” A groan
“Oh come on, you’ll learn to love me eventually.” His voice was soft and he brought the backside of his fingers against his chin, batting his eyelashes.
“Eh, doubt it. I’ve had enough of love lite.” You said it, genuinely grossed out.
There was a moment of silence, the buzzing LED above you making you think you won Peter's yap battle.
“What?” It came out after a hearty laugh, one that felt like it had to come from his stomach.
You roll your eyes, looking into Grand Isle, writing its population count down as you respond. “Don’t worry your pretty head about it.”
“So you think I’m pretty?” He gasps, his hand pumping in the air as if he’d won something.
A shiver runs down your spine but you don’t let it show. “Sickening thought. Thanks, Mr. Aracnophile.” You grimace, making a fake gagging sound even though deep down you were enjoying this stupid conversation with him.
“Oh ew- never call me that again. What did I ever do to you?” His hand flew over his heart, squeezing his pullover with a dramatic gasp.
“You haven’t shut up since we got in this room.” You looked him in the eye, an almost unamused expression on your face outside of the small smile that was fighting its way past your ever slipping mask.
Peter is quiet for a moment again before rolling his shoulders back and sighing. “Got you pretty chatty though, didn’t I?” A shit-eating grin and a teasing tone accompanying his words.
You go to speak but nothing comes out. He did get you chatty. For some reason it makes your face heat up and you roll your eyes before looking back at your computer screen. “I’ll look into the town, you look into the likeliness a hurricane would destroy it?” 
He nods and opens the laptop, it has several cracks in the screen and duct tape holding a few of the plastic parts down. You take a mental note not to ask about it right now, but maybe later. 
The next hour progresses quickly, handwritten notes torn out of notebooks and stacked neatly into a pile in between the two computer screens. There are a few sneezes and quick exchanged glances while you work, but you ignore it. No reason to think too hard about it. 
As you start to type a few sentences into a digital outline, your phone buzzes, indicating your next class would be starting in twenty minutes. You sigh and start to boot down the computer. Peter lifts his head, looking at you and furrowing his brows a little bit. 
“Got somewhere to be?” He says your name so smoothly, you almost miss that he said it at all. 
“Yea. My next block of classes is about to start.” You shrug and sift through the different notes he and you had written, letting your eyes graze each one to see what’s what and how you should organize it in your folder. 
“I can take those.” He gently taps the top of the papers and you’re reluctant to hand them over. It was hard to say yes, because what if you needed to double check them and retrace your steps before- “I’ll scan them and send them to you after work tonight.”
A wave of relief washes over you, and you nod, letting his hand take them from you. “Sounds good, Spider-guy.” You say with a tight lipped smile and start to leave the study room. 
“Hey, wait. Let me walk with you.” He calls out to you but you put your earbuds in and pretend you didn’t hear him. 
Sent at 3:06am 10/24/2024
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Here you go, just as I promised. Oh, also, here’s my number, you know, if you want to be a normal 21 year old someday. Also, can't meet Friday. Something came up.
See you soon, trouble.
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Peter B. Parker
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kimaratomoya · 2 months
What are your Julius headcannons and Also does something bad happen to Julius in the tales from th pizzaplex and aldo does he get redemption arc!?
Hello viviliqu I know it's you lol.
I don't think abt him too often but ig here we go.
Headcanons for Julius:
- keeps his hair long to defy his parents
- does not have a good relationship with them (I do think this is mentioned in the book but I don't feel like checking)
- absolutely cracked at first person shooters games
- did drama for 1 year and secretly enjoyed it but never speaks about it
- Not LGBTQ+ (as a lot of people think he is) but isn't gonna beat you up if you are gay (unless you're Reed ofc, but that's not BC he's gay)
- was severely jealous of Reed and that's why he targetted him a lot (I want to say this is also briefly mentioned but I can't remember)
- like Alec, didn't understand what "bad" was until people started to call him it when he acted up
- anger management issues (womp womp)
Does something bad happen to him in my fic (Ghosts in the Pizzaplex)?
Not yet, but I only have chunks planned so it may change in the future. To be honest I think he already got his punishment and deserves a second chance, but how a lot of people give him that second chance I dislike so I'm doing it a different way. He does however get involved in the issues to come and may get damaged, but nothing permanent planned.
Does Julius get a redemption arc in said fic?
He does and you can see it slowly happening after he is forcibly befriended by Mary Jo. It's small at first but I am planning on a mostly full recovery towards the end and him trying to make things up to the people he's hurt/annoyed/caused issues for (Reed, Delilah, Dirk, Monty, Vanessa, etc).
Lmao feel free to keep asking things about the other characters too, or about specific things that have happened if you want to. I enjoy talking abt it lol.
And a fun little bonus!!! ✨✨✨
Art I made of them a little bit ago. Can't remember if I posted it lol so here it is.
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I was sleep deprived when I started it and just went with it lol.
