#ozzie chen
nikkiruncks · 10 months
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disneymbti · 1 year
Ozne for the moodboard request
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Ozne (Ozzie x Etienne)'s Moodboard
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loveislandthegame · 3 months
thoughts on todays volume! we're not even halfway through the season and i'm already over it . i'm lowkey struggling to write these posts 😭
first up is excess baggage, where we get another glimpse into our forced backstory: MC didn't go to her season's afterparty, and later on it's revealed that finn was the host (i'm just like, why the hell has he been a host twice? what was he even doing in love island australia? but FB is putting zero thought into writing these seasons, so i should just put zero thought into analysing them)
like i've said before, it wouldn't be a LITG challenge without some bullshit. they decided to make finn's baggage "saying that MC is the sexiest love island star," that's great for people romancing him, but i was just grossed out 🫠 unfortunately it only gets worse from here
melissa and henri got dumped . at least it wasn't natasha or kelly, though kelly suddenly no longer cares about my MC, so it seems like that chat with melissa did lock in one wlw LI
kelly and finn get everyone together to play one of those guessing games, idk what it's actually called. but more importantly, tf is wrong with these people ? you weren't thinking that MC would be tired of everyone and their mother constantly bringing up the guy she was with for two weeks? at this point i wouldn't be surprised if they revealed that MC and stefan were engaged or some shit
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side note, lyle's evening outfit looks beyond ridiculous but i kinda love that (tbh it looks like some shit tyler the creator would wear)
MC gets a note inviting her to the pool, i thought it was gonna be chen or maybe natasha, turns out it's fucking finn. we should've had the option to cuss him out 👹 (and a scene like this should've only been triggered if you're on his route, but FB cannot be bothered to branch, we're forced into this for the ridiculous drama/cliffhanger later)
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i cant lie, this was freakin adorable, i would be a little tempted if i wasn't focused on natasha ... and if he didn't dump my ozzy route s6 MC for ivy 😫 (side note: with the amount of times he's been calling the other guys attractive...it goes without saying that straight dudes can compliment each other, but idk, make him bi/pan you cowards)
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we barely had time with natasha this volume, so i had the gem scene date with her. cuteeee
i didn't screenshot it and i'm too lazy to go back for it, but she said something about us being in the hideaway together. (if you didn't see my other post, i did want to go with her but stuck with chen because i thought it'd be too awkward) i don't know what's up with all the glitches, i hope it doesn't cause issues later on, like in a movie night or some shit 😭
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we return from our dates, and shocker, finn's note has kelly fighting with kat. i just hope we can clear everything up immediately, i'll be so damn mad if they drag this out for the whole volume 🤦🏽‍♀️
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jeanniecrush · 3 months
All Moodboard
Love Island The Game
【 ❥ Season 1:Belle 】 【 ❥ Season 2:Rose 】 【 ❥ Season 3:Quinn 】 【 ❥ Season 4:Giselle 】 【 ❥ Season 5:Evelyn 】 【 ❥ Season 6:Stella 】 【 ❥ Season 7:Sienna 】 【 ❥ Season 8:Bethany 】 【 ❥ Season 9:Kelsie 】
【 ❥ Season 1:Levi | Jake 】 【 ❥ Season 2:Lucas | Kassam | Gary | Carl | Bobby | Chelsea | Henrik 】 【 ❥ Season 3:Bill | Ciaran 】 【 ❥ Season 4:Tom | Will | Bruno 】 【 ❥ Season 5:Finn | Kat 】 【 ❥ Season 6:Lewie | Ryan | Roberto | Hamish | Andy | Ozzy 】 【 ❥ Season 7:Alex | Joyo 】 【 ❥ Season 8:Max | Shawn | Theo | Jin | Claudia | Kyle | Jack 】 【 ❥ Season 9:Chen | Henri | Jude | Natasha | Cassius 】
Too Hot To Handle Game
【❥ Season 1:Theo 】 【❥ Season 2:Antoine | Ryder 】 【❥ Season 3:Jirayu | Taz | Mattias 】
Netflix Stories:Love Is Blind
Nico | Zayid | Danny | Blaze | Kieran
Greek Mythology
Aphrodite | Apollo | Poseidon
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alitgblog · 2 months
s9 vol 7 thoughts: ah fuck this season has its problems but I don't think I've ever been this conflicted over love interests in a while
STEFAN 😍😍😍 literally I have to change my top five islanders now like I'm so sorry evan. AND he's an artist?? And it's my own fault for already buying into the second chance romance bit before he even showed up but like he's not ugly? omg stop. oof it's tough, like, shit I'm so sorry Natasha and Hamish I don't know who to pick in this love square they've got
him illustrating his sister's book for his sisters?? 🥺 I may be folding for that alone
I like Cassius' design. I like it more than Theo's but he does remind me of Liam unfortunately. and also he's looking like my MC's cousin this season so I gotta pass this time but makes it easier for me. but he does seem great, I like him and he's sweet without being boring (so far), but I also kinda wish we had an LI that gave us more pushback/banter? bc I picked a few options that disagreed with his whole thing about love/fate and he was just like "yeah fs that's a cool opinion too" which OK I get it he's nice but I'm just kinda sick of all the Islanders being so agreeable to MC. I guess Marshall is supposed to be the banter-y one but I have problems with him being here so I wish it was Cassius instead.