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jazzandother-blog · 4 months
Bootleg of John Coltrane 4tet + Eric Dolphy in Copenhagen 1961
(English / Español)
Without a doubt, saxophonist John Coltrane's band after he left trumpeter Miles Davis in 1960 is one of the defining groups of jazz, and for the year or so during which multi- instrumentalist Eric Dolphy joined Coltrane on reeds, the band became a phrenic and frenetic powerhouse that shook jazz to its core. Between Dolphy's piercingly distinct sound and Coltrane's newly developed interest in Eastern modalities, as well as the driving force of one of the all-time great rhythm sections—pianist McCoy Tyner, drummer Elvin Jones, and bassists Jimmy Garrison or Reggie Workman—this was a band to reckon with.
Recorded on November 20, 1961, mere weeks after the legendary Village Vanguard sessions that got critics' dander up, this album finds the quintet at the Falkonercenter in Copenhagen, playing the first part of a sold-out two act bill (the second act was trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie's band: what a concert!). Here, Workman is still holding down the bass chair, though Jimmy Garrison had likely won himself the spot for future iterations of the Coltrane band with his performance on "Chasin' The Trane" back in New York. Previously made available on vinyl, but only just released in a complete CD form with announcements by presenter Norman Granz, this is a must-have for Coltrane or Dolphy completists.
The album boasts two curiosities that distinguish it from all the other Coltrane recordings available in the marketplace. The first, a pair of rare false starts on "My Favorite Things," prompting an apology from the ever mild-mannered Coltrane to the audience, will likely only interest the true die-hard fan. But a version of Victor Young's beautiful "Delilah," purported to be the only version of the song that Coltrane or Dolphy ever recorded, is a deluxe addition to any fan's collection.
Without a doubt, this would have been an astonishing performance to witness. While Coltrane, Dolphy and McCoy are fantastic as always, part of the pleasure of hearing this band is in the seemingly telepathic give and take between all players. Hearing Coltrane's fire with only hints of the sparks that Elvin Jones is lighting behind him isn't the complete experience. That being said, it's still a lot better than most of what's out there.
Tracks: Announcement by Norman Granz; Delilah; Every Time We Say Goodbye; Impressions; Naima; My Favorite Things (false starts); Announcement by John Coltrane; My Favorite Things.
Personnel: John Coltrane: tenor and soprano saxophones; Eric Dolphy: alto saxophone, flute, bass clarinet; McCoy Tyner: piano; Reggie Workman: bass; Elvin Jones: drums.
Extract text from: allaboutjazz.com / By Warren Allen
Sin lugar a dudas, la banda del saxofonista John Coltrane tras su marcha del trompetista Miles Davis en 1960 es uno de los grupos que definen el jazz, y durante el año en que el multiinstrumentista Eric Dolphy se unió a Coltrane en las cañas, la banda se convirtió en una potencia frenética que sacudió el jazz hasta sus cimientos. Entre el sonido penetrantemente distintivo de Dolphy y el nuevo interés de Coltrane por las modalidades orientales, así como la fuerza motriz de una de las mejores secciones rítmicas de todos los tiempos -el pianista McCoy Tyner, el batería Elvin Jones y los bajistas Jimmy Garrison o Reggie Workman-, ésta era una banda a tener en cuenta.
Grabado el 20 de noviembre de 1961, pocas semanas después de las legendarias sesiones del Village Vanguard que levantaron la polvareda de la crítica, este álbum presenta al quinteto en el Falkonercenter de Copenhague, tocando la primera parte de un programa de dos actos con las entradas agotadas (el segundo acto fue la banda del trompetista Dizzy Gillespie: ¡menudo concierto!). Aquí, Workman sigue ocupando la silla del bajo, aunque Jimmy Garrison probablemente se había ganado el puesto para futuras iteraciones de la banda de Coltrane con su actuación en "Chasin' The Trane" en Nueva York. Anteriormente disponible en vinilo, pero recién editado en CD completo con anuncios del presentador Norman Granz, es un disco imprescindible para los completistas de Coltrane o Dolphy.
El álbum cuenta con dos curiosidades que lo distinguen de todas las demás grabaciones de Coltrane disponibles en el mercado. La primera, un par de raras salidas en falso en "My Favorite Things", que provocaron una disculpa del siempre apacible Coltrane al público, probablemente sólo interesará a los verdaderos fans acérrimos. Pero una versión de la hermosa "Delilah" de Victor Young, que se supone que es la única versión de la canción que Coltrane o Dolphy grabaron jamás, es una adición de lujo a la colección de cualquier fan.
Sin duda, habría sido una actuación asombrosa. Aunque Coltrane, Dolphy y McCoy están fantásticos como siempre, parte del placer de escuchar a esta banda está en el toma y daca aparentemente telepático entre todos los músicos. Escuchar el fuego de Coltrane con sólo indicios de las chispas que Elvin Jones enciende tras él no es la experiencia completa. Dicho esto, sigue siendo mucho mejor que la mayoría de lo que hay en el mercado.
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Homemade Girlboss Battle: Round 1, Side B
these are the matchups for side B of round 1! these polls will be released every 45 minutes starting at 2:00 PM GMT on April 15th (use this timezone converter to see when that is for you!). each poll will last for 7 days once again, so youve got plenty of time to propagandize!
Lady Ignis Solon (@containmentbreach) vs. Alice Luoja (@cantdanceflynn & @pyxehastoomanyinterests)
Cadmus (@lesbx) vs. Delilah Envie (@scrubbythebubble)
Julia Vancer (@aubadeempress / @aubadeatelier) vs. Heather Lucille Valentine (@derelictheretic)
Xoco (@selinas-ships) vs. Edgar Rennington (@pvssinboots / @pandrena)
Chris Laserbrain (@soupluvr03 / @orangebot) vs. Ms. Evenleigh AKA Evens (@kursed-curtain / @goddessoftechnology)
Purity (@poicyss) vs. Irene Witherspoon (@drebber)
Selene Cromswell (@clovenhooved) vs. Valerie Nerine Toine (@feeniehutjrs)
Odette (@catboirights) vs. Erinyes (@squideotape)
Ada (@thesaintelectric) vs. Ticketaker (@cherrycookies / @vermillionverse)
Quezal (@saturno-sol) vs. Olivia Reed (@cabooseisneat)
Patience (@cherry-spot / @cheery-spot-art) vs. Valerie Wester (@toa-arania)
Cecily (@twizzta / @cnid) vs. Heart Agnusdei (@trapdoornumberthree)
Poppy (@stobotnik) vs. Estelle Reyes (@bashirs)
Queen Medusa (@wiiabee) vs. Bianka Andromeda (@axolotlfied)
Ludovica Rossi (@raybotonline) vs. 002 (@texeoghea)
The Nameless Inquisitor/Inquisitor Whatshername (@kirjanikv6ilill) vs. Roberta Abarca (@siripedra)
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My Massive SHIP LIST
The following is a LONG list of all the ships I enjoy from a moderate to an extreme amount and have probably looked at fanfiction for at some point. Keep in mind this doesn't include every movie and/or show I've ever watched and I may make edits to this at a later time. Godspeed you unfortunate witness.
Agents of SHIELD
Coulson X May
Daisy X Lincoln
Fitz X Simmons
Bobbi X Hunter
Mack X YoYo
Caitlyn X Vi
Oliver X Laurel
Roy X Thea
Diggle X Lyla
Barry X Patty
Wally X Jesse
Caitlin X Ronnie
Kara X Mon-El
Alex X Maggie
Brainy X Nia
Attack on Titan
Eren X Mikasa
Falco X Gabi
Bertdholt X Annie
Ymir X Krista
Levi X Hange
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Katara X Zuko
Aang X Toph
Sokka X Suki
Aang X Katara
Bolin X Korra
Avengers (MCU)
Steve X Natasha
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Jane
Wanda X Vision
Peter Q X Gamora
Scott X Hope
T’Challa X Nakia
Matt X Karen
Luke X Jessica
Peter P X MJ
Bucky X Sarah
Ben 10
Ben X Julie
Kevin X Gwen
Guts X Casca
Ichigo X Rukia
Uryu X Orihime
Tatsuki X Orihime
Gin X Rangiku
Toshiro X Momo
Boku no Hero Academia
Izuku X Occhako
Todoroki X Momo
Bakugou X Kirishima
Eraserhead X Present Mic
Trevor X Sypha
Alucard X Greta
Class of the Titans
Jay X Theresa
Atlanta X Archie
Critical Role
Percival X Vex’ahlia
Vax’ildan X Keyleth
Scanlan X Pike
Sylas X Delilah
Fjord X Jester
Beau X Yasha
Caleb X Essek
Imogen X Laudna
DC Comics
Clark X Lois
Bruce X Selina
Diana X Steve
Barry X Iris
Wally X Linda
Hal X Carol
Carter X Shiera
Oliver X Laurel
Arthur X Mera
Constantine X Zatanna
Dick X Barbara
Tim X Stephanie
Garfield X Rachel
Conner X Cassie
Kate X Maggie
Hank X Dawn
Garth Ranzz X Imra Arden
Nura Nal X Thom Kallor
Jo Nah X Tinya Wazzo
Val Armorr X Princess Projectra
Kara Zor-El X Querl Dox
Lar Gand X Tasmia Mallor
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro X Kanao
Zenitsu X Nezuko
Giyu X Shinobu
Taichi X Sora
Koushiro X Mimi
Takeru X Hikari
Takato X Jeri
Rika X Ryo
Izumi X Junpei
Disney Animation
Mulan X Shang
Eric X Ariel
Simba X Nala
Tiana X Naveen
Tarzan X Jane
Rapunzel X Eugene
Hercules X Meg
Aladdin X Jasmine
Doctor Who
11 X Clara
Dota - Dragon's Blood
Davion X Mirana
Shinji X Kaworu
Fairy Tail
Natsu X Lucy
Erza X Jellal
Gray X Juvia
Wendy X Romeo
Final Fantasy
Zack X Aerith
Cloud X Tifa
Squall X Rinoa
Tidus X Luna
Lightning X Snow
Noel X Serah
Noctis X Luna
Fire Emblem
Byleth X Dimitri
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed X Winry
Roy X Riza
Ling X Lan Fan