that being said they're fucking teasing me with this response to why are you here though
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also at some point Cassius calls his season boring and I thought it was funny fusebox was dunking on themselves bc I didn't finish s7 either but no he was just referring to the fact he got dumped quickly.
I'm glad Lyle is back, like I'd be upset if an islander was only brought on for a date and then left, so I'm not mad at this even though he was momentarily mad at MC (and that became nothing?? like just take out that plot point) and i dont really care hes only coded in for Kat now. I'm just more upset bc they've literally already done this in S8 bc your LI has to pick between Sienna and Bea when they get "dumped" and then Sienna comes back in Casa.
And then we get to marshall and I don't even wanna talk about it. And ive made separate posts and reblogged some opinions on that so ill just add that also i hate his orange outfit. him dressing all white and ozzy all black was peak I hate he's out here in orange smh.. anyway so that'll be easy for me to not pick this season
although we get this and I thought it was funny like OK fine you got me marshall
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he says it with a smile too not even angry/sarcastic
then after that I honestly don't remember what happens apart from way too many challenges all at once and the whole Stefan storyline. I wanted him to be a little upset initially bc it did seem like MC had some misunderstanding and then left him so quickly like I just wanted a little bit of angst where he came in with the gameplan of wanting to give her a piece of his mind and was on the show bc he couldn't contact her any other way, before he realized he was being silly and just was happy to see her again. like if anything, the story beats that Lyle goes through being snarky at mc in episode 1 then immediately asking for forgiveness by episode 3 makes more sense for Stefan but nah instead it just feels like another perfect li loyal route (which is fine but I like some tension in the story). like we can still have the terrace scene where he explains things though.
also if I saw this on love island? I'd be voting for them without question the angst is so good
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OK I'm looking thru my screenshots and am now remembering I was upset at raunchy races for being subjective again. notable offenses:
straight out the gate, most creative boy and Kelly says "craft brewing is creative" gtfo as if it's not Chen the set designer (and anyone who brought back Lyle from the dates, I'd imagine musician over craft beer brewer as well)
Kat somehow doesn't win best dancer
I love Kelly and sure, biggest foodie but not when my mc is a chef smh at least in S6 the dialogue would change slightly with your occupation lmao
the physical challenge is OK but I just think it doesn't belong in casa. like on the actual show where they spend real days in casa it's fine but for the game that has to shorten it bc the volumes definitely don't add up to the length of real love island, it feels like a waste. if anything, the real villa needed a physical challenge rather than continuing to do variations on excess baggage type games.
someone help Kelly out with the mask pls
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anyway the OG islander to visit instead of a postcard is interesting. I think a postcard makes the most sense but bc the game has to fabricate drama while also probably wanting most of the guys to still look good since the villa is like 75% love interests for MC, maybe it makes sense?
I think having it be MC's partner doesn't give us a lot of drama unless MC wants to bring up Stefan. Finn and Hamish could be interesting whether you're pursuing them or not. Like under the guise of them checking in on their partner, but they just care about MC and are asking her not to forget them. Most likely i think it'll be Kat's partner and he'll make up some lies about what's happening in the villa.
anyway a little rough first few weeks of the season but I'm enjoying at least this episode, surprisingly, so we'll seeeeee.... I think the seasons generally gets worse post casa so I'm not betting on this being a good season overall, but I'm not calling it a flop just yet.
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talesoftheesun · 2 months
📂 c:\users\sunny ㄴ 📄 writing list ———ㄴ 📄 love island
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I write for...