GI Joe
Snake Eyes X Scarlett
Kouga X Kaoru
Ryuga X Rian
Raiga X Mayuri
Ken X Jun
Domon X Rain
Shinn X Stella
He-Man (OG Continuity)
Adam X Teela
Adora X Sea-Hawk
Duncan X Sorceress
InuYasha X Kagome
Sango X Miroku
Sesshomaru X Kagura
Kohaku X Rin
Mark X Eve
Kamen Rider
Hongo X Ruriko
Godai X Ichijo
Shoichi X Hikawa
Shinji X Miho
Takumi X Mari
Kenzaki X Hajime
Yuuto X Airi
Wataru X Mio
Tsukasa X Natsumi
Shotaro X Tokime
Ryo X Akiko
Eiji X Hina
Gentaro X Nadeshiko
Ryusei X Tomoko
Haruto X Koyomi
Kouta X Mai
Kaitou X Yoko
Shinnosuke X Kiriko
Gou X Reiko
Takeru X Akari
Alain X Kanon
Emu X Poppy
Sento X Banjo
Kazumin X Misora
Gentoku X Sawa
Sougo X Tsukuyomi
Aruto X Izu
Fuwa X Yua
Touma X Kento
Rintaro X Mei
Keiwa X Neon
Kingdom Hearts
Kairi X Sora X Riku
Aqua X Terra
Lea X Isa
Roxas X Xion
Riku X Namine
Lucifer X Chloe
Maze X Eve
Magic Knight Rayearth
Hikaru X Lantis
Umi X Clef
Fu X Ferio
Marvel Comics
Steve X Sharon
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Sif
Hank X Janet
Reed X Sue
Peter X MJ
Wanda X Vision
Jean X Scott
Kitty X Colossus
Rogue X Gambit
Rachel X Kurt
Black Bolt X Medusa
Clint X Bobbi
Bucky X Natasha
Matt X Elektra
Luke X Jessica
Warren X Psylocke
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien X Marinette
Alya X Nino
Naruto X Hinata
Sasuke X Karin
Sakura X Rock Lee
Neji X TenTen
Shikamaru X Temari
Ino X Sai
Choji X Karui
Gaara X Matsuri
Kakashi X Might Guy
Asuna X Kurenai
Tsunade X Dan
Yahiko X Konan
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Haruhi X Tamaki
Yu X Rise
Chie X Yukiko
Kanji X Naoto
Ren X Makoto (or Kasumi if we're going with Royal canon)
Power Rangers
Tommy X Katherine
Jason X Trini
Adam X Tanya
TJ X Cassie
Andros X Ashley
Karone X Zhane
Leo X Kendrix
Carter X Dana
Wes X Jen
Cole X Alyssa
Taylor X Eric
Tori X Blake
Trent X Kira
Sky X Z
Doggie X Kat
Nick X Madison
Mack X Rose
Casey X Lily
Dillon X Summer
Ziggy X Dr. K
Kevin X Mia
Mike X Emily
Troy X Gia
Tyler X Shelby
Eddie X Vesper
Marv X Chloe
Amelia X Ollie
Ranma ½
Ranma X Akane
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena X Anthy
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin X Kaoru
Ruby X Penny
Blake X Sun
Weiss X Marrow
Yang X Weiss
Jaune X Pyrrha
Ren X Nora
Qrow X Summer
Sailor Moon
Usagi X Mamoru
Ami X Zoisite
Rei X Jadeite
Minako X Rei
Makoto X Nephrite
Minako X Kunzite
Saint Seiya
Seiya X Shaina
Hyoga X Eri
Shiryu X Shunrei
Shun X June
Ikki X Esmeralda
Deathmask X Aphrodite
Aiolia X Lyfia
Yato X Yuzuriha
Sasha X Tenma
Koga X Yuna
Souma X Sonia
She-Ra (Netflix Version)
Adora X Glimmer
Catra X Scorpia
Star Wars
Obi-Wan X Satine
Anakin X Padme
Ahsoka X Lux
Luke X Mara Jade
Han X Leia
Finn X Rey X Poe
Din Djarin X Bo-Katan
Super Sentai
Ryu X Kaori
Sasuke X Tsuruhime
Chisato X Kouichirou
Shun X Miku
Yuri X Tatsuya
Yosuke X Ikkou
Isshu X Nanami
Mari X Ban
Sen X Umeko
Doggie X Swan
Sakura X Akashi
Masume X Natsuhi
Rio X Mele
Sosuke X Miu
Chiaki X Kotoha
Takeru X Mako
Alata X Eri
Hyde X Moune
Marvelous X Luka
Joe X Ahim
Daigo X Mikoto
Tokatti X Mio
Hikari X Kagura
Yamato X Sela
Amu X Tusk
Lucky X Hammie
Balance X Naga
Keiichiro X Tsukasa
Sakuya X Umika
Koh X Asuna
Bamba X Asuna
Shigeru X Sayo
Tarou X Sonoi
Sword Art Online
Kirito X Asuna
The Dragon Prince
Callum X Rayla
Amaya X Janai
Lion-O X Cheetara
Bengali X Pumyra
Optimus X Elita-One
Arcee X Hot Rod
Bulkhead X Wheeljack
Silverbolt X Blackarachnia
Ken X Mari
Shiro X Matt
Keith X Allura
Lance X Pidge
Hunk X Shay
Winx Club
Bloom X Sky
Musa X Riven
Flora X Helia
Stella X Brandon
Tecna X Timmy
Layla X Nabu
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Saw @einsteinsugly’s post about the kids from her verse and I kinda wanna do mine.