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ALL STARS (S9) - Cassius - Chen - Jude - Natasha - Stefan
TEMPTING FATE (S8) - Bea - Claudia - Jin - Kyle - Max - Shawn - Theo
STICK OR TWIST (S7) - Alex - Evan - Rafael
DOUBLE TROUBLE (S6) - Andy - Bella - Chloe - Flo - Jamal - Ozzy
BOMBSHELL (S4) - Angie - Najuma - Oliver - Valentina - Will
SEASON 3 - AJ - Tai
SEASON 2 - Bobby
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I didn't include more characters from the old app because it's been so long since I played those seasons but if a character you want to request for isn't present, feel free to ask anyway, I'll let you know if I'd write for them!
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you can request here and check out my other works here!
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hrodvitnon · 7 months
One random day on Infant Island, when there's a lull in the frantic love-making- Ling Chen heads down to the helipad to grab a new shipment of goods. The crew drops off a strange wooden crate said to be for her. Taking a crowbar to it, she pops it open to find a strange device and two high grade speakers. It only takes a small amount of tinkering to find that the device is a high-quality karaoke machine. The delivery crew also wheel out a giant rack of the hardest liquor Monarch capital can buy. Ling notices a note on the karaoke machine; unfurling it, it reads:
Get me some good material, Special Agent Chen :)
-R. Stanton 
Drunk karaoke night with a bunch of rutted-up monsters and chaotic humans for the sole sake of getting Stanton his precious blackmail? What could go wrong???
(Bonus: Kong, Ozzy, Shimo, the other two Ghidorahs, and Andrews are also present...)
Oh Jaysus, now I'm imagining Titans who are drunk and may or not be tone-deaf bellowing into the mic but it's so incoherent that it essentially "starts a howl" among the present beasties. It sounds hilarious.
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
NEW ASK GAME, AHHHHHHH!!! Could I ask for 🐸 + my flamebird boy Oz??
Something they collect: Books! Specifically classics, he organizes them by color and everything.
Their sun, moon, and rising star sign: Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Virgo
The first thing they bought with their own money: He saved up for a car to help out his mothers. It was an older, beaten-up car, but he kept it for years to come.
One positive personality trait of theirs: He is very calm and collected, which makes him a perfect negotiator.
Their favorite 80s song: Listen To Your Heart by Roxette
If they're a good or bad cook: He's a divine cook! He had to learn how to do simple cooking to help out with Nixie, Tilly, and Bear and grew to love it. He finds it calming. He loves cooking with Riley, but no one is allowed in the kitchen when they do.
Their favorite horror movie: He likes the dumb schlocky ones - The Faculty
Who would play them in a biopic about their life: Ooof, good question, maybe Ludi Lin?
Who would play their older/younger version: Ian Chen for kid Oz and then just Harry Shum Jr. in Glee for teen Oz
An event from their High School reunion (if they haven't had one, time travel and make one up!): The former Linebacker of the Football team attempted a backflip off the stage, had to get his shoulder popped back in, and landed on his Prom Queen. Oz isn't usually into drama but once he knew everyone would be fine, he couldn't help but lose his shit with a former friend in the corner of the gymnasium.
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
My version of That 90s Show, if my verse didn't exist.
First, I'm setting the show in 1998. It pays homage to the OG show's start date, and it makes logistical sense. Betsy exists, and Jay is Kelso and Brooke's son. Plus, they missed a great opportunity to include younger siblings for both realism and comic relief (so no more Kitty as weird comic relief, eww).
Characters I'm keeping:
Gwen Marie Runck (born May 31, 1983: ESTP, 7w8): No significant changes, other than the hc that she's bi.
Nicole "Nikki" Maria Garcia (born November 10, 1982; ISTJ, 6w5): No significant changes, other than Nate and Nikki never dating, and the lore I've personally established (aka, being Buddy's niece).
Lucy Katherine Forman (born July 19, 1983. INFJ, 4w5. Played by Raegan Revord): Named after Eric's favorite Star Wars protagonist, Lucy was an unexpected light in Eric and Donna's lives. She's smart, snarky, and craves adventure, even though she can be a bit of a starry-eyed idealist and a goody two shoes. She loves music, the oboe, books, the debate team, and is fairly politically minded. She may be a bit awkward, but she has a big heart.
She hasn't seen Jay since last summer, and he's certainly grown up, that's for sure. Her intense crush begins, minus the weird kissing frenzy at the mall, but she also has feelings for the girl next door...
John "Jay" Michael Kelso (born April 2, 1982. ISFP, 6w7. Played by Dylan Kingwell): Kelso and Brooke's son. Based on Jay's original description. He always has a video camera in his hand, with an artsy but vaguely pretentious aura, but he always has his heart on his sleeve. He gets straight As in school, and is smart like his mother, but can be a goofy flirt like his dad. Well, he tries to be.
Nathan "Nate" Casey Kelso (born December 8, 1981. ESFJ, 6w7): Casey and Sherri's son. He's a loveable goofball and a passionate football player. He's super close to his cousin Jay, but in a far less cringey way. Oh, and the random Nate and Leia plot twist doesn't happen here.
Oscar "Ozzie" Chen: He's a walking stereotype, so bye.
Adding (main):
William "Will" James Hyde (born September 8, 1983. ESFP, 2w3. Played by Noah Jupe): A chill version of his mom Jackie, he's firmly in the closet. He's a popular football player, and him possibly coming out as gay terrifies him. He wouldn't be accepted by his peers, and it fucking sucks.
Also adding (recurring):
Elizabeth "Betsy" Victoria Kelso (born January 15, 1979. INTP, 6w5. Played by a young Minka Kelly): Kelso and Brooke's smart, scheming daughter. She often puts her nose where it doesn't belong.
Sarah Michelle Kelso (born March 16, 1985. ESFP, 7w6. Played by Julia Butters): Kelso and Brooke's ditzy but sweet daughter. She's close to Lauren, and has a crush on Nic Hyde.
Dominic "Nic" Steven Hyde (born April 21, 1985. ESTP, 7w8. Played by Mason Thames): Jackie and Hyde's loud, wild child son. Named after both Donna and Eric. He's always getting into trouble, often with Sarah and Lauren by his side.
Lauren Anne Forman (born February 12, 1986. ISTP, 6w5. Played by Ryan Kiera Armstrong): Eric and Donna's snarky, athletic daughter. Named after her Aunt Laurie. A firm tomboy, she'd much rather be playing basketball or fixing cars with grandpa Red than any of the girly crap most other girls like. She's already on the JV basketball team, and has her mother's jump shot (and her dad's last name). Also has a crush on Nic.
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Heterosexual Parents
Cheryl and Justin Tran
Lily and Kenzõ Sano
Susan and Seo-Yun Moon
Rachel and Michael Macedo
Linda and Trevor Rhee
Charlene and Charles Bubble
Melissa and Nathan Sparkler
Claudia and Spencer Jagels
Janet and Gregory Coffey
Judith and Darius Burdette
Bernice and James Berger
Martha and Jason Sweetz
Regina and Holden Van Dew
Polly and Lucian Marlowe
Leonora and Henry Ekins
Ava and Titus Teaford
Vera and Ivan Borisov
Dahlia and Dante Crook
Lorie and Kenneth Salts
Lucia and Giovanni Capello
Aikara and Ritsu Miyamoto
Barbara and Atticus Madler
Eden and Jarvis Linnet
Marjorie and Caleb Crisper
Sharon and Peter Janzer
Imogen and Gideon Blue
Victoria and Lucas Lacelle
Isadora and Porter Paratore
Charlotte and Edward Paratore
Sandra and Andre LaMane
Aylin and Nicholas Carbine
Ashley and Gordon Naron
Dina and Dewey Decko
Priscilla and Andrew Pearlette
Isobel & Preston Brightwind
Geraldine and Glen Gibbsite
LGBT Parents
Catalina and Natalia Gonzalez
Lisa and Gloria Gaffner
Roxanne and Erin Forestier
Uma and Penelope Taplin
Thora and Jane Pagels
Mitchell and Noel Prickler
Tessa and Iris Welling
Sylvia and Sheila Froning
Avery and Logan Zill
Cole and Stuart Glover
Eddie and Chris Lacer
Ethan and Gavin Balliet
Andrew and Ronald Kidwell
Zachary and Levi Heers
Liam and Asher Crowding
Travis & Cameron Nelligan
Susan & Monica Gooseberry
Gerald & Dylan Nutbrown
Marissa and Leona Turmeric
Divorced Parents
Zelda Zilles & Freddy Valois