Layla Quinn Kelso - She's very kind and sweet but gets vicious on Halloween. (her and Betsy have a yearly prank off)
Trevor Nicholas Canton - Confident and self assured. He's also very smart and gets straight A's in school. He's basically what Finn Hudson tried to be but failed miserably. He's also on the football team.
Alisha Amira Callesti - Kind, intelligent, and minds her business. Despite being Jo's best friend, she doesn't agree to her meanness and ways of torture and does the right thing by them.
Jared Michael Kwan - He's a very reserved and introverted person despite being besties with the very extroverted Jo Mitchell. He loves being on the computer and playing video games with his friends. Similar to Alisha, he doesn't agree with Jo's methods of torture. He's also a very loyal person to the people he cares about.
Joanna "Jo" Star Mitchell - She's a lot similar to Jackie, being like a 'queen bee with a heart of gold'. She cares a lot of about what people think of her and tries to maintain a certain image of having this shiny, lavish, and rich life. But she has a lot of pain, anger, and resentment deep down that she doesn't show.
Ryland Clifford Barnes - He's basically early seasons Kelso and Nate, except with little to no redeeming qualities. He acts like some sort of god but is really just an arrogant douchebag. He's a terrible boyfriend and has no qualms about having sex with other women, despite being with Kelly. He also has no problem bragging to his teammates about his sexcapades and hitting on other women. He barely listens to, let alone respects Kelly as an individual. Alisha even broke up with him during freshman year because he kept trying to touch her boob without consent. He also doesn’t believe girls can play sports and has tried sabotaging the girls’ sport teams several times.
Mikayla Annapoorni Burke - She’s a very intelligent person and super supportive of her friends. Not to mention, super chill and easy going. Similar to Aneesa from nhie.
Sharon Michelle Adams - Sharon is very thought driven person and tends to prioritize logic over emotion. But she is very loyal and cares a lot about the people she loves.
Sarah Paige Mitchell - Sarah is a very sweet girl who cares deeply about other people’s emotions. She’s wise beyond her years and can be pretty stubborn at times. Sarah is also a good listener and supportive friend.
Etienne Marshall - I haven’t thought much for Etienne but I feel like similar to Ozzie, he can be brutally honest and into acquired tastes but at the same time, wears his heart on his sleeve more often.
Ridge Pinciotti - He’s very laid back and enjoys partying and having fun. Unlike Kristie, Delilah, and Mitch, he doesn’t really care for monogamy nor being in a serious relationship. He can see the appeal and is supportive of his friends but he’s not super into that. Some of the girls he hooks up with try to change his mind but it never works. He’s a bachelor and buddy at heart.
Raquelle "Kelly" Michelle Shaland - She’s a very bubbly and happy girl who enjoys chemistry and doing experiments. Kelly may come off as shallow at times, but isn’t even remotely close to shallow. She’s also a very forgiving person (too forgiving sometimes) and tends to have a hard time figuring out who she is on her own.
Mitchum Eduardo Pinciotti - He can be pretty mischievous and do some childish antics but truly has a good heart. He claims to not do relationships and tries to be bachelor-like just like Ridge but fails (I.e. Lilah)
Delilah Reed - She’s a lot similar to Kristie, with being rebellious and outgoing, yet still having a soft heart. But her, it’s kinda at a different extent. For my followers that watch degrassi, Kris would be like Spinner Mason and Delilah would be like Jay Hogart.
Serena Marotti - She’s very outgoing and comfortable with her sexuality. She’s also a part of the soccer team and wants to an athlete in the future and get into Stanford. She doesn’t exactly have the best track record with guys but it doesn’t stop her from being able to open her heart and leave her guard down.
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Patricia Runck - Same as canon
Nathaniel "Nate" Glenn Runck - Same as canon but he matures a lot when he starts hanging with Sarah.
Osmund "Ozzie" Chen - Same as canon
Nikki Alison Garcia - Same as canon
Kristina "Kristie" Anne Marie Forman - She is a very mischievous and reckless person similar to her mom but deep down, has a lot of anger and pain she tries to let go of. She gets straight A’s in school
Elizabeth "Betsy" Victoria Kelso - She’s super blunt and outgoing. Betsy doesn’t take any shit and will be anyone’s worst nightmare if they hurt her and/or the people she loves. She’s part of the dance team and has been dreaming of being one since she saw Angelina Ballerina (let’s pretend there was a version that came out in the eighties). Similar to Serena and her other friends hitting on Jay, Jay’s friends often hit on her as well. Betsy also has a thing for rebels lol.
Leia Anne Forman - Same as canon
Jason "Jay" Michael Kelso - Also same as canon
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
I meant to send this yesterday, but did you ever mention what exactly Josh is? I honestly don’t remember there ever being clarification (and if there was it totally went over my head) and while i was rereading for the umpteenth time Josh was referred to by splinter as “the copper one” and my mind kinda went “Excuse me, Copper???” I figured he was a Yokai of some kind but then we know that Rose is a witch/from witch town (right?) so whenever I vision Josh is just a very wobbly image of some nerdy buff guy idk and he’s always wearing a blue shirt for some reason :P
Lol well you're pretty close! Josh and his brother and sister are all witches from Witch Town and look vaguely humanish, as Yokai witches are shown to be.