Piper Citrus & Douglas Zahler
Felicity & Tommy Axtell
Geraldine & Timothy Turcaz
Brianna & Andrew Berrien
Seraphina & Dominic Marrone
Tamara & Percy Purnell
Marsha & Ross Ebonite
Diana & Alexander Zhōu
Audrey & Maxwell Juneberry
Carmelita & Diego Romero
Alexandra & Johnny Blackberry
Selena & Earl Glowez
Other Residents
Anastasia Novikov
Shannon Twist
Bertha & Ernest Crumble
Nancy Zheng
Lila Wonderstar
Edith Prism
Janice Timmons
Karen Gim
Tammy Cho
Stephanie Song
Renee LeGrand
Evelyn LaMane
Fiona Lavergne
Régine Cardoux
Tracy Timmons
Teens and Children
Clover Tran
Ozzy Tran
Enzo Moon
Prudence Sano
Tyler Zahler
Cory Sparkler
Alan Jagels
Darcy Valois
Sapphire Rhee
Sage Rhee
Mackenzie Macedo
Ruby Marlowe
Ginger Gonzalez
Genevieve Gonzalez
Chloe Bubble
Joey Bubble
Trish LaMane
Harley LaMane
Praline Coffey
Lena Welling
Elijah Welling
Zelda Froning
Kendra Burdette
Jessica Burdette
Zaria Burdette
Fiona Heers
Calliope Snowflake
Juniper Blue
Tiffany Van Dew
Topaz Van Dew
Bijou Carbine
Delilah Naron
Lemon Javins
Mona Kulkarni
Ophelia Davern
Elodie Ekins
Posie Lacelle
Jameson Paratore
Luna Chen
Phoebe Teaford
Esme Berger
Eloise Ollinger
Leona St. Cloud
Alexis Miyamoto
Roxy Capello
Lizzie Zant
Willow Forestier
Wendy Lacer
Desmond Decko
Esther Janzer
Luanne Junebug
Dion Marzel
Julianne Inglett
Heather Salts
Hudson Taplin
Blake Balliet
Mabel Pagels
Axel Crowder
Jasmine Crook
Marco Crisper
Samuel Linnet
Rebecca Madler
Lexi Daffron
Shawn Dasinger
Dariel Farson
Ryan Canright
Dimitri Borisov
Margaux Nelligan
Kate Kidwell
Dexter Axtell
Logan Turcaz
Jacques Berrien
Yvette Marrone
Tobias Purnell
Athena Pearlette
Vincent Ebonite
Nathan Gooseberry
Maxwell Nutbrown
Maxine Zhōu
Isla Brightwind
Juliet Turmeric
Grace Juneberry
Amaya Romero
A.I. Blackberry
Pepper Glowez
Ingrid Muse
Kylie Spize
Agatha Glover
Patty Perrin
Opal Sourtwist
Elio Zill
Mandy Tunesong
Betty Crinkle
Dorcas Cloudberry
Finn De Glam
Zoe Sweetz
Gina Gibbsite
Josephine Joynes
Lola Jentzen
Luca Barone
Kevin Prickler
Haylie Sweetbutton
Brielle Thames
Cheryl Tran = Baker
Justin Tran = Comic Book Writer and Illustrator
Lily Tran = Lawyer
Kenzõ Sano = Business Owner and CEO
Polly Marlowe = Mayor
Lucian Marlowe = High School P.E Teacher
Rachel Macedo = Lawyer
Michael Macedo = Lawyer
Linda Rhee = Doctor
Trevor Rhee = Doctor
Zelda Zilles = Music Producer
Freddy Valois = Fashion Designer
Claudia Jagels = Judge
Spencer Jagels = TV Producer
Piper Citrus = Juice/Smoothie Bar Owner
Melissa Sparkler = Weather Host
Nathan Sparkler = Dentist
Charlene Bubble = Socialite
Charles Bubble = Real Estate Developer
Catalina Gonzalez = Chef/Restaurant Owner
Natalia Gonzalez = Chef
Nancy Zheng = 7th Grade Teacher
Shannon Twist = Hair Stylist
Bertha Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Ernest Crumble = Candy Store Owner
Edith Prism = Middle School Principal
Anastasia Borisov = Dance Teacher
Gloria Gaffner = Romance Self Help Book Writer
Lisa Gaffner = Scientist
Susan Moon = Nail Salon Owner
Seo-Jun Moon = DJ
Crazy Treats
Moon Mani
House of Styles
Hair 2 Dye For
LaMane Books
Mademoiselle Renée’s Theater
Sweet Snowflakes
Sugar Hills
Hecho Con Amor
Fiery Rockets
The Sparkle
Pizza Pizzazz
Chamber of Imagination
Black Fruity
Funk N Fresh
The Lotus Dragon
Athena's Eye
Game Space
Rain of Petals
Purple Brew
Miss Anastasia S Dance Studio
0 notes
nikkiruncks · 11 months
Sexuality headcanons for T9S kids
Once again, my opinion <3
Gwen: Lesbian or bi with a strong preference for women (in my verse and in canon I see her as bi, but sometimes I hc her as a lesbian)
Nikki: Bisexual <3
Leia: Bi Bi Bi
Jay: Bisexual (literally nothing about his dynamic with Nate is straight)
Nate: Bi
Ozzie: canonically gay
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disneymbti · 1 year
The t9s gang’s enneagram type pls?
Hi there, Poorni! I really hope you like this a lot!
Leia Forman's Enneagram Type
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Enneagram Type: 6w5 [The Guardian]
Basic Fear: Sixes with five wings are afraid of losing their guidance and stability. This is often expressed through their skepticism of the world.
Basic Desire: They have a strong desire for security, which they tend to show by protecting themselves and others. They seek close and stable relationships.
Guardians tend to defend themselves by projecting their own feelings onto others, which can often enhance their distrust of the world.
Jay Kelso's Enneagram Type
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Enneagram Type: 7w6 [The Pathfinder]
Basic Fear: Sevens with a six wing have a deeply-rooted fear of missing out. They want to be trustworthy and honor commitments, but they also want to leave room to allow for last-minute opportunities.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel fulfilled and happy. They express this by searching for joy in every small thing that comes their way.
Pathfinders defend themselves by rationalizing away negative feelings. They unconsciously convince themselves that they are happy, even when they are not.
Nikki Garcia's Enneagram Type
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Enneagram Type: 8w9 [The Diplomat]
Basic Fear: Eights with a nine wing fear being hurt by others. They avoid situations in which they have less control, generally preferring to be in positions of leadership.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to guard themselves against threats and control their own destiny. They may express this by asserting independence at a young age.
Diplomats defend themselves by building emotional walls and denying vulnerability. They seek to appear strong, subconsciously believing that being too emotional will make them seem weak.
Nate Runck's Enneagram Type
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Enneagram Type: 7w6 [The Pathfinder]
Basic Fear: Sevens with a six wing have a deeply-rooted fear of missing out. They want to be trustworthy and honor commitments, but they also want to leave room to allow for last-minute opportunities.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel fulfilled and happy. They express this by searching for joy in every small thing that comes their way.
Pathfinders defend themselves by rationalizing away negative feelings. They unconsciously convince themselves that they are happy, even when they are not.
Gwen Runck's Enneagram Type
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Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue new opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by traveling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others’ negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Ozzie Chen's Enneagram Type
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Enneagram Type: 3w4 [The Expert]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type threes with a four wing are afraid of failure. They tend to throw themselves into their careers and do anything it takes to succeed.
Basic Desire: Their most basic desire is to succeed and feel valued. They may show this by seeking validation of their hard work and successes.
Experts defend themselves by adapting or changing their personalities to fit their environment. This makes them great communicators but may also lead them to being misunderstood or feeling fraudulent.
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visitsaddle · 8 months
╰ • fc*, im nayeon, chou tzuyu/ ⋆ ۪ SUJI, HAZE & CLEO we'll be holding a meeting with the outsiders in 12 hours at the saddle woodz park so make sure to prepare any inquires you may have for them !!
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note: could suji mun please send us a new fc that's at least 21 years old? thank you!