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Like yes, these people are undoubtedly Not Human, but unlike many other Yokai they don't seem to be anything else in particular. (in general-I see Lion Dude up there, but he's an outlier) (I've actually thought a lot about the lore of Witch Town and I have no idea if I'm going to end up using any of it so I might do a write-up one of these days)
Josh and his family (his twin sister, their little brother, and the little brother's husband, and maybe his niece I haven't decided if she exists here) all live in Witch Town and run an apothecary. They actually met Bella because the little brother Reed (who I apparently haven't even referenced by name yet, sorry Reed) was her bodyguard while she competed in the Nexus. He got into some debt and the debt was then purchased by Big Mama, and he refused to fight for her. Big Mama basically rigged his contract so he could never pay her back, effectively enslaving him, and had his tongue cut out for talking back to her too many times. He got assigned to Bella because she already knew how to sign, they became friends, and when she left she bought out his contract. Turns out his sister was hot and his brother was her platonic soulmate, so happily ever after. (Bella and Reed are still really good friends, they're just less reasons to mention him because his skills aren't really plot-relevant)
Josh is definitely a nerd, he's pretty tall and broad-shouldered but skinny. He's kind of pink, not intensely so but definitely a few shades into 'not a human skin color'. His hair is either blond or he's a very light redhead, depending on how I feel that day. He has an extremely prominent nose, which...I just realized that doesn't sound good, considering he's Jewish. Okay, to be fair, when I designed him he was not Jewish. He's a Dishonored OC, the Dishonored world does not have any real-world religions, they have one twink who is also a whale as their god and their religion is centered around hating on him. I made Josh Jewish because Bella was Jewish and I kind of liked the idea of her bonding with him and his family over that. (I don't know why Bella is Jewish, she just Was) (also Bella and Josh aren't religiously Jewish-they're atheists)
Rose looks pretty similar, except she's much shorter (which vexes her greatly, as she's the oldest) and her hair is more of a ginger color. Reed however is massive, taller than his brother and super buff, like 'body of a Greek god' but unironically. His coloring is more pinkish-purple and darker because he has a different father. Everyone thirsts over him and he is entirely oblivious. His husband got a lot of high-fives when he put a ring on it. (and a lot of jealous glowers, especially when the story of how he proposed with a BBQ sandwich came out)
Splinter calls him 'the copper one' because their last name is Copperspoon but he couldn't remember. (he's old) And they have that name because their mother is this bitch:
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Delilah Copperspoon, bisexual poly witch and bastard daughter of an emperor. She's such a wonderfully evil character.
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tobymybaby · 2 months
Fazbear frights x Kny au
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Butterfly nurse Devon trying to get Reed to drink medicine (Reed hates it's taste)
Fun fact for kny x ff au : Devon was adopted by Delilah , along with Chris and Angel so they are adoptive siblings
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blorbologist · 2 years
Please forgive my noob soul if I don't do this right...
25. Amphibian warpath with Cass (if you're comfortable of course, 2nd runner up would be Delilah)? No ship necessary unless you want to :)
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25. Amphibian warpath.
Cane toads at the edges of their invasive range in Australia actually have different behavior than ones in established areas - actually roaming farther and faster. They’re also a lot more prone to cannibalism than their non-invasive counterparts.  
(NGTJRNHKTRN AAAAAHH THANK YOU SM ;; You did great! Have some fluff because boy does Cass need it ;;)
There’s a little pond, in Great-Aunt Melanie’s garden. 
(It died, of course, with the Briarwoods, but it lives now and for once, for once in her life Cass would rather not dwell on the terror and death.)
Because this spring - with help from Keyleth and her plants and Percy and his chemistry - this spring the frogs are back.
They have probably been there longer than it takes her to notice - her room faces the courtyard, not the garden, and she rarely spends time in its neglected depths. 
But one evening she’s talking governance with Vex’ahlia. About the Patchwood, and farmland and grazing rights and all sorts of bland that Percy had ducked out on long before. And the deepest, most guttering and unattractive croak rumbles through the air. 
Cass might be embarrassed by how she picks up her skirts and makes haste to the pond. Might. But she’s suddenly eight again, and it’s not Vex but Vesper startled by her laugh and there’s nothing better than catching frogs in the cool evening. 
“Come on!” It’s said without thought, without considering that this is Vex’ahlia of Vox Machina - dignified and shrewd and gorgeous and so far out of Percival’s league Cass could be red with delight - might not want to run through the gardens. But it’s - it’s something, a magic Delilah could not twist, to the memory of pollywog pond. Like a bard, or a tale of a frog-prince. 
(Percival had hated those stories. Oh, would he turn green if she reminded him that he was the frog-prince, here, kissed to redemption by a fair maiden? Probably.)
The half-elf could outpace her, easily. At first keeping a dignified little trot, before the enthusiasm catches on and she begins to gambol, springing over freshly-tamed hedges to slow her rush to match Cass’ dash. 