ᝰ.ᐟ FC*. THEY/HE. AGE*/ ⋆ ۪ and with RUSH BY TROYE SIVAN the winner of this karaoke night is SUJI SONG !! this AQUARIST can be found at ODYSSEY. the saddle NEWCOMER has been living here for A FEW WEEKS, enough to make them feel at home. they remind a lot of people of SŌSUKE (FROM PONYO) when their AFFECTIONATE NATURE comes to light. rumor has it that you COLLECT SEASHELLS TO GIVE TO THEM ANIMALS AT THE AQUARIUM and now we get it !! please leave your info with one of our hosts so we can deliver your prize by tomorrow and make sure you take the last piece of your TEMPURA SUSHI with ya !! ( ozzy, they/them, pst )
ᝰ.ᐟ IM NAYEON. HE/THEY. 26  / ⋆ ۪  and with CIRCUS BY BRITNEY SPEARS the winner of this karaoke night is HAZE HWANG !! this BURLESQUE DANCER can be found at ROOM 13. the saddle NATIVE has been living here for 23 YEARS, enough to make them feel at home. they remind a lot of people of JENNIFER CHECK when their CAUSTICISM comes to light. rumor has it that you WENT TO JUVIE FOR VANDALISM YOUR HS BOYFRIENDS CAR and now we get it !! please leave your info with one of our hosts so we can deliver your prize by tomorrow and make sure you take the last piece of your FRUIT PARFAIT with ya !! ( p, he/they, est )
ᝰ.ᐟ CHOU TZUYU. SHE/HER. 24.  / ⋆ ۪  and with LINGER BY THE CRANBERRIES the winner of this karaoke night is CLEO CHEN !! this BAKER can be found at SWEET TOOTH. the saddle NEWCOMER has been living here for TWO YEARS, enough to make them feel at home. they remind a lot of people of TOMMY NOOK when their LIGHTHEARTEDNESS comes to light. rumor has it that you ONCE ATE A WORM FOR 6 DOLLARS and now we get it !! please leave your info with one of our hosts so we can deliver your prize by tomorrow and make sure you take the last piece of your NERDS ROPE with ya !! ( io, they/them, pst )
0 notes
baekhyuntella · 6 years
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exo - tempo @ music bank [181116]
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alitgblog · 3 months
S9 Vol 3 thoughts: everyone's so hot and I'm so upset it's still ex talk
I do like you get the option to tell all the girls "oh I'm picking a guy to come back for yall, don't worry" and then afterwards Chen comes out with all the guys and his "I've got this" thing. And then he has the audacity to be like "Nooo I wish I was on a date with you" and MC can say "Oh don't worry.. I've got this 😘" Like the dialogue certainly has its moments this season, like no wonder why MC is such an iconic all star
Just like everyone else, I would in fact like the Kat and Finn drama to hurry up and come to a close, but they're so obsessed with each other. I need Kat to actually couple up with a new guy please.
GRACE my beloved 🫶🫶
No it's such a shame though she's just a host because first of all, why have a host for dates?? like make her a host of a challenge if anything and then we can see her banter with Hamish and make him nervous. But also, like come on she didn't stay with Ozzy/Marshall of course, let her back on as another islander. And like I'm okay if she's again the token straight girl in the villa, like we need a friend out here.
I've already made my post about Jude, but the date was cute too. Lyle also very attractive AND a musician 😍. They make it so hard, and after one date I'm kind of sad we have to see one of them go. Waste of a sprite. I'm hoping the one you don't pick comes back at the end for Kat, since she does say the other guy is her type later on in the dressing room. And also I just need better for Kat than her to be stuck where she was after S5 with Finn.
I picked Jude because tbh they were about even for me but for the sake of my MC's story I just imagine she doesn't wanna settle down in Paris, so that's why she picked Jude. but ohhh the sad eyes 😞
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Then in comes Kelly and she's still such a stunner dear goddd help me
This is why she was the face of the app after being in the villa one episode
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"you and Finn are enough exes for this villa" yeah, hard agree. This is like when that theory came up before double trouble that everyone was gonna be a twin that season but it's real and it's not twins it's exes 💀
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There was a chat with Finn, and I'm glad they made it clear early on he was interested so it wasn't dragged out until the very end like in S5 (although I will say I was pleasantly surprised when it happened in S5) and it was a cute chat. A lot of exposition though for MC's season lol? Like thanks for letting me know actually, I didn't know that I kissed someone in Casa, thanks for bringing that up sooo organically in this conversation. ig at least it's in character for him to be stuck in the past 🫠
I'm a little upset that we got Chen's ex instead of MC's, especially after he did already make it clear like nothing was really happening with his ex versus MC and Stefan clearly have some history to resolve. And I just wanted the ex talk to stop, but I'm thinking probably not until Casa (or around when Casa usually happens) that he's gonna show up. Hopefully by then, Kat and Finn will be resolved so we don't deal with all the exes at once. And also so for people on a Finn route, then this is fun because the roles will be reversed with Stefan is around taking MC's attention.
But even the letter thing got dragged on for soooo long even though it was only mentioned for two episodes. But again, means nothing considering it was just some girl Chen had dated. I don't know if it hits differently if you're with Henri, because his whole thing was he got serious really fast and then his ex jumped ship, so that sounds like the letter would be more impactful if she's apologizing. But I have a feeling they made it interchangeable. Which is why it's so weird everyone treated it so serious, when even Natasha named two other possible exes for Chen before the girl it actually was (which, admittedly, thats a hilarious bit).
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it annoyed me they're trying to shame me into paying for chen's backstory now?? like this is the vibes of early seasons when you didn't have a gem outfit and the girls would be like you look like trash, girl.
Back to Kelly though, I have mixed feelings about her and Finn drama. My first thought is that it's interesting. I like that they're friends but she has caught feelings for him and doesn't know how he'll react and she's afraid of blowing up their friendship. Now with the added bonus of him still not being over Kat, but (barely) trying to move on in Love Island. That's a fun dynamic and I get the sense that Finn doesn't feel the same, and it's gonna be a real rough time comforting Kelly when he breaks her heart. But I also think it doesn't make sense. Like I kind of wish they weren't friends and just that she'd seen him at a few Love Island related events and they catered for a few parties together since they're both in Dublin and run in similar circles, so they're like not close friends, but definitely acquainted. That way it's more believable that they didn't know the other was coming back to Love Island and give Kelly more of an excuse for why she wouldn't reveal her feelings to Finn before coming back on the show. and also just make the stakes less dramatic because Kelly is also an LI, but she kinda treats MC like a second choice to Finn, and I think making them less close would help a little. Like she's attracted to him and they have a little prior friendship, but she's also very into MC versus Kelly has been pining over her friend Finn for quite some time.
On a similar note, I don't understand why Kat is so obsessed with Finn if she says she's over him and she ended things. Like you'd think despite them being coupled up, she'd just go for Hamish or Henri or any other guy after making snarky comments about him all day long. But she ALSO has to actively be upset at anyone making moves on him, and that's where they lose me. And they try to fix it by saying Kat is looking out for the girls, but if she was, then why not mention the cheating earlier? Once again, it's S5 vibes in the worst way 😑
also Finn? a cheater??? Finn from the shower scene in S5?? a cheater?? noooo no way 🙄
but back to actual gameplay: we go to truth or dare and it's a mess, I feel like they don't know the rules
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Yet another banger line from Hamish though, like this is exactly the type of shitty joke I'd make
Getting to elbow Kat and kiss Finn may be the highlight of the whole volume for me ngl, even though he continues to admit he's still hung up on her (I guess a reasonable response to getting ghosted but still)
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Fuck I forgot about Henri and his triangle with Chen and MC from last volume wasn't even fully resolved really. His plot was lost to the new guys again, go join Hari on the bench. So him showing up mid truth or dare was very funny to me, like I thought he WAS taking asleep lmao
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I love a gem choice as much as the next person (which is not at all) but I am okay with the gem choice during truth or dare solely because I'm so indecisive I was like I can't pick which of them is the most attractive. Like actually they all are.
And here we got again with Melissa antagonizing MC for no reason. Then she brings up that it's Natasha's fault for some reason and that's supposed to be dramatic even though Natasha has BEEN saying that Stefan is MC's one that got away.
And I'm not a fan of pitting women against each other, especially the two WOC, but I do like that they had some beef briefly and it's not about a guy. Like it's nice to have characters that don't get along like that, and then they do come back and say they've resolved their differences but clearly aren't friends and that's okay.
this line made me laugh a little though especially after Melissa's very cheery we're all good now!! thing
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and it's a recoupling next volume so we know what that means (goodbye to individuality for Henri, Chen, and Jude/Lyle, their routes are merging 🥲)
but yeah overall the volumes so far are not bad but just kinda meh. I think droning on about ex talk is draining the fun bits and the romance parts of the episodes. 9r maybe there was just way too high expectations coming from me idk. I enjoy the drama between other characters but it feels very removed from MC and she doesn't get a chance really to involve herself like S2 MC. And like MC has some drama herself, but it feels like we the player have less agency in causing it or even fixing it, so that's maybe been the problem recently.
still gonna play the season lmaooo I gotta know what Stefan and Cassius look like 🤣
I'm just a little less excited each week tha I was for s8 lol
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