Cassandra has to extend a hand to stop her from tumbling headfirst into the pond - it’s almost hidden by weeds, now, almost a danger. The grass is wet with rain from earlier and she slips a little, settles to crouch by the lip of it. 
“Darling?” Vex whispers. 
“Shh - you’ll startle them.”
Her eyes flash, just the barest hint of a reflection catching the light - darkvision, yes. “I never thought - never heard of human nobles cared for frogs.”
“Oh, don’t kid yourself - Percival wouldn’t have been caught dead doing this.” The grass whispers back to them as she adjusts the curtain of he dress, pulls it away from the water’s edge. “But as youngest, I had certain… allowances, for deviant behavior.”
(Stomps down the thought of Ludwig being here with her. No faces, only frogs.)
“Sneaking out to listen to their singing?”
“Not quite.”
Finally, finally, that bullfrog does its very best grumble. He sounds like he’s all the way across the pond, so Cass waits. There’s another frog - this one trilling, high and sharp. A spring peeper. Up in the trees, a distant observer. 
And then the twang of a good, green frog and - ah, there he is. Poised between the reeds, echoed soon after by a competitor somewhere nearby. 
Cass lunges - 
a little too far, her hands skimming water - 
and Vex catches her by the back of the dress with a shriek of surprise, dragging her back. A trail of droplets arcs after, courtesy of the soaked dress-sleeves.
“Cassandra!” laughs Vex. “What are you-”
“Got him!” she declares, clutching the wiggly, very miffed amphibian to her chest. 
She bundles her prize in the front of her dress, feeling its impassioned kicks and lunges to get free, and fixes the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt with a devious grin.
“Frogs,” declares Lady Cassandra de Rolo, “are just about the most unwelcome guests in Percival’s workshop. It’s sporting to see how long it takes him to catch them.”
She stands - burgundy made black with muck at the hem, grass-stained knees, sleeves dripping - and gives her most dignified of looks down her nose. “I would like to see if his time has improved.”
Vex’s grin is one of a sister who has accomplished similar devilry. "You know? I think I'd be curious to know, too."
Oh, they’ll get along splendidly. 
(Send me a prompt and I’ll write a ficlet, a HC or an AU idea + share the science fact that inspired the prompt!) 
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crybabytecrs · 2 years
FEMALES / without fandom
・❥・VALERIE | [19-25] | madelyn cline ・❥・HAILEE | [19-26] | emily alyn lind ・❥・BROOKLYN | [19-25] | maia reficco ・❥・EMORY | [21-26] | sydney sweeney ・❥・DELILAH | [20-25] | kathryn newton ・❥・VICTORIA | [20-25] | abigail cowen ・❥・VIOLET | [18-25] | lily rose depp ・❥・OPHELIA | [20-26] | kristine froseth ・❥・AURORA | [19-26] | dove cameron ・❥・AYLEEN | [19-26] | jenna ortega ・❥・CASSIDY | [19-24] | hailee steinfeld ・❥・NOVA | [19-24] | grace van dien ・❥・JORDYN | [19-25] | natalia dyer ・❥・BLAIR | [20-27] | alexa demie ・❥・MADDIE | [18-24] | katie douglas
MALES / without fandom
・❥・LOGAN | [20-26] | benjamin wadsworth ・❥・MILES | [21-29] | drew starkey ・❥・AIDEN | [20-26] | jacob elordi ・❥・ELIJAH | [21-26] | rudy pankow ・❥・NOLAN | [20-25] | ross lynch ・❥・VINCE | [20-25] | gavin casalegno ・❥・FYNN | [21-27] | timothée chalamet ・❥・NIC | [20-26] | chase stokes ・❥・JUSTIN | [21-28] | thomas doherty ・❥・TONY | [34-42] | chris evans ・❥・MILO | [19-24] | joe kerry ・❥・JESSE | [21-30] | dylan o'brien ・❥・AARON | [22-29] | tyler posey ・❥・CHASE | [20-27] | cody christian ・❥・BENJI | [19-26] | christopher briney
FEMALES / with fandom
・❥・IVORY | [19-25] | ¡final girl | tatum's &' dewey’s sister | madelyn cline | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・MAE | [19-26] | could be a ¡final girl | stu macher’s sister | willa fitzgerald | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・ALYSSA | [19-25] | randy’s sister | natalia dyer | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・ELLIE | [18-25] | maia reficco | — scream muse! — ・❥・CASSIDY | [18-24] | john b's sister | hailee steinfeld | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・BAILEE | [19-25] | topper's sister | ester exposito | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・EVERLY | [20-26] | ¡hunter | crystal reed | — supernatural muse! — ・❥・SOFIA | [19-26] | ¡demon | young¡ megan fox | — supernatural muse! —
MALES / with fandom
・❥・MICAH | [21-26] | stu machers brother | ¡ghostface | amadeus serafini | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・JORDAN | [19-28] | ¡helps ghostface | jacob elordi | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・CAZ | [19-26] | sidney’s brother | ¡ghostface | alex fitzalan | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・CARDAN | [21-26] | tatum’s &' dewey's brother | rudy pankow | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・KIERAN | [19-25] | sarah's, rafe’s and wheezie’s brother | ¡blonde andrew garfield | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・ATLAS | [20-25] | jj's brother | gavin casalegno | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・ATTICUS | [21-27] | ¡hunter | charles melton | — supernatural muse! —
— my fandom muses are usually just for rp’s on discord, means i probably wont use them in threads on tumblr. but still, if you’re feeling like doing a canon x oc just ask!!
FEMALES / canon
・❥・SARAH CAMERON | outer banks ・❥・KIARA CARRERA | outer banks ・❥・TATUM RILEY | scream (1996) ・❥・SIDNEY PRESCOTT | scream (1996) ・❥・CLAIRE REDFIELD | resident evil ・❥・ADA WONG | resident evil
・❥・CASSIE HOWARD | euphoria ・❥・LYDIA MARTIN | teen wolf ・❥・ALLISON ARGENT | teen wolf ・❥・MAX MAYFIELD | stranger things ・❥・NANCY WHEELER | stranger things ・❥・VIOLET HARMON | ahs ・❥・ALLIE PRESSMAN | the society ・❥・ELLE TOMKINS | the society ・❥・HANNA MARIN | pretty little liars ・❥・AVA JALALI | pretty little liars: the perfectionists ・❥・NOA OLIVAR | pretty little liars: original sin ・❥・CAROLINE FORBES | the vampire diaries ・❥・KATHERINE PIERCE | the vampire diaries
MALES / canon
・❥・STU MACHER | scream (1996) ・❥・RANDY MEEKS | scream (1996) ・❥・JJ MAYBANK | outer banks ・❥・JOHN BOOKER ROUTLEDGE | outer banks ・❥・TOPPER THORNTON | outer banks ・❥・MIKE WHEELER | stranger things ・❥・STEVE HARRINGTON | stranger things ・❥・LUCAS SINCLAIR | stranger things ・❥・EDDIE MUNSON | stranger things ・❥・STILES STILINSKI | teen wolf ・❥・SCOTT MCCALL | teen wolf ・❥・LIAM DUNBAR | teen wolf ・❥・PETER PARKER | mcu / tom or andrew ・❥・STEFAN SALVATORE | the vampire diaries ・❥・EIJAH MIKAELSON | the vampire diaries ・❥・HARRY BINGHAM | the society
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alldancersaretalented · 8 months
Radix Glendale Mini, Junior and Senior Solo Results
Cambrie O'Haver (Club Dance), Kinley Harper (Club Dance), Dejana Kostur (Elektro), Charlotte Rathjen (Dance Studio C), Aspen Brandt (Club Dance) OTE
Addison Pichette (Club Dance) OTE
Emily Collins (Dance Deluxe), Adalee Grove (Collective PHX), Aliyah Rothe (Impact Dance), Adelina Getsova (The Base), Katie Carlson (Evoke), Caydence Zuehlke (CanDance), Jewel Moody (Summer's DanceWorks) OTE
Hazel Silverman (Dance Studio 111) OTE
Preslie Ball (CanDance), Poppy Cunningham (Club Dance)
Zachary Hutta (Artistic Motion), Halle Forrest (Impact Dance), GIselle Pilorin (Artistic Motion), Brighton Taylor (Dance Deluxe)
Eva Gonzales (Dance Deluxe), Jordan Lavigne (Artistic Motion), Xiamiya Reed, Kenny Opaska (Collective PHX)
Summer Dairymple (The Base), Faye Cunningham, Gabriella Daschievici (Dance Studio C)
Kinsey Fitts (Elektro), Imoact Dance Poppy, Kensington Ferrin (Club Dance), Colette Stutzman (CanDance)
Gotta Dance Adelei, Brielle Baily (Dance Deluxe)
Isla Gardner (Club Dance) OTE
Piper Perusse (Company Space) OTE
Alayna Noble (The Base), Aracely Lee (Dance Deluxe) OTE
Caitlyn Paik (To The Pointe), Zoeleigh Hutta (Artistic Motion), Aria Bongiorno (Dance Deluxe) OTE
Ava Thompson (Collective PHX) OTE
Sabina Vess (Elektro) OTE
Delilah Hewitt (Brea), Patience Hughes (Brea), Chloe Tarwater (Elite Dance Pro) OTE
Kinley O'Keefe (Elektro) OTE
Ella Carlon (Brea), Leila Koeneke (Artistic Motion Dance) OTE
Sofia Verdugo (Collective PHX) OTE
Angelika Edejer (Evoke) OTE
Ryan Hutta (Artistic Motion) OTE
Rosendo Arechiga (CanDance) OTE
Georgi Arnold (SGSDance), Grace McKinley (Dance Studio C) OTE
Kenzie Cole (Artistic Motion), Charlie Kautzer (Nor Cal) OTE
Kaylinn Rees (Dance Studio C), Paige Kracht (Club Dance) OTE
Isabella Gomez (CanDance) ??
Eriel Garzon (Elektro), Alysha Ritschel (CanDance), Charlotte Gesting (Evoke) ??
Tessa Weaver (Artistic Motion), Kendall Birnbaum (CanDance), Logan Marumoto-Kaleimamahu (24-7 Dance Force) ??
Brekyn Knowels (Elektro) ??
